The Semi-Weekly News-Li':' " PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND JrHlbA . . . 1IY THK . . . NKWS l'UItLIHIIINU COMPANY M. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY KDITION. Otio Your, in advance f5 Six Months 2 One Week, single Copie, SEMI WKKKtT EDITION. Onn Year, in advance, . . . . fl Six Mouths, 00 r.o 10 00 50 i t.p.r LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cais County Paper. KKri'KIJCAN TICK KT. State. For Governor. M. I.. HAYWAKI). For Lieut. -Governor. fiKOKCiE A. MUKI'IIF.V. F'or Secretary of State, C. DUKAS. For Auditor, T. L. MATH ICWS. b'or Treasurer. I'ETER MORTENSEN. Vox State Superintendent, J. E. SAYI-OK. For Attorney General, N. I). JACKSON. For Com. Public Eands and HuiUliiigs G. R. WILLIAMS. CongreHKioiiMl, For Congressman, First disti ict E. J. BUR RETT. County. For Senator WM. H. NEWELL. For Representatives T. T. YOUNG. ERNEST POLLARD. For Float Representative R. A. DITMAR. F'or County Attorney JESSE L. ROOT. For Commissioner, Third district TURNER ZINK.. TliK Nebraska City News says Bur kett has endorsed the Ga?e bill. Bur kett has done nothing of tho kind, and the fledgeling who said so, knew he was lying with the intention of de ceiving voters into supporting Mana han, the Minnesota candidate for con g ress, THE chairman of the popocralic meeting at Weeping Water intro duced Manahan to the audience with the remark that ho was like a frog you couldn't tell how far he could jump by the looks of hini. The audi ence was nuick to see the funny side of his resemblence to the frog, and re sponded with loud guffiws. Justices Gray, Shires and White of the supreme court of the United States could not get from under the corpora tion collar long enough to decide a clear case against the freight traffic association, but the other inambers of this supreme tribunal had no difficulty in writing an able opinion which pre serves the rights of the people. Switzerland is about to follow the example set by Belgium and Hollaed in the nationalization of its railways The Severs railways consist of live principal systems and aggregate 2578 kelometsrs or about 4390 miles. It is proposed to issue bonds running sixty years and to use the net revenue in the Diivment of the same. The charters of the companies are such that the state is permitted at anj- time to purchase the roads, but must not pav less than the capitalized value of the road. Go to the republican platform if you want to know the creed of faith and the guiding star of the republican party, but where will you find tho dec laration of principles of the popo- cratic nartv? The aims and acts of the democratic and populist parties are as wide apart as the poles of the earth; the attempt to meet upon a common ground of a division of offices degrades each party to tho com pact and in the end will bring them down combined to a bed r.iggled minor ltv incapable of existence, except to point a moral and adorn a tale. TriE scene enacted in tho city of Pans during the last two davs does not indicate that the French people as a nation, nave made much progress in civilization during the last one hundred vears. Such scenes as the last few days have witnessed will not tend to favorably advertise the great exposition which they expect to have in Paris in 1900. It is to be hoped such acts, characterized by so little respect for the law, may not go tf. make up the history of the younf republic any more. TxiE election of Judge Hay ward seem to be a sure thing. The re publican state committee is convinc- d that he will win by a . handsome majority, and that the balance of the ticket will go in with him. Judge Hayward has made a splendid enra paign, and wherever ho has appeared his speeches have stirred up enthus 1 ism and converted doubters. He will be the most able governor that the state hps had for a long time, and the reforms instituted by him will be genuine reforms, and not the hippo drome article. Beatrice Express. OUR townsman. It. A. Dittmar, re publican candidate for float represen tative ia making a very dignified and gentlemanly canvass over the district and is meeting with much encourage ment, "Word comes lo us from many quarters that his candidacy is very popular with the voters generally and that is attracting new friends to him daily. It ia evident that Mr. Dittmar will receive a handsome vote In Cass county, while in this county his ma jority will surprise many. His pros pects far election are very bright and we confidently believe that when the votes are counted be will be delared tho winner.- Nebraska City Press. i HE DUTY OF PATRIOTS. in purport" of tliu democratic 'i iti the United States is to i .') .rras tho national administration .v iiiuch as possible In tno Hottletuent f tho questions growing' oat of the vt ur, uo that hoiiio or nil of the advan titort guinea by this country in the w:4r with Spain will have to ho thrown away. To this end nil of their speuk ern are Instructed as to tha coure to pursue, and ull of ihn popocratiu can didates aret pledged. Speakers from tho ea-t are biing snt Into thtd statw. and their utterances would indicate that they are In the direct employ of Spain. The Spanish commissioners in Paris have received the tip and are delaying1 the peace proceedings all they can in the hopes that' the Mc- Kioley administration will not be hutained in the fall election. The voters of tho ntate of Nebraska can see the importance of standing by the novernmont at this critical time. Tho way for tne voters of the first district to do this is to cast their votes for E. J. Burkett for congress. I'atrioti-m demands this course with out regard to previous political opinions. If the peop e of Kebras-ka lieve in 'Standing up for the United S'ateh" they will elect a solid Mc Kinley congressional delegation this fall. Ex. Republican papers, republican candidates a.d republican orators re fuse to remain silent on the great obj'-ct lesson spread before in telligent people the past eighteen months. The issues in the McKinley campaign were, on the part of the re publicans who voted for that great statosman, protection, and with those same republicans and tho old line democrats who joined with the re publicans for a time, sound money. The people waited the result. On the hand it was prophesied that no prosperity would return and that money would become scarcer; that prices of farm products would drop lower and commercial stagna tion and ruin would ensue. On the other bandit was claimed that with a reasonable uroticiive tariff evied and sound money guaranteed, money that would be worth its face the world over, and one against which foreign exchange would not run up and down chasing the price of bar silver as the column of mercurv in a thermometer rises or falls with the change in temperature, that solid business prosperity would ensue; that mills would be opened laborers wou d find work at rcmuneraative wages tno great arteries ol com merce would throb with the stimulus of reawakened labor and money for all legitimate purposes would be abundant in quantity that interest rates would be moderate. By all methods of fair honest reasoning tho result should guide the voter this fall in voting for or against the republican ticket. The people know, when they stop to think that general conditions have not in years been so prosperous as the present and fuil of hopo for the fui,ure as now. They know the promises of the republican party have been redeemed, and they do not want a return to the trying days preceeding McKinley's election. We do not fear the result. TriE near approach of election day does not strike terror to those of for eign countries who have money in vested in Americau securities, as it did twb years ago when the silver ei azi- was before tho people for their arbi trament. The peopie passed upon that question, as they will upon ail mat arise. Confidence in the stabil ity of the country and the condition of money has ug an been firmly estab lished, and we see the reuit in larger earnings in all branches of industry. The people in all lines are more largely employed, and their earnings ate greater. Stocks which two years ago kept dropping notch by notch as elec tion day approached, now as that time comes, grow stronger and stronger. Not only is this the case, but prefer ence is shown for American securities oyer those cf other countries. The result of the late wai through which we have passed, has been to give us a better st.-.nding than we had before. War at all times is to be dreaded, and avoided whenever possible, but when it muat come, we should proBt by what opportunity it brings us, even to the addition of territory or trade ad vantages that it may offer. The popocrats are making tho fight of their lives all over the state. They know full well that the offices with the good salaries, to which they were -trai gers before the bad crops made it oo.-siblo for them to ride into power upon tne wave of discoutent that the failure of crops brought. Recogniz ing that the abundant crops and the sfood times that tire always with, us when we have a republican adminis tration, makes the chances for keep ing the people discontented, and in the iine of repudiation and bankrupt cy they are working like beavers that ibeir hold upon the public offices may not to broken, and that they may cod ti oue to feast at the .public crib. The good time which Major McKinley has brought has opened the eyes of many who were lined up with the ele ment of discontent, now they see their wai' clearly, and will act accjrdingly, for even a popocrat likes good times even if ho does not have the courage to give credit to the cause that pro duced them. Ex. While Spain has decided to make a demand for certain things in the treaty of peace which she knows full well never be allowed, and that Uncle Sam will make a vigorous kick against any terms which ae imposed in the settlement and, while she will go even so far as to ask the intervention of the powers, which hc knows is of no use, a .d which looks to the world as a n-.itter of form. Yet to Spain, and the discontented condition in which things are there, it is a deep game of politics. It is like those who man the pumps of ti sinking ship; it is that or go down, and the tsea of time closes over them, leaving not a ripple to mark tho spot. The question is, is the old hulk worth anving? THE Nebraska City News is bowl ing against the McKinley brand of prosperity, yet every page of the News shows remarKable Improvement, and gives the lie to its editorial ut terances. Its telegrapeic service alone, if only half rates are paid, coats more than all tho others matter put together, costs under the hard times of free silver threats and free trade. The income of the paper must have doubled or it could not afford these increase expenses. Our neighbor had belter learn wisdom fr m Altgeld and Fred Williams, drou all old issues and confine its fly ht to the McCleary bill which no one knows much about. It could accomplish mum in that way and not make a laughing stock of its self. INFORMATION AND OPINION. If Senator Allen and Governor Hol comb are not able to rally the popu utists of Broken Bow, then the popu liets papers of Kearney should not find fault with Norris Brown because he couldn't get them out to 1 it-ten to the joint discussion between himself and Congressman Greeuo recently held in that city. Kearney Hub. A curious question has been sprung in New York by a native of Porto llico, who has been living in this country five years. lie claims the right to register and vote without taking out o-ituraiization papers, on the ground that the recent annexation of Porto llico makes him an Ameri can citizen. He claims to have legal ;idvice to the effect that his conten tion is well founded and has precedents lo back it. Constantino J. Smith is using the same weapon to destroy the republi can party that our old friend Sampson carried when he went forth to smite the Philistines. Bixby. An eastern manufacturer is turning out a fabric made from the oil of corn which, it is claimed, will soon be running neck and neck with the rub ber product of the country. Nebraska Citv Press. Rubber neck. Vli.t do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have 3'ou tried the new food drink called Gkain-O? It is delicious snd nourish ing and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-o you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-o is made of pure grains, and when prop erly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs about one fourth as much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c. v J. I. Unruh has just made a pur chase of 100 iron bed steads with wo ven wire spring mattresses, matresses and pi lows which he will offer at the low price of $5.00 each. The entire outfit for the price has never befcre been offered at such a low price. A complate bed can be seen in his store window. All who are need ing anything in this line may get a bargain by seeing him before buying. lluokien's AruicM salve. The best salvo in the world for cuts, ourns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, nd positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give jerlect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 ceota per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke The News office is the best equipped job office in Cass county. First class work done on short notice. The M. P. has made a fifty cent round trip rate for October 21, 25 and 28 to Omaha. No transfer, no street care. All trains stop at the exposi tion gate. For further particulars en quire of C. F. Stoutenb rouijh. The most delicate constitution can safely use Ballard's ilorthound Syrup. It is a sure and pleasont remedy for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and lung trouble. Price 25 and 50 cents. Those wishing hair chains or hair wc.k of any kind done, leave their orders with will please Miss Adams at Dovey's store. Mrs. A. II. Knee. Anew back for an old one by tuing Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine for kidney ail ments. A. W. Atwood. We have a first clat-s timer, and at tend pi omptly to roofiog, and all kinds of tin work. Ebinger Hardware Co. You may bridle, the appetite, but you cannot bribe the liver to do its work well. You must be honest with it, help it along a little now and then with a dose o Herbine, the best liver regulator. Price 59 cents. F. G. Fricke, Notice. Those having left work at the City Steam Laundry which has not yet been delivered, will please cail for it at the Pearl Steam Laundry on Main street. Geo. K. Staats, Manager. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Thirty-four spring shouts for sale. Enquire of Mrs. Elizabeth Goodwin west of PlatUmouth. A CRITICAL TIME During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OR WELL, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. The I'ackrr. at the liattlo of Nttutiitgo do Cuba were nil Heroes, Their Herolti Ef fort lu Uettlcfr AmmuDltlou hd1 Rntloua to the t rout Saved the Day. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from Santiago de Cuba, on July 23, says: "We all had diarrhoea in more less violent form, and when we landed we had no time to fee a doctor, for it was a ctso of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with amunition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, wo were able to keep at work and keep i our health; in fact, I sincerly believe that at one critical time this medicine was the indirect savior of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been no way ,)f getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train t-otild ue. My comrade and myself hi-.d the good fortune to lay in a sup ply of tnis medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know in four cases it absolutely, saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this rnodiciuo, the Cnarnberlain Medicine Co., Des Moins, Iowa. For sale by all druggists. Lint of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post office at Plattsmouth, Oct. 0,. 1898: Eatts. Billy Dreson, Fred Messeona, Joe Nelson, H E Palmer, James II Kaker, Mrs Nancy 5 bert, A F Walls, Miss Emma Wilde, Thos Williams, Kev J J When calling for any of the above letters please say "advertised." Electric Hitter. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen erally needed when the languid, ex hausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often abated long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and free ing the eystem from the malar?al poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 1 The Missouri Pacific Has a round trip rate of sixty-five cents to Omaha, good every day dur ing the exposition except when a low er rate is made. All trains stop at the exposition gate, giving exception al facilities for the" convenience of patrons who save car fare and unpleas ant transfers. Take the old reliable M. P. train for Omaha and the expo sition. A Short Sad Story. A Cold. Neglect. Pneumonia. Grief. Had Foley's Honey and Tar been used, this story would have had a hap pier ending. F. G. Fricke & Co. Uurlington Inn. Six blocks from exposition. A. D. Touzalin, manager; E. B. Mooney, clerk. Ro ms $1.00 per day special rates by week or month. Everything first class. Take Dodge street car. from Union depot to 20th and Burdette trjflts. Write us for particulars. Wood wanted on subscription at the News office. Tourist Pampbletn, Descriptive of Yelloweton National Park and the summer resorts of Colo rado and containing, besides mapsand illustrations, a great deal of informa tion of interest to sight-seers and tourists, can be had by addressing J. Francis, General Passenger Asent. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. Dr. Sawyer's Arnica and Witch H;izel Salve naturally stands in such esteem with the public in the curing of skin diseases, eczema, piles, burns, scales, cuts or flush wounds, that argu ment to prove its worth seems quite unnecessary. A. W. Atwood. The advertising columns of the News show who the live merchants are, and where to ero to get bargains in everything needed for the f jmily. Ii will pay jrou to read them and trade at home. W7hite Cream Verrnifuee is perfect ly harmless and will remove every worm. It is also a tonic, and by its strengthening properties will restore to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health. Price 25 cents. F. G. Fricke. Coal! Coal! Hard coal delivered to :iny part of the city for $7.50 per ton, and the un rivaled Mendola coal deli vet ed for 84.25 per ton. JOHN WATERMAN. Never Say Die. Many desperate cases of kidney diseases pronounced incurable have been cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. Many physicians use it. F. G. Fricke &. Co. It Hits the Spot. When suffering from a severe cold and your throat and lungs feel sore, take a dose of Foley's Hon ey and Tar, when the sore- ness will be at once relieved, ful feeling- and parts affected a warm grate- healing of the will be experienced and you will say: "It feels so good, it hits the spot." It is guaranteed. Fricke & Co. The new millinery store in the Union block, under Miss Tucker's management, is up to date. Don't fail im ali. tnrllngton Itoute California Kwtirnloim Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. in., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco und Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Luke City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered 'n rattan; have spring seats and backs tnd are provided with curtain, bed ling, towela, soap, ate. Uniformed sorters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving paisengrs of all bothr about baggage, poiuting out object of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful experience. Second clus tickets are honored. Berths &5. For folder giving full information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Franci Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Ni'. Relief In Six Hours Pistrcssing kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in six hours by "The Gkeat South American Kiink Cuke." It is a great eurpi isn on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug gist, Plattsmouth, Neb. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. CTPnnv iwr.niUF HlVJViHL You can make v t'S per week. Either sex. I'll start you in the Mail ( irdt-r I.usiness, day or evciiiiifj. No Peddling. M. Voting, 3t3 Henry St.. Brooklyn, N. V. SENT FREE to housekeepers Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- telling bow to prepare many deli cate and delicious dishes. Address. Liebig Co.. P. Q. Box 27 18. New York Go to the Dr ug Store f A. W. ATWOOD, (Successor to Smith & I'arnieleJ for Pure Drurs, Patent Medicines, Stationery and Cigars, Paints, Oils, Varnish.--, Dyes, Paint, Hair and Tooth Hi ushes, Toilet Articles, I'eifumery, Soaps, Sponges, aud all Varieties of Druggists' Sundr ies. Window Glass and Wall Paper, Humphrey's, Lutie's and Munion's Homoeopathic Remedies, Pure Californi i Wirs and Liquors for Medicinal u-e--. In f:.c, everything usua'ny ki! for Sale in tirt-t-class Drug Stores. Preso iptions Carefully Compounded. South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion and Ball Beatings. ANCHOR WIRB FBXCBm Stroaet faace on turn market, is perfectly safe ad i effectaal barrier against all forms of stock. Made of No. 8 Kalvaaized steel wire. Cross wires secarely clamped, laex pensive. Write for cat alogue. Meat, this paper old ems OUM ST VLB. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew Building, Plat tsmou Hi, Neb. Open from 10 a. m. to S p. m. snd,7 to 9 p. HARD COAL. Missouri Coal, (Jonume Can en City Coal FOR CASH Leave order J at F. S. White's Sttre. W. J WHITS. HAirt BALSAM . t'TJ Clean-, tod Uauvnci t!. ht.r. jte. jKSSKcver Fails t ? Jctoru Gray' 5-"2$,--:"-C-K-1 Mai- to " VoutMl Co. or. '"H -1t'iir-s - 3 ':' sy? -Z&TSk - Uilu& best ;Vai7pH: Vti ever IrTY pa"- Setter Ihm B b a REFERS TO THE ENORMOUS ASSORTMENT OF .. and vS s JIT PS API MIK The three floors of his old Store Room are packed full, and his New Building near by is also tull io overflowing. The beauty about Pearlman's line is that 13 Hie Carrie; His Gold Coin Stoves can't be surpassed, His Steel Ranges and Gasoline Stoves rank higher than any other. His stock of Furniture is Lager than car ried by any two other dealers in the county combined. Every taste can be suited and when it comes to Low Prices, Pearlman is King He won't be undersold and only asks you to call and see his goods for proof of what he says. Store room on Lower Main street, nearly opposite the Court House. TO PLEASE Is our constant aim, and with that idea in view we have laid in a nice, well selected line of Dry Goods suitable for Fall Wear. Special Low Prices on Bk rivets.. Our Grocc y Department Is complete in every di-lail, with the bet the wholesale market affords, and prices are LOWKR than ever. Prompt Delivery, Fair Treatment and A T 7T, Is what you all may depend upon at Opposite the Court Houe, Plattsmout, Nebraska. 33ettei rlii;in Kver F HALL&S ..HAVE THE ONLY.. tove for Early Autumn, As well as winter. Weather. It's Cheap and does the work. A full line of all kinds of Stoves and Hardware. Tin Work and Roofing a Specialty. Our Low Prices have built up a -ood trade, which we will maintain b' continuing the same. Remember the place. . . . S. Ee HALL & SON, ..Practical Tinsmiths.. South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. Lver Than Ever tovGifi . . THE PUBLIC! T T jrv O Or ON Best