Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 28, 1899, Image 3

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    Aii Interesting Hatch of News From
the State Capital.
l'ritmc for ;m County' Krprrirntitt I ,
Win, JIhv Ittputation for Intrfrrlty
Moim-t About Srate Aodltor Cor-na-ir
rt t ! U'irli-l)thrr of In-
r-i to tlir ruhlir.
Lincoln. F-l. 2 . (Spfcinl t Tin-;
Nkws ) Thiiikint.' that perhaps a few
pointers of li-fjislati vo proceed i n ps
iiiitrht b! of interest, I will any thuttho
Hori;itoii;il iiiiht, outwardly, U no
no.iri-r a solution than it waa thirty
days npo. Tho La mealier county
dad :alion has thwarted u cauim, and
their action has de'eated any ono I
their many t-itiidiiliiten for an election.
Tli fe.-lin;-; ii that if II.-iyw.ird is rl
fo.ited Lancaster county will hero
-p ni h!u, and inasmtieh its percent
tif tli" p-.,)!e are in favor of lion. M
I a. II lyward, to elect, one of the many
caii liilatt-s from that county would ho
a mi-dako an.l -ontrary to tho wihe
of tin; petiole of tho ttate.
A "troiiy feel i ii y exists in opposition
t' electing a man to tho United Slated
Hi-nati- whose principal property in-ti-n-st-t
arc in Mexico. We have pood
on it for the position who hi o in
ii'icsiod . tiou-jh in the United States
and her fuuire to invest in her .secur
ities and manuf; ct ures. Hon . Joh n L.
Wetoter is iii tin- fiyht with his solid
del-'pat ion, and if John L. wants to ho
in the hand wauon two years hence In
had l etii-r pet into the front se it
promptly and ride with llaywaid. If
ho refii-es now, he is liahle to walk
two years hence. The will of the peo
ple must h-:j obeyed, and whiio you
may fool with the people of Nebraska
for a moment, just pive them two years
to catch their wind, at d woo to the
man v. ho is eauph t .
The l cpuiar order oj business is pto
c dinp nicely, and no time is spent on
senatorial matter except about thirty
minutes each day. This is the last
d iy for the introduction of bills, and
the total in the house is about )(),
with Li no of Lancaster in the lead for
ii um bers.
The Cass county delegation is doing
itself proud. Senator Newell, with
his quiet, unas.-uminfj method, is mak
inp a record for himself that is tho
envy of many cf the senators, lle
spectett by all, he is in position to do
ell'iotive work, and ho will come out
of this session with a record that old
Cass can well fiord, to be proud of.
Hi nest Pollard is one of the leaders
in tho house, a d when ho takes the
Door attention is pivon to what he
says, and for ability and honesty no
man in the house surpasses him. T.
T. Vounp is or.o of tho sturdy men of
tho house. II? is not pivon to much
talk, but when he does epeak it is to
the point, and no man in tho house
vo'es ripht oftencr than T. T. Younp.
Cass, toi, can well admire his record.
It. A. Dittmar is considered the chief
rustler of tho house. When "I)it,"as
we ctil him here, poos after anythinp
it is sure to come, lie has a record
for honesty and ability that no man in
tho house cm surpass.
The stench from the state auditor's
olTiee is perceptib e over the entire
capitol building. Xo man in the past
two campaigns shouted reform and re
publican failures more than Mr-. Cor
nell, and the steps now taken in this
ci-e develop the fact that for genuine
rottoness tho equal has never entered
Nebra.-ka politics. Cornell can take
either one of the two horns of the
dilemma ho pleases, a failure to
know the facts would, on its face, ad
mit incompetency, or if ho did know it,
then his administration of the office
lias been rotten to the core. The
state olbeials in the several oiliees are
the loudest in condemning him. They
know it is tho funeral dirge of the
pjnulistic cohorts of Nebraska.
Itullt-rs Skim the Sandbags
Manila, Feb. :.4. 4:44 p. m. The
enemy's sharpshooters have been par
ticularly active about Caloocan all
dav. Special attention was paid to
the three gun battery near the rail
road, and the improvement cf the
rebel maiksmanship was very notice
able. The rebels tired volleys at the
battery, their bullets -requently skim
ming the tops of the sandbags. A
lieutenant of the Twentieth Kansas
volunteers and three other men were
slightly wounded. A man was killed
in the trenches today.
The rebel battery has not been used
since a shell from the Uaited States
double-turreted monitor Monndnock
exploded over it yesterday.
The enemy's lire was sc hot during
the night in tho vicinity of the Hig
gins house that the headquarters were
removed to a church 40i) yards inside
the line.
A few small fires have destroyed
-everal native houses in the ouokirt
of the city.
The Twentieth infantry is being dis
embarked from the transport Scandia.
The regiment will be encamped on the
water front, at tho former Quarters of
the Tennessee volunteers.temporarily .
I'lattrinouth Nursery.
I quote very low prices on first-class
stock. Apple trees, three years, 15
cents; $10 a hundred. Apple trees,
two years, 12 cents; SS a hundred.
Plum trees, three years, 30 cents; $20
a hundred. Cherry trees, three year,
30 cents; ,'0 a hundred. Peach trees,
three ears, 15 cents; $12 a hundred.
(Irape vines, .5 cents; $3 a hundred.
Hasp berries, 75 cents a hundred and
black berries, 75 cents a hundred.
J E. Leesley, Prop.
Cure For I. Urippe.
Foley's Lloney and Tar heals tho
lungs and cures the racking cough
usual to la grippe and prevents pneu
monia. It is cruHranloefl -5c and 50c.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Three Injurant Nolalia-ra lilt-.
Washington, IVb -7. (Spec ai to
Tin: Nhws )-Tho folowirg ml '.si
tioinil ca-uiill ies have bi n icp-rted
from Manila. Died of injuria- re
ceiveoin action JYL iin-i 1:
Pll'bt Nebraska Fiifel .-e 1 1) l Y.
II. Cook, Company F, aged 21.
Privat-j Edward Day, Company A.
:.t?ed 24
l'rivat i John Alb-y, (.,'.. mpHny I)
Neuatnrlul Vole
Lincoln, Feb. 27. (Special to Tin-:
Nkws ) Following is tho vote, today:
Allen, 40; Ilayward, 2; Thomp-on, 11;
Webster, 'J; Field, ". Total p repent
and voting, 'Jl.
All previous railroad record s for fa.-l
running between Chicago and Council
lilufis went glimmering down among
tho things that were on February is
when tlie Hurlington fa-t mail cov
ered the 500 miles in eight hours and
forty-four minutes, actual running
time, excluding stops, and in nine
hours and fourteen minutes full time,
including stops for water and mail,
two changes of engines and slow run
ning through towns and railroad
yards. Tho train left Chicago one
hour a:;d seventeen minutes late, de
layed by the arrival ol the eastern
mail, and reached Council liiull-' only
six minutes late, having made up one
hour and eleven minutes. The run of
200 miles from Chicago to liurliugion
was made in iOS minutes.
William Kudig of the upholstering
department of tho lSurlingtou shops
went to McCook Saturday evening to
accompany his family home. Tsiey 1
have been out there several d ivs anil i
arrived hemo this morning.
The Hurl rig ton railroad will rebuild
its line between Lincoln, Neb., and
Atchison, Kan. This strip of road is
ati. I -1 l. ... r
n(j mues lonp, anu nas oeeo.ii-, 01
gresit iinportarico since the completion ;
of the IJurlington's siiort lino ti the
northwest. Tho increase in tr.iltic
from St. Louis and the sjutb to tho
I'ugot Sound country over this liue
during tho last couple of years is re
markable, and is partly responsible
for the decision to rebuild the line.
Tho work will cost over $;:0;,0(0.
About thirty miles of track wii.1 be
raised above the present grsid . and
four new trussel bridges will bo Luiit
at crossings of the Nemaha river.
Gtorge Craig, an employe .! tlie
shop-1, who has recently recovered
from the measles, departed last even
ing for York, where he will visit
frier.ds or a couple of weeks.
Filipinos l oiie.i.
MANILA, Feb. 25. 10:15 a. m. De-
spite the threats of the Filipinos to
burn the business center, the inhabi -
lanisoi .Manna were not uisuuneu
last night. There was not a single in-
cideut worth recording from the time
tho streets were cleared until day j
was equally quiet on the line outside
except for occasional volleys from
bunches of tho enemy at various
The enemy was most active along
General King's and General Over
shine's line from tho beach to Pasig,
but a few volleys of musketry supple
mented by shells from the Buffalo
effectually quieted them.
Tho foreign consuls met yesterday
to confer regarding commercial in
terests, but tho result of their delib
erations h:.s not been communicated,
it is understood, to the Aiii'.i-iiMii
authorities. The British consul was
not present at tho conference.
1 ho shooting of two English men and
of Mr. Argentine, manager of An
drews' cotton mill, Wednesday, is
generally regretted, but it is admitted
that it was quite unavoidable. In
stead of remaining inside durirg tho
excitement occasioned by the tires in
the vicinitj' the trio leaned from an
upper window. Their white t-uits at
tracted the attention of the American
soldiers, who, believing them to be
natives firing from the windows, shot
all three. Mr. Argentine is dead. C.
F. Simpson is fatilly wounded and T.
Haslam, slightly.
By permission of the authorities, a
party a party of blue jackets is landed
every evening from the British
cruiser Narcissus to act as special Die
brigade for wetting down the consu
late and banks, as a precaution against
Home Orown Fruit Trees Are the Itfst.
The Riverside Nursery Co. has a
full and complete stock of all kinds of
fruit trees, vines and piants which
they have grown with care. Their
many years of experience in the busi
ness has enabled them to grow nur
sery stock that will compare with any
in the country. They have all the
standard and choice varieties suitable
for this climate, also new and valuable
varieties. They do their own budding
and grafting, and can guarantee their
varieties to be true to name and strict
ly first-class. Why not buy your trees
here where you can get them fresh
and grown in the same soil and cli
m itein which they are to be trans
planted? It will save you time and
money. They invite you to come and
inspect their stock and be convinced
of these fr.cts. Nursery two and one
half miles east and one half mile north
of Union, Neb. Call or write in regard
to varieties, prices, etc.
C. F. Morton, Prop.,
Union, Neb.
Louis Olsen is now Kcaled in tho
Palmer block with his pool and billiard
ball. He has bad his tables put in
good coudition and carries a fuil line
of cigars, tobacco, etc. He invites his
friends to call and see him.
Story F:rom Aadrid of European
Interference at .Ylanila.
Another Story to tlie I'fT-et lliit lli wcf
Has Hud a Clth With the ii rm;iri J
Alau Abiolatvly Dented In y d .i
Oils nve i he Suun.on r nlly I fa II. tint.
MAORID, Feb. 20. Afi oti'ie a' .11
patch from Manila b'.ys: The si t u i-
lion hero is very 1 u3 foreign
war ships are disembarking troops.
(Joncral It'os will leuvo Manila and go
to Ztrnhompa, island if M
MANILA, b eb. 20. No such emer
gency exists hero as is presented by
reports circulated in the Uniud States
and cabled back to Manila to the ef
fect that Admiral Ucwoy has had a
col'ision of a forcible character with
the Corman naval commander.
MANILA, Feb. 27. 11:10 a. m Ad
miral Dewey, when asked by the ear
respondent of the Associated Press to
give- his reasons for requesting Wash
ington to send tho battleship Oregon
to Manila, firmly declined to discuss
tho matter. All was quiet here, last
night and along the line except for
some firing by tho rebels near Caloo
can and Pedro Macati.
London, Feb. 27. --The cutis
pondent of the Daily Telegraph says
he is authorized to deny that Cermany
has any intention of interf.M-inp in the
Philippines. lie add-: "Neither has
any other power and the Or.-gon, can
not, therefore, have been ordered to
Manila on this account. "
lt-iilel at YHliijii;toii.
Wasiiinoton, Fob. 20. The gov
ernment officials hero discredit the
s'atement in the above dispatch that,
the loreign warships are disembark
ing troops at Manila. Spanish sourc-s
'of information respecting affairs in the
! Philippine islands, they say, :. rs not
to be relied upo.: as the press and peo
' pie of Spain do not hesitate to circu
late statements inim-cal to the inter-
I esis oi iius country.
Secretary A 'get- was shown the dis
patch tonight and, without entering
into a discussion of simply said he
had heard no news of that surt. Such
of tho dispatches reaching the war de
partment today from General Otis
that were made public were confined
to routine matters, while Secretary
Long said tonight he had not a word
from Admiral Dewey 'during th'3 en
tiro day.
General Olis has repeatedly stated
i in his dispatches to the authorities
here that he has the situation well in
hand and there is no reason to believe
he would have trouble in keeping
order at Manila where the cream of j
j his troops are stationed. i
The press dispatches from Manila
alsfisho.v the peneral satisfactorv con-
, dititM1 of t.ho affairs in that citv and
j u , reasonable pro'eetion is hein.r
j arr0!.jed to the lives
and property of
J foreigners, thus ffordinp no necessity
of outside inf -ference.
Insurgents lieroiue leek.
j MANILA. Feb. 2b,:20 p. m. Accord-
il'f LJ bliU nu IV 3 ill- llll? IUU1 u
ing by the steamer Nils tia S.-nora
Del CarmcD, whoso arrival brought
the news that the American Hag had
been raised over the island of Cebu,
the United States gunboat Petrel, Com
mander C. Cornwe'l, visiied Cebu,
February 22, and Commander Corn
we'l sent an ultimatum a-hore declar
ing the intention of the A me icans to
take possession peacefully if potsible,
by force if necessary. The rebels im
mediately vacatt-d, taking their guns
to the hills. A pirtyof marines and
bluejiekets was laude i and the Amer
ican Hag was raised by them over the
government building, which they still
occupied when tho Nuestra Senora
Del Carmen left.
A battalion of the Twenty-third
regulars left for Cebu today by the
Unittd States transport Pennsylvania.
The same steamer brought a dispatch
from Brigadier General Miller at
Uoilo to Major General Otis, report
ing all was quiet there, tliat there had
been no further fighting, that confi
dence had been resto ed and business
was being generally resumed. Gen
eral Miller thinks it probable that the
natives will soon become convinced of
the error of opposing tlie inevitable,
and that the example set by the in
habitants of Negros is having its ef
fect among the other islands, which,
though not entirely convinced, are in
General Miller's opinion open to
All is quiet this afternoon inside
and outside of Manila except near
Calotcin, where the enemy's sharp
shooters continue to annoy our troops
at a com paratively close range. One
man of the Twentieth Kansas volun
teers was killed in Ariquina village,
which was burned last night, and four
were wounded in the skirmish, one of
the Idaho, ona of the Minnesota and
two of the Pennsylvania volunteer
regi men it.
Miss Louise White is visiting friends
in Lincoln.
Arthur Helps was a sight-seer in
Omaha this afternoon.
J. W.Thompson cf Weeping Water
was in the city today.
Captain H. E. Palmer was a busi
ness visitor in the city today.
L. J. Maytield of the Louisville
Courier was doing the city today.
R. C. Kendall and W. E Djlozier of
Union were registered at tho Perkins
SaerifT William Wheeler returned
this morning from a trip over tho
Elias Sage, who was so setiourly in
jured last Monday by a falling tree.
.b V I'll
!l'-'-ed I h S l.i'UM
. f it" 1. 1 ( ir a i te
. t A I I ' I h s
e r
p it ted this .if'eruoo'i fur a I .vo men th '
visit with ic htiV- - if Chsc g-. Mr.
Ottr.ut ; :.-omrbi::e '. tr.eni t f . tt
J .I.h I l.',! lo- t t-ILoVe.t hi- .1 itll
icpair-i.'p in uiu, tv . l-o,the
j . t , ;,., v w hl.,.,. h,. vv,,u ,j be ph ased
to see ii li of hi- for in i'
as inanv new one- a
cusiOiie. rs and
w i r. I rei iai le
WO' k dOiiC.
Ex-County John ('.
Hayes, accompanied by Mrs. Hayes,
arrived in tho city last evening from
all extended visit at their old homo at
Clyde. (. Mr. Hayes states that the
weather was extremely cold in Ohio,
being thirty bi low -ro a poi-ii.-n of
tlie time.
Earl Clark today purchased from
C. S. Polk- The Diiiy It-port and ex
pi cts iii the future to till the position
of editorial writer, city editor, ro
poi ter. printer, L-vil and all. The
publication is devoted to real estate
transfers, inor' gages, etc , snd is quite
interesting to people who are inter
ested in such matters.
Tho Plattsinouth Telephone com
pany is now having a third directory
printed. 'I he now card will contain
1'.).") ii!:m-'s, which is an excellent show
ing for the short time the company
has been in existence, and shows that
I'latt.-mouth people want tostan l up
forborne industries. The -j: O mark
will M'Oii be leached.
Sam Sawtelle
I 'cm tractor
town today.
1 ) S ( i ii i ' d w;i- i a
th-- met rop al is
t his a f p moon .
A u lone Trio ty was a visitor in the
metropolis today.
S. II. At weoil and wife wet a- Omaha
visitors this afternoon.
II. B. Windham went to Lincoln on
the fast mail to spend a f e v days.
Aiv.'y Broback and wife are the
proud parents of a twolve-pound girl
Mrs. E. T. Duke returned to O man a
this afternoon, having spent Sur.d y
at the home of her parents, Elias Sare
and wife
Mynard, Piattsmouth 's suburb to the
south, is keeping up with the proces
sion in the matter of improvements.
Link Cox has his lumber shed about
comp'cted and John Kiser's lartre
implement s-hod is ne.rinp comole
t i on .
A number of the. pupils in school
district No. gave Miss Stella Long a
very pleasant surprise at her borne in
Mynard Friday evening. Refresh
ments were served and the evening
was voiy p'ep-anily .-pent by the
young foi I;.-.
Ej. i'a'nieter, who has been visiting
in the city for the pnst week', returned
this afternoon to his homo at Lan-ing,
MinD. E-i. h.js been looking at a
number of locations in and around
Piatlsmouth, with a view of removing!
to this city, but he has tltA yet decided
what he wiii do.
The c so of E l Hasserfl w vs. Jacob
K. V.tliery was on trial to a jury in
county court this afternoon. The suit
was brought to recover payment for
brick and the defendant claims the
brick wf:s rot what the contract called
for, hen co his refusal to p;iy.
Charles Hassiuan, who has ben en
gaged in the general merchandise
business at Waverly for the past two
year.-, has returned with his family to
Piattsmouth. Before leaving hero he
clerked in tl e grocery department of
E. G. Djvey & Son's store.
Henry Watson, who was ar-ested
about a week ago for stealing a jacket
and ove-coat, was arraigned in district
court this morning and entered a plea
of not guilty to tho charge of daylight
burglary. Be was taken back to jail
to await trial .t the next term of court.
Dr. W. II. Schildkrcecht reports
that Robert Van I-eet and wife, resid
ing in the south part of town, are the
parents of triplets two boys and a
girl who were born yesterday, the
aggregate weight being about thirty
pounds. Mother and children a-e do
ing nicely.
Viola, the eldest daughter of Ross
Morrow, who used to reside near
Murray, but who now resides in the
western part of Nebraska, will on
March 1 be united to George Grothe.
She is a niece of William Morrow,
the baker of this city, and that gentle
man this morning sent her an elegant
wedding cake, ::monp so:r.e other
Sheriff' William Wheeler drew a
dollar from the county last Saturday
which had been due hiin just seventeen
years, ft was for fees as juror atid the
warrant was found in the clerk's of
fice while looking through some old
papers. At that time George S-nith
was district attorney, there being no
county attorney and II W. Hyers
wa she tiff. It co9i "Billy" a
little more than a rio'Iar to buy the
cipars for the Ct-urt Louse crowd, who
conpratu ated him on his good fortune
in getting the long-earned dollar.
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Plattsmouth Loan and
Uuilding a-scciation will be held at
White's hall on Mondaj- evenir.g.
March (5. at 8 o'clock, for the purpose
of electing three directors and the
transaction of such other business as
may come before the meeting.
W. J. White, Pres.
T. M. .t'ATTEKSO.v, Sec'y.
Subfcribc now for K News.
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Legal Notice.
N'.'tu a- is In-1 a-liV IT'Mai 1 I:. It I i i I t a ,1 ;, . .;it
trl niiart;;ai:u. date I mi ll.e li!i l.a . I
IS'.'T, ;,nai du,yllii-l ia tin- i.!t:a e ..I tin- ,n
Cll-lk ail t'ass CaaltlllV. Niil.i'ii, i all I in- t iii
(.1 Anr;i;st. ls'.'i, an ! i-.M-i ii;. I .y 1..M M.,,'.i.
In 1 I . K . U ailba ill illi'l i I llll a- : 1,1 1- I la t !:.
l-irst National bar.U i .( ( . i : -. . . .. 1 ..ti ir.-tt.',
day of Ail-tu-1, I .. lor a valn.ali'i- o.n- , -i; i .il . .ti ,
W Inch s.ii.l iiu a i taj'e was y 1 en t i a t e I a -inent
.. tlie siain nt jl.ili .".ai. ;in t..n!i wh.. h
t hei e is lt'iw 1 ae the mi mi i ! -1 . :'. I il.-i m I h.i
iny lia-eii made ia tlie .i iiia'iit a . t mi I si;;n. a:. I
tin suit air oih.-r pr.n'i-i-.luii; .at I.e. Ijv tt-tt la i n
i list ;t u ted tai i n'. er -ai l 1 . '. , t .ii .ait p ut then- ! .
tlll-rel.-IC I W l.l se (I,,. , i ..,,- f t -.. t . . - . , a, , a,.
SC I ii. cd. I".
( 'lie j;ra mate, la yea is t.1-!
Hie :r.i v lior-e. I" c.i i o ! i
i'oui Ino'aii males, a, and il . i d n
siec'ieiv .
i Mic 1'ray r-'aiiii. 'y.i- '
title hay W'l' i ti:: , a eai ,
( ine I eei tn innda i
l 'tie I -ti'r. ni'i'i et .
1 ine Whitewater Ituiil -t ; i
1 Wll llsteis, two piiOVS
( Mie I rtii k uaoii. tia: han . .
At jitil.'a- ailctluti i ll the pn-:i. s. . I . ,v t I -
SOUth '. I'-t ip.iai tel o( r e I HI I a. I . , A 1 h ; a I a a .all.
I a ne n aie. in t '.e- 'Uir.. .".'! i a - k ,i la . i a.-. I u .
aild Olie tialf llliil's - a ll. t il a ai tie." 'I lair.'!:
i a i i, in i ri.-.-n'. oo i pi -i ti , ri i iai- I i 1 .1 '. ' - !
Mao !i. IMi'.', at ..n.- , 1.,,-K . :t. ..( - s I -; -
i ' : I ' s N I I i a -, i ! 1 '. M . a ! I , T I I -. ', . a .1.
lela .'!. 1-'.'
a ait H a
a f lll'la III I'll ill l-!a
ll. e I'laiisiih.tith is mi ! I .!,.-' n:. I.;,;
p.iiiV hi rel'V fi ca- - n.itia i; that th" h.:n
the li-t and am mnt ni ;n .- st ::
Corp: nat a .n am t !n- 1 1 1 t i):v I iLi'i'iia
I s'.a.i, naini-l .
I'll st inoi taire li per cent iaa!- a. I il:.-
1'iattsiii ni t ii ( Ills anal i a-'.laC l.lLlhl
Loinpanv. interest. p.iaija- a-ni :-aium
aly, lane 1st and I )' :i Imi l-t ... ?
Accruea.l inteiest on -ame
Tuta! irele'iTednes, . .
This notice is jiveti in u
pr ivisiains (, ciiaplei s'-.,ta
ip. .an
wt li.
Willi t'
-"Oij .!.
statute- ol t in- state ol .Ni.ira ka
i . ( K li II I-. V, I'l i.slder.t.
. li. I h IV I: v. Ti e.lH an t .
I '. I '. ( .NI . .-i;i I el.-ll V of I. .ai I ...f ila.a t. ,
ill Coillity C
In the niatu-1 ct I he
ceased :
.- ('eiiitv. .V
e t it- - I Me
Jacj!). I -5! . ;, h'u
I'.lizaiaeth -del- ,o land, ( M
I. ana Beerv. Met. a I ha i
,ae l.e.e.
i . usi'iii.
Mall ti,
I.ajuisa Kippie, ti e 1. 1. K :.. i n !
tll!, Mary .k'i!yim i.nU i .it a.
last three named n. n ii..w u
known hens of llecrv m ,;, i
Cat Iter persons m tel - 1 i , i. -.. ; !
bv notilieai that a-n the ai
i.iy. iii.-iii m. Gentile. :
saul count c a; 1 1. pi.-, :i u .hn
istiation ; 'Count uc sella- a .aid :
der distributing a- - i ts ami :! I
I re in his t rust as aa !ui in i, : r t r . :
and tliat il you !a:i t i.ii' : eh
the Iiii day ni h,r.-h. A D. i-a:
a. ni.. and'c-t said pe,.'! n,
i; the praver ! s.e. ' p. : : . ui
Lither .-.rial tui thcr oi I-;t ...n
: l -
' a 1
is i:;.a
he d:
I l
I -
1 .
. aft o ' ;
it I I.:',
o si; h
nii'es ail
l, t a the
! a -Lite
as to this t'iiiil ai. iv -.-e:i
all ni alters peiiaaii -m; : a - .. :
linrai y sett ed and del n: : . i ' i.
i'ne.-s in y la.iia.l .Had ia.: .-.-a'. .
I'laU.-imn.tii. ,o! i,i;;:a. 'h a. -.j,- :
ruarv. A I. '.'.. , i . !
M-iii ;
-i t :
al.l ,
Ler;al Notice.
na-trai .ir's sa'.e a.f 1 ,;. 1
: d'str :: ..iir- ' -.
In the matter . I the e-'. ;'e
ceased :
lii'Jer an i l.v a t ue of a i
estate hereinai'.er '.J.jsa. n L --i I . n'a !e ;n i a -j
ent itied a-a use l.v the I iti..ora:.le ii t-.i 's. t,;
jude. on the hah day ! : ..-' ia.i!. . I.
1 I
wiil on .vl arc 1 1 lltti, A 1 . l-si. at ! c. -i u.
at the souih .looi ot tin; hous. .in - t:--inoutii.
in C.i-- cnutit v. Neiii a-'. ..tie i ! r s,,.,.
lots seven find aiiht. in '', k I.i.n t.-en : th..- snuih
one-third ot lots tour, l: e and ; : :. i i. I a n -: - even
teen: and part of lots four, lave and in
six, in I luke's add.tioti, n, in th.; .:"..! I'i.ct.--lrtouth.
in ' a.-s ciiunt y, N -t a a k a. ta . tin- Idutust
bidder for cash. ilr.Nnv M. I'.o.Ns,
Aduiini-! rat' r.
livron Clark, attorney.
1 irs-t publication l-'ctj. 1 1. !
Legal Xolice.
in the distrit t c urt : i 'as - .:..t;r.l y, Nei.ta '-.a.
H:!n. a I.'.n ibi.i i
s .
Warner I.indii'aal.
To Warner hiad
You are hereby natihcd thai p. a mil. .:; : he
above entitled cxiase lias hied I et eti-aan ::. ta.
district court of Ca-s Cour.'y, Nebraska, to ob
tain a divorce for the reason tl,at since her mar
riage to you. you have jrroy-iy, watitytey. and
cruelly, w hiic bein? of suilicien't ai.bitv to ;ar.
vide licr suitaDle niaintenance fai ed, refused a::d
neglected to provide such st.itai.aj niattit.t.aiice:
and fraudulently and uidlLidy deserted and
abandoned her. You are requi red to ansv a-r a I
petition on or before March ;M. A. 1.. 1 and
failing so t- do, your default wiii be enteted of
Ilfl.MA I.IM'!;! AIi. ria.nt:!1.
liVKON Clakk. Attoruey.
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass (.'ountv, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate t id W,i-i. m;
ton Ki'd.ardsoii. decea-ed.
Ann M. Uavis. Cmlcv. I.'ar.'iii.: i'o.v
ler, the unknown heir-j of David Ki-.iiar-is'.aii. ie- j
ceased, the unknown heirs of 1'aimei a I );.:i:.:r. i
deceased, an ail other per-ans ititei v-te '. i'l ; ni-i !
matter are hereby notified that on the ''th day j
of February, l-i"J, Mrs. A. M . Davis hied a pet: j
tion in saiii county couit aheauii; amoiiir o-tier i
t nines that'nod v as!:inr;t..ii Kiciiaraison
died on tlie l'ith day i'f January. A. D. l-'.'i.
leaving no last will ani te -taaif-rtt. a-i 1 pos
sessed ot persona! estate, ami tliat tia; above
named constitute aii the persons interested in
the estate of sai l disease i. an pray. tit; 1 .r ad
ministration thereof. You an; hereby n'.tli e i
that if vou fail to appeal at sa;.l coait en ti e
day of 1-ebruarv. A- I. 1-.'.'. at 1) .c,...k a. m.
and contest said petition, tfe ' out t uhl ,-,pp..:i,t
H- M. (iaiiit, or so.-ne ot!i-.-r mi
,L,e p.
niinistrator. and proceed t . a ..-tt...-.:.c-:iT
Witness my hattd and the e.n f s,.:d c-suri at
Plattsinouth, Nebra-ka. tb :h lav ct I av
ruary, AD. I-';':'. ijinma: M snufcK,
f SEAL Ounty iude.
Legal Notice.
In ii e District Court of l'a- c ".'.iv. N-hias..s
Cairie lv. Hiacn. pi .:nf::.
Junius N. Black, ifefetidai.t.
To Junius N. 1-iiack. r. ..n-re.-: Jeiit defend -.nt.
Yo-a are hereby iioriu-'i that oi: t..e tjl-t 'lay a,f
January, 1 '."., Carrie il. i;.ac. nieai a pt.t: n
against oti in the 'Jistrict court ot ft", c-.'ii'ty.
.Nebraska, the object an.l .raver of v.i.a:.-i are t ..
obtain a d.vorce lr.a:n o;: on tiie rrr .ucd that y.. u
have gross iy, cruei.y and wa-itoiify taiie 1. ne
glected ami retuse i to sufor. the pla:nt::t. be
ing of sufficient ability lo ;,,, arid for the
custody of the minor ch..i the is.-ue ct said mar
riage to-wit: S-.arah C iilacK. a-.. 1 fourteen
years: and that certain personal property, r'h'.s
and cred.ts be decreed to !; th property of tins
plaintitt. and for reaonb o ahtuony. You are
requi rel to answer sai l p t;t.i.a oa or be: jre
Monday, the :.Uth day of M..rh,
Cakkii; Li. I; lack. I'laiiit::'!.
r.y C. S- 1'olk, her attorney-
Notice to Creditcrs.
teof Nebraska, . f.
Cass Countv. l55' LO :n!'' C'J ;ri
In the matter ol the estate ol 1 ianr..::: Nieiuar.n.
of the est ate cf l'ianr.i::: Ni
Notice is hereby aiveti that the ere J:tnr of sn; i meet trie a : in ' i. ; rat. ar ,, s.v.d es
tate, before me, caii-ty ju i.f ot Ca s c. unty. Ne
braska, at the county court r i:n i:i 1 '1 : s au'ii
in sai i County, on the 1 7 1 : , ti iv of M..r:th. A. 1 ..
l.-O'j. .nd on the K.h d.iv cf . ti,.tu-1-a;'. at In
o'clock A. M. ncii 'lav tlie purpose of pre
senting their claims lor t- ihiaii-t an. a.:j".t:i.i::i
and aiftawance. Ms r.i mths are alio v.e.l f --r tr.e
creditors of sat ! decease.! to pre-ett their claim'
from the 17th day of i enruai . , l-.'H
Witness my hand and the .-eal ot sa! 1 county
court at Fiatt.-niuutii, Neoraska. this ith day
January. It.'.'.
(Seai) County ludge.
r i rr1
1 J i
. A
Vo are lu.-ro lor
tho Couniy.,
A lid
' I I!
I i ', :
A . .
our l-'.i r i
-i.o 1. : !
m m 1 1 I 1 O J
Pear! SL, t;oUvi'n 61
vr n t. T 1 Ti 1 J f"
a t f i - ' "''
, ! r )
- - v .
', ' I I
1 I ' . A .-. :,::
S'-e.iritlf - i
v.i :t,d
II I a s. nr.
parr ..f t !.
1 . li.
P j. y, V
' N. i
Plattsinouth Coal Van!
A ! L (i l
H.iv, (J
rr., OV-
: n-t
j p C p ' H p 1" ri ? l
I uUUilllJLitdUli
TH HI') AX!l
1 i-.'-' ? 2 T
l a c
Lip 'l."'!'"V ,
i a a- - :' ' - " - -
W i & I r V- i 3 t ii w
t ? s i .'--
. .V W i a"
Our a-to-k u ccw.r '': '
U: vi'.e :. r friends t a b-.i
iCut.iviT :.; J.1,- s ; y u.
c;Tnr.:.i?:'f r
it t i d t
s ' - -. r t
! r.A1'T--:i'"'. T '."
-r- r r " T -a-
S ii r;;.' t
ay iiuiuii I ,
Cjti'.rti-.T; ta
: e-i : r i-:.;
uy k:t;.i of
l;a:Ds and phi' k:c! oi cat -tutcr
part of the covnty. C.;l on --r a 1 ir..-s-j
HARVEY 1JOL.T.OWAY, 1 l.a t ' iiio u ; h
a. y
T7 O
i I'l V. Ill
A i -. W i '
V t i V O i
o o n ,
h. ;.:ul
1 1
.1 1:
"i in
". :' titll tO r
i ' a .lie ail'
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i ' ' . r a ti
r..r fur-
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J A ; i L
:s v.
? 1 1
f.d fail
ii i . l
.' l.v..;:
I - ,..r
FAT .:. ON
iJuTtO T C
c y ' Friday
' : r. i be -nic
K r.-as City
a i ' . Wi.rlh and
c . - r.. :: lac Led
i -. si. ni tf.cir
ai w o ctlor
i' i ei riuv v.-Licit
'.'.I. t . !.. .V ni.'.f,
: ',,''' It.'-'ir.-'tt'.ua,
s r -. . . ; s 3 your
v -i V.. K.
i '. A. ., '. . v a. ivar: .
, A
ft :
Ksjy U t i L fe I. J LrS
j fi Pt!i"-. I.V-'r-j r-.H !''
.3 UUJfcd KiL,..w) uiiU iit