Irbru&ry 9. 1009. A. H. WECKBACH &, CO. 4 IJ V; if: si Always on the Move. VY' arc not anvthinir less content with than a con- stantly increasing trade in fancy and staple Groceries, and so are constantly on the lookout for novelties. in table delicacies, sell everything" at prices that clear our shelves and hence get you fresh foods ever' week some of 'cm every da'. A full lino of fancy Lamps, China Cups and Saucers of all descriptions and at way down prices. Don't forget to stop and examine our stock before purchaninir. A. H. WECKBACH & CO. Up-To-Date Grocers. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete in all Hues and we Invite our friends to look It over We will di.avor to plouse you. Call and see us. STREIGHT 0 STREIGHT, Oaccoeaors to ht-nry Bueok. ) PLATTSMOTTTTf TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chicnpo St. j,i.r-. Kansas Cit, St. Louis and -i pcl:ts East ai Scotb. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLL.tV.V8l No 1. Dfi.i er exprobS .. 11:!S prr. No 5. Ch.can ex uress 7:12 am Local exprt-si, uuily, St loa, K;ms;i9, M Loui3, all points south 10.0) arii N' J 4. Loom e.D. d.-iUy. IJurlinitoa 1 :ai':ii;0. all puiiits east.... uic i-madays take No. 20 (lu am) NoPi I.ecui ex(i, U:nly exiept'sua- ilay. k'aeitto J unction 11:22 pni So), Freight, daily except Sunday 1'iicitio Junction 2:40 pin No 28. Vestibuled exp, dally, Bur llnrioii, UhiOH.-o nn(i iill points east. Through train for St. Louis and M. Soe 5:27 pio No 12. Local exp, daily. St Joe. Kan sas City. St Louis. Chicago all points east and south.. 8:2. pn. No IH. Looai exp. daily, Umaha,Lin coin. lienver and interme diate stations 7-.:;9 i.n No 27. Local exp, daily, Omana. . ... 10 5 i am No 29. LoOal freight, uaiiy, ex dun day. Cedar eree, Louis vuie. South bena 7:44 an: No 7. Fast hiail, aally, Omtiha and Lincoln 2:22 ptu No 3. Vestibuled exp. daily, Den vr and all points in Colo rado, Utah and California, Grand Island. Black Hills. Montana and 1'acific N. W 3:28 pm No 13. Local exp, dailyexcept Sun Cay. Louisville. Ashland, Waboo, Schuyler 3 50 pm No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 5:00 pm Sleeping, dining and reclmlnsr chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets soid and bagKaze checked to any point lo the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT, ARent, Plattsmouth, Neb. J. FKANCES. Gen. Pass. Ant.. Omaha, Neb. M. P. TIMK CAKU, TRAINS OOINO !OKTH, NO. I No. 9 No. 121, local freieht TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 2 No. 122, local freiftht No. 10 .4:50 a. tu ..11.51 a.m ...4.04 p.m . .10:4:1 p m . . 7:3") a in . 4:04 d tn Arrival anil Dcpartore of Mll. ARRIVAL. TiM a. m. Omaha and North, South on M. P. 7:34 " West, East and sou ih on Burlington. 7.40 " Omaha, West on U. P. 10:2 " Lincoln and local to Omaha. 10:45 Schuyler, East on N. W. II -IS " st I mi' Smith on M P a.vSJ p. m East on B. & M., North on St . Paul ' & S. C. 4:04 " Omaha, East on C. M. St. Paul and K. I., also West on R. I. 5:00 " Omaha. West and South on B, & M. DEPARTURE. :10 a. m Omaha. West on R. I. and Butlinnton. 0 20 " South on Burlington. 10:05 " East on Burlington. WM) ' Omaha. North on M. P., West on Klkhorn, North on St. P. M. Si O. 2:00 p. m Omaha. West on B. fi M. and U. P., North on St. P. & S. C. East on R. I.. N. W . and C. M. & i-t. P.. irouth on Waliabh. 3 .V) 3 40 4 30 - otith on M. P. West on Burlington, South on sub M. P. Schuyler. Omaha. East on Burliugton. West on K I - Houtii on M. P., Wet M. P. to clri. North on M. P. via Louisville. Omaha, ' ast and South on Bur lirrwi. West on Burlington west t,1 Hslr. mm Subscribe now for The News. The Semi-Weekly NewsHerald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THE . . . NKWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, ' J. K. MAUMIAI.I.. business Manager. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, .... Six Months One Week, Single Copies, OKMI-WKKKLY KDITION. 10 5 )!! Year, in :flvance, . . . M-pfbs, ft oo i n )EST GIKGULiTIOJH ir-y us i County Paper. ri-z,,).Y. HJHIiUAUV 10. 1N90. N-wn" Trlcplioiu-. l.r: H rl . . Mllltll :85 .NO TICK. Owing to the ehatige in the ruanaLro '.. -nl ol Tin: N'l'.ws it i-i desired that !i money due on tuts-cr ip; in or other recounts bi3 paid na s-oon as pibh AU aoi'ount' are payable to either C. S. roll; or J. IS. Marshall. AGUINALDO h.'s begun to issue more proclamations, pi .icing all the blame upon the Americans, and insisting1 that he will give hght to the bitter end. He will find the end bitter onous?h. and it will come soon enousrh. President McKinley is is-uing no tho American generals in the Philip pines to crush tho power of Aguinaldo in a workmanlike manner, and it will be done. The Filipino loader is not very -well posted, or he would have realized long ago the hopeh ssness of a struggle against a country like tho United States. Great Britain immediately began to give a preference for iron ships, a soon a? she found hersolf no longer ablo to build wooden ones in competi tion with other nations. If, today, she 6hould find herself unable to build 6hips as cheaply as they could be built in other countries, and her shipowners began to pnrchase foreign-built ships, then would an agitation ensue which would compel Great Britain to pre serve, for the defense of the British empire, at whatever sacrigces of eco nomic principle might be necessary, the shipbuildiug which is her last great national industry that gives her such industrial, financial, commercial and naval eminence in the world. Just so long as the great European maritime powers expend twenty mil lions of dollars every year in buildiug up and sustaining their merchant marine upon tho sea, and this nation does nothing for American ships whereby they can compete with the aided foreign ships, just so long we shall remain weak upon the sea just po long we shall be at the mercy of our foreign rivals. So long as sub sidies are paid by other governments, and without abatement indeed, they are increasing year by year so long we must do likewise, or we shall eo--es-i neither seagoing ships nor i .-nsj seamen. And, if only for tun.;. ecruilment purposes, we Leed "f merchant ships and merchant .- . iid a-pleuty. LAWLESS AM) L.I Z V. Tho most troublesome feeler in i 'u'oa, prohably, is tho guerilla organ iz .tion knoAii as the insurgent .vrrny. and this General Wood doubtless has in mind when ho makes his estimate of 50,000 Ameriean soldiers for servic on the island. There is little teUable information as to the tiza of th is force, Sijs the Beatrice Express. It wa- said to be 40,0U0 strong when wo started for Cuba, and we were told that it was ao well organized and composed of ouch fine muteri: 1 that if we would clear the harbors of Sp-n'sh sun oats it would dispose of Blanco's a my in short order, but our commauders have not been able to locate much mote than a quarter of this number of in surgents and they have turned out to be mainly bushwhackers who would not work, could not ba made to fight in the open and had few of the ele ments of soldier or patriot. Now, when their generals come foward with a de mand that we Bhall pay them $40,C00, 000 to induce them to disband and re turn to peacful pursuits they number 40,000 or more again. Whether few or many they are fearless, inured to hardship, accustomed to live by mak ing raids on other people's property, naturally lawless and lazy and reck less, and it will be no easy matter to keep thorn in subjection while hone3t and industrious people are carrying on the work of reconstruction and trying to" restore prosperty to the waste places. -In all probability they must be dealt with by forco for a long time to come, or until ihey are practically exterminated. The $3,000,000 accepted by Gomez is good as far as it goes, but it i believed this will only serve to temporarily restrain the blood-thirsty insurgents. AFFAIRS AT MANILA. 1 he latest dispatches bring intelli gence, as everybody expected, that the insurgent forces have been hope lessly routed with great felaughter; that the pumniog worKS, which supply the city with water, and which the iu surgeDts had 6tubbornly retained be cause of their great strategic import ance, have fallen into the hands of our troops, and that they have been driven from the old Spanish fort resses which environ the city and which they bad taken possession of by sufferance. Tho result thus far may be Bummed up aa follows: The insur gents havo effected the ratification of ; th Spanish treaty, have been over whelmingly defeated by an inftrb'i force and mi Inst military prcstigo, have boon driven from tVeir fortified position ujont Manila, havo lot pun Crsion of the waterworks which would have enabled them to des-troy tbo city and greatly annoy the. tnops Ami lasl, but not, havo won tlx: repu tation before tbo civilized world of being too hotheaded and indi.sei eet to know how t use i nde-endem e if it bhould be accorded them. T1IK MII.KvKA(i.N UAIt, Now tint Cei.erul K.iyan h ln u-pcndeU fioiu "ran m.d duty"":' r six yoi-rs, the, ores ti i should u'w u oariy iUeiuli nee. to ileneivil .Mile-. Nothing less than being remanded to his former position a-, f i r: i r enei in the inini-', which would imply the ! 'SS of h is f. inner ji general, in-ehief at:d a'l pros pec.;. .f lic-intr m :id; it. Genera1, the clu.t i.-lu d uuihitil.iou of his life, will sati-fy the public, in view of his irwii-cn-tions of s-pceeh. INI OK VI ATION' AMI OPINION. j Tho f;ini!y f Soeieutry Ali." r in an example that m isforl un-s never c me : ringiy. Durng the a t thirty daj Kus-ell A. Alger, jr., b truly esc.ip d death in a lo'ii'ggui aotid.. nt, and ! while he. was ill h s house was bu nid" over his head. Then Mrs. Pike, his eldest sis'er, was stricken witlinp- j pendicitis and h is not yet fully re I LUX UI LU covered, and, lastly, Fred rick Aiger was laid up at Harvard with water on Dr. Maty Walker visited the senate gallery one afternoon last week. The soothing drono of some expansionist's remarks sent Dr. Mary otY to sleep and a horrid attendant woke her up. She was compelled to leave the gal lery, and once outside was severely lectured on the impropriety of sheav ing such disrespect to the grave and reverend legislators. Quite a number of the Jones family are prominent thesn dtys. "'Long Jones'' is credited with having had a great deal to do with electing Mr. Qu tries senator in the state of Wis consin. The governor of Aikansas, the lieutenant governors of Missis sippi find tho attorney general of Nevada and other Joneses who readily eome to mind. In an article about newspapers in the current number of tho independent, li?v. Dr. Parkhurst suggests as a remedy for some of the abuses of the p;-ess that the newspapers shll be re quired presumably by statute to publish under each article r news item the name of tho writer ther.u.f. - Tho movement for the formation of People's clubs in New York is now well undor way and the tirst club is to bo establirhed somewhere in the neighborhood of Cooper Union. The object is the study of problems of the day and social inlet course. All per sons of good character over sixteen years of age and of both sexe-; are elieible for membership Whispered comment is baing in-iMiI'i-d in by republicans -it the na tional capital owr the f:ict that the red. gri Oil and biuo p u lors are now eiosed to visit-rs. Iu is remembered that when the hi to Mis. Ilariison was mistres-th'-i o he v ! -d a proposi tion to close these n-otns, (! el viu th;t ,-nob; dy has a better right wear out the cana ts there that) t he ' people who pay for I'lviQ." Th long and tho -horl tn n ur.d an other man got in tlieir vroi-k l G-nnd Islr.nd the lit st t f the un W hile co'tiir-g homo fiom D-"ui!ian. Charles H'esc t', 'i livc-rvtra wm- h - d up b'. thtee m ske.l highway tu'-n n l robbed of $S0 O e of ti-erni held thn liot ses, one held a revolver and the ot be held Mr. WesCot and rob'c-l him. After they h d lini-hed him ot.e of t he men, Sfiys Mr. Weseott, got on be hind the bugary and rode four blocks into the city to keep him company. The Chicago poitoffica had a record breaking day November 11. On that day 22,23' money orders wera issued, representing $133,087 97. Stump sales the same day amounted to over $40, 000. It was the largest day's business ever known in those departments. The new "400" fad is to carry a lunch basket to the opern, but it will never be popular with the men. "Go ing out to see a mnn" is a fad of much longer standing thr.n the lunch basket and the older it gets the better a good many men like it. WKFTINfi WATER N'OTF.S. From the Weeping Water Republican The smallpox scaie is about t ver, and Mr. Moiser will be out next Mon day. The guard is stationed ju-t in front of the Glizbe home, in a little shed built for that pu pose, about 7x4x8, containing chair and stove. This is just acro?s the street from Mr. Gray. Young Mr. Gray is around nnd does not seem to have experierced any bad effects from the disease A ttorney Travis of Plattsmouth was in Weeping Water last week. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis last week. P. M. Timblin has been confined to his home with the grippe. Mr. Newkirk, residing i;eir Alvo, at last reports was not expected to live, us ho has been suffering for some time with a severe attack of smallpox. As this disease is getting into the county precincts it is hard to say when its ravages will be stayed. VILE WORK OF THE WEATHER A1AN Til Mercury Drop tci it Lower I'uliit TIiiiii Kr VeMm. K ich day hineo Sunday has been a 1 i tilo cold er ih. hi (ho previous day with the result that the thermometer) ' egi-b .red all the way from : 1 In 30 digrros this morning. This is tho eolde-t weaiher this vicinity has seen for fifteen yt ars, with onu i xception, it being .'( below at one timo in 1802 I h j weather has resulted in almost paralyzing all lines of bui ies except that of the coil do ilers, who unile with fi ndi-h g o when they ceo the mercury going down. lfo.vever, we have been furl.'inale as Cwin : -areii with other localities in tho 1 s'att;, it having renehed 4 1 brlnw in the- ta;rie regions in the rorth vvcs'et n part of ti e statt;. Stoe exou-ed to ih.; v.ii-,1 h:iH sulTered very much and g eat los-tes are expected if the. eold eat her continues. Tl;e. cohl weather is g netaltili over the country. In Mou'.an i, Wyoming, the Oikotasand Mitinesota the cold is in ten -;e, while the eastet n states ate al.-o getting their share. Fort-igii Mirixloiiitry Society. Am ng the most prosperous mission ary or g.m z isious t f this c nintry is this foreign Christian missionary so ciety of Cincinnati, O, tin organiza tion of the Christian church (disciples of Christ). During the past live years its receipts have been more than doubled, and last ye;ir they rerched $13:.,IJ.!. Missions Irive lieen planted by the Christian church in India, China, Japan, Afriea, l'urkej'j Se ui dinavia and Krgland. Ono f the most important steps recently taken is tho pliinnitig of churches in Cuba. Tvvo missionaries will be sent to Ha vana soon. A mission will be pluited under the shadow of Morro ensile. This religious body h s 201 mission aries in foreign lands, ami a number more will be sent out this year. The olTeting in tll the churches of this communion for for e gn missions is the first Sunday in March. The jubilee of their organized missionary work is to Oo ob-ct ved Oe tober l.S-10 of this year at Cincinnati, O. Fully lo.OO'i delegates are expected to attend. The great music h ill of Cineii n -iti has already been secured, and other large buildings will be used. An elTort will be made to have repre sentatives present from PI ittsnii uth. KxuiiiiiK-rn Complete Their Work Prom Thursday's Daily, The annui'l meeting f the Stite Hoard of Pharmacy closed its session in this city at a o'clock l ist evening. The m ?eting was forth- purpose of examing applicants for registration as phar mneists, there being tweti'y twoiu number, as follow.-: II. C. Houston, Omaha; Li. K. Hill, Sterling; W. W. Keeling, Nemaha City; D. H. Green, Wakefield; E. W. Simms, Omaha; A. W. Atwtiod, Platts mouth; W. T. Hoover, Omaha; C H. Hi own, Atkinson; II. E Davenport, Alma; John BurK, Broken 13o;C L. W'ight, Ldncoln; J. P. Cooper, Arcttdia; Mai tin la -wis, St. Paul: Ed Helsing, Waboo; 11 W. Hieks,Omaha; S. M. Terrene Fremont; I. E Thomas, Trenton; R. E. MeCracken, Central CPj; E. N. Bark's, Lorat; W II. M::sin. Homer; E. J. Weyiich. Plattsmouth; A F. Jenuings. jr , Om nia. THE BOY AND THE BIRD. l.cusou Taught by a Lad's Act ol Humanity. Down on Harwood street the other morning 6 o'clock some two or three early risers were on their way to mar ket, says the Eallas (Tex.) New3. Up he stivet at full tilt comes a boy rid ing bareback, and he is barefooted anJ areh ended. He is whistling and is as happy as only a boy of 10 can be. On e goes at a full gallop, but with a keen e; e taking in everything that Is to be csn. Ho has just passed us when, vith a sudden stop, he wheels his '-.orse and makes for a near-by slectric- ig'it pole. It Is a tall one and, throw- v.z the bridle reins over the nearest iron foot-rest, he dismounts as quick as a flash and up the pole he goes. Hand over hand he climbs to the very iop-, and once he comes near falling. Hut Lot a hit discouraged is he. That boy Is up to something, but for the life of us old fellows down on the ground we cen't make it out. Now he throws one leg over a wire and in the entanglement we watch him struggle til! he sits astride the center piece. And now he thrusts his hand up into the great glass globe, but his chubby arm !s too short to get whatever it is he is reaching for. Another effort and h is standing upright on the cross-timber and with his arm away down in the globe, he brings out well a poor, lit tle, frightened, fluttering bird. It had in some way got into the conical-shaped globe and couldn't get out. Now we know wheit the boy means he wants a pet bird and will put It in a cage and In a few days the poor little songster will die of neglect. We could n't blame the little fellow, for we had all been boys once; but we thought it might have been just as well to have let. it stay in Its own self-incarcerated prison, and mayhap it would have final ly leainert to regain Its freedom. But just then the boy, with face uplifted and a smile all over his sunburned cheeks, raises his hand, palm upward and fingers outstretched, and away fiie3 the bird. Down the pole like lightning, astride the horse in an instant, and. riding like mad, he passes by us. Go; ahead, little rough rider, breathing the fresh, free morning air free for you and free for the birds j-ou are alJ right. There are other rough riders who risked their life and everything they held dear in the world to help those in prisons and in bondage, and you are both made of the same kind of stuff. Ride ahead, little man, and tho-ueh you did not hear or notice our plaudits there on the sidewalk, you are all right, and may God bless you. Take the little folks to hear Vir ginia Merges siog, Monday evening, February 13, at White's hall. flnld ami Hllver llele. The most remarkable gold beetles k the world are found in Central Amer ica. The head and wing cases art brilliantly polished with a luster as oi Kohl itself. To sight and touch the have all the seeming of metal. Odrilv enoupli, another species from the sanw replon has the appearance of beliia wrought In solid silver, freshly bur nished. These gold and silver beetle? have a market value. They are worth from $23 to $50. The silver beetlef are at a discount. The Rothschilds. A curious thing It Is that In every countiy the Rothschilds assume the typical appearance of lta people, says (ho New York World. Lord Rothschild jf England much resembles Lord Sal- T.dniry, iViircn Alphone de Rothschild of Puiis Is a perfect Frenchman In Walter Rothschild, son of Lord !l h:-ehilil. is a fair-haired oiiriK gii-.ii! (the original Mayer An "elm was red-headed). Wiihelm Karl li'dhsehild of the Frankfort house. son f that rimrles or Karl w):o went to .Vap'c.j for the hoii-e, a typwal CJer- ;an. l'-rr rt I1iIIiih. According to the Presbyterian Jour al the doctrine of perfect holiness cems to Le making way among the hurchfs in the South. The Southern beshyteriim sriy; that the largest em ulation of any paper In South Caro ina is that of a holiness paper. A new irgan has just h en Issued by the 'Kite Peptized Holiness Association," eoted to this peculiar belief. One )f the correspondents speaks of hini e!f as "basking in the furiK'.ce" while the lire "bums, invigorates and intox icates." No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always havo friends, but one who would bo attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood wiil cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is tho best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify tho blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only oO cents nt F. C Krieko & Co.'s Drug Store. 2 Speak llrlerty. No more should be said at any time than can be said well. Brevity Is the Instinct of art. If anything is pro longed it must be varied and perfect in every part. It is a mistake to try to say everything which can be said upon a subject. Confine yourself to so much as will make a distinct Impres sion. Enough is as good as a feast and better and too much is worse than a fast. Don't irritate your lungs with a stubborn cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may be found in Bal- la-d's Horehound Syrup. Price, 21 cents and "0 cents. F. G. Frieke & Co. III Co.iHoI itlon. "Who was it said I was a back num ber?" said LI Hung Chang, indignant ly. "I said so," answered the em press dowager, with a stony glare. "Well." he answered more softly, "maybe I am. But I don't know as I care much what kind of a number I am so long as I have a dollar mark on front of me." Washington Star. B. Presson, P.e -son viile, Kan?., writes J in. 25, 1899: "Sh'p order at once, only have one ho tie left." "Nothinsr liKe Foley's Honey and Tar" is the uniwsd verdict of all who have used. Especially has this been true of coughs accompanying and suc ceeding la grippe. Not :i single bottle failed to give almost immediate relief. Everybody recommends it. F. G. Frieke & C ). Wedding; Prrspntf. A recent decision in Springfield, Mass., as to the ownership of wedding presents is that where such presents are sent to the bride before marriage, as is the custom, the presents are her property, and remain so even if a separation takes place after marriage. Lingering La Orippe Cough Cured. Mr. G. Vacher, 157 Osgood St., Chi cago. "My wife had a severe c iso of La Grippe three years ago and it left her with a very bad cough. The tried a botfe of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief One. bottle cured her cough entirely. Now we are never without a bottle of this wonderful Cough Medicine in the house.' 25 and 50c. F. G. Frieke & Co. Scientifically Correct. "And when I proposed to her she turned all the colors of the rainbow at once." "How can you make su ! a ridiculous assertion?" "All the Mo ors at once, if you have not foremen your high-school lessons, you ouait? :o know make white." Indianapolis Journal. There is nothing mysterious in the wonderful cures effected by Dr. Saw yer's Wild Cherry and Tr. You yet the benefit of an eminent physician's prescription for all throat and lun? diseases A. W. Atwtiod. Too I)aL "I'm afraid we are losing ground," j said the Hawaiian ex-queen's attend- ant. "Yes," she answered. "That's what annoys me. I could manage to get on without the throne very nicely if they would leave me the real es tate." Washington Star. Dr. Sawyer's L'.ttle Wide Awake Pills give purity if body arid vigor of thought by perfectly regulating the bowels and curing biliousness, imctiv liver aud constipation. A. VV. At-wood. A CRITICAL TIMLi During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OK WELL, A KUSII NIGHT AND DAY. The Packers at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba Were All Heroes Their Heroic Efforts In Getting Ammunition and nations To the Front Saved the Day. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. a. writing from Santiago do Cuba, on July 23, says: "We all had diarrhoea In more less violent form, and when we landed we had no timo to sou a doctor, for it wms a c iso of rush nnd rush night and day to keop too troops supplied with am-unilion and ntion-, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemody, we were able to keep at work and keep our health; in fact, I eincerly believe that at one critical timo this medicine was tho indirect savior of our army, for if the packers had been uhablo to work there would have been no way of getting supplies to tho front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrade and mysell had the good fortune to lay in a sup ply of tnis medicino for our pack-train before wo left Tampa, and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this modioli o, the Caninhc.rlain Medicine Co, lies Moi:is, Iowa. For sale by all druggists. DHncrroui, "I dunno ez as I h'lieve In this idea of strinirin' a lot o' them little 1'er- cific i.slan's together with a steel fa ble," said old Uncle Hez as he run his hand through his hair and looked wise. "Somethin' might happen to spread Ameriky an Asia apart a little finder, an' when that blame' cable straighten ed out. all these little islan's would he yanked right up by th' roots, see?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Food does more harm tha i good when not dijjesto l. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure d:;ests whai, you eat . It pre etiis wasting diseases nnd euros stomach troubles stomach wornottt stantly. It cures indigestion, tour and belching, and allows stomach rest. It F. G. Frieke iV Co. ln- Tlie Kuoaway Hoy. "Are there any marks y whi'-h he can be identified?" asked the chief of police, preparatory to -telegraphing. "No," said the father of the boy who had started to Minnesota to fight In dians, "but there will be when I get hold of him again." Cincinnati En quirer. Keronimeuded for Li ;ripp o. Jackson, Danville, III., writes: "My daughter had a severo attack of La Grjppo seven years ago and sine then whenever she takes cold a tcrti ble cough settles on her lungs. We tried a trreat many remedies without giving relief. Sho tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her. Sbe has never been troubled with a cough since. 25c. F. G. Frieke & Co. t'ntrnstworthy Water Fitters. The Maryland board of health re ports that domestic water filters may steadily lose their efficiency until they become culture beds for bacteria. In stances are quoted where water, after passing through filters whose packing had not recently been renewed, con tained ten or twenty times as many bacteria as it had before it entered the filter. To insure a nappy new year, keep the liver c ear and the bony vigorous by using De Wilt's Little Early Risers the famous little Pills for consti potion and liver troubles. F. G. Fncke & Co. Giant Planing: Maclitae. Our readers have doubtless seen li on planlng-machines in operation remov ing narrow chips of iron from the piece they planed. In Buffalo, a planer is in operation which at each cut removes i shaving full tw" e inches wde from solid cast iron. The knife is between welve and thirteen inches wide. The smallest things may exert the greatest influence. , De Witt's Litt e Early Kisers are unequalled for over coming constipation and liver troubles. Smail ptp, best pill, safe pill. F. G. Frieko & Co. The Modern Method. is an awful th'ri not to kn?w where ones next meal Is co.ning from." "Ye3, but a good many of us married men are experiencing it since the grocery stores got advertising bar gain sales." Indianapolis Journal. Invented the Manic! sc-l. The musical scaie is said to jiuve hern invented by Guy Aretino, a monk of Aiezzo, about 1025. His scale, with material differences in naming some of the notes, was substantially the same as now in use. Mr.'S. A. Fackler, editor of the Micanopy, (Fia.,) Hustler, with his wife and children, suffered terribli ftom La Grippe. One Minute Coueh Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It t".cied quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as a specific ' fo- La Griooc, and its exhausting after ietr.o;. Never f .ils. F. G. Frieke l'Jilii-. Commercial Mrttio;lt. It is ofrni ?a!.l no European can underaiand ('liiiiee eommerciuf meth ods. Here is a curious instance of the celestial's mental inversion. A Chin ese hotelkecper had contracted to board and lode a visitor for a dollar a day. As time went on he found it impossible to get his weekly account settled. So he offered to maintain the guest for half a dollar a week. He said he would lose less. London I Chronicle. WWl : ADV&RTIS&MkiiTS r.'v.i ':. t-1': .. Ui'.LJiMi'fl l'Mn v- .,...t.. : !..... in. I. '-i "- lw--vr I'.illiito l!iil...n Urns Il i-ii Jii.if l' you! i. "I I'Ji-r. F. G. FRIGKE, 6c GO. Keep cottstaiitly on louel a fii'.l and complete stock of pure. . Drugs MediGlnCcS, Paints, Oils. Special attention e,ive'i lo ..Compounding Prescriplions.. 0i Also a full lino of Druggist's Sundrio-i and l'uio Wines anil Liquors, for Medicinal purposes. South Sixth Street ... Plattsmouth ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE ! HEALTHFUL !! Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you cat. It artificially digests the, food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It isthelatestdiscovereddigest antand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in elllciency. Jt in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, II earl bum, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sicklleadache.Castralgia.Cirtnips.and all other result sof imperfect digest ion. Prepared by E. C. DeWllt &. Co . Cljicago. V. C. !'I!!:KK CO. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, and rgS Vermin. IT'S A KILLER. After rating, all vermin srek watrr and the open air. Hence this killer it the- most cleanly on earth. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 15 Cent. REWTON MANUFACTURING & CHEMICAL CO., 5 William Street. New York. SEASONABLE SUGGESTION TAKE A TRIP TO on OR THE Best Reached in Through Cars by Louisville & Nashville R. R. Write fr Information tu C. h. AT' f OPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent, LOUISVILLE, KY. Wfseelef & Wilson swing Machine. v3 . i notary and Bali Bearings Fi CllSi Gulf Coast j'v ; ' a i J V' V-;': JiWEHTEOvAsi BEAKK8S H 7,1