411-W I EEBXY V ' . . . a AXD. ! I NK'.'.S, 1 ;sti iii.sricd Nov. ,V i . ,, . U(-. !l l.I.A , -tubUsI,,-;! April l'J i t; I. , '"'Hjll"""-'-l J-'i". 1. IN!'.',. PL ATTSMO UT 1 1 , NKR. MAltCII 7. 1899. VOL. VIII. NO. 35. 1- J I I r to i S Bill llftflMV ORDER IN MANILA) . i nun i V 1 11 1'l in)-.. ro. ',i arixiiiu-i tn imt ii rt.up in thin that G, n-ial Oils Ins Arrival of American Trocps On tho i'1 1,10,1 to thoir u. sii e I'rof. Dean C. Woni,a-r contributes In ll.n . . I'. ,.1 .. ... -:..i.i.. r U i... r..v... .... i ii - ri i' t ii f r i h i . v" ' an arucie on . I J no .Malay IMrau-s of tlie Philippines.' ii.ilu 11 ml (lino A i IHhi inli irkii ir. c- i . . , . , . - ' ,,rM" , Speaking of liis guide. I'rof. Worcester hihI All r n i a i i.iiik Hi lilt- I or !-.,,-. . t ,... ... . . 1 " "r i r.aj s: J oolawf-e was rdiisninrpd a good mi .Xkii k.ii,- ..ii.ji.i-i, iti furr i in-j Muio, and v.o wcro tlK-itfoif interested u i i i in certain iiirlde.'jts w hich give us an insight Into 'us real chai auter. After OF INTEREST TO ALLNEBRASKANS Manila, M-ii-c-i li.-Tih! r.-h-is h ive I'trn cini' i ,! r.i! i tir;- inllie xicinity of tlio r.-scrvui r. i d lay ;i o.itiolof Cm 1 :i n.V !, S'-cniiil O ego.i vimi :te i , w.i.-i taken in :i in ! i- h T'.VO ll.U'il Will' w : -"! i i n s ln-lil t hi'i t!n n-in iiii l. i- of tin; u'iiI'm! hut tho i.rri,ii!,d litilii f:jm pan v. asM.-loil hy t .vo chid i.ui ii-s o( (he: Fir-t ;l inked U a in wound ii N t-liak i i-i in- ii til' my, killing thirty t-OVOlal 111, MO. 'J'wn battalion of tho Tivontk-t h regu lar it fanny hive ivii foi r- 1 (om-r-al i I a i"'s Vii i L'ailo. Ail t!.i ii'itiv kul.s hav; tinti .1 - I r 1 at Maivijiiina and I Iio i-oun t y title is piotty well oioiieii, hut tho rein- t fti.'n: I i-l u I'll l n ;r in -mall ho We- at n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 .' A 'ianiitiy tin y iia r-ci-ui-i.-d a. ne. .v ' I I ' - " -f -iiiokclo-i am in u i. i I o it rc- -i ' 1 1 1 i , as 1 1 : ft" Ii a h I I'rii a not ii-i-a I4i.i il : tl r..- i.i'i: i', u r: I tin- 1 i.-t I" W d t h 'lliu Spani-h i'i!innis-iiiiii-i- w iio nr.- -lliio.l vim t t i-ii I i; tin, i i-leas.;l" t lii.' -S ; i ii i.- h jii iMia.'i s in th.- ! i :i ti . ! r-, f At;uina!d-i have I'.t a rm d to Mal-dm to oIK-i- fL'.d.iiU'Mi f.)i- t!,.-ii- n.di As A, l' u i n i ill i liii- r . -ti i lc in it 1 1 i n .",imi',- KatiVfyln hiniKc-lf hy olworvation that we cotild ii s our ri lies with .stuno ef fcet, lie made us a rather startling husinosa proposition in the following words: "You gentlemen thoot quit jwell with the rifle." "Yes; we havo had some experience." "You desire to pot sainpltYi of the clothing and arms ( i;f my i-oiintrynieii for your collection?" j"Yes." "Papa (General Arolas told ! you. If you met armed Moros outside the town, to order them to lay down their arms and retire?" "Yes." "Papa does not understand my people as I do. ; They are all had. When we meet them, do not ask them to lay down their arm?, for they will come back 'again, and i;et them, and probably at 1 tack up. Jiiist shoot as many of thm an possible. You can th"n take their arms and clothing, and I will cut off their heads, shave their eyebrows, show them to papa, and claim the re , ward for killing j:iramentados." Iio never really forgave us for refusing to enter into partnership with him on thw very liberal basis. He Arrival of Fresh Reinforcements Makes Change For Better. M.ito i o in, it i- not iine; v i ! I ! Ohio, City ol Tok-J,), I . . l.iK as Loiinty, ( ' l'r.inlc J. Clioncy makes oath that he is the sim.ir p.u tiu r nt the Sinn ut J. Cheney it Co.. ili i:i ))'.: iness ill tin- city of Toledo, county and n ti- n loresai I, an ' ill it said tirni will pay the s t i iii "f Mie 11 ii lulled Dollars h,r each and every i i . f l,'at an h that cannot be cure 1 liv the use ot Hail's Catarrh Cure. 1-KANK J. ClIKNl-.Y. Sworn to hefore n'.e and subscribed in my ;n esen-'e this lith d ly of December. A. 1. lS-ii. A. V (iI.KASON. N; 1 i Notary I'ublic. 1 1. ill's ( a" i r' Ci.ie is taken internally and a "ts directly ti the bhuul and surfaces ot the svsteni. Send f ir testimonials, free. l I Cm ii n l V Co., Tt ledo, ( ). ;'"Si'U by dnici-ts. T.c. Mali's l'aiuil Tills are ttr.; best. 1.- mi. :. -sf .!. Hi - ii ion iif 'rioois ill ,i-i;ro, U Aslll.MMliX, Maicii ('.. A culi'c yrain from (i -tu.-i'al ( ) is at .ia:iila re ceived in 'uli ) i on In. lav iauieati s tbo sj ii i.-f icto -y and at'ieabie ivirn- 1 lm lii-it imd lluapint. ti, ui accorded to tho Amei ieau troops The Now York Independent, the which reve.i; ly laud -d at Hie iaiami of . leading weekly newspaper of tho Neiro.-. ; world, mid one whose, paes exercise They v.er., s. ut th. i-. by m-ral thi widest iniluenof, is entering upon Miiier in eoniui.ind of Col, n el S i, i t Ii its fiftieth ear if publication. The to t.,Ue. fo. mal iH.s.es.iou f. r the Independent emphasiz -6 its fiftieth United State-, v. hi. h ho did, without oar by ehMi,Micr it form totiiatofa tcinibli.'. : m.'iiraz tie, and by redueintr its annual 1 icvious to tne lime th- troop-. :, , . : sni j-cri rtit.n pric- ftom $8 to $2;si n;le rived a coinm.si,-n from tho island copies from 10 to o cents. The Inde visii, d t; oeia. C;ts, sayieu uiey were P'-n i' titla its new form wi 1 print w.i in- to Mii iead -r, ami i.s.vii.o- tli .t P"-r"s f rci.ding m itte- per year ho inko the i n ha . d , a a ta u ...ie. his pro- ;,t il C; t' 'bsenb-rs tf 2. AVhile te, tio i. The eo i atuiatory tiis. a'eii 1 '' ",( "iuei:t m -r zities, which sell to Ccnoi al Miller hy t lie ' i ailves :s f"1-'-4 !l .vcar, o, iM only ahou 12.000 irratiiiur, as it i-i t.elic-vcd theio wili:Pi- " fUD.-criDer to ir.e in ie 1. no'trou'.oo in .ivalu,- with tho na- P"nih-nt 'ots 2 per cent more of ttvis of ti nt, islai.d. Ueaerai U;ia' i c(r,:lil' t-r,,"a letidinp: in itter at one di, oaten foi ow-: , h a ! f t he cost I It is not only tho lead Foilowinir ft .1,1 Iloilo lib insl: Civ- inr -mWy weekly newspaper but by ernui.-tit, Conur. ss luld luhabi atit, of ; ' h-' chep -st and best. A free Xe-re to (iei.ei cl Miiiei, lioilo Wo : tfP '": copy mny bo had by address atTc"et innately saiut you and cot. j, n-u- . ' r the Indeps'r,der.t,13U Fulton street, iate ett .-elves fjr tho baj py arrival of l-w York. Colonel rfmit h an I troops tinner Ins orders and bc you to ten i this s ilale and contrr.i talatioi s to Ccneral O'. i-, M.inila,as i eprosent'iti vc of tbejjov- Miurpatioutt-rii OumlU Are Very Active Hinl Cxune Much Annoyance t Ameri TriH Traimport Vttl nc-lit Halls for MituilA V lit Honolulu Has Money l I'ay Hie Soldiers. Manila. Match G 10:35 a. m. Tbo United States transport Ohio ar rived yesterday. In the last two days there has been ;a very noticeable change in Manila for the better, probab'y due to the ar- j rival of reinforcements for tho Ameri can troops. Numbers of people are seen upon the streets and tho amount of business transacted in tho stores has marvelously increased. Yester day tho Luneta was blocked with c:ir ri.i;es for the llrst time since the out break and the band of tho Twentieth regulars played a number of airs and it was hard to believe that a stale of war existed. Outside tho eity there was desultory firino; throughout the day and at various points the sharpshooters welt most an noy ing. At San I'cdro Mucati the rebels are very active, erecting entrenchments iu front of the position occupied by tho Washington troops, although a two-gun battery of the Sixth artillery repeatedly shelled them. Tho enemy are fully alive to the fact that Mausers havo a much loncer range than the Spri nglields and are continuously tak ing '"hot shots" in comparative safety. Tho American soldiers dislike their nassive resistance and tiro eager for tho excitement of an active campaign. Despite the heat, the health of the men in the trenches has improved re markably. Assistant Engineer Winship of the gunboat Bennington was wounded in both legs yesterday by a volley from the shore. The Maritime steamer El Cano has arrived from Iloilo with advices that all is quiet there and th it business is brisk. The natives in the interior, the steamer reports, are levyintr upon the supplies in the hanls of the na tives and seriously interfering with the wortt uoon tho plant itiona. Oolug of the Li-cUlHturi, Will WHtclirtl Willi GreMt lulrrrst. Everybody is interested in the work of tho lawmakoiB now in bession at Ne braska's capitol, nnd the only way to keep posted on their movements is to eutiseribo for a Lincoln paper. The State Journal prints tha fuil proceed ings of tho legislature and gives a concise report of all other happenings all over the world. It contains more Nebraska news than any other paper in the state. For its Sunday issue it has a corps of th best writers the country affords. The Journal and TriK Lvenino News are furnished to Piattsraouth subscribers for the small sum of 20 cents a week. The News contains all the local happenings of tho day, and the two papers make a combination no one cau afford to overlook. A trial subscription will convince you. Order by telephone No. 8-5 or call at the office of The News m, mmwmmwmmmj, m wfimmmmmmwmmmjK Y & SON... G. BOV OOOOOoooooooot I'oi.oo'.ooooooooiwiooooono H New Goods WoonJPisplay.. eminent of lie; United States in the Philippines. Lacson. 4 o. in. il.e troops which artived S at u ivi iv on the transput Senator an! iho-e at riving yesterday on the Ohio are. disetllb lk:tig a li d all p. e; -nratietis are b-jtng made to proceed with an ;igr! essive campaign before tho wot sea-on sets in. Tito rebels, anticipiting tho American advance. are bu-v in throwing up c -C V: ( II . ac i ii ir l'- on T t : ueieiisi s in I ..i every ituvction and il is reported that ; tuey are levying men : ml supplies in ' eee.-y u:ovir,.-e. ; As a result great d:s-.itisf.tction t re- ! vails aiaong tribes ordinarily un- fri.-i.d y to the Tag ale, putieul-irly tiio I cat. l-. '.vliei assert their ilc.-il'i) !o ,i"i-t in o ..iuc-r i;'ur the 'IV g if furi.i-hcd with amis. .Movt m: -ut of I'rMiiJiorls i The fo'.iowii.g order litis i'l'e : issued j regarding th : niovt-metr i I' tiai.s-: potts: : "Ii,- Ar,.'!';i . il; sail for l'i an- ! . i II. n given g, wan a ,i w.e ; rc h t; the Mewooli. via ,-al;i. Japan, with nil tlu teturr.- r otlic- rs and their wives i n March the Scar.ji . via Nag:-.. ki. wtth chat goil selairs on March 11, the Mcrg.-.n City, via . intisaKi, at eh 1 - Tho civil tnembc s of the U'nited States commission who arrived hero Wcrimsday atte: tu-ori from Hong Kong on the crui-er IJalliti ore landed today :.rd e- now it.-tr.Ue i iu cjuarters es-i cia -y i r. vided for theinoothe Malate vA.t;.- fiont. W ile -.waiti -g the arrivi-l f C lor.el Chaile.- Den by, f, !,;,: U.-.itt d States minister to the other civ.t meaiDo s n iio.- wi.l Ut vo.e their t in ' to getting fa-n. i r wiin ; Stcry of a Slave. j To be bound ha d a,,d foot -'f or 'years ly tho chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. 1 Wiliiams, of Manchester, Mich , tells I lit''.'.' - i-h a slave was made fri.-o. lie j s;;ys: "My wife has b.-en so helpless , for li v.j years that she could nottu n j over in bed alone. After using two ; b: 'tries of Electric Uitters, she is j wonderfully improved and ablo to do i her own wor k."' This supreme rem jedv for feuia diseaso quiek'y cures : nervous less. sleeplessness, melan- cholv. headaclie, backache, falntingi and d'i7zy spells. Thismirncle working medicine is a gcdsend to weik, sickly. T." ruri down pep e. anteed. Oaly 50 cer.ts. Frieko iV Co. druggists. very bottle gu ir- So!d bv F. G. 1'iiheaiil Of. That book store doesn't do as It advertises." "That so? I thought it was quite reliable." "No such thing. Why, they wanted to charge me $2 for a book that they advertised as a free translation." Until Colo l-'l .D. China, com in i ss:ori sight-t eing and 1 : c 1 ooiisti ' 1" " s. arriv.s ti e comtniss on w iu n incom o o e and can ito ro: hit g Hie. ally. (luitr.il On-lrtiiKlit 1 xircti. Tho-e is son:-' reason to exo ct in: ,ort u.t i e .'. - ;'i oai Manila williin tho next fortnight. It ha oevoh p-'d taat Cienerai Otis his practically c im pacted iii- plans for a gu.nd onslaught on the in-urgants, tvu i ii is xp cu-d to deprive them of olTensivo power : t lea-t. It is probable that he will form a large pa.- t of his force into c lumns, as soon as his rei n '.rc-m' n ts are all ot i.nr A nnd will pu-h these in parallel , The Smallest Man The smallest man who ever lived was probably the dwarf Bebe, born in France in 1740. lie was just twen ty inches tall and eight pounds In weight when full grown. The Way lo go to Californl.t is in a to;;ri-t sleeping car personally conducted vii tho Burlington Route. You don't change cars. Y'ou make fast liiiv. You see the finest scenery on tho glob . Yo'jr car is n-.t so expensively fin ished nor so line to look at as a palace s-loercr but it is just as clean, just as comfortable, just as good to ride in, AND NEAKI-Y 8-0 CHEAI'EI:. The Iluriington excursions leave every Thursday reaching Saa Fran cisco Sunday and L'H Angeles Mon day. Porter with each car. Excur sion mariner with each party. For folder giving full information call at neare.-t 13. & M. II. R. depot or write J. Francis, C n-j-ral Passenger Agcn, Oir, -.ha. Neb. I-'or a quick remedy and one thatjis p rfeetly safe. fcr children let u- r -.'commend One Minute cough cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and coughs. F. G. Prick e & Co. Although "Jh tributiou," the drami, lobe given for tb? benefit of the M. W. A. band, is fried with thrillirg dramatic action, it 13 also -oplete with iir.j dmi-rht through tho i u n gl es. 1 d roll s itu tio isand fumy action. Do clearing out the insurgents in every ; not miss it. March 9 and 10. Gen direotion as the troops move forvard. J eral admission 25 cents: reserved seats The American troops are getting 35 cants. Mon-y For Manila $ulditrrt Sax Fkancisco C il , March 5. The tratispoi t steamer Valencia sailed t -dav for Manila via Honolulu. It carried about 1-50 recruits for infantry, artillery and hospital corps and was laden with supplies of all kinds for the troops in Hawaii and the Philippines. The most important items of t he cat go was $1,500,000 in coin, under the charge of Major Eugene Coffin, pay master of the United States army. This vast sum will be used for the pay ment of soldiers and all but a fraction of it will be disbursed at Manila. The Valencia also carried to the Orient Surgeon R. J. McAdory and Second Lieutenants Munston, Minus, Burchtield, Buudill, Karr, Perron, Vorick, Maury, Harris, Foster and Somers. These officers were recently graduated from West Point ahead of their regular time and have been as signed to duty with various companies in tho Philippines. CANADIAN BOATMEN. An English army officer who visIte-J Canada some years ago tells how he was ferried across the St. Lawrence at Quebec one January day when the riv er was full of moving ice. Under such circumstance the passage of a river is likely to turn out a pretty lively experience. Huge fields of ice were hurrying down the current, and looking at the distance between my side and the oth er, I could hardly see how we were to escape being knocked to pieces. How ever, I resigned myself to my fate and to my French-Canadian crew; and they, five in number, as soon as I was ready, began sliding the canoe down the beach into the river, each spring ing in and snatching his paddle as the boat was launched. Four of the crew knelt in the front part of the canoe, working their pad dles furiously and yelling like so many demons. The fifth, placing himself behind me, assumed the duties of coxswain. The instant we were in the stream, the fields of Ice seemed stationary, owing to our being swept along at tie same rate; but still I could not see how we were to cross, and waited with some anxiety for the first sheet of ice. This happened to be a large one. The men pulled straight for It, and as soon as the prow of the canoe touched it, the four who were paddling sprang out and dragged the canoe after them across the ice. On reaching the other side they launched it again, with wilder shouts than ever, springing In to the canoe at the same time, and re suming their paddling as if for their lives. These maneuvers were repeated at every sheet of ice, and in a far shorter time than I could have imagined, we touched the Quebec side, when a num ber of idlers, attaching a rope to our canoe, ran us up the slope from the river, and left me sitting, with my crew still Bhouting and gesticulating, in the very street. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob Ufa of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 2-5 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. The Scientific Mother. It is a baby's inalienable right to have what it wants, and a certain Washington mother she is a physi cian, says tho Post seems to be in genious enough to ward off a possible disappointment. The mother has sci entific ideas about the bringing up of babies. One of those ideas is an out ing every day, and the baby is so ac customed to her daily excursion that she makes her displeasure felt if she is deprived of it. Tuesday was rainy. Baby couldn't go out, and since Mo hammed could not go to the mountain, the mountain was brought to Mo hammed. All the windows were opened and baby was trundled back and forth, snugly wrapped in her little cloak. But the floor being perfectly smooth, baby knew she wasn't out of doors, and wept. The scientific mothev pondered the matter. Then she took down certain volumes of her medical library and put them on the floor to represent curbstones, and smaller pamphlets to serve as general inequal ities of the pavement. Baby's carriage was wheeled over the floor, and baby felt her accustomed Jolts. She fan cied herself outdoors and promptly went to sleep. New Shirt Waists tho best fitting garment on tho imirket tl.OO. Ginghams the 15c kind for 10c; 40 patterns to select from. Linen Crashes for Skirts all prices from loo up. Percales Sic, 10c, and 12Jo. Whito Piques all stylos from 15c to 40c. These aro vory desirable. Mako your selections earlj-. EMBROIDERIES Tho largest assortment f these goods aro always to bo found at DOVEYS They havo them from 2Jc to 75c a yard. LACES Any kind, any quality, any price. They call special attention to their stock of Val. Lucee. from ic to .'15c. About '200 patterns to union from. Carpets Carpet They are selling thes-3 goods overy day, although tho season has hardly com- r. menaced. They have the largest stock they havo evor shown, at prices as low as last year. They will show best2-ply Ingrains at 05c; Velvet ilrussells the - best made at $1 00; Mrquettes and Axininsters at Otic; Tapestry Urusaells ut m 50c, 7c and Soc. X$i&$ell9$ Carpet Sweei)er.s.. They have a new stock of these goods on hand. They aro . agents for the Bissell Gold Medal, with tho New Cyco bear- ings. The standard price of these goods is $3.00. Cample y- ends of Nottingham Lace Curtains at 10c and 25c. Laco cur m tains in Nottingham, Swiss, Brussdls and llufb'ed, from 31 .00 up. Agents for Buttrick Patterns. All kinds on hand. y- RUGS! Tho handsomest ar.d best lino they have evor shown. Special Brussell's Rugs at 00c and Moquetto Rugs at GROCERIES iifoi!;'!. (itW I r. fcV'J,; i: Cuke flour, regular price lEc :i Broakfast Food also always on Going Down Hill. People suffering f,'om Kid ney Diseases feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and vital ity. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. Fi icke & Co. G. Clioats's Retort. When Joseph H. Choate, as a young man, was once arguing before a magis trate, the latter cut in with: "What you say is fit only for an ignoramus." Mr. Choate replied: "I am addressing your honor." Tommy's Sister Is Not. Slow. Stayleight Tommy, do you think your sister is fond of me? Tommy I don't know. She gave me a quarter to set the clock half an hour fast. KomHUce of a College Student. A very bright and exceedingly humorous serial training of student life in a college town will begin in the April Ladies' Home Journal. It is by Mrs. Charles Terry Collins, a novics in fiction, who has written with charming freshness, cleverly pictur ing student life, the students' games and sports, their social diversions, etc. Into the deliciously droll story Mrs. Collins has subtly woven a most inter esting, happy romance, from which the story takes its name "A College Courtship." Pneumonia is the quick agent of death. Fully one-third of recent deaths have been from pneumonia following La Grippe. Pneumonia cannot follow the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. F. G. Fricke & Co. Japanese Waterbags. The Japanese make water-bags of rice paper, which are said to be more iurable, as well as less expensive, than similar articles made of rubber. Be tween the layers of paper, which Is sofr md flexible, resin Is used, and the out ide Is covered with lacquer. A priceless blessing is found in Dr. Sawyer's Arnica aid Witch Bazel Salve for piles, hives, scald-head, ec zema pin worms, burns and cuts. A. W. At wood. A Friend of Truth. C. W. Walters, a Populist member of he Kansas legislature, has just de ilared that he will, for the second 'ime, attempt to have the whole Ten Commandments enacted as the statu ary law of the state. Ex. J. Sheer, Sedalia. Mo , conductor on electric street car line, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her Ufa saved after all phy sicians had failed, only by using One Minute cough cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. Good corn, 4 cans for 2-5c Good peas, 10j per can. Ten lb3 oat meal, 2-5c. Ralstrom Health Club Pan packages for 25c. ltalsttom Health Flour and hand. Baking Powder, full lib can for 10c. Fino Table Syrup. 2 gallon bucket for 55c. Soap Soap, Soap ! L iundry soap Diamond C, Lenox and Santa Claus 10 bars for 25c. An extra value in Toilet soip. Regular prico 10c r.er cake for a short time only they will sell it for 5c. Good Parlor Broom, 3 sewed, 15c. Star Tobacco, 39c alb. Dovey's Brightener (as good as Sapolio) 5c. 3-lb box best Gloss Startch for 15c. Golden Crown Soda, strictly pure, 5c. IXL Laundry Starch, 3 for 25c. THE SWEEPER That Sweeps CLEAN. SAVE YOUR HEALTH AS WELL AS YOUR CARPETS AND DRAPERIES ':Vv ,l ',! ... V t BY I ' 1 y USING ( A CALL AND SEE THEM. t.raln-O llrlngs Relief to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinking is a habit that is universally indulged in and almost as universally injur ious. Have you tried G ain-O? It is almost like coffee but tho effects aro just the opposite. Coffee upsets tho stomach, ruins the digestion, effects the heart and disturbs the whole ner vous system. Grain-O tones up the stomach, aids digestion and strength ens the nerves. 15 and 2oc. per pack age. Rarmese Superstition About Coins. The Eurmese have a curious idea re garding coins. They prefer those which have female heads on them, be lieving that coins with male heads on them are not bo lucky, and do not make money. Naturally. Hicks Why is it that Eons, since he has went Into the candy business, does not speak to his old friends any more? Jarley Oh, I guess it is be cause he has become eo stuck up. If you have a cough, throat irrita tion, weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarse ness, let us suggest One Minute cough cure. Always reliable and safe. F. G. Fricke & Co. The drama of Colonial times, which will be given for the benefit of the M. W. A. band on tho 9th and 10th of March, is fuil of fine sentiment, start ling situations and dramatic effect, while the costuming will lend a pic turesqueness true to the period. Be sure and witness this play. To Drain a Coal Field by Electricity. One of the great coal fields of Eng land, Eome thirty-two square miles in area has numerous pumps established at many different points to pump out the water. Now It Is proposed to work these pumps by electricity. They will be bo connected that at a single point the necessary switching can be done to throw them all into action at once. There are fifty pumps in all. If the project is successfully carried out it will be one of the most striking appli cations of electric distribution and control of power yet Installed. Pneumonia Follows La Grippe, but pneumonia cannot follow the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. Pneumonia is striking down hundreds of those who thought they were cured of La Grippe, Foley's Honey and Tar, taken during or after La Grippe, is guaranted to prevent pneumonia. F. G. Fricke & Co. The duelling scene in the drama 'Retribution" will be fine. Don't miss seeing It. March 9 and 10. A BOOV TO MANKiNDl ET'TABLER' 0 -H O cn m ly 23 cn o UCKEYE FILE 034 ill- ' fr bbbb I m .-Mr s a , BM "J Lir ' rri i n m i' j m i rn vf w CURE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUBES, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 60 CENTS. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, KO. F. G. Fricke &, Co. Keep Warm. Don't Buy Base Burners at any prices when you can get a Furnace in your house complete from $50 UP and Guaranteed by S. E.HALL & SON South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth. Neb. The NewsHerald Prints More County News Than Any Other Cass county Paper.