-J.J 1 4 t 4 t 4 4 4 J f7; I 4 4 t 4 DEPARTMENT STORE ALWAYS IN THE LEAD PECIAL We have a Line of.. Shoes Ladies', Hisses', Children's and Men's Worth $1.25, $1.39, $1.50 and $1.75 and will close the lot at S1.00 One lot CHILDREN'S SHOES at 25c. DRY GOODS sPecial Salefor a Short Time. "A nice line of Plaids at 21c, suitable for comfortables. 36-inch Percales, dark styles, at 5c, to close out. We have Just Received a Large IMPORTATION of Fine DRESS GOODS WE CAN SHOW THE HANDSOMEST LINE IN THE COUNTY. Special Sale on Un derwear ft ALL THIS WEEK. A GOOD GOODS AS LOW AS 25c A GARMENT. DEPARTIVIEIMT p Ksscea Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. BRIEFLY TOLD. Chinaware OUR OWN IMPORTATION. The Nicest Line Ever Shown in Plattsmouth. ALSO A FINE LINE of iflT Fancy Lamps f t Every Taste May Be Suited.. ..At Astonishingly Low Prices. flSflER GUM'S j First Door East of the Court House, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. S .... Also a Complete Line of . . . . STAPLE GROCERIES PANT? YOU Are Especially Invited to Call. 9 f f o 9 i -o -o -o -o - Any Kind of Dress.. IS PASSABLE, IF A LADY WEARS HANDSOME A Mat It is therefore Important to Know where the HANDSOMEST LINE OF MILLINERY may be found .... tyLts. HJ. p:. Street Certainly deserves the palm, for 'tis there you will find the most elegant line of Pattern Hats, Velvet Trimmings, Plumes, Ribbons and Orna ments ever shown in Cass count'. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE And suited to the most exacting- tastes. Prices are Rig-lit. Come and See. MRS. M. A. STREET, 411 Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska C. A. Marsha!, Dentist, D:- Shipman's residence to rent. Call on Beeson & Son. A nice millinery stock for sale. En quire of J. II. Thrasher. Wait for the next meteoric shower. It is due in 1931 and will be a beauty. The best and cheapest line of glove3 in the city at F. T. Davis Co., Union block. Sample line of caps going at 35 cents worth 7-3 cents, at F. T. Davis Co., Union block. Lost A pair of spectacles on Win tersteeu Hill. Finder call at NEWS office for reward. The Ebinger Hardware Co. have the best air tight stove ever placed on the market, come in and sae it. Mack vs Parmtlecase will come up fo hearing in the disirict court next Wcl!icsdaj' i'.t y o'clock a. m. Choice cigars for the holiday trade now ready, put up in neat boxes of 12 and tlo. JrilUS 1'EPPEKBERG. The St a to University foot ba.l t. am dfeat d the C. 'lorn tin foot ball te ra at 13 u uer. yesterday by a good score. Thediibii. bio hers are adding lo their land.-d jm.-t s-ims in Mercer vi:to by tiio ;-u cb'tvi of more real A ..ciai and d;.i ee iii b- given by the ladie- of bt. Atones society Novem ber 39. at T. J. fcokol hall. Ail are invitt d to L:. O'i. Ail ob) j-o.i.i- a requested to meet at G. A. U h .ill S turd y, 19 1;, at 7:3U p. n. ..',iit ;f interest to itiem wi i b- ccn-i jcr- it. 'i he 13 ihem;H Cuiho.w: church will give- is a n.ee !it Torner h ill n Wash ington avenue 'i bank-giving tve. Everybody invited to attend. Th?- jury in the ui-tr.et court his been rtiec.aa t:c-'l u-ti! 1:G0 p. ra. Mon day ovrin' t !)! ; b-K-nce of some of t'ue alloinexs fr,m the city. Chicken pi-j hot, chicken pie c Id, chicken pio in the vol nine d lys' old, Q. Z , November 2-', at Presbyterian church. Supper from 5 until 8, 25 cts. There will be a meeting of the Women's Ilelitf Corps tomorrow, and a good attendance is desired in order to prepare for insjiec'icn Monday of next week. The IV esters of Cass Gmp No. 372, M. YA . A. will pive a select dancing party on the evening of November 3. All members of M. V. A. are cordi naliy invited. Lost A leather packet book con taining certifie::te of Building- and Loan Co. The finder will bo rewarded by leaving- same at News office or at Donat's saloon. George Humphry wss Gued $1.00 and costs in police court yesterday for drunkenness. Being- unable to pny his fine he will be the gut of Jailor Mcllride for awhile. The Presbyterian Aid Society was cntortaiuod by Mra. J. L. Hoot at bcr home in the Second ward. About forty ladies being- present, and a five o'clock lunch was sorved. You will never know how quickly you can bo cured of consumption, dy'spepsia or liver complaint, until j'ou have tried Dr. Sawyer's Little Wido Awako Pills. A. W. Atwood. Chinese Lily bulbs, and other bulbs for sale cheap right now at 1. A. Moore' green house. His fine chri anthamni arc comio on cicely, and will fc worth going milas to eeo. A number of Plattsmouth people who had anticipated attending the grand opera in Omaha this week, were disappointed upon hearing that the opera company had stranded at Kan sas City. The Ladies' Aid aociety of the Christian church will meet with Mrs. McElwain Friday afternoon at two o'clock. It is the desiro of the presi dent that all members bo present. S-cretary. Mr. John T. Murphy, aged fifty-one, of Mills county, Iowa, and Miss Mary Ward, ag-ed forty-three, of Douglas county, Nebraska, were united in marriage last evening- by County Judg-0 Spurinck, L A. Moore's green house is filled with theloveliestchrysanthemums ever grown in the west. It will v y you to see them and make a purchase of -omething thai will make you good naiurod for a week. There will be an important meeting of the V. C. T. U. at the home of Mr. William Hen. Id on Main street at three o c ock Monday, November 21. All members are urged to bo present. By order of 'he president. If y--u are suff jrinL' from drowsiness i-i the day time, irritability of temper, oltepie s niiihis. g--aural debility, headache, and gf-neial want of tone of the sys:em, u- Herbino. You will get relief and ti.i dly a cui e. Price 60 cen:s. F. G. Fr.eko & Co. If you havo sore throat, soreness across the buck or side, or your luns feel sore or tender, or you aro threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonia, apply Ballard's Snow Liuirnent exter : a.ly, and US3 Ballard's lloiehound Svrup. F. G. Fricke & Co. The World-Herald sub.-cription for a Tnariksgivin dinner for the Third Neliraska boys h:is ben more than realiz d. Contributions to the amount of $240 was asked for and in less than twenty-four hours $250 was received. This insures the boys a good turkey dinner. The war between the black and white miners at Pana, Illinois, broke out afresh last night. The negroes opened the fire, but as darkness closed upon the scene no fatalities are record ed. From the meugre reports the battle must have been as bloody as the former outbreak. Don't forget the Chrysanthemum show and musicale at the Presbyter ian church next Tuesday evening. The flowers will be the finest ever shown in this state some of the new varieties which would sell for $2 00 in Chicago can be had here for 25 and oO cents each. The News omitted to note the mar riage on Wednesday evening- of this week of Thomas Hickson, son of Jas. Ilickson Df this city, to Miss Cora Gar gus. Both of these young; people have been residents of this city for several years and have a host of friends who join the News in extending congratu lations and best wishes for their future happiness. Hilt Wescott who is attending- the j state university is deeply interested in the college settlement work. He has been placed at the head of one of the important committees in the work, i The aim of the org-anization is to aid the pooier classes lo obtain good read- j ing- matter, and a readme room has Ken opened up in the slums of Lin coln. AS THKY COMK AND . MrH. Andy Broback was in Omaha today. Percy Agnew is Boeing- sights in Omaha this afternoon. L. J. and Oto May field were in town over night on businoss. Supt. McIIugh wont to Omaha this aftornoon to eeo his "folks." Hary Murfln, ono of the substantial business men of Wabash was in towu today. Edwin Jeary of Elm wood i? in the city attending- to business at the court house. Mayor Richey returned this after noon from a ten days business trip to Creston, Iowa. A. C. Pickett, a prominent lawyer of Lincoln, is in the city today on lejal business. S. W. Orton and Allen Coleman of Weeping Water, are doing business in the city today. Tom Miller loft this afternoon for the western part of the state where he has secured employment. J. N. Larch, John C. Watson and M. D. liucKins, ol iNebrusiKa Citv, aro in the city today on business. Wm. Reed Dumoy, the poet laureate of Nebraska, is in the city today and made the News a pleasant call. Miss llilchie, who has been visiting in the city with Miss MoMaken, de parted this afternoon for her home. Miss Mabel Whipple, well known in this city, has been promoted to the princi palshsp of the schools at Union. II. G. Boydston of Nebraska City was in the city today in the interest of the K. of 1. ordor. lie retured home this evoning. J. C. Watson of Nebraska City cime in this forenoon to meet the county commissioners in the matter of open ing a pubiic road near Union. Herman E Pankonin, administra tor of the estate of Carl P.inKonin, h is m-ide final settlement of the estate aijd boen d charged as administrator. Edwin Je;iry of Elm wood was in the city today doing business at the court house. Ed. is an all rijht, honorable attorney in whomo guile is ono of the lost barnacles. Supt. Farley returned today from a trip through the southern p irt of the county, where he vMtod the schools from Union, west to El in wood. He re ports the schools generally in excel lent condition. Allen Culruan of Weeping Wa.ler, dropped into the News sanctum and renewed old acquaintance. He is now engaged in the butcher business. Ho is making a good living and seems to bo well pleased with the outlook for a good trade in the future. Bessie Mensinger was very plesantly surprised Wednesday evening by six teen of her little girl and boy friends. They brought refreshments and had a very gay time. Mary Leonaid and Minnie Mensinger assisted Mr.-. Far thing in entertaining the little folks who were: Ruth Johnson, G'.adys Mar shall, Ellen and Catharine Windham, Nellie McVey, Margarite Mauzy, Bes sie Mensinger, Flo White, Thro Leon ard, Donald Leonard, Victor Sher wood, Joe McVey, Grover and Horace Ruffner, Fred Wiborg and Earl Ebin- I'olatoes. Wo will sell potatoes from c ir in five bushel lots and upwards at 45 oents ca-h. Bennett & Tutt. Death of l;ij'" Amlerrtoii. Hot Strings, S. I)., Nov. 17. Maj. Albert It. Anderson, after a long ill ness from blood poisonir g,died at ll'.oO today. He was a prominent politician of southwestern Iowa for inn ny years, having defeated Hepburn for congress for one term. He moved to Hot Springs in 181)2 and has figured strong ly in South Dakota politics since that time. He recently made a trip to the national G. A. R. encumpmc it at Cin cinnati to present the claims of this city for a national sanharium and con tracted the disease that carried him to his death on this t: ip. His remains will be taken to Sidney, la., bis old home, for interm'-nt. For Rent Two Mrs. J. N. Wis-i. furnished ro ms. "grease jhs ..jrigMwajg. jgg ONLY A FEW WOBDS. 13 & & 8 8 IZ K Ilk K X K IV: 8 It t s yr yr s i ; ; vi yi u y.v m m m m m m m ft ft m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 66 A Cold Hand-Out ft ft ft ft ft ft ft fee .99 t Is what you gave the tramp who came to your back door the other But how about yourself? Pos you have TWO COLD HANDS If so, brincr them into our and we will put them into a warm pair of gloves or mit We are very "handy" when it to this line of Goods. Our stock embraces all the "hand-some" things for the hands that have ever been thought of. We "handle" only the reliable grades in gloves and mittens, as in EVERYTHING ELSE. "Glovery" has been ransacked to give us the very best things for "cold hands out." Remember the name - day, sibly OUT. store good tens, come rr HI la ii c C! JuJ?0 4 f ft ftftftftftftftft ftftftft ftft ',' ft ft ft ft ftft I OAii I1ICI1, t sltd A'u Mo tih' i! J si. ess. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ! ft ft tff ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft Mi k iti. my.iftizti r.i : ? t r.i r. r.t r.i r.i r.x r.i S A.S rV f jhtf. Ar A.. St S- At. y-N Av j?xft r.i ?r rx ri r s s S DOES IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU That there are other esson tials I'rice that should appeal to the Ke-id-K Cli J ,ur;hafte)-? Merit in Style, Quality and Finish Are of Intcre-t to many Uuyers, wiio lino it rn;i;:s-;u-y to wear Jewelry. We roll only Good Goods and do nut pretend to compete with dry guods and ciothirig htore-, who handle only clioap "Jewc;! ry." ....Wo understand the Jewelry Huir.e-s thoroughly and know what we are selling, and wit ) r,i n t e vei -y 1 1, tig sobl. We can sell you Good Cioods cheap'-r t I. at) ur com petitors this fall. . Get Prices of us before tir:liing Hol'd - J'u--eLa. Save Mon v. a-:d UNO. COLEMAN, JI3, WJSLI: Second Door South of I: os Louice Piatt- mouth, Neb THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER. NOW IS THE TI1E JOE FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Will sell Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices that no other house in America can beat. Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 50c All Wool Fleece-Lined Underwear? JOB & FRANK, Waterman block, - Plattsmouth, Neb .!?''i'Air',l',',',!,A',A(AAAAiJ. AMD THE UjNION block 1 New fi mo ill Of IS THE PLACE To Secure Your Fall Winter Millinery. VF0FP mm o a ncl The manager. Miss Nina Tucker, has opened an elegant line of seasonable goods next door to F. (;. Frl. ke'y. All tho latest and best from the centers of fa-hion is displayed hen-. And Prices Are Right. Miss Evan, an experienced has charge of that department, line. C3l t'immor from the eat li i sure and call an 1 has -e our MRS. L. J. RANKIN, Union B!ck, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Proprietor. hi yu in & ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft & ft y ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft r.i ft ns ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft lit ft ft I th & th t th lh Ih th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th t ), IL th th th th k th th th i, 4