Citlens Petition the Council .Wore Arc tights. for 1'itirr A Co.. Mh- rrooo-lUou to Couu vll to I'urthDtr K-f uuilltig louU ll thl' rloa AOJourunl to Tw ilight to londilrr th M t t r r Lrg Nuiut-cr of Ittll IU-a Tho r ovular tui-etii:r of the- city co"cl Wit hold iu tho couacii ch. am ber last ovociing. wlili sill uieu'Pors pivsoul and h: h"iur, Ma) or Uiohey, i- tho chair. The niiuiU'j of tho previous tuoetir:ir woro r a I and ai'p-oved, a::d the ecu u ci'. prcccodod with routit'.o husti-.oss. A ivlltii'i. s'Ci'-cJ by a hiro turn Kr of Vusiues Irion, ascitic that JoM' b'.tii'A'.riocx oe i:lvotJ a posi- t;o: on tr.o :v ico icvo vas ro.w oy the clot. Ss'.'.or rv.ovoi that the: j-otit'.ou t-o ro'otvod co tho pol.oo com ::t;t'.o, out White objected to this. Ho stated that thoro was 1:0 vaoar.oy on tho force, amended Satilor's mo tion tv havirr tho petition placed on r'le, which carried. A pciif.cM ytcr.od by t v-outyvr.e o it .'O'o.s ;i-Vv::-ji .m Arc Itht to t'.acc at oo. to. a :-. 0. cm .rti;s a'.so rvA s'.a'.od l- ti :':u pet it to a :: w3, ho '. . v .vj o r-o-.l .'str'.A'- :. :: : h w ;. c : r. Ve r h ood t tr.tevs.' How- j o tl--. .: sc o -or, t' v .. co.: : its way C'.VA- to rT - th ... i . ... : it . roso.'.t. . v ... .. A A".i i sO VO". A t:. o .: . a : .'. c '.i t- o ': its wAy i .. . s c " too r ." to x:::; : i .: " - VO ." " r.'.i'.d to of v .. u'. av..l o V . A o ilt'o. io A - r. : v A A S ' '. A.':" ' o. '.v. i. o r-oco-ot ooie rtA.t a: a.i.'pttfd .. t , : . ... 1 0 i o r o- a o.:?:v.,ror of tho i-o-.v.o-tod to co-oo- j v: ?.s t:.orv.i. as s oo -o '. oc 0 -.u : 1 1 o o tt:-":c -'-o th o to o t : ; r o . t u' s is re -arc ri o. - - Aj . a to wito:" rAio. reco;voi iv lot ".'o a .: o c "oi- o. j -e ? t e o lot tor- 5 .'. f r t : -.v oc to bo to ra so, ; , o r i. t o . o .s oo c : a 1 '. y .-wood ?v tho A V .. A.s-o eoo voc voo. tho s.'ttt :" .v t: o h w rv riw'.vt': by i 4 AS O po r t o ict o . ; r n . 1 h rx-1 : .::. o o St tod. o os to -. 0"S co. i d .: Ou fo s.-vo.vod. a a-.1 h'AU y ' s '-. -'- a:: i iX- .-, :. ' ; : f. M. ; S. oo o .-e o y o U:0S. ol:o , : v v :. : :. i te o - to . ; -.v to A - St T".';v'i '. ' CO to -cts: to. : .J. :. t.oo V. l;..:tts -t toe p-?o--t t. . W. '.V . C vA.os v-f 'ho HO 1 '... AS :i tho 00 0 0 t. " jT L:d t:d? a stAVovov: tu roAod v the bur-'-.v; o..t o? t :.- .rj.--ro.-ooo- At bis bo:.-.. H rot c':: L so-'.i. bo ho.oL :o avo ay rsocos.olo for the caoj;-. -.v. 2 w':o ti -O'oo--oi wtVt t .-. o - was t:o" to his o -i v . s.a:.:. , A.o.i bo o o v ootiio abo--t 1 0 .1 oo ti'. .-:;or it hv- o. 0. 00- - o. ' : be-.-i d.-v.-.v.-.. SO OA 0 O S O S rJO VOd t 'i A O tho : ,- V. C:o- rd V. V '.U-v 1- Oi-'i OOOOO.AOV y r'0-te -' t At to. o tA. v ' o -th ; ." ;vi - -. ; t to v X o : ; o t oo so. ,tto was re i treat as a : 0 ."'t in SSU It Cf WhiV? bo r ; : ; -rvc to b vo -v r to act. ."0 tie u as 0 a - Oi Oo., a.v X ) t '1 V .. re 0 as..- c' .-is. I'bo.-e are bcu :s vbi.-i col roods c shx. -A-.-r'.h o.' ol-dos H'h s-?.?. ao.o2 j- t ye- 0-. '. " : 'to or v t : 0 : : at sc- : -aivg to-soct. ooc- o-;ut roads of X tii storm HV'O: at 5 00- :-o: i 1': .. oomya.iy od"irs to ta.v j .- too ':.-' .is at 5 yer cea t. which v-ou-i. 00 1 j;u:::A to tae oty 0 yur y-d,o. Too o.saace ooiri - ttoo was tostruoto-i to consult with Mr. :'tooot: :-oc ay a:: ' be -eiiy to maao a reyo i too ig'ot. 01ai-as o-.-'.um.ttvjo rej ;ctcd toe o; iat ci 'oh ol. fcleit. ausou f-.X' iia.- to b'.a ::.. as a -osu t 0; the case cf v-aolcicd t-u tu s iloooi. th tttsmouth. The -ci aitu c;l .' H. Hootou foe 514 jt' board, b o be: :g ; a ti -:ed a" the same boioi, reeel ed she s;tm-j f ate. At tots . :7-.-tuoe tjatver i-j Seceded 'or She he.-el u-.a.i. tls sa.d Shit there were Items i u oiaom wh;o'i tile 0. ty ought to cay. aai f-avicred reeoriag all or tiicm to the ci aims ccijjm ttee tiias t. 0 :g cioitns m;gh- bo tj..iiu ya..i Ca.-ried. Ou :jj;t.-.'fi et t?.vts. er wtri-kuts were crd.'red i-i vi en She v-tr ms fuids for the ya.yneat 0 so-j 'oil o vi 1 g bills: F G lr-i.!i-4 i i-':;. inic :-i .jo.i u .'i lu-.i.l.l S I SU A. H tVi-:S ).ii:'l, m:be i L J!Liuwv. 'iiur M Kiait, -v;.'; ,-V. H -V j -;-ac ::. C-jh.. i d : i5 ; . r-' ;5 i 75 1 ;u i:: ui s j -.a . SI iU : w i S3 S -i ni : r& . : ai VJ'U F G i-':-i..-ij!'.J,:ii'l a t'a!T3 '.V-;ci Vitit.-! I taii':r. -a.m.- S IT Cn!U.n.ii. ''ii--'i:i..u Mil cvs Iti c -.t'.-t-U. -.c.i.iis. If'JiUK'.T , : -fv;t( nv:;u L S-lti'-V. cu: uliii ij it ".1 it :. i !i O- vi : ti :' :'- J K. Ci.. :ii'if- D 'V rihiui, lil -111.11 !.-' :J.:.:i:-:: cI;;js.i.v o. :.ef -:ui' -i coiMJJi.jd.itiori of twjjw. ti; s.i-ujias tney recsi vc'd !a.'0 good as th.h i;d of tho t'oi' puitctt. Wliito' Suoic th trumps' -;d-i i 1 th-s d'cu.sion. Es tii.mrf'is is veuilbtj boU-sr t. !;. tli-ooi siep ia tho puiica rin ho pry upvn tho eir.iea pUco hnd boon Instructed toruntbem out ' to it Kxsiblo, but when they cttno I i lat j tit nljhl it would bo bet tr 10 :ito thorn shelter than to allow thctu to about town. The o'ork road a rinin resolution, which had been drawn up by tho council, n rojfard to the proposed Greater American Kx position. The ros I'.utioa whs adopted and the clerk was instructed to secure the g uature of so;ue of tho business men and for ward a copy to Conirsman J. B. Strode at Washington. An ordinance roulatlcjj salaries of,-00-fireman wj road the third time and j Try a "Gut passed, j Wurl and you Horotd stited a crossing on Seventeenth street needed repairing- aad tho street commissioner was " struoted to Iook after the matter. After tho council participated in a lorthy discussion ia regard to l Proisition of Vllr & Co., to pur - chaso tho V.Knds tho couteil adjourned --. . . . . f.-.'tin.' thr if ii.issih.e. o . r RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS C V. OLsen. the Burlington's super-; iatendect of bridges, and his assistant, D. C Wovxlriu. were in the city ou company business today. i KoaJmaster t . o i.aceii oc tr.e Ku-l iatca in the city today, Foreman i U- teimer of the IJur'.inton is surTertc from a seve'e attack cf the grippe. ce.ved iftcen '.oef.-or-s f-o-n. the V ad were tak:i to fort Crook this ctornicc for u?e ia carryini meatbers of the TA-eHty-socora icf.iatry to Saa c'-a-o.oLsv.-o. Yardmister Macohester took the cars to ihj fort. Toai Julian today. as dowa from Gibson A fast traia of tea cars, loaded with to, parsed through the city oa the Evurl:?v-;oa today. l's destination was New York anl it maHe the -2! atisoe- stfirrs. from Lincoln to Facino Junction ia j The Eblnger SU.-d. one hour aad twenty miautes. icclud effe-iag for sale a tog stops. ! stovos o.i cost. N-- P- C. A. Hull, tae Burlington; .. . - Ttxo tvoiinf loa.ff. Tho concerts r-:ged f by the ; 'Wa t'' -lu's aro uudoub ed'y the , n cost set of ccccerts that nave ever ; beer, ia the city. Herr Gt'fia, ' the ta'e :ted ptaais: of Omaha, has1 roo a secured for the n-st coaoe-t oc j Jai.ttry St. Kerr iba has played i -v -".st w - a tae L ympeo-y -o-itra ard with other hee cocce-t -..- ..-.'iiticas wi.a undoubted success. He l chosen as oce of tie s.-. cists for the coccorts given by the oou-io deoartmeat of the Omaha's club ia r-r-.-fere-ce to other v.-ists tr-o: sboa.i because of his vop o.l irity as a piiaisi The vey fact that he is engaged again aad again aai always plays to large audiecces sceaks well for his ability. Ie has pre; g-a: i stooag aad popular rro- He will be assisted by Mr. r-ucker of tats city, who has not been bivd iu coerce -t her for some time, cl.s recent successes before the Council i'lufs Woman's club and also before the 0 h Womaa's club are au to it he has irojra as 3 artist since his last ayoear'aaoe, scd will lead 5iJ pec pi to etyecS more cf this fcpiar s.oger than bertcore. H will siog several new numbers. 0:lbert L'ldgersoc. who was chi'-ged wita sheeting at youag Oorceiius Ken nedy about a wwek ago. wa give u a bearing in -J us sice A re her' co urt to iy. He entered, a y.ea of act guilty and was bo-ua.l over So She March Serou cf d-s-ics cours in 5dW beau, his father, Williata: Kdgerwa. furoisaiag oh e sa me. LCoU-o-vieg are she real estate tr-aas-fers of she couuty as receried in she o.of ce ef Kcccrder of Deeds Hay; L. !.;. :i! fj S. vVUnina.H. cts s: !:5-o;-:.J s I Vv . j-tur ami w.ti co V . T wi. ! --;. ii.i 4. J ru.-i;.s. MM HI .?: s. :3; i ii-i i:tu w-li: w T. W S;v;m, oc -'ri 1-UJ U ;. '.: Uemaitiiag uacalled for as the yost cdice as t'tatssmouth. Jan. i. t!: V ytietiai. M ik-piiy Whert c-aiiiiig for any at the above .esters nieiase ssaj "-id vs raised. M O. K. SxiTH. F'oscaaasser. A new ertneriraejit haj heea ttr-ed in the New Tcrit peiiiteatiary an Biac-t.-well's Lsiand. and so far i" has proved wender-ail7 suceessfoal. A thousiaa-i eatsriuihag and iastr-icUg vjiume hav been, added t-J the libra -v, and the pr-sc-aers are allowed tu reaJ frta 5. J'J tu 3 a. m. The ari-tleg9 is eager ly embraced. Lz" a man ia rebellious he is ieari-ved c his respite La the read-iag-cocm. and as a corxseuencs th aimher -o' insahcr-iiaatss hats dmpged jrecroy aearly 73 aer ceat. A.-eor-iing tu tie Loudoa Hecuoical .s -.ev one of the moat aovi yi '?ms of eiectricul canal tcvag-s aha: bus yet been tried us aiciaif v'-th s:i..-i grea: stieess tha; th lia Us tu be jntaa-ied some 3ffb7 aaili. Saiald rucit trier cius. euai39d witH si'Vfir nioturs. rum along a Trench tcv-aato. taaia tjr comas L'ruai an cer-hend Vx. Thes are ( safScientiy no verfrxi ta aVrair toa boat at a speed of t.5 midw aa hour. W'uilj tin system. U aoc cheaner tijaa aniniai hauiogi. jvt the aoed. U greater and the service Try regular. There ure t-vo gaerutia jiaata. eacil uf -t)U horsa-nawer, aaa it eaca ead cf tas lintf. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall. A. W. Atwood, tho dru'ist. Tele phone 27. Sam Ciutman ef les M.-ine is iu the city on Insure in tho Ciorui iu American. Fred Ebiuer, A;out. See the Sp4ci-h-Am--rioan r :ii nv at White hall toaUht. Mrs. A. H. Todd depi.-ted this after noon for a visit with friends at Mc- tloil' will m r.J oy O .ti smcKo no othr and M s. W. L .ti 0;U-ih i t'.i c' ir. Mrs. Charle? iltds ; PioKett wore vi-itit:,: , aflerno-ju. :tody ceral beuework. la,;uL cf Mrs Sim l'at'.ersja. 1 is in the city visitir. her iii.:;h:er, ,r. i r- t r. Janitor work ef ail kiuds, .tific- j tioa guaranteed by iclfe: a- S-et- pArj Vme street. ; O. M. Tucker of rl htMile Grcve ; precinct vas traaaotia business ia ! the court house -today. ! Hr. J. A. Ha.iete:er of Lou v.l.e : was in the city to-iay aa.i -.v-r-it to , Omaha oa the fast mat.. The fclbiCier Elardwa-e compiTy .s : seliic skates at cost. IV - v -s tee time to ;cet your sk es. ; Mrs. Liii.e Ha d: n is 4 jit-.- r.i wth rheumatism at the boio cf her I pareats. Mr. acd rs. L-" ti. Si.imkc-. SircueL t?r-auta.r i? very ill -vith . aa atta.'k cf ripC'?. tlis coaiL-.ct is i cos 5 id e red quite ssrto .-s oa o.o-oooo.t f : his ae. ! "Mr. Bob." wi hem-o t:l-:rt S ay. will be given Fob. 15 a-d U - t Wh tc's h -1: j for the beccit c; the rob.;o u?:.--v. j Wait for it. ineMojvrt C-.n wu. meo-t at tre home of Miss Pora Fro:.e rr:s evec in; it T:5i.'. Metr.bers rn-e to re- ire c ."tn ui j :s c: its heating is tou ocvo - tu ;v to iet a :j.ia. Mrs. Fo- d L da jgnter a-riTsct c e-'ct tie i m a to e a- vi-tt w. n m r's mothso at Ne v.0-1. Ia. J. LI. Th'-asho:-, ...s -geu: J. LI. Th'-ashsr, ...s -geut for Ame:can ire i.:s-r.uce o. ro .ty, n .s adj a-ted tho cs? o L u..-O n's in ht- ire -cou. a w.e g . cr,; wxa.a?s. r :. wtei:rwuri -.a 5:0 -v cr. ?s ao- .voot oa jj-, e-,-erv eeaia 11 t-ne..- torn u- Lie cc by Tclf.r . ;;tia. i. The cineora-oo s.o a: 'A'::'? bait. Tuescay. g.vl Scrsntsi American iaterestirg and II -ceues c. toe wj r. w.,l be v;ry 11 draw a b: g crod. Waased. D:sSrlcs man i.g-rr for c'd c'd aLts- ;-, L.ce iiio t-iiratnee cemya:v. f;r t' t2w-ut-b 7 d v.cntty. G-.' d cocto-,c"i 'o rtxht party, fc'. O. fc... ?? i Lieoou. Po oes fo get too pa a 1 h - A m s "r ..m 1 cia-"ogr-apu -wt r she v at W bite's cyer-a hjuse touigh. Tee scenes a.-e tu estiog and lie sue i b g h i y -.ev.oo-meeiued. J . fct. T. rasher 2J? : r -al J a ti. i -ty -three acre Soaot cf i aoi. w;to fru s. geed bouse, barn a:d otbor icut'-e '-;-men .s. Wi' 0.- ie foo :. c--re ad balAoce ctb. bead toe advirsisemeuts iu tie Sswj and t.-aie vn.v wis. a tboc .ec oie wo-.' striicis y--c r iMt-cc g?. L'o tse are toe '. i -e -tj : r: 0 a:r ss tb at c b-..s -ess 00 s-?e vr;:-c:y'o o, .:t-.-.t sa.' es aud smaii 'ji-o.:ss. U avrKi1 Loca! tru-j men to sol ou r 01 is. g e au-i ia'. u--u 00 co . ii . -ii. si "J c vs; v v s.. ;s ;e S.-o-, oc ij a s.u njo pr: res lev. 'cwiuers. C e-eees a t'e -. a t'-?3oo ru o . rioe. s. It'i. : U a - i . : . 1 Louis Olse z is e-v '. :-d Faime: bl -.:. wi'.n :-'. i.--e- n-i a a, i. Ke ba- hi-, hi- vb es '0cd couditio j and carries a of cizars. toba-:co, Eli i t t.'je bit. it rd :.-..t iu ; 1 i L ; s 1 tos b is ' frieo Js to cal I aad sec ol'u. b"upo.-iatei:dout L:iue ef toe N;-br-isita Ts. ephoc'S cocwiy v-j.s : Sown today si i c.-n2 uromissd -vita toe com miss. Oiie.-s in reg-vd So to; Sele-;;hoH-;s. Th sy ;i ra. 1 ag-eed to a ee y three ';;hoce.T in the ;oe on U .leer. The funeral of Wen s v -m o a sh s-o i d iiss.e L..i diugO tcrr : m. the Mr. and ji-s. Jesse S.-h.w:f ir. ro.-. puce this af Seraoeu as She famiiy r's; donee, coa-iucsed by Flcv.. TuogMt! of the ! ChrUsuaa cnaoe-n anc to-; r. tciaius ver-e l-al-i So r-ss iu Deputy Sheri-f J-tk oa it ee?TJ iiiCry. J D. MoRr-d-; hrcugiis hisiits.e sen. D- hem-? frra the Iethedi-S hcspiiai at t.""nai:a 1 ass evening. Is vis found aece s ;:i i-y to purnovj soe ey; o il iod tii; eoer-is.-ra vas success uily perr"erm-,d list Thurs day. The List e fei e v s nov g-;!Siig alon a. 1 righ". Iu pu'raonarv try a i ti:e iir-'.-t aetioa of 3.(ii i"d'? iiocehou 1 i rns upon tile til r 'at. eh-sn a:M l ings, i.n-m-'diaswy -ir-est the -n ! -in by -lie vt a r ti: distress, cusiiag the piliegm -in'I freeing riie vocal aid hreathi ig- r-gins. ?n :e dl n-i wnia 5 C FriiMte ci C-. Til Tattooed dogs ar no v the fosiion in Ljadoa. A coat cf arms or a mono gram is axtarirsd. ca the tiruat or hfiast cf the animal. The process is made almost painless by the use cf cocaine. - J matioii. FvLe; 1 and . i ceats. W. Jr. I'itl.tiUil Slepiliuict SUwJl Ajara.iilv. j 'S' test J 4 Lb. It requires the annuai slaughter of : I'JU.'JtJU eiepaaats to k-;ep tie wurid j Th; outiiiou oi all smears is thas supplied tytth Ivory. Great Britain ta "Ouc lied' is ta best u oenS ci aloa uses ag th pr-.ducc of o.-JiHJ e!e- ! r Lc on ta-a marHut Otui Wan. mau- phaatrs, ar L'J'JiJ, iwu puands. j To tl m Ciood t Qe. T J tii i'e-jpiof l".tJsr.!o-ti Tho rublie library if this city has atout 70 subscribers with an average di.y circulation cf 3. and has 1,240 booris, only 7"0 of wbioh are in Tiod condition. It is true a slight tas is levied to meet the eapecses of the libriry, lut not to meet the growing dc mar.d for additlocal bocks, or to re place those that are worn out Tie continuance cf the library depends to a eat extent upon the generosity cf the citiers of this cocmuaity. No argument is needed in favcrof the maintenance of the library, be cause its value and worth to this city are apparent to erery one. It atTords the school children an opportunity to come in contact with the beet authors which otherwise would be iecied them, ittod as a medium for the d.rT i s ion ol knowledge it htvs no equal. For the purpose then of purchasing k-o to take the clace of thep-e which h.tve become useless from wear, and fo- the adding of new books to the L:br ;,rv, we ask you to contribute such sums as you m y desire. The libra rian is authorised to receive contributions for the teaerit cf the Ubra-y. With coaideace that oce an I all feel a ieep interest in the success of our public library, its board of direc tors make this request for immediate contribution. Very 11 cspectfu'.iy. P 15. SMITH. P. .. D w yes, CitA-. t. M': M k. T. WaLLtN'v, MKs. EI E" fr.S. S. WaCH, ElnVti-V EIeu- -ld. L: brarv 15-M-d. IatiLV Clr TkliM. Recent investig-icion ia tie pr'.soas . J T 1 -. l:a have revealed a curious phys- r - g:;al coniitioa iaiioed by tl: teres f:r the purpose of -ecretiag valuables. They allow a heavy lefcd bullet to l:de d ; v: the throat, and keep it ia i.osi tioa for hilf-aa-hoar at a time. Ia u'rout a year a aoach i.s f:rmed. into A-hL-h anything unier the .size cf ten .pees may be tins:, without inter- ; fering with speech or breath. A real thtef g-l'-.ed witi some histrionic power is able to use tie stolen contents of Ivs tirca: as an ail to an appearanre of innrcen-:-? wien he is bet-5 search ed. At present tier" are in Calcutta jail twenty prisoners wio nave suo-'.es-f-i"y a;sim;.Iito-i themselves to rtrnkeys. in order that tiey mdgi: wt:a p--:it take jevels anl m:ney. n vi m o o V u dg' ested to m-et at the Vv" L-desoay afti recce it teed the funeral 1 f giber L-'re-i Loc zeah-gen. J3 Lass V. C W:uL O-'Ouutr-os. Clev. lei.- Wiclt Yol.' i :;. d.-ra'-i G-tin-O m de f-:m -.-.; -e g-alos. A .n'y write-: "The 1-st tire 1 mile GnoOii i not .i t is nut after using is f r one wee'i rtcsa'cg would leduce mi to go ba; to ivi'ic." it nourishes and frds toe svstem. To s chtd en c tu drin'i is ? no y wti great bene is. Es is she ss-eeg-.b ?"tng subst.noe cf c-i-e - - z- ir-j-i t paoicige :o-di7 froci o..-t--. 1-e. and d:c .emm-mai authorities of Ghent have decided to provii? tie policemen en night duty with dogs capable ef them in the event of attack. Thi experiment is an interesting '-;ie. ani in towns where it has been tried it is sai i to have yteided eiceilen: re sults. This Is not the only police re form -Yob i.s -o be introduced in cel stiam. At 5enaerbeei. one cf the s u ouros ef S-usseis. all tie policemen w-li nra be prjvid id with bicycles, spec 1: she-is for wi:ei are to be oen str;.:';.' i- xll the police stations. T e j.-:;j ual meetng ci tne s5C:.i. j. 0 :j see til g Ci boi iers f so tatsmouth i?:f .-ad T e- c.-iSta Ma.iu'acSu-ii g ".-o.npany v:: be bo d is the coble; of T. !:I. t'-.u-I -c. r- .'i o uaryiT. as 7. ft.' p. m. J. G. KiCUSY. tVesi.ds.ut. "l IE t'OLi-CCJi. So.-re.ta.". In ancient times b aria is veoe alvaya outside the -vails or a citr or tuvx Indeed, before tie roue ef Cho'sttaa- r-r rr n.-r - . X .,.. r,.. ..... I vttira the iimtts. the siitta eeaturv About the ea-i c it. A l.gustiue 00- tained of K;tig Stheibert 1 temae of idols used by the It -lag before his .-cavirscB -and made a baryiig place of it. and Sr. Cutiben after-vard ch ta:ned leae ef the pi-ee 1 A. D. 73d 1 to hav yards made to the cherries s:i:ta b.'e f-;r the hartal of the -lead. O'ughs colds come uninvited. bus you on -;uictiy gi3 rid cf them -viti a f-;-v -i:s-s of Pal ird's Eoreh.eun.i yuo. Frvre 15 n i cenr s. St G. if"! cite cc .'o. Ther ar; 4..1 naner m in the 'vur'.-i. an-i tiey prud i:e ana. ually i:M. JUD tons of pa.oer. About half th s 'Viaatiry, or 4-i.T. !t)t) totLi. is uei for prbnting purposes, neoriy SUO.-JOU teas of iz guing for ne vspajers and period icals alone. The government oxfitres of tie Tor'd -ronaume UU.-lOO tuas. tie schools DO.'.IW) tons, cccinierre td.lOU tons, aad trades about JOoliJi) tuns, vhilsr private ieros. etc., make up 12VIU0 tons. These paper milhs em ploy uT'). inn ban-is. c-vu-tiirda cf "vh'.-m arri -vomem Hard eesii doi i?ei"-:d to ;iay part cf Sue :i:y r;r 57. 10 oer SOi:. and the ai-ri.vj.-iU uTeadoLa coal Ueiiver-fd fur 4d5 ot;r ton. JOfTN Persons vho lead a lif-f cf e.-iausure ar; subject r,u rheu'C atism. aeur-ilg a and i urn') age. viil jid a v-aiuahio remeuy in Bai a rd's Snow LluimmiS; it v:ii baai!ii pains and subiiue Latia- afauturur REMEMBER THE MAINE. "apt. la 9tb DdI That th ary I This Motto. Cutt Sljrsbee. writing of th destruc ju of hU battleship la the January Vtitur;. . denies that "Remember the 'lu.i.-" lsej a raof'o by th av iu the late ar with apala. H i.'.- i;. !: ates tt perfectly proper use cf r.- :-;!' by patriotic Amtricaas. He --s '.Ve have heard m-och of the '-t:o. Remember the Maine." If -e ar- satisSe-i that th Mala was iowa up from the cutaide ' have a : a: to remember hr r.itb lad'.aaa r.. bat wi:hjut more con. Lulve evi we tow have, w arr tot a e ctare crlmicAhc to ter-k-'l-- Therefor I conceive that the v. -:o. Rmecaber the Min--,"' ued - a -:tr cry would not have Lee a i-t.rii;- I should lili io c;j.a tr.e -''it her, as I have ma 1-? :t e'se 'bat this great aa i free .-oaa-y. '-'h its eduatioa. tv! la-eacloa f 'iaiv-rsa: moral iaf. :a. may f j ' '-ir to puaish. Lit not ro revet.. 'rr-;roprty apph-.i. the "'Re ' -"-:--r rbe Malae." savors too m .;ch f r-?-r.e. too muob of evil for evd. ,j- it tiii; be u?e.i in aa entirely vorthy .-ease. Dur:az f-g recent war '!h i?ja.!a about evea.-y-riv- a- -a -?re killed aai oua-.i-l ia the Un:;-5-1 State.s aavy. Oaiy rdto wr filled. Oa board th Mai- r vo b i- drd aad hfty-four men vre kl:d ! outrun:, aad others d:ed later m;- ! thaa seventeen ttme-s aj njay a. vr ! iiile.f ia the Uaited States aa-y by the ! Spanish Iaai aai naval forces durin j -he entire war. Ia the way taat tie ! trira cf the Maine d:e.i and stfferel i there was enouzh of the hero-:.: to pro viie a s:::ni founiatloa for :he mot-'"P-eme-'ter tie Maine." Let iismis t-e prevailiaz inora :hat motto was use-i ia the United S-5- tates navy ia the re'a: ar- n a battle signal. No United States vessel has en:-re-I into ao'toa u va i tne signal. -Remenzbr the Mi lie." I am gla.l that it can be so star-.;, yet ay exruse many mistaken im pressions of the heat of action. THE CHOU. is Oi of ti liii Ui Tie Cite c-rntinttes to holi ::s own is a detail cf dress. If it is prevalent m r. ?ry. it is epidemic upon gtwns ps. ani no woman's war fro be complete w; tho at several varieties tie article. Tirse varieties are ia diffsren: fabrics as -veil as in different plied to diffsren: costumes a; iiffiren: timss, so tia; :i? effict c- anotisr garment entirely :s obtained. Tiis is especially tr.e of evening gowns. wii;i, ontiy c blaoi or all wiite season, ire susceptible to su:i on i but few women are above tie economic nsed of making use cf is Veivs: ribbon used to be the chief material c; which tie ciou was is latterly sui mus.m, cn: gaue iave been cons.dered f:n m-:re elegant. Erigit ooiors are em Jleysd to a .a.ried degree, ani from tie original round ciou there has Lat terly been a tendency toward elonga tion, but it is still called a oheu. Tie kiitri cho-'i was in high faor Laz sea- son: tnis year there is a return to ti ! shna;Iy fathered effeiit. If yoa want j to enliven, your heeje or ia iown : -uu tne very tatest ueve.Oi; meat or ; -h crt. however, you will, ia stead of I ; tie ciou. pin on your car-sag one or : ! 'he big iz-JZ he winces of narrowest i 1 velvet that are spreading their wings j in all ju.s: now 3 iz : just now Nett season we v. i aii probability, return to the ciou A .-ombiaation of aa o-ld ity'e party aai a ne v one Ls the candy bee ani j ciaing ilsh party, says tne y:v To-ri ; H;rali. To malts randy in ti; cualng : j :ii is a ireat deal m-:re fin than j j grtng out into the kitoien in : -viking 1 ! ovsr ti; cocliing rang-;. Svery co. i ' can have a hxad tat it. It ;s fur more j cc.ers; tney are sometimes attached , permanently to a frock, bu: oftener ' tiey are a detaoiaiie detati. to ce ap ; m I'.'i -riiolter and fastsr 01 the cnaing j-sh Anyotiecan.-es vena,; ieea3outh Sixth Street. - : :n toe nauit qZ ma.tong in a grin..:- ! utile or in the skiiiet can be made :n ! j tie d sh. and the latter ir n i-ra i j m-rre easily handled. Wae.i the -no v : 1 is fresaty fallen, tie m-tsr enticlng d tsi is maie vu melteii ma.o.e saar i The strip i:s ery nice too tills j-ir- - :" ril 1 2J.. -L.J ii' i.-l-T -IJ. i.-r-.i. I for sole in tie g ;rer'es. As s;i;a us it is melt-id an-i oecemes 1 1 "; tu.-:k uga-a it us sgr'nkied I'gatly over 1 oiattar or ulat; fill cf. -no v an-i hao-i-eas in. the m:sr ieiigiitfii and arrisr.-..; tncery in the sa-rv. It us also a par candy to eat. Boiled rream can i.e need to be stirred ccasr.aatl.- -v.itle over the lama, as do caramels. Ta.Ty made in this "vuy is deiiejas. Si.Mc:n J The cease cf Sngiand for th-; past sixty lays has been lashed by a series of dene giles. -vlica ha-; iriven up vari of i haadred ships ashore, many of them i-rpeiess vre:!tts. The less of life has been considerable. Durii this period the usefulness of the rock et liie-sa-ruig apparatus has been more than ones prov;n. The a-niompanying photograph shovs the launching of one cf these modern ievtces to send 1 hn-i tu tie stranded vesseL The piijrn gnpa -v-ia instantaa:us aad caught bcti. line an-i smok; -vith -vou-ierf il sharpness. It is also uxstnet:-'-: :'n that it sievs lev far the roirker. had traTeled during the brier of ex posure, a frictica of a second. Tid you coavtturs aim yua :o-iu y-n C'ementin " "Cf coarse. to-d nion. I loved him as veil as i .' u hiaus-if. ' I'M oa The 3oukmua has heard af a S:ur-ii , professor h.j has been adTOL-acia the advantages cf athletic atrsrciye. ! "The Roman routha." he cned. "-used ta s-viun three times acruns the Tiher hefore hreakfasc" The icotoh pru fsssur 'llr., viy iu yuu smile We shall he auad co share yuur am .use mean. ' The o-aa-ny -."jn repiled. "I was iust tiiia-kin, sir. that the Rumaa 7autaa most have !Hft rdheir ciutaes ca ths wrua haaa at till ead of tieir soviai." Jua Grippe Will not bother you if you take an occasional dose of DOCTORS The Purest Medicinal Whiskey Made. $1.00 per Bottle. Sold only by... GERING & CO., DRUGGISTS. & tttttttttttttttttt New Hardware Store Kavinr rciurroi t-"- Platt.-rr.-to welcome all my old cu.sMrr-.. a-d show then a -elect line : Tinware azd anything' u-u.illy c: hardware store. Be -sure ani intere-t vou. :au. a -5 I JOHN Rockvood Block, JBetter Tlian Ever s E.HALL&SON ..HAVE THE ONLY.. Stove for Earlv Autumn, As well as the wor-:. Hardu" are. inter. A full VTcatho: Lin- Tin Work and Roofing a Specialty. Our Low Prices have hu'lt u; we will maintain by c.'-ntinulr-o T f tne t S. E. HALL & SON, ..Practical Tinsmiths.. THE NEWS Job FOR FINE FOOTWEAR There Is no place like Joe FETZER'S i he best class of Omaha are here at from 51 to S2 cheaper per pair. Ve make a specialty of High Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. Ve are g-lad to have you come in and see cur stock WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. As l.t Lire ci FALL a-i vVINTEK iSHOES in. ill suit .ill c!a..- -ij.r r rI! i V 6 paiG trie Vrr ar.G benefit of heavy DISCOUNT. COME IN AND SEE US... JOE 413 Mam Street. : Malt Whiskey ' ': t : : : ; ; 1 a- Ti Hirdv-- i a rl: t-C. r - me r-.ce-- t-.a tv R. COX, PLATTSMOUTH It' Ch-rar. ani anl trad-. Ah- - Piattsmouth, N does Printing goids to be found n -vill give vou the FETZER, Piattsmouth, Neb. Th. mavr statud thaG th cillafofj,