Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 15, 1898, Image 3

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.Inmra I'm U liiMtMiitlj lilllnl uii'l III"
llixly Horribly t'rulifl.
J iim oh Pino wliilo Mwltchin in tlio
ynrilM Jioro tlii inornlnj,' iibuut 1 :-
wn run oviir ;ind lriHtmitly Uilli-ii.
Tho liody wiih liorriMy, tn'1
wIiim-Ib niHiiitf over ouo nrtn, iho
lllor portion of tlm Ixuly, criiHliintf it
into ii f ttn polonrt miirirt. Ah iichi- as cm
bo lc:irnj(l tlio accident, nccu rred an
fol low:
Ktitfino I!.TS, I'aul ItofhHnor I'liiincoi,
liriil hold of two liox ::h-h arid Mr.
I'lliOtfiivc (lid i-ltftml to buck up, iit-
to miluitf to ciilcii tlio foiil-boiird ii- it
li.cki'n tow, nil 1 1 i in. Ilo tnis-icl tli'
fodt-ln.iird ji rid liio cnjino ami two
earn pinned over him beforn tlny (iii.ii
b' Ht pi!l).
'i do .i'Co:is'd ban In en in tlio cm
ploy of 'bo com iiii v for neiirly liftecii
yon , b- l ii if i-onil U'M or on tin; "briil;.
run" h-ri till it w.i abmis bi-.i, sine,
which Unit; in; hiiH hooi s w I t,r II i Ii tf m.
tlio yurilx, part. f tlio timo tl.ijs uii'l
part niibtM. A limit a yciir :it,d a 1 1 1 f
ii(0 lie win Hcriously liurt wIiiIm mi
duty, and winliiil olT :t bintf while,
but ria-t I'wn wurU'intf steadily for
tom: time..
Tho body was taken to th uinicr
takintf roiima i.f Streitfht 'v- Slreiht.
'iwitl a roroner'a j'l'y e u) ji in in le.l al
fiiur o'clock tlliri a f I !l HO: ill cillninl i iij.'
of tho following piTsiins: 1M. Fit,
tforaltl, (). M. Strai irh t, Joe Klein, .J.
V. Ktfeti bertfer, Alf White and John
I Ion turn. 'I hoy are in suasion in wo tfo
to pros, and their verdict will be
tfivon in Monday' piper.
Tho deceased leaved a wife and two
children, nearly uni'vu. lie was n
member of A. O. ('. V. I.mltfo No. h
in tjood standing, and oirried iiidur
uiico to ! ho amount of $2,0t0 in that
Ho was a model citizen, sober, in
dustrious, and a consistent member of
the Method ist church, and his family
havo tho universal sympathy of the
community in their Hidden bereavement.
Co in in iHHioiM-rH l'rM'cllni;rt.
I'LATTSMOUTIt. Neb., Nov. 1, IS'.IS.
iSoird met pursuant to adjournment.
I'rosont, J. C. Hayes, Ceo W. Yourio
and J. 1. Falter, county commission-!
erf, James Robertson county clerk.
Minutes of previous session read and
approved by Commissioners Yoiinj: '
and Falter. Commissioner Ilnyes re
fused to approve tho minutes. The
following business was transacted in
regular form.
J C Haves, sal ami exp $ -.'ii no
(jeo W Young, same 1:0 W
J I' Falter, same 21 C."
J Kobeitson, same i:ni 7S
H J Ilemple. sal CO ml
G I. Farley, sal anil exp 101 0(1
E Hilton, platting etc 31 .Hi
Western Newspaper I'nion. anise 2 ,Vi
I'll Smith, stamped envelopes II fo
I. JMayfield, prt '.'-J ri
J A Ilasemeier, sal 3rd quarter 1- 5"
David C LaKue. rep road tools ft1)
D Woodard. team feed for commrs "."
1 Campbell, fees 1 Pa
l'latts Water Co. rents and repairs r:s (H
A H Weckbach, coal H1 2.1
uke Wiles, wheat to poor faun 10 Mi
,iO Mockenhanpt, brick to same 3 fin
S A Davis, oil to same 1 Hi
E G IJovey, mdse to same 'J so
I) McDona'd. mdse to poor 9 tKi
Zuckweiler& Lut, same 7 (Hi
A Clark, same 3 20
J Swoboda, same 11 00
Yeckbach & Co, same 16 10
Wurl & Coffey, same 13 (K.
Mrs Yoder. care of poor 6 00
Fox, mdse to county 7 r0
McBride, boarding prisoners 21 00
Journal, printing 10 00
W Wheeler, guarding jail '. Lit .Ml
J Waterman, lumber t!4 9:!
G Thomas, labor at poor farm 7 ;ti
J Tamblin, sal 3rd quarter VI TO
Root & Edmunds, lumber 71 57
P Barnes, erroneous taxes paid 23 fil
Fee bill, insane case, Malchnlat 5i 10
Win Meller, repairs 4 60
G M Spurlock, certificates etc 5,'f !s)
Board adjourned to meet Nov. 2, :9S.
November 2, 1S9S.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
full board present. Tno following
bills were allowed on the general fund:
II T Spuires, rep f 10
1 Pearlman, ?toe pipes etc s 4"i
Fgenberger St Troop, wood to poor 1 00
T E Fulton, rep on road tools 3 75
J A Cements, court dockets 16 00
Wolf & Tool lumber $12 '"0 "JT J0
State Journal Co, supplies 02 90
S Maires. team feed for commissioners 75
A L Todd, salary 51 16
C Hay, envelopes 11 50
A Upham, care f poor 8 50
F lackson, md.-o to poor 8 10
A Bach, same 00
F'rank & Kudgeway, lumber -0 00
W W Lumber Co, same 72 70
W D Jones, livery to commissioner 15 00
Streiglit & Streijh. coffin for pauper 13 05
Board adjourned to meet November
Nov. 3, 1SHS.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
full board present. The following
claims ware allowed on the general
R Fellows, bal prtg del tax list $044 70
Ebinger Hardware Co, hardware 5 10
C Cummins, lumber and tiling Co t4
Final settlement was ordered made
with tho Plattsrcouth Post for print
.ing- delinquent tax list in the full sum
of $550.00, and the clerk was ordered
to draw warraut for balance due.
Commissioners Young and Falter vot
ing yes; Commissioner Hayes voting
Da Tho claim of Cass County Fair
Association was laid over till next
Board adjourned to meet November
County Clerk.
Wants Oar ltouds.
W. A. Barrett, representing Shitzer
& Co. of New York, capitalists, is in
the city to obtain any optional bonds
the city may have, which his firm will
refund at a lower Jate of interest.
This firm already holds our bonds.
Mr. Barrett is visiting numerous towns
in the west with the same purpose in
view, being the agent for an enormous
amount of idle capital seeking invest
ment. He has just refunded 8200,010
worth of bonds for Nebraska City.
For Sale A good bedrcm suit.
Cvll at this office.
A t;lvrr Cnptur.
Lav! evening Sheriff Wheeler and
Deputy SherilT MeUriJo made a very
eh ver rupture of u murderer at Mor
gan's hi ore in My nurd, who has ben
wanted for narly two y.t.irn for a
murder rmn mi ttel at ()-; :t, Iowa,
JWi:inh.-r IM's lh'.fi.
I n t h huiiiiner of 1'.H) Mrs Mary
(iiillilli'ii if some place in Illinois
ciiiih' to Woo:lliurn, Iowa, wl.ere t-h-lived
for a lime as ho'Jsuki-e per for I).
I... Yiivt rlon. a farmer, who it r;-m--h
id f-erured a divorce from his wife.
;i''d he removing to nciir l'ort
lantl, ) '(.'in, wluiro itlm limi ried i
mail named Mo g:m, whore she now
ll-li liM.
i:. 1. Wolvetton, the -on of I). I
W'ol verton, was 1 i '. inr with his f it'.n-l
;.inl upon t lie di--o y ly tlio fathi
that an undue in'iiti.iCy existed !
t wri'ii t hi ' ( 1 1 . Ii 1 1 in woman and Kob
ii t'l.- hoy wis ei. led, I lie f.ither lii--.;hai,
'd iho wo nan and (liuvo hi i
Iroin t Ii ; fa' in. She w-nt from ther
In Omm nl.i, iuwa, a few miles iihui.
wlirwi- r he ohlat fi'd em ploy rai-ut attli
tiot.-l of i I. S. Howe.
Oi CnriL-lmi-, IS'.n!, Kob was i
0-i--ol.i, and in the evirtiing of tie
it iy fo, lowing went '. walk with Mr
t j i i I Ii i i i n, and was la-t ween abuu dirl
-trolline; ilon: the IS. & Q railrom
I rai k.
A boo ; ;:."() the mnie i:irlit the su
nei'intendeiit of the railroad pum
hoibij at O-e. ot.i had eause to yo t
I he pun p hou-e where ho finind Mrs
(jilllilleri il. au iv tli a hulli-t tlirougl
ner he.aii, and Itob Wolvrrton wa.
L'OMe iii il could not lie fnUall.
Mvery e!!o' t was m ade to lind hini,
:i titl he was finally lo; iti-d with hii
inothur, Mrs. Mary Morgan, neai
I'o il iihI, (iregon. Tilt; f-herifT of
(Mark county, Iowa, telegraphed the
authorities at Portland, who attempt
ed h is en 1 in e. hut lie suceeded ill
inalciiig good liis escape.
All track of hini was lost until dur
ing the exiionitiou some one who
knew him from Iowa saw him in Om
aha and by some means lie was located
near Mynard.
Tlio flu rill of Clark county. Iowa,
communicated wilh Postmaster Swoar-
ingen, who notified Sheriff Wheeler
who inrnie tin.' eapture yesterday as
tated above.
Here Wol verton has been going by
the name of John I'eGro.ite and has
been hj.-kinr corn for Wat
son L,oni-. in eon vereaiuin witn
Deputy Sheriff Meliride he said lie
had walked 250 miles on tho mount
ains in Colorado in order to
allude the oilieers who were aftt r
him, and ho had disguised
himself with fal-e whi-kers.
A reward of 51 0 is olferol for his
artest which will go to Sheriff Wheel
er and his deputv Wln-n arrested
Wolverton, alius 1). (Jro ite admitted
that he was the m ui wanted hut de
nied being guilty. The sheriff tele
graphed Sheriff Lukenbil of Ooeola of
the an est and he came this morning.
Kxtr;ditioM papers havo ordered
and tiio eherilT is now awaiting their
irrival. It. W. ITyors is guarding the
From the Republican,
County Supt. Farlej' spent Sunday
in this jiart of the county, returning
to the county teat Monday morning.
Our popular county clerk, J. M.
liobertson, was here Saturday, shak
ing hands with his friends, and that
means everybody, and distributing
tho election ballots.
Judge Calvin Russell and wife
readied homo List week from a visit
of two months duration at their former
home in Ohio and Western Pennsyl
vania. They, of course, had a delight
ful time. Tho judge says he did not
find any faces that looked familiar
after so many years absence, but could
recognize in the rail fences that which
called to mind many recollections of
former days. "However," s lid the
judge, "a good many of the rail fences
are being replaced by wire."
Judge Spurlock while en route to
Avoca to address a political meeting
one day last week made this office a
pleasant call. Cass county never had
a more proficient judge and one in
whom the people reposed more confi
dence than George Gpurlock. By the
way this county has in Mr. Spurlock
good material for a congressman at
no very distant d.ite. Nothing would
plea-o his friends ir. Cass county bet
ter than to havo George represent the
First district at Washington.
From the Lincoln News.
Another enthusiastic anti-saloon
meeting was held last night.
D. Ilawksworth of Plattsmouth was
tibout the shops yesterday.
C. A. Rankin has moved to the Geo.
Ballance property in East Havelock.
Many of the diphtheria patients are
recovering nicely from the effects of
the attack.
New ties have been laid in the
machine shops under the tracking for
the movable crane.
The Times building has received a
new floor and the work of raising a
frame residence over the walls will be
commenced soon.
Miss Laura, 12-year-old daughter of
Mrs. J. Langston, West Havelock, has
been stricken with diphtheria and is
reported qui:e ill.
J. A. Adams has been off duty this
week and Fred Kroehler has been do
ing his work, while Wm. Carruth is
doing Fred's inspecting.
Wo tell only what we positively
know when we say "Dr. Sawyer's Ar
nica and Witch Hazel Salve will rad
ically cure skin diseases, eczema, piles,
burns, scalds, cuts or flesh wounds.
A. W. Atwood.
Tlio fisherman urn sled W dnesilay
night for drunknees, wns releu-etl lnl
night on promise of paying the of
his line.
The l'lattsmouth Telephone ci in
(any is busy btringing wires a id ex
peels to tie readv to do nubi i-ie-i in
iboul ten days.
Mrs. JuJi'O N j wol I was an
oassenger this morning. She will
isit her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Roberts,
t South Omtiha for several days bo
ot o returning.
Mrs. Taggart of Nebrasb i City has
ee-ived a cablegram from Manila,
nnouncing the death there of hoi
irother, Frank Seely, a member of
ho First regiment. D ;ceas -d was a
rotlicr ol Walt Seeley.
K. (f. Miller of Furnas county, cim
own with hisbon, 10. O. Miller, from
,incoln yesterday for u visit with the
irmer's daujj htor, M ts. T. C Ehrman.
Ir. Miller wiil remain here the rest
f tho winter.
Harry Lebo, a hotel man from
'argo, N. Y., placed 8G5 between the
aat ti esses of his bed at the lodging
iouso at Thirteenth and Jackson
treetJ, Omaha, Thursday night iiDii
sterday afternoon when ho went to
4et it he found eomo one else had
teat him to it.
This afterno in occurred tho funeral
if Mrs. Davis, mother of F. T. Davis
md Mrs. Phebeus fit this city. The
death occurred at tho residence of
Mrs. Pheheus. Deceased was seventy
nine years of age and tho immediate
cause of death was paralysis.
The official count of Cass county
nallots took place today, tho canvass
ing board consisting of County Clerk
Robertson and Conrad Schlater of this
city, and Al Dickson of F'mwood. A
few unimportant errors in the count
were found, but nothing affeetintr the
Col. Mayfieldof the Courier-Journal
is in tho city today.
David Pitlman of Murray is in town
today attending business.
Dave Sampson of Rock Bluff is in
city today looking after business.
Mrs. Ed. Johnson of Lincoln is in
city visiting relatives and friends.
Irsac Teogarden of Weeping Water
is in the city attending to business.
J. M. Carter of Weeping Water is
in the cily attending to legal business.
Mont Robh, the Murray grain deal
er, is in the city today attending to
Cards are out announcing the wed
ding of Hugh Hoberts and Choriotte
Attorney (J. E. Teft is in the city at
'ending district court, where he ap
pears as counsel.
Ham Lloyd from south ofUnion is in
tho city today. when ha will officiate as
a juror in the district court.
J. W. 13 a rr of Greenwood is in the
citv and will officiate as one of the
jurors during this term of court.
F. Vettersneck has been transfered
from Piattsraouth to Edgemont as
bo'ilermaker helper. Alliance Grip.
John W. Crabill, the jeweler is car
rying his right eye in a sling for a few
days on account of a small bit cf coal
which he got in it.
Uncle Noah Clemmons cf Murray
is in the city attending to business and
renewing acquaintants. Ho made this
ottice a pleasant call.
R. D. Dalton went'out to Cullemtbis
morning, where he enters the employ
of Me ssrs. Atwood, Newell & Co., in
their quarries at that place.
Lieut L. A. Dorrington came down
on the 6 o'clock freight Wednesday and
remained in town until the passenger
arrived, when he departed to join his
command in Cuba. Alliance Grip.
Miss Dora Swearingen, who has
been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Hasse, and her brother, W. A. Swear
ingen, of Mynard, for tho past few
days, returned to her work in Omaha
this morning.
Uncle John Hail, the permatient
assessor of Stove Creek precinct was
again elected by a majority of 99. He
got one vote for lieutenant governor
while the same man voted for W. J.
Bryan for governor.
Hugh Roberts, who has been work
ing in a gang of painters who are
painting the depots on the Burling
ton, came in last night on No. 2 from
Akron to visit his parents and a very
dear friend. He will return to his
work next Wednesday.
John M. Kes'.er today purchased from
Esthen S. Heller one half interest in a
piece of business property at Weeping
Water of which he already had the
other half. The property has been in
litigation for some time and the pur
chase tkes the matter out of the
ceiurts and settles the case.
C. F. Wheeler returned last Satur
day from the northwest part of the
state, where he had been hunting fcr
some time past with his brother who
lives at Norfolk. Frank reports very
good success, although they lost sixty
four dollars worth of game which was
shipped to a firm in Chicago which
went out of business. The praries seem
to have agreed with Frank as he looks
just the pink of perfection of good
Tuesday evening on No. 45 a man
who was with a shipment of sheep en
route from Grand Island to Casper
jumped off the train two miles west
of Wier while they were running
about twenty-five miles an hour.
After rolling over a couple of times
he got up and started out in the hills.
The train was stopped, but not until
from tho track and out. .f ie .-h o' the i
.... i
train crew, ile-iio.vt t up u t-
HlHtl Hboilt 1 lVlock II' X' "1
took No. 4 I for 1 i i 'Aii 1 1!.
tion hmows his min I w.i- .
Alli'ir.iv: Grip.
I I win ;i I il I , I. n , I L ,; ,
( "i ' V
i. l. I
il e
r M i.
wilh a ii'
i i. -
d i ! et loll of (J,-:. I'.
work'iiir iio- h we-ter.
lie con Ii re . his o;- r
swindling of .-.
jeweler who-e i .1:110 -for
in it a nee. 1 1 i -,, . I -
ill t rod PO s bus.- f s .1 11."
identic.-! I tin) s in..- name !
posed victim, ami to Is i ; 1 1 1 ! n
tends to est -i b' i sh a J . i-r
I ii e 811 mo s t I ei t . II- I be
jeweler llial to will t oi 1
neighborhood 10. sier.l i .
.1 p'ickage lO'l'.es ror hill! l
for it am) hob! i f r b 1 111 1 1
or so a l ack ii'i- c 'itier. f. r 1 i.e.
and his victim accepts il from tho
pressman. Liter iho s'.:ntl!or calls
and gets the package ,-ii.d leave-. On
the li'st of the next month tie- j v.eiet
is present d w thn bill for jewelrv
from some w holesile j -wclry hou-e n I
which he has credit. Ilis nane s ko
cannot bj found.
e ,f, - ! I S
o 'i I i' P i
" 1 ' "' ' ' O ,;t0CKEK i
el .-I- 0
- -i.i i , yx'y
mill: $ tT- --i
:.v;:: i
- a i.ii 1. e f
1 a : 0 C-V.: -lj
s s 1 1 1 u 1 I V
vey mi
lu. 3 Mil
'I lie liet mid ( lii'iipi'Kl
The New York Indep. n !jnt, the
leading weekly newspaper of the
world, and one whose paes exercise'
the widest influence, is entering upon
its tiftieth year if publication. The
Independent emphasiz s its lifticth
year by changing its form to that of a
magazine, and by reducing its annual
subscription price from $3 to $2;sing;e
copies iroiu iu to cents, iris jnuu-
pendent in its nw form will print
3,t!40 pages of reading matter per year
at u cost to subs;riliers of while
th prominent inagnzines, which sell
for H a year, print only about. 2.(i'!(i
pages. Tho subscriber to the Inde
pendent gets H'2 jier cent more of
equally good reading matter atone-
half the cost! It is not only tho lend
ing family weekly newspaper but by the che ipesi and best. A free
specimen copy may be had by address
ing the Indepenelent, 130 Fulton street,
New York.
J'uikthI of J.S. 1'iiit'.
The funeral of J. S. Fine, who was
killed by an engine running over him
Saturday, was heid from the Al. K.
church at 3 o'clock this aftei noon.
lev. F. A. Campbell delivering the
'J he A. O. i;. W., of which Mr. Fine
was a member, participating in tue
ceremonies. The memboij of the
lodge to the number of about 1100 met
at the I. O. O F. ball and marched to
the laie residence of the deceased and
escorted the po-setsiou to the church
thence to iho cemetery. Rev. Camp
bell delivered a very touching address
and paid a high tribute to tho life the
deceased had led.
A large concourse of people followed
tho remains to the cemetery. The
prall bearers were John A. Gutsche,
Free Brown, C. S. Manchester, Ncis
Bergstion, Win. Ballance and Jacob
me u
A stimulant for use j:; the tick i-mm, such :r; tin- (i. O. Taylor brand,
which ii sold by more iamily Jru;;i:.t .; :ml prescribed by physicians more
than any other brand of whhikey sold in competition with it, i:; sale to stand by.
An old distiller caught adulterating his rum from the pump, by way of
an apology j.aid: ' Water never hurt anybody.'' His statement was not
wholly true, fur much disease, suffering and linerini illness has been
traced to the use of impure water.
Physicians prescribe. "G. O. TV' for lung and throat troubles, as a ilesh
producer, with cgs and milk, after lincrin sicknesses. J Jcensed dealers
everywhere will sell you (J. O. Taylor Whiskey if you insist on having it.
It is not sole! in bulk. Look for our firm name signature over the cork
and on the label.
Iairy Firm.
S. II. Fisher, who has been sieK for
some time, has grown inuch worse
eluring the past month, and now con
stantly needs an attendent. Mis.
Fisher, who has nobly endeavored to
attend her husband in his illness and
look after the dairy business as woil,
found tho task to great and has been
competed to dispose of t heir dairy, that
she could bettor attend to tho wants
of her husband while his illness contin
ues. Saturday she sold to Cent Liv
ingston, the business consisting of
cows, wagon, horses and route. Bent
is now fully installed as a dairyman
and is arcund looking after his pa
trom wants and hustling after new
In the Court.
'1 he district court was called at 1
o'clock, and jury excused until 9 o'clock
tomoTOW morning. A few motions
were heard and r. few comfirmative
modes. Court then adjourned until
tomorrow morning.
Henry Tiltzen of South Omaha and
Barney Chastine of Orcapolis imbibed
too freeley Saturday night and stayed
at the Hotel McBride over Sunday.
The bill was $5.30 each as decided by
Judge Archer.
The' county court is occupied this
afternoon hearing a case entitled Andy
Johnson vs James Paterson, jr., ad
ministrator of the Johnson estate, and
is beiig tried by a jury of four, W. K.
Fox, W. L. Street, J. II. Thrasher and
Henry Eikenbary.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If cot, got a bottle
now and aet relief. This medicine
has been found peculiarly adapted to
the relief and cure of all female com
plaints, exer'.ing a wonderful direct
influence in giving strength and tone
to the organs. If you have loss of ap
petite, constipation, headache, faint
ing spells, or are nervous, sleepless,
excitable, melencholy or troubled
with dizzy spells. Electric Bitters is
the medicir.e you need. Health and
strength im guaranteed by it: use.
Fifty cents and $1.0 at F. G. Frickes
drug store. 3
KiiIia it In.
"We have proven every claim we
mnde against W. H. Newell," says
the PlattstEouth Journal. And yet
the voters of Cass county doubted the
Journal's word and elected W. H.
Newell stato senator. Influential
sheet, that Journ 1. Louisville Cour
ier. In many seemingly hopele?s cases,
consumption has been averted in
stopping a hacking cough, by the use
of Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry and Tar.
the man had got about half a mile A. W. Atwood.
lhl:in iin- I l:t i . j; ft n -v
Many ol y"r friend-, m- oeo!ej
whom vim U-O'W 1 f h ive coiii rac'-c.i 1
J 1
consumption, pueu niou 1:1 or oilier f.itil j
disi-.'is -s by iiei'!i i:I oi .1 simple cied or
cough. Foley's I I oney ;i e d Trt r,,
sure and pl'a-:nit coii.'h medicine,
ivoulit h-ivu .-avc.i tiieui. It isiua'-.ui-
leed. I' ( ; Fi icl.e .V t 'o.
tiotxe to Creditors.
r.? P r
T-R-igT-gg-." -- ED9B !
co l-.l-VYil,: J IU i U- H ' I
; r
I ..I,:
I 1
1 A I I ' I . . I K h A LL i A .
I LIS (..'oilllt V.
In trio iiijii'.cr 01 tfir i
NotiiLiL is !iert'b lm-ii 'd.i: e. I !
ilin i'.i (! 1 1 i iiici t t hi.' .id:ii : :ii 1 .1 1. '! et - ;ii 1
'stall- lit. lore me, teiL.ily judi- el r,i.e,
-NclTa-ka, altln; d'niitv ci.uit ni.i'n :u l'i..o
llililltli ill sLII.i ( etlL.t y, the LII ! I.iv I M .1 -V.
1 1.. is'.m, at i' nidi. CK A. M., I .1 II..; I'li;-. e ,,:
prcst'lituiK tticir claims lur x;i::i:i'at..ii. 'jr t
incut and :il!uwaiiri'. v,v --!- aio ... !
fur the ( led. t.. is ..I sa,d d.-e.'Li.-e i 1.. 1.1 M i;.,-.,
c!;i'l:ils ii mi t i.u '' . !. da v i I.e. uniu-i,
V .tllc-S !1!V I.LilL.I did s. ; i i el -n. 1 . .IIC
court at I'iatt-iiioiitli, Ncl'ia-ka. tl.i.s. I t u. ..1
Novundior. A . 1). I .-.
( ii.uKi.i-: M Sri u l ei i, .
(Sc-llj (.'.Hiiay lud;;e.
'.yLJiMSMly cure
Discovery for tne Ccrlain Cure of INTERNAL and
NhorifTs Sale.
By ii t uu of ;tn c"cui t.t i. in i- lied liy ' ie. n '' 1' .
I l.iuseui ii I Ii, (Jerk ol distiict cmut within ..i. i ,.r
(.'ass countv .Ncbi.'i:ka, 1 t i.e.- diu-e'i-i, I u d,
in tin; LIHli dav nl N.ivi-Lidi. i A. I i. lii- ,t IIU
'clef k p. in. ..) s.n.J du .it the sr.! Ill ii..-,i ..( I..,;
court liuiisc ;n the c:ty..l I'iit t-:o. ! i n. in t
loiinty, sell ;it public aii'.'lioii. t tin- I.i- i. . - t !.;
dcr t.r ca-h. tiio Iniiimini: rca! : t ite t . d
1 he n.illr.iL'rt q'irtim ii.'.:4i. se.:i:: i,
ieen i lUi t iv. us! i : .i eie v.-n ill. i ;i ti',:-. ai.d
the west I. "i!t . -, 1 i id I !ie lew : I s . . -1 ii n.n I .-i . i e , i
ot s. ct ion nine I cell . I'l I. . n . i . i ,11. i .. :.;;.
til lie . '.'i ea-t .t t :.c 'itli I' in (';: i re,.
.NeiiiriSKa, t.;;ed...'i nii liie j.ii'..., ... l.l. i ; p
pui ten.'H: e- l.'i.i e'Lllto i.-'i'i. .;; ! .li.e.-.,-.
Ll Jicrtaill l I he -mi;..' 1''..,;: !eLei iij ii :,v!
ta.'jn Li- '.I;,- ,i .p.Mtv ..! I . .- .,
to s.-.tisfv a j: dr,!i.e:,t of ; a',1
Koiieit I ill i. ill, p. ili.tiLi, Li-Lid:-
WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED,, Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 50 Cents.
Km f. BALLAD, c!c Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
T .
' X- .
(. S. I'm k.
v !
. i. U L.
U .
Cm-- ,
.ilel tli,
I Ml. -1
I'll lev
1 - a - l d,
. .. I ..
'. ill ;
i: iiti ,
1 1 , -a oi 1 1:
I. Li -.-- ( Oil It '.
V id oil the U.
one o'c.ol i-l . ei. '
the coup house in
Cull lit . Sell .it pi. '..
del" lor c.i- h . i he h
,w,!:e-iil"s Sill-
! I.XVI.'lell U-.l
L.l LI- .
iliV id
, .V
Lllii to I!
. 1
! d .v l.l ih-; s
it V of I'iL.ll-LI!
i. ;i;.n. to the
i I.i; I e li est Li i e
Lie' ' l
1 !.j
.; - t
I I ,'..-J-.,!
1 i;e nor . li v. i. .-1 q 1 : er ' n v. !.i 1 .,( .;.;. ,ti ; ',
t- on dill tov. ii ..'ic-t'M (II' rai.ue till;..' t'l and II
west half (w' i '! ti:e n .rt.'i ; ft iu:irii;r n; i
east of the litli I'. .M., ail in 'li-i c.a;r.t. .
bra:-ika, t' lyetin r w :t 'i the j-i Lvd.-e - a', pi'
ter ;i!'.c..s there'.ii.t.i !.eh in;;".!iLr . r il. sny..-ai
I c-i tainii'i. die sL.iiie living levied up. n a:
taken P the pr .peny at '. A:.d,-r - . n de.'.-i, i .!
to satisfy a ju !k..i- i.t nf s.'.id (.oiirt rrco -.-i . ! i
Nebraska lu ::tc t'.o'.v Co- piaiiitilt a; iiii-,'. .ia
defend, mt -
l'lattsiiH.utli. N -. ' i it.1. a. 'rt A. i . l-i';.
. ! I. I -I.I I 1 !..
.- '. .i.ii. 'ilr'S chilly, .".eol i r..!,
C L.. I'MLK,
An'y lor .. . : -.- .- . ! .line l'ie .v ".
9 VV!'
Hero is ono of thoEO
vho aro either so prej
udiced against all ad
vertised remedies, or
havo become discour
aged at tho failure of
other medicines to help
i ' om. and who will
succumb to tho grim
destroyer vithout
knowing of tho won
derful value of Foley's
Honey and Tar for all
Throat and Lung troubles.
F. G. Fricke &, Co.
t V V urvl
Host in guaiitv.
J'.- I in f.i'i.illlr.
In tin; C
In tiie niatt'-i .1 :
i'anK oiiin , tie- e.i e ;.
All p -i.s .i:s tiiii'i - -i" ! ; ;
noticed oi; tiie '.: il
llerinaa 1.. l'ai-k', l.lh, , ii,iL
late, f.i ii a petit! -n m said
ins linal Lidi.iini-tri ! 'ii ace
allotted and tioit lie b
s CO'
i'.V. N'eL::.
if (d::.r es
.'?a V r t- t . irl nil V7 DftmnniA)
a W t vi.iZt k.KU Uifl fcl Wl til llClttWlilU.
i-vT:r v.
'rfjiarcl lr-
:nterLiii her.'DV
. : let' ! er. I-.h, i
...,p.r l;i es-
i.t. pr:!,:..; t.:.t.
it be SOttic-l L-.I. 1 !
-charged f i .in hi j j
KJtXX 2-i "ST AIiIj
F. BALLAHD, Ct. Louis.
trust, it on fail to appear hut. ire bald court on
the 16th of November A. i). isys at one u'i...
p. in., to contest said petition, tiie c-urt n.a
grant tiie prayer of sari petition and malce
other and farther orders, ai:-jvianccs anu decries
as to tins court may seem proper, t j tho end that
all matters pcTtah.g to tins estate mny be rnindy
setticd and deterniineil .
Witness my hand and the ?eai of said cjurt at
riattsmouth. Nebraska, t.'iis, the jtii day o!
Oct. A. i). 1 -ii. Cji-.oi'Ot t . sPl klijCK.
L-sIiAI-l County Judje.
I.cyral Notice.
In die District Court of Cass County Nebraska.
Luelia E. IV. k. ldaintirt,
T.J. Tatn.e, Mai'Rie A. Tatne
and Al. McPiiutic, -defendants.
The defendants T. J. Tatroe. Mapcie A. Taf :
and Al. McCiintic cciii take nm-.c-i mat oli tii fi
day of July, 1Ms, E, folk, the pia;!i'ii,
nied her petition in the I J i -1 1 1 c t Cot.rt o! cas
county, Nebraska, auaiust T. J. 'i at roe. M'.nu.c
A. Tatroe and Al. NlcCiLtit.c. hrst a:.d real ti.'"ne
unknown, tne oiiject an.f prai-r of u hicii arc t .
foreclose a certain niortifHfje executed by the
fendants, T. J. Tatroe, May-gie . J airoe to i .J
win Jeary, and b hi:n assigned to me plaint.::
upon lots tventy-one (-1 and tv. en t y-t .-. o : ; .
village of 'jreon-.voo-.t, Cass c.anty. N.lrnsk'i,t
secure the payment (d two p:oiii:-sory notes i-r
,:ir,l and jvi'i.-ii, dated lJeceui ber 1-t. s;,.i. a::d
due January 1st 1S5. and September 1-t Jsjo:
that there is now due and unpaid on aid note"
and inortjfajjc the sum of j-'Tl "-' i and interest from
the tirst day iti December. !.:. at tiie rare td
esKf't per cent per annum, for which sum aid in
terest tiie piaintn: prays tor a decree of foreclos
ure and sale of said premises. You are required
to answer said petition on or before tiie 14. ii 'Jay
of November, lsiis.
Dated tins 1th day of October I'.i-'.
I.l'fcLLA E. El '.'.r.
My C. EuLK. her attorney.
. X
The Zi4kjvs!;;-tiiLUAm
Cupboards, Shefva3
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pur-
pose, not tdi'j siip-rbsh nix-
ture for
.'nest nrac
it r:ir
v t'l.
c -ire t'-(
.d th-da.
V.i. r,vt
I 'ill J
K lie riff's Salt.
Uy virtue of an order of sale is; tied by (ie
Housewoith. c:erK of me district ourt. w.t.'iin
and lor la-s citi'v, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I v. :i I on the ath day cf November, A. D.
ls.-is. at II o'ciock a. m. of said da, at tne s'l.Lth
door of the courthouse in the city of I'iatts:-i.i;;'Lh i
in said county, sell at public auction, to the j
highest bidder for cash, t.'is following real estate I
to-wit: j
Tiie we-t half (!.) of the r..'irt! r;.:-rtei f
(-i nf section twenty-ytx '.;, and the east !
hail ol the n .rrhea-t q-iL-r'.er i 1 1 ol s,;:te,n
twenty -seven i-Tiai. in towii-di.p il-- rai.e
nine (. e ist ol ti I'. M. in Ca-.s o-iuty. N;i;n-,:a.
together with the pri vileces .".:: i ai purtena res
thereunto be!onij;tii or in anyv :se apertaitrng.
1 i;e same oe'ins ie :ed up in an-1 taiCen as trie
property of diiomas Keece eta', defendants to
satisfy a ju ijcirmnt of slv i r .-urt ri covered by
Lylia C. teri:::. p!;.int:n .-.a.n t sa:i oef.-nd-anti.
1'iatt--; .nth. N.;;:iLi.;;a. Sept. A. IV. Is..-.
U m, Il Wiu.ti i v.
shei is. Cass county. Nebraska.
C. S. i ik, attorney for plaint:::.
HE NEWS does
Job Printing
Legal Notice.
II. M. Ur:cker. t:i-t and real na-Ko utikn-iwn
and Er.iiiC.s C. I ner a-si-;:ite of the c -r.-
n.cticut Kb. er avn-gs li.nk wi.i take n,,t: e that
tiie pi. ::::::. l-rau...sX. Ii: n. i;rts i.e..:n an
a-Jti'-n f.i t ie I'S.r.Ll c .-:rt r,i Ln;; c,u:::v,
Nebraska, eiit.l.ed. I-r:Uc.A N. (i Vs.-n v. lac -n
Hursh et al. defc.i-iar.ts. in which .. jove
named parties aie n.a.le d dendant- and ih-,t tiie I
object ol prav.-r in said r.t:::rn. is to foreclose a !
inorijiaKe on ti -e -ac-i t,ail of the u rtiiue-t quar
ter of Sc'.tie:: i'i, t ..-. n PI, ratne ! ea.t of the
I'. M. :"-a; ! niortase havit:;i been asven by the
said Jacob 1 1-.rsh to Ueniamin A. Gibson and
for eeuerai re'icf and you are require : to answer
saidpetition ou or before the Ttn day of Novem
ber. 15. Er ancis N. Oii-.son. Eiaiutitt.
E. H. Woolf.v. Attomev.
9tai krtutr ST, IhM.
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner cf Sixth aid Pearl Streets. - - - Pfattsmouth. Neb