Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 31, 1899, Image 4

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No Nearer to the Election of a
Senator Than Yesterday.
Ilnywrl titim Ttire utia hikI 'lbre
of IIU I oUoM Wrr Absent A
lt-Hlloli In Surely at I In ml A Voung
l.uily In ANxKtillril mi Washington
Lincoln, J;tn. :u. (Special to Tino
Nkwm.) Tin- vottj for Uniiod Status
senator today resulted an follow:
Ilayward, ."M; Webster, 10; Thompson,
7; Field, r; Weston, 1; Kcose, 3; l,,osr',
'2. Tliroo of Hay ward's followers wero
absent, which would have made h's
vote ihlrty-Hovon had they boon pres
ent. A deadlock is imminent.
A Dastardly Act.
Last e von in as Miss (i usl a Tiepel,
who is employed at tho H itol Uiley,
was fromy out to sco her mother, who
rebides in tho west part of town. some
he jundrol, bupp sod to have boon a
tr.tmp, jumped from behind the l.-me
when near tho Turner hull and
grabbed her. IIo alteiuuiel to
lake htr ovor into tho brick
yard, and when nho resisted o
strongly he ftruck her on llio head
with hit fist. However, eho mannered
to break loooe from hi - trraspand then
ran to tho I'orno of Fred Kunsnian,
nearby, and told ner experience. A
Heureh was inaiie for the fellow, but ho
lost no lime in tjvitir.jf out of siht
He win describ d n a short., hjtvy set
mill, woirin a litfht overcoat, but
owintr to tho triri'a friyht only a
monirro dtsci i it ion could te tiveti.
lit: A. Hull of the Burlinfrton re
lief w.ts in to .v n today.
Not phi nines of the Burlington s-ya-tem
for the month of December were
$685,988, ai increase of $170,243 over
the aame montb of last year. For the
six months ending December 31 the
net earnings waro $4,613,702, an in
crease of $150,358 over tho correspond
ing' period of the preceding fiscal year.
Additional improvements on the
roadbed between Chicago and Bur
lington have been authorized by the
directors of tho Burlington railroad.
A Pleasant Party.
Mrs. W. A. Humphrey gave a party
for her son, Carl, at her home on
Third and Walnut streets Saturday
evening. Charades, exhibitions of
amatour telegraphy and other amuse
ments were indulged in, and nice re
freshments were served. Those pres
ent were: Florence Gallagher, xVlice
Sullivan, Blanche Sullivan, Estelle
Baira, Carrie Baird, Margeret Wells,
Florence Waugh, Gretal Waueh,
Elizabeth Waugh, Violet Newell, Miss
Lausing, Miss Jackson, Miss Gass and
John Sherman, Earle Clark, Paul
Hayes, Thomas Murphy, Ctrl Humph
rey, Don Deepain, Joey Uawls, Fritz
Fricke, Robert White, Willie Ramsey,
Musical Instruction for Children.
The musical education of the child
ren of Pluttsmouth is a glorious work
that has received the sanction of the
Woman's club. Mr. Tucker has or
ganized a class for children, to meet
Saturday mornings at 9 o'clock, the
understanding being that the children
will remain members ol the class for
at least three months, as no real good
can be accomplished in any less time.
The price has been made low enough
for any child to become a member 25
cents for two lessous, paying for two
lessons when the first is given and no
excuse accepted except in case of sick
ness. Already over thirty names have
been secured. Send your children
and give your practical support and
sanction to a eood wo k.
Lint of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Plattsmouih. Jan 28. 1808:
Baker. C
Barker. James
Engeikemeier, Fritz
Guidcr, Johunah
Hall Mrs E
Hall. K R (?)
McLanahan. Prof W H
McTutine, Clarne
Malouch. A
Obcrlv. M
Osuoin Mrs O M
Smith. Anna
Lalterjiny.Geo Hincrich Trjut. Mrs (""armi!;
Mroub. Mrs Lili Swaps. Miss Mtv
Koci, MUs Agnes Wiles. Mr.ry J
Mack. Mrs W
When calling for any uf th? tv
letters i-Ica-e say : ! v c -'ifti."
- C 11. sriTl.., To-f.-tor.
The in tore.-:, i:i i '. t ::-. i v'i-o'
Eerviee !ving r '.'. ir- tVt. M t ' ft
church Y; grca-'y i- o - hi
weck. Qj.te a rwmVer oi perron-,
well known in thi- city, ros for or.-y-ers
last "vexing. Afternoon meetings
for Iho churcn member ut 3, and for
all cl-isses tit 7:30, have been an
nounced for the week, and all are in
vited. While running down a steep hill
last evening George Stamm, who de
livers the Omaha papers for Lehnhoff
Bros., slipped in such a way as to
wrench his back quite severely. He
was unable to walk or even turn over
in bed urtil noon today, but is better
this evening.
Hetty Green's Thrift.
Hetty Green has lent the city of New
York $1,000,000 at 2 per cent for threo
months. Controller Coler discovered
one day that he v i3 in need of ready
money and decided to ask Hetty Green
for the loan of a million dollars,
which was arranged for very quickly
thror h Mrs. Green's representatives.
The amount was t laced to the credit of
the city of New York at the Chemical
National hank, in which Mrs. Green
la the largest stockholder. The city
pays $20,000 for the use of the million
for three months.
The IMattsmouth Turn-Verein is
planning to givo a grand masquerade
hall on tho evening of February 11. A
finn time may be looked for.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
A. W. Atwood, the druggist. Tele
phono 27.
Join 10. l'aruiulo of Louisville was
in town tcuay.
K. W. Black tti transacting busi
ness In Omaha today.
Insure in the German American.
Frod Ebingpr, Agent.
"Hobsou" 6 cent cigar is the tin oh l
ever manufactured in town.
Liveryman Ed FiUjerald mado a
business trip to Omaha today.
Mrs. D. S Guilu and Charles John
son visited friends in Omaha today.
Dr. T. I. Livingston made a busi
ness trip to Omaha this afternoon.
Robert Nickels, a prosperous farmer
from near Murray, was in town today.
Try a "Gut Heil" rnnde jy Otto
Wurl and you will smoke no other
FreU Kunumiinn wan again taken
quite ill l ist night with c. amps, but is
butter today.
Janitor work of ail kinds, satisfac
tion truaranteed by Telle- & Shep
p iH, 616 Vine sm-et.
Miss Ann'e Kalina is in the city
from Butler -ui.t visiting her s.s
ter, Mis. Joan K.ila-ek.
The Ebinyi r Hardware cmpany s
soiling bkales at co-t. Now is tl e
time to get your ska es.
Cuii'U to tho 1 eshyterian cnuich
Tue-tlay evening, January 31, and e
jo. n c'ii ken p e upier.
D . -S ;ipnia wi.l be at his tH;:e in
tho L u .rd bui tli g, over Schipp -casfe'o
ataii hours, d y o uiglil.
Thi? Prbyterian Aid society will
meet wiih Mrs. Nmlin Agnew Tues
day iiftornoon, Jatuiry 31, at 2
iVl ck.
Tiie opinio , of all sm kers is that
tho "Gt Hell" is ibe best. 5 cent cl
ear on the mnrket. Otio Wurl, mil--ufacturer.
Charles E Verity, representing the
Western Newspaper Union, Omaha,
was in town today looking after busi
ness for his house.
The Eblnger Hardware company is
offering for sale all of its heating
staves at cost. "Now is your oppor
tunity to get a bargain.
Joseph Schmidbauer of Cedar Creek
and Miss Mary Maier of Louisville
were today granted a permit to wed
by County Judge Spurlo?k.
Hot tomallies, chicken, rabbit,
wienerwurst and pork chops are kept
on hand every evening in their lomal
lie can by Telfer & Sheppard.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pesby
terian church will give chicken pie
supper from 5 to 8 o'clock Tuesday
evening, January 31, at the Presby
terian church.
Coughs and colds come uninvited, but
you can quickly get rid of them with
a few doses of Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
H. C. McMaken, the ice king, put
on his linen duster and went to Omaha
this afternoon. H. C. thinks if tho
weather wouid get cool everybody
would be better off.
The next regular meeting of the
United Moderns will be held F iday
evening," February 10, at the K of P.
hall. Members will please remember
the date. By order of presiding of
ficer. Read the advertisements in the
News and trade only with those peo
ple who solicit your patronage. These
are the live merchants that do busi
ness on the principle of quick sales
and small profits.
F. W. Miner, a eon-in-law of Levi
Churchill, who has resideded with his
family on one of Mr. Churchill's farms
near Murray for several years, has de
cided to leave Cass county, and tomor
row will remove to McPaul, la.
Rev. A. B. Weiland of Le Mare, la ,
occupied the pulpit in the German
Pi eshyterian church in this city last
Sund.iy ai;d has been the guest of Rev.
Riz smco Ho dep tr ed tni after
nooi: for Hastings for a few days' visit.
Don't get scared whn your heart
j rr ublee you. Most likely you suffer
!fr-m indigestion. K idol Dyspepsia
i iiiro digests whnt you eat. It will cure
,ei v form of Dyspepsia. F. G. Fricke
I & C ".
i1 ul Perry, of Clumbu, Ga., suf-f-red
MLrony for thirty jears, ard then
tvir-.d hi-. Piles by using Do Witt's
t ii H'z'l o.ilve. It heals injuries
a io fkin dibeass like magic. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Louis Olsen is now located in the
Palmer block with his pool and billiard
hall. He has bad his tables put in
good condition and carries a full line
of cigars, tobacco, etc. He invites his
friends to call and see him.
He.T Gabm of Omaha, piani&t; Mr.
Carl Tucker, baritone; Miss Alice
Smith, Omaha, soprano; at Presby
terian church, Tuesday evening, Jan.
31 Woman's ciub concert couxve
course tickets, $1; single admission, 50
cents. Ticket on sale next Monday
at Lehnhofl's.
Herr Gabm. Miss Smith and Mr.
Tucker at the Presbyterian church,
Tuesday, January 81. all for 50 cents
single admission, and $1 for a course
ticket, including the concert tomorrow
night and a recital by Holmes Cowfer
of Chicago, tenor, on February 21, and
a Schubert lecture recital on April 3.
Tickets on sale at LehnhofT's.
C C. Parmele today purchased .of
Mrs. Emiline Rockwood the store
building and one-half lot at the corner
Fifth and Main streets which is occu
pied by F. J. Morgan, the olothler.
The consideration was $4,200. The
Plattsmouth real estate market Is
livening up considerably and property
is bringing a good price.
Among the many men of all parties
who have approved tho project to
erect in Richmond a confederate me
morial hull, m my of whom hive oon
tricuted theielo, urn Piesident Mc
Kinley, ex Presidents Cleveland and
Harrison, Secretaries Gag Alger,
Lone, liilss, Srn;th and Hny, nd ex
Secretaries Sherman, Whitm-y, Cnr!
Isle, L'imont and James.
Governor Stanley of Kniisiis is adearl
shot, but on one of his hunting trip
ho seemed unab'e to bring down any
thing, lie grow very niooly as the
day wore on and his b ig remHincd
einyty. Finally on tho way homo he
slipped up to within th:rty feet of a
bird and fired. Tho bird gave a
startled chirp and llo.v away un
harmed. Tho governor was dumb
founded and his companion could con
trol his mirth no longer. Ho finally
succeeded, however, in telling the
governor that his cartridges had been
loaded with pop-corn instead of shot.
Kellef in Mix Hour
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in fix hours ty
Gukat South Amkuican Kidnka
Cuhk." It i- h yroii Mtrp ise on no
count of its i x i d !). pn m pt rii ss in
relieving pain m fil i.i er, kidneys and
lurk, in mule : u in 1 . li ievet
retention almost imnv d a'ely. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
r medy. S :d bv Gering St Co., Ditg-
ist, Plattsmouth. Ne-h.
Her Sweet Way of TT-r Orancl
1 no i;liter Comf rtuhle.
A girl who visits New York frequent
ly Btops while In the city with her
grandmother, says the New York
Times. The grandmother is an old
fashioned housekeeper and one thing
upon which she lays emphasis In her
household affairs is regularity. The
meals are always on time and she likes
the members of her family to be ready
promptly. It Is something of a trial
to her that her grandaughter should
sometimes after a theater party or oth
er festivity sleep over breakfast time.
The granddaughter knows this and she
makes a great effort to be up in time
and make up her sleep if she needs it
In the afternoon. The other evening
ehe had been out very late and grand
mamma sympathized. 'The child
mustn't try to get up this morning,"
she said to herself and dressing more
hurriedly than usual she hurried to her
granddaughter's room. "Alice." she
called softly, as she knocked on door.
There was no answer and she went in.
"Alice," she said again, speaking a
little louder, but there was no answer.
"Alice," she said a third time, ami at
last there was a sleepy response.
"Alice, dear," she said, "don't think of
getting up this morning. You were
out so very late last night you need
the sleep." All this time she was strok,
Ing the ruffled head on the pillow and
by the time she had finished speaking
its owner was wide awake, but not
quite conscious of what had been said.
"Oh, yes, grandma," she answered. "1
will get right up," and she did, for she
had fyeen so thoroughly wakened that
she could not go to sleep again.
SI to Each IIoUHe Seemi t-. IJo Ahont
the Right Number.
From the Chicago Post: After read
ing the description of tb.9 Fish house
we fancy that the eligible young men
of Chicago "will contemplate an imme
diate journey to New York for the pur
pose of staking a claim to Miss Marlon
The daughter of a man who "does
not know how rich he Is" would seein
.o possess unusual charms, and there
is no apparent reason why the relations
of the Fishes with Chicago should not
be even more intimate than at present.
A house vith six bathrooms must be a
great luxury, particularly on Saturdaj
night, when, as they say in Lake For
est, complete regard for the physical
and moral system demands an old
fashioned soak, and we read with
great pleasure that the rest of the man
sion is laid out on a similarly lavish
and delightful scale. There are houses
In Chicago, or in the aristocratic fau
bourgs, that are said to contain six or
more bathrooms, and we have been
proudly assured by those who have ad
mission to the charmed circle that they
are frequently all going at once, which
would indicate that we are running a
usck-to-neck race with the more pre
tertious people of Greater Xew York
Persons who leaa a life of exposure
are subject to rheumatism, neur.slg.a
and lumbago, will find a valuable
remedy in Ballard's Snow Liniment;
it will nanish pains --ind -u'-lue infla
mation. Price 25 and 50 cents. F. G.
Fi icke & Co.
The Golden Rose.
Some weeks ago It was auaouncei
that the pope had bestowed the Gol
den Rose upon the Archduchess Adele
Gisela, eldest daughter of the late em
press of Austria. The pope's Interest
in the reigning house of Austria is
well knowk. and the bestowal of the
gift is so rare that it is always con
sidered a high honor. Curiously
enough it is regarded in some quarters
6.s an omen of ill-fortune. Joanna of
Sicily, made the first Rose queen b7
Urban IV.. was dethroned and stran
gled by her nephew, and In more mod
ern times the Empress Josephine,
Queen Isabella of Spain, Queen So
phia of Naples, aunt of the present
recipient, and Dona Isabella of Brazil,
daughter of Dom Pedro, have all met
with misfortune shortly after the re
ception of the Golden Rose. Ex.
Achtnn ff.
Sonntag den o Feb. Abends, in der
Turnhalle, Deutsche Theater Vors
tellung. Gutes Programm. Grosser
Mont Active Volcano.
The most active volcano in the world
s Mount Sangay, 17,130 feet high, sit
lated on the eastern chain of the An
tes, South America. It has been in
-.onstant eruption since 1728.
The luck of the seventh son is gen-
l rally the old clothes of the other six.
Have ('aniens r Certain Itlghtt Which
Mi on I ft Ite Iteapcrteri ?
I bhould very much like to know,"
haid a plain citizen to a New York Sun
repoi-ler, "whether thero are any eth
ics of traveling, I mean of railroad
traveling in this country. Xow, I
went out on the 9:40 train on the New
York Central the other morning and
as I got on tho train a "littlo lute, I
found some difficulty in getting a seat.
Not b'uuso tho cars were crowded,
for they wero just about half filled.
That is tho twelve or fifteen scats on
each sido hold each ono person instead
of the two that should find accommo
dation. The other halves of tho seats
wero occupied by coats or valises,
children or other impediments of the
"I walked up and down tliree
coaches all filled in tho same way, and
not one person offered to make room
for me. Finally, and after the train
had started, I asked permission to
take tho place of a hand-satchel and
luncheon bag. and was sourly allowed
to do so. Other desperate people
crowded in. and the coach was pretty
well filled by the time wo got to
l'oughkeepsio, but I failed to see a
single instance in which half of tho
teat was voluntarily left open, or in
which it was graciously given up.
Uight across from whero I sat was
an aggravated case of this usurpation.
In one seat the furthest from me, sat
a lady with a milliner's box, taking
up tho space between her and tho
window. In the next seat behind was
a gentleman who 1 found was the
husband, and who had his half of tho
soat littered with a dozen parcels.
Inland him sat a young lady, tho
daughter, guarding the aisle, half of
the seat with a rampart of canvas
traveling bag. All threo stolidly held
their own against every comer, and
kept the six seats until they got off at
'The point I wish to make Is that
while every passenger has the right
to all tho comforts and conveniences
for which he has paid and which are
therefore his by right of purchase,
he has no right whatever to occupy,
or even attempt to occupy, that part
of a seat for which he has not paid.
1 know this preemption of tho double
beat is an offense of such everyday
commission that it is accepted as ono
of tho commonplaces of railroad travel
nowadays, but it seems to mo to merit
a little official attention, not with a
view of limiting tho comforts of
travel, but of preserving the rights
of all travelers.
Vaine Imllans.
Maine's two Indian tribes, the IV
nobscot.s and the 1'assamaquaddys.
wear tho dress of the whites and for
th" most part have adopted their ways
of living. Hut the nomadic spirit is
still strong within them, and the sum
iner ilnds parties camped at the vari
ous Maine watering places making
and selling beaded purses and woven
grass and basket work trinkets, while
the sjtiaws turn many a silver piece
by telling fortunes. In some wood
lot. where the ash tree that supplies
them with working material is plenti
ful, they sometimes build their camps
of logs and saplings, roofed with bark
or shingles and well climbed with
moss. There is a feeling among own
ers of forest lands in Maine that the
Indians, as first proprietors, have a
ciaim to reside in the wilderness
wherever thoy choose, and, as they
are peaceable and do littlo damage to
valuable forest growth, permission to
occupy a piece of woodland is seldom
refused them.
I.'angin; to the Slr.ip.
A Pittsburger went to his physician
a few days ago complaining of a dull
ache in his left arm. lie had never
had rheumatism, but thought his pain
must come from that malady. After
describing it, the doctor said: "You
ride to and from your office in the
cable car, don't you?" "Yes." "You
seldom get a seat?" "True enough."
"You have formed the habit of hold
ing to the strap with your left hand?"
"Since you mention it I know that it
is so, though I had not thought of it."
"That is tho cause of the pain you
feel. For an hour a day, more or
less, your left arm is held in an un
natural, upraised position, and it has
begun to tell upon you. You can re
lieve tho ache with this ointment
which I shall give you, but a cure can
only bo effected by ceasing to support
yourself by hanging to a strap."
The I obbery Fake.
"Do you value your reputation in
your business?" she asked earnestly,
"or do you wish to .be considered an
The brigand shuddered.
"Then," she said, "you cannot af
ford to take my diamonds. I I am
an actress."
Ho paled.
"Can it be," he muttered, "that the
critics are mistaken after all?"
Her manner was very confident, and
ho felt that the risk was great. The
gems fell from his nerveless grasp.
With a sigh he turned and fled. De
troit Tribu n
Ihe Unknown Author.
In tho course of an eloquent speech
a candidate at Birkenhead, Kngland,
produced a poem which ho said had
been sent to him anonymously, so that
he was unable to thank tho author
privately, but must do so publicly, for
the poem was a good one. He then
proceeded to read the poem, which
was Longfellow's "Ship of State."' As
the candidate is a university man. the
opposition is having sport with hiin.
Tomatoes ami Totatoe
When the tomato is grafted on the
potato, which can be done by reason
of the close relationship between the
two plants, the potato roots continue
to produce potatoes, while the tomato
grafted on the potato sialk continues
to produce tomatoes
Slate Discarded.
The use of slates has been forbidden
in the schools in Zurich. Switzerland,
and pen, ink and paper have been sub
stituted, even In the lowest classes.
The reasons given are that the light
grey marks of the pencil on the slate
cannot be followed without straining
the eyes; that the pressure which it
is necessary to exert upon the pencil
lessens the facility of the hand and
renders an easy, flowing handwriting
more dimcuu to attain, and that use
of the slate Is not conducive to cleanly
A miry Clark.
I to tlie nicinoiy oi A u!i y. daul'lci n( Mr.iunl
Mrs- K. M. Claik. Iiiot J;ii.u;.iy 21. IKH'. Aite
two years one uionlli nml trn tays. I -v ! t
fully dedicated t' the bereaved iil"
Our loudest Kem liath taken iiei liilil,
To a blissful abode in eternal IirIi',
Kartli's biiidensoine tuiU she will see no nunc.
She dwells htciic on loidan's -hon-.
We may liat lot her voice as in days Hunt b.
Then reflect in silence, give vent to a mkIi,
Though her foim is silent bhc ieib'ns above.
With Jesus and angels, where ail is Jove
May we wreath her acred. ilent tomb.
And cause the rose thereon to bloom.
Knt wine ai ound withgarlands sweet.
And pray that we. our darling meet
I C !!.
Suhrcriht now for The NiCW
Feathered Surgeon.
Some Interesting obBcr vat ions on
the treatment of wounds by bin' ; have
been made by a writer who tells of a
snipe both of whose legs he had un
fortunately broken by a misdirected
shot, lie recovered the bird only the
next day, when he discovered that the
poor thing had contrived to apply a
dressing of down and a sort of splint
to each leg. A ligature of grass had
been used to wind many times around
the wounded parts, and was securely
fastened by coagulated blood. Twice
the writer has brought home snipe
with Interwoven feathers strapped on
one or the other leg, which undoubt
edly had been broken.
Difference In the Po!r Hector".
It has been shown that, wh" Nan
sen's observations rove that the north
polar region is a great ocean cavity,
nealy two miles deep, the south polar
region, on the contrary, is apparently
a vast solid mass of land, surrounded
by a belt of water about two niilo-j in
depth. The area of the south polar
continent Is estimated to be about
4,000,000 square miles, 1,000,000 more
than that of the United States, includ
ing AlasJca.
The Karth'a Hottest Kefj1""-
The hottest region on the e.irth is on
the southwestern coast of Persia,
where Persia borders the gulf of the
same name. For forty consecutive
days in July and Ausust the ther
mometer did not fall lower than 100
degrpes. night or drsv, and often mount
ed as high as 128 decrees.
Cure For I.u irip".
t'jiey's Honey and Tar heals the
lungs and cures the racking cough
u-iual to i a grippe and prevents pneu
monia. 1 1 is truaranleed -oc and ftie
R C. Fricke & Co.
Knaplclou t'ircuiiiHl aucr-i.
"It looks kinder queer, Mai in
said the new millionaire to bis
after the guest had departed, "that
count wouldn't take his coat off at
ner, like the rest of us, don't
"Maybe he didn't have no .shirt."
gested the lady. "I've seen f
fixed up thataway in the shows. "
dianapolis Journal.
t ho
it?" HUg-
ilers j
-rn. !
To insure a happy now year, keep
the liver c. ear and the body vigorous
by using Do Witt's L,ittle Karly Risers
tho famous little Pills for constipation
and liver troubles. F. (i. Fricke &
The Word of Rod.
However much of uninspired litera
ture you may read, you cannot afford
to neglect the study of the word ot
God. It is so divine that it will not
only illumine your path, but gladden
your heart and purify your life. Then,
so you may read only the best prod
ucts of exalted human minds, especial
ly prefer to study the Book of Books.
Rev. Adams.
A eh tun fir.
Sonntag den 5 Feb. Abends, in der
Turnhalle, Deutsche Theater Vor.--tellung.
Gutes IVosramm. Grosser
The smallest things may exert the
greatest influence. Do Witt's Litt'e
Early Risers are unequalled for ovei
coraing constipation and liver troubles.
Small pill, be?t pill, safe pill. F. G.
Fricke fc Co.
Clerical fermits 181J.
Clergymen atid others niitlcd to
clerical permits tire respectfully re
q to call at tho Burlington
ticket office and arrange about their
1699 permits.
Depends greatly on the caie
which the ownr besiows upon it. A
good watch, if CAREFULLY CLEANtli
and OILliD once a yer, aa it should he,
will last a lifetime; yer, a hunureii
j'ears. Many good watched are al
lowed to go wilhi-ut cleaning and ril
ing for je:irs, with tho ie?uli that tin;
oil is entirelj' dried up, the pivots :n-e
cut and rusted out, so that it cast.-,
twice as much to put ihe watch in
proper coudiiion again hs it would i1
given timely attention. I t long
established reputation for serving my
customers caref UH3', r.s w dl ns dr ir
tho best of work. If your watch is
not giving satisfaction, bring it to ni'
and I will tell you just what it nt'i
No charge for ex-niiration, and if i ft
with roe, I guarantee that you shall
have an accurate and reliable timi:
Jno. T. Coleman.
A.11 Zip - to Jut a
Meat 3inrJcct
Where everything is nice and clean
and a full line of Fresh Musts i:- ar-
rieit ill tticW. ia the D'mce t. do .i:r
buying. Such a place is the
Excelsior Meat Market
M. L. JOHNSON, Prop.
He is a butcher who has had much
experience in purchasing meat and
he buy? only the bet...
Bulk Oysters, Game and Fish
la Season
Try Him For Fine Meats.
1111 iiii 11 iiiiiiuiiiuuuiiiiiii;ui a iiimuuii
Don I be
But if you want that cough
and Grip cured, take a bot
tle of
Gil s
It has no
tails 25c.
1J f
y, j : i'w:v'"l', i'--
v--rrv--- ' "
Now Hardware Store
Having returned to Pl.tttsmnui h, I will be "lad
to welcome .ill my old customers, ;ts well its new ones,
and show them a select line oi Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything usually carried iti a lirst-clas.,
hardware store.
Be sure and call, as 1 have some prices that will
interest you.
Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH
' worms! vermifuges
(prepared by a JAMES F. BALLARD. St.- Louis."
There is no place like
Tho best class of goods to be found in
Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper
per pair. We make a specialty of High
Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are
giad to have you come in and see our stock
Am Ii'ininise Line of FALL ami WINTKR SHOES in,
that will Miit all classes of purcasers.
W paid the CASH and will give vou the
benefit of heavy DISCOUNT.
413 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb.
yrup of Tar and
Wild Cherry
It never
Kneeland Crystal Creamery
nd Refrigerator Combined.
Maki'tt " 0 nor conl more butler
thin the old way f taking cure of
milk. The milk from eight cowh
eiu be taken e iro of with lors la'oor
than formerly with Hint of one cow.
(J purity from two to eighty e inn.
N.-j fa rinor who nr k 8 butter can
alTord to do without one For fur
ther particulars oiuiro of
U. F. Dcati, Agent.
NJy' 11 tttsino'liith,