. if j ERALB V TIIK NF.wh. EstablBhed Nov. 5. Ml. ... . T . . TUK lihUALU, KstabliHhed April 10. 180L f ConBolldated Jan. 1. 1805. PLATTSMOUTH, NEK.. .JANUARY (. 1899. VOL. VIII. NO. J 8. SemiWeek ewsBd 71 i ) NARROWLY AVERTED American Provost Guard Prevents a Cuban-Spanish Riot 1'frHoiiHl KiK-niinter llelween uril Julio StiiKullly hikI the Mayor of Invent Nt-urljr Slurtn a Ktot The Tlirntrn Some of the Wild K- -ltiii-nt Oilier Newt of lutereitt. - HAVANA Jan. 5 A personal er. countor Ixtween General Julio Sua. finlly :md the mayor of Havana, the Maiquis do lOsteban, would Have caut-ed anothor Cuban-Spanish roit luet nipht but for tho American pro vost guard . General Sanguilly went to tho Al bisu theater with his son and Major lVp. lio do Cardenas. Muneipal gurdu had btreo placed tit tho theatre en trance s uual and an altercation took place between one of thene and Major- Cardenas, owi'ig to the guard's refu9.il to salute G neral S tnguilly. After the j erformance cl. bea C.ir deijjis went out Orst and another vio lent scene ensued. The guard threat ened to hit Cardenas on the head with hid musket, whereupon Cardenas rushed back into tho theatre, calling for banguilly. Ar the latter responded the mayor, tho Marquis de Ksteban, came up. Sanguilly shouted threateningly to tho marquis, who heatedly replied. Sanguilly thon drew hi revolver, threatening to shoot Ksteban, at which the marquis quickly raised his walking stick and struck Sanguilly in the mouth. A scene of tho wildest excitement ensued. 1 he Cubans around Sanguilly were ro: dy to attack tho municipal guards, who under Ksteban's orders loaded their rilles. Hut for the p'-mpt arrival of the American provost guard, which separated them, both parties would have fired with terrible results. Mayor Esteban asked the provost officer to station some of hi? men near the theater to prevent an at tack on the guards by the Cubans, who had gone off uttering loud threats. This was done. The marquis made a formal com plaint to General Ludlow today re tarding the matter. Organization of the Church of Christ. A"bout eight years ago the first Christian Science meetings were held in Plattsmouth, conducted by Silas Long. Those meetings were discon tinued for a time, but again taking up tho work the cause grew in interest and attendance increased until the little band was guided by the truth to organize a church and on tho 17tb day of December, 1898, they organ ized the First Church of Christ, Scein tists, of Plattsmouth, Neb., and will hold services every Sunday at 11 o'clock in the Fitzgerald block. All are cordially invited to attend. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post office at Plattsmouth, Jan. 6, 1898: Archer J H Krickson. A Herge.J W Bockhotf, I 1 dressier, Karl Hall. K K Marshall. W B Miller. Millie Sage. Mrs O E Thomas. Tom Wolf. K Archer. Fred Hoeakner, J M Branson. Mattie Draper. Dan Hall. Major Johnson. August Maurer. R Murphy, Rev. Edw Schultz. Nellie Taylor, Will Martin, A D When calling for any of the above letters please say "advertised." C. H. Smith, Postmaster. The week of prayer, which is uni versally observed during the first week of every new year, will be observed by the churches of Plattsmouth with nion service- at the Methodistthurch every afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock. Everybody invited to aitf tid. Revival me -ting :t -ne Methodist church ev.-ry evening at 7:30. conducted by D . St ration. Hnrklttn's Arnii'H S-alve. Tii.- . --t. siiv in th.i world for cuts, burns. HOres, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, ehuppeu tunds, chil blains, i-orns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures oiieb, or no Day required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by P. G. Fricke Clerical permits 1899. Clero-ymeD and others entitled to clerical permits are respectfully re quested to call at the Burlington ticket office and arrange about their 1S99 permits. Many an innocent little darling is suffering untold agony and cancot ex plain its troubles. Mark your child's symptoms, you may find it troubled with tortus give it White's Cream Vermifuge and restore it to quietness and health. Price 25 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Sold Out. Not by tho sheriff, but by the ex deputy,' but a fresh supply of every thing baked at Holloway's today. Notice. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Iimk of Cass County, will be held in the banking bouse on Tuesday evening, Jouuary 10, 1899, at M. Patterson, 7:30 p.m. Cashier. Another Good Man Gone Wrong. He failed to use Foley's Kidney Cu re for his kidney comolaint. i Fricke & Co. G. LOUISA ALCOTT. Der Wit and Abilities Fanmaker-' Travesties on Her Father. "One evening, a few months after their return to Concord to live, my Bister and I accompanied our mother on a call on the Alcotts." writes Ed ward W. Emerson of "When Louisa Alcott Was a Girl'" in the Ladies Home Journal. "Before we left Lou isa was persuaded by her mother to do something for our amusement. She disappeared and soon came in trans formed. Her hair, which girls in those days wore brushed low and braided, was twisted up into a little knob on her head so tight that she could hard ly wink. "The broad collar, white undersleeves and hoopsklrt of the day were gone, and she appeared In an ugly, scant, brown calico dress, with bloomer trousers to match, blue stock ings and coarse shoes. She had a manuscript in one hand and a pen in the other, which she thrust behind her ear and began a harangue on the 'Rights of Woman,' and offered and at once proceeded to read in strident tones a gem of thought which she had Just turned out, called "Hoots of a Distracted Soul in the Wilderness. She then passed on to other confirm atory manuscripts that she professed to be editing travesties on her fath er's writings, I think certainly on those of my father, under the name of Rolf Walden Emerboy. Mr. Alcott came in from his study to hear, and, however little he could understand such manifestations of the spirit of prophecy, he seemed to feel the pride of a parent In his daughter's wit." Ilow'M This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. S. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Thcax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo. O. Wai.dinq. Rinnan & Marsin, Wholesale Drutjslsts. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Annual Meeting of Farmers Mutual In surance Company. The annual meeting of the Farmers Mutual Insurance company of Cass county will be held at the Heil school house in Eight Mile Grove precioct, on Saturday, January 7, 1899, at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. J. P. Falter. Sec'y. Belief in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in six hours by "The Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug gist, Plattsmouth, Neb. lOO for Letters About Nebraska. The Burlington Route (B. & M. R. R.) offers thirteen prizes ranging from $5 to $25, and aggregating one hundred dollars for thirteen letters, which, in the opinion of a competent committee, are best calculated to en courage immigration to Nebraska. Every contestant, whether or not his cotribution is awarded a prize, will receive the "Cora Belt," a hand some sixteen-page monthly publica tion, for six months, free of charge. The contest is open to - all. Details can bo obtained by addressing J. Francis. G. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. In pulmonary trouble, the direct action of Ballard's HorehouQd Syrup upon the throat, chest and lungs, im mediately arrest the milady, by re lieving tie distress, cutting the phlegm and freeing the vocal and b eathing organs. Price 25 and 50 cents. F G. Fricke & Co. Evidently the Other Fellow. Hicks "I firmly believe In phrenol ogy. I flatter myself, for instance.that I can unfailingly discover aggressive ness from the appearance of certain bumps on a man's head." Wicks "That may be true, but are you able to tell which of the parties was aggres Ive?" St. Louis Globe-Democrat. There is Nothing: so Good. There is nothingfjust as good as Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to mako more profit he may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery be cause you know it to be safe and relia ble, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as Dr. KiDg's New J Discovery. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. 3 Giant Planing: STaehine. Our readers have doubtless seen iron planing-machines in operation remov ing narrow chips of Iron from the piece they planed. In Buffalo, a planer Is in operation which at each cut removes a. shaving full tw'e Inches wide from solid cast Iron. The knife is between welve and thirteen inches wide. Janitor work of all kinds, satisfac lion guaranteed by Telfer & Shep pard, 616 Vine street. LOLISVILLK ITKM-. Louiuville has a $2,000 damage t-uit on hand. B. R. Stwer. who slipped and fell on tho sidewalk somo time ago, has sued the town for that amount. People are all waiting to -t e if he getti it, and if he does ihere will bo loin 1 damage catses, for they all want to fall for that price. There is a good deal of comiumt aet to who the sporting editor is who writes tlin articles in tht ee columns. Now the writer wishes to khv that lie will try to please all. But of course he has to gather the news from all sources lie ban to depend on part of the news as it is told him. He may make u mistake or two, but what is found in these columns is done to Interest the general public and let the world know that wo live in a lively towu and know how to enjoy life as we jourr.ey 'n our road i f limo. Misses Sadij and Florence Gadway of Omnha visited with their parents at this pi. ice for tho pist week. Otto Becker's new b.r fixtures ar rived iiDd were placed in po.-itioti in his new saloon this week. Miko T.itsch and Frank Nichols went to Cedar Creek to furnish muic for a dance New Year's eve. As it was very cold they heated bricks find placed them in the buggy to keep their feet warm. But before they got there they had to etop and put out a fire, for the robes caught fire from the brick, and they had a narrow esc ipe from being burned up. Dr. Jones of South Bend was in town last Saturday. Doctor says walking is good, fo;1 1 e ti ied to count all the ties from here to South B-nd, buf, he only counted ninety-three, and he aid they all got tangled up some w;iy or else he went so fust, for he could not ci unt any more. Ill 9 B. & JU. carries pus sengers yet doctor, so you better ride the next time you come down. lie is a good walker, fo.' he walked it in fifty-nine minutes and fifty nine sec i onds, for he suj s he kept time. Well, mavbe he did. Otto Becker has opened up his new saloon, there is no queotion but what it is a darsy, for everything is now through out. There will be a hot old time in town Saturday night What makes Ben Metzger wear such a smile now days? Because he wants to go with a certain person. People here talk more about the fast mail train than they do about their meals. They all know how to run trains. A. J. Headley of Weeping Water was in town Wednesday. Henry Mockenhaupt and Frank Nicho's each bet $1.10 apiece that they would both go to see two young ladies last Monday night. Henry had lots of monev and he knew Frank was bashful, so he proposed the bet, but when it came time to go and Henry saw that Frank was getting retidy and meant to go, then Henry showed the white feathers, which is just like him and bad big tears in his eyes and asked Frank then and there to de clare the bet off as that was all the money he had and his lauDdry bill was unpaid. Frank went to see the all right, but he was very timid. Some conspicuous person placed a notice on the door of the Little Gem restaurant last Tuesday which ro;d, "closed by order of sheriff," and some people think it is true. But the Gem has the best back bone against it in the coutity and will be running when others are closed. E. C Twiss and family celebrated New Year's day at the home of the latter's brother, Mrs. Twiss, who lives atNarca, Kan. There were quite a good many watch parties held last Saturday night. Jim Hoover is putting up a large supp'y of ice this week for home use. INFORMATION AND OPINION. Mri. Florence Wats a of Middleton, O , was found dead in bed a few days ago. When the neighbors went, to the hous3 they found that the poor woman bad actu.illy starved to death. Mrs Watson comes ficm a very pro minent and wealthy family. About a year ago she eloped with William Watson, and her parents never for gave her for it. The coroner will in vestigate the case. By the purchase of a large block of stock of the Caibarien railway in Cuba, L. Ruiz & Co., bankers, repre senting English capitalists, have se cured a controlling interest in that line. The same men have a'.so been large purchasers of the stocks of the Sagut aud Cienfuegos companies'. They expect to have soon a control ling interest in those two concerns, and, owning, as thy do. the united railway linet, will be in a prsiticn to dictate terms to the Jucaro ccmpiiDy, which is the wealthiestnd most pros perous in the island. If the Jucro stock eennot be purchased, the line will undoubtedly be paralleled, thus giving a t: unk line from Pinar del Rio to Santa Clara. Notice. Good small farm five miles south of Plattsmouth for sale cheap if sold be fore February 1 Ensy terms. Apply to J. M. Roberts, South Omaha, Neb. Try Uraln-O! 'I ry iralu-Oi Afk your grocer today to ihow ou a package of Grain O; the- new food drink that takes tho pliic or coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as weil a the aiiu t. All who try it, like it. Gkaivo h tl.at i i.-h seal brovvnof Moeria ;.iul .1 .. v:i.lut ills ni ide from puro grains, urul the most de'ieale stomach receive-- it without diftrc&.s. One-fourth tlx p ii-e of colTce. loo and ") c's per p u-Kage. Sold by al 1 grocers. Ntw ll.ikfry. Same buiidit.g.samo bakor and n.irn.i price-, but all hewly baked ! ca!. cake, pie-, etc.. at llol oway'.-. Tli Way l k to California :h in a tourist sleeping ear perr-onally conducted ia the Hurling! on Uoule. You don'i change cars. Yiu make fast time. You Wie the li rn-.-t s-cer cry on the jilnbe. Yovireir is licit "i expensively lin- i-he i nor o iii.e to leok a' a-a palace blooper I u t it i-. ju-t as clean, just as comfortable, ju-t as Lr oj to ride in, AMI NKAIU.Y 40 CHUAPKU. Tho Burlington excursions leave eveiy Thursday reaching San Fran cisco Sunday and Los Angeles Mon day. Porter with each car. Excur sion manager with each party. For folder giving full information call at nearest B. & M. R. 11. depot or write J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Kevlvlng His Credit. A man is said to have caused the banns of marriage to be published in a Yorkshire church between himself and a lady to whom he was not engaged and who had no intention of marry ing him. The man. it was alleged, had come to the end of his credit, and as tonished the town by bavins the banns published between himself and a rich lady who, he had ascertained, was on the continent. At ouce hi credit was revived. An iprn;tte l'rtsiut For your friend would be a box of those elegant smokers.tho'-'Exquisito", manufactured by II. Spies. -A White Mark. Foley's Kidney Cure is a per fectly reliable for all Kidney diseases. The pro great medicine or the money re they not deserve prep ir a 1 1 o n and Bladder prietors of this guarantees it funded. Do a white mark? i'ree Pills. Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigor ate the system. Regular size 25c, per box. Sold by F. G. Fricke, druggist. 4 TO CCKK A COLO 1 ONE DAY' Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B Q. on each tablet Ulin!II!II!II!Ii:ilU!!ll3llllllIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIir; I PSllSt i Man ExliHct i is a wonderful aid in the maintenance of health; it is E an easily assimilable form of 5 nourishment in illness, and E is invaluable in restoring 5 shattered nerves and in con- E" E valescence. A doctor writes: 5 I have found it especially valuable for persons conva lescing from fever, and for nursing mothers. I am high ly pleased with it and my patients could not do without it." At all Drug Stores rUi3mz!MUH3!;z;uiiiiiii:u:u;iH:::ini:iiR ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL !! For Rats, Mice, Roaches, and Other Vermin. IT'S A KILLER. After Mtinfc, all vrrmin neelc water and the open air. Hence this killer is the most cleanly on earth. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 15 Cents. HEWTON MANUFACTURING & CHEMICAL CO., 95 William Street. New York. rTrwrrar in una , t 1 Ml HO1 . ' npiL Fun line KNITTED Warm Shoes and Slippers. Men's Flannel and Tuft-Lined, at $2.00 and $2.50. Children's Felt Shoes, 65c. Ladies' Felt Shoes, 85c up. FELT SLIPPERS, 65c up. Our Felt Goods department is overflowing with WARM ARTICLES and it will pay you to see 'em. Don't Forget Us on Fancy Felt Slippers. They make Appropriate Presents. NO HUMBUGGERY Jcizizinzi; and Ovcrszaitcrs REPAIRING. venlno ;, The Leading Paper of A tho Local iVews. It Is the Only Seven-Column Daily in the City, Larger Than Any Other Local Daily. A Superior News Service. If You Don't See It in THE NEWS, It Never Happened. NEWS The The BOOTS CALF, at $3.25, is custom made, full stock and is as good as we could make for $5.00. KIP, at $2.50, is all solid and no shoddy. We also have them for $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. GRAIN LEATHER, at $2.75, is as near waterproof as can be made. FELT Boots and First Quality Overs, at $2.25, can't be beat. SOX and OVERS at ROBT SHERWOOD FOR THEnaaa . . IT CONTAINS . And has been Reduced in Price to . . . lO Cents per Week Forty Cents per Alonth. Does Job Right Kind of Work Right Kind of Prices GIVE US A Largest Assortment In the City... Prices to Please. FOOT MILLINER News the City. Printing on TRIAL ORDER NOW