Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 29, 1898, Image 3

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Mllra hit.iiiJiHh n In i rem his Mur
ray ranch today.
(Jommiioni-r llayi-ft ri-tii'iied to bin
home at Ki in wood Inday.
J. W. Koasoni-r, of Soulli It nil pre
cinct, in in tlie city today 01 bu-iiii'H-t
with the :. limy judc
Arnold 'ii)i). of SIhtiii in county,
m ml Siil noy Wi sl , cf Wci'ii. ii Vit';r,
ni t; in tho city visiting t i i ir lrvtln r
in-law, I). M. .loliiiron.
M. (). Weed, oni' of tlie fuliil finn
01 s, -iinl Irani.!; iu t ist .( (.i.iii
woil precinct, wan in to-.vii In I ly nl
tending cu'jrt iih a witiif.-T.
iiilu a hiro numb r of f il iimrs an;
in thu city tod.ts, and in ny f them
report most of their ruin 1 1 1 1 mil in
licit Willi lull. -4 of t!m ti.'ii n t. i I ii I piled
over it.
I iht rii 1, 1. wn- tin; roldi t of the
tte.ihon, I In; thermometer having ilcoji
loil down to(i Inflow .urn, Put with
no wind bUmin, it v.hh f .r from .. n
ur))liitriiiiit infill.
Tin! "(ilenwood )(iiiiioii iloi-.n no!.
b)Oiik ill Very II. -Uterine- tcrrin of tin;
prowcrtri of tin- I'liitt-inoulli foot bull
p.ayerri. It Mivsuur hoys outweighed
but wore outclassed.
Tlio Cubans are yrral'v f ri li tei i-d
lettt a neero exodus f:onillio s.nilhto
that inland s'loui.i set. in. The worst
chicken pn rl ioner i n M is-i.-j ppi isb. -t-ti;r
tnan tho iivciiiuic ('iil:ni ivtry
day hi tlii! work.
Julius X (til son and wifn will move In
Lincoln as soon as th'y mu secure a
house, his work as tin m m on t h; l.
iV M., having called bun lo tint city.
Thi ir iimny l'.attsii.oiitii fricmis sin
cerely le'i'ot their departure.
Charley I Jan n i n r was thrown !iy a
mule, last Sunday, int:j a barb wire
fence which cut him up considerably.
IJoth his hands were cut very bad ;i:id
also his left arm. This is qui to hard
on Charley for lie has not e;ot his corn
out and is without help. Nchuwka
1 lefjister.
Yesterday tho Omaha and (J rant
Snioltui,r company atari. d twenty
cars of refined lead for Knyla nd. The
shipment runs -10,U(M pounds to the cur
and is valued at about $120,000. This
is one of tho largest sliipinents that
the dtneltimj company has ever made
to a foreign country. Oni .ha I! o.
Tho Hoe in mistaken in charinr
the Lirrcoln papers with attempting
to stir up a feeling aainst Omaha.
Every papur in the sta. is indignant
at tho scheme to put a-. other exposi
tion alloat for there next year, and if
tho matter ii not dropped Om iha will
be so quiet that her streets will have
a Sunday appearance ah the. time.
(ruy Livingston, who his been al
Honolulu since the war broke oat,
writes a friend in 'his city that lie was
just about sailing for M mil l to join
his company in the First Nebraska
volunteers, (.iuy was after leernits
and did not reach Sin r-'r.inci-eo in
lime to sail with tno coniptny, i oaso
quently he and lus recruits w'U not
bee any war having arrived ton l;.e.
Tie bovs repot a hilarious tim at
Honolulu, which is a ' jooh'o'" in fact.
Dr. Hunate of Weeping Water was
in tho city on business.
Joe Lloyd has boon on the sick" list
for two weeks, but thinks he is on the
Kichey & I'arme'.e, of tho Louisville
mills, unloaded a car of flour U day for
Plattsmouth merchants.
The A. O. U. V. hall is rapidly
nearing completion under tho rapid
work of Contractor Ilollowny.
Messrs. l'almer and Jacohson, two
of Louisville's leading citizens, are in
the city on business today.
Orrin Smith, whilo tuning a lead
out into the country yesterday, got
stuck in a snow drift, and had to shovel
L. J. May field pried himself loose
from the Cou. ier odiee this morning
and came to t i n as a witness in the
Knek Island case.
Judge Archer's court was decide dly
quiet today and, with Judge Spin-lock
away, the dist-iit court furnished the
the only news item of the day.
The Plattsmouth Telephone Co. is
pushing things with a big gang of
men and hope to be able to connect up
their central before tho week close?.
The jurors cot called on the Hock
Island case were excused Lom further
duty until Wednesday morning. T.
X". Hobbitt and severa- others weut
Dr. Galagher, Dr, J. S. V. Dean,
Rev. Folden -and V t siuinr Eider Van
Fleet, came in on the M. 1. today to
attend the Ministerial association
mot ting.
The general attorney for the Reck
Island, Mr. Evans of Topeka, is here
to try the Ilctinings' c. .e. Messrs.
Travis and J. L. llaot r-p. osent Mrs.
George Spurlock writes from Denver
that he will start for Sa t Lake today
with Mrs. Spurlock and wLl return
December o or as near that datj tiS
Doc C irey found a pair of shoes Sat
urday which ho b ought to town to
day to find the owuer. S itne people
woutd not go to so much trou! lj. Due
is all right.
Miss Matilda Vailery departed this
morning for Grand Island to attend
the wedding of T. E. Mc Means ar.J
Miss Bertha Wil ian;s, which taiies
place tomorrow.
Mrs. McBride was in Om il.a yc ster
day to see their little son. Dor, who is
at the hospijal. The littlo fellow is
getting along nicely and the physician
says the ball cf the eye will be saved,
but ho ha 1 1 tin hopea of restoring
any purl of the night. Tho boy is
quite content and neerns to suffer no
pain to Hiieak of.
Ti aver, tho defendant in tho replo
v i n Hiiit tihd Saturday, was taken
nick when the-attorney got after him
on croHri examination and is still in
bed at lb.-, i'erkin-i IIou-.o in charge
of hi-, ho'i and Dr. Cook.
Tin; following; in the list of jurors
selected to try the Rock Island case:
John II ut, Frank Cramer,
Lloyd, Silo Green Ia to, J. M. Camp
bell, John MeCay, Frank Laughlin. II.
Muilin, Wm. Slater, Wm. Sutton, 8r.,
.1. b'. L e and Fred Durdick.
it is reporlc on good authority that
(i.-orgo Todd, who was 0110 of the ex-po-iiion
guards, has been hired to go
to Paris i.nd act in tho same capacity
at tin; great Paris exposition. This is
gn-at luelc for tho young man and
many will envv him his good fortune.
The case of Cull ion vs. Traver, a
replevin suit from Greenwood, tried
to a jury in di-lriet court Friday and
Saturday, was d'-chled in favor of the
defendant. Tho jury brought in a
sealed verdict Sunday morning which
wa.i opened when court convened this
morni ng.
Twelve we.-tern members of Rooso
v jit's rough riders sailed for Cub. 1 last
week to pro.-ipect for gold. Most of
them are oi 1 miners and they say thoy
saw unmistakable "indications"' of
gold . be u i ng quartz on San Jaun Hill.
If they fuel anything worth whilo
they will htake. out claims.
Today tho nortorious case of Hen
i.ings v.-. the Kock Island, will bo
begun. This is the ease where Hen
nings, who was killed on tho Rock
l-land at a o ad crossing near Alvo
and his widow sues for damages. The
case i nortorious from the charges of
jury lixing that were heard on tho
street when it was tried before, and
which no doubt bad much to do with
having the veidict set aside and a
now trial ordered.
Phil Voung's nephew, Johnny
Young, Mid wife are hero visiting
('lias. Cummins and family. They
have a tew baby which was bom
after they reached Plattsmouth. John
has been in the government employ as
a machinist, but is tired of his job and
will go back to Ilavelock. Ho brought
with him a neat little curio in the
shape of a bible made from a piece of
one of the bronze guns which went
down with the Maine, and was secured
and taken to Washington.
An attempt was made on last Wed
nesday, near midnight, to rob the
olhee at the Missouri Pacific passenger
depot. Night Operator Weir went out
to load baggage and mail on the mid
night train, when someone tore off the
heavy screen of the ticket window and
attempted to rerch the t icket rack and
the money drawer. The would-be
burglar was frightened away before
he secured any booty and in the future
a watch will be kept for all who at
tempt to repeat the tricls. It is
thought to bo the work of a tramp,
who disappeared before the train left.
Nebraska City News.
I moil Item.
from tlie Ledger.
Mrs. Ymnie Miller was a visitor to
V .-.ttsmouth Wednesday.
Dr. Walker arrived home yesterday
from a week's business visit to Cin
cinnati. David Eaton and wife returned Ved-ne-day
evening from a visit in Platts
mouth .
Treasurer A. R. Eikenbary cam
down from Paittsmouth to masticate
his share, of Thanksgiving foul at
Miss Rosa O" Donne!, who has been
aifnding school at Plattsmouth,
cirao down on Wednesday for a few
days visit at home.
N. La-Rue has received notice of
his appointment by Governor Hol
eoinl) ns one of the alternates to the
Farmers' X'a'ional Congress, to be
held at Fort Worth, Texas, from De
cember G, to 14.
Miss Florence Whipple, who is
teaching in the Avoca schools, came
over for a brief visit with her sister,
Miss Mable Whipple, and both -went
to Ashland yesterday to enjoy the
Thauksgi ving dinner and visit at
home until Sunday.
Dr. J. F. Uiendel and family, who
have resided in Avoca a number of
years, were here Monday for a fare
well visit with their relatives and
friends. They departed on the noon
train for Indianapolis, Indiana, -where
tho doctor en ters upon his duties as
instructor in one of tho leading med
ical institutes.
But the greatest of these is the gun,
according to the report of an accident
insurance company on tho losses sus
tained during the year from the three
considerable causes of accidents to the
frames of tho human beings they in
sured from damage. The returns are,
cash paid to people for foo'.ing with
guns, $236,500; to the same, fooling
with horses. $167,000; to the same,
fooling with bicycles, ?65,000. These
figures seem to show that the popular
opinion about the dangers of cycling
is stuffed with considerable imagina
tion, and that tho fellow who goes out
on hisbyke has many chances of com
inr home safe and sound compared to
the man who goes riding or driving,
or the one who indulges in that hy
genie. amusement of hunting wild ani
mals with a gun.
Delays are Duerou.
Many ot j-our friends, or people
whom you know cf have contracted
consumption, pneumonia or other fatal
diseases by neglect of a simp? cold or
cough. Foley's Honey and Tar, a safe,
sure and pleasant cough medicine,
would have saved them. It is guaran
teed. F. G. Fricko & Co.
What Illibjr 8jr.
From the official returns, showing;
Hurkett'8 majority to be upward of
2,400, it would seem that tho voters
who listened to the eloquent stump
oratory of Hon. Matt Gerlng were
not disponed to tako hitn seriously.
He was earnest In his "ypuking,"
He was h'jnest in Ills zeal,
ISut the people thoiiKht him joking
Ami they didn't like hi .picl.
When lie wept it made them iniithlul.
When he laughed their tear-droops ran.
And they went and tilled the earth full
As 'twould hold of Manahan.
It was this misunderstanding
Of a fluent lawyer's talks
That succeeded well In landing
Cuikctt high upon the rocks.
O, tlie day of Matt's appearing
Was a grid to beast and man;
More they heard from Matthew Gering
Did they slaughter Manahan.
Mouth he had, but couldn't work it
Right, to save the life of him;
lie was making votes for Burkett
When his words were all for Jim.
It is rather hard to tell it
What I thiak about it but
If I had his mouth I'd sell it.
Or else keet the darned thing shut.
lie Wan a Wonderful Student.
Francis Joseph was only 18, relates
Donahoo'a Magazine, when ho was
proclaimed emperor, but the educa
tion of the children of tho Hapsburgs,
ever since the reign of Maria Teresa,
has been of a singularly austere and
virile character, calculated to ripen
them into manhood long before other
boys have abundoned the toys of child
hood. As toon as thoy left the nursery
tho young archduko and his brothers,
Maximilian and Charles Louis, were
subjected to an educational and mili
tary diciplino of the severest kind, ob
bliged to learn not only French, Eng
lish and the classics, but the principal
idioms of the polyglot monarchy, com
pelled to rise at daybreak, live on the
simplest food and spend whatever
portion of their time not taken up
with their studies in acquiring the
mastery of tactics and strategy.
When Francis Joseph attained the
ago of sixteen, he was already an ac
complished linguist and fairly well
acquainted with chemistry and natural
history. Then he gave his attention
exclusively to jurisprudence, philoso
phy and diplomacy, under the direc
tion of tho famous jurist Pilgrams,
Cardinal Kauscher and Metternich,
The long list of his studies would ap
pall the most diligent American stu
dent. That the assimilation of so
many scientific, linguistic and mili
tary subjects did not cost him his
health was due to his prodigious mem
ory, that royal attribute which, it is
said, enables him to recagnize the face
of the humblest of his subjects, though
only seen once, after the lafise of
Go South This Winter.
For tho present winter geason the
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Com
pany has improved its already nearly
perfect through Bervico of Pullman
Vestibuled Sleeping Cars and elegant
day coaches from Cincinnatti, Louis
ville, St. Louis and Chicago, to Mo
bile, New Orleans and the Gulf Coast,
Thomasville, Ga., Pensacola, Jackson
ville, Tampa, Palm Beach and other
points in Florida. Perfect connection
will be made with steamer lines for
Cuba, Porto Rico, Nassau and West
Indian ports. Tourists and Home
seekers excursion tickets on sale at
low rates. "Write C. I. Atmore, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Leuisville, Ky.,
for particular.
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bit
ters. This medicine does not stimu
late and contains no whiksey nor
other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic
and alterative. It acts mildly on the
stomach and bowels, adding strength
and giving tone to the organs, thereby
aiding nature in the performance of
the functions. Electric Bitters is an
excellent appetizer and aids digestion.
Old people find it just exactly what
they need. Price. 50 cents and $1 per
bottle at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 5
Chicago Record: by did Jose
phine dismiss her suit for damages?"
"The man proved that he ran into
her bicvele because he was looking at
Indianapolis Journal: 1I was just
going to ask you to subscribe lo this
purse for Jibbles' widow, when I hap
pened to remember that he was your
worst enemy."
"I'll be delighted to subscribe. Just
thitik how it will grind him, wherever
he is."
Boston Journal: Foote, praising
the hospitality of the Irish, after one
of his trips to the sister kingdom, a
gentleman asked him if he bad ever
been at Cork. "No, sir," replied Foote,
"but I have seen many drawings of it."
What do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
moro Grain-o you give the children
the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-o is
made of pure grains, and when prop
erly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about one
fourth as much. All grocers sell it.
loc and 25c.
J. I. Unruh has just made a pur
chase of 100 iron bedsteads with wo
ven wire spring mattresses, matresses
and pillows which he will offer at the
low price of $5.00 each. The entire
outfit for the price has never
befcre bean offered at such a low
price. A complate bed can be seen in
his store window. All who are need
ing anything in this line may get a
bargain bj seeing him before buying.
Morning's bread hereafter may be
obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona
than Hatfs, Dovey's and Fair store.
During the Battle of
The l'at'ker Ht til Itiittlr ot Sun t i.i 1; ' !.
Cuba wrre all ller-. 'I li-lr H-rolo I f
for IN In ttettlcR Ammunition mxl I: il l.wm
to the 1-riit bavrd the I,iy.
1. E. Butler, of pack-train No.
writing from Santiago de Cuba, on
July 23, says: "We all had diarrhoea
in more let- violent form, and whin
we landed wo had no time to see a
doctor, for it was a e ise of ru-h mid
rush night and day to keep the troops
supplied with amunition mid ratiotM,
but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we
wero kblo to keep at work and ki-ep
our health; in fact, I sineerly believe
that at one critical time this medicine
was the indirect savior of our urmy,
for if the packers had been unable to
work there would h-ivo been no way
of getting supplies to the front. There
wero no roads that a wagon train
could use. My comrade and myself
had the good fortuno to lay in a sup
ply of this medicine for our pack-train
before wo left lam pa, and I know in
four cases it absolutely saved life."
Tho above letter whs written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberlain Medicine
o ,
Moins, Iowa. For sale by all druggists.
To hul)s riljer.
Wo are carrying over a thousand
accounts on our hooks, many of them
small but in the aggregate it amount
to a neat sum whieti would help lis out
if paid in. If von can't pay all you
owe send us a dollar and we will send
receipt by return mail with a card of
thanks thrown in.
Itellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "T'lih
Gkeat South Amkkican' Kiiknki
CritE." It is a great surpi iso on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Irtr
gist, Plattsmouth. Neb.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The county commissioners will be
in session after November Id until all
delinquent taxes in this county arc
disposed of, Everyone who is hack is
requested to call at once and make
arrangements for a settlement or else
the same will be sold. lv order o'
County Commissioners.
You Can't AfTorl 10 t Immv It.
A heavy cold may lead to pneumonia
or consumption. Foley's Money ar d
Tar taken in time a (lords perfect se
curity from serious remits. C
Fricke & Co.
J. I. Unruh his just male a pur
chase of 100 iron bedsteads with wo
ven wire spring mattresses, mitrus-es
and pillows which he will oiler at the
low price of $-5 00 each. The e ntire
outfit for the price has never before
been offered tit such a low price. A
complete bed can be seen in his store
window. All who tire needing any
thing in this line can save money by
seeing these bargains before you buy.
For burns, cuts, bruises, laceration,
or injuries of any descriptions, Mill
iard's Snow Liniment is a sovereign
remedy. It never fails to do good,
and so promptly that its wonderful
curative propertios frequently create
surprise. Price 2-5 and 50 cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Notice of Settlement.
All parties indebted to the firm of
W. W. Coates & Co. are requested to
call and settle with their successors,
the Ebbinger Hardware Company.
It Hits the Spot.
When suffering from a severe cold
and 3-our throat and lungs feel
sore, ttike a doe of Foley's Ilon-
ey and Tar.
ness will be at
a warm grate
healing of the
when the sore-
once relieved,
ful feelintr and
parts all'ected
will be experienced and you will say
"It feels so good, it hits the spot."
It is guaranteed. Fricke t Co.
WANTED. Local or traveling sales
man to sell our Oils, Greases and I'e
trolatum on commission exclusively,
or as a side line. Goods guaranty ed
and prices low.
Penx PirnioATi'-M Co..
Coraopolis, Pn. Oil lie fibers.
We tell what we po.-itively
know when we say '"Dr. Sawyer's Ar
nica and Witch llv.z-A Salve will rad
ically cure skin diseases, eczc-m .pi'es,
burns, scalds, cuts or tle.-h wound-.
A. W. Atwood.
Read the ad vertist menls in the
News and trade only with those peo
ple who solicit your patronage. These
are the live merchants that do busi
ness on the principle of quick sales
and small profits.
Free Homes la Western f'iorida.
There are about l,0uO,C()0 acres of
government land in Northwest Flor
ida subject to homestead entry, and
about half as much again of railroad
lands for sale at very io- rates. These
lands are on or near the line of the
Louisville & Nashville railroad, and
Mr. R. J. Wemyss, General Land
Crmmissioner, Pensecola, will be glad
to write you all about them. If you
wish to go down and and look at them
the Louisville & Nashville railroad
provides the way and the epportunity
on the first and third Tuesday of each
month, with excursions at only 82 over
one fair, for round trip tickets. Write
Mr. C. P. Atmore, General Passenger
Agent, Louisville, Ky., for particulars.
ri EVER supplied xcopt In
SaiocJ Uottloa, boarln proprie
tors firm nurno Signature thus
S7 -f
"THADE supplied by
Tim. Kiii-y tn Wrllt.
Itewcy appears t bo the unlv ore of
our 'v ir heroes who i more iiileresleii
in his j ib than in writing for maga
zines, and that makes him so much
the iipxe of a hero with most of us.
Tli .' man who can ho "too bu-y"' to
take . in 1 for a short article co:n
111 anils our a l miration quilo fts much
for that, as for the deeds, that brought
forth the o.ier. There nre so few
IllM-UU-ll'H .rill4'4 l-tHlYff-.
The b. -tsiivo in tho world for cti's,
burns, sores, ulcers, sa'.l rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain.-,
corns, and all skin eruptions,
wid positively cures piios, r no pay
required. It is gmn-aiiteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 'J" edits per ln.x. For snle by
F. G. Fricke
I. ml l' I.t l 1 l is.
I o 1 1 j 1 . 1 , ,
ollice at
uncalled for at the post
it t mou 1 1 1 , Nov. "", lV.-:
:i:,:r. M - - I l.i M:,
I e, 11. Mi s .Vn.i 11
K 1 lir I ,r I . 1 IClll-l : k
1 V - -! 1 1 . v : . . S I'
'0.11,1,, I 1 1. Wa.
I'eU 1 .,.11. V, M
U I f I . I ,n
!::!.. . M:,l V
K.i i 1 ui ' hi, M ;i icii
I- ci-'; tig. Miss I lie.
.- in .t h. Mis A n 11. 1
When calling tor any ot the above
letters please say ";.o ve rt i si al .
( .'. II. Hm ! 1 : 1 , Post mast it.
i t ( ;;i; i iilii in o.k iiw
Tii'.-.e L-ix.-iivc Ilrotiio Quinine Tablets.
All 111 ic-.'j i -As . efund the money if it
falls 1 1 cur. . .'ic. The ueiiuino has
f.. li. .J. 011 . :.cli tab c.L.
I'm: .Sam;
hog one and
A i'ula.'id China male
one-hi. If year- old, gilt
edje p'digree, a grandson of Wood
burn Me limn. A high priced record
breaker. I In (j ui re at NKW's oliiro.
Notice to Creditors.
! 1 Uh or Nhia:.-.KA, , . ,.
;,s; lily. , ' la Canity (..ell 1 1 .
It; 1 1 1 it inattur ut the e- lat'j ,A J. .1, a n Itei 1 1 ai lies.
No:."'c is ..-n-iiy that the creditors of
sai.l lii.-tvusoil u'.h meet tlie uAaiini- tratur ot said
eM.ite, iel, -i e l'ie, county juiie ol l.'a -s cou nt ,
Nelia;-.H. at Hi.; cieaitv com i r-ioai in flatls
nioul" a sa' l . ornty. oa !..; M-1 i!.iv rsl May A.
1).. :,t ! o mo k A. M.. 11 til,; piirjiesi; (1j
prc-cumitf t e:i ciaiais for c-xaii iiia'.ioti, a IjiKt
tnciit ii'i't a 1 u .nice . Siix ii.onH's are aliii-.-i
for tin- iac:itnis ol sa:-l iii-ceased to o c-ent tiica
cla::s tr ",i tl.e li tav i-t I e ei.T, - ri . IX's.
V. . i ; ; -j s a.y liau I seai ol s ii 1 county
cm i; at r!:ti-Mi. ;;lh. .Ni-Iji H. -ka, t:. -i, 1; t Jay .,f
.V .l:i.;.,i. .. J). 1-t.s.
( w .ki.ii M . M-t i'i.. .( K ,
':) County Judtfe.
Legal Notice.
To Aim Mill:;. John I-'. C. Mills. We -.ley
M. ar..i v. ile Mi. We-lev M . Williams,
( '. e A . iliiams and Suiney S. Wiii iatns, r.on
i es;, del":;, I a:i t s; on and each of you a i e
hereby n o:;!:ed t hat on the Mh day of Septe:i.! ei.
ls'.'s, l'lat t-aiouth J-:.. ie No. v. Ancient Order of
I lilted S oi K.iiie-1, commenced an action :n the
ih-ti a t Coin t of Cass county, Neln a.-ka, against
tiie oldett and pr.iver of which are to quiet
title in ami i.iraaist you iu and to lot one
lb ill b.ock .,ity-no i I.',, City of rialtMiiouth,
Cass County. N bia-ka, and to bar and enjoin
said dc ler.dan'.s tio:.i iiatn; or asserting any
til e to. ''I claim in. a:d lot and lor equitable le
liel. Voll aie rcqu.ic 1 to answer said petition on
or bciore .'dondi. i 'em bei :.'. I
Pl.A 1 I T.-i.ji in l.oi.r.K No. S,
A i ikm o i or I 'm i i i i uh k m k.
Probate Notice.
!n County C.".i:t. i a-s county, Nebraska In
the mailer o( the cst.'Ue ! 1 abciie l.mei y, de
ceased: Ail persons intei'es-e 1 in .-a: 1 matter are here
by noli. led that a petition r.i- been filed in said
Court, ahei;i:ir tn.t s,od de, ea-ed ilied leaving
no last u ill and te-tallica!, and pra injj tor ad
ministration of said utUIl-, and that it you lail
to appear at said court on the .V.h day of Iiecem
ber, is'.'s, at !' o'clock a in., to contest said peti
tion, tiie Coin t may L'lant the prayer of said pe
tition and Ljiaii! administration oi said estate to
II, J. Stieifciht, or some other suitable person, and
proceed to a settlement nt said e-tate.
ltness my hand and the seal of said court at
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this Ilth dav of No
e:v,ber A D. l-'.'s. (ii-.nKiii; M,
(skai-J County ude.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of the county court Iv.i'l on the 13th day
ol Iiecember, l-'.'s, at one o'clock p. m. on said
day, at tne late residence of l;-abelle Emory, de
crased, in tiie city ot I'lattsmoiith, (Jass county,
Nebraska, sell at pablic auction all ot the House
hold furniture, carpets, cook-njr utensels, pic
tures, etc,, being ah of the personal property of
said deceased.
Terms of sa!t ca-h i-r half cash ami balance
on time- Seemed i,u:.s iT s months.
II J . :-1 k laon i .
Special Aam:nistra'r.
Legal Notice.
To W.Hiaui T. liaton in '$ ',.ui I'il.t, an 1 as ad"
nonistiator cf the estate o! i'.merson II. baton
deceased, Augusta 1 . Eaton. Ins wife, Simeon
F. Eaton, Aiajtiate Eaton, hi-- wife. En-1 II.
JCatoti. Mrs. Eaton, his .(.;, tirst real name un
known. Art Ii. A iexander, non-resident defend
ants. ou are eat 1, hereby not'.he l that on August
l'. ls.'s, Ellis l. Hartley, as plaintiff, began an
action a? -in. t vou and othei dete:.:iaiits in the
district court of a-s county. Nebraska, to fore
close certain tax sa.e certilicates and the taxes
paid thereunder, on lots 'I and in block in
ti.e city of I'iattsmor.-.h. C-i:-i county, Nebraska,
nun. bored ' :s t:ed to the plaintitt De
cember . 1-'-, pi'.r.-uaiit t j sale of said land lor
di-iiuquent t.ces. I'.ailit::; p. ays for decree ot
! ,rcc ios'-r.; an ! sale ot said land-! to satisfy the
l.eiis t hereon au't lor general rcicf. ; are re
quired to a- swer piaintiii s petition on or bch ic
December '.'''., I n1-.
Ill is T. II 1 LI.V.
bv I. H, H.VTi'lELli. Attorney.
J.-.iv s k'aiia.i5 Ciiy every Friday
via Co", !o .Sr-riner-s and Scenic
Southern Houie leaves Kansas C'tj
every Wedr.e;day vih Ft. Worth and
Ei Paso to Los Angeles.
These excursion e irs tire attached
to fast jasei!ffer traion, and their
popularity is evidence that we oiler
the best.
Write for hand.-ouie itinerary which
jrives full infijrmation and new map,
sent free. For complete information,
rates and berth reservations, see your
local Ticket spent or address K. E.
MacLeod, A. G. 1. A., Topeka, Kan.
John Sekastiax, G. E A., Chicago.
75 P t5) 3s
JTiii r-r r - -.tir.-., -a
fetter Than
. . Bigger
Al PEffilMfWS
Tlie three floors of his old Store Room
are packed full, and his New Building near
by is also full to overflowing. The beauty
about Pearlman's line is that
e Carries
His Gold Coin Stoves can't be surpassed,
His Steel Ranges and Gasoline Stoves
rank higher than any other.
His stock of Furniture is Lager than car
ried by any two other dealers in the county
Every taste can be suited and when it
comes to Low Prices,
Pearlman is King,
He won't be undersold and only asks you
to call and see his goods for proof of what he
Truth Is Our Foundation..
And by it we are armed for Competition.
By selling good goods, of honest make, we
have won the place of Leading Dealer in
Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in Cass
Remember, it is not Cheap 6oods we
sell, but Good Goods we sell Cheap. We
buy from factories only, and in car lots;
therefore we can sell cheaper than any competitor.
Second -Hand Beds, Springs,
Mattresses or Pillows
Sold or handled by us. Exposition stuff,
which has been used, must be
sold by other people.
Store room on Lower Main street,
nearly opposite Court House.
There is no place like
The best class of goods to be found in
Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper
per pair. We make a specialty of High
Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are
glad to have you come in and see our stock
An Immense Line of FALL and WINTER SHOES in,
that will suit all classes of purcasers.
We paid the CASH and will give vou the
benefit of heavy DISCOUNT.
413 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb.
b a