Weekly EMI E1V Mr ,'.,!, '''? ". r.MluuiNlioa ISOV. ft, 1H!( . I . Tim K IT. tl' Lt . . . - . i nr. iii'.uai.ij, I'.HtubliHlied Arll ID, ix.! """""uiieu Jan. I, iwjj. I'LATTSMOUTII, NKli.. JAMJAKY 31. 1890. VOI,. VIII. NO. W. i 1 1 ) mim m 1 I I ' Villi I II II 11 Mil I 1 1 H J 1 I N UUlJUUJIlk i i Commissioner Porter Empowered to Pay $3,000,000. Will lt V-l-om Nw to the Jl Hiidfrn tiiMiirz'n ICukkmI Kullowem Will lie I'll ll to L.ny Down Their Arum A KW-li Ntrikt- IC porlfil ut Cripple 4'rrtk-Otlir Tt-lt-Ki-uph New. Havana, Jun. :$ ). President Mc K in ley is understood lo hiivo cm powered lloboi t I. I 'orter to arr mtro for tho diabufriuin.-nt tr 3,000,u0i) uinontf tho Cub.m so dk-rs. Mr. Porter will pi oli (bly go witb Sonor (Jonzalen do Q'H'Hiulo to Itemeuioi to meet Gen eritt Uoin'-z to p-ibut'd tho Cuban eomm;ind:r-in chit f to di-bind hie forces and to lend bis inlluenci lo Ibo United St itos military administration. Mi-. I'orter and Sonor Qjesada uro conferring tonight with tbe governor general. Dr. Castillo, who returned from Ilvjineiliurt today, after a two daya' viait with General brnne?, says tho latter id much hurt by what ho regards as American neglect of his aulhoi ity and rights and i-t determined not to adviso hia aoldiera to yo homo pennilead. (ionie proposed corning into the neighborhood aoou -ind will review tno Cubar. troops at Marianao. There is some doubt whether ho and the other military ehiefa will accept tho ;,)0!,00l, n matter what other favorable comlitiona may bo olTjred. Mr. l'ortor, who, it ia understood, will act as tho personal representative of President McKinley in tho negotia tions, has been directed to learn tho beat tertna that ean bo mado and is em powered to propoao what it ia hoped will bo satisfactory terms. . Much ia expected of tho asaidtance ho will receive, when approaching General Gome., from Senor Jose Gome, and Senor do Quesada. (irrtttest of nli Strikas. DESVKit, Jim. "0. A special lo the Newsfiom Cripplo Crook, Colo., says of the recent strike in Isabella ground : "Your correspondent saw chunks of sylvanito that were three inches thick and solid metal, and chunks of tho oxidized ore of tho same width that ho whittled with his pocket-knife. No assays have been made on tho rock: it is not necessary, but pieces of tho freo gold run over $oH),000 per ton. The Mollio Ciibson, near by, never pro duced ore that carried more ounces in silver per ton thau this Isabella ore does in gold. With every hour's work the streak is lengthening and widen ing. Joininc this metallic body there aro six feet of quartr. that will run from $1,000 to $2,000 per ton. " Manager Kilburn said to your cor respondent: "I do not liKe to say any thing that will excito the people any more than they are at present. The metallic oro body has doubled in size both ways since yesterday morning-. Some of the pieces of ore are 80 per cent gold. I never saw such mineral and I do not believe that its like was ever mined in this or any other camp in the world. We have had no assavs taken on the rock. But a ton of it could bo picked out that would run anywhere from $50,000 to $200,000 per ton. "Armed guards are watching the property. 'J he strike was made in the new ore body at a depth of 850 feet below the surf tee. The chuto has b en cut at the seventh level, 200 feet above, and also at the fifth. At the latter place an assay was obtained in the breast of the drift yesterday on two feet of ore that went better than $1,0"0 per ton. There ia at least blocked out between the ninth and seventh levels i5,0o0,000 worth of ore." LEITER OUT OF WHEAT DEAL. I'reteut KiB In That Article Does Not In terest Him Very Much. C'LKYJSLASD, Jan. 30. Joseph Lei ter, tho Cnicigo speculator, in an in terview here concerning the recent rie in wheat ia quoted as saying: "I am not paying any attention to wheat now. I have dropped that and am giving my whole attention to the busi ness of formirg combinations. How ever, it is no trouble to account for the rise in wheal. The demand is i-imply greater than the supply.' Speaking of his work in forming various combinations, etc., Mr. Leiter s-aid: "My lat completed wo k was the organization of the International Air Power company. That i?, a company v.hieh makes apparatus by which com pressed air is utilized as a motive power. Tho company is a large i ne and is already doing business in New York." Mr. I-e'uer denied that the trusts rai-.e pries, but kept them down. "Wtitn imo of these very largo com panies get possession of the ti.dd it is good business policy to keep prices down to a point where no competitor can reach." said Mr. Leiter. loei Coffee (tre With You? If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes: "The first time I made Graln-O I did cot liKs it but after using it for ono week nothing would induce me to go back to cofl'oe." It nourishes and feeds the system The children can drink it freely 'with great benefit. It is tho strengthening substance of cure grains. Get a package to-day from your grocer. ISO. and 25c. VL PAVTiiusniniii'iw 11 IIIIJUuIjUIIJ IU DRINKINQ IN FRANCE. Urowlnr Con.uuipc of Strong: HplrlU on tlio Iiierr&.t.. The Income received by the 6tate last year la France from wine. beer, cider and spirits thows the amount consumed and Indicates the drinking habits of different parts of the country, says the London St. James' Gazette. While the total consumption ha3 in creased, beer seems to be gaining on wine, and spirits on beer. The south ern departments and the wine-growing districts still favor the national drink. In Ilerault 277 liters of wine are drunk by each inhabitant every year. The Gironda comes next, with 210 liters. In tome of the northern departments, on the other hand, wine is a! a discount. In the Nord the annual consumption of bter Is 252 liters a head, and the neighboring departments follow some way behind. In ten southern depart ments beer Is a quantite negllgeable. Generally speaking the beer-drinking departments In the north are also at tlie top of the list for spirits. Each arisian drinks 202 liters of wine and seven liters of spirits annually. Cider drinking is going out of fashion. The average consumption per head for th? whole population Is: Wine, eighty nine liters; beer, twenty-four liters; chitr, fourteen liters, and spirits, four liters. Spirits bring most revenue 5 shillingo 8 pence per head, as compar ed with 3 shillings 2 pence per head for wine, 6 pence per head for beer, and 3 pence per head for cider. The growing consumption of strong spirits and the drunkenness which follows have led the government to lower the octroi duty on wine and increase the charge on alcoholic liquors. Ilow'rt ThiH. Wc offer Olio Hundred Dollars liew.trtl for any case of CJ;tt;irrli that cannot n cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. S. CUENKY & CO.. I'rous., Toledo. I). We tho underslziied, have known V. ,1. i Cheney for the last l." years, and believe ; li 1 in perfectly honorable In all tniines transactions and tinanct.-illy able to carry out any obligations made by their Or in. I West !k Thuax, Wholesale l"ru agists. To- ! W-tlo. O. I W.ti.DiM). Kinnan & Maknin. Wholesale Druitirists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken luterutil!y, act lnf directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, l'rice T.k:. per hot- ! tie. trold by all Drutfeists. Testimonials j free. j Hall's Family Tills are the best. Defaulter Takvu In Strange fashion. An English defaulting bank mana ger, who had eluded the police for three years by staying in a seaside village near Plymouth, has been dis covered by a strange accident. Wlille strolling on the beach with a young woman watching the war ships a sail or on board a cruiser, who happened to come from the town whence the defaulter had absconded, looked through a telescope, recognized hira and informed the police. Possibilities of Population. The population of the United Statea I is about 73,000,000. Their area is 3, 602,990 square miles. We have there fore a population of only about twenty persons to the square mile. England has about 540 and Belgium about 530 to the square mile. If our country were as densely populated as England and Belgium its people would number nearly 2,000,000,000, or about twenty seven times their actual number Li Grippe is ajrain epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sheperd, publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden Mo., says: "o one will be aisappointea in using One Minute Cough Cure for Li Grippe.' ant to tike, quick t-i act. Fricke & Co. Pleas F. G. Heroism of a Guide. Prof. Nasse, a well-known Berlin scientist, with a friend and two guides, all roped together, were crossing a snow bridge in the Alps recently.when the professor and one guide fell into a crevasse, and hung there half an hour. To relieve the intolerable strain, the 1 JU 1 . , - I IflOrflTlcr olt l In ii i f I h a o hMTft riim 7a a- V . V Vv -rvT others were then able to pull Nass9 ,,., up, but he was dead. The guide who so willingly offered his own life was afterwards found unhurt. "I had to try to save him," he said, simply, "that is all." Recommended for L Grippe. X.Jackson, Danville, Til., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of La Grippe seven years ago an 1 sicca then whenever she takes cold a terri ble cough settles on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her. Sue has never been troubled with a cougb sinoe. i"o. F. G. Fricke & To. Not a Safe Swimming Pool. An English officer whose ship was stationed off the coast of Ceylon went for a day's shooting along the coast, accompanied by a native attendant well acquainted with the country. Com ing to a particularly Inviting river, the officer resolved to have a bath, and asked the native to show him a place where there were no alligators. The native took him to a pool close to the estuary. The officer thoroughly enjoyed his dip. and while drying him self he asked his guide why there were never any alligators in that pool. "Be cause, ear," promptly replied the Cin galese, "they plenty "fraid of shark." Coal! Coal! Hard coal delivered to any part of the city for $7.50 per ton, and the un rivaled Mendita coal deliver ad for $4.25 per too. Johx Waterman. The worst afit r i ffscts of Influe-za arise from derange 1 functions of the liver. C. Anr th himd at occi with Heroine, lor it will 6Tdngthen the liver to withdraw from circulation the biliary poisons. Pil:e 5) cents O. Fri;k Si Co. F. I ' GAMES OF CHINESE CHILDREN. Muny itt Tli em the Same a Those I'layed In America. There are two theories In regard to thoso children's games that are found to be identical in different lands. One Is that the games are borrowed by the younger people from the older; the other, that the games are of Independ ent Invention. Some light Is shed on this question by passage from "A Coiner fJf Cathay." "A game called the water demon seeking a den I? played by five persons, precisely like puss In the corner.' This Is a native feame, not an Imported one, and no one knows whether Chinese and Eu ropean children invented it independ ntly or whether the knowledge of it was inherited by both from ancient, common ancestors. The same may Le said of 'the cat's cradle,' which is iii:ide with a string and passed from one pair of hands to another, precise ly as anion.? children in America and Kiiiope; hut the Chinese call It sawing wood.' in reference to final act in the r-i forrnance. A game in volving much museular exercise is al'.ed 'the lame chicken.' It is played hy jumping on one foot between shoes il'.it have been placed across a road a; intervals of about ten inches. When tin -inl oi the line of shoes Is H'afhed the last shoe in the line is ici-ked away by the 'lame' foot, arid 'inn it ia picked up and carried back v i tho route to the other end of In- line, when a .second shoe may be :i:ti-e kicked away and picked up -i-fure returning. Only one foot may ..ip-li Ihe ground, and it must touch ir only onc-o in each interspace. No ii!.-- may be touched except the ones .vhu-h end the line, and the shoes 1 id nl awa.v must be picked up with- ui fitting the 'lame foot' upon the . t - ii u it. When tho chk-ken violates my (jf these rules he must at once place to another performer. The ln.rier the line the more difficult It to collect shoes, because each shoe 'i.cii Involves turning around with--iii using the 'lame' leg. The winner n the game is he who has at the end i.f it the greatest number of shoes." TREATMEMT FOR THE SHOES. ItllW A I.tttte Care Will Keep Them Looking Orderly. j Winter is a difficult season of the j year for the careful woman who Is j particularly neat about her trimly I shod feet. Snow is as disfiguring as ni!!;l on nicely polished leather and rubbers certainly do not add to their cleanly appearance. But a little care will keep them in orderly nlceness. When you remove voiir heavv street hoots, don't toss them awav in the v loset all rumpled. Take time to stretch the uppers a trifle to straight en out the lacing wrinkles. Do the same with the tongue. Brush off the dust and if they are damp put them where a current of air can thoroughly dry them. Banana skins make an ex cellent dressing and keep the leather soft. They are especially nice for cleaning enameled or patent leather. If your feet perspire freely use a' good antiseptic powder freely dusted in the shoes; it will rest the feet and save the stocMng. The grime and dust in the shoestring are very hard on the hands, as the dirt is ground into the flesh where the strings are drawn up tightly. Don't be stingy with shoe strings. Your dealer will furnish them free of charge, so change them often. Besides being clean, they add greatly to the appearance of the shoe. Watch your heels and have them re paired at the first indication of wear ing off at one side. Nothing so dis figures your gait or looks more untidy than run-down heels, besides the shoe soon loses its shape where the heel turns and will break where the un wonted strain is occasioned by the twisted shoe. The Pleasing Gauchoa. A personal allusion to the color of i Vl Zi TietrrA'o pVIn n KnfAt n 1 1 t 1 g oiwu, . iCtUlL. t aiilllU 111 0 question the nice conduct of the paza- rn,mltlo. .f ty,a ,tu . f foamInS at the mouth, their ponchos i wictppeu rouna ineir arms, tneir ooa i !es bent so as to protect their vitals j and their knives quivering like snakes. stood in the middle of the room. The company withdrew themselves into the smallest space, stood on the tops of casks and at the door the faces of the women looked in delight, while the pulpero, with a pistol and a bottle In his hands, closed down his grating and was ready for whatever might befall. "Negro," "Ahijuna," "Miente," ":ara Jc" and the knives flash and send out sparks as the returns de tic au tac jar the fighters arms up to the shoulder joints. In a moment all is over and from the pazador's right arm the blood drops in a stream on the mud floor and all the company ster out and say the negro Is a "valiente," 'muy guapeion " and the two adversaries swear friend ship over a tin mug of gin. Saturday Review. l'eoria a a Reveuae Producer. Illinois continues to be tne largest contributor to the internal revenue of the government, the five h'ghest states being as follows: Illinois. $39. C58.C86: New York. $21.058.569 : Ken tucky, $18.226,51S; Ohio. $16,436,908, and Pennsylvania, $13,846,790. Thi? covers the taxes on whisky, tobacco, beer, oleomargarine and other aticles. The banner district of the United States is the fifth Illinois (Peoria), which paid $22,837,554 out of a total of $170,866,819 collected by the government during the year. Itnaines and Pleasure. 'John, what would you give the sew ing circle for refreshments?" "Ice ing circle for refreshments?" "Ice ! cream, lobster salad, lemonade ami milk." "Good gracious! unyy 'Be- 1 cause T'm a doctor. Judge. Earnest Wigjjenhorn of Ashland pent Sunday at the homo of F. G. Fvicke in this city. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. it. 1. Olivia, of Uarcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken. S. C. Weak nerves had paused severe i uams in tne oack oi his Deau. un using- Klectric IJittvis, America's f;ro;ite!-t blood and nerve rornedy, all uain s ion left him. He s iys this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up tho stomanh, strengthens tho nerves, tints vim, vitro." and now life into every nvn-de, nervo and organ of tho body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Kvory oottlo guaranteed, only o0 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricko & Co. 1 IJoubtfuI. The following remark of a Highland clergyman, taken from the Spectator, shows that a Celt is a Celt, in Scot land as well as in Ireland. In a ser mon preached in a small church in Strath Spey, the pastor, after inveigh ing against slothfulness, said by way of climax: "Do you think Adam and Eve went about the Garden of Eden with their hands In their pockets?" The Old Totamcnt. The one wonderful characteristic of the Old Testament is that God walked with man, talked with him and map ped out hi3 ways. The incarnation of Christ was the culmination of God's purpose, which took place in the full ness of time. It was no accident, there are no accidents with God. Rev. Dr. Patton. TO Cl'KK A COM) IN ON K DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 11 druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2nc The genuine has Li. R. Q. on osch tablet Clocks Without 1 anils mid Kttres. In Swltzcrlar.il they aie making clocks which do not need hands and faces. The clock merely stands in the hall and you press a button in its stomach, when, by means of the pho nographic Internal arrangements, it calls out "half-past six," or "twenty three minutes to eleven," as the case may be. Horrible npony is caused by Piles. Burns and Ski:' Diseases. Thesi are immediately relieved and quickly cured by ie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, tieware of worthless imitations. F. G. Frieke & Co. Petroleum ISrlcks. In Bavaria an effort has been made ! to introduce into commerce what may be termed solidified petroleum. Soda, lye, fat and petroleum are heated to gether for an hour and give a soap like product, which solidifies on cool ing. Sawdust or other combustible may be mixed with the material, and it can be made Into bricks for fuel. It would give a very smoky flame. Notice. Good small farm five miles south of Plattsmoulh for sale cheap if sold be fore February 1. Easy terms. Apply to J. M. Roberts, Sou'h Omaha, Neb. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Carrie K. Black, plaintitt, vs. Junius N. Black, defendant. To Junius X. Black, non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 31st day of January, 1899, Carrie K. Black tiled a petition against you in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce lrom you on the ground that you have grossly, cruelly and wantonly failed, ne glected and retused to support the plaintiff, be ing of sufficient ability so to do, and for the custody of the minor child the issue of said mar riage to-wit: Sarah B. Black, aged fourteen years; and that certain personal property, rights add credits be decreed to be the property of this plaintiff, and for reasonable alimony. You are required to answer said p tition on or before Monday, the loth day of February, lt99. Carrie K. Black, Plaintiff. By C. S. Polk, her attorney. ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL !! For Rats, Mice, Roaches, 'i?'?wA . anu Ft. 4 V Vermin. T'S A KILLER. After eating, all vermin seek water and the open air. Hence this killer is the most cleanly on earth. For Sale by all DniKtrlsts. Price, IS Cents. NEWTON MANUFACTURING & CHEMICAL CO., 95 William Street, New York. C(o3(q) Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ont onH trnir Xn other Tireoaration r nnmaeh it in efficiency. It in- 6tantly relieves and permanently cures Dvsnensia. Indigestion. HeartDurn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sicklleadache.Gastralgi a, Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestion Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co.. Cblcago. F. G. FRICKE St CO. A H l LA GRIPPE FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR Cures LA QRIPPE and prevents PNEUMONIA. It Heals the Lungs and Stops the Racking Cough Usual to La Grippe. RECOMMENDED FOR LA CiRIPPE. N. JACKSON, Panville. III., write-: "My daughter liad a severe attack of l a Grippe takes coM a terrible coun settles on ii. r Q.ll) :,n ui,1 citirw t .n ul,..ii wK.. lunijs. We t ied a great manv remedies with out giving rel et, bin- tried r'oley's Honey and Tar, which eurgd her, Mie has never been troubled with a cough since.'' "Uc. IT IS GUARANTEED. F. G. FRICKE & CO. A BQO1 TO MANKIND! R- TABLER'S BUCKEYE 7s a 1 33 oi m t-p co A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 50 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. The Leading" Paper of All tho Local News.. It Is the Only Six-Column Daily in the City. Larger Than Any Other Local Daily. A Superior News Service. If You Don't See It in THE NEWS, It Never Happened. The NEWS The The LINGERING LA ilII'Ii: COUGH CUHKD. MK. G. VACHAR.17 Osgood St. Chic ".My wile had a severe rase of l.a ippu tf.iee years ago and it lelt her v. Ilia mi y bad couh Mie tried a bottle of l-oley's Honey and laranu it gave imiiH'diale leliel ne bottle cured her cough entirely. Now we are never without a bottle ol this wondei ful Couyh Medicine in the house." ILE 2 "s q 1 pi tO CUR .1 I . . IT COA'TArxVS . 3-2 ErfX P 9 tn . . m m i- .:j -i t i - i j i ..And has been Reduced in Price to.. . . lO Cents per Week Iorty Cents per Iont7i. Does Job Right Kind of Work Right Kind of Prices GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER EMM GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. LOW RATES ON OUR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS. Leaves Kiins.'is Cily overy Friday via Colorado Sprin-t and Sennit J iouto. Southern Kouti; Ic.ivi-h Kansas City (very Wed net-day via Fi. Worth and Ft Pan) to i.os Aii'i-lt'N. TheHu oxcurnion c it s tiro nttiirhetl to fant pat-Mender tiaitiH, and their popularity i.i evidenco that wo ol!'.r tho lldnt. Wri t for handsome itinerary which drives full information and now map. Hen t freo. For eornpleto information, rates nnd herth roH'-rvalionn, hoo your loeitl ticket iij-dn t or udilross F. F. MacLkoij, A. (J. 1. A., Topeka, Kun. John Skhastian, (i. 1'. A., Chicago. E:i. VlT'SAl Hit A Ml lias new stock, new rin and lri prepared belter than over to take cart) of A General Livery Business Quick trips made to all pnrtri of tho county. Low priceH and court eous! treatment assured. STAIM.EN SIXTH AMI VIN'K SIS., I'lat tsnotii tli, Nebraska. HARVEY HOLLOWAY Coi tract oi 7 in i hi or. !'nntiat.ts t.iken Inr t lie- t.-n i ln.ii ..I Krxlili-in.et llrirni an 1 an kiml il iafctitci work, lu mhv juiti.f tlie county. ':tll mi or aiMn-ss H.A1CVF. V HOI.I.OWA V, lint turnout h. Nb the City. Printing,. Ow (i ! W