DEPARTMENT STOKE ALWAYS IN THE LEAD mm bargains in fiOYS Clothing A Big Line to Select From at UNHEARD-OF PRICES... Suits up to 8 yr size, $1.00. Suits up to 18 yr size, $3.50. Suits up to 12 yr size, $1.50. A nobby up-to-date suit, $2.50, Usually sold for $4.00. DRY GOODS Special Sale for a Short Time. A nice line of Plaids at 2c, suitable for comfortables. 36-inch Percales, dark styles, at 5c, to close out. NEW MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The Nicest as Well as the Largest Line of B3ETT2 BTyPOi I II. O Ever Shown in Cass County, rO) T?s p-'- -21 s-p viscid vti' vass c-ia A Full Line of Sailors and Walking Hats, We can suit everybody in Style and Price, nnNjT !&ti TO OA U v ii au U V A Esrjia .SJtev PjaaEej. Mca Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. Any Kind of Dress.. IS PASSABLE, IP A LADY WEARS A HANDSOME It is therefore Important to Know where the HANDSOMEST LINE OF MILLINERY may be found .... Mrs. m. a. Street T ' 1 Certainly deserves the palm, for 'tis there you will find the most elegant line of Pattern Hats, Velvet Trimmings, Plumes, Ribbons and Orna ments ever shown in Cass county. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE And suited to the most exacting" tastes. Prices are Right. Come and See. MRS. M. A. STREET, 411 Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska BRIEFLY TOLD. I ta y r vk bb!1 vr? Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Eest Quality. Call and try us. Comer of Sixth and fm Streets. - - - Plattsmouth. Neb 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? 4? 4? 49 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? A A A A A Ct A A A ,h & eS A A A t 3s db m,JmOJmO'Aj'v''0JJJ-a'v . W J -rJ "VO -0 -0 -rO New noi iiWiii o Having" returned to Plattsmouth, I will be glad to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones, and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware and anything usually carried in a first-class hardware store. Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will interest 3011. JOHN R. COX, Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH c rf n cv c c f Cf r c r o cf Cf e Cf c n w c cc:ic-'C'r i i 53 C. A. Marshall, Dentist. The Ottumwa quartette. The Ottumwa quartette ut Presby tei ian church, October 24. Do not fail to look at Joe & Frank's fall and winter caps at every price and style. Tho Gut Ileii continues to head the list as a fine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. Ak your dealers for the "White Sailor" uijjar. manufactured by Frank Neiman. Lost An opal scarf pin, for the return of which to the News a reward will be paid. .The only original Cole & Colo air tight heating stoves at Ebingor Hard ware company. IfyouT'ant li- smoke the best try Wurl Bros. Gut Heii. Tliti finest 5 cont cigar ma'e. You can buy overcoats for less money than j-ou ever heard of before at Joe & Frank's. A full line of Lisk's anti-rust tin ware, wurranted fur five years, at Eb inger Hardware Co. A musical treat at Presbyterian church, Monday evening, October 24 Ottumwa quartette. If you don't tee the Gut Ueil cigar call for it, and get tho best 5 cent ci gar in tho market. The B. & M. will sell round trip tickets to Omaha for fifty cents on October 21, 25, and 23, A new back for au old one by using Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine for kidney ail ments. A. W. At wood. Turner Zink's friends in western Cass are doing good work, and he will ba elected by a nice majority. The World's best o cent cigar, Wurl Bros. Gut Heil, strictly Union made. Every dealer handles them. Joe & Fran ic are headquarters for boy's atid children's clothing. You can buy a good wearing suit for $1.00. The B. & M. trains were all a little late today, and better conditions can not ba expected until after the clo6e of tho exposition. Do not buy any underwear until you have seen Joe & Frank's line. Better iioods for les money than ever shown in Plattsmouth or any other place. Don't forget the ball to be given by the Turners at their lull Saturday evening cf this week. The best of music will be a foature of tho evening. Oct. 21, will ba a gala day at the Ebinger Hardware Co.'s store. The little misses arc making elaborate preparations for the biscuit baking contest. Mrs. Charles L. Creamer who has been quite sick at her father's C. J. Martens in this city, is much better acd expects to be able to go home Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Society of tho Presl b.yteriac church ft'9 requested to moat at tho homo of Mrs. John Waterman Saturday afternoon at half post two o'clock to finish ordered work. Goor'o Towle'a resignation as can didate for county commissioner' was not accepted, and ho la still making a vain effort to bo olected to that im portant officio. Tho Woman's Club will meet at tho hoaia of Mrs. Stepbea Davis, Friday raiDfr, Oatobar 21. Program fur othd by th parlle&cotary and oar rent events departments. Joa & Frnnk arc offering fall and winter suits at prices that will bring them within the reach of every poor man. Sulti at $3.50, $4 and $5 as good as any suit that was put on a person's back. The Missouri Pacific has pnrchased ten ten wheel engines to bo used on tho Nebraska division of that line. They aro monsters, and will be able to lake a big train up tho steepest grades. The M. P. has made a fifty cent round trip rate for October 21, 25 and 28 to Omaha. No transfer, no street cars. All trains 6top at tho exposi tion gate. For further particulars en quire of C F. Stoutenborough. Commodore Mannahan went down to Nehawka on a pop swallowing ex pedition, but the crowd being small. and there being no pops present who folt as if they wanted to be swallowed, the meeting was barren of results. The commodore came to Plattsmouth on the freight and was in consultation here withjafewof his supporters today. The German Presbyterian Frauen vorein mot with Mrs. Fred Ebinger yesterday afternoon, and enjoyed the hospitality of the hostess in a manner longed to be remembered. The ladies always have a good time at their social meetings and this was no excep tion to the rule. Nice refreshments were served and the rest of the time was given over to social conversation. Sheriff Wheeler had quite a time with the insame woman he took to the asylum yesterday. She would kick and bite, and swear in German awful ly, and occasionally utter a few English words not used in polite society. He had to tie her hands and feet, and when they got into the depot she made the people scramble to get out of her way. The poor woman got quiet when she was taken to the asylum, and it is thought after careful treatment she will fjlly recover. AS THEY COMK AND GO. Wm. Holley was in Omaha this morning. James Pattee was in town today from Omaha. Hon. J. M. Patterson was a Louis ville visitor today. Fred Ebinger and brother went to the exposition today. Milton W. Moore of Alvo was in the city on business today. Henry Snyder made a business trip to Lincoln this morning. Mrs. J. L. Root and Mrs. Reich were exposition visitors today. Mrs. J. C. Peterson and little girls were exposition visitors today. O. B. Polk of Lincoln, and J. L Polk of Greenwood, are in the cily today. Mrs- J, C. Boone departed this morning for Logan, Iowa, to visit her daughter for a few days. Deputy state treasurer, Sainl Pat terson, was in town over night, and returned to Lincoln this morning. Mrs. John Munim and daughter, Bertha, went to (Jmana this morning to consult an occulist about the lat ter's eyes. E. B. Perry was up to the exposition yesterday and he savs that it is the biggest thing he has seen since ba left Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Clelaud of Hold ridge returned home this afternoon after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Wm Heboid and daughter. Fred Eberherdt who has been visit ing his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Longenhagen, departed for his home at Philadelphia Freddy Longenhagen goes with him. ana will visit there for a month. Mrs. O. II. Cook ol fcjalem, lowa. is visiting with her son. Dr. Cook, hav ing been to Omaha where the visited with another son ana saw toe exposi tion. The doctor s father is expectea this evening, he being at Council Bluffs attending the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Iowa. Mr. 1'ftttrraon' KecorcJ. J. M. Patterson, tho fusion noml nco for state senator, rooienontod Cass county In tho house In 1871, and tho house journal gives tho following record of his work thero. Page 254; Petition asking for modi fication of exemption law; pugo 279, presorted petition asking for modifi cation of exemption law; pago 455, at hla own request was granted ld!lnite leave of absenoe; pige 62Q, mace a mi nority report on house roll 212 recom mending as commissioners on erection of insane asylum W. E Hill and Sm ueUMaxwell. So muca for hU record in the house. In lt93 he represented Cas county in the senate, and the sen ate journal shows the following rec ord: Page s77, moved to adopt report of the committee of the whole recom mending the passage of senato file 21, to provide additional remedies for en forcement and collection of judge ments; page 301, introduced senate file 105, an act to protect county treas urers, which failed to become a law. Ho was appointed member of commit tee on military affairs, banks and cur rency and privilege and elections, and was made chairman of committe on state prisons; page 445, voted against a bill for depositing publio funds of counties and cities, so that they could obtain interest on same; page 787, vo ted against senate file 34, a bill auth orizing persons paying usurous inter est to recover it in a civil action from tho person receiving it three times the amount paid of course no one is accusing Mr. Patterson of collecting usurous interest, but the modification of tho exemption laws, and providing additional remedies for tho enforce ment and collection of judgements show where his interests were. Some seven years ago a law went into effect requiring tho county treas u res to account to the county for the interest on county money deposited in the banks, and since that time the banks of Cass county have paid to the county the following amounts: In 18U2, $1,725.14; 1893, $1,961.67; 1892 and 1893, disputed interest, $2,064.82; 1894. $2,587.20; 1895, $3,66.26; 1896, $1,968.45, and 1897, $2,030 42. Tolal for six years, $15,403.96. Is this not a good law? And why did Patterson vote and op pose such a law when he was senator in 1893? Will he try to repeal this law if elected this fall? On page 480 of tho senate journal we find Mr. Patterson had the pleas ure of showing his well known dislike of the Union soldier by voting against a resolution asking cengress to place the superannuated soldiers on the pension list. No soldier, therefore, can afford to see -.n enemy olected to the responsible ottlce of senator as against ah old soldier who would be friendly to their interests. m m WITH m m m m m m m m m m Good ! linos illlUlitliiUiiUllllllltlllliiliinitAilil.iilllimiiitliiiiilliAliiiuiAliAiUiAlIiA uuiAiiuiiuiiiinauiiiiuuAiuaiiiiiiaiiaiiAAUaiiuiiiiUiiiiiiaiiaiiuuii W its m E'VE BEEN TELLING YOU a lot of good things about our Men's Suits for FALL and WINTER Wear. Now, we don't expect you to take our word for it. There is an easy way to settle it for yourself Call and ask to see what we adver tise. If we can't do better for you than others can, you can have... Your Money Back. mTTTTTTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Aiimuiumuiuiiuiaaaamiuimaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa v. XX m d d 23 m m m m m m m m El as m Tried to Hypuotlze a Hon. San Fuancisco. Oct. 20. J. F. Brown, the hypnotist and known all over the country for his performances n mind-reading, died here yesterdaj'. He tried, a few months ago, to hypno tize a lion and the beast resented his familiarity by biting him on the hand. Blood poisoning set in and he was kept in a hospital for several woeks and finally discharged as cured. A ftw days ago he scratched his hand. Blood poisoning followed, and dt spite prompt medic il assistance death resulted. Attention Frauenvercin. The ladies of the German Frauen vereiu are called to meet at Mrs. A. H. Weckbach's Saturday evening at 7:30. A full attendance desired. Mks. Wm Hasler, Pres. Special Fire Meeting. The members of the fire department are called to meet at council chamber at 7:30 this evensng, to provide for the wants of Jake Boetel who is low with consumption. By Okdek of Chief. Lost. On Thursday night, between the depot and Chicago avenue, a red and white plaid sash ribbon. Finder please leave at postotfice and receive reward. Fon SALK Tso-uodIrul jvagojia. El quire of J. W. Holmes, Rock Bluffs. Uemocratlc Kally. G. Fred Williams, the "culchawed" Bostoniau, and Secretary of State Porter, addressed an audience which partly filled the onera houso last even ing. Air. Williams certainly made no converts as he failed to thow how he would improve present conditions. Anybody can kick and find fau"t, but its very ditierent to take up and snow something better. A more extended mention of tho meeting is given in another column. i) One Price and no Monkey Business. Dr. W. K. Flick the oculist optician from Kansas City will be in Plattsmouth, October 24 to 27 at John T. Co'eman's jewelry store. Three or four months ago Dr. Flick We Me Can Serve You When you want anything in the line of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, etc. We rightfully claim to have the cleanest Jewelry stock in the county. We defy any- mnfite with our orices in the same satisfactory to the persons having hadtheireyes fitted with glasses by lineof goods. We PLATE your old Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc., cheap. Dr. Flick. City references cheerfully furnished to anyone calling at the of- Gco Furnished or unfurnfshed rcoros for rent. Enquire at 1006 Main street. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25cs The genuine has Li. B. Q. on oach tablet Notice of Settlement. All parties indebted to the firm of V. W. Coatos & Co. are requested to call and settle with their successors, the EbDinger Hardware Company. You will live to tell tho tale how you was entirely cured of constipation. dyspepsia, biliousness and liver troubles, by taking Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills. A. W. Atwoes. We do first-class Watch, Clock and Jewelry REPAIRING, and warrant all re pairs and every kind of goods we sell. us a chance to PRO VIC CALL IN and g-ive these assertions. : Jno. T. COLEHAN, Jeweler, Second Door South of Postofiice, Plattsmouth. The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church of this city will entertain the ladies of the Synodi- c-il meeting Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. A very i-ileresiing pro gram has been arranged, and the pub lic is invited to atiend. The program will be given later. A diseased liver dfclnros itself by moroseness, mental depression, lack of energy, resllesne-s, melancholy and constin.Tti m. FTf-rbirio will re store the liver to a healthy condition. Price 50 cent. F. G. F: icke. yt-r! By the thfl can. style at fccniHpp Ojntrr! r s-'.TVed c;i-e -. in any The most delicnte constitution can safely use Ha'ilard's llorrhound Syrup. It is a sure a. d ijieasout remedy for coughs, looi ff v.-ir", nnu ail throat and lunir trouble. I '.ice 23 and 50 cents. You mav bridle tho f-ppolite, but you cannot bribj the liver t do its work well. You moil be honest with it, help it alon 4 a little now and then with a dose of Hrhine, the best liver regulator. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke, The advertising columns of the News show who Vhe Jive merchants are, and where to go to get bargains in everything needed for the family. It tH-pay-yOu to read ' them-and trade at hoiaa. 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 t9 49 49 49 am New Millinery Stor The Finest Line in the Cit', Kverything- Bright and New, Direct from the Centers of Fashion, . . Under the Management of. MISS n NINA si TUCKER THERE HAS BEEN OPENED TO THE PUBLIC A Pine Line of IN THE UNION F. G. Fricke's, Next door to vou to visit -. Millinery, BLOCK, which it will pay MISS EVANS, a lady of experience, from the east, will have charge of the Trimming de partment. .. .The public invited to call.... MRS. L. J. RANKIN, PROPRIETOR. Union block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska o" c of or cf of c l I ih th l t Ih Ih It t ih i I i I ih t th 'orcrrrtrsrtrcr'r criers