Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 23, 1898, Image 4

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Christmas ESuyersn
Invoice of
Nobby Neckwear
Fancy Shirts
Ties--25c to 75c.
Link Cuffs to match, in the
new blue and pink stripes.
Boys, 50c; Men's, 75c.
We are still leading
the procession
Gloves, Umbrellas
and other
Fine Furnishings.
And No Monkey Business.
raCSk Rt9k ;5C5k xXS MX9t x3C3
New Hardware Store
Having- returned to Plattsmouth, I will be glad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything usually carried in a first-class
hardware store.
Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will
interest you.
Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH
There is no place like
Joe FE
The best class of goods to be found in
Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper
per pair. We make a specialty of High
Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. -We are
glad to have you come in and see our stock
An Immense Line of FALL and WINTER SHOES in,
that will suit all classes of purcasers.
We paid the CASH and will give you the
benefit of heavy DISCOUNT.
413 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb.
"Zuckweiler & Lutz
Continue to do a leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth. Neb
Department Store Fiasco Attracts
Attention of the Sheriff.
lie Lertea on the Dry Uood Stock on an
Order of Attachment Iu the Hani of
5S4.6S, the Amount of Clultna Held
By Two Kansas City Flriua Stock
Uelof Invoiced Today.
L. M. Rawitzer, the new proprietor
of the Department store, waa very
abruptly Btopped from making sales in
the dry goods department of that in
stitution at about 10 o'clock this morn
lag by Sheriff William Wheeler, who
levied on the stock on an order of at
tachment for amounts aggregating
$2,5-54,62, and notified the clerks to
sell no more goods. lie could not lock
the doors on account of interfering
with the grocery department, which
is being conducted by Paxton & Gal
lagher. The attachment proceedings
wern instituted by the Western; and
Southern Mercantile association of
Kansas City, which association holds
a claim for $1,791, and Barton Bros
of the same place, their claim being
for $763.62.
The sheriff was protected in the pro
ceedings by a $5,200 bond, given by
the firms and signed by C. C. Parmele
and the American Guarantee company
of New York. A like bond was also
given to seeure the order of attach
menL As to the outcome of the very
much complicated case there are many
suppositions. It is stated that George
Tourtelot, the original owner, has
seeked a more agreeable clime until
the controversy is settled.
Emii Wuri and Henry Herold were
appointed to invoice the tttocK
and after this is done an I Mr. Raw
itzer gives bond the business' will bo
A suit was instituted before Justice
Archer this afternoon in which prop
erty belonging to W. W. Coates was
attached to satisfy a claim or some
Chicago parties on the Tourtelot stock
The matter was taken under advise
ment. .
It is stated a new time card will go
into effect on the Burlington January
The Chicago-Omaha lines do not
favor the 1899 Omaha exposition, and
declare they will neither donate
money or give reduced rates on ac
count of it
Yard master Chet Manchester will
go to Lincoln this evening to soend
Christmas with relatives, his wife and
baby having gone this morning.
The tendency of western railroads
during the past few years has been to
do away with wcoden bridges as
rapidly as possible, owing to the great
cost of maintaining them, and the dan
ger from fire. Whenever possible the
Burlington has taken out its long
spans of wooden bridges and substi
tuted fills, with shorter and more sub
stantial iron bridges over the chan
nels which had to be bridged. The
Burlington is building few wooden
bridges these days and replacing many
old ones with iron.
Theieare more train crews to be
seen on the streets of Plattsmouth now
than for many years. The "Q" crew
relieves the Burlington crew that
brings No. 6 here each morning and
they remain here until noon instead
of going to the Junction. In fact
about all o: the train men who run
into the Junction come over here on
account ot the good hotel accommoda
tions and because of the opportunity
to remain over night in a live town.
Frank Eaton returned to his home
at Colorado Springs today, after a
visit of several d.iys in the city. He is
working on air brakes in the shops of
the Colorado Midland railroad.
G. F. S. Burton of Master Mechanic
Helps' office was a sightseer in the
metropolis this afternoon.
The Burlington shops will be closed
down tomorrow in cder to give the
men a Christmas holid iy.
All Checks Need Stamps.
E. R. Mumford, deputy internal
revenue collector for this district, is
in receipt of a letter fiom his chief.
correcting en erroneous interpreta
tion of a recent ruling on the now
revenue law as the stumping- of checks
is concerned, which Mr. Houtz asks to
be given some publicity in order that
it may prevent some from getting into
trouble. It appears thai a recent rul
ing on the new law stated that deposi
tors of a bank could secure funds there
from without having to pay the stamp
tax, but that instead of making a
check on their account, a receipt must
be given the bank and this receipt is
not negotiable, as is a check. In some
places this ruling was interpreted as
meaning that a depositor could go to
the bank, issue a check on his account
and accept the cash without attaching
a stamp to the check. This error ia
what the collector seeks to correct.
No checks, however issued or wherever
used, can be made without having the
stamp affixed, but a receipt can be
used without the stamp. The only
difference ia that the receipt cannot
be used as cash in a transaction, the
maker being compelled to make the
application at the bank in person for
the money. Nebraska City News.
The T. J. Sokol societv will give its
annual mask ball at their hall in West
Plattsmouth on January 14. A grand
time was had at their ball last winter,
there being about 200 in attendance,
and this one gives promise of being
till bettor.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Acme Chocolates at Ilolloway's
Mrs. S. II. Atwood visited in Omaha
Pie filling, ready for use, at Hollo-
Try the "Exqulslto" for a good
Try Acme Chocolates as good as
the best.
Oysters served at Ilolloway's at
usual price.
Just the thing a perfume atomizer
at Gering & Co's.
No trouble to select Christmas gifts
at Gering & Co'-.
A nice fresh slock of candies at
Gering & Co's.
Fancy chinaware. Nicest line in
town. Gering & Co.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
August Bach made a business trip to
the metropolis thie morning.
John Shulhof and wife were Omaha
passengers on the fast mail.
Ilolloway's have a fine assortment of
candies for the holiday trade.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barker were
Omaha visitors this afternoon.
Careful attention given to special
orders for baking at Holloway's.
Mrs. C. S. Twiss and daughter were
passengers for Omaha' this morning.
Emmons Richey is home from the
state university to spend the holidays.
An elegant line of celluloid and
plush dressing cases at Gering & Co's.
Mrs. F. E. White and daughter were
Omaha passengers on the early train.
L. Demmie Hiatt and Fred Hawks
worth were in Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. D. C. Morgan visited her
mother, Mrs. Kate Oliver, at Omaha
You can get flour from 70 cents up
at White's and everything is war
ranted. Furs for Christmas presents are
most acceptable. Largest stock at
Bennett & Tutt will have holly,
mistletoe and evergreen wreathing for
the holidays.
Sweet cider, mince meat, cran
berries, celery and everything good at
Bennett & Tutt's.
Now is the time to go to A. W. At
wood, the druggist, and get medicine
that will cure you.
The dolls that were left from the
carnival are on sale at Miss Tucker's
store on Sixth street.
A large and elegant stock of per
fumery, stationery, etc., at the drug
store of A. W. Atwood.
Rev. Stratton is meeting with grati
fying success in the revival meetings
at the Methodist church.
Do not fail to go to Bennett & Tutt's
and examine their holiday goods if
you want something nice.
Choice cigars for the holiday trade
now ready, put up in neat boxes of 12
and 25. Juxius Pepperberg.
Telfer & Sheppanl have added 'pos
sum and sweet potatoes to their bill of
fare for Saturday evenings. Watch
for them.
Gering & Co. have the most com
plete line of perfumery in the city. A
nice thing for a Christmas gift. See
their stock.
James Philip Brisbin and Mary Con
nelly, both of Murdock, were granted
a permit to wed by County Judge
Spurlock today.
William M. Tucker was in the city
today consulting County Judge Spur
lock in regard to the estate of Moses
Tucker, deceaeed.
C. S. Tucker will sing a solo at St.
Luke's church Christmas evening.
There will be other special music at
the evening service.
The party who took an umbrella
and a pair of mittens from the doll
carnival by mistake will please leave
them at Dovey's store.
You will get interest every day on
the money you invest at Jno. T. Cole-
njao's 25 per cent reduction sale this
mouth. Investigate this.
L reae Hempel, who is attending
school here, has gone to South Bend
to snend Chi i-tmas with har parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hempel.
Bennett & Tutt are almost giving
away c.mdy and nuts. Only think;
four pounds of candy for 25 cents and
choice mixed nuts for 10 cents.
The Exquisito is recognized by all
as the leading 5-cent cigar. They are
for sale by all up-to-date dealers and
are manufactured by H. Spies.
LOST A diamond earring, between
residence of O. C. Dovey and the
postoffice. Finder will be liberally re
warded by notifying this office.
A. R. Ferguson of the Singer Manu
facturing company of Omaha was in
Plattsmouth today attending to busi
ness with W. S. Street, the local
The chairs and other furniture for
the new A. O. TJ. W. hall arrived to
day, and will be put in place as soon
as the building is completed. The
furniture is very nice.
Al Hall arrived in the city this
morning from Wheeling, W. Va., to
spend the holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hall. He has
been away from here about three
There will be divine services at St.
Luke's church Friday evening at 7:30,
after which there will be choir
practice. The church will be deco
rated that evening for the Christmas
Fred Kunsmann waa taken violently
ill with cramps in the stomach last
evening, hi friends being greatly
The Holiday Season flpproaolie
And we arc filling our store with a larc and varied assortment of
Beautiful and Desirable Articles, suitable for Christmas and New Year's I 'res
ents. We have ....
A Fine Assortment, in New
and Elegant Designs and Styles,
for both ladies and gentlemen.
A fine lino of th newest de
signs in Gold-filled and fine
Rolled Plate all styles.
Also a lare stock of solid silver and silver plated ware of .ill descriptions,
cut glassware, fancy china, bric-a-brac, onyx tables, clocks, and all other arti
cles usually kept in a first-class jewelry store. We carry only the best grades
of floods and everthinp; is new and up-to-date. Call and let us show you our line
and quote you our prices. We know they will please you.
fnoods Purchased of Us Kitgraved Free of Charge.
SNYDER & CO., Fine Jewelers and Opticians,
Corner Sixth and Alain Sts, Plattsmouth Neb.
alarmed about him, but he had re
covered this morning and was at his
post of duty.
Most merchants wait until the sea
son is over then have their reduction
sales, but John T. Coleman, the
jeweler, is having his reduction sale
now, when the people want the goods.
He is giving 25 per cent discount on
everything this month, or a dollar's
worth for 75 cents.
The Plattsmouth students at the
state university have some very Mat
tering reports in regard to the work
of Callie Atwood. He has recently
been elected a member of the English
club, an honor that is very 6eldora at
tained by a junior, and he is progresi
lng nicely in all lines of his work.
Wallace Carter, the popular deputy
in the office of the clerk of the district
court, departed for Weeping Water
this afternoon tospend Christmas with
his mother. It was rumored about the
court house that he armed himself
with a very important document be
fore leaving, I ut this report could not
be confirmed.
The turkey habit is growing
stronger with each succeeding year
and it is believed that there will be
more turkeys devoured this Christ
mas than ever before. However, there
is no danger of running sho;t as
Jonathan Hatt, the old reliable
butcher, has plenty of them He is
also well supplied with other fowl?,
such as prairie chickens, ducks, geese
and chickens. In fact ho can lix you
out with anything you may with for
your Christmas dinner.
'The Keal Widow Brown."
If you want to enjoy a good hearty
laugh go and see "The Real Widow
Brown" when she comes to White's
opera house Tuesday, December 27.
The lady is the leading character in
one of the best farce-comedies on the
road. The play has been a great suc
cess wherever produced and it is safe
to 6ay its popularity will be duplicated
here. Manager Scammon has intro
duced a wealth of innovations in the
shape of bright and catchy songs and
fascinating dances. He possesses a
compan3 of recognized ability, each
individual being selected fo- his or
her personal and artistic qualities.
Unlike the average farce-comedy, this
play possesses a decidedly amusing
plot hinging on a case of mistaken
identity. Its wits and jokes are re
fined and clean and you don't have to
sink shafts to find them, but, like the
Klondike, all tho. mental nuggets are
found on the surface. In "The Real
Widow Brown" you don't have to dig
for laugh.
Watches as Gifts.
There is nothing that serves to re
mind one every hour of a lifetime of
the doner so well as a good watch.
We have them iu best American
makes that for time keeping qualities,
artistic finish and beauty of design
cannot be beaten, and our prices are
lower than at any other time of the
year. Call and we will show you.
Jno. T. Coleman,
The Jtweler.
M. P. Holiday Rates.
For the holidays the Missouri Pacific
will make a rate of one fare for the
round trip to all poin's within 200
miles. Tickets will be sold December
24, 25, 26 and 31, 1893. end January 1
and 2,4899, with return limit January
4. For further particulars call on
C. F. Stoutenhokough, Agent.
Clearing Suit and Overcoat Sale.
Men's $5. $6 and $7 Suits and Over
coats, your choice for $3 98, at Wm.
Herold & Son's.
Try Graln-O! Try Graln-O!
Ask your grocer today to show j-ou
a package of GRAIN o, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who
try it, like it. GRAlN-o has that rich
seal brown of Mocha and Java, but it is
made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. One-fourth the price of
coffee. 15c and 2-5 cis per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Clearing Wrapper Sale at Herolds'.
Ladies' 81.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Wrap
pers. Clearing price, your choice, 89c.
Have you a cold? A dose of Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup at bed time
will remove it. Price 2-5 els and 50
ct8. F. G. Fricke & Co.
An elegant assortment of
Solid Silver ami Silver Mounted
Toilet Articles it n I many other
Dainty and Useful Novelties.
ClliiiiK From County Kxt-liangt-H IM-li l
l'l for "ev" KfHtlt-rn.
From the Weeping Water Kupcblican
Jonas Tergardun went to PI .tts
mouth the first of tho wook to win k in
the M. P. depot.
M. Moganson of tho 22d regulars
came down from Ft. Crook Saturday
for a final visit with his parent befo' O
leaving for Manila. Ho returned to
his regiment Wednesday morning.
I. F. Travis and family departed
Monday night via Kansas City, for Los
Angeles, C'al., where they expert to
reside in tho future, in hopes of bene
fitting Mrs. Travis' health. Mr.
Travis has been identified in different
avocations, in a business way, with
Weeping Water institutions for a
number of years Mrs. Travis is a
very excellent lady and they will both
be missed by many friends.
George Hunt, Allen Coleman and
Wesley Walker recently sold their
soldier's homestead right to a man in
Denver for $100 each, and they are
just that much ahead, as they havo no
desire to emigrate to a new country.
Perhaps there are others in this com
munity who have those rights nid
would like to sell: if so they should
sea one of tho gentlemen mentioned
above for particular about Low to
Special News Correspondence.
We will soon bo writing 189'..
Hon. M. 1). Ruby, wo aro sorry to
say, is on the 6ick list.
Webster Reedy has moved his pho
tograph gallery hack to Woeping Wa
ter. Three new families moved to town
this week. Who said Ijouisville was
Mrs. Fred Vanscoyer of Linooln re
turned home Monday, after a week's
visit with her mother.
Lots of corn is being mar ket d at
this place, but the bad roads have put
a stop to it for awhile.
The town board did a very commend
able piece of work by having the side
walks and ditches cleared of ico and
A "knock down and drag out"' oc
curred at the "Little Gem" restaurant
Monday evening. No arrests were
All of our merchants report an un
usual trade in holiday goods this year.
They say it is better than it has been
for many years.
Otto Becker expects to open up his
saloon in his new brick building Jan
uary 1, and what a hot time there will
be in town that day.
The German Luterans will have one
of their good old-fashioned Chrintmas
trees and entertainments at their
large new church, touth of town.
The Methodist people have mule
arrangements to have one of thosu old
VniTD EflD miTliTE IHflT Tl "'IT""1';?'"';:5 5
putucr. uyiuwic uunurauuu
position, cnarmcter, mt.iiity,
-r s
r . - "
Send 10 oenta ftod rie
tmthfnl horoscope read in if c
this oiler teit trial
From PRESS Zarmh the Atmoloq U eertainlj ftttonUhicc thoutandi. Bis wonderful predictivna a&d teu ar baa4
apvn wuivpaimoie tvoa vaenuac IDOIKMN,
No! it is not claimed that
Foley's Honey and Tar will cure
Consumption or Asthma in ad
vanced stages, it holds out no such
false hopes, but does truthfully
claim to always give comfort and
relief in the very worst cases and in
the early stages to effect a cure.
A Jleautiful line of cIipUm
pattni ns in S t . llinus, Knuraveil
Kings and Hand Kings, in all
Styles mid Sizes.
A elioiee rolleetioii of tint
latest styles in Solid Gold and
Kolled Plate lirooilies, J, tro
pins anil Stiek-piin.
time ('hrlstmas trees on Saturday
ev"t ing to gladden the hearts of tho
little ones, as well as the older people.
Nols Nord-troin, formerly engineer
at tho Cedar Crock quarries, but who
moved !d llavcloel; a year ago, is
again back at his o,d pott of duty.
F. 11. Nichols went t Omaha Wed
nesday to purchase rnoro holiday
goods, having sold out his Hot supply.
Some of tlio other merchants havo
done 1 i kewiso.
It, is now an assured fact that we
will have to put up with another expo
sition next year. Tho country mer
chants should hoyeott Omaha entirely
for .allowing tlio ame to ho hr Id.
Louisville is ono of tho best towns
in (.'as j county. There are no empty
houses in tho town and new families
are frequently moving in. Why don't
someone build some more house? It
would certainly bo a paying Invest-ni'-nt.
Wo are glad to st itolhat wo havo a
champiou whifcllcr who is anxious to
In out some good whistler. Wo will
match hi in against any man, but will
draw the line on the ladies, as ho is
very bishful in the presence of the
f a i r on es.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. P.chols have re
turned homo from their visit to tho
old home of Mr. Echols in Virginia,
which he has not seen for twenty
years. They wero gone llv3 weeks,
and viited all the important cities of
Iho east.
Christmas is at hand and it means
joy and feasting in many a home, but
in many homes there will Lo sorrow
and hunger. How many will think of
some poor family who can bo made
happy by a very hmall outlay? Lot all
who are ablo do sorno small favor to
ward tho poor. Remember, you may
have a brother or sister who is a lon
way from home today, hungry at
someone's doo-.
feubsicrite for TllK Nkwk the best
paprin the city.
WK WII.I, ;li; VOL' A ii WATCH
if joi: wiil hIiow our publication to vur ftienls.
don't want you to h-II tliem an yt Itinjf. i lie
watch is made hv a well-known American firm,
in two sizes, children's and adults', nickel or
Kold-plalcd hunting ca-.e an I In 1 1 y R iara ntccd .
.Send :.' cents for pai oculars. Oveifaiid, 3 J'ailc
Kow, New Vork City.
-'i fnranwt fttii tH afitiiina tti hair.
' i : ' l'riifi..u a ItiJt'ir ura (rrowth.
, Novrr Fails to JU-ttore Gray
M linir to itn yotitlilul color.
4 f tirf warn (1 f Si hur tajhliZ.
f i. a ri'i 1 1 i " t ut ln.:-p.t
I ''Jji Photograph Views of the United Stati-s
' Navy, taken hy K 11. Hart. U. S Nval I'hoto
irraphrr, and three months' .subcripti ,!! to Con
key's Home Journal, both for only 25 cents,
p pa;d. 1 iiusc are the finest pictures obtain-
i able of Dowty, Samp on. clile. 11 ih on, Clark
and other heroes the battle-diip-', crui'ers. moni
tors, torpedo boats and auxiliary craft, and the
principal Miai.t-th war -hips, ai d are very valuable-
fonkey's Home Journal is the bught-e-t
and best ni intlny in the country. I'acli is
sue cont mis new copyrighted sheet music, worth
Vc to J I : '!') to () pafe'es each month. Send to
day. We want to increase oor circulation to
o i.i () and theref ore make this remarkable offer.
Conkey's Home Journal, Dept A, Chicago.
ZASAH, the world-renownol F-s-Tptin Aatrolos-r. who h&s teen creating tuch m
ton ib ment tiKrouf bout fcuroi-e f- r the jat five -r, will ffiv ft truihlui, iurate, f
vi juui i:.. ii"5 win Jttvfl J'tUT rV)ill ftf p ariftt. di-
d;- m
and y
ta.nt, proijute icrmrth of in, vain, tn: :t 'it-t.tu k.tnr
Ton ran inform ymirv-If thr arhl on Vf
i 1;: J &n l on ar.y oth'-r qnu'UM of j our A
- Diu-i. urt-nL ana lutura
. - j
xct date of birth And I will immi.t.-l v return von
tout Ufc, prove it Vt b all true y yourself. I mftk l
com mu meat ions etrictlr cmtidential. Addrts
Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. ?