? IMTT t) 1 1)1 AllclWgan Arrives With the Remain I q Nebraskans On Board OeiKTMi Ludlow (huhci Night Search to Be Alittlv fir Armi-LUt of Of-gunlx-tlon or KIOOO Mtn to lie Matitffd Oat of the Service Twenty-Second I u frtiilry lHyt lu Uettin? Blurted. Havana, Jan. ; General Ludlow Jims caused Hoveral private houaea to searched fr ariDH. Kijjhteon rifles wore heied nt No. 4(1 Compoatele stroet. Tlio Hoiirclies were made in tho middle of tho niht and were sub mitted to quietly. The American coroinisdioriurri are pleased with the honorable conduct of General Castel lanos and rtyinpatliizo with him. They will probably make a rep e.sentalion to President McKinley suiftrestinfj some reeoL'nitioti of the Spanish com mander's conduct. Generals Wade and Hutler sail for Tampa on Saturday and Brigadier General Clous and Captain Hart tail for New York direct. As General Butler was driving on L'i Grena street last evening, ho saw uChinaman tthoot his mistress "n the head and run away. Tho general hattily sent two Amoti f iii soldiers in pursuit, but befo e the Chinamrtii could be captured he stabbed himself in tho heart. The United St.itea transport Michi gan, from Savannah, Ga., on Decem ber 31, with two battalions of the Third Nebraska, has arrived hero. The Spanit-h transports b'ulda and San Fran si .-co are coaling here, pre paratory to going to Matanzas. Tele grams received from Matanzas an nounce the arrival there of General Casteliano-?, who will not leave his bhip. The United States Hag was hoi.-ted at Matanzas on Sunday. Tho sugar manufacturers of Matan zas and Havana provinces started gi inding cane yesterday. Colonel W. II. Mabry of the First Texas regiment is dying of spinal meningitis, with which he was at tacked on Saturday last. At a con sultation of surgeons at the Quemados eamu, where the colonel is being cared lor, hope of his recovery was given up. Colonel Mabry was recommended by Generals Lee and Keifer a few days ago for appointment to the regular army. Twelve K'gi men t Named. Washington, Jan. 3. Secretary Alger today made a partial list of the regiments, etc., the department has decided to muste- out of service. The list includes twelve full regiments and two independent companies and three heavy batteries of artillery, approx imating 16,000 or more men, which, with their present location, are jis follows: In Alabama Sixty-ninth New York, Third Florida., both at Huntsville; Third Tennessee, at Anniston. In Georgia Companies A and B, Indiana colored infantry, at Chick amauga; Third North Carolina and Sixth Virginia, at Macon; Third New Jersey and Fifteenth Pennsylvania, at Athens. In South Carolina South Carolina heavy battery, at Sullivan's island; Fourth Missouri, at Greensville; Sec ond Tennessee, at Columbia; Ninth Ohio, at SuncmerviLe. In Texas Third Texas, at Fort Clark. in California Eighth California, at Benicia barracks; heavy batteries I and C, California artillery. Delay In tetting Started. S N Francisco, Jan. 3. The trans port Sea ndia, which is to convey the Tweutieth infantry to the Philippines, cannot possibly leave this port before January 15 or later, it has been stated that the wives and families or the Twentieth will go on the Scandia, but as comfort will be at a premium when all the soldiers are on board, an effort will be made to have the women sent on a later vessel. The transport Ohio is due here on or about the Sth inst., and will be pre pared at once for the reception of the Third and Twenty-second regiments of the Uuited States infantry, which have been ordered to the Philippines. The Fighting tiipiueer of the Oregon. Eternal vigilance is the price of good engines. Robert Milligan, fight ing engineer, and the men under him put the Oregon where the men be hind the guns could destroy the best ships of Spain. The Oregon started down the Pacific without a war time complement of men twertyseven short in the engineer's force, and sixty-seven less than her .builders furnished on her trial trip. This meant work for the ninety-four who had to steam her to Jupiter inlet. When the ship stopped they worked all the harder, for there was coaling to bo done, and overhauling in careful haste. When the coaling was speci ally rapid, the orlicers aod men of the engineer's force worked twenty-four hours on end. The ship started when the bunkers were filled. Not an ounce of salt wator wa sal lowed in the Oregon's boilers. Milli-o-an, writing from Callaoto a brother offioer, said. "I fear that I am rapidly becoming the most unpopular man in the ship, because I am determined that we shall not put salt wator in the boilers, and to that end have insisted to the captain that, if necessary, we must cut down the fresh water allow ance for officers and men to the bare amount for drinking and cooking." Arthur Warren, in the Engineering Magazine for January. Sold Out. Not by the sheriff, but by the ex deputy, but a fresh supply of every thing baked at Holloway's today. Evkn'ISO News only ten ceBts per 0 Army I'riiinoponii Tin- ro w a'lon oft obuiel I', y n . f tl3 Thin) N niifka raiment and I hi-, promotion of Lieu'enaiii Colon.) V i f -q iain and Mhjoi J. hn H McCiay, has neei mil iit-d many eh irgos in the regi ment Governor ir.l.nmb vest rdav annou' ced ? numb r of ppoiulmenlH, among them being Carlos A. llawN, second lieutenant of Company B, hp pointed first lieutenant of Company Jj, to rank from December 1, vice Oscar H. Allen, who was appointed regimen tal quartermaster. The many friends of Lieutenant Ilawls in this city, as well as in the regiment, are glad to learn of his pro motion. He expects to depart within ten days for Cuba. His wife is rapidly recovering from her illness. I) an rn Residents Bitter Against the Order In Regard to Customs Money. Order to Centralize Kecetpt at Havana Will Mean the Dlncharge of Many Kin ployes MUffourt Pacific Kuglne l'lungea Into the River, Killing Kngineer anil Fireman. Santiago Dk Cuba, Jan. 4. Meet ings were held at all the political clubs l.-.st night and even tho most con servative people, those favoring the annexation ol Cuba to the United States, were astounded at the orders from Havana for the centralization of tho customs money there. The last forty-eight hours have com pletely altered tho situation here. The province had gradually settled down and was contented with the order of things prevailing, recogniz ing the benefits conferred. Now there is a complete change and there is no exaggeration in saying that the situa tion is critical, that a spark will set up a blaze which would plunge the province into insurrection. It is gen erally admitted that if 1,000 men were suddenly discharged from the public works, 6uch action would probably cause a revolt which it would be hard to quell. Major General John IT, Brooke, the governor general of Cuba, is ap parently ignoring General Leonard Wood in command here, and is cabling direct to his subordinates. He has ordered the acting collector of customs to banK no money and the command ing' general of the province has or dered his officers to close several minor offices, including Bayamo, practically shutting off the mail of the regiments there. Dr. Castillo will accompany General Wood to Washington, rep resenting the British interests in San tiago, to lay these matters before the president. General Wood's work here is now more thoroughly appreciated by tho Cubans. Engine IMuugva Into River. St. Louis, Jan. 4. A special to the Post-Dispatch from Jefferson City, Mo., says: The Missouri Pacific pas senger train from Omaha and Kansas City to St. Louis was derailed about a mile west of Jefferson City at 3:30 a. m. Engineer Charles Clawson of Washington, Mo , and Fireman Zoll of Sedalia were killed. They jumped a the engine struck the boulder on the track, but the machine rolled over onto them and into the Missouri river. All the cars, with the exception of the rear Pullman, left the rails away from tho river and ran into the bluff. It is due to this fact that no lives among the ninety passengers aboard were lost. Traffic was delayed for several hours. Kara Run On Transports. Sanannah, Ga., Jan. 4. Two months ago Hugh McClair, steward on the transport Roumanian, was dis charged by the ship's quartermaster. McClair said it was because he de manded of the quartermaster his share of profits made from the ship's store room. Since McCfctir's story became public, Depot Quartermaster Bellin ger and Depot Commissary Ruthers have been making an investigation. What they found has been embodied in an official report which went to Washington last night. It is stated that Quartermaster WTrigley of the Roumanian and the quartermasters in charge of the Mani toba have been recommended dis charged from the service. The sale of liquors at one time must have come close to the verge of a scandal. Nearly everyone of the transports was run ning a bar and selling considerable liquor to the soldiers. The charge was made that exorbitant prices were charged on some of the transports and big profits were made for the ste wards or somebody. Mrs. Glllett Joins Her Husband. Abilene, Kan., Jan. 4 Mrs. Grant Gillett, with her infant son and her brother, left hereon the night train to join her husband, the former cattle plunger, now supposed to be in Mex ico. She took much baggage and her arrangements indicated a long stay. Gillett ha9 written home frequently and it is said he has met relatives in Okalahoma within a week, after which he went back to Mexico. It is not be lieved here that he has offered any compromise with creditors. Some of his notes given for life in surance have gone to protest. Real Kfttate Transfer. Following are the real estate trans fers of the county as recorded in the office of Recorder of Deeds Hay: E. A. Hangs to S. K. Cole and Alice M. Cole, n'i lot I. bile 8. Fleming & Race add to Weepinsr Water wd $HH) (HI C. I). Clapp and wife to I. aura A. Preston, lots 10-lM2-i:m. bile 10. Elmwood wd 00 John F. Cook and wile to J. M. Kiser. lot S Mvnard wd 600 E. T. Hartley and wife to Geo. F. House worth, lot 3. bile 3. Plattsmouth tied.. To 00 Kread. Morning's bread hereafter may be obtained at Zuckweilor & Lutz, Jona than Hatt's, Dovey's and Fair store. nminnmi WIXVUW UK IlCiVULl I'm UK. Gathered for the Perusal of "News" Readers Outgoing County Otllclalii Civen a K cipluu Lam Evening Death unit Fun eral of Mr. S I. Long Other Local riHppeiilCiKrt of Interest A very pleasant informal reception was given to the outgoing county of ficials Messrs. A. J. Graved and J. C. Hayes last evening at the oyster par lors of Jnhn Schiappacas.se. County Judge Goorgo M. Spurlock delivered the addref-s in behalf of the outgoing official, which was responded to by A. J. Gruves in a few well chosen words. As it was gotten up after the court house was closed not all of tho county officials were present, but it was quite a pleas ant alTiiir, those present doing ample justice to refreshments t-erved, which did not include anything stronger than water on tho side. Heath of a I'ioneer Citizen. Mrs. Klizibeth C. Long of Mynard, Neb., was born in Ripley county, Indiana, July 4, 182D, and died Janu ary 3, JHilSl, aged 78 years, 5 months and 119 days. At the ae of twenty-four she was married to Simeon I. Long (now deceased.) They resided to gether in Iowa until the fall of 180(i when they removed to Nebraska, where she lived until her death. 1 hroe sons survive her, Araham, Silas and Watson, and have the sym pathy of their many friends in their bereavement. The deceased became a member of tbeChurchof the United Brethren in Christ in 1876, and lived an earnest and devoted Christain until her death. The funeral services wre c inducted at Liberty Chapel Thursday at 11 o'clock, by Rev. A. J. Smith, after which the remains were laid to rst in the Horning cemetery. RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS Arthur Helps was an Omaha visitor this afternoon. Fireman Will Rennor was attending to business i:i Lincoln today Superintendent (f Motive Power Hawksworth went to llavelock and Lincoln this morning. W. D. Messersmith is again at his post in the Burlington yards after a two weeks' tu-el with the grip. The Northwestern was considerably worsted in the race with the Burling ton yesterday morning. Tho latter company's fast train anived in Coun cil Bluffs on time and the Northwest ern arrived one hour and fifteen min utes late, having left Chicago forty minutes late. They lost thirty-five minutes making the run. The Bur lington arrived in Council B'utTs on time thi morning. Charles Howe, suDuly agent for the Burlington's Missouri lines, has se cured for J. W. Bridge tho position of assistant foreman of the company's lumber j'ards at Ilanibal, Mo. Mr. Bridge is now in the emp'oy of tho Burlington at Lincoln, and his many friends in this city, where he resided with his family for several years, will be pleased to learn of his good for tune. He will go to Ilanibal next Soturday to enter upon his duties. The first heat of 1 he race between the fast mail trains of the Burlington and Northwestern railroads for a $750,100 contract was concluded in Council Bluffs yesterday morning. Each train ran at a ninety mile clip during a portion of tho trip,the North western arriving eighteen minutes ahead of time and the Burlington eight minutes ahead of time. The Burlington anived on time this morn ing, but it was not learned how the Northwestern came out, it having left Chicago fortv minutes late. CITY AND COUNTY. WEDNESDAY. Sim Upton of Union was in the city today. B. Spurlock of York is in the city visiting his son, George, and wife. This was pension day at the county clerk's office, the cle-k aod deputy being busy making out vouchers. Turner Zink, the commissioner-elect from the Third district, arrival in the city last evening and will take the oath of office tomorrow. John C. Hayes, whose term of office as a member of the board of countj commissioners expired today, will de part tomorrow for an extended visit at Clyde, O., his wife having goce about five weeks ago. M-s. A. J. Thompson and children, who have been visitiug with the for mer's mother, Mrs. Buttery, departed today for a visit with friends at Mc Cook, tifter which they will return to their homo at Alliance. Mrs. Long, widow of the 1-tte S. I. Long, and mother of Silas and Wa son Long, residing near Mynard, died yesterday and will be buried in the Horning cemetery at 11 oVIock tomor row. She had been demented for some time. Sheriff Wiilium Wheeler returned last night from his trip to Des Moines and Osceol-j, la. He ssiid he talked with the attorneys who defended Joe Walverion in the murder trial a few week9 ago and they virtually admitted the latter's guilt.but said the prosecu ting attorney whs not very s'.rongnnd he was not convict.d. Wolverton is now staying near Osceola. "Billy" H'OV(iTi;cni;rrii!? inv iu wur imvtu pays thi' t-h rifT at O-ci-ol.i 's tic, ined to act tho cwino in Um? in i i f the reward, but he intends to fuie.- t.un to di-g rg 'I h" i-t Nit ion al ban f of t li m ii t y has j jst t'li-itallcd a new -.! . a 1 it is a line piece of me rhatil-m. Ii wa.- mannf . tt ired by thu Deiboid S if.; and Lock company f Canton, )., being a tripplo time lock, t wo c Jtu hi nation with four tumblers encli, and looks us though it would puzzle an expert to get into it. Tho weight of the safu is K.SUO pounds and it cost t l, ;V 0. It will be placed in tho vault as i-oon as a few more inchis of com-rete have been added. Tr.e old safe was so d to seme Iowa pai ties. IJ. W. Beaver and wife, residing near Klmwood, arrived in I'lattsmouth last evening, being on their ictur.i from a ten days' visit with relatives at Vilisea, la. Mr. Beaver, it will be remembered, sold his farm near Cedar CVeek about a year ago and purchased one near Kimwood. He stales he is well phased with his new location, having an eighty-acre tract upon which there is not a ditch, something lli'it could not bo i-aid of hi-s old farm. Mr. fk-iivor and wife relu'T.eJ to Klm wood tod ay. TIU'KSDAV. Tom K l'armele of Louisville was i n the city today. Will I'll, .r made a business trip to Omaha this morning. Baxter Smith made a brief trip to Omaha this iifternoon. Mrs. 1). S. Guild and little mhi arc visiting friends in Omaha. Mrs. J'. II. Steimker was a passen ger for Omaha this afternoon. Mrs. S?m Patterson went to Li i coin this alternoon to visit her husband. C. C. Parraeie ar.d A. W. White were Omaha visitors this afternoon. Postmaster George Copeland of llavelock was in the city yes'erday. Willi i m Ctegliorn of Louisville was attending to business in the city today. Fred Ramgo and Will Oliver have gone to Greenwood on a business trip. Tom Walling is suffering from an at tack of the prevailing epidemic, the grip Mr. Buidick of Windom, Minn., is visiting friends in the city for a few days. Everton Schlegel of Lincoln was in the city today. J la is now working for the MeCormiek Harvester ('. Arthur TolitT came down from N.ir f ol i-c Lift evening and will visit his parents and other friends i;i the city for a Tow days. William Rose of Nehawka was in the city today getting his discharge from the county judge as executor of the Ingwerson estate. Mrs. I. N. Bell of Salt Lake arrived in the city this morning and will visit her sister, Mrs. S. D. Black of -South Park for several days. Mrs. Henry Tartsch went to Lincoln this afternoon ar.d after visiting friends there a few days will return to her home at McCook. Loren Davis departed this afternoon for his raining claim at Gold Field, Colo., after a week's visit with his parents and other friends in the city. W. L. Browne, formerly of this city, but now of Lincoln, has just returned from Huntington, Ind., having been called there ou account of the death of his father, Rev. J. R Browne. Landlord Coates of the Hotel Riley is feeling about as good as. the best of them today on account of a fine new boy which arrived this morning Mother and child are doing nicely. Professor W. II. Gregg of Green wood is m the city making arrange ments for the delivery of his lecture. "In the Morning." Professor Gregg is totally blind and is a graduate of the institute for the blind at Nebraska City. Messrs. G. W. Young, J. P. Falter and Turner Zink, the board of county commissioners, have gone to Lincoln to attend a meeting of the commis sioners of the state. Mr. Young is a member of tho legislative committee of the commissioners, and the purpose of the meeting is to make some recom mecdations for the legislature to act upon. A few days ago Dean Bignell, son of K. B. Eignell, was the happy pos sessor of a pair jol homing pigeons Later they d isappearcd, and yesterday a letter was received from Colorado Springs, saying that the pigoons had arrived at their former home. The pigeons had been presented to Dean by a friend at Colorado Sprinps, were brought to Litsec.ln by express, and yet, when liberal Nd, had found no dif ficulty in returning to the Colorado city, a distance of o"0 miles. Lincoln Journal. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Probate Notice. In the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska. Ncitice by publication tor tinal settlement oi the administration accounts in the matter ol the estate oi Samuel A. Holbrook, deceased. l;an nie Appleton Lowell and Julia H. Addition and all other persons interested. You are hereby noti fied that Widiam L. Lowell, executor, January 3. 1M! tiled herein his hnai account, together with his petition for final settlement, alleging among other things, that the teal estate of which deceased died seized in Cass county. Nebraska, and all other property situated in Nebraska, has been sold and converted into cash: that the above named persons are tne residuary legatees: that the cash residue now in the hands of the ex ecutor, and due from hint to tills estate is the sum ot $..V-li.l7: that the estate is insolvent: that it is necessary to transler the residue oi t his es tate from the jurisdiction of this court to the jurisdiction of the probate court of Cumberland county, .Maine, where administration oi this es tate was lirst granted: thnt the executor has ren dered extraordinary services not required in the common course ot administration, hir w hich he asks compensation in the sum ot il'im. that the expenses oi the ancillary proceedings in the pro bate and district courts of Cass county.Nebraska, aggregate the sum of $1.54:t nO. Petitioner prays that his accounts of administintion may be set tled: that he be ordered to pay the residue of this estate to the executor now acting and appointed by the probate court of Cuniterlaud county, faine. and for eauitable relief. Take notice. that if you fail to appear before said court on. the 1 1 1 ! i i,l Jjiiuiiry, I ;, at 'i o't!i in . am) :. mi I Oi.- i r.i vi i! - a i i p'-t it ikii t !i- i oi. r t in a V ' i- pr a ct i.l ... I , : jt inn, ami 11 i c in h I ItiTi i ia U.IS, .!:..'.,' t illl'l (jt'i il'( . Ii I ho '. iiiiI 'i'..v mi:" i r t., t.'.c i-iul lli.il .ill mat-tei- ! i ' "i ' 1 1.: I ' a. i l.itr may In- Mn.i'ly jcn I ..i ii . I.", i t mi in W 1 1 in- . in y 1 1 . , i 1 ai.it tin- Tal nl sa.nl tint at II. i tMiniiitl.. .Stlua k i. Hum :!t day ol Jai u u , A 1 '. t 'V ( i l.i iKl.l-: M . Sl l Kl.lii 'K, fSir.i' i ' Minlv Iu'Ikc. K 1! VN mil fiani, attm m y (. i rstati:. Legal Notice. Notice ot n j pi 1 . in fur lucn-.r t- eii leal t" Uoi.i es tate by the ad minimi i itoi ul t J..I- tate. To all persons inteu- ted in the e' t.iU- of Juhn lion-j, deceased . Youaie hereby nutmed that upon the-Mli day of December, A. 1. lM'M. the Honorable l'.a-,il . Kamsey, judge of the ilistrit t nun t, issued the fol lowing Ol lil'l . lu the Dist i ict Coin t of C;isi count v, Nebraska, In the matter oi the est.tle ol John lions, de ceased. Older to show cauvr whv license should not is sue to I lenrv Ujus, admiiiistiator, to sL-, leal es tate to pay debts. Now ou this "Mh day of December, A. D. IS'.iM, theie was pie-eiited to the judge ol the disliut comt the petition oi Henry lions, admiiii tiatoi. ol the est me ol John lions, deceased, lor lict-n-e to seil lots seven and eight in block loiuieen, the south one-thud ot lots loin, five am! si in tilock stMinteen, all in the city ol I'laltsmoulh, in ( as county. Nebraska: and p.nt ot lots lour, live and six in block six in Dukes' addition to the citv ot I'lattsmouth, iu Cass county, Nebraska, ami it appearing to t he court liom said petition that it may be necessary to sell said leal estate to pay the debts, costs and expenses oi the estate ol the deceased, ohn lions. It is hereby ordered that all persons interested in said estate shall be and appear at the olln e id the clerk of the l istrict court at the court house in riultsimmth. Nebraska, on the 1-Uh day ol l-ebruary A. D. Is'-'i. at !l o'clock A. M . then and there to show can c, ii any, why said license should not lie issued to the admiuistiator to sell the above described real estate. it is fuither ordered that notice shall be given bv publication m the M-: mi Ki.Ki.y Ni-.ws-IIkkm w lor a period ol four consecutive weeks Irom the at) h day ol Dei ember A. D. IS'.is lu witness whereof 1 have heieuuto set my hand at the ' hainliels this ".'sth day ol Decembei. A. I ) s;er Hash. S. Kamsi- y. Judge ot the District C"uit. And by virtue of s id order you are In-rby noti ti:d to appear at the ollice oi the cleik oi the dis trict couit on the l'tth day oi l-ebruarv, A 1 ). is H, at ti o'clock A. M, then and there 'to show cause, if any, why said license should not be is sued to the aumniistrat r. Henry lions, to sell the real estate above described in said order to pay debts, costs and expenses. Ill NKY Hons, Administrator. IJvro.n Ci.akk. Attorney. Legal Nut ice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ot the guardianship of John O. O'Kourke and Joseph 1 . O'Kourke. Under and by virtue cl a license to sell the real estate hereinafter .described made in the above entitled cause pending in tne district couit holden within and for Cass county, Nebraska, toy the Hon. liasil S. Kamsev, judge, on theiuhday ot July, A, D. IMim, I will, on January L'I, IfcU'.l, at the south door ot the court house in the city ol I'lattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock a. m. oiler for sale: Lot ten (10), in block ninety live ('.'"', in the city of I'lattsmouth. Lots nine and ten f )M. block twenty-six f-tij, in Duke's addition to the city ot I'latts mouth. Lots ten flO, eleven 111) and twelve 12, in block one I I in Stadelman's addition to the city of Plattsmouth, all in the county of Cass, and state of Nebraska, to the highest bidder for cash, said minors owning an undivided one-hall of said lands, and the undersigned and Anna L. O'Kourke owning; the remaining undivided one half. ( ne-half oi the realty will be the sale ol the guardian, and the remaining one halt the in dividual ol the said owners. Nki.i.ik M. O'Kih kke as (iuardian, and tor herself and Anna L. O'Kourke. By her attorney, liyion Clark. Notice to Creditors. Sr.-vrr. or Ni-.hhaska, cs Class Count v. f " ' ' In County Com t. In the matter of the estate of lsabelle Kinery, decea sed . Notice is hereby given tiiat the creditors of said decease'; will meet the administrator OI said es tate, before nie, county judge ol Cass county, Ne braska, at the county cunt room in Plattsmouth iu sat 1 county, on thellth day of hebruarv, A. D. l-'J'.i, and o:i the ltth day of July. JW.i. at U o'clock A. M. each day for the purpose of pre senting their claims tor examination, adjustment and allowance. Mx months are allowed tor the creditors ot said deceased to present their claims, from the 14th day of January. 1 '.;. Witness my hand and the seal of said county couit at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this l'.'th day December, 1". (lEOKl'.E M. Sri'RLOCK, (Seal) County Judge. Notice of Administration. In County Court. Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of Franklin Neiinann, deceased. Frederick Vallcry. Mxwell Yallery, Josephine Yallery, iniants, and till other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that a petition has been tiled in said court, alleging that said de ceased died leaving no last will, and praying for administration of said estate, and that if you fail to appear at said court on the lutn day of January A. D., Is!.', at i o'clock A.M.. to contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, and grant administration of said estate to D. O. Dwyer. or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement ot said estate. W itness my hand and seal oi said court at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the l'Jth. day ol December, A. 1). Wx. Gkokoe M. m-cklock, (Seal) County Judge. Probate Notice. In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Ceiicia smith, de ceased, Lewis Smith, John C. Smith, Howell Smith and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the 9th day of Decem ber, isi's, A. J. Graves hi. d a petition in said court alleging among other things, that Celicia -mithdied on the 24th day ol November, ISUS. leaving a last wiii and testament an i possessed ol an estate of about the value oi $."00 0 i, and that the above named constitute all the per sons interested in the estate of said de ceased, and praying for the probate of said will and lor administration of the said estate. You are hereby notified that if you fail to anpear before said court on the 12th day ol January'A. D. lb'MK at '1 o'clock p. m.; to contest the probate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to A. J. Craves, or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Witness my hand and the seal oi said court at Plattsmouth, Nebra.-ka. this l-'th dav of De cember A D. !;!. George M Spurlock, seal County Judge. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County Nebraska, In the matter of the estate of Henry Stoli, de ceased. 1 his cause came on for hearing on petition of Henry M. soennicshen as administrator with will aune.xedoi e.-tateof Henry Stoli. deceased, praying for license to sell lot two (-) in the north-east quarter of section 35, in tow n 13, range 13, Cass county, Nebraska lot three (3) In the north-west quarter of section thirty-nve (35) town 13. range 13, aforesaid; the north-east quarter of the south west quarter ot said section c"i, town 13, range 13, atoresaid, and also lots one, two and three, (1, -and 3j, in block one (i). Young and Hay's addi tion to the of city Plattsmouth. Cass county. Ne braska, for the payment of debts in the sum oi $.,;i2.3y with costs of administering estate and for sale of land, alleging that because of the nature, situation and condition of said real estate, it will be necessary to sell all of said real estate that the residue nnglit not be greatly depreciated in value if enough alone was sold to pay said debts, costs and expen-es.ihere not being sulhcient per sonal property to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered by me that ail persons in terested in said estate and especially: Philin Moll. Charles Stoli. Mrs. Charles Stol! first name unknown: Elizabeth McFarland and her husband, M r. Farland, first name unknown; llMiiire Lehr. Georce Lelir. ir.. and W ile. A. 3 Lef.r, first name unknown; diaries Lehr. Minnie Lehr.Christinae Leach. John Leach. Martha Lena Been- and husband. Mr. P.eerv. lirst name un known; Mena Thierolf, Henry Thieroif, Kosanna Maurer, jotin Maurer, Louisa Kippie, josepn Hippie. Wiiiiam Mo.l, August Moll, Jacob Moil and I-red Mod annear before me at my chambers office cleric of the district court, in the court house at Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska. on the lith day of January, A. D.. 1'.'J. at the hour ol 1 c clock p. m.,to snow cause wriya license should not be granted to said administra tor with will annexed to sell all ot tne aDove de scribed real estate. 'J his order shall be served by publishing same for four successive weeks prior to dav of hearing; in the Seriv.-Weekly News-Herald. Dated November A. D. !!. Basil S. Kamsev, Judge oi th District Court. J. L. Root, Attorney lor Administrator. Legal Notice. To Wiiiiam T. Eaton in his own right, and as ad ministrator c t the estate ot traerson H. Laton. deceased. Augusta T. Eaton, his wife. Simeon F. Katan. Auguate Eaton, his wife. Fred H. Eaton. Mrs. Laton. his v:le. first real name un known; Art K. Alexander, non-iesident defend ants. on are each hereby notified that on August 12, 1W Ellis 1'. Hartley, as plaintiff, began an action against you and other defendants in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, to fore close certain tax sale certificates and the taxes paid thereunder, on lots - and 3. in block 1 xl in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, numbered .W and .Vy issued to the plaintiff iJe-cenibi-rii, 1W-, pursuant to sale of said land for delinquent taxes. 1 lamtitl p ays tor decree ol forcclos'ir- and sale of said l and to satisfy the liens thereon and lor general relief. You are re- ?uired to answer plaiutift s petition on or before December ". l'.'s. Ellis T. Hartley, By I. II, HafiLD. Attorney. A BOON TO MANKSrirt! m CO A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and - EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, CO Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. The rtSr-"- Not low priced, but highest grade at oit ! cul.ilio;i. We s:iy these are the say so too after you . . used them. SO I.l) BY its Msms-A. . WW' F. G. FRICKE & CO. lis iMl AVi'a i nn mu& rpfli al vr all uioi" i FOLEY'S is a guaranteed remedy for all KID?2CY LADDER Diseases. F. G. FRICKE & CO. I They banish pain and prolong life. If R iS2S iff J&m& 7 ,C( No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. A M style packet containing rsn ru-aih rnn.K9 lnj pupr nrtin Cw-iihoot irlxM; 's now for Ml at fome irztt t.vr! por f;vk cksts. T1j:i low ruii-e'l ajrt ia .nte:i';i-il f -r Ihu wmr :-.. . :iis economi cal, to one fioznof tho tlve-eent cur.nr.1 fiAi tabiilmi tbe Ritsh ChuiciL I.Vjhsj, No. 10 Sprueo iULSMi wul b tor five c.jnui. Bjt meiu:ui.- tabuis) wui oe fciii lor iitb c.jnui. v&n meuiuin 5. Zuckweiier & Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth. Neb wii . ,mi. u.f j'..m.. rermanentlv cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. Tho surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive rruarantee. Price 5eut3 Mer box. - Sample pent fre on mention of this publication. x 1UE Q1L WHITEHALL aiiRIMlNE CO .South Hend. Indiana mk..l CORE Swr.i;'.'' '-VJilumis A M A K E PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves., Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm TcoI:j, Etc. A special paint for eac h pun pose, not one slap-d.ish mix ture for all. fair, Jkhh t ; . m know lest j.t.;i.: . You'll 1 b- M eases. im CURE .r . I 1 VI I s . v i r GIVES RELIEF T- i Tt 'j- i-ft yti: l h ul by mail tij v.wlu,z 1'rt . :ht n-t-n -trw:. New Yr rk ir a !.!, i i:-!ua trer j.iitde fi.net tnv worlil wai i-r'-ftt-i. trer j.iitde fi.net tnv worlil wai it.i t.-.i a Lutz . 7- r m - m . .. .w. , X f - . 1 . 1 week.