Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 03, 1899, Image 3

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' Irs! battalion of the Third Finally
........... .... ,,. i rwiihpn.i Obtain to
Iul3 h IIxvhiih t ompxny H In Among
Tli i-ui iitH oorife L. Mbeldon the
Omy (MlUfi In ttir t'otupauy Who Wat
Alili- In Suit hlii' Coming Home.
savannah, I.:e. 3uTho United
Stuto-. lraiisi,(,ri Obdntu left this after
iiooii vvuo thf l ii Bt 15atl:ilioii (if the
'l'hinl IS'.biHsku leimeiit. United
.ii.iii.-m iuiuiiici'is j no iroop-t are
Koiny iliii ct to iliiviin-i, where Ameri
i-iiti Ii its urn n:iid to bo wanted. Col
onel Victor Vifquain did not accom
pany this Imtt.ilion to Cuba, but will
sill on t-omo other transport. The
companies depnrlinir me: li, (J, I)
and K. Ieutenunt Coionol John II.
McCJay commanded the bittalion
Captain I hides II. Mirbloof Com
pany J is sick and did not tro. First
It . .
i-ieuieimni wuiiam II. Doano of the
same company is acting adjutant of
the i i gun., nt and ho will not tro. This
puts the command of the company in
the hands of First Lieutenant Charles
K. llill ol Company M, who went
away in the capacity of commanding
olhcer of Company C.
Comp iny E was commanded "by Cap
tain Don C. Van Dues-ten, and both
First. Lieutenant John M. Kinney and
Second Lieutenant J. 1. Cameron were
with him. Tho only oflicor of Com
pany 1$ going to Cuba is Captain
George L. Sheldon. First Lieutenant
Oscar II. Allen is sick and Second
Lieutenant C. A. Itawls is absent on
leave. C iptain Will Nevo is command
ing Company D, and both his officers,
First Lieutenant Forit Nigard and
Second Lieutenant Fred Hansen, are
with him.
Tho battalion marched through the
streets enroutoto the transport shortly
before 3 o'clock this afternoon. Lieu
tenant Colonel AlcClav rode at the
head of tho men. The band escorted
the battalion to the ship.
I.csides the First batallion of the
Third Nebraska the Obdam took oyer
a cood deal of transportation rridsome
men belonging to regiments that have
already gone across to Cuba. Several
contract nurses were carried on the
i ne march oi tne battalion was a
very pleasant one The troops re
ceived many cheers as they passed
through the city. The band played
"Dixie" several times betwesn tbe
camps and the transport and the tune
was loudly cheered. One of the soldier
had a Cuban flag stuck in his gun.
This evoked considerable enthusiasm.
Besides the Nebraska soldics, the
Obdam carried a number of nurses and
surgeons for the Havana hospitals.
The transports Roumanian and
Michigan arrived today and will take
the remaining battalions of the Ne
braska regiment and one battalion of
the Ninth Illinois. The hospital ship
Missouri also arrived today for a cargo
of medical supplies.
Hoys of the First Coming Home.
Washington, Dec. 30. Major Gen
eral Otis, military governor of the
Philippines, wired the War depart
ment today that in obedience to the
orders of the adjutant general under
date of October 19, he had reduced the
First Nebraska to eighty men to the
company and had ordered home on
government transports for muster out
all men above eighty who were the
support of dependent relatives,
students, men in the hospital and men
not likely to recover from illness, iD
accordance to instructions from the
War department. It is understood
from the telegram that a transport
has left Manila enroute for San Fran
cisco, but nothing could be learned at
the War department as to the name of
the transport.
Startling Oisclosures.
Admirals and captains are brave
enough, and keen tacticians, no doubt,
but the best part of the Spanish fleet
would have slipped through some
body's fingers that Sunday morning at
Santiaero if America's fighting en
gineers had not. by the hardest of
work, overcome the obstacles imposed
upon them by orders from the bridge.
If the fighting had been against men
more nearly kin say English or Ger
man under conditions identical with
those c Santiago on the morning of
July 3, some American hulks might
now be resting at the bottom of tropic
seas. For engines were uncoupled, and
many fires out, and steam so low that
all the energy of the stokers was re
quired to get it up again.
Tbe American ships had been off
the coast for weeks, waiting for the
enemy to come out. W hen the enemy
came out, the American ships were
ready to shoot, but not to give chase.
This was no fault of the engineers. It
was tho result of a condition peculiar
to naval practico. In the navy the
ship's captain decides how many boil
ers shall bo used, how much coal shall
be burned, what pressure shall be car
ried. And the American captains at
Santiago had everything in readiness,
except their boilers and engines.
There were two exceptions, the
Oregon and the Gloucester. Arthur The Engineering Magazine
for January.
i nc L.10 1 ball, i lib YEAR. IlTmil
rh- Tuxedo llmicuu flub Uivt-n I in Nw 111 1 U
! Hall at M 4f Tin n Hull.
The New Year's ! . ! ?iven by 'ho
Tuxedn D mcing clu Waterman's
hall i-i i.lay i vening w one of the most
pie .-ant soci il events i.f the season
and was a fitting close to the old year.
inerowas a large crowd in attend
ance and everyone seemed to tl.or
-LI .1 .
uuniy enjoy meineelves. Thi ciu
engaged the Lagretta orchestra of
Omaha to furnish the music and their
services were highly satisfactory,
Among those present were:
Misses Josephnie Tourtelot, Lin
coln; Miss Kich, Minnie Sharp, Omaha;
liert Haker, Council Bluff-; Noll
Woolson, Mabel Unruh, Delia Wells,
Tillio Vallery, Hallio Atwood, Edith
Patterson, Maud Eaton, Dora Fricke,
Mae Patterson, Minna White, Carrie
root, Tony Kessler, Olga Ha jock.
Hattie Sullivan, Lulu White, Clara
Green and Mrs. Edith Donnelan,
Weeping Water; and Messrs. H. J
Goos, II. E. Weidman, F. A. White,
F. It. Hallance, L L. Atwood, E
Eaton, T. E. Miller, II. U. Groves, Jas.
Newell, Ralph White, Jas. Patterson,
C. G. Fricke, J. C. Thygeson, II. 13.
kauble, W. II. Elstor, J. T. Coleman,
L. D. Uiatt, F. 13 Van Horn, Frank
Sherman, Percy Agnew, Heller,
Chas. Patterson and A. L. Coleman
and wife.
M K H V I I.
The Mortgage Record for the Past
Five Years Very Interesting
Tii Year 1897 ami 18U8 Mke n Mont
Kmcellrnt Showing, the Amount of
Krlt-tt.ea Kxce-dluf the Amount of
Mortgage Kllrtl Itj fetvrrttl I tioun.tnd
llolliim - Ol her New.
The people who contend that we are
not now enjoying an area of prospeiity
may have that idea dispelled by read
ing the figures taken from the mort
gage records in the office of Uecordor
of Doeds George A. Hay. There is no
heller indication of the county's finan
cial condition than its mortgaged in
debtedness, and tho record for the
past five years is given below:
Filed. Keleast
$:&,' u
404. TH
J. 7 7 ,;tKI
:(h )..".:(!
Stars and Stripes Take the Place
of the Spanish Flag.
Evacuation Day Ceremonies Are Simple,
Hut Impressive Cubans Take a Prom
inent Part In Them The Day Pauses
Off Peaceably The Event Celebrated
at Kantlago.
Havana, Jan. 1. At noon today
Spain's flag was hauled down from
over Cuba, where it had floated for al-
Filled. Kc-leased
$."?, :tin $1 i:.or.i
375.:iil 7'.tilS
4()H,'.(i UX.IUii 7S.771
In the following table, the figures
opposite tho year, indicate the amount
of tho increase mortgages over the
re lcase: - ,.
Farm I'ity
1'rnperty- I'rorertv
lh9!'J -'.
lt-Uo 4--'0,H7"i :JJ,fi'j:t
1 ue 4:i.uo4 :iio.iHi-J
The reco d for 1897 nnd 1S!)8 makes
an excellent snowing, tno amount
giV'n being the decrease:
H7 2S.154 4H.771
ly ttiow
Following is the mortgage record
for December, 1898:
Farm niorteaces. filed
Town and city mortgages, filed.. ..
Woman's Club Meeting.
attendance at the Woman's
SAT l.' KliA Y.
Airun .JiM.!in-i, tlio Munley post
in isle , inii ii l'l;i i inncu 1 h vioilor to-
G Lr" i ou t-sio' of the "l ite"' 1) -purlin,
nl storn return -d to the city
hint evening.
Miss I'ta H'issi'iiieier of Louisville
is vi-iting wit h tho family of County
Clerk .1. unes li ibei tson.
Mr. and Mrs. .Jacob Kepplu loturned
this morning Iroin a week's visit with
relatives at low i City. la.
Mr. atnl Mrs. J ihn Waterman went
to Crete this i.f.ernoon to p;tid Now
Year's day with the f riicr's brother,
Z Waterman.
Will j. Wilhruw has piiiehas.-d
Goorgo Mann's intere-t in The Trib
one and will e induct the n i per aloae
in the f ut uri-.
i no liin'j lor receiving' li el-i lor tno
erection of bridges in 'a county ex
pi red at noon to. lay. Four b.ds were
fi'.ed as follow.-: A. 15. i odd. J. W.
Hoover of Kansss City, J. K. Sheeley
& Co., Ijincol n,a nd t!ie Canton Bridge
compinv of Omaha. I lie comtuis-
sii-ners will open th bids sometime
next week.
A. I-i. Coleman and wife were down
from South Omaha visiting the for
mer's parents, M r. and Mrs. J. C
Coleman, yesterday. Arch returned
home this morning, but Mrs. Coleman
will visit friends here for a few days
Arch has oecorne so llesliy since go
ing to tho pork packing town that his
friends hardly knew him.
For all kinds of fancy pi oeorion call
at r . S Whites. Han ns. currants
cranberries, all kinds of fruit, and in
fact overvthinir for vour N-w Year's
Legal Notice.
;t p' 1 al ;in .r lnvnsr to sell leal cs-uUiu.oi-aiatoi
nl lite" J.jIim lions es-
most 400 years. In the place of the ciuo r nuay evening was smaller tnan
red and yellow the red, white and blue usual, out those who braved the in
was raised and the United States be- clement weather were well repaid, the
I . . .
comes responsible to the world and to oroirram being most excellent. Mrs
civilization for the destiny of one of Molitr gave an interesting ta.k ot a
the HehMst Knots nn oarth. recent visit to our city schools. She
The ceremonies of the transfer were thought the means of ventilation m
simple but splendidly impressive, some ol the rooms inadequate, and
Cubans took a prominent part in them, also spoke of the urgent need of new
for last niffht General Brooke had the window shades, those in use being in a
htppv thought to invite Geuerals Jose delapidated condition, not in keepin
Miguel Gomez, Cardenas, Menocal and with tho standard of excellence and
Surgeon General Sanchez Agrimonte order that should be maintained in
n.nrlt.hip staff to nwrnnnnnir him tn OUr CltV SCHOOI8. Mrs. IOUII aim her
the palace. The news that through
them the whole enfreed people were
to participate in tbe ceremonies did
rot spread rapidly, else the popular
demonstration, lively as it wa?, would
have been tenfold more joyful. The
weather w?;s hot; the streets, the roof
tops and the wharves were crowded.
No crowds were permitted to gather
in the streets nor at the palaca to wit
ness tho event that crowns the war
and marks an epoch. But the roofs
thereabouts were doubly thronged
wiih people.
At 9 a. m. the Second battalion,
Tenth United States regulars, swung
through General Weyler Obispo (for
merly called Weyler street) into the
Plaza de Armas before the palace. As
Captain Vanvliet, commanding, ap
peared, mounted. Captain General
Castellans slipped out upon the bal-
committee spent three aftet noons
visitine the different rooms, and the
report was listened to most attentively,
and the suggestions embodied in the
report will doubtless be considered by
the school board and acted upon
Mrs. Hoot and Mrs. Elson were up
nointe-l by the president as school
visiting committee for January. S mie
very good music was enjoyed by the
club, Mr. Tucker singing "In the
Purple TwiVgn'' delightfully, and
Misses Baird and Smith playing a
piano duett most acceptably.
Quotations from Shelley were given
in response to roll call, and Mrs.
Stoutenborough read a paper on hi?
life and works. Mrs. Unruh also gave
some interesting incidents of this
talented poet's life and domestic
troubles. Miss Gass hail "Feudalism"
for her subject, and her manner of
cony that fronts the park and the present ition made her remarks most
statue of Columbus The company of enieriaining
Spanish buglers uttered a shrill salute. Miss Mauzy s apologies for the
f astrllno3-sfieminfflv most interested. I lengtn oi ner paper on oiimpsesoi
looked on. As the Yankees passed the Authors of the Elizabethan Age"
the Columbus statute the band of the were quite unnecessary, as the subject
c0n Ttiinnia Prrimpnt cpiontorl matter was so interesting and the
thohestin tho Seventh corns, which I DPer
headed them, burst out with 'The
that no one
Stars and Stripes Forever.'"
Celebration at Santiago.
SANTIAGO DE Cuba, Jan. 1. The
last day of the old year had scarcely
passed when the people of Santiago
began to celebrate the birth of Cuban
independence. From that hour until
dawn crowds marched the 6treets,
singing and cheering for Cuba and the
United States, while bands played
exhilarating music. It was the real
voice of the people instead of tho ele
tnent that is usually making itself
heard through the local press, and
there could be no question of the
enthusiastic feeling toward America.
This morning General Wood, follow
ing an ancient Santiago custom, held
to well written
found it too lengthv.
Mrs. Toliff closed the program with
an instructive paper on English Litera
ture from Chancer to Spencer, which
showed careful preparation and research.
Parliamentary law and current top
ics will furnish the program for the
next meeting of the club,and as this is
a popular department, it is expected
there will be a large attendance.
Henry lloeck Was Scared.
The alarm of fi e was sounded nt
6:30 Saturday morniDg and from the
vigorous manner in which the bell
pealed forth considerable excitement
was caused. People were lunning in
every direction, trying to locate the
flames, but without success. Finally
a reception at the palace, appearing Henry Boeck was seen coming from
for tbe first time In the full dress uni- the bell tower and, upon being ques
form of a major general. He received tioned as to the location of the fire.
- i
the members of the supreme court and directed the crowd to the rear of A.
the other officials of the city. To- W. Atwood's drug store. When they
morrow, with Mrs. "Wood, he will arrived there, they found the smoke
hold a reception for all who may was isuing from a building where
choose to come.
Took Him to MlMoarl, r
Constable A. B. Wilson of Craig,
Mo., Saturday came up after Frank
Scott, the young man arrested by the
offl.-ers Thursday evening. The con
etab'e was accompanied by a detective
from the K. C. railroad, Scott also be-ino-
wanted by that company on tbe
charge of stealing. He has stole
enough, it i thought, to send him
over the road for a number of years.
Scott's father is said to be a well-to-do
citizen of Craig, and the young
man has always borne a good reputa
tion until very recently.
Dingley ia Critically 111
WAsniJJGTor, Jan. 1. Represen
tative DiDgley of Maine is critically
ill at his apartments at the Hamilton
house in this city with an attack of
pneumonia. Because of his age much
concern is felt over his condition.
His illness dates from Wednesday
Patterson & Kunsmann were smoking
meat and it was decided not to turn on
the water. Henry htd not been up
very long when he saw the smoke and
he stated that he thought the whole
block was on fire. He is buying ten
cent cigars for the boys now.
Watched th Uid Year Out
One of the most pleasant of the many
of last week, when he had an attack social gatherings in this city during
of tbe grip. He rapidly grew worse
and last night pneumonia set in. This
afternoon it was stated that there had
been a slight change for the better,
which has continued during the evening.
Mr. Dingley is of delicate physique,
theholida3S was the watch meeting
given by the Misses Amelia and Ma
tilda Vallery, at their home on Satur
day night. The evening wus spent ,-. t
cards and other amusements, and ele
gant refreshments were served.
Among those present were Messrs. and
is an unremitting worker, and has Mesdames sspurlocic, Livinton, John
figured in tariff legislation in the Vallery, Charles Vallerj-, tho Muses
house for a great number of year past, EJith Patterson, Louise White, Bertha
Ho is now chairman of the committee White, Fricke, Shepherd, Wright,
on ways and means and is the leader Edna Adims, Herrmann, Mia Gering
of the republican majority on the floor antl Messrs. Charley Patterson, Mr,
of the house. His wife and daughter Haller, Rev. Freund, Supt. Me
are htre nursing him, while a physi- Hugh, nenry Gering, Will Streight,
cian is in constant attendance at his Farley
lienrv Ilebner of rsehawka was a
Plattsmouth visitor today.
The many friends of Mrs. C. E. Wes
cott w:ll regret, to learn that she is
quite ill.
S. Ii. Shumaker went to Council
liluirs this morning to purchase some
pumps for his store
Miss Ada Hay has been quite ill
for several days, but i-? reported con
siderable better today.
W. C. lienfer, foreman of TukNkWs
otliee, mashed hn thumb quite severe
ly this afternoon while working with
the pres and as a result will take a
few days' layotT.
Mrs. Hans Ploehn and Mrs. Hans
Paash of So lbner, mother and sis
ter of Mrs. H, M. Soenniehsen, ar
rived in the city Satu 'day evening for
a several days' visit.
Articles of incorporation of the First
Church of Ciirir-t, Scientists, vvern
fib d in t1 e ollici of Recorder of Deeds
Hay today. Tho congregation ex
pects to erect a building of it-j own in
the near future.
Tno Xclnwk'i Iiegit"r c me cut as
a s uvenir number last week. It con
tained a nuinbe of half-to n' cuts and
biographical sketches of the promi
nent men of Kthavka and was quite
an interesting I'tiiabvi',
Miss Flora .Johns was the lucky one
in t!ie bean gue-sinr contest at A.
C. ark's g. oeery store, tuossing the
exact number of beans in the iar
7.1204 and drew the lamp. There
were about fifty who guessed within a
verv few of the correct number.
Miss Helena Radford, ono of the
teachers in the city schools, was called
tj Lincoln today on account of the
serious illness cf her mother. She
resigned her position in tho schools
and the board of education will hold
a meeting this evening to elect some
ne to till the vacancy.
Nut ii e ui
late by the
To ;il! pel sum iutcie-teil in the estate i.l Jolm
lyiius. uri e;isea
Vim ait heieliv untitled that upon the?"tli day
oi i e eniDut. i. u. i.'s. Hie lliunnalilc lla--ii
Kaiusey.jmlne ol the distric t tutu I, issued the lul
low my o. i iei :
III ihe I'.st i ii t ( 'unit i.l last count v. Nebraska.
In the in.! iei ol the estate o John b ins, de-
I'eiiseil .
Oi del t' i s In v. cause u li v license sin m Id not is
sue tu Hem I;, mis, adiiiiiustlalur, to sell real ec
lair In i,IV ill l)ls.
.Nou on thr-L'slh day ol I 'ei einUer. A. I. IMIM.
theie was inesented to the judj-e ul the district
i. u.ii t the pel; I ion ol I leni y lion ad in in 1st ra ten ,
ol ihe esline :! John Huns, deceased, lor license
In M-il lots, seven and eight in block tuuiteen. the
si.uh onel Ii ii d ot lots lour, live and six in IjIocL
S' Miilci n. .'II in liie ii V ol I'lattsuiuiilh, in Cass
coini'v. Nei'; Jill 1 part ol lots lotn, live and
si in nloc t .-1. 111 1 nii.e.t' addition to the citv ol
I'ia;1.; inui;: Ii. in Can county. Nebraska, and it
appeal mi; in the out t Ii oin said pctilioii that it
may le nece sarv tu sell said real estate to pay
the del , i'osIs an 1 expenses ol the estate ot the
decea: ed, nhn llo.iS.
It is hereby oidcied that a'! prisons interested
in Maid estate snail be and appear at the oltice oi
the ol i he j isu k t co tit at the court house
ill I'l.i; -nioutli, cl)i s,.a. .in the 1 :l . 1 1 day ol
l'ebi uai vA.l.) ' .a ! ii'i:il . M , then and
there to how r;i:i e, il any, iwiy said license
should noi li - i: .ued to the adnunistra.or to sell
the above desci iued leal estate.
It is further ordered that notice shall be cue"
by publication in 1 ne Mi mi Whl Kl y
lur a pel :od ol four ronsecutive weeks
from the;l lid;:v ol December A. I. IKIM
In wiliiess wiie;eol 1 have hereunto set my
hand at the '.liamoers til's r'tli'day ol December,
A. 1). lM'H.
Hash. S. Kamskv,
Judge ot the District Court.
And by viitue of sid order you are herby noti-ti-:d
to appear at the oltice ol the clerk ol the dis
trict com t o:i the i:tli day ot 1-ebrnaiy, A D.
1: f. at ! o'clock A. M. then and there to show
cause, if avy. v hy sa id license should not be is
sued to the administrator, Henry Hons, to sell
the real es'a'.e above desci ibi d m said order tu
pay debts, co t i and expense :.
1 1 i nk Y Hons, Administrator.
Hvkon I'lakk, Attorney.
Legal Xoliic.
In the district c ui t of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter ol the guardianship of John (i.
I'Kourke a i'd I eph T. O'Kourke.
l.'ii li i and by u : ue id a license to sell the real
estate reri inalter described made bi the above
entitled i ause pending in tne district court
holdc-n within and for Cass county, Nebraska, by
the I Ion. i!a: il S. Kainsey, judue. on thei'lhday
of .lu'y, A. D. l!i,S. 1 will, on January til, H-i!i, at
the south door ol die court house in the city of
I'liitt. nioutli, in C.iss county, Nebraska, at 1U
o'clock a in. oiler lor .ale:
l.ol leu ( Mi), in block n ,nel,'-li ve (!'). in the citv
of lJlattsinoiith.
Lots nine I 'J I and ten I MM. in block twenty-six
-ii I. in Dui.e s addition to the city of l'latts
niout Ii.
Lots ten Mbl. eleven III! and twelve f 121. in
block one I in bt.idelinan's addition to the city
of 1'latt: mouth, ad in the county of Cass, and
state ol Nebia: la, to the highest bidder for cash,
said minors owning an undivided one-hall of said
lands, and the undersigned and Anna 1.
O'KourUe owning the remaining undivided one-
hal!. ( )ne-half ol the realty wid be the sale ol the
guardian, and the remainiiii; one half the in
dividual of the said owners.
Ni.i.lie M. O'Kourke as Guardian,
and lor herself and Anna 1 O'Kourke.
By her attorney, liyron Ciarit.
We Are Prepared..
...To furnish anything in
the line of Watches, Jewelry, Sil
verware and Novelties for the
Holiday trade. If you are look
ing for Quality, Style and Finish,
at a Low Price, we invite you to
Oi i' l.or Kant of Fotzor's Shoo Htorc.
,E2 f!
(JPi if) 3
30 ZZ
2Em -7S PILE TUB.y
i i i -1 v-7yv- .
ik in -n z.-ss,.:
Notice to Creditors.
Stat e of Ni bkaska, )
In County Court.
Isabelle Emery,
Oa s County. S
In the of the estate of
deceive J.
No. ice is hereby given that the creditors of said
deceased w.'l meet the administrator of said es-
liiic, be. ore inc. coi'ir.y judge of Cass county, Ne
br.i ka. at i 'e co.'t'.v court room in I'lattsinouth
ill s;:i . co jn v, on the 14th day of 1' ebruarv, A. I).
!".i, p-.d o i ihe V h day of July, !'., at 9
o'clock A. .1. each 0. y for the purpose of pre
eni 'tig l c r ciai .o " examination, adjustment
and al low;' nee. Six nioiil lis are allowed for the
creditors oi s: ' clcce.i ed to present theirclaiins,
lrom the 14ih d.iy of January, lb'.Kt.
Witness my liana and tne seal ot said county
court at Plattsmoiuh, Nebraska, this l'Jth day
December. 1 .'.'.
(Seal) County Judge.
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; bottles, 60 Cents.
JAKES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Notice of Administralion.
In Coui'.t v Court, Cass county. Nebraska.
In the ii'. t ict ol the estate ol i'raukiin Neimann,
I reJe icc -!!erv. Maxwell Vallery. Josephine
VaH y, 'i'l;.;i. . and ail other peisous interested
in 'd nia.t t, ;. i e hereby no. i lied that a petition
s bo?n ii' - i in waid court, al! ;gin tiiat said de
cea. ea u ed le; v i . ro last will, and praying lor
aciiii ni u ;ii io'i o. ,.. d estate, and that if you fail
lijin-jcrat i. i 1 '0111 ton the lotti day of January
. !.. Js; i oj.lock A. M., to contest said
pe. i o i, the ' oci c may prant the prayer of said
pe 'lion. ; -d ,-;i..'K aclniini-tration of said estate
10 I). O. I-v. vci. or some other suitable person,
and tu'o u .0 a settlement ol said estate.
Wiine'-s my hand and seal ot said court
pi 1J! ,t 1 i s ui o a l :i. Nebraska, this, the ltith. day of
DeLeiiiuer, A. D. lMis.
Georc;f. M. Spurlock,
(Sea!) County Judge.
Take Notice.
Every member of the W. R. C. is
urged to be present at the hall Thurs
day afternoon at the usual hour.
Something of importance.
Grant B van, a switchrnin in the
Burlington vards at Lincoln, while
aUemptiup; to uncouple the air hose
011 a car while in motion Saturday
evening', fell and suffered the loss of
his right arm. Bryan was well known
here, having been employed -in the
vards until about three months ago.
Section Foreman Con Gillispie is
again confined to his room with ill
ness lie had not sufficiently re
covered from his recent illness when
he returned lo work.
Sunday the seven days' race be
tween the Q" and the Northwestern
r.iilro'tds b.?gan. The priz3 for the
winner is the $750, Ob'O contract for car
rying the mails between Chicago and
Omaha ar.d the contest will be watched
with interest by Platt-mouth people,
who are anxious to see the Burling
ton come out vic'.oiious and retain the
contract, rorusein pulling the fust
mail trains, the latter road has se
cured two new enyines from the Bald
win Locomotive works, known as the
Atlantic st.vie, with four drive wheels
and are po.verful machines.
The sum of ?16.0)0, representing a
portion of the money turned into the
Newport News, Hampton and Old
Point Comfort Railway company by
the conductors in excess of ihe fares
registered since the road began oper
ations, was divided among the twenty-
odd employes of the ro id late Satur
day u'ght. A fund of $24,0(J0 had ac
cumulated from excess fares. Of this
amount $16,000 belonged to Mr. J. S.
Darling, Mrs. J. S. Diriing and Mr.
W. Dariing, who, until recently.
owned a conti oiling interest in the
line. They divided their entire por
tion of the fund mong the employes.
according to their length of service
and in proportion to the salarv they
eceived. Some oT the conductors and
motormen received checks for us much
as uu, while a nuT.oer 01 others.
whose terras of service had been
recently so'.d
road . to a new
VOU should know that Foley's Honey shorter, w-to rrivrn from 820o to
I - . I i i lv 1 " .. it..
A aDd iar is absolutely the best rem
edy for all diseases of the throat,
chest or lungs. Daalers are authorized
to guarantee it to give satisfaction in
all cases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
each. The Darlings
thM" interest in the
Ptobate Notice.
I.l Count v Court, C;i County. Nebipska.
In the m; ner ol iiie ol Ce: c:a smith, de
1 ewis Smith, John C. Smith, How?1! D.ndh
and all other nci ous v:te'eslcd in s; (. m; ,ie
are nereby noii i'c 1 I lit' . on the fiti 0. v o . Decem
ber. 1-A. J. (.ir;.c" ii! d a pci .'on n sa'd
court alls't'S anions other .hinss. i".t Celxia
tfmitli died o i t..u -l'.i t .iv ol Noveiroer, li'.i.
leav ! m a l;i t w : a i c! iaaicnt mi noosesscu
Oianc- . e oi about the va'.ie olt-M..)U ., and tnat
tiie aoove ntinicd conslilt'ie all .i'e per
sons iu. ere. leu :;i t ne c.'t-.e oi ...ui ae
ce ed. and prayirgr for the Diobale of
said w'H pud lor ri'.ivni. ii. cou ol tb
s?id csiate. 1 on sic he-coy not eed li at if you
lail .o r '!,; r btdo-e - d oc ; on ice I .ii day of
am'a' VH.D. 1 : .'. nt o :'o : n. in.: lo contest
the p:ooa.e ot ;..iu v.i", t'le coml may ?'ioiv and
prooa.e s; ia r:id r.ranl ?dm in . 1 1 ;:i.ion of
s; id e: late to A. .1. O raves, or some oii er suitable
per-Jon. and nrocccd io a settlemei't oiereoi.
Wiinets my rand and the seal ot ba'd cou.tat
1 latt-niou ' , .y ibraikj. this I .h d.y ot De
cember A- D. 1 'i. (. orgk M SPUrtLOCK,
seai. Couniy judge.
The Snerwin- Wsluams C
Houses, ;
Cupboards, Shelves
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pui
pose, not one slap-dash mix
ture for all.
Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest j.
o-t'7 reputation. Ve say these are the best paii' .
used tliem.
You knw
' : You'll
say so too atler y
Legal Notice.
In ihe Di -trict Court of Ca? County Nebraska
in he matter ol the cil e oi nenry stol., Ue-
ce; sco.
'l ii;s . use came on lor he, ring on ne.iliou ol
Henry .1. Soern v. i-ei rs poniiu'i,. raior with will
anne.cJol e la.coi Henry Moll.c'ecoii. cc'. praying
tor h ere :o .ell lot two t ') in t he l'or. n-east
quar -.k ol -e.iioa I ', 5n tow i KS, lvne 1.!, Cass
couniv, iviebr. '.a- lot -ii'ee itj) i i the norih-west
ciuy i cr oc yect'on i h i i i v-ii ve (.. ") ton J , raDe
Iti, iores id; i"e nor i!-e: :.t qear er oi liie south
wc. i q.'a rier ol L'd S 'Ction ; , ovmi rane 13,
aiorc id, ai d a';o lots enc, iao avd .i'rie, (',
and u), in block o: e t'). Vourg aod ILy 3 re'di
tion io the ol iiy Plat't.-.iioJth, Cp.f i:otiTiy, i.'e
braska, lor tne payment of deb! -. in ire sum oi
f ili.t .' with cos.s Ot rc'iv inisiei inpf r : ; e erd for
sa'e of liiiid. aPegi t tiiat becau. e of '.i-e nature,
situniton a:;d coi'diiioii of said real eie te, it will
be nece.-: ary to . ell ad of sa'd real e laie that
liie r: idue nnsi't not be greatly depreciated in
value ii ? lot'h ?ioue was co'd to pay s;.id debts,
cos.s and cxper e. ,. 'ere not being sutficient per
sor; 1 property io pay said debts and expenses.
It is 'erclore ordered by me that ?'l persons in
terested in Suid estate and erijeciallv:
Philip Moll, Ch?rlcs Sloll, Mrs. Ci arles Stoll,
first name unknown: lili.abeih Mci-arland and
her husband. T ir. l'arland, tirst came unknown;
(Jeore Lehr, Ocorge Leiir, jr.. and wife, A. S
Lehr, rrst. n;mie unknown: Cn?rle? Lehr, Minnie
Lebr.Cnristinae Leach. )onn Leach. Martha Lena
Deery and hu. band. !ir. Ueery, tirst name un
known; Ileca Thiero'f, Henry 'I hierolf. Kosanna
M?urer, loi n Maurei", Loeija iliople, Joseph
Kipp'e. i'il'iam Mod. Ai'3ii-t Soll, Ja'-ob Stud
and i' red ?toll appe; r before me at my chpmbers,
ohice clerk of me d;: .rict court, in the court
houe at I'Uttsriiou.i!. Cass coun y, Neuraska,
on the l.'.h c'ay of Jinuay, A. D., 1!, at the
hour of 'i. o'clock p. ni.,to show cause why a
licence should not be grarted to said administra
tor wi h v.'i'l annexed io jell a'l of the a oove de
scribed r-v.l eoiaic. This order shall be served
by publisi ii g same lor lour successive weeks
prior to dav of hearirg in the Sem'-Weekly
iNews-Heruld. Dated .November -JO, A. D. 1st.
Basl a. Ka.msev,
Judge ol tii . Dijirict L'otirt.
J. Li. Root, Attorney ior Admici-trator.
Fo" 30 cents you can gtt a pound of i
ciar clipping's at II Spies.
Legal Notice.
To Witiiain T. Eaton in his own right, and as ad
ministrator ol the esta'e ot Lmerson II. r,aton.
deceased. Augusta T. Katon, his wife. Simeon
F. fcatjn. Ausuate Laton. his wile. Fred H.
Katon. Mrs. Eaton, his w te, rrst real name un
known. Art E. Alexander ron-resident defend
ants. Vou are each hereby notified that on August
12. 1S'.k. Eliis 1 . Hartiev. as plaintiff, becan an
action against you and other defendants in the
district court of Cass county. Nebraska, to fore
close certain tax sate certificates and the taxes
paid thereunder, on lots 2 and 3, in block lbi in
the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
numbered Vis and i-A'J issued to the plaintiff De
cember t. lsl'2, pursuant to sale of said land for
delinquent taxes. Plaintitt p:ays for decree of
loreclos'ire and sale ot said lands to satisfy the
liens thereon and tor general relief. Vou are re
quired to answer plaiutitt's petition on or before
December M, I si's.
Ellis T. Hartley.
By I. H, HAvriELD. Attorney,
Is a guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and fi
ulauulk Diseases.
o Please the Public
Is our constant aim, and with that end
in view, we have laid in a nice,
well-selected line of...
Special Low Prices on Blankets.
Suitable for
Our Grocery Department...
Is complete in every detail, with the best the wholesale
market affords, and prices are LOWER than ever.
Prompt Delivery,
Fair Treatment
and Good Goods
Is what you may depend upon, if
you trade with
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth