TO A CONFERENCE. SUNOL WRECK INVESTIGATION Agulnaldo Desires to Learn Aims of This Government. the 'imtiI OH A ;?(! cm to the K,(unt uixl Mini rn I ho l"urinen of the Conference Vn 11 Mutual I iiclerstuulliif of the l'olicU-H, Aim. Klc, of Ihtt I'eople of the ("lilted ttatea. iiiNlioS, 11. The Manila cor l'l'Hpondeni of tho Morning Post Bays: - "Them whhuii important eon fereneo last i!V!iiinjf between duly authorized Aineric.-iu and Filipino committees at tho instance of Auinaldo. Tho lattor appointed (Joneral Fiores, Colonel Aquilles and Senor Torres. Major CJenoral Olii appointed General Hughes, Colonel Smith of the Cali fornia regiment and Judge Advocate Crowd)r. "Concnil Otis said the purpose of the conference was a mutual under standing of the policies, aims and do sires of the peooloof the United States i ..r m iinu u Lin.- i mi i ppincs. mure was a frank discussion." WASHINGTON', Jan. 10. It can be stated on authority that such news as has boon received from General Otis today is rather assuring than other wise as to tho situation in the Philip n,1,.-:nes and that ho made no allusion to a hostile collision. lie has been in structed to uo genileness in dealing with tho insurgents and to adviso and co-operate with Admiral Dewey. There is some reason to believe that tho present situation may bo protracted lonirer than would be naturally ex pected and that there will be no open hostilities immediately, if at all. The question has arisen hero as to tho exact purposo to be served in at tempting to seize Iloilo. Originally it was intended to Veleaae the Spanish forces there besieged, but by their evacuation of that place they have re moved that incentive, and were it not for the falso encouragement it would give tho insurgents there is no doubt that tho United States troops would not bo moved against Iloilo. Meanwhile a cordon is expected to bo drawn around the island of Panay and also I,uzon, should it be deemed necessary to prevent the. further supply of arms and munitions to the insurgents. Probably the gunboats now thero, or enrouto there, will be reinforced by tho Machias, Minne apolis and Vicksburg. Abandon Spanish King. SANTIAGO IMS ClJIJA, Jan. 11. Tho Menendcz line of steamers, tho most important coastwise mull company, to day transferred all its vessels from the Spanish to the American flag, cele brating the event here at a luncheon given on board the JoseOta. Tho pro ceedings were marked by great en thusiasm. The heads of the various municipal departments were present and Colonel Beacora, adjutant general, congratu lated the Menendez company on the change of Hags. Several toasts were proposed, the commodore of the line proposing the health of General Leon ard Wood, military governor of San tiago. Tho toast wiis received with cheers. In the course of his remarks the commodore said that under General Wood they all ' felt absolutely safe, whatever Hag they unfurled, as Gen eral Wood was not a mero politician, and he hoped that the day would come when the military goveror of Santiago would be governor-general of Cuba, a sentiment, that was enthusiastically cheered. The Jockey club will hold a three days' meeting on Washington's birth day and the two days following, with horse racing, athletic sports and a foot ball match. The Cubans are anxious for the success of the venture. Receive No Word From Otia. Washington, Jan. 11. It was said at the war department today that ab solutely nothine had been heard over night from General Otis at Manila touching the itate of affairs there. When inquiry ws made relative to a report that there had been a meeting yesterday near Manila of a commis sion selected jointly by General Otis and Aguinaldo it w;.h pointed out that under the large discretionary author ity conferred upon him by the depart ment and in conformity with the presi dent's express instructions to exhaust all peaceful means of adjusting the difficulty with tne insurgents, General Otis has full authority to adopt such methods without asking express per mission from the department. His course is thoroughly approved by the president up to this point. A rather interesting question is raised by the meeting -of this commission as to whether it does or does not constitute a recognition of the insurgonts,but the general opinion is that it does not, the matter being one of purely national concern, with which do foreign nation has a right to interfere. Meanwhile the meeting of the commission has served at least to avert a crisis which seemed impending in the Philippines and that the statu quo will be main tained, at least until tho ratification of the pending peace treaty. Real Kstate Transfers. Following are tho real estate trans fers of tho county as recorded in the otlico of Recorder of Deeds Hay: Klizabeth Haas and husband to J. M Leit lots 15 and 16. blk H, M urdock wd. . . . 80 Flora Donovan to Loren Leiner lot -1. C. SEineyind wifeto" j'. D.'i-ynu' lot's 10 and 11. blk 1. Llmwood wd " ,w County Clerk Robertson has pre pared a bill of the costs of boarding Company li last spring before the com pany was mustered into the service, and will present the same to the legis lature, that the county may bo reim bursed. The bill amounts to some thing over $000. One of the lioillrn Taken From the lt-hri SiiiinI to lie -'lllauk" K-lIlt-lc. SlDNKY, Nuh., Jan. 11.-Tho coro ner's jury has been in session tonight and examined th oo witnesses on the train wreck. Engineer Congdon, who was on the first section of No. 2, testified only in relation to the rules on tho time card. The train order and rule 19 of tho lime card were introduced in evidence. George Hunt and II. P. They, two of the Injured passengers on No. .',wero examined at the Union Pacillc hotel in relation to identilication of I he charred bodies. Engineer Ell sent a message tonight from North Platte stating that it would bo impossible for him to bo hero for ono week, as ho is in bed sick. Ho stated that ho was at the east switch at Sunol at 4:27 a. m He did not seo tho headlight of second soction No. 2, as tho 6inoko was trail ing back from tho head of the engine. ms nrst intimation of danger vas when Engineer Reeco jumped 200 or 1500 feet east of the point at which the engines came together. Ell applied air brakes and reversed the online. The head engineer did not givo him tho usu.-.l whistle signal. The deposition of Engineer Ell will be taken at onco at North Platte. Ono of tho bodies found in the wreck is now supposed to bo ''Blank" Sollick, who was on route to Green River, Wyo., to assume tho position of train dispatcher. Tho other man rodo on a stockman's pass, destination un known. No verdict will bo rendered by the jury for several days. Mr. Slieild'n Long Service. With tho close of 1808 II. II. Shedd closed a term of twenty-seven years as superintendent of the Congregational Sunday school in Ashland. Tho length of service was so remarkable and un precedented that wo waited upon him to find out how it seemed to bo super intendent for twenty-seven years with out a break. Mr. Shodd expressed the opinion that probably no other person could be found in all the western states who had served continuously for 30 long a time. He thougnt ho was a record breaker in that respect at least. He said that for several vears he had been urging the church to make a change and relieve him from the duties of the position, as he felt that he not only earned a rest but that it would bo an advantage to tho school to have a change in methods and management. It was this feeling alone that caused him to insist that tha time had now como when this should be done. His relations with the school have always been exceedingly pleasant and he thinks the gentleman who was elected, II. II. Park hurst, will provo to be exactly the right man for the placo. Air. Shedd stated that few people realize how much transpires in to lojg a time as twenty-seven years. When he began he was a young man not yet married and now tho gray was 1 1 TT J Jl - f coming in nis nair. nunureus 01 children, including his own, had bsen born, como into the Sunday school, passed on up to manhood and woman hood and ?oae out into the world again. Some of those who had been born since he was first superintendent have children of their own now at tending. The people in the church and nearly all the people of the town have changed during this period. The young have become old and those who were old have mostly passed on be yond Ashland Gazette. WAS A SLIGHT BLAZE. Rad Fire Narrowly Averted In the flendee Building. CITY AND COUNTY. Probate Notice. In the County Conit of Cass County, Nebraska. Prompt Action of the Fire Ilrart im-iil SttVfH 1 1 Feat h-m llal Keen Left Too Nt-ar the Stove 1'ipe I nt-rlal Myvttc l.riclnn Installation Oi h-r New of 1 111 port a nee From Wednesday' D;tUy. Tho prompt response of the lire de partment to an alarm of lire about 11 o'clock this morning averted the destruction of the old Hendee bui d itKg, corner of Main and Fourth strot ts. The feather renovators have been operating their "factory" in the upper rooms of tho buiidir g, and had left feathers about the stove pipe, which passed through from E"uis Olsen's pool hall below. When Mr. Olson built up a hot fire the feathers caught and finally sot fire to the floor. liy the prompt application of a liberal amount of weter tho Hames were subdued, but Mr. Olson's stock of cigars were some what water-soaked. However, the damage was covered by insurance. Imperial ftlyMlic I.-k" Installation. Lust evening Golden Rod Castle No. 15, Imperial Mystic Legion, held its annual installation meeting. There was a goodly number present and the ceremonies wero conducted in an in teresting manner. After the installa tion tho new worthy regent, Miss Antonia Kosler, presided with most charming dignity demonstrating most thoroughly that the future meet ings of tho castle will be presided over by a clever and firm hand. Three applications for mombirship wero present, and a special meeting wasciliel for Tuesday evening, Janu ary Ji, to receive tne report 01 ir.e committed on applications, and to transact other important business occupying tho attention of the castl. The recent meetings have been held in the K. of P. hall, but tho trustees are investigating the advantages of the other halls before taking a per manent lease. Qaite a number of n :w members are expected to swell the already good-sied memberahip dur ing the next few month. WKDNKSP A V. I)r. Gilrnour of Murray was a county seat visiter to. lay. George Steel, residirg ne ir Murray, w is a Plattsmouth visitor today. Otto Wurl went to Havilock this morning in the interest of his r.ipluly growing cigar industry. Mrs. J. V. llridfce and little son went to Peru this mot n ing to visit the former's pnrents for a few days. Tho board of county commissioners was today engaged in examining and allowing road overseers' settlements. Mrs. McCarthy, residing on South Sixth street, was taken quite ill this morning. Her condieion is considered serious. Charles Coolidge, of Load, S. 1)., arrived in the city yestorday and will visit his brother. Will, two or three days. His little niece accompanied him. George Humphrey, who has been a resident of Plattsmouth for the last twenty-live years, doparttd this even ing for Enhurst, Ind., where ho will make his homo with a son in the future. Mrs. Ilawley, nged seventy-four years, died at tho homo of her son-in- Notire by pub. nation lor settlement of f lu itti-r ol tlu; ! the accounts in tho in entitle ol S.iiiiiiui A. I lolbio'ilc. ilci f:iKi,l I'mii nie Appleton l.i.Hi ll and Juli.i II. Addition anil ail other n-rsoiiH iiilcrt-Med. ou aic luMb unti tled that William L. I.ouell, rx.-i utoi, l.irmai y , ir-.'i-. iiiea iirteiu mi mini airounl, with his petition lor linal settlement, hi. cuing aiming othei thing-,, that the leal eslate ol which ile -eased died seied in Ca-is i omit v. Nela a- k a. and all other piopeity sitnatej :n Nebraska, hits j lii-en s-ild and lomci ted into c ar.h ; that the a hove j 11. lined persons are the residuary legated: that I the cash residue now in the hands of the ex- I ecutor. and due from him to this estate Is the I sum ol i.;Mi I J; the estate is insolvent; that I it is necessary to ti.uish i the lesi.lue ol this es- I tate from the juiis lictiou of this i.ouit to the jurisdiction ot the uiuh.ite couil of I 'u m her la ml county. Maine, uheie admin isti at nm ol this es tate was Inst planted; the exei utoi has ieu dered eti auidinai y seri n es not ieiuned in the common course ol administration, lor which he asks eomliellvriTion n the sum of fill that tli. expenses ol the ancillary proi eedinus in the ino- I bate and disli ict coin ts ol t' iss county, Nebraska, miK rebate the sum i ! .l .. Ill .o I'etit loner pra s that his accounts of ai I mill ist i at ion may be set tied: that he be oideied to pay the n-sidue of this estate to the executor tion actinir and appointed by the probate couit ol t 'uin bei land county, Maine, and for equitable lehcl. lake notice, that it you lail to appear beloie said coui t on the :tlidayof lanuary, IS ill, at M o'clock p. in . and coniesi me piayer oi saul pi t it ion the com t may grant the player of said petition, and make such tin thef oidei s, allowances and deciees as to the court may seem pmper, to the end that all mat ters pertaining to said estate may be dually settled ami determined. Witness my hand and the seal ol said Couit at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this lid day of Jan nary. A . it. l'.ni. Cl.ORi.K M. Sri Kl.OCK. (Sea!) i.'ounty ude. K. U. Windham, attorney lor estate. cMi!ilw6 lex b I An yr.w-, -,. i Sir The Sums;.; Legal Notice. Notice of application for license to sell leal es tate. by the adtninistiatoi ol the John 15ons e tate. To all persons interested in the estate of John lonst deceased . Yon are hereb v not itied t h:i I iiti.iii f he VSt h ibv t. . . 1 - . . j. - 1 j I f . . . . I. . . 4 1. . . I . II, ...t. A I. 11, u .1. It .1 'I.' nv , i. j. ivicnei. 111 ino t-OULIl nan 01 necemoer, . k, ir;-i, me nonoiame nasii " III ...l I....: . 1.1 t 1 Ramsey. iudire ol the distiict court. issued the fol lowing outer: In the District Court ol Cass county, Nebraska In the matter ot the estate of John lions, de ceased . Dicier to show cause whv license should not is sue to Henry lions, administrator, to sell real es tate to pay debts. Now on this -Mh day of December. A. I). IS'jW there was presented to the judge ot the district court the netition of Henrv lions, administrator. just on time, as the niat'KOt went up 5 of the estate of John lions, deceased, lor license . nyu, ,. I to sell lots seven and eight in block fourteen, the viiic A ni. Ui C UUHIt: UUlbU atl UA - I f,nt 1 nni.. .ird I, nld tii-.. -jurl uiv it, I.I..-1 Seventeen, all in the city ol l'lattsinouth, in Cass county, Nebraska; and part of lots lour, five and of town lai-t night. Her home was in South Dakota, and the remains will be shipped therefor burial. M. P. and Tom Williams delivered two oar loads of hogs to tho South Omaha market today. They got in tensive business in buying hogs. Hay Waterman returned yest3rday hU'ci six "A 1)ukcs" addition to the citvol I I lattsmouth, in Cass comity, Nebraska, and it IJinnley Orowiuff Weaker, Washington, Jan. 10. The condi tion of Representative Dingley is practically unchanged this morning. Every eftcrt is making to fight tho steady inroads on his vitality, but little hope of recovery is now held out. His extremely enfeebled condition, aggravated by the general infection of the system from the passing attack of pneumonia, makes the outcome very doubtful. He is conscious only at intervals, recognizing those about him only when aroused. Moulton is Turned Down. Havana, Jan. 10. Cplonel G. M. Moulton of tho Second Illinois regi ment, who has been in command of the Havana police, has been relieved of police duty and will go to his regi ment. He will deliver ud the papers of his department to John Gary Evans, who, apparently, is to bo mayor of Havana, and a Cuban chief of police will probably bo appointed at once. Are Growing la Interest. The union revival services which are being conducted at the Presby terian church ate growing in interest each evening, and those in charge an ticipate gratifying results from them. Dr. Stratton preached an excellent sermon last evening, his theme being "Faith." The singing is also good, and everj'ono should attend. Rev Baird of the Presbyterian church. Rev. Dungan of the Christian church and Rev. Campbell ot the Methodist church assist Dr. Stratton. Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve. The best salv9 in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no Day required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke For Missouri River Work. Washington, Jan. 11. Senator Kyle has filed a statement with the committee on rivers and harbors in the interest of improvements in the Missouri river at Elk Point, Yankton and Pierre in South Dakota. The projects are recommended by en gineers. The Benator asks for 867,300 at Elk Point, $100,000 at Yankton and a similar amount at Pierre. Floated Ou the lee. Maylon I-eidigh, a half dozen com panions and his big bay hrso, bad a narrow escttpo yesterday afternoon from being drowned. They were at work ou a big fi ;ld of ice, when it broke loose and started down the river, but when it had floated about three hundred yards the current swunjr it to tho east shore, where it lodged. The horse at first did not realize that it was alloat, but when it saw that it wis out in the curient drifting down the stream it stood per fectly still, but kept a sharp looi out for the bank, and as soon as the ice gorged it required but little urging to get the horse ashore. The men were not far behind him. Nebraska City News. l'leasant Iattle I'art y. F roru Wednesday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Williams gave an impromptu party to a few of th jir young friends at the homo of the lat ter's father. 11. W. Hyers, on South Seventh street, last evening. The evening was most pleasantly spent by the following young people: Claire Green, Florence White, Hallie Atwood, Mabel Unruh, H. E. Snyder and wife, II. F. Goos, H. E. Weidman, A. White, F. R. Ballance, James Irom York days with his brother. today for Burlington, la. , where where he Spent thO holi- I appearing to the court from said petition that it TI , . -i I may oe necessary ro sen saici real esiaie to pay lie Qe parted the debts, costs and expenses of the estate ot the deceased, ohn Ions. It i herehv ordered tloit nil nersotw i n tiM'ested will work in the interest of his gas in said estate shall be and appear at the oltice of 1 , 11 , 11 , r . ine ciei k 01 nie u isii ici coin i ai me conn nouse lamp He sold a number of them in in plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the i;uh dav of this city and thev are gi vino- good sat- bruary A. D, lssm. at o'clock A. M.. then and . - - e r there to show cause, ll any, why said license laf action I should not be issued to the administrator to sell I the above described real estate Lharlos Gerlach and Miss Mary I It is further ordered that notice shall be uiven t , .. , . . . by publication in the hE.Mi-W Ki-.Ki.y Nkws .iui .uy wero uruieu in marriage at Uerai.o for a period of four consecutive weeks the Colleire Hill Catholic church, near lrom tne fU n da.y 1,1 December a. n. lwm. . . . ' I in witness whereol 1 hae hereunto set my F Newell, J. C Tbygeson, man, L. 1). Hintt. J. T. Cole- Ilonte (iroivn Fruit Trees Are the Ifeot. The Riverside Nursery Co. has a full and complete stock of all kinds of fruit trees, vines and plants which they have grown with care. Their many years of experience in the busi ness has enabled them to grow nur sery slock that will compare with any in the country. They have all the standard and choice varieties suitable for this climate, also new and valuable varieties. They do their own budding and grafting, and can guarantee their varieties to be true to name and strict ly first-class. Why not buy your trees here where you can get them fresh and grown in the same soil and cli m ttein which they are to be trans planted? It will save you time and money. They in vite you to come and inspect their stock and be convinced of these fscts. Nursery two and one half miles east and one half mile north of Union, Neb. ChII or write in regard to varieties, prices, etc. C. F. Morton, Prop., Union, Neb. I'lattfciuout h Nursery. I quote very low prices on first-class stock. Apple trees, three years, 15 cents; $10 a hundted. Apple trees, two jears, 12 cent?; $S a hundred. Plum trees, three year?, CO cents; $20 a hundred. Cheery trees, three years, 30 cents; $20 a hundred Irees, three years, 15 cents; $12 a hundred. Grape vines, 5 cents;, S3 a hundred. Rasp berries, 75 cents a hundred and black berries, 75 cents a hundred. J. E. Leesley, Prop. The funeral of Ralph D. . son of K?v. and Mrs. J. D. Kerr, of Omaha, was held from the Missouri Pacific depot yesterday afternoon, and was con ducted by Rev. E T. Fleming. A large concourse of old time friends were present at the depot to meet the bereaved parents, offer what consola tion possible and assist in paying the last snd riles due the deeeised. Nebraska City News. Louisville today will make their home with Mrs. Anna Murphy, mother of the bride, in whose employ Mr. Gerlach has been for some time. Lee 1'. irkus, who resides with his family in tho Patterson block, has been ill for several days with kidney trouble. He is growing rapidly worse iind it is not thought he will live until morning circumstances, but is receiving aid f rom the count-. C. F. Root, one of the prosperous young farmers from near Murray, was in the 3ity today. Himself and father, James Root, tho Murray lumberman, will givo a public auction at the lat- The young couple hand at the chambers this r-'sth'day of December A. If. J' Hash. S. Kamsky, Judge of the District Court. And by virtue of said order von are herbv noti li ;d to appear at the ollice of the clerk of the dis trict court on the 1.5th dav of rebruarv. A. D IK 8, at 1' o'clock A. M. then and there to show cause, if any, why said license should not be is sued to the administrator, Henry Hons, to sell the real estate above described in said order to pay ciebts, costs and expenses. Ili-XKV Hons, Administrator. 1 v ron" C la r k , Attorney. His family is in destitute I Statr of Ni-:hrask.. Notice to Creditors. In County Court. In the matter uf the estate of Isabelle Kniery, deceased. Notice is hereby riven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate, before nie, county judge of Cass county, Ne braska, at the county court room in 1 lattsmouth in sai 1 county, ou the f ltd day of rebruarv, A. D. 1 '!, and on the 11th day of July, 1Ni, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day for the purpose of pre senting their claims lor examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed lor the t' farm ono miln anntl. nf h,, creditors oi saiu ueceaseu to present their claims " trom the 14th day ot January, IMi. on baturday, February b, consisting of stock and farm implements. C. F. Root has decided to leave Nebraska, and will remove to Eastern Colorado and einburk in the cattle business. Witness my hand and the seal of said countv court at rMattsmouth, Nebraska, this r.Uli day December. INis. (ilLOKCE M. Sl'fRI.OCK, (Seal) County Judge. Notice of Administration. In County Court, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Franklin Neiniann, deceased. TITCKSDAY. Frederick Vallery. Maxwell Vallery, Josephine I 'allrv infant1-; aiKi r.tnr ncrconc ? t rc t H E. S. Sanders departed this morning in said matter, are hereby notihed that a petition for York, where ho will visit relatives for a few days. Sam Patterson came down from Lin coin last evening and spent the night with his family. Gil O Kourke returned to Omaha this afternoon, after a visit with friends in the city. Thomas Walling, who has been ill for some time with la grippe, is today reported slightly worse. Mrs. Bertha Richards left last even ing for Lansing, Minn., where she will visit for several weeks with her sister. Charles Coolidge departed this morning for Columbus to visit his mother a few days, after which he will return to his home at Lead. S. D. Mrs. Fred Kioehler went to Have- this morning to visit her son, Fred, jr., has been tiled in said court, alleging that said de ceased died leaving no last will, and praying for administration of said estate, and that if you fail to appear at said court on the 10th day of January A. I., lh!t, at '.I o'clock A. M.. to contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, and grant administration of said estale to D. O. Dwyer, or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and seal of said court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the tilth, day of December, A. D. 19j. UKOROE M. SPUKiOCK, (Seal) Count"Judge. Legal oli ce. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship of John G. O'Kourke and Joseph T. O'Rouike. Under and by virtue of a license to sell the real estate hereinafter described made in the above entitled cause pending in tne district cciurt holden within and for Cass county, Nebraska, by the Hon. Basil S. Kamsev, judge, on the 9th day of July, A. D. 1S!S. I will, on January 21, 1899, at the south door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock a. m. otter for sale: Lot ten (10), in block ninety-five (!)"', in the city of Plattsmouth. Lots nine 9J and ten d0, in block twenty-six 26, in Duke's addition to the city of Platts mouth. Lots ten 10. eleven 111 and twelve 12, in block one 1 in Stadelman's addition to the city of Plattsmouth, all in the county of Cass, and ,. r. i , , , -. - ,j . i siaie oi .eDrasKa, ro me nignest oiauer ior casn, a ,ew days. She was accompanied Dy said minois owni an undjvlc!ed one-half of said her son, Frank, who also works in lands, and the undersigned and Anna L. . U Kourke owning the remaining undivided one- tiavelOCk. half. One-half ot the realty will be the sale of the T 1 1 a rrl i o rt onrl fVi rm-iinino (inn Kolf ri in J. G. Ilawley, editor of the Parks- dividual of the said owners. AELLIE M . O Kourke as tjuardian, ton (S. D.) Courier, is in the city, hav ing been called here on account of the death of his mother. He made this office a friendly call. H. 0. McMaken received a letter from North Bend today conveying the and for herself and Anna L. O'Kourke. By her attorney, Byron Clark. .Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County Nebraska, In the matter of the estate of Henry Stoll, deceased. This cause came on for hearing on petition of Hisr-oiinnrrino- infnrm.imr that TTokkit enry -M . aoennicsnen as administrator wun win . ..i . . .w..' annexedol Reese sustained a concussion of the brain in the Union Pacific wreck the other day. He had not yet regained consciousness, and his relatives are greatly alarmed over his condition. TO CUKE A I'Rtl) IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, What do th Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new fool di-ink called Gkaix-O? It is delicious and nourish ing and take the place of coffee. The more Grain-o . ou rive the children the mire health you distribute through their systems. Grain-o is made of pure grains, and when prop erly prepared tastes like the choice estate of Henry Stoll, deceased, pravinir for license to sell lot two t-) in the north-east quarter of section 35, in tow n l'.i, range 13, Cass county, Nebraska: lot three (3) In the north-west quarter of section thirty-five '&) town 13, range 13, aforesaid; the north-east quarter of the south west quarter ot said section ijo, town 13, range 13, aforesaid, and also lots one, two and three, (1.2 and 3), in block one (1), Young and Hay's addi tion to the of city Plattsmouth. Cass county, Ne braska, for the payment of debts in the sum of $332.39 with costs of administering estate and for sale of land, alleging that because of the nature. situation and condition of said real estate, it will be necessary to sell all of said real estate that the residue might not be greatly depreciated in value if enough alone was sold to pay said debts, costs and expenses, there not being sufficient per sonal property to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered by nie that all persons in terested in said estate and especially: Philip Moll. Charles toll. Mrs. Charles Stoll, first name unknow n: Llizabeth McFariand and her husband, Mr. Farland, first name unknown; George Lehr, tieorge Lehr, jr., and wife, A. S. Lehr, first name unknown: Charles Lehr, Minnie Lehr.Christinae Leach. John Leach. Martha Lena litre . r Not low priccil, luit highest grade at f.iir, Lou: fiT icjiiitaiioii. Wr sav these arc the lcv' ....., s:i so ioo after jo i i.-oi; tiLi'd ihciii. bOl.D BY MMKl PAS5S3T tor Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves, Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tooh, Etc. A special mint for cru li ptm pose, not one ;.l.i-!.isli mix- l know Votl'll F. G. FRICKE & CO. J3ettct- rITliiiii JLver Ol iOOdi illll'li mi r ill T;ides of poffefi hut co.-,t.s nhntit. nne. i Beerv and husband. Mr. beery, first name uu I i i r : u it i ' l : ir i . KituKu; tiena .iiueroii, rceniy iiiiciuii, rvoanna fourth as much. 15c and 25c. All grocers sell it. LJEGAlDyERTISEMENTS Probate Notice. In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Celicia tfmith, de ceased, Lewis Smith, John C. Smith, HowelL. Smith and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the 9th day of Decem ber, IK'S, A. J. Graves riled a petition in said court alleging among other things, that Celicia Smith died on the Z-lth day of November, 1WS. leaving a last w ill and testament and possessed of an estate of about the value of $T.UU 00, and that the above named constitute all the per sons interested in the estate of said de ceased, and praying for the probate of said will and for administration of the said estate. You are hereby notified that if vou Maurer, John Maurer, Louisa Hippie, Joseph Ripple. William Stoil. August Stoll. lacob Stoil and Fred Stoll appear before me at my chambers. office clerk of the district court, in the court house at Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska. on the 17th day of January, A. D., lS), at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administra tor with wiil annexed to sell all of the above de scribed real estate. This order shail be served bv publishing same tor lour successive weeks prior to day of hearing in the Semi-Weekly iews-neraia. uaiea .lovemoer.Ti, j, u. Basil S. Ramsey, Judge ot the District Court. J. Li. Root, Attorney for Administrator. CHIEF OL'A RTF. RM ASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Neb., December , 1S9S Sealed pro-po-als. in triplicate, will be received here and at offices of tjuarterniasters at stations named until 1 o'clock p. in., central, lanuary lrt, l-VJ, for furnishing fuel, forage and straw during the fiscal S. E. HALL & SON ..HAVE THE ONLY.. Stove for Early Autumn, As well as winter, Weather, the work. A full line of all Hardware. It's Cheap and does kinds of Stoves and Tin Work and Roofing a Specialty. Our Low Prices have built up a ood trade, which we will maintain by continuing the same. Remember the place .... S. E. HALL & SON, ..Practical Tinsmiths.. South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth. Neb. T . 1 1 WHITE o CREAM YY ORMS! VERBIIFUCEI Most in Cjiirinf i'y. lift In Qualify. Cnn If) VA4fi Hi. I A ill V3 RAMnr!Ai KVEI?Y V.QTTJ i ui lias hcu an ti wiiii iitwiGai uuaicaw iiuj, SOZjX X11T A.XjTU X" n XJ O Or I f3 T j . Prepare! by S JAMEFe F. OALLARD. St. LOUiS F. G. FRICKE & CO. THE NEWS does Job Printing They banish pain Ssn ONE and prolong life. GIVES fm ;dit "-zrr m i.- - 'r- ,x: kj v-7'- r?id i -r-, v No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. I A newttyle prkat eonUfnln txh tltt In a rwr carton (without c:u, la now Trrr o J t Mine tow tor-MH h ?i cniia. ThU low p.i. e l iiort I. .nteudwl f.T thr, p.- r u tu., wroucunu fi U. th. Ruin Chmicu. CullpjKt. No. 10 Sprnc Mlect. New York -or . 'K "iS.a 1 TABUIJ' " Bm mediCLue ertr iiuide kim tco wori I -.r-aW 1 year ending June : li.l'.'!', at Omaha (J. M. Depot, rort Koblnson. Xeb.. Fort Leavenworth. Kansa-4. j fail to appear before said court on the lth day of and Fort Reno. Okla. Proposals for delivery at A 11 ilriitririalj rtfiinil tho mnru.v if it January A. u. lrv. at Jo circle p. m ; to contest other points will be entertained. L . b. reserves j 1 the DroDate ot said win. tne court niav allow and faila to curt-. 2oc The L. R. Q. on each tiihlet prnuine h.19 A. W. Atsvood, the druggist, phoce 27. Tele- probate said will and grant administration ef said estate to A. J. Graves, or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this K'th dav ol L)e- : cember A- I. 1V. Georck M Spurlock, laALj C.unty Judge. right to reject or accept inv or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on ap plication here, or to (Juartermasters of stations named. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked '"Proposal for . and addressed to the undersigned or Ouartermasters at stations above named. JOHN UAXTKK, Jk.. Acting Caief Q. M. 3 Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 5enU V?r box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. All THE DR. WHITEHALL BLvIUMLNE CO . South Uend, Indiana