Semi KXY J ERA! PL ATTSMO UT H , NEK.. DI'CKMHKH 23, 1898. Til IC IJKUALI. hatabhshed April 10. 18CL f -0nS0liaated Jan. 1. lbua. VOL. VIII. NO. I I. WEE E W S ONLY A PEW WORDS. THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER. JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Will sell Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices that no other house in America can beat. Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 5Qc AH Wool Fleece-Lined Underwear? JOE & FRANK, Waterman block, - Plattsmouth; Neb Great Slaughter Sale of All... Holldau Goods. From now until after the holidays we will sell all Holiday Goods at 50 cents on the dol lar, and some for even less. Come in and let us save you Money on Toys, Novelties and Fancy Goods. We are also making spe cial Low Prices on Dry Goods for this week. CELEBRATE EVACUATION A Happy New Year Will Dawr for All Cubans. Celebration Will Begin .January 1 anil Continue tor Five Days OM Town Will lie mly Decorated anil a 4ranl I'roceaxlon, Hare Meeting ami n Cam paign Dinner Will lie Jlven. Havana, Dec. 22. The Cuban will celebrate American occupation Janu ary 1 by troraendous rejoicings. Tho junta, various patriotic clubi and an executivo committee in each district, have appointed general committee to make arrangements and raise funds for the purpose. The festivities will last five days and will bo of the most varied character. A great meeting will bo held in tho Taoon theater, at which speeches will be delivered by well known Cubans. All the clubs will combine in a grand procession, a race meeting will be held and a cam paign dinner will be given to the Cuban troops. An effort will be made to have Gomez come to Havana and take part. Solemn high mass will bo celebrated in the morning at the cathedral, at which epcctnl prayers, suitable to the occa6sion, will bo read. Arches will be ereetea in all the prin cipal streets and the houses will be decorated. Numerous private balls will be given, to which invitations by the hundreds are being showered on tho American officers. General Clous and Captain Hart, the latter the ofllcial interpreter of the comDiissission,calledat the palace this afternoon to arrange an interview with the commission and Governor general Castelianos tomorrow to draw up. the details of the American occupa.ion January 1. Colonel Girauta, the secre tary of tho Spanish commission,, re ceived them and gave verbal informa tion as to points already evacuated by the Spanish troops and the stations still held. Surgeon Major John J. Asheuhard will make his second in spection of the hospitals in Havana to morrow to ascertain what can be uti lized by the American authorities. Judging from his first investigation only the Alfonso XIII hospital can be used. That is a modern hospital in a good locality, fitted with electric lignt aud other up-to-date appliances. It has been selected now as a yellow fever hospital. The other regular hospital, San Ambwsio, is in bad con dition. It is doubtful if it can ever be thoroughly disinfected. The four others Regis, Beneings, Madera and Quemados are only buildiDgs tempor arily used as hospitals and are in very bad condition. Regia, which is merely a wharf shed, now ha9 5,0C0 sick. Col onel- R. M. O'Rsillv, at present in Jamaica investigating the British garrison there, will come to Cuba De cember 30 as chief surgeon in Cuba. Surgeon Ashenhard will be hi9 execu tive officer. Sports to the Front. On the heels of the announcement that Jim Corbett will open a saloon here comes the duws that Bat Master- son, wysat t li.arp ot tombstone, Ariz.. Doc" Holiday, Ei Casey, "The Skag- way Kid," Alaska, and "Doc" Brown of Spokane Fall are coming to Havana to engage in various enterprises Judging from appearances the early history of the western town of America will be repeated in Havana. Gambling houses are being opened everywhere It is a poor building in the busioess district which has not bids on it for a location for an American bar. It seems to be the idea among the sporting fraternity that Havana will be made another Monte Carlo toendure through the reconstruction period, at least. The fight over electric street rail way franchises- will begin again after January ,1. William Mackenzie, the president of the Toronto Street Rail way company, who is here with col leagues, representing the Montreal and Toronto syndicates, is confident of obtaining a concession. The posi tion now, since the revocation of the franchise granted to the A merican syndicate by the civil governor, is just as it was before. The Canadians will again make an offer and it is believed in financial circles here that the Har vey syndicate will enter the field again without the Montreal and Halifax backing of its previous offer. wearer had probibiy t'cen service. He has apparently completely recovered his health. Twenty leath I rum ri. Nkw Yohk, Dec. 22. l'residon Murphy of the Jioird of Health ex pressed the opinion tcxl iy that the city would bo fully able to control tho epi derate of grip which is now prevailing here. The injunction 1)3' tho Hoard of Health to elevated roads and city transportation corapmies to fumigate and thoroughly clean their convey ances is being carried out.- The health authorities of Brooklyn report that during the twenty-four hours preceding 10 o'clock this morn ing twonty deaths from grip and pneumonia occurred. The number of cases is increasing rather than diminishing. Annual Meeting of Farmer' Mutual lu Durance Company. The annual meeting of tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance- company of Cass county will bo held at the lleil school houso in Eight Mile Grove precinct. on Saturday, January 7, at 1:30 p. m., for tho purposo of electing officers for tho coining year and transacting such other bu-ines-s as may como before the meeting. J. 1. Falter, Sec'y. William I'enny, an eccentric old bachelor who lives alone near Dolo mite, Ala., sets a trap gun for burglars every time he leaves homo. L.ast July the gun killed a burglar, who had broken open the front door and was in the act of entering the house when he stepped upon tho invisible spring at tached to the trigger just outt-ide tho door. A month later another burglar had a leg shot off in the same man ner. A few nights ago while Penny was at church, Nelson Wright, a sol dier, forced open the door to rob the house, and as ho entered he received both barrels of the gun in the stomach. He was carted off to jail and died there. Wright says he was a deserter from the army and that he fought and was wounded at Santiago, but did not give tho number of his regiment. lie was a stranger thereabouts. do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new fool drink called GnAiN-o? It is delicious and nourish ing and takes tho place of coffee. The moio Grain o you give the children the mere health you distribute througli their systems. Grain-o is made of pure grains, and when prop-J erly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs about one- fourth as much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 2"c. gmmmmmmmmmm m m mnmmmmmmmmmmiK I. G. DO VEY & SON I E Christmas Be Here.... Will Soon H Visit Us to Buy your Sensible Gifts... S Err Elegant Black Brocaded Crepon Dress Patterns. 25 ST: Beautiful Fur Collarettes, from $2.75 up. S3 S: Muffs from 75c up. rS r: Dresden handle and Gold-mounted Parasols. Er: Belts and Belt Buckles. zZ ZZZ Men's Fancy Evening Slippers from 59c. S3 Large assortment Ladies Felt Slippers very cheap. Beautiful Things in White Lace Pillow Shams, Stand 3 Covers, etc. ZZZ ZZ: Embroidered Handkerchiefs at all Prices. Si Initial Handkerchiefs, 5c. 55 ST: Kid Gloves, Mittens in Silk and Kid -all prices. 3 ZZZ Bissel's Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, $3.00. Large size Moquette Rugs, 36 in. by 72 in., $3.50. 3 A g Grocery Dep't.. There's no better Hour made than Peisel's "Plansiftor," manufactured ia this city. Ask your grocer for it, and t no re by get the best ana sup port d home industry at the same time, vhi;h builds up the town. ....We have everything" to tickle your palate in this department Special line of Candies and Nuts for our Xmas trade. - Z Fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Shaving Mugs, Water Sets, ZZZ Tumblers a special purchase, in sets, for gifts. 2 j- Lsj11-S We have the largest assortment and cheapest line of these 33 ZZ goods in town. Make your selections at once, as they are selling 3 2 very rapidly. I E. G. DOVEY ft SON, EE Leaders in... 55 High Class Merchandise. 52 For Hoarseness. Benj. Ingerson, of Ilutton, Iud. says he bad not spoken above a whim per for months, and ono bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. It is used very largely by speakers and singers For all kinds of fancy groceries call at F. S. White's. Raisins, currants, cranberries, all kinds of fruits, and in fact everything for your Christmas dinner. BOOTS Largest Assortment In the City... DEPARTMENT STORE. Bryan on His Way Home. St. Louis, Dec. 22. W. J. Bryan passed through the city last night on his way homel He arrived on the Baltimore & Ohio and departed on the Missouri Pacific. He was me, with friends with whom he dined. "Is it true that you went to New York for the purpose of consulting with Carnegie?" "No, it is not true. Personal busi ness took me to New York, f held no conference with Mr. Carnegie," Mr. Bryan replied. "I have read his opin ion in reference to annexation and the military question and am very glad indeed to know that he has takeu the position he has." In reference to the annexation and expansion question Colonel Bryan said be stood where he alwas had stood opposed to a headlong policy of im perialism by the annexation of con quered territory without the consent of the governed. Little indication of Colonel Bryan's recent rank In the army appears in his apparel, though a white campaign hat would suggest to the passerby that the ' Ine person who disturbed tne con gregation last Sunday by coughing, is requested to call on F. G. Fricke & Co. and get a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar, which always gives relief. Flood Overshoes and Rubbers. 25 ca-es saved from tne July flood which are going to be s'd at half oi'ice, at Wm. Ilerold &. Son's. ' TO CCKB A COLO IN ON'K OAY Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. -"c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet WHITE'S OPERA HOUSL, 11. .X. WIIITJl, Milliliter. ONE NIUIIT ONLY- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27 A Sparkling Three-Act Comedy, The Real Widow Brown Wholesome Pun, Splendid Sing-in, Rich Costumes. CALF, at $3.25, is custom made, full stock and is as good as we could make for $5.00. KIP, at $2.50, is all solid and no shoddy. We also have them for $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. GRAIN LEATHER, at $2.75, is as near waterproof as can be made. FELT Boots and First Quality Overs, at $2.25, can't be beat. Full line KNITTED SOX and OVERS at Prices to Please. Warm Shoes and Slippers. Men's Flannel and Tuft-Lined, at $2.00 and $2.50. Children's Felt Shoes, 65c. Ladies' Felt Shoes, 85c up FELT SLIPPERS, 65c up. Our Felt Goods department is overflowing with WARM ARTICLES and it. will pay you to see 'em. Don't Forget lis on Fancy Felt Slippers for Xmas. They make Appropriate Presents. NO HUMBUGGERY Legging and O verai tors . m m p m 0 sal m It m m REPAIRING. ROBT SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER Direction of A. Q Scimmon. Reserved Seats, 50 Cents. On Hale at Lehnhoft Bros. ..A GREAT. . Holiday Millinery Sale To Continue to Jan. 1. MRS. L'TTERBACK has inaugurated a Spe cial Millinerv Sale, to continue during the Holidays, and having an excellent new stock from which to select, you can make no mistake by calling upon her. The sale will include all Trimmed Hats And Other Goods Every lady buying goods to the amount of one dollar will be given a chance on a gold I watch. Call and see it MRS. 0. F. UTTERBACK, Under Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth, Neb Flattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY- HARD COAL, CANON CITY, ' SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oata and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete ln a.ll lines and we Id rite our friends to look It orer. We will endeavor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER. (Bucoessors to Hetry Roeok.) HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor nT"1 Builder. Contracts taken for the erection of Residences Barns and any kind of carpenter work, in any part of the county. Call on or address.... HARVEY HOLLO WAT, Plattsmontb. Neb rHE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates $ and $1.50 -Der Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH NEB J PLATTSMOUTH, NEB