7 0 I es i sf H , 1 f ; V 1 1 '' t 3 '" t 1 if S I,: 'I -i N m : t t ft ! i. i I 4 . B; 1 VI i t f r j f ? i CITY AND COUNTY. A M votf rlou I- ir-. From 'I'll ii i s lnv'ii Dull y . Til in mo ninjl, when tin word lii'-n .. ell !. -Set':.! 1 UllllU'll IliC'. , 1 11!'' I W KDNKSJM Y. Win. K. ('iiHf, a proHpr-roiiH farmer from near Noiinwkn, is in tho eity to 13 . Dr. J (J. I;tM.iinuM', of Louisville, induing buMi iiu.-ix nt ttio noun ly 'h Ij'ij; liouso loilay. l'ur iiu lien of Miiukv fell 1 1 1 tr 1 1 . before IumI at TaMe lt'i.'U, n it ut noon yestur- ll W iH all yolitl. I'etu VuMery. vvife hii1 duulit'. and bin fatlitM-, J ii.'nli Vuioiy, sr., wen expos lion v irti ti ii h t h i-j -ino' ni n . SIl.eilY Wlnn-l;r j i i inn i his vvifo at tlio M. I'. I ruin ttiii 1 1 1 ' i i 1 1 r ami ae com p in i d tier to tin- ox pos' tion . (J V. V ntu-f, uia0' of Mvnurd, l!io r and two o wan c.i i cmiIum n j 1 1 1 1 i (j- mi ' (ii ii-ns tod.iy r'i--iViii' coiifra'u at or.. (irt S:k-s, In- I ml . r (Yei k mer ciiant, liaib- , irain dealer and i old ktcpor, iin Uiwn today on business. Mm. Sell rock inl M r-. Wnhl r turiod to U i I mi:ii, I iiv i, i-'i ;i Un Park. Oar own Malhi-w Joi .n -.k i . a ! small cowd at Tituiii-i!Ii nijht ioio; t- I last and .!i-mi-d In lo umili to ;in nso ' '"'r'J ''' much cn hiiiiisni. J.Neoi-.ska, a 1 lia 1 1 vo j n io 'miiivi n Sy no .i al M i uHloria ry i f fl RSI F55N 1 I: II. II) : n v.; n l I oo H' w t h a ir a -' . d ut J r vitrii iimployt 1 on t lie; u-sidoncc of U-n ry r, ,.,.(,,, ;, ,,ur cy Tues- Ilorold on Noi 1h Fi-ui th hiio. t, iiiiiiin-: ! lV o.-,i I), i- Tim iiicriiiiij viS.i on tho linihhini.' tonrln . wont In w.Hl: jv(,,, Vt:r to mo-ti :,s tin !fain 'U .1 found th.) building on lin-. Tin lirw j a-i---nini' d.-Ii-ifiU-s to lh-ir iT.noi'ti v.t it MMIll hlartcd ill tho kitrh!i H:a r j u f ,,,, t , it a i n nn.-f) I where there v, a H 'tiv; of the p .intei materia!, :tirh a.s i riL-,.i 1 va-ni:;he -, lurp. ntino, ete. Tho origin of t he j j. (,, ;i.iir. r of t'aiijyra, with liro hoeliirt to haV teen bpont . m nu j u. ))V ;i l,-,jy qjirlellu ft. Hi tin coinhiibtion. Had iiot th- w I Kin n j j,.(.i,j t,;r hui eh well. Hlipt-aieii at the tin e ttn y (lid the liiu wouhl have Mien j Had mhIi hond way that to sivt; tin- I. on e would hi.ve boon lo-xt to impo-.. .!... Tiio daiei:;' ' e k I; l.-d by Mas not vry xteiiri-e, a inrtion if the waiii.-.eot:!i;' on tn id - of the kitelo ii and a l iite hole into tin- tl. ! ( j' i' h burn, u ;olfvaH nil. The d.nae otherwro I w.iti eoiiriidora liie tin- .ntn-e hi- t ! lroe i II ln- i tii i . s- in ' i.i hiii nt , i and a portion I) ''lor putn oi the j Alt ucl in e, aid tin r mi Ki-u i p I he w .. lu ! a i ll wood woi k nl tie ' i I n il . thai it w i I ha e I i re . : i . ' (i p il . tod I l , . u j: ' li T ' ' j li. d Ji .st ).. i i I, i i n. i ii. ! emu in. . p in I il i r I . . ti-A . .- a : I d r i .Mm. I'ol oek d- Iiv Till tho a :d:-efd I of v "! eutne. wli i!h was replied to brii liv 'i Mr- Mi: lo,-of Lincoln, who x pr. s-ed t-' e up - or- i 11 the de'e at -r !elt at the h. -jiit .1 ' V oxt'.'ed.-il t-ilhini iiy.h. ci: zend f 1. t'Mnouih. lie- three wi- ules n mi t that fo!-oai-i! we.e 'l'ri-b.li r. lelio.-.-"' of tin- jraini w.-rn- lu iny iloio" bv 'lo' l'.e-iy.e iiii Mi niona y iSoe.ety at ami aluoad. Mrs. M r-l.nd v a ti r e'tviftii- resnm.' of in; :m iap s wte-io -re- was A or 1 - lie!- uale fr in t e N (I 1 . II i. it -eli I A i !' irs. ( ' I,. M As a ihinjj oupht to lc in ttW Arid S', ::lt il iiieilii inally j uro and rip? wi'Ji r;;.; and lnH!ov. Orr name on !.i!i-l ov r l!.c cork. It'?; t!..-rc brcau.c it pntccU your interests p.-i well ps ours. S li TAYLOR 1 1 VHiSKIES Nvr sold In bulk. Ot Unifying, Grocer, Litucd JJw!r, ijr,lmr. TRADE SUPPLIED BY RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA. NEB. r.r,i(iik.o90(ii(a I On j Till a and Another I II War K ilh i : : e r ;.l)h " t:'I en y Cult Wat-on iiiol VV. II. Iln.uk- heart, of wi.Htcrn Nebr.i-Ka, are ln.-re! visiting rel ilives aad friends. lien i Ilorniny took them to th exposition today for a turn on the Midway. Judfre Spurlock is at. 1 .oiib-vtlle to d..y, uttendin the 1 iiddick-Sh ryoek wedding. Mr. Kdwaid liiddiek of Melyriu, Neb., wud Tj. Suan, tho ac complished daughter of Too-. .Shry oek. of fjouisville. John lteed, a fanner who lives in the Iowa bottoms just north of 15etb.lah.em, was in town today to ell his corn crop, lie was unable to sell at the prieo ho had expected on account naughty bears in Chicago everything down a pej.' or of the pul lii',r la 1 1 vi Collect .tl d Se: ll al the f ron i a b intended S'ti lil . ab ut (Jh r ist n . James D. (jfr fjeneral, oi Line as forwardiii' it f of to r, r x I ' y.-- '.. Il ii-ll at i s dentin. u t oV 1 TIIIUSDAY. 15. F. Dill, of Lincoln, is in town to day on buyi nos. Frank Ousohe and wife and Mrs. E. Monroe are Omaha visitors todny. Miss Susie Thomas took her two little sisters up to see the exposition today. I'. F. Huber, of Louisville, is in the city today attondinjr to business ond renewing' acquaintances. J. S. Mathews tells us that there is no uanrer, and that the entire repub lican ticket will be elected. A child of A. II. Lay ton is down with the diphtheria, but is petting along' as we'll as could be expected. Sheriff Wheeler is out in the west end of the county on ollb.dal business pertaining to his otlice. He will return tomorrow noon. John M. Gilchrist, the demo poli tician of Nebraska City, is in the city mixing medicine with some of the local democrats Mrs. Neihaus, mother of John Neihaus, who wo ks for J. Cummins upon hio fa: m, came in tiiis morning' from the east to visit her son. Wesley Mnttney and family and John 'Murdoch and family, from Nehawka, :are in the city tod iy visiting friends and transacting business at the court .house. Ln S;u tz who sprained his ankle sos.'veieiv t-i.me time since while on hia engine in In- rds ;;t l.ii coin, b-t-o far recoveie eat n is :.b . i r burae his d ut s ? ti i ema No one need b. snrp ieil f tl.e trei morn meat than is eet m v ie n dealing with Fri d llune :-.s a wee bit of a sivi eime : his h me tod y. Dr. Sehilek' echt told abo .t it. Lourie loVie :s, who has been vork inir for the liiirlinguni at Sheridan, Wyo., came in a nav or tv. o ago and has been visitiny his uirer.ts. He went up ti see the. expedition in com pany with bis sister. Mathew (i.o ing- returned from the souther part oi the st t'.e where h j has been s,'e.iking in behalf of Manahan and his swallowing -il the P'-p. Mat hew made a speech last night at Palls City, and reports everything coming their v.iy. Mrs. J. D. McBriJe and Mrs. P. E. KutTner drove d nvn to Is iac Poi bird's near Nehawk to a union meeting of the L idies' Aid Society of the M. E. church, the Christian Endeavor of the ChrUtian church, and the Hu-y Work ers of the United IJ ethreii church. The funeral of Jacob Hoctel which was announced in yesterday's News :or this afternoon has been chanced to Friday (tomorrow) at .'! o'clock from the Christian church. Elder Djngan will preach the funeral, which will be conducted by the Fire Department of '.which dec-ascd was amember. Judge Archrr, with th it dignity which so veil becomes him, today unit ed in marriage Mr. Thomas H. Unsev aDd Miss Li.i M. Harm of Murray, at the residence of James II:e;;-on. The ."Nf.WS joins with their many friends In wishing them much joy and their share of all the good things of this life. JNlrs. James Wyles is building a new a'esidenee upon her farm, which will make a home of comfort and conveni ence when dene. S. F. Osborn has charge of the carpenter work and J. W. Kinzer the plastering, both firs', class workmen in their line. The ret idenco will cost when completed some thing over $2,0O'J.O0. t.BSiilant aujuliii! i. has l eeii sell cle.i elit of ttie donalicn . The box of iritis lor the Fust regiment at Manila must be sent by November 15, and that for the Third should be shipped by December 1. The com panies of the First vvoio recruited as follows: A, York; U, l'ullerloa; C, Beatrice; D, Lincoln; E, David Chy, F, Madison: ti, Geneva; H. Nelr-o..; 1, Dennett; K, Columbus; L, Omnhn, M, Daoken Dow. 'i'uose ol the Thitd regimei. t wt re nciuiteii as foiiows: A, Lincoln; 11, Piattsmouth; C, Om ibu; D, Omaha; E, Dlair; P, Fremont; G, Wakefield; il, Sti omsi.oi g; K, H ist, ir.gs; L, Indianola; Al. O'Ncil. The size of the box is recommended to made 8x8x18 and to bo made oi pine, and should havo the name of the soldier it is intended for upo i it. It is requested that no cooked fn d or fruits be seat, hut such tilings as v.oulci be serviceable, such as under cio'th ing, handkerchiefs, towels, pins, needles, thretd, button.--, collar but tons, stamped envelopes, one quart of pickles, one qjart of cherries, o..e pound of fruit cake. It is requested that a committee bo organized at the place where ouch Com pmy was rerrUiW d a':d a box pro vided for each so'dier whether lie ii.-.s friends there or not, thit all may have a box for Christinas d - d.-leti-ito- th e p.Lj.er:, ' S-lii.e-.'tS 1111- liie i! ! Siwer's Wi;d v and Tar .s -1 ea I i y iticreasidg Laid to It.'st. Tiie funeral of Miss Marv F. Mt:kf, 1 ,.; :, . - i Is . L daughter nt Tv. O. ..iille--, comiaeictu agent of the Kock island, took plate yesterday tifternoon at o tvclock, at the family residence, l.'.Uo U. sir. ef. Uev. Dr. Wharton ui S .P iui's elm eh i;. inducted tho sorvi es, a-sUtod by Dr. Powlands ol thi Fiist iJ.plist church. The Epwo-th league ,f St. Paul, of whicii Mi.-s Miih-r was a member, furiiishe'l the m -si?. ing r- eh i- Dr. Wharton in a few tone marks paiu t: ibu'e to t i.v icter of the dei ens. ii, wi.o througli long illness had mhuvii . uatiet.e nt ii i! ' I - t ( ! ( I til i; -. i .n v r. i ! . pound i d. ,';,e l ing so-v-iofi op'n. d prom pt v at 7:-: ' bv -ome very excellent mu- i i-y t. e Presbyter tan choir, and an .r-'a i .-o ) by MissKes-ler w is beau tis'ui.y rendered. Mrs. T. A. Creijfh i f '. );.iniui, read a ilelightfully prac tiel pane:- "How t)i:e Church Ile gai..cd Li fe," which was listened to most itteiit ivel y. Mis.- Mary Holmes. Freed man, secretary i f N. W. board, wis tl en introdueed. and held tne au dier.ee e-.thralied by her vivid de-s-ei i jit C:is and word jiicturc-s gr;i ph ic aby d.a'vn, and the hour be' adjou n-ni(-n! arrived all loo soon. Tiie Wednesday's meeting proven to be n.o.-t inte-esli ng, and a com finny of j o.ilee sineers in cli. rge of Miss M a iariuc of M arcelia, Arkansas is he-re with live sveuier. vocalists in the intere-t of the erection oi a school for coioi i'd giris at that city. They sang thi -afternoon very acceptably before tile ceen ;-n lion, i:iid will bo on the niMi'rtin for this evening for solos- and duets which will be worth hearing. Thi? enn ui; g session of the Synodi c;i; Missionary society was one of un esuai Miterest. Bible !e:.dingled by M.s. Ldna Conklin, i f l ulierton, Ne braska, opened the session. Tiie re ports ot Synodical oHicers was fol io ".veil by sentence prayer from dele- g:nes all br..athi:ii? a fervent sni: il. nd on tho first and third Tuesday of each . -. . -l . . . snowing ueep i n Leresi unu s;n ri iu;..j i . Mr--. E. W. Irwin, of Lincoln, gave a. concise ;ii:u lntereslinsr l'eoort ol a io Fox r.uite Presbvt'.ry. The it fciiiiui nd ations of executive com iiiittee wji,s afterwards taken up The exercises eo; eluded with a delightful jiij i.r re: d by Mis. J , Li B.irro, of Fui- lei toil, N-.-b lent suit the served caused an f-.uj when ihe eleclion of P t Vallery mourns the loss of ii f a oil hi r-e which had been on the pen-on ii.-t f r t wo ye i rs, it having died ' old n.'C at t lie age of thirty. i.-i t'l.u d -iieet; s can e m s a'one fr in tli.i-r i s,i(.s t'eeuuse it, i the best oouirh ; m if on the in.irtel. A. W At. d. '!' tho M:s-ouri P'e lie trains if .i li to o, iu th exjxisition, as lie", liavo t h ; only depot on he grotiirds. You en n save, stri ct car fare and avoid tic crowded thoroughfares. As an external liniment of most won derl'ul penetrative and curative power Eaihird's Snow Lineament is not equalled by any other in the world. Priced") and 0 cents. F. G. Frieke. Tin-re's no hotter Dour made than Ii.;':se!'- "Flans: Iter," manufactured lntli'-i City. Ask your grocer for it, and thereby get the best and sup pott ,i home industry at the same time, Vv.l'.eii build-; UI) the. town. T"b'."i i tluekevo Pile Ointment ro iiev s 'he. intense itching. It soothes, heals t'.' ii cures chronic e ;ses where sairge er-, 1 .il. il is no experiment; it- sale- i;:e -eas.: through its cures. 1-lv-. ry !ottle guaranteed. Price 51 eent-i in hfUtles, tti'ies 75 cents. F. G. C i i e . . e . I'r' JloiiKH Pi Wistfrii I'iorUln. Tlic-re are about 1,0J( ),(;()!) acres of government land in Northwest Flor ida subject to homestead entry, and about h. -If ;.- much again of railroad lands fi.r sale at very low rates. These lands are on Of nenr the line of the Louisville & Nashville railroad, and Mr. II. J. Weinyss, General Land Crmrni.-sioner, Pensecola, will be giad to write you all about thein. If you wish tn go down ;in;i and look at them the Louisville & Nashville railroad provides the way and tho opportunity t t ; with exc i n. men t til 1 :od, (ii- . i s was taken month, willi excursions at only S2 over one fair, for round trip tickets. Write Mr C. P. Atmore, Goner-al Passenger Agent., Loui3ville, Ky., for particulars. j ie Lhe i' .' a ' ( I.U''iie Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next regular meeting-of the board of countv commissioners, in tio:.sa i-d au : i ful thoughts. ! ,,n l f,.,. tvHintv for a license, to iilinoUnecii.e:-t Ih.l itu.ch Was sf..i t-i . ,r ,is ma ! t. a nd sni ri t nnns iiouors in the vilb ge of Cedar Creek, Cass county, Nebraska, for the period of ore yen1. ANDREW ANDERSON. D itcd thi- IS h day of October, 1S98. I fr) titllde i oi 11 f.-i'th. M i-s ' of f Vi'Hl : I' .1 ( " V. . i 1 ' 'A't-dtiesdny afterrooii session of i-rlii t r ;n n S;, rod ii ai v. o v - e tion pi . e b ; prayer sc-r.e . ed by T. D. i -v y i i" Our: h ! tie e-j !...- . i .- Al .ba? ; !? .'" f - o v. : . ' I e I . presf:i t J o.-te ri last t. ibute to i . I'm to love ; cherished.- i: e !i . li ale there u r - e a t : I Sh lea V' s ia. . n : m moil! n her .o-s. f. -.- . . , I 1. 1 oaily assii :-;!!!' i t;. anu ui tier . one . i . : and appreciat-- ' purity ef mi .! i :: number of t er s r com pa nions v. . afternoon to : ;. . whom they h .ti 1 whose memorv i I e. J ournal. Miss Miller wa 'i niece of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ehrnmnn of ttiis city, who were in attendanie :it the funeral last Sunday. TO MAKV. Nineteen beautiful years A crown has been nobly won. Let us uut whi-per "farewell"' Let us not say she is gene. Lay lier among the flowers hniiii;;fi even through our if are, A sweet undying perliune .- had b.-. "those beautiful years. W. II. earmark Atl Kijrht. Tho family of Joseph Gray have oeeu greatly annoyed, and have beer; c iused h grceit deal of gi ief, on account of an extremely y How j uroai pub lishing a report tnat v . II. Ca rmac, t'neir son, aaJ a member of tiie Third regiment, now stat oiu d at Jackson ville, Fia., was de::d. While in f.ici he is all right, and in il:- tea: eh for a sensation anything ee ms to do with out regard to the truth or fa'.sily of the repor". or wh it tlL i t it might have upon the friends and tel-.tives. Icalli o? Js.'ob Iloett'l, From Weiinesiiay's liaiiy Jacob Boetel, after an illness of sev eral weeks with consumption, died at 1:120 this afternoon, at the ago of -2 years. The fuueral will take p': ce fiom the Christian church at . o'clock Friday alternoon. bider LJiingnn othciiiting. C S ii l . . ,, .1 L:. c ! Stunils ut tiie Head. Aa .r J. Bogel, the leading druggist vepo'-t. La., says: "Dr. King s . -iivery is the only thing that : .-UJ.' a. : nd it is the best sel Vv.. . F. Cambell, merchant Ai'.i., vv.-ites: "Dr. King's scovvrv is ail that is claimed ot ;er L ii of - New D LEGAL ADVERTISHMIiin S S'leriiT,- S;.b-. Il )' V il l.e i li .' II ' X I . t ri ' ;c ! I.',.-. I 1 1 1- ii; e '.. i ii I it , i i i "I ii. 1 1 . i i . i : v, 1 1 ' ; i .... ' t ,i -s .n. n t , Ni-ni.i k.i. in- ! ! . in,- il.e I.i-... in t'ie 'ilii '1 IV .ii N i-.i'1'. -i . IV !-.i .,. ... u'lIi. k l. i.i I .i;-i i i . ; v .1 : ..;li ... .1 . I e, CiimI 1 1 i-'- .ii ll'c i iiv "I I i.i'i . I..-.:'.:,, :,i . . ;it!l.t. tli .il IMlljil; .e:. ;i.:.. t, I .' li.,.!i ! .. ii. I I .1 l ;e 1 1 , I in' K i ii . , il.' l i r i.ili1 t v. i l : I lie e. 'T 1 1. i- I i 'l .' I in Il ' i l i I : i . i 1 1 I, l i-Iri-ii I Iiii tn-.M; ii)i rm-ii nil i.i: ,-i- li 1 1 1 - ' '' : .ii On: cs4 ti.el W ' ) el tl ' lioltl. .'.... I .-! I. I I ii- , ot si-el iiii iniicU-en lie I. . : -! ;. .. i 1 1 i i ; . uim: i'.'i i-a-l ol li.i'i.'li I' il in (.' i . i..iiii.- Nehrkii, tonelluT unh llitr i .v i! , .m i .i;. pui tenie. er. tlicieiiiilo b. ln.'K i: z i.i ni.inr.'.i-. apiierlieii i ia: 1 he - .11,10 lu.n.; .t-i.u u, .mi ..in taken . the r.iierit nt ' :- -a.;.'. miii, il :' -...I 1 ..' to sjii-lv ii j iilKiaent et I 10 11 1 e . i. i : ki.lu-i t l .leimii. p: .1. 1 1 :t, .1. .1.1. 1 ...1.1 : I- n l.-i.i l'iatt --lii.'li ii:, . M-i'i - .1, li. 1 ... . I . , 1 .1 -. . 'i n 1 1 I 1 .:, Mi-nit. t ' a: . .-,.1 . . .v.i.i .. .,. ,1. V S. I'ol K. att" l -i K . .111 tin. ..I. M.eitrs ::!.. Iiv V'.rtr.e nl an ei" 11 1 M i I l . .1 i II Oil St'W OI III, l U'l k ol ill 111 1 - it I : . U l - 1 1 I '1 ... : : ! 1 . I a-s C.illllty, Ni'i I.i' k 1. -i . In me 1..1 i i'' . uillollthe.iilliil.lv el -'i. in : 1 ! 1 -:' - ., one o'ctnek in ol -'in 1 .1 , .ii lie -eii it . I lie c 1 .11 r In 1 use ni th- ci .1 I'l .: in i. : -Count . sell .11 pi. Ij hi : a ie . m. . :..- t : . ..; der tor 1 ah. ' he I-.iiow in ; 1 . 1 l.dcii v. I: i he iicrihwi-s iiii.elii i.v . 1 -..- 1 ioih Hv: iS PILE . ' " X w - CURE t en I I'.'i town eleven ( 1 1 I I.e.;. 1. . io :nr! il west halt ov ' j ) ni'lnr u -1 :. -' . ( it -i . !i t east i't the mil I'- Ah. .1:1 n 1'.. .ui.l.. A : . t: CziUki Cuof U-4TERNAL and :?NAL PUJU, vVITPTQUT PAIN. " ir: H ALL OTHERS iAG FAILED. , M : t , vs Cents; Dcttle3, CO Cents. c : hlctcr, - - 3!0 Norlli Main Street. ST. LOUIS, KO. F. C. FRICKE & CO. hr.i-kii. ti 't ihcr w.i t..- len;tiiee iliefeuuio eelehUi.. t rt.iiin i' 1 Iu: iii.H' n 1 taken :i- lii pi mi- i h 1 t. . sal 1st .1 j kIj.iu-:'. .: Ni-i.i 1 Ua .l . me riii.( . - , ii.:li':..l:.nt. I i.iti-rii .mil. .Ni !-.. '..i. .11,1 .ti 11 1 .1 1 ... i-1 . ( I-:.- I, 1 !)v s . - - ., : il:.: res :eg : !' I.i ti r. The ehar:eter '.I - ?. . ei n ! k O'l'i-blin hel" s :; t ey ji ebi-'ms ti-'it were vex-i-v- h .ei-ids of the ileiega'.es. i'ie ree rt ef the nominating .. :uimittee niHci.ng before- the eonven li -u ail of the retiring oflicers for re-election :n?t with ro opposition. The Piesidcnt Mrs. iller and her suho. di iiii'.rs having served most accc-ptuhiy sir.d. vote for re-election vvas utiiiniir.ous. Lunch wr:S rga'n servi d the visiting deiegavs, and the evrning session opening promptly at 7:--!0 was made hrongbly enjoyable by music, and and excellent .addresses from Mis Lincoln of New York City and Miss Melrose of t hi:ie. Ti e opening" nod and c Os i.ig invocations were m ide by Rev. Mr. Cooke ot Hebron. Mrs. Price oiTercd resolutions of thanhs which were ach'pted, thanking" the citizens of PiaMsiuouth for hospitatily. Convention adjourned to meet, hy ! : . ; it nevet f ..ih-, and is a sui e cure i C. ii sumption, Coughs and Colds. J. ea -.not say enough for its merits." 1 . King's New Discovery for Con--- an. ' .'-n. Coughs and Colds is not an r-.-cj .- ;ie.: nt. It h.ts been tried for a u.i: Ler 01 a century, ana iou iv sianus I'm,. !in. it fr ti 1 1 riTvr.i n t e til i . . 1 . , r ree trial bottles at t. d. rricne s drug store. 1 D. nt, Is -:S.d Of I "i ' a" To tsnliscribers. We are carrying over a thousand accounts on our books, many of them small but -n the pgifregate it amounts to a ne:;t rutn which would help us out if pai'.i in. If you can't oay all you owe s-etol !-is a dollar and we will send receipt bv" return mail with a card of thanks thrown in. n:v; a'.i.in in one ve:: it Ilp.slings. I.ul herniin Improve tlirir Churrli. '' he tii" r inn 11 Lutheran church has heen making subs fart itii repairs :nl other nheri'on- npo 1 the:r huiiding en west Main street in the shape of a tower, walks on the ootsiue, ai d p astering on the inside, while the out-ide and inside are being neatly painted. t nrtl of Ttiauka. To the many friends who have been so kind and have ronderoi so much assistance since the death of my bus band, J It. Volkwein, I wish to tender my most hearty thanks. Mrs. Mollie E. Volkweis. liibien: ltillft ilibKs! By making a larg purchase of I i bies and testaments w.j bought choip er than ever before, and are selling at just a little more tha i fot mer w hole sale cost. Holiday ctock new ready. LKUN'ilOI-F Bitos. I. ft llrr ls:iw. It May Save Your Life A dore or two of Foley's Honey and Tor will prevent an attack of pneu monia, gi-ijici" severe cold if taken in sin:-. C re-i co '?hs, colds, croups, dim.; .It hre ith , i.-ui nt con- a-thre o-bronchi ti-. Gives is K.svuicod suiges ot s!h:'-a or bronchitis. L 1 I. : : po, Y o i!e .es- i il g . V. tlU.i'il i.g ..Olio 1 : iisi: 1 . e ri-.ii i rot - un'.pl:. p. C.'.i rr.nt v d. F. i. 1.' 10 Co. TSie liiirht Train. The 8:08 morning train on the Mis souri Faciiie is the only train that ought to suit everybody who wishes t attend the ex position. It stops at lhe n.-ith g te 1 f the exposition and you e:;n return home at 7 .' 0 or 10:43 in the eveninr. For further particu l.o s ino ai re of C. F. Stovtexpokocoh, Agt. TO Cl'KE A COLO IS ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 1 !t, Alt' -. P. .1 1: . 1 La. In l la: i, hi tl,.- n .,:i 1 ..! . I'ullt. 01 : 1 . :..-. All p e : :!-:. i- : : ':. - , ! nnlltii I i 1 111 ' '- - : 1 1 ' 1 1 ia man I- i'.iiik.'.i.ii . a hi..-, t.ite. ti! .I : (.:;- - ". ei -.o-l . his fin .' .: : ' " :"! ' allo-Aeil ani thai t.e he !. -trie 1. 1 1 1.11 la I : . 'O.-.n ; . the I'ilh .1 .Nulla.: A. ! ' I-.' p. II!., to loll'.' t ' ' la'.'.-, t;r.mt t he pi a i 1 1, ! -:.. I : . other :irul li:i t her 1 . .e as Io ! ti is 1 - ji: 1 1 m.iv -1 iiu Til. , . all matters pei !;... In i!:i e '. . sell e.J ami h:l 1 : :i. : ue 1 Witness my !.ai..l mi l i!.i-:a; riattsiinu; : li . Nei.ia- !.a. tin-, Oct. A. 1). i-::s. i,i,ei;.,i-. i IhKAI.I -t : ,e,t. S I t , ; ' ft a a 1 u 3 A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. 1 ., 1 fa.':, . .1 .' i (':.;' 1 .11 1 111 l-.i: 1 1 : : . k 1 1 ' 1...1: "..-Hi,.. ..: - ai l roiii I ..... i.i. .- l-i i. I ! K . ::::: IS j' . ..r r ' v.. - v ' Ce-'' : - FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR 13 THE v.. GREAT THROAT and LUNG REMEDY. 1,, e. Fxt'outor's y.i In the 1 lisirli t 'mil I of 'a :. 1 -tint - ,N. t,i a- ! . In the niatlei of the e: tate ol .1-au 1 .1 A. 1! , hronx. decease..! L'nder and l.yvntr.e of an 1 i.-.-r ..I t" sell l..e 1 eai e-iate hur:n...i i r !.:: i.t-n! :.! : .ii the ahnve ei.t .t a ! l Mis.' 1. v !!..! . 1 .'. - !..: v inline, on the IHi-.li d;.v "! j:i''- h -,1. ..: .... 1.. UKtli iltiv of l ictohi-r. A. D. Is. s. at : 1 '- A M . at the south ih.orot die ,,,. it I. a. .- n: inoti th, Cass county, Nc' a :: -;-.:-. . 1: -1" ! 1 , . 1 noitliwest ipiar'ei uf se . li-.n tv:t i.'ie., ;::. t!ie ii'iithe.ist ii.nter i.i ".." ' :-u ; -: r .-. and the easi halt ol the urn tin : 1 ,n 1. e. . ;.!: 1 i Soul 1 1 i.v est pa:.rier ol the 110. !'-i..-a..t .j'.i. i o. r 1 ! seitioii tvcntv-tv.'u ai1 -;....! '1 ' ..!: ; twelve, raou ten east 'ti'. M i: l.'a s i..u:.t N fin iisk a. C'li.'ain.n ai-.::t ll'i ar. -. li-.' 1 tracts ol land v.ill he i.i.eie'l .-e;...i i.e. -. 111 lit order liieiiti'ini'd stit-ii rt to .. h .. :: h.'.ii esp.i' -Maicii 1-c. It'ii"). The te ins of s-ed :;i .-ar-: ca-ii. (?r one nail rah, pavai.iie ill lhe :in:o sa.e in.o tiie reniai.ider in ihtee - '.ia I ;:ni.;:.-.i p.: . :. a n ' - i'l one, two and three vears null ioti.iijri at n t 'i than six per cent at the option oi the txerutoi 1 ' s:l ouiate of Saiv.tu;! A. ihiihrnok. i!.-:ea-rl. :t it should be loun.i tor the in-.t int- rr- i .A i'nc ( -tate tiie executor, 1u.1v 0:1 the ea'. .! - a .. ov ; .' terms herein set foiah, so lari.s ho may o-: v.ai rauted under the Condition', ol tiie 1 oh 1 oi cjtuton lilt: iii tiiis pi o-:t - 1 ;ii .V ;' .e-l sulliciei.t dei.d iii he nia.le to lae p.o .:.: ei . the pa nioiil of the pui L.'i.is..' ;.i i' v .,nd 1 .11::: :. a tion of saie. 'i he nht i.- le.-i rv.-.l lor:..-. and all b:.Js. V. 11.1 I.. Low 1 i.i., lixeci'tor ol the cs ta' ni saaiu i A . 1 1 o, o; o . k . '! - ceased. I5v R. V.. WiM.iiA'i, i ; r.tto..iy. Dated thi-. -fth day ol t ictoher i--,' f. G. i-rickc & Co. a...v..- Az-y.yv' ! ) ! u" -- - rr ' I'".-: " S! VERB3IFUGEB T: . . . l-i f-nn'fy. l! -.t In (Jiiallty. ji vr"-rnvTinTTr.tn -r- te?:.-r F. HALLARD, t. Louls F. G. FRICKE &l CO. J . , .- i s : , L o! iVy - r.- v A 'J'i.li--Ui tl o 1 tin- . : 1 . 1 I.a:' The eb;a-ka leizzro, a r.ew carer j Aji rUe.ists rt'.fur.d the money if it publi-shetl at Lir.co.n and edited -y j f :xils to cure. 2oc. Tho genuine has Foit Rent Fruit f rm of eight acres; apples, grapes, raspberries, blackberries, etc Al-o other tracts of land near town. II. B. WLXDUAil. Iluekt' s & Son, in. ikes it npoeurance ua m our tab.e tl.is week. The puper is ostensibly non-partisan, and typo yr.iphicailv iircsenls a very nice ap pearance, but ms th i name would in dicate, cor tail. .- a preat deal of wind. L. 13 Q. on eich tablet Sfjtioeof Sfttlemi-nt AU parties iedel.ted to the firm of W. V. Coales & Co. are requested to call and settle with their successors, the Ebhinger Hardware Company. Lost p ir of :..; J rimmel speota- c es witti Mi'iiiyjn i;.;v.-. ine nnaer ; i mori : t 1 1. . 1. . . ...-.... i I 1 , wtil (.' suii'iii 1 1 e v 1. 1 v. 1. vj i.'y i:ci.iii; j same at JVarl bt-a:"-! L't iiidry. A diseased liver declares itself bv n ss, mental depression, lack enri'v, restlessness, melancholy ! and co'ist ' tcitien. Uerbine will re- F01. Salk Cheap A set of double store the liver to a healthy condition, harness-. C:dl at 2sews otlice. Pric? 50 cen Is. F. G. Fricke. i.i-yal .etiee. In (he District Court of ("a--.- C l.uella 1C. I'olk. i'hi.ie :. vs. T.J. Tatroe, Mat-ie A. Tan and Al. McCiilUic. lielei:- :: .. is. The defendant? T. .1 'Jatn.e. . and A I. McCiiiitic wiii t.-.ke n.ti'.' dav ol lulv. lsl. i-iiei!.! 1'-, !'': filed her peteioa in tiie Iii.-;i;cl C oi.it county, .Nebraska, a :.n:-t T. j. i ar .-, A. Tatroe and Al. McLIi'it :.', !:r-1 .-ind r- ; unknow :i, tiie object ar.o pi a . er ' i vii:'ii : 1 - to foreclose a certain mortavi e.-.ec i:t .- t i j : . fendaiils, i. J. i'atroe. Aia-jpie A. '! ..'.!. !.-:-win jeary, and b linn as-ii.nc.; to t: e , upon lots tweniy-one :'i; and 1 Aei.i.-lv-o e: :; village of 1 .reeiivvood. l-'a -- -lUit -. X '..r.. -:- a. ', seem e the j.a j ment of i .n, p . " ' : . - 1 . io'c..:. -" $iSMt aud $.::. ihned . . ; ciii".e' i t. i - :,. a. ! due January I t I -y.i. . i - p--ml n.-r ; -'- . that there is now i;ue ..:... :i : : 1.0 ;..: :. . and inortgase Hie urn : 1 ' ; o'l '. '-:. ' it- ! the Inst day el I Vi n.!.. . l-,; . rl o.:: 1 ei.nht per cent pel .:n:.ui.:. : . . ., :.i. s ..:n teiest the 1 hiiiiiiil pra: : r . lee ol i re ' -ure and sale ol .-a: ', pr. . : '. ,n :o i ... to answer said p1. ("oi .. . .. w:j I i... of Novi-ini.i'r. i JJated this llo d ; .- .! i i;v v irtun oi .oi '- . ' Ili.u- c'.Y.ir: :. i-.-r:; . ! ta.- ;:'. and I'll' ' - -.oa-o'-. .'... l- ' rectc.l. I v :n 01. ::..; ..til :.- . .. 1. ls'-s. :,i II o'- 1 .1 -a : '.he .- door ot 11. e c-.ui a .: e . :,. an -m i'l said cm: !., ro : a. . . to hitihe -1 0.0 'i - I 1 1 a 1, . - - ' e. to--.vil: Tii -a h '1 - :..e : :. - (t.i. of -rc-.oii i.v : . : - haii l2 "i me ii'-r n.-.t ju r ..-i ; :: - tvvcntv-s.-veu i-.'al : . t-.-.v,.. let. tv.i:. : 1 .' ;. ninn 1O1 ..t ot ., I'. M i.i v iS I 'H'.litV. As.'S'V.. toeti'ie-r v.oii t':c i iio.'.'i.'.. a-al a: p: thereunto beiong-snir or 01 an ..! -e a;.; 1 lie same reo:.: o.v'ea upo.i aoo Uiicu its tin iD. n . ol '':. . :nas Recce el .0 del .-ndaii S. Tl I i i'.atts!i!Oi:th, Ne'er. 'n "T" jewelers and Opticians, Fo ;ck Block. . . .1 The &;:;V.ai:-iJluj!m$ C make: PAINT sa l.li r . -:. irr :,:::, eat'.vfv a in-!f.;llieiit of s v:.rt r.-i.o "'.r 1 Lyd:a C.'stero.-K, i.-iaintill agi.::;:-t . aid ii. t :. F-:pt. :'.. . 1 ' . is:- V, M. U v 1 1 )- l.l.LK. Si:- .::i. r.n - i : :ot. .v ;.,i.:.-.-C. S. Polk, fett..r:iey 'or pia:i.t..i.' FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Steles, Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggtes, Farm Tools, ETC. A special paint for each jui pose, not one slap-dash raijc ture for .-ill. hlgheFA grade; at fair, honc--. ; Vm know r a- tl e-e nro the bcs". rni: t ' ' r You'll ,:. . I liiCiii. . :. FRICKE & CO. r-e it I .,1 ka. i al ss. Atitice. In County (.' f opuon o! !: :.d o: James II. i-.-r r- State of Xebr; Cass County, In the n.attc-r of tiie lin I'alnier. a minor ch tie C. Pa:i:ier. To laiues H. Palmer and ai! o t..r..t't. notice i hereby cr:..j:i Palmer has hied in sa:,i CMi't her r ef said minor, to the end that he it. I.v Kdwin A. and Marv K. saei'i. tli."r iiotihcd that l'.dwin A. ar.o Marv i: on the th day of sepieara-r, 1-:-. 11. e. court their petition tor tlie ..dept...:. ol aor. and that if you fail to ar.j ear ;-i :: on the 1st day of Novell -her, A. ie. 1 : o'clock a. in., to cones: th.; pra-.er oi ; tior., tiio court may frrant the tirav r : tition and make such oti.cr a: d fi.rt'.c and decrees as to-tee cur: i.iay ; e.;.ii p the end that said minor ma a'l.'V'e said Kdv i:i A. and Mary K sa.:ui. V:tncs my hand and the e:i! of sr.id Plattsnioutli, NtLra-ka. this 1l:h c'-.v her A 1. Ol-OKOi: M it L Kt Li.AfcJ Csaiity : rt. F;a ;e C - They banish pa ,1 i v r- 4 Ot GIVES RELIEF. r !- i ilnl. o 1 !v co::t .Ol.r., t nt ol Legal Notice. H. M. T.ricker. f.rt and red r,r. -ie t:-i'. and Francis C. FauWner a --:u'-aee ol t:: . nccticut Kiver Savii'!.-3 IJ.-!:5 ': . take no::j tiie pUimiit. Franc:- N. (:.-' n. lias acti"ii in the L:sir:ct co':rt o.r Ca-- c .Nebraska, entitled. Frar.cls N. ' o:-..:i vs liur-h et al. defendants, ir. v-. ;e." '!. n-.mcd partie.j are made ttefeti iants :.::; ;: object of prayer ;:i ?a:.l pet.t!')-!. ;.: t f r. . mortcr.ire on the west ';:: ! of th.: .v riav. 1 ter 0! section K. t ma 1". rrttiTe '.' ea-t cf t P.M. Jai.i mortgage !::-.-. a:-, ben ; ::- 1 : said J acoo 1 l'.:r-ii to L.. iija::r:n .j: e- i at j i i v i n r .1 . a.- '. X i'i? for eenerv relief and vou a:e r.--;' sai'd p.-lition on or bel .re t.-io tr. ber. 1-i's. Fhancis N. 01. '.-.,n, I' F- U. Wooi.vy. At'ornev. Datjrd Septvili tl, -:.. : o iai;: JAMES W. SAGE, litis -.j f ".'' V1 'V -, - -i--7'-, r "r- '. '-V "' ft THE Leading Liveryman.-; 1 . 1 - -. v. a . " " The best of ricrs furr.?' prices are a way 3 r . convenient boat mers In PL ATI'S MOUTH o nutter what the matter is, one will do you ioc-A, c::d yen can get ten for five cents. r - in . pir-r fnrtn(vrihrtnt irTar") la "ow for wmim w 1 ri-cr a f.i rujn TO fl l r 1 i.J.j a ic Una wortt wit --r a led.