CITY AND COUNTY. Wl;I)NKSIAT. C Z rr. of South IJ.'i.d, Im in tho city ttxlity. Tim fhoin havi imui. on Urn iiino hour h lioiluU for wliii'-. .!) ( f rnharti wim up from A voc i to duy Ou bu-.imm ut ih court liouf . Harry Pn: d i-od Jobn Do .elan w.-re over from Weopitu Wnt.-r ii.Uny on bu.Inch. AU'y TiujUUu . nd Ikr T r;in of Wecpli g Wiiior wi re iu i h o ty on buaint toiiay. Andy McMitifeii nii'l wif.j. of Atcl.i n, it ro hio on h visdi with hirt broth i r, II. (J., find v.iK tnU.j ir, tlio ex p phiI ;oi). W. li. I'rt;i-, jr., li i-i sol J h's iiiti-r-mL in tho Council l n fT - f.f in to fit her iimi will muku '.im - I'.iiuutv hin honw iifii in. E.J. i''it.;2.inM, Hob. Have-- ?t r d Jim 1 1 :i w kwort h Hr buntin g iIucKh up in l)uol t-ouiity mid exped to bo bouio Monday. Tim mil v:it'0;i iirrnv trii"'-i '! i:t ordor-i to a to Norfolk, awd di p i: i d for t hii' town loUny. A tin! I.e'- ootfi'-b-nient is ex p -clod t ( im-. h'nro and contiiiuu tlie vo: k. Tho exposition continue'-, "o dr.-.w biff crowiln, and while th." wcii'.li'T could not have been more unpleasant tlinn it was yesterday, yet tho report of admission tthowt- people wero in attendance. 'J'oday every train run in from two to three Mictions and another bijj duy may be counted 0:1. Chet Mmchoster took a Missouri special to Om iha at ( o'o'oek eom-e-t-ing of flovon loaded couches from the K. C. No. 5 from tho east had two sections and ISo. 4 from iho west alno ran two sections to Oiu--1i:i Tho crowds at tho exposition 11 re from a distance as a rulo, and usunlly remain two or three dnys. John Lino of Louisville, a bite m -m ber of company B, Third rcfr intent, ar rived in town this morning from Flor ida, he having received bis discharge papers along wilb forty others m the regiment. lie will visit here today and then return home, having had all tho soldier oxporienco ho cares for, -ebfiecially of tho tropical kind. A very enjoyable mooting of tho Mozart club was held at the homo of Miss liculah Hison Tuesday evening, October 18. After tho business meet ing of tho club the delegates to the fifth annual convention of tho Federa tion of Woman's Clubs at Omaha gave very delightful talk on the many in teresting topit s spoken of at the Fed eration. A unanimous vote of thanks whs tendered Mrs. Stouten Moreugh for the interest she has shown and taken in the wi 'fare of each and every mem ber of the Mozart club, aUo for the tnanv cou:tesies shown us in th : past. THURSDAY. All th- courts are as qeiet as ceme teries today. Jane Luft has a new hav baler of tho latest de?ign. Mrs. Thomas Walling is vi-diing relatives in South Bead. J. M. Cr.'iig is home from a business trip down into Missouri. A. H. Week bach Sc Co. had -even teams at work delivering coal yester day. Roso Hyers, llailio Atw-od and Mabel Johnson visited the expositio'i today. Egenberger .V Troop got in six c u s of coal this week, and are husil :d to pupp'.y the dem-itids. Tho exposition visitors numbered :24,691 yoetereay notwithstandiiig th 'unfavorable weather. Mrs. Schiidknecht leaves tomorrow for a visit with ro'.aiiva at Kar.-as City ;and Governor City, Missouri. II. E. l'ankonin was in town t.t d :y from Louisville. Ilerma s is one cf tho sub-tuntial bu.-inrss men 0 th -t to w n . Tho weather bureau teems to have slipped a cog, and is giiee us a dose of December or January iociecd of our old time har.y Idea d ivs cf October. Mrs. Elizabctii Go- d -rin purchased lour nice lots in Minard tho other day of Joseph Cook. Mynard prouerty seems lo be moving up a f ?w notches The telephone bu-iness ;s again "booming with plenty of competition. The new company has been greatly handicapped by not recekvieg their poles to as to complete their plan:. Mury Muchilat, the insane woman, was not taken to the asylum until this imoming, and made the officers con tsider lble trouble. Sheriff Wheeler mid a lady attendant had tho woman in .charge. Hon. E. M. roliard and Hon. T. T. Yeas tig, republican candidates for leg islative honors were here last evening in attendance at ttie republican meet ing nd in a visit to this office they ex pressed themselves certain of victory in old Cass Nov. 8. Mannahm sp;ke at Union last night, to a hirgor audience than he had fit Elmwood, but he did not perform His motod trick cf s i lowing a 'pep in public, v. hicii has made his 1 acee a household word all I be way from San Juan to Broken Bow. A farmer from Eight Mil3 Grove precinct who went to tho Omaha ex position said he really didrrt get his money's worth at tho great thow. Same of his neigh say he attended the Cass county f i' and the compari son was to much for him Silas Greecslato was in town from Elmwood today on business. Sile is One of the ar ij-t settle; s in wr-stern -A-kin--iiS'lL-. lhereia tho ixties. Ho wa api oi' t?d postmaster f Elmwood uodur the Grant Kdrnicis- tratioii crd hold tho olHco for t 11 ye 1 rt4. Tho mnnv friends of L. 1'. Karn operator 10- the I. iV M . lor 111. my year", will rog ret to iearn of the - r. 1 in i --fortiiii'-which befel i ini th'rf muning in t lie udd'-n death of L'.h son I n h io. Mr. K 11 iii-s did not know the liit'.o fellow wms si'-k u'.til tbii i.:oi nin' and a M.cond intbHa.e told of Lid death. Lie w. a 1 1. younytklli and was tea yv&rt of je. I b ftther leave? this evening lo attend llie fun) a.' and es p Ot to return in about tn daja. HOUSING REPUBLICAN RALLY. Wiii. riu in' llhtll I'ci, -! to SiHudlug; Kootn t llMr Siuml loclrlritA. From Tiniin l iy' IJilly. Wait rm uri h i l w.ts tilled to over llowiiig l.-ir t 'vciii'ig to bear the reoub 1 1 ears akers. The chai'M wore ali lila-d and the space at the roar of the ha 1 was oei uiiiod by people land i ng op. M any ciine to the door and find ing no seat.-, turned away. Jt, was the oniy iarj.'o meclii.t.' of the year and wish very ciitliu-iastic and liberal in applause. J udg". Spurl ; k presided and inlro duecd ach speaker v i' h a clever ad dress which put. the audience in good humor, JuJv S;iyior, candid.itu for .St.! to .-iupi-rinlendent, Hon. K. J. Hutkrlt, eandidyte for ooagreeu, and T. L. Ma! hows, c w: dilute for state auditor w. re the to:iker8 who seemed to t'ian piea.o their audience. The Magieilia Uiee club ctiug several lively campaign sontS iu.'lieir own in imitab o way whicii wore gre itly en joyed. The meeting was a hummer and starts the republican campaign going it a proper gait. jltttlical fhitrpt-r. Kl.MWOOU. Net)., Oct. 19 A cou ple of medical sharpers have been at work in this community the past few dr.y with the result that a number of farmers are sudd -r, if not wiser rauu. Their method of work is new and many bite at the bait set fo.' them. One m.'.n iirst ascor'ains the ailments of the victim, and then a nether eotne along1 end holds out inducements to try their rr.miuies, and offer to treat them six months for 475 or 4150, to be paid if tho said victim is cured, and to bind the bargain they have the victim sign a contract to tho olTcet that the money i- not to he pud until a cure is effected, arid tears off pari of the c,utruct, k-eping one part himself I and giving the other part to tho pur- 1 chaser. Of course the part tho sharp- ers keep turns out to lie a promissory j nolo. The contract given ih victim is worth! e-s. It has been imposib'o to learn cf all who '.vei'o "victimized iri this i- but amo(r ii:om arc: Dan Mendenhall, lot); A. K. Sutherland, 8I0O; Ott John, $150; George Baker, j $lo0; Henry Gfrbeling, $150; Mrs. 1 Creatnor. $75; Lnfe Cox il'i. All who s:gr.ed the eo .;riets a;-d notes are tesjv ct.'.i'le, weu-lo-do far mers. latt-s tf KfjiUi-lir 'in M-.t lug. The rep ub; lean meeting iu C"a county have brer, an anged as follows: I'oilard and liool Taylor's schooi house. October 22. . De S"ta school, October 2 j. Man! i y, Oetebe;- 31. i'eUaid and Strode Fag!e, Oeti'ber D. Folia d Mur-d r.o'i, Oettibor 27. l'oilai-d and TelTt Ai vii. Octobei- 2S. I'oilard and Spurlock CYdtr Creek, O.-tober 20. Aveca, N.HTmier 2. I'ol a d and Civis. Graves Vic tovia se house, November Foliard and Windham Murray, iCovembe: 1. Follaid and Burkett Ore.'ia' u.i i, afternoon, Novemb1 Dr. Ksii;,'( i; tv I)iBfov ry for t'om-atttpMim This is ti e best mr.'dieine in fee worivl for fU lorais of coughs ar.d colds for eonsumptioa. Every b';tt'e is gu Jt w.ll cure and not disappoint, it has r.o equal for whooi'ir. g cot: g!: , as'lima, hay fever, pneumonia. bronchitis, la grippe colds in the head a.nd for consumption. It is sr-fo .or till age:-, pie'isnnt to take, and above; all , a surecu.e. It is al ways w ll to take Dr. KiLg's new life pills in connection with Dr. King's uovv discovery, as ir.ey regulate avd tone the stcinach r.ud bowels. We gua an toe perfect Fatis'action or re turn moDoy. Free trial bottle? at F. G. Frieko's drug store, ibrgular siz ' 50 ents and I'I 00. 6 l"r-? JlDiur? in V5'-ptern T-'iorid '.. Tnero are about l,00o,p(.!'! ?er- s of government bird in North wet Flor ida, subject to homestead entry, and about half ss much again of railroad lands for sale at very low rates. Teese lands are oa or near the Hue of the Liouisviiie & Xashvilio railroad, ar.d Mr. II. J. Wemyss. General Land Crromissioner, Per.secola, will be giad to write you ail about them. If you wish to go down and and iook at them Cue Louisville & Nashville railroad provides the way and the opportunity on the first and third Tuesday of each month, with excursions at only $2 over one fair, for round trip tickets. Write Mr. C. V. Atniere, General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., for parti : ulnrs. Tnirty-foui- soring- 6bont3 fors 'c Eoquiro t-f Mr.-. Eiizabeth Cord .-, west of fialtirroutb . To the i-ariii.-rf. For tho farmers, and townspc opl too, Schi ir.p'etisso wi'l serve a fir.-'-cla-s oyster l'v 0:1 Suturd.iy r.nU Sursdiy for 1" oeiitri p.u- dish tir.-t class in every jv r tieuhi r. White Croaiu Venoifu-re is perfect ly har5flei and will retnove every worm. It is alsoa tonic, and by its strenthetiins properties will restore to p ile cheeks tho rot-y hue of health. I'rieo 23 eeuts. F. G. Frioice. T.10 Iiieims f T b r coilt-g j ur ulwayig ;cl t. In tr of the i-ueces of j her e.'.i di en, win never wo ofans vLi-!;i .e eiv.ii.: an tiled r-- COg.:lt.O.: il s ;. ph ni iro f r US to tnak 1 a nolo of il. W e have before tioie 1 thai our ai 1 friend I,. .1. liur keU, ( f L'.nco: n. 11 a n, .did tie for cui.rt-ei iu the i'i' s d istrie. of 2c tr ik.i, una If w ur tu jdJKo of tla tffaacliou. t'oif in 5 J e ct Ll.u by tte pa.TM of thia distriMl th uati arc viy fia!tr.DK iuiii ed. ' fcjoLao Very tfoiiipllutt nt ry thi;ii huvo b :en eaiil of bun oy our Iv braaliti co it-tapo-rir.Ci, alid wo are inure than jfiau to know tnal the p-uulu over tiiero h-d I him 111 so iiifc'b e-.eem. lie is agiad U .tu of 'l'abi'r collctfe. it;.d during hi-i Career here ns a ,-ludei t tho cdito -bad opiiortuniiy to 00-1 rv-' hitu very clos. iy. liitl.:ed, be will bo r l:h iu bcrcii by ali who knew iiim ( md eve y body Old who vveio here at that time) us a haidworkiig, faithful sluJeat. lie was active iu literary and society wo k; in fact, iiVaa aeiive iu eveiy tbing thai went to pr in.te the ei.i leYro interests. Heei.tefeU iheoratO:i riii Cf'Utes's duriuL' his c urf and won fir-1 ii ii" i lacli tim . He v;i .-cere-tary ::i d lie. .surer of ti:0 I w ; Coi iegiate Ora'oiical iss cue year. Ho aiv.ayshad tlie reputation oi doing wbat'-ver he win c lied upon to d- wilii a v m a. d of iu kin.i it suc-c- d. We- iJao me ember his s iwing wood, jdekiag appie-, d g.'ing pota toes, and doing j-tn;tor work at the College to help def. y his expenses. We will v ueh for his hor.esly and abi'ily, a;id kiiow that the First ttis triet cf Nebraska will 1 ever icrrt il if they send him to eonr;-s. Tabor (l i.) Ih a on. Hon j is Ci'mnn lioiiic. San i p.ANCiseo, O i. 18 he Fv. i -iae- .-: sn- th..t A-lmirai Dewey will ir: ive in this city o i D c- mber li. Tfe vi!l e-.nio i etc. r ti e t y ol I'i km, whi-h is die? to a.-i iv- h jr- 01 thut date f.-r-m the Ori-e t. At'tn r l D.'we.v is inter;. s'cd in s: era! miidn;' ent:r ;ris s 0.1 tiii teas' a..-I it i- thes.- int'-r'-.-i." tti'it ,-romr'-:it this lime. He ha.- wri t in this city tlirt he. iris a pii- 0 for a leave cf ul vr.rc. l ; -! I i ii frier eadv i: l-iTJ:KAiiY : o ; i s. rv AtHiers-m. wi:o .-. nov : rd N,iV;;1.i(). .(iul HvCJ , K:-ylan-.i, ,4, j herself. r v.ew Jinglhsh .-.ed h.-r two vear-ol'i b-;'ov t. 00 ,u ,j;.-;jr.a f). 0i.-t time for pebiicalion. L bave brer, mid tV:U a jM,e ,r ir: LadieV lie. e me f-vonlv l:ietu;-"'j . and th bei-t of theso. i a r:y issue ei the .'t'-urnai. The lniy;s . se I he e- n Ir .1 1 r. ( I ; e ' U :.' w 1 i(U..,.5t II- l"m-i "i s S- .is ii'.i .:; hor. ll iVala'O L:i:fl'" oil's .-Oi, D. , Eltv.-.ra Eiiiei s-.;n, hims.-'T a boy wlteo Louis. ; w.r- a (.'iri in Cor. ecru, j has writ' en an arih-ij oa "V'lie'j Lou ; i -a Aico t w ? a Gi: I," hich the L i i dic-V j Jouraal t.- ; bou;. to he pub ms.ea. Ioetor l.m r- a gives a new view t;f tho author of -i-.'tiie Men"' as -. mimic and as teo central QrU''e f every dance and merrymaking in oid Concord. Ti- k-'ii tu J:i'.. From We lnesil ay's D.tlly. Mary Mutcailrt was declare i in.-:. no yesterday by t lie comm ssicm, and last night the get so vio'ont aod was 'tn.-slii; g up t 'i -ngs fo t u t ti e sberiif w is tele- ho. .c.i t come out and get he-. He drove ou'. w li Drpu'y Mc Bricb; to the pi i.r i;:i m and ihe un fortun te woosaii w-s f--t;n-J raising a big rumpus, daf.cti.g and ti-giug scd was aimosl r ude. Sho v.-; s diehard and brought, in ana lodged lti y.d. tsh.-re Si.e made Home h- tvl all niaht. Walnriuue wr.s a ierp wi.ea. siie w s brought ;n and was f. ibt- ned u arly to death by her noise lu -ore he ! a' ;Zed what was the mailer. List ?f J uia"s. The followii g is a list i f jurors as drawn for the Novemb.-r term c;f the district court: IT. Mu-li i. J. M. Craig, C. E. Duke, Ed. VvV.ey, J. M. Camp bell, J. 11. Hueter. B. L. Kirkham, John TeK -.:, T. N.Ti .Vd-', J. M. Mc Pherson, John Hart, Vv. A. Boeker, J. K. Lee, W:. Sutton, sr., l-'rou Bar dick, Ed. Srrnim, J. P.. Parr, Jos. Per kins. J. M. Kiier, Wm. dlr.t a , Frank Creamer, H-m L!o:-d. Jo.s. Pet eg? ar.d Charles Phili-ot. N- v r S ij i;, . Many desperate csos disoiires prcMOU'ieoii i-::: been eur-.u ;.'J' I'r'o.y s 1 r ei;r,ey bio hare icy !-U'e. .. "e. G. Many pi. sici '.ni Frlcke. & Co. Ur.O N-tics is hereby give; ti. at I will apply a, tl.e next. tcr:tilrr rnootinj: of tf.e b'-iard of coun iy CvDimiiiic-Tiers, in and for O.t.s cauaty for a iicen&e to s- il vinous mult nnu liquors in tl.e v!!l..'.;Te of Ce-l'ir Croek, Cass county, Ieb!T.-'. . for the tfr:ncl cf one vc.r. A ;iiikav Axitciti:ox. d this IS-.h day of Ocl--brr, l'y. :..t k; :i e -t v : : c 1... :nj i. .- ve -j!i."::ic-a. Takt; L'l'lih ve lire A i : O taj ui: ir ! .; ' a t- tr I'll: ". lih . L. B. -r ---cb ; r. i". . t' -:. .ii-. 'i tiole !iev if it FOtt SA1.K C-IIKAP A - t of deilble lu'r ness. C-:i :it 2s ew t lii .ulseiir..-; far liijs isl'.v: papr in thu city (7$ n?aF3 Pi DOTTLED GOLD DRUGGISTS, CROCEHS ,0 K0TCL3 CLLtT. r'E itr!!!!? euppllod oxcopi In 63Bled Bottles, bearing proprlo teT9 firm rramo Glsnotur thuei TrWVCS HUPPHV3 BY RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEB. 1 v n a 0 v e ft e I One Tiling am! flnotlisr A.i6nArAAAAAa'6iii6i(ilIiaiil I Wood wanted on tit the N:-:v.s odiej. M. Bourgeois is to be tho new minis ter of education. M. Nonpareil is evi dently bring tu nod down. b'niiliriu' (1 sucee-8 can c 1111 alone from merit. Dr. Sawyer's Wi.d Cherry and Tar 8 steadily increasing ia s Ivr, because it is tho b.t couirh rem-'dy on the market. A. XV At wood. Tin-re'n nc beti.-r Hour made than H.-i -el's 'I "lar.sifto! ," manufactured i.i Ui.- city. Ar-k yo-jr grocer for it, an J 'h- reiiy tret the best 11 nd sup o. r .1 home industry at 1 he i.;i me litre, V li-r, builds up th. towi:. '1' bier's Bucket e l'ilo Ointmcrit rc liev.s the ieten.e itching. Il soothes, ie-u s aad cures chronic c t-.e s where surgeons fal. It, is no experiment; its sales lucre tee through its cures, llv ry bottle guarnntoed. lb i.e f cent-- i.. hot ties, tube 75 cents. F. G. V e.-e. t'ouucil M tn't OitJ. 'i'he city C' unc:l met in ?paci:-l aes r.i a:., last evening and in tho absence of the ::.;, or 1 're.-id-.-rit Saltier presided. The Nebraska telv'p-hoiie ordiuance ;::i.i-t'n.g a charter and fixing the rat at v. max mum of $2 and $2 3- per mouth was pa:-.-el and t'e.e city's fcuit v-ii h'ln- vrn after th-j telephone com p ' ny agrt ad to p-.y a:l costs, together with cost.-" r.tler.dant upon tho pacitago of t ho oi aiiii a nee. As an externa! liuimeet of HiOj! von dcrful penetrative and curative; power Jtaihii tl's Sne.w Lineatn nt i.i not eq u by ?:;,' other in the world. I'rie . 25 and ,-i cets. F. G. Fricke. A Csrisaa Word Siiriirat. A Carman .!.ro--j;oijdeut cr-.aes to tlie rescne cf Lis countrymen, concern h:? whom wo e:: nro t;t:r; '-rise thr.t they should prefer to use a word of f. r.r .y. lables vhc-ii anc:hc:r word erpm -sir:;; the tame thing in 40 syllables v, aa available. He scri'-'a us a copy of The Koluische Vrllisr.citunT, in which ' e enrs a seotc-uco of 007 words, occupy ing f.f) liues of the newspiipi r. This word serpent occurs iu a I: judgment, and even tho priutcra got to hate it after setting up about 450 words of it. So they put in a fall stop, which., like a riflo bullet in the spiue of a b. a constrictor, killed the whole eentcti' ci. But it mr.-t really benicoto have news papers iu which you can begin to read a sentence at breakfast, continue it i:s the train and triumphautly reach the verb at office. London Globa. Kxpericnced. "Have you made up your mind jnrt what rmalitics you expect to tid iu a husband?" asked tho matron. "Why, of course." answered the maid. "Too bad. " commented the matroii with a sigb. "Why do you say that?" demanded the maiden. "Oh, I always hate to see yonng giils disappointed," ansvered tho matron. Chicago Post. Sandy's Ketort. The parish minister of O is a practical though not a cultured preach er. The other Sunday, when oa his way home at the close- cf tho afternoon serv ice, he overtook Sandy Smart, tho vil laga half wit, slowly trudging along, and, being a Lis of a wag, addressed hira as follows : "You've got an excellent pair of shoes ou, Sandy; bnt, losh, man, they're sadly iu need of blacking!" "Aye, .sir, " readily replied Sandy. "They're like yer seruions unco desti tute o' polish I" Dundaa Peopla'a Jour nal Roth Well Posted. There is a story current in Washing ton cf a charming girl whose partner said to her as iu v. altzing they just missed a statue of tho Venus cf Milo: "We mustn't deuce too near that or somebody will accuse us of breaking it. " The girl turned her lovely eyes on the st.'.lne. " Why," paid she, "sciuchody's bro':eu it alrriv. " Cc:-to:ev Iava you any Fconring eaiid? Gron-r lo, ns'i- -iatirtly oaS of it. Ccrtom'r V.'eil, ive me a half pound of your sugar. My tias have to be ecoura-rl today, no matter what it costs. Ilarlt-m Lif3. A Problem of the Jmam. It EC-cms rather odd that actresses anrl Binders cannot be wedded to their ait without boing divorced from thair hu bauds. Salt Ls)i,e Herald, For,. riAT-E A ;.-)od b Jrootn suit. Ca i .t this i.niiir-. UititV. In CouTitv Co'.'.rt. blare 0 Xibrn-U. In tiie r.iattt.r cf the ad 'pt-au af Ed,ria Fr-.nk- ; li.i r'r.nncr, a :.:uai cn.ri ol j allies I! . and Mat tie l'nimer. To lame: 'l i .lirr.. r and a'.i other persons i ri te: e.-.ted. notice is herel-y givea tl:at Jlsit.e C. I i'anuer lias tiled in said ca -urt-htr leliiiquh-i.ment ! cf sr-itd minor, to tl.e e:.d that he may L-c a.iop-el by lid vrn A. and Mary K. r-maii. You rre fur r.o.ilied that I-.d-vin A. and Mary K. ? ni'li. on the ii"th Jay oi ept'.-m'oer. hied in Miid coi-ri their petition far tlie adi ptiou of s'.ii nu-r.r-r. nrei that if yau faii to appear in said courr oi. the 1 -t day of .oveu.ber, A. i).. l.V.. at nine o' r ,ck a. m. . to contest the prave'- of raid pe". ! hi. the c-.urt may grai't the pr-.-.-r of said pe ii loo ai.d make su;: other ai.d furtlirr t rier? ai j ij.-rre.-s a? t-- the C'-urt may :ee::i pror.'.r, to t:.t-. li i triar said ;:,iii .r may be adopted by the said lid-.ii.i A. and M.-irv ii ij-uith. W iiar-s niv i and u:.d the seal of said court at tTHnshiMtitrr.- iVUi.iatds. dav cf Octo ber A Jh. 1 IW. liiiOR M Sj-LRLOCiT sea Coty JmdiLe. j LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Lscnl r'.'cc. ; . .'I. .t . I .1,11 i 1 i: ! . . -1! t 1 . 1 1 1 f ! . j ' if 1. Mm'ol.i ' :- .11. M 1: ..- -:.v I. .if. ; :..!.- I..,., i'ui . 1: ' I l ie :i lii.-r. Man ji. W a : M - 1 . ."- i J A a'J i.. I I:. 111 la..t a! - :.., i I . I V 1 1 a 1 a I A. 1). 1V-, I. all 111 til,: I, II I.' .. 111! I t ! 1, : . , a,l ll ! . .Ol , :, . !;. M,, .1 l ail I I .1 ( .. (jljci. '. J iirai 1 al i, it li 1 : ioi U-J ih4Ltit two.i. . !. f. t.l ., Il.asr lb La! ! . ut. wn lh nirrUvit .r:j ! cr !jD twv UJ, lh Uviiu Ui 11 tu oth.t iti Ciwrtt)cil k(arir yl tecu an I o ij, ana t hi uwrtu iiMil vt ini ujrtaMctt urttr wl it ttautli .t (,iur i.l:ctiju lo (.j. kit In Ijv. n.:i.y l...fc 1 g ta.tieeu llJ. iu L'utt c uut), .NtLirjiH 5iJ IHaltj.'c L-in4 tu IKUia '!' pjiU' 111 of i.uie lar ; 0 0 jc un or bclaic 1 cui uai y i li, JcKj. uti'l bornij; 10 fcr cut. In tel est ti -jtii in Ulc; tlie. e i t!uu u;i j!J nts I lie sual ol i'i I'J'i to pi. 1 It. 1 -!. unci it II a-kej 1 10 uclci'd...ii s la ami I..11J hc.J juui 'f aii'l liiiciktt tu r.iJ taut tit.irf.- claim -ml tin: s.t i.l ii.n l s'jia t llic .!in: 'l lic lul oi Joel unU pia'.el ol s.ail Jct . '. tali Is to loi ctla-.c .1 c. i l;i 11 li.'ii I tout r;i'. I ul il.tlc . pi il I , lvil. nil -i'i I li..t . ol l'. iv 1 Mill' -i It In! nil III n. I. '1 I'll ic . I. O' Si tl.Oll M I'll. Ill '.loVU-Ji t a c ; e I l-l. loiiitL'cu I I 1 1. in t.i-s taiaitv.N 1'Tik.U 0m UC.t III tl.'i ii.;h: ol W.l , ol the 11. &. M. i.iuia.ul. ivtli.a tMili tlati pail ol sk .1 lat oa t 111- tatst Miif al siinl I i lit -1 '. .1 li lliji llol tllWu.-t ol lluM iiivci t on tlie tin o al ut near the s.'iti J point oi buill toiuiiiaiii iJr-.M as " wnl.ow ili.l " It is c.i.iua lii i o is (luu on .iiit con t rat t an 1 liLCaue ol taiis paij on sari !aii 1 loilos day On- sum al ainl s.t id lan.l is ttkcJ tu bis so!. I to p;: v l!. -aiac. ICauitifl In t.wu nil the I i;hl-i. pr. pony real ami ui.uihI "I said Orcopan-. Caniji.iuy mat to be entitled to laie tlore h.ii.l r.iati tl. It i laither as. eil that each ami aa al ihe .icte.:d int.. in - u l uctloii be ud iudnud to have no iateie-U in any paitol said land. eo pt subject lo said niuilae and con tract. Van aie re.iiire. to answer -aid j.eti'ion on or beloie Moiid iy. tl.e :ith dty ol (Jetober.A. I). I -'.la, or oin ilel att:t Le enti.if.l and jud!- inei. I entered actoi'din;;ly i:g.t'l' ou and bald laud. ,'iN.M I. MO li. fMIIU, 1! Ins attorneys. Al.l.l.M lil ! son AMI JliSSh 1.. KOOT. Dated this llih di ol Setueaioei , A. U lixecutors ule. In the District Court of C-s county Nebraska. In the mat ter at the e. late ul r-an.uel A. llui I rook. deiaNi-ed Under and by t irtue of an order ol license to se.l t"e r. al estate lu ritiattei ties, label made in the above entil led c.i use lo I Ion. lias:! S Kaiu -ey j i li;e, on ihe IWili dat al Jul. Is,;, I .m1 on the :!Jdi d iv ol 'Ctaher. . I) iH'.iM. at ,U o clock A. M . at Ihe soui h dour ol tl.e com t la it -e 111 l'iatts moiith. e'ass county. Nebraska, otler (or sale the i!oi Ihvsest er al ; er I n t went y-t In ee, and tiie noriiiea-l ter of --ectia-i lv eiit - three, and the ea t h it al the uartheu t quai tei and tlnr Soiuh'.e t q ...t:ei i t I lie noitl.ear l (juarter ol lection twenty-two all situated in township twelve, ratine ten i ast 0 1'. M. ia CJa s cou .t. Nebraska. Caiit.iiiinjj about 40) acres. J he-e tracts ol land wiii be oflered separately, tilth.-ord-T nientioiied - ti I j 1 1 lo a lea e which ..-.xpues March 1st, ilHiU. 'J'he te ins ol sa ul sale are ca h, or one nail ca: h, p.iab e al the time of sale and the remainder la tliree eclu.ii pa , nients in one, two and i.'nee tc.iis .Mth inteie-t at not le-s than si.t: pei te..l :.t tue option ol i lie ex. cutor ol 3aal I'Sidlv o: .-.iuna:l it should be f j .nd lai tate the i r. n... terms het vin set tor .1. rai.ted i.ii'lvr '.ia: (; court aa ia i.'.:.; sul'icieat dvea l i.e tile paj mailt a! i he . tion ol sale. I i.e i ., : and aii hi..!-.. -.;:ecutor o.' th : : t.i .' i lo.lir ink de eased. U the b. -t ini. oa ihe J. -s . tar :-.ti ! :.-.iit. a. , ol ; I i!-.a:(!.li-. !e to ,1. I.Il.l .. ;-l a t i.l e: el vi I '..I - I.U..I . i - t i I the es A a e v ary '.he j may be wur- the ori.r of A i!d and ; put cha er on ..ii i canhrina 1 to r.-lu a- any . J .O'-V ' I.L, Hal i..iuit , de la ; att al in-y , ceaj-d. . W'lNOli ' ol O-. iaOr DaU-J tl US ,1; i. g'a! No! ice. In die l.istii.;t Louit af V-.-: (Jau 1. 1 y I ebi a sk a, I.uoiia 1C. I'u'k. I'ia'.ut.iJ. vs. i'. J. TaK.-ii, Ma.'fc'le A. Tat roc aad Al. "-i ' a n l .( , li' .;.;, '1 he di.fe::d.-.i.t. 1 . J . Tat..,.-, Margie A. '1 atroe and A 1. McClinlic v.-.i. '-.e u.-fee that on the 7 th day ol pie, v .!.. i ' .. i'a.K. the petiuoii, liii-d her peliiiaa in i-a- instii-rt (.'uiut of Cai'js County. A er I. - K n..a,.e.f i. i. I.urae, .'lay;;ie A. 1 ::t i oe s.n- A.. -n.l... air, :,. L ! :. I rva i !:u; unknav, i., the "hi ' p: oar. I A-hi. h an: ta larec.o.-e a C' il i..-. in ...eem.-.l by tiie do- leadanls, I.J. j a: . a Ni.i.: A . 'J'atr : ta J; i wui jear , and lv i..a. .;Smm . 1 1) .lie pi.'iiaiiti upon lo'.s twea y-ai.e ai.d U-.::iiv-W.') (--'. vi aae ol ' . reuir.v. a) i, O . ; .a re . .. .. nr.. -;: a. to St cui e t he pr via.:. . -i twa jaa;..; say i,.m.- lor :j."i,iKi an 1 c -'j. ' ! i r'i:.:;;a 11. 1 "'!. a- d due January 1 i 1 ' . 'ia i -m ;i umber 1 t i '-'; tiait liit-re is i:ov -:u. .-.;.( i u- oa sir'l : r s;id iiiorltii.te the ui.i oi .-a;. r.i.d int e: e.-1 ii mi the first day ol I icecinbt r. itj.'.i. ;tl the la'o i eiiii per cent per ai-.auiii. lar w i: sum and in terest the ; pr :a l..r a tie? tee oi loreei- s ure and Srtiu of sai . pr.-...i . s. Van a;u- reuriieu ta said p. tr.laa oa er i.e:ore ihe !4:h day of November, l iis Dated ihis 4 tit d i) of Ocio'.-t-r V-. I ( tl LA K. 1 Ol.K. 15 .' ' r , ;, her attorney. f: lt t 1 11 Mill'. I'.y virtue of an order of sale issued by 'Jea. F. Ilouseworlii. cieik oi thu- disirict court, within ana tor Cass coui. rected. I wiii on the at 11 o'clock :i. door of the court ho in said county. :..:: highest bidder far o , Ni-liraska, and to nie di- n 'My oi Naveiiioer, A. D. i ! said 'Jav at the so th e H: :h:c.ty of Plait IiioUth at '.u'-aic auction, to the i. fallowing real estate to-wit: The wet half i: . f , of sectioa iwa-a: iiaif Vi ol the :i r !.-.-a twentv-seveij ri.:.-l i-i i nine east of ti i'. M. . together with the pi i . . thereunto beloiiijin or The same beii i; ie:ed property ol T.'rjnias ! satisfy a iu itrement of ! 'he noii.iwest quarter - :;: i J and the ea?t t -j a a er of section , . ..jaa : iver, e 1 i i;inj;j : a s .a amy, Nebrasha. . i a purien i ces i a -i'i- a- -.; ;.; .riaillilig. up-iii ! ! .r:. i. as ti.e .cott yari a. . .'e.Kl. mis to courl r covered by Lydia U. Steiiitifj, plaintiil aa iit Sittd del ud- ants. iJ.a!tsiiiotith, Nebraska, Sept 50, A. (.. Mi. M. l : HKHLhK, Slieiifl. Cats county, Nebraska. C. S. I'olU, attorney tor plamtnt. A tits i I1 rator's iSiile. In the matter of tl.e Estate of Ch.nles Butler, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of n order of iJusil S Ramsey, judeof the Oistnct Court ol Cas countv, Nebr.isKa. rna ie on the 27 th day of ucrusr, lh:8. far the sale i.l the real estate hereinafter described, ihere wih b : sold at the south door of the Court House, m the city of Plattsinoutn, in said county, on ti.e Wth d.y ol October, if-, at 11 o'cle-tk. A. M , at public ven due to the highest bidder lor cash, tl.e lodowing described real estate, tu-wio the sauthwest quaiter.sw '-4) of section eight (Si, township ten (l(i). range nine 9 , Cass county. Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. Dated this 13th day of September, IS '8. MARliAKKT B UUTLF.R, Administratrix of the es;ats of Ohanes iiutler, deceased, O. S. r'OLK, Attorney for Estate Administrator's Sal-. In the matter of the Estate of John Cusack. de ceased. Notice is hereby given thr.t in pursuance of an order of lia-ii S. Ramsey , at the District Court of 1J ss C'junr v. e! ras;-:a, made on ihe iird day of Svitember. ifi--. f. r Wie sa.e ol ti.e real e; ta .e her.iarfte r (ia-c; :Le i. tj:e:e i;i re soid at the s.aith d s.'r vf the C .-u t ii-,t:se, i-i the city of l-'iat'sn-'. mth, 1:1 - rJ Co.. a;.. ti.e nth la ol (.) iuin r. lb i . a : iu ; ven r 2 ji ca-ii, tae f h.aAiny iV.;: Tiie ha.f m'i, . of se-liar: six i0). i..wu ae rj , ca s coui.ty, Ne il ore hour. due, t a the li.tjhert a, : J-d-scribed r.-ai e-ta'. j. t of tiie SUU'.irAc t i'i kV :4 ship eleven (11 '), r.nge 1. braska. Said srtai to rervlti p. iJirej tiiis Uav oi Adarnirtra. ;r. v::!; v,-r of f - ii V'zi:. 'ijra:i C, ii, Polk. Atrjr.ii 1 KF.k. e:-tate I ti To Lnurs Ann '. !c:n IhC. Ms. Wes'ey M. Wi.liams au.i wife. Mr:-. We-ley M. W.ii iams. Utne A. "'.V -...i.iir.s and Sidney S. Will iams, ri-' u-rc'id'iat ciefeiid-nitii Yt.Ti, ar.d eaen uf you. are hrre'y noliiied t:.3t on the .-ih -Jay of seiit.-riber. ; t'a.ri-ii-.outl! Lodge No. Ancient Or jer of'J Workmen. Cvi:til.ict;ce-i an action irain t y ;u in i!ie d.stri-.t co-ott of C'.iss c ..u:.'. , Ne 'ir.ska. the . i.iect nu'j pi:itrof wijici. r.rr to q'.r.j. iii.e ia piaii.f arid against sai.i jeieiiaar.l.-- ,n ard t . :-.t --ne (1 . ir, blr.Cii f0 ('.'. in city af i': "I'.'-rr.ainri. Crsi covr.ty, Nrb.rt.-:i a, ai.ti 10 L'ir ;ai i erMain ?:iid cie fe:"i:uts fr-j-n I.ivirr .r h.- an v t.tie 1 or c in s-,: - i.r a.,y lairi !; aareai. ard tar c i " liable 1 c -. :. '.': are rc'j .'Te i to answer said ! pllfaii a ! a . air;..., the Mi ;t ly c: 1-l.A T or; ;- n, :, AVfir.VT .- i a" ' s : a i. 1 K i i- s, ;r air.ri.ey. jj-se i Kr.ot. l.v j Ltr ?.l Aolicti. H. "1 . r-r'.cker, rir- t an 1 r-.-ai l.arr.e u rknov. :i ( and Frar.cir t... I'ani' n-.-r c-aincu 01 the ( j n.-cti-ut K.vtr r-".vi:.i ih'ti-n take notice ti,:-.t I the piatatin. ria-.rir, N. iJi-a-ot, fi-s t eun an I action in the 7)-s:r'ct cunt of Cass county, i Nebraska, er.f.t'.e-S. t i-.-.r.cis N. O bi. n v. l-cab j liursh e. a!, tieie: -'at,'.-. i"i v i.lch th. love t cained parties are t a. ie Je'en'r ard thrst the j object ol p-ayer in s-ai i p-. ; : .!-.:.. if ta fa a : niori.-.iie .-a ibe -- i -1 1 ..-!' :. : northwest q::ar- ter . 1 M.ctioT-. i'i. ? avi. iv. i -! "! ti e i.h ; P . M. mh' m..-i:aa;i- iis-.Mt.i' L..v.! by the said Jac .ii 1 ! ,.r a tv L.s.--j i.ini .-. tJi . . rii and : for zenera. relief r r. i -. a .-. e i.-q-; re i . an-Wer ' said p t i. on ouorl :-.e t s day u' Novem i ber. ls-v 1- h.anl.s N. Uihs..n, 1 iaintirf. t H. H. Vpiu Y. A -tor; ey. I Dated SsitiKr T, '.. A eooy to f.iAi'jr-nni l.ilaal I bV I I a-" vr.",'--r a-;.-T. ff i. .i r . . . -"... f it ft. ti ... t I jj . r , f i : :. :- i ; -. i f r-' wi -it t'3 :arh--.':(.-,l ,:.tVf. A Uzw Discovery for ihz CaU'm Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, TTTCIOUT PAIN. CUR US ALL OTHr.R". HfMlZ FAILED. Tubes, dy Mail, 73 centb; l:ottl3, CO Cento. nm F. B'LUBD, Sols Prc?r!dcr, - IIZ Ufa Vmt ST. im, K3. F. G. FRICKE CO. No Chean Goods A Nil wares, trhich w Kru mtrkg 'Sii.-.i-i i I Low Pi ioo-t. " Wo a ire rn.-u in Ui'i im-i r n i i li lni-in im I 'i.iitsmoiitli fur tho ;-i.L l -. i k : . : t, ;. ! i-af . '.;( blh4 a t'c-puliitu.ii fur. ... The Best Goods at fnc. ..Lowest Possible Prices. Thid is our mctto, our in vnriablo rulo, Jiiid wo do nut propoiu to ii-p;irt f'om il now. Our Spring rtocli M lar.-r nnd inoro coin- ' . .: , lloto this voar than ever. , .. . Wit :ire hh'o :i0'itn in l'liitlt mtnithliir tin cfl(lir.itc(J "HinoU (.'nt" liratid 'J'ripln Knei Stook- Com" in ami 8o us and wn ': iii! roat ;, ou ritrht. GOODS a,-! o:. THE LEADERS .. lit uKUutKy KrtUt ?! Akl.v A. H. WSOKBACH & CO. II IIY :: rry tho i: r t an-! mo-t thinr:' 'ir h 'in ' in'v''. Tlu-v pay f.toi fn'- rmr p; o.'h arid 'iv. thfi r cunto ' th ;? -;-lv,'!t,i';-j of ttaootii' oi.-:ou-!?-. A cumpi.-to lir.i of oh n noil coodn ' .' ay. in -co'.-. Tho r-y pi ;. i,-, tho whore you oa n j?i:t all kindiAf ' sh C'hi -O !.. (.ill !ll)'i tO'." us. L I, mXMMM & I. Waterman Blk. CEMONOFiiop F. G. Fricke &, Co. -l: - -' an V- v- m i i" 'IT'S ioiv priced, but highest rL: i r f c jiuiall-iti. Vc'c. ?.iy t-:csc .ire too EluCr y. iica tl.cra. 301.U 3 V X Pr- -r TYVSHirZ'Q CREAM VV ORMS 1 VERISSFUGEJ; )tuT tLQ i Saio SsuaS ru-hd uti is wml isU f- ujAjaiLiu. I SOLD A.XZi Ei.UGG23T3. ( irrcparedby sC JAfSS F. BAU,ARD, 8t. Louis. F. G. FRICKE & CO. n-H&mn ytwn n vrn Ci Kr---V---1f-1-r- "ijr&ZJtt.ttttto -ii TrtTnontly cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. Thj !.nund the best. Sold by druins on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cent r box Sample font fr on mention of this P"VSV"r lV " J Tv,rffa. .er uox. g WiiHSHAW. UiiSilU2H1i CO . frxith Bend. Iadlan CURE 'D GOCiWiS . :. jju- i mr cornau lino in ''m- cminty. Kyary- A FRIEND DF THE FAMILY. FOLEY'S HOmEY and TAR 10 THE CHEAT TEinOAT and LUrJQ RflSVlEDY. MAKE PAiMT FOR Barot, Floors, Cupboards, Furniture, Bti Tub, Buggies, Faria Twli, R. A pocial paint for eck ptfc pose, net on- slap-djjJi m ture for fair, honc-t ; ' . Vo'.t knw best p Youl at the