Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 18, 1898, Image 3

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V IC lN KSt) A V.
Win. Dolemlornier Is down from
VA in wood, attend hilt cinut tidiy.
Tom .Johnson. Charley I !i i iignia n
und Jim Filzgarald of Louisville nn
In towi' today.
'I r ! iM-ilT of Chirk eonnty, I vv u,
deputed for homo la-t e venire-, with
DeGront ill eutody.
Siici old republ ic i n war hore-i lis
T. N. iMhhitt, Aiily Ch: i-tenson m.d
Frank Hi ui'T ife in town -or v i n g us
Til- U V M. folk i lo geltl c.iil a
now tiin d which (.'inn into effect
next Su .day. Several imiorl:iiil
changes lire li..keil for.
J. M. C tn I'liU' I, om: if Ihe ' 1 ill
f,t''inwrH p-sid n rm ;r Aiv , in ;d- tin;
NKWS h pleasant virii. Iln.t ni"i I-1 riy.
II is here lis it juror.
The b itloin fell out of n (M i) ea.-e,-. in
Court to. lay and a a result thorn war
no work, iiml tho jury was exi-u-ed
until tomorrow morning.
Judiro Frost, of Line. iln. Ins un
pointed El M" ttett us hid s'eiioe ra
plier instead of Wheeler, who hehl
thuiiinition under Judge II. ill.
Th() jurors urij indignant that the
picture of General C.t-s h n h n re
moved from tiio main court room to
tho museum down stairs, und have pe
titioned Judge Ramsey to have it i
turned to itu plueo hvit tho judge's
W. II. Adam fell M'venty feet at
Nebraska City from the top of an ele
vator to a roof helow, and besides the
breaking of ribs, arms and shoulder
blade ho was ueinjiri d and the doc
tors say ho will recover. To escape
death from such a fall n certainly re
markable. Geo. II. MeGeo, advance agent for
Flannignn Flats, ouo of the best oome
dy companies on tie! road was in town
today arrungintr for tho iiopearaiice
of tiio company at White's Opera next Tuesday evening. They
will have a crowded houo, as that is
the way other towns havo rooted
Herman Streilwoisor wi-l not start
his machine shop before February on
account of not being able to get his
new machinery in. Ho purchased a
very fine latho recently from the fac
tory which will bo shipped in three
weeks. He intends fitting iiis shop
up in first class eh ape. He purchased
tho gas engine which won the honors
at the exposition.
Julius HclHickor returned toda7
from Newark.
Tiio county commissioners have or
dered the picture of General Cass
taken from the museum and returned
to its pi ico in the court room over dm
judge's desk.
The large trees in front of tho Gor
dr residence on third street are be
ing1 cut down which changes the
kpearaneo of property in that
vicinity very much.
Attorney A. L. Timb'.in was in town
from Neoraka City today and caused
much merriment among his brother
lawyers over tho warm start he had
made at Nebraska City.
Somo of the boys think Silo Green
slate was the brave juror w hose skill
as a foot racer 6aved him from beintr
bruised up, but we have promised not
to disolose the juror's identity.
Mrs. Vm. Hornessey of Courcil
Bluffs wa visiting friends in this city
today. Mrs. Hennessey was formerly
Miss Ilattie Kline and resided with
her parents in this city for several
Cout adjourned this afternood until
Monday at 1:30 p. m., when tho case of
Poarlman vs. The Peoples Loan asso
ciation will bo tried. Tho trial of
the People vs. School District No 28
is set for Wednesday at 9 a. m.
Antone Trillety, who has been work
ing for Kuhioy Dros., in their barber
s'.iou, has pui chased the fu-t ituro of
barbor shop lo: merly opi er ate.l by K.
M. Clark, and took possession today.
Antone is a gon.i barber and we hope
he will make m. ney as fast as he has
made friends.
The citizens of Omaha conceived
the idea of giving a Christmas dinner
to the boys of tho Third retriment, and
$20 was tho amount found necessary
to feed a company, aud $2h) f-r the
whole regimant. Announcement was
made in the World-Hera d yesteray
and donations as-ked fee, and bj- night
$131 bad been handed in, and the prob
ability is that twice the amount asked
for will be donated. Omaha is patri
otic if its anything.
Whit da the llnlilrcii Irink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
0ViU tried tho new fool drink called
GUAIX-O? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the placed coffee. The
more Graiu-o you eive the children
the mere health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-o is
made of pure grains, and w hen prop
erly prepared tastes like tne choice
grades of coffee but costs about one
fourth as much. All grocers sell it.
1 5c and 25c.
Card of Thanks.
To those who so kir.d:y extended
their sympathy and assistance in our
reat bereavement we dorire to pub
licly thank.
Mrs. Delia Fixe and Family.
to cckk a cold in one day
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2T)C. The genuine ha9
L. 13. Q. on each tablet.
The moriHga n ld;rs will soon
take possession of the Woman's Tem
ple in Chicago, which is one el the
finest business blocks in the great city.
It was built by thw national W.C. T. U.
IliKlnvityiiirii llt'Milril Moiilli.
Ponitivo information w, in received
by Acting Chief of Police Donahue
yo-tcrday that Hoyal ; ppner and
Geor;.' Van Hallor, the two men who
defeated D.'tretives Key-or, Kullivan,
Hi llip ey n (id Captain tai.X in a revol
ver due' yesterday and ei-e:iped wh'll
lie; oilieei4 t f i - d to arrest them at
their r nut zvous at Forty-seventh and
Cam ctreei s, are he need fr Kansas
Citv, if they ate not there at present.
Captain Cx and his po-so uf ofllcers
and deputy r-heriffs picked U) along
the iiiuie i f Hi.- fugitives foumi A. S.
Chun-hill's 1 1 1 ! , i ii which tho men
in d'- ih ir e-caiie f itni tho city, in a
hairi at Li Pia'te, N'rli. The horso
was in good conii.tioli. It showi d
iitr tis of having be ri diiver hard, but
was no' inj'i ml Tee liiigL'.V was ill fair
cm tl;t.,, . ! iii) liveiy stable pf'pre
tiir Mid : h a t '. ro m n a n-w ri g (if) li
ter and V . ri 1 1 . l ! u r 'm d n i i t ion s
drove into the harn n hDul 7:30 and I.I ey want -d to leave their ho se,
which w .s tired out by h i rd driving.
They hah) tie y .would call f-.r it in tho
iiiii- iii n y and lien leftafier inquiring
tie; dii-tinee to P'ati-mouth. When
ttdd it was but a few m les,ono of them
Miiii that i. s they hud to go there on
busitie-H, tliey would walk. They
weii; a-t he' n going south en the rail
way tracks, in the direction of l'iatts
A tramp met by Cox's posso in
formed the ollicei s tti at short ly befoi e
!) o'clock Monday night ho met two
men answorintr the fugitives' di;sciip
tions about a milo from Plattsmouth
on tho railroad tracks, walking in tho
directioa of that city. Ho said they
inquired what time tho night freight
passed Piatt -.mouth, going to Kansas
City, lifter ' o'clock tho men en
tered tho Missouri Pacific railway de
pot at Plattsmouth and asked for in
formation concerning the operation of
freight tiains to Kansas City.
Two men were seen to enter a skiff
at Plattsmouth and pull down tho
rive;- late Monday night. The men
stole the skiff at a boat landing in the
uppjr end of tho city. In a general
way their descriptions answered those
of tho fuirilivos. It was too dark to
clearly distinguish the men. Acting
Chief Donahue has telegraphed every
river town from Plattsmouth to Kan
sas City to be on tho lookout for the
men. Omaha He.'.
A Hustling Attorney.
Attorney 'L'imblin of Weeping Wa
ter, who removed to Nebraska City
recently, seems to havo been tearing
u p the ground at a lively rate down
there for a start jr. A dispitch to tho
State Journal from Nebraska City
this morning says.
Yesterday John W. Black of tho
firm of Hlaek .S: Timblin, attorneys,
went into J. K. Coniey's jewelry store
and attempted to take from it a qu in
tity of goods which ho claims Conley
gave a ehatilo mortgage on to Miss
Sum Foss. C nley obj .eted and had a
warrant sworn out for Black's arrest
on tho charge of daylight burgulary.
Black was arrested and at once re
leased by udgo Joyce on $100 bonds
to appea- ai 0 o'clock this morning.
L iter M ssi s. Black & Timblin again
attempted to remove tho goods, when
Mrs. C nley, in the asence of her hus
band, locked tho door of tho store
room, m iking the attorneys prisoners
until 1 1n y could procure a lawyer. S.
J. Slev-. n so ti was secured and a war
rant vas sworn out and served on
Black and Timblin for daylight burg
lary. They were taken before Justice
L"igb, pleaded not guilty and after
some psrlyina the examination was
postp ned to Novembe- 9, and Black
and Timblin each placed under $200
bonds. Tho ca-e will bo a lively one.
We tell only what we positively
know when we say '"Dr. Sawyer's Ar
nica and Witch Hazel Salve will rad
ically cure rkin diseases, eczema, piles,
burns, pcalds, cuts or flesh wounds.
A. W. At wood.
Slim" Ni-ljrHFka lioys Iteturn.
San FitAXCisco, Nov. 10. The
steamer Moan a arrived from Sydney,
Apia urd Honolulu this morning.
Tiio vessel brought another consien
mentof Australian gold. The ship
ment is valued at over $2,000,000 and
is contained in 100 strong wooden
boxes. There were forty soldiers
aboard, h iving come from Honolulu.
Twenty of them belonged to the reg
ular army. Two of them belonged to
tho regular Eighteenth infantry and
wore San Francisco men. The other
soldiers lK-lonjred to tho Nebraska
and Pennsylvania regiments. They
were well enough to leave the hos
pital and were granted furloughs.
Try Urain-O! Try Orain-O!
Ask j our grocer today to show you
a package of Gkain-o, the new food
drink that takes tho place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury :is well :.s tho adult. All who
try it, like it. jrain o has that rich
seal brown of VocMa and Java, but it is
made from pure srrains, and the most
do;icate stomach receives it without
distress. One-fourth the price of
Ci lTee. 15c and 25 c:s per package.
Sold bv ail g -ocers.
Jos. Lane, John Smith, Wm. Woods
and James Burues were a quartette of
tough lookiug bum.-3 who stayed in the
jail last night and got lively walking
papers from Chief Morrisey thia morn
ing to get out of town.
J. I. Urruii has just made a pur-cba;-e
of 100 iron bedsteads wjth wo
ven wire spring uiattres-ses, matrrsses
and pi lows which he will offer at the
low price of $o. ;) each. The entire
outtit for tho price has never
befcro ben effded at such a low
price. A coraplste bed can be seen in
his store window. All who are need
ing anything in this line may get a
bargain by seeiner him be 'ore buying.
Insure in the Gerinrn Am rican.
,Frtd Koiaer, Agent.
A I.Hrge A ililKluc Ai'Im!KI hi Wlelt's
0 ru llfn- to Wilier II.
I' rum Wciiin.'sduy 's Iially
The s.-ating rapacity V!i!.'
opei at ouse wa- I axed toil- u 1 n o -1 ! i in i t.
last (.-venin' to ao onuno i. '.'
eilCf; ilhseinbied to u ile - il. d
Maid's c ii vi ntii'ii. A- lie u ; -.'
maidens with tiieir anliq iai i i-.-tumes,
their buid-bcx-s a d laiu
cuch Hied uj the ni-le iiad :.cros- ti e
Stic,, they were erei ted wild loud ap
plause ai d their various e v r e..-.-alii,
s, ide from th iegal.r eunv n-
tion, were u mini iii u-ly -otni N' r.
Matitiewaud I i en ry G e r i n e. iicdto
b hpeelal tai gets hr lo-.1 v I ti.i-ms,
but other PIatt-ui"u' h I a r .. e a r - ed
not er-cupe not e -.
il I W . I -
s ;
I .' i : i
f ! pre
Mis G F. S. Burton, a- .f - i.ieli!
tin; ci nventieii, oak. d the od di.a.d
; to rfeMlon titid r. -..Jeil In a ea
l.,dy-liku manner. Mr.-. 'I imv.-, : i .- -
ci e i ar , i e prerr ii i e n an i . i l i . i . - i
ell ! several :-u Hi lie - t s aid Will a IS a 1 P
her rcti o-peel ie account of t he men j
cho might have married, was received j
with a measure of inria de ity iy ihe
convention. Mrs. (iuiid a i Mr .
P,eiiott were giddy old g i n .Mr.
C lias Johnson a lr-o ret lined a on I hlui
vivacity and her boauliful n.-d curls o
concealed her identity, that ti.o and i
ence was a long time lind.iig her o'it.
Mrs. Burton with her suhlequy and
song1, "Barbara Allen", nnd Mrs.
Kitchey in her original poem and lan
guishing love making were among the
best of the specialties. Mr. J'ie:et'
as reporter, sustained tho diilicult
port of one man in the bravest man r el
and made his retreat gracefully when
tho maidens overpowered him with
Misses Mauzy, Vail cry ami Kc-sl r
preseiitel themselves as s mples el
what the rejuvenatiiiir macnino, ov r
which Miss Mauzy presided in acl ;n til
ing manner, wouid accompli-h, and
th-i old maids, one and a!!, taking ad
vantage of the offer, the s-'.ago wa
soon transformed and liin-d witti
charminr young misses who clo.-ed an
enjoyable evening's e;; Ici i a ; u in -nr
with a drill led by Mis-cs Ivi'on anJ
Wilson charmingly execut'd v.i'h
much grace and precision.
Wo must not neglect to u en;i"u a
a so'.o very sweetly rendered !. Mi-.-Louise
Drummond, one by Ida IVaii
man and a duett by the Peterson li ters,
all showing c:ueful training as d
much talent.
The Old Maids couve::t.oi
vvliolcwas adecided sueee--.t ho
i'- ult,
, Hot.
of the urogram being theonh
but corsidcring it?- excellent.'
many were disposed to lind fault
A Lively .Iurir.
last evening one of '.he j u
with Constable Denson to h..l
rest a sneak thief. The ' f
;-s V. e
him a
n .,1 tl
-t i
fe'.low down near the d jot, but - hen
ho straightened up and t-bowed li-h!.
tho juror realized far the first iime
that he was in close quarters, ar.d hi
courare waned. The thief mad1 mi
ugly threat and start -d at. the j ;ror
with a vicious lunge, but the farmer
showed a clean pair of heels. The
race was short for, while tie,- bum
chased the juror, Detison was after the
bum and just as he was about to deal
the juror a staggering blow. Do son
caught him by the coat tail and jerk
ing him back, saved the farmer
from punishment. Tho crowd crjaytd
the fun immensely, though the parti
cipants could not see wh-.ire tho lauL:'h
came in. Denson had a struggle with
the fellow, and not being ab'e t take
him alone, he sent up town for the
sheriff and bailiff, who m rched the
bid mm to jail with a b'oody head as
he had to be handled roughly before
ho would go
From the Republican.
On Nov. 12, S. L. Dunham received
from Wisconsin, a grar.d hog, one' of
the grandsons of the Great Klcvr.i.-
Model, the S5.1C0 hog. This hog Mr.
Duharn has named Lang Model 2rd,
and will so record him. Tho name
fits him to a T as he is long in ho ly,
also very heavy boned, lively marked,
straight, black hair, and good ihiLh
Rev. Dor.rgan was down from Frgle,
one day last week calling on old
friends. Mr. Donegan and his son-in-law,
Mr. Wiggins, associated them
selves in business with Will English
and have purchased the S. S English
company s store at Lagle. It Mr.
Donegan is as successful in making
friends as a business mar, a- hr- h.a-
been as a minister, the sviceo.-s of the
new firm can be reckon ed as v. a assured
Mrs, McGitl is looking for her
brother, Victor Holme, io make her
a visit. He was leriihly wounded in
the first skirmish at Cavite, arid ha-
just got ebie to be sent Lome. She
looked for him for several weeks rn
every ship that arrived frcm Mam, a
and thinks he will sU p here i n hi-
way to his home in Pennsylvania from
San Francisco. She seeu.c-da ieiter
from her mother last week evening
one she has secur ed frein the (Jei -i:c i's
wife, speaking in the hig.?t ten res of
tl rM lirelVt..! ii n rl I tn.'i f h :
condition. He was shot throogh the
chest, shattering the breast hone atal
passing through one Icing. His won
derful vitality and dt terminatio i to
get well and come Lome t as j u'leu
him through. Mrs. McGill is de
lighted with the propect of seeing her
brother again, whore condition h. s
been such that she was fearfii of ihe
outcome. For burns, cuts, bruises, iaeeration-,
or injuries of any desci iplions, L! J-
lard's Snow Liniment is a sovereign
remedy. It never fails to do . good,
and so promptly that its wonderful
curative proportion frequently create
surprise. Prico 2o and ot) cents. T. G.
Frloia & C.
i r .
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M. dp. id. X...V. i :, (.:
Di-inco, in a le a - t ,
says: "The ,-. raj,; -e
su.-rc-ndc rir g ( u . .. w
1";,.i-0 nnti - "a w-a
who claims io h . v e
- .v .;
't-h-i -
are p :
A pesiave e
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If. T. Dvis Co., LT.aj.i U.ock.
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USE '(i;E luiloi 'il-L Of fO'G'HAL WfliSKIES IM EXISTENCE.
Jtf.- r - - 'T-" f i ihbi -n
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In bulk.
Lijoli I'jc oul' hm
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;n,rrv,i l,v ta-ii-r Ml. V.'l I ITI".' I A LL'S ilIILUMATJC CUIiF. Hie
:,l ihe !a--t. Sol'i I.e.- dr't'' r -t -. ce. p.a-'iiv yoara ntee. I 'rice SO cents
,, Sar-iaio e-r.t fr'- nn r-;eaaa. f f this tai! lienfion. ii
IJiE KiL YtlinL'LXLL ll'tUi'Si: JU . .Svuth Lend, Iadiaa
.. ; -. ( ). Taylor !rantl,
ci i'.N-d liy .liy:;ic ian.'i more
, . ; i ,
i ii, i ". y.rA'c In stand by.
1 1 M tile" pillllj), Way of
a'. J I i ; ' I.i'c-nu'nt was not
i '':' i :;''' i iinc ,s has been
tin o.if t n uililrs, as a llcsh
ic en ;c. (l dealers
v if i insist, on having it.
iKuiic sii'iutluic oyer the eork
" '. ' " i t F, If
:w . PILE
7 F!!.r. TUB.EJ
, - i r -i-- i ;'
v: -..t . TMTERNAL and
i :;ojT pain.
iiAvr: tailed.
i.oTfi.::r,, Cents.
in Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
::. vaJ.
: o in ono of thoso
pro either so prej
d rjfj.iinct all ad
:.:r;d remedies, or
becorao discour
r.t Did failure of
medicines to help
, rmd who will
nob to tho grim
r o y c r w ithout
inr cf tho won
I vo.li7o of Foley '3
y rnd Tar for all
r t rmd Lung troub
and Opticians,
. ' i v i- I j o Ik
itL tit
cu ahioss in Fancy
V-'jcaur,: they carry
.or cr.rsh and sell at
r.'0. to eat of 3 est
- - riatfsmouth. Neb
P 0 U J w
L: W 1 II
. i j J I 0 f
CSsarJs, Shelves,
Fern iters,
Bciii Tubs,
Farm Tccf :, Eta.
A Fpcr-! j..-f'r each pur
? ''- r - - ' .-fT.iFh. mix-
K E & CO.