SEMI-WE3EBXY C? - n H "TFT'IQ) A T 1H r Mi v YOL.YL NO. H". PLATTSMOUTH, NK1.. NOVKMBKK 18. 185)8. THK NEWS. i;htal!nli (l Nov. fi, lM'l I THI-: II KW A U. l.Htiiblihh.Ml April in. I'M. ( l ojisiillilat;l .Inn. 1,1.' m wEMBmmmmm mmsm mmrnm mmmmmmm. m m . rn rm rn rn m rr-i r-i rm rn m riri rp-i r;n l"""n rm I7n fr"l frETI fr"n 1757 irJl 1731 1731 fail Hi --n ral ral o a raiisi. LETTER FROM ONE OF THE BOYS. j 1yl VoNlturg Wrlt- of II in Trlj Geriny nil nil I Live Wall terns. an Klerant 0 p new line of aper, in all the late pat It will pa- you to jo where you have a line to se lect from one that's new. ttilllpplu-a. Tho following letter was received some days ago by 11. Ii. Cnrlylo from a former citizen of l'luttemoutn", Clyde Vosburjf, who ia now sergeant in the liinlTrr Wdhfrliiii. Oili .MWA. I i, Nov. 17. .!' To the Wolverton, who on the flight ' December HO, two years hl'o, is said to have murdered M'- Mary Gilltlllan in cold Mood, is now aafelv be hind ti.o bir-of the ( lark county j til Ho will be tried for the imirder at the IKo- Firet Nebraska at Manila. Many of ember tern, of tli-s court . . ... . . . . i 1 it.., ciiw; i in n lift In GERING & CO. Carry a stock of awfully cheap They have the Tablet in the citv Blank Bonks. best Writing" for 5 cents. GERING & CO. Are the only people in Platts mouth who carry an assortment of Lovne3''s unrivaled Chocolates and Alleretti's Creams and Choc olate confectionery. GERING & CO. Have a Compound Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry that oujjht to be in every household, to cure bad colds and limp; trouble before seri ous complications arise from de lay. Many a doctor bill miht be saved if you kept our Tar and Wild Cherry Compound iu the house. a, a Goring; riirriHt& and Stationers, North Side Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA 9 New n " o n 5 o f the citizens will probably reuiomber j him and ho interested in hia letter: l Manila. I'hiliuDino Inlands, Oct. 3. Well, as you know, everything went well for us; we left San Francisco on Juno 15; it was a groat day for some of us. At I p. in., tho general sounded (that is the bugle Bound) to strike tents, 1 suppose you have seen a pict ure of it well, in three seconds after, every tent was down on tho ground and in forty-live beconds, wrapped, -so you can see what drill does. Our tents were tho same as they use at the G. A. It. reunion. Well, four of us to a tent, and to pull it up and have it ready to load in fortv-five seconds and do it right, makes us hustle; if you don't think to, just got your father ana three more men to try it. and you time them. Well, I puess there is no use to tell you any more of our times in 'Frisco, for I expect you have read so much about that, you are tired. We had a very pleasant voyage. At Hono lulu, tho ladies, assisted by tho gov ernment, gave us a great banquet, and wo had a very good time. J he city is quite a good bit like the pictures you see of all foreign places, especially of Japan and China Wo left there on tho 24th of June, and it was days be fore we saw land again. The sea was very nice all the way over, but lots of uj were sea sick, but when one gets over it, then il is very fine. I would just as soon ride on the ocean as on a train (when the sea is smooth.) We had one funeral at was the most solemn one I ever saw. The vessel heaved to at 10 o'clock for the ser vices. I will try and give you a short description of it and leave the rest of it for you to imagine. At 10 o'clock they brought a plank on deck, it was just about the size of a dining room table; over it they placed a canvass sheet, (which was to be the cottln) they put a sack of sand on it at the rail, then came the solemn pa rt. They .brought out the body of Ser geant Geddes of company Cand placed it upon tho table with the feet ovei the sack of sand, and sewed him up in his blanket and then sewed the canvass over it and all was ready. They then placed the star and 9tripes over him, the baud played, and the chaplain read tho services which are prescribed by tho government for burial at sea. It was all military, but it was so differ ent to be buried in the sea with no one to witness it but God and man. That made lots o: the boys think of home, m mnv a Rtrono- man shed tears over his grave, although they knew him not. We arrived here on the 20th day of Julv, that is at Camp Dewey, seven mile3 south of this city. Well, I will close for this time. I am sincerely yours, Clyde Voi-nrKo. MRS. O. F. UTTERBACK Has opened a select line of Milliner' in. the basement of the Bank of Cass County Building, consisting- of Latest Styles in Hats & Bonnets RIBBONS, ORNAMENTS AND TRIMMINGS late shades, suitable citv. Our prices are The nicest line of velvets, in all tk for drvss trimmimr. to be found in the low, and with an expert trimmer, we hope to merit a fair share of vour trade. Please call and inspect our stock before purchasing. We can save you money. MRS. O. F. UTTERBACK, UNDER BANK OF CASS COUNTY. FOR FINE FOOTWEAR There is no place like 3 n RKZ53 t?3E3B EST iJQE rc i The best class of E2p Sp323 f ,2l Two Stores Itobbed. Chief Morrissey received word thia j morning from Marshall Ballard of Pacific Junction to the effect that bur glars entered two stores last night and got away with quite a little swag. They got a half dozen razors, some knives, watches, jewelry, ten boxes of cartridges and a few pennies. Tho thieves are described t s well dressed and Mr. Ballard has wired Mr. Morrissey to head them off should they come to Piattsmouth, and wire him at odcc Chief Morrissey said that he was sure the men would cot show up here, as he had run them out of town yes terday. Four well dressed toughs were arrested night before last and lodged in jail on suspicion. As there was no evidence against them, Chief Morrissey ran them across the river, and they immediately got in their work on the Iowa etorea. Chief Morrissey did not like the looks of the gang, and he suspected that the men were haoging around for no good purposes. They were a smooth looking set of men, having the appearance of tirst-class crooks. Foot Ball at Weeping Water. A foot ball team has been organized ...i.v. TTfirM-tr nrnres as coach. The It 11 L. I-. C.T " team is made up of the strongest ag nreo-ation of plavers that could be sa- f cured here. Coach Groves has secured a game with Weeping Water, to be played at that place on Thanksgiving div. The boys are working hard, ana will rive the Weeping Willies the iiot. rame of their life. A large crowd should accompany the boys over there and see the fun. "ot tiuiliy. Ralph Palmer, the boy charged with letting off the brake from the tf. & AT hnx car in the yards which ran down the grade and caused a wreck, everal thousand m ( :i 1 1 f. 1 1 -i n lift hiT huband at Bradford, 111., and came to Osceola la., in October, lSitii. She wa a pretty women a nd soon hud scores of admirers. Among those was Joe Wol verton, a young farmer living near there. He went with her for several month. On the night of December 2G, IS'.m;. she had an engagement with him and they went walking toward the Chicago, Burlington & (putney pump house. An hour later Wolverton was seen coming from the direction of the pump house alotio. The next evening the dead body of Mary Gilllillan wan found in the pump house with a bullet hole in her tem ple. Her jewelry was not disturbed, showing that robbery was not tb object of tho murder, and there was nothing to indicate suicide. Wolver ton was indicted, but had left for pai ts unknown. A reward r ".00 was offered for his capture and a number Of detectives wore employed on the case, but never located hnn. A week ago, through tha postmaster of Cambridge, Story county, la.. Sher iff Lukinbill located Lewis Wolverton, a brother of Joe's, on a farm near there under the name of Morgan. Morgan's mail was watched and it was learned that he wns receiving letters from a brother In Mynard, Neb., liv ing there on a farm under the name of Groatt. Sheriff Lukinbill went ,toi Mvnard and recognized Groatt as Joe Wolverton. lie was brought back from Mynard to.lay. lie stoutly denies bis guilt. llliuoU Central ChicaiiO, Xov. 17. The Illinois Central has decided to extend its lines to Omaha. All the preliminary work has peon done and the construction of some 17o miles i f new track from Ft. Dodge, la., to Om:iha will begin early next spring. This extension will give the Illinois Central a valuable new western terminal and will greatly in crease the importance of the western end of the road . On the south, too, the Illinois Cen tral is about to construct a valuable feeder to its system in northern Louis iana. It is a ccntir.uation of the log ging railway running from Kentwoed, in a northeasterly direction toward the Mississippi state line. The road will be extended to Columbus, fifty miles from Kc-ntwood. r.ri-Hil. Morning's bread hereafter may be obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona than Ilatt's, Dovey's and fair store. Chicken pie supper. Who? Q. Z. Where? Presbyterian church. When? November "J2, o to K p. m. What? 2. cents. TO Cl'KE A COLIJ I-N OXK IMV Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to euro. 12oc. The genuine h-ne L. B. Q. on each tablet Coal! Coal! Hard coal delivered to any part of the city for $7.50 per ton, and tho un rivaled Meudota coal dehveied for $4.25 per ton. John Waterman. goods to be found in Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper per pair. We make a specialty of High Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are glad to have you come in and see our stock: WHbl I MtH Y 5U T trV IMV I . Untailine a loss of dollars, had his trial yesterday and An Immense Line of FALL and VLTWK &tiur.r- in, the jury last evening urouKuiu v 1 . iHiot of acauital. This is the second tnat win suit an cictsu u pmuixo. Wp naid the CASH and will give vou benefit of heavy DISCOUNT. COME IN AND SEE US.., 4K3 Main Street, - Piattsmouth, Neb. criminal case tried so far this term Ua 'and in both a verdict ha3 been ren- j uereu ior me utiouuoui. The Pearl Steam Laundry is cen trally located, and, while we have not imported any experts from the Philip pines vet we will warrant all worn first-class. Give the Pearl, under the WHITE'S OPERA H0USL, J. WlITTU. .lanaifcr. ONE NIGHT ONLY- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 it The Newest. Funnier and Best of Irish Farce Comedies, FlanjganS 5 Flat?" Wi:h the Addition of EIGHT SPECIALTY ARTISTS r.KTWEEN" ACTS. CONTINUOUS SHOW. Prices, joc, jjr, 25c ;Xo higher Tickets on Sa'.e at Lehnhoff "s. fi n a if 1 1 4 The Best Goods Are lite HUH i MUM I You cannot go to the Omaha Exposition any more, so spend your time with us. We have the Greatest Ex position of... asonable Dry Goods EVER BROUGHT TO PLATTSMOUTH. Special Sale on Dress Goods.. ...15c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 39c. See our New Black Crepons, at one-half Omaha Prices. New Silks, New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Flannelette Wrappers SjH'iitl toiir WoiK'tl infli us a nd (jet ri Inc irceircd. Umc cannot iJord in mis lead ir jiafrois. h'rer boda 1; no ics iciaf kind of ijuods ire sc. Have you seen our Line of... Fur Collarettes, from $2.75 up. Muffs and Fur Trimmings, Cotton Blankets, l: st .-election in town I '''', "'. New Hosiery. U nderwear, ...In CottO'i aiid Woo! l.'nion .Suits Cotton Flannel, . . . Tor mitt'-n-, 1 - ".. L ;c Outing Flannels, 5c. We have the exclusive -iale of the celebrated Acme Choco late line. Call and see our as sortment. Try our... Chopped JVt't Chocolates. Our Fruit Chocolates are Fine Everv Chocolate is branded ACME. HOLLOWAY'S. Get a new Oilcloth and Binding for your Stoves.. ....lie-', -i-l' -'-l ion in town from -"e .ij Get our Prices on CARPETS... All woo!, oilc. i:-:--t Kxlra-r-upor 2-ply all-wool .rpet n-ade I' r i..c. S,m: o-.n- -w Umbels, Mcquett.os, Axminster and Vclv-t trpols. '1 bey are b.;auU-s--:i!.l t i:V-v thun l:ir-t ye:ir r.o !"Ivuim o oa our 'oous. Get our Prices on all kinds of Shoes... ....Th' L'e.-l and Lul nr'nliwutof Shoes a::d w.--.. S i j f - r - Tabb-ls and Per.-'il- I'in:!-; with School Shoi;s. Ia' Don't fail to see our new stock of Lamps nvi,av.s i, - i..,,-..., e-. A:ent-sf"r iek Patterns. G.-.tro Dowi: i and Itudd's Ilaby Sho'-s.. ,"j m m m m m si; i; 1; m H; M m m jsi! m m mi 'm nH -..;: ..... bcitooi sitoes Good and Cheap. LOOK OUT 3, m. Hi That your children are well shod, for it might save DIPH THERIA entering your family. Dry feet save DDcVor bills. BEWARE that you are not BAMBOOZLED again and buy your Shoes at the Old Roliable Regular Shoe Store. THE TIME IS NEAR when we will have wet, sloppy weather and that's what tests a shoe, so be careful you don't get 'em with paper insoles and counters or they will surely collapse. Take our advice, let us help you select you shoe and you will come out winner. WE'VE GOT 'EMI What? Why, SCHOOL SHOES, of course GOOD AND STRONG at 95c, $1.00, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. In ail shapes, styles and varieties of leather and warranted to be SOLID LEATHER throughout and sewed up FREE OF CHARGE should they ever rip. We have a CUROSITY in shape of a SEAMLESS SHOE for YOUTH'S, BOYS and MEN which can NEVER RIP. SEE REPAIRING. ROBT SHERWO OD FOOT MILLINER pi m 0. ifSl 'I5l 0 M ifsJ iiM m. m m 0 0 jai. 0 0 0 0. 0. m 0 0, 0 0. 0 0 0 0 In i t3 Flattsmouth Coal Yard; IS THE PLACE TO BUY : HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. FURNITURE and UN DERTAKING HOUSE FURNlSHlNGSi STOVES, RANGES. HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor Hay, Corn, Oata and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGEN3ERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-bTS. Our stocs is comuiete In all line hd'J we ! v:te our friends to look It over. We will r-ri.lPiivor to please you. Call Jnd see us. STREIGHT C- SATTLER, (Successors to hciry Boeek.) PLATTSMOUTH NEB (.'untract? tki.t-n f-.r :';.. erection .il KesideDCci Uarus ami auj i frptntcr W'jrk, !n inv part ot the c-Lr.ty. .ai! on oi aJiirts.... 1 1 A It V K V IKll.I.OWA V. I'latt.mooUi. "fb rHE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates SI and S1.50 ner Da Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB new management, a trial and you will be pleased with the result. Geo. K. Staats, Manager, uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa