D R AT T ALWAYS IN THE LEAD T M i rn STORE Rsrc I 3 bin Oil! 9 is in ooys A Big Line to Select From UNHEARD-OF PRICES... Clothing at Suits up to 8 yr size, $1.00. Suits up to 18 yr size, $3.50. Suits up to 12 yr size, A nobby up-to-date $1.50. suit, $2.50, L'.saHi sold for $4.00. Din A nice line of Plaids 36-inch Percales, dark Special Sale for a Short Time. at O'r.. ftiiitahle for comfortables. styles, at 5c, to close out. NEW MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The Nicest 4 as Well as the Largest Line of or Ever Shown in Cass County, A Pull jne of Sailors and Walking Hats. We can suit everybody in Style and Price DON'T FAIL TO CALL s BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist No paper tomorrow Merchant' Carnival Whito's Hall tonigUt Tho war balloon mado a tino ascent at tho exposition grounds Saturday Tho Gut Ileil continued to head tho list as a fine 5-cent elsrar. A-ii for no other Ask vour dealers for th "White Sailor" cigar, manufactured by Frank Neiman. The onlv original Cole & Cole air tight heating etoves at Ebinger Hard ware company. If vou vaut to smoke tho be&t try Wurl Broa. Gut Heil. Tho finest cent cigar made Cash paid for hand pickod apples at T. Davis Co. Union I'.locK, Piatts mouth, Nebraska. A full line of Lisk's anti-ruet tin ware, warranted for five vears. at Eb inger Hardware Co A new back for an old one by using Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine for kidney ail ments. A. W. Atwood S. E. Hall & Son are outting a nevr roof on the Drew building, recently purchased by I. Pearlman A" bill will be offered when congress meets for increasing the regular army from 00,000 to 100,000 men The World's best 5 cent cigar, Wurl Bros. Gut Heil, strictly Union maae. Every dealer handles them. The prohibitionists candidate for eovernor of Pennsylvania is named Swallow rather suggestive. Don't miss the Merchant's Carnival at White's Hall tonight. Admission only 25 cents; children 13 cents. Charley Beeson as head of the whit tlintr quartette behind the scenes at tne opera house last night, made quite a hit DEPAR 1 MENT STORE Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. 3 SALE B SPEOIAIi ON FALL. DRESS GOODS ! AY have placed on our counters a big- lot of Fall and Winter Dress Goods Below Cost to Close Out Quick. Here are a Few of our Prices: 1 5f mm ALL WOOL NOVELTIES FORMER PRICE 30C NOW 19c. ALL V OOL NOVELTIES FORMER PRICE GOC NOW 39c. ALL WOOL NOVELTIES FORMER PRICE 50C NOW 35c. ALL WOOL NOVELTIES FORMER PRICE 40O NOW 29c. FANCY WOOL NOVELTY DRESS GOODS FOR 15c. --S- 'Ci.' c -v TiiJc ; !-,,- r:t-..'.f..,t Oniv.rfnnltv von 1in't this Season to buv a g-ood Fall or Winter Dress at a Remarkable Low Price on account of the biff Advance in all Woolen Goods. We have on Display by far the Finest Line of Dress Goods Ever brought to the City, comprising all the Newest Novelties in BLACK CREPONS, from 50c to S1.9S per yard, SATIN BERBERS, HENRIETTAS, SERGES, BRILLIANTINES, POPLINS, VENE TIANS. SUITINGS, COVERTS AND BROAD CLOTHS. NEW maids. Latest Designs. All the latest designs in Colored Dress Goods at the Lowest Prices The mandolin club will play at the Merchant's Carnival in this city to niffht at White's ODera house. Don't fail to attend. The weather bureau started jubilee week out very nicely with a light rain to lay tho dust and plenty of sun shine to follow. C. Dutas, the republican candidate for secretary of state, was in the city Saturday evening getting acquainted with Plattsmouth people. One hundred and seventeen coaches passed through this city up to noon today bound for Omaha, and more are coming by special trains this after noon. Joe McCaig drove in from his place, a distance of twenty-eight miles, today and whs doing business with some of the merchants who advertise in the News. The president saj'3 Spain must get out of Porto Rico by October 18, and he usually' makes his word good, for behind it is the army and navy of the United States. By a recent ruling of the depart ment, postmasters are allowed to talk politics. An exchange says the public will be glad to learn there is no law against carrying elm clubs. The roar and rumble of special trains on the B. & M. and M. P. roads seems never to die out, as the crowds of people from the east and south are being whirled away to the exposition. A. II. Wechbach & Co. today re ceived 600 bushels of choice South Dakota potatoes which they will sell cheap from the car. Call at the store at once and make arrangements for your winter supply. A colored preacher once remarked: 'In dese days ob hoseless carriages, skinless girls and sinless sinners, it would be better fo de motality of dis yere congregation if der were lew more chickeniess chicken-coops.-' The presidential party left Wash ington over the Pennsylvania road at 9. o'clock. The train was a handsome one of four cars, including the sleep ers, Socratese and Dromio, the dining car Gilsey and the combination car Brutus. At Canton, where the tram is scheduled to arrive at 9:10 tonight, the Campania, with President McKin- ley, will be attached. Tne party is scheduled to arrive in Chicago at t o'clock tomorrow morning. AS THEY COMtS AND GO. The Merc hum's Curulval. A fair sized uudiunco grootod ihf&o who took part in the Merchant's Car nival at tho opera house last night, and which with change of procram. will bo repeated again thin ovonlng. MUaRedford sang nicoly, ard Mihs Nettie Waybright gavo a recitation. Some of tho characters woro especially good. Miss Kroehlor, rourorunting Uilly Haalor'B blacksmith shop, was fine; Minnie White, wearing no end of diamonds and jewelry, represnnted J. T. Coleman. August Bach's meat market, represented by Rertha Lloyd carrying a live pig in a shawi utrap captured the audience. A. V . At wood's representative was also espec ially good, but there were so many deserving of special mention that wo cannot give them. The following is a tilptpil list of the firms with the name of the young lady who ropro sen ted each: F S White, Myrtle Worden A W Atwood. Stella Boyd Vienna liakei y. It A McKlwain. Ethel Dutton The Fair, Lottie Calkins Ebinger Hardware Co. Ida Weidman Gering & Co, Anna Critchheld Parmele Savings Bank. Blanche l'oisall 1 Pearlman, Mamie Pine W J Koon, Ua ttie Jenkins J R Cox, Maud Hurley Julius Pepperberg, Edna Marshall Streight & Streight, M Wells Mrs Kankins, Mrs O Hiatt J W Sage, Rose Batten J Waterman, Anna Kepple J W Crabill, Eva Harvey Evening News, Miss Osborne Frank Morgan, Miss Mauzy Herold & Son, Edna Harvey John T Coleman, Minnie White Heisel's Mill, Miss Carlyle Perkins House. Alma Larson Hotel Plattsmouth, Anna Goos Fitzgerald Baru. May Bates E (J Dovev & Son, Jessie Roberts Bennett & Tutt. Edith Buzzell Department Store, Maggie Warran Wm Smidtmann, Nina Beal J I Unruh, May Bates Lehnhoff Bros. Mamie Graves Mrs Street, Minnie Lillieberg J lliatt, Sornet Corey C E Wescott. Cora Jones Peterson & Kunsman, Emma Robbins Snyder & Co, Maude Eaton Hotel Riley, Miss Royal Kuhney's Barber Shop, Agnes McCarthy J H Thrasher, Lillie Martin Byron Clark. Clara Batton Pearl Laundry, Post, Laura Fellows F M Richey. Margaret Wells A Bach. Bertha Lloyd W Hassler, Susie Kroehler National Bank, Lizzie Stultz Jones' Livery, Lulu Leek M Archer, Bel e Martin Cass County Bank. Dela Wells IS E Hall. Rosella Hall mi VJ 0 Good H I III if I 1 1 1 1 1 1 V I nTTTTTTTTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnnTTnnTTTTTTnntnwTTWTTtnTTnmfTTTTTTTTTTTTTIT! aiiUAiiiiiUUuiiUuauuuuiiUiiuuauauiiuuiiuiiuuiiAAuuuuuuuu to We call special attention to our elegant liue of Silks and Dress Trimmings. New Braids from oC per yard up. Parasols, ive oV-r Special Bargiins at $1.00. 1.33, $1 50, SI. 73, $1.83, $2.00 and $2 30 to close. New Line of Outing Flannels, 3c. P.onnie Doon Flannels (the new material for Dressing Sac'ucs, .Sec.,) Mo. Flannels for Wrappers, Tc. Best Quality of Prints, including SIMPSON'S at 3c -m ALL DEPARTMENTS NOW COMPLETE - CARPETS On Oct. 1 we will have our new line of Carpets ready for inspection. On account of 2 our large business in this department last spring we have put in a still larger stock this fall and will comprise an cleg uit line of Mo-iuetts, Axminsters, Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains at very Low Prices. SIIOL2 DEPT. Free Tablets and Pencils with all Schoel Shoes. We are having a special sale of Ladies' Slippers at 3itc and 73c. Our new line of the celebrated lUuld Hand Sewed Childrens Shoes just recoivei. WRAPPERS The largest line in the city. New styles in Flannelettes, Per cales, Calicos, Visit our Grocery Department, inspect the Finest Display of Lamps we have ever shown in the city at prices from jl.::3 to $10. Mima immiiimm m m uiiuuiuimmuiiummm rv News5 40c er Month Fred Lehnhoff was attending business in Omaha today. Mrs. W. D. Messersmith is attend ing the exposition in Omaha today. Commodore Toliff has gone to Om aha today to see the great stock show. and have a hand to hand battle with the Indians for the sake of a little ex ercise. James Rouse, the popocratic candi date for representative, was in town todav looking after his fences. Jim is like the boy who fell out of the baloon he wasn't in it. Elder Martin Christensen, jr., and Elder Henry W. Valentine, Latterday Saint Evangelists, from Utan, arrived in the citv Tuesday evening and will hold meetings here if they can obtain a suitable hall. S. II. Kenason of Springview, Keya Paha countv, one of the early set tiers of this county is here on a visit d Steve Cecil after ao ab- sesco of twelve years. He reports re publican prospects very bright up that way, and thirks populism on the wane. Evervbody should arrange to attend the Merchant's Carnival tonight. This mill h..nno nf thrt heat and most novel enterrainments ever given in Platts muuth. A fine program has been ar ranged, and an exceedingly enjoyable time is in store for all who go. Ex ercises begin at 8 o'clock and close at 10 o'clock eharp. Admission only 25 cents; children 13 cents. There is oo need of a man being idle these times, if he has nothing else to do he can start a newspaper and soon become a blooming plutocrat. Buck Houck rides a horse that is more dangerous than a Spanish bat tery. This morning Rainey, the bar ber, walked up behind the horse which was near the old Mathews corner and it turned loose both hind feet catching T?ninv in the stomach with a blow tba- would have sent him to the othe world had he not have been so cloe to the horse. After a few somersaults tK i.-inioa emi nn nnrl found ne was I1VU w- J notserioua'y injured, but he looked likn nnthimr would Dleae him better than a chance to swat tne horse good and plenty with a biacksnako whip. Important. T Vi-.vo a-nno to h. ureal, deal of ex- pense to set a machine for silver p'at iner. and am now ready to uo plating of all kinds of table ware at the follow ing prices for a week only to inlro duce work: Knives and Forks (twelve pieces). ..$1 ) Tea Spoons '' Table Spoons All other ware in proportion. warrant plate for five years everyday usage. .J no. l . ijolejia. Jeweler. A vl nahlo nrize will be awarded the vouns ladav making the best dis play in the Merchant's Carnival to be held in Whites Hall tonight. Fifty four of the most enterprising business firms of the city will be represented by fifty-four handsome young ladies No one can afford to miss this great treat. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Mystics Attention. rnrl Cnst.lft Nft. 1; Will hOld a meeting in Dr. Cook's office Tuesday fivftn nir. 11th. at 8:oUO ClOCK. niceis are especially requested to attend. By order of Repent. A diseased liver declares itself bv moroseness, mental depression, lack of energy, restlessness, melancnoiy rnnstitiAtion. Herbine will re store the liver to a haalthy condition Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke A jolly good time is in store for all who attend the Merchant's Carnival tonight. Fine music, recitations, drills, colored light . tableaux, etc Come and bring your friends. Au mission only 25 cent; children 15. Special Trin. The Burlington toule will run a ononil Jrnin lo accommodate those wishing to return f om Omaha Wed nesdav. Train leaves Omaha at 11 p. m. October 12. Those wishing to the momnir festlVlt'eS Can QO SO and return same evei ing Oysters! Oysters! Rv the the cun. rr served in any style at Schiupp-eai. e's. Legal .Notice. State of Nebraska. ss in County Court. Cass County. ) f Krlwin Frank lin Palmer, a minor child of James H. and Mat ;. i : Fainter. To lames H. Palmer and ail other persons in terested, notice is hereby given that Mattie C. Palmer has filed in said court her relinquishment of said minor, to tlu; end that he may be adopted by Edwin A- ana mary r. c-nniu. .... ther notihed tnat tawir. a. ana maiy f'""! on the 'tn aav oi rcpicmuci, io, mw w "' court their petition lor the adoption of said mi nor, and that if vou fail to appear in said court on the 1st day of November. A. L)., 1x9a, at nine o'clock a. m.. to contest the prayer of said peti tion, the court may grant the prayer pf said pe tition and make such other and further orders and decrees as to the court may seem proper, to the end that said minor may be adopted by the said Edwin A. and Mary E Smith. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 11th day of Octo ber A L IsfS. George M Spcrlock, seal County Judge. Jr yjt ! l W vx XA & X xr m ja & x XX & J XX xx XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX One Price I i I r 13 xx 8 I XX Hunt:. US w TTTTTTTTwwfTTitTTTTTWTTTTTtTrtmnTVTYtTnTTTTTTTTTyTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTntTTT iiuiAuiAMuiiUiAuiiUUiAiiiiiAuaiiauaiAiAuaauuiiuaiiiiuauuuuiiii E'VE BEEN TELLING YOU a lot of good things about our Men's Suits for FALL and WINTER Wear. Now, we don't expect you to take our word for it. There is an easy way to settle it for yourself Call and ask to see what we adver tise. If we can't do better for you than others can, you can have... Your Money Back. XX XX and no Monkfy Business. XX XX XX XX XX When Marc ?lntonij said : it riends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears ! " Tha )robabljj did so. ask like indulgence on the part of the people throuh- V out Cass county. This request is tor your oi. as wen as our own. In the new. . . .... ORDER OF KXKRCISES .... WE PROPOSE TO HE ISIore Ag-gressive, More Progressive, To Hit Harder, Bore Deeper, Build Higher, Stone Ballast the Roadhed, Broaden the Gaugx-, Use Heavier Rails, Improve the Equipment, All of which leads up to what we wish you to do, viz to Jno. T. COLEHAN, Jeweler, Second Door South of Postoflice, Plattsmouth. ? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 43 43 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? I? 4? 4? 4? 1 New Millinery Store The Finest Line in the City, Everything- Bright and Xew, Direct from the Centers of Fashion, ..Under the Management of.. MISS a NINA n TUCKER THERE HAS BEEN OPENED TO THE PUBLIC A Fine Line of IN THE UNION G. Fricke's. Millinery, BLOCK, which it will pay Next door to F you to visit MISS EVANS, a lady of experience, from the east, will have charge of the Trimming- de partment. - . - The public invited to call .... MRS. L. J. RANKIN, PROPRIETOR, Union block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska XX I I l IP i i t i i lh l t I IP IP 4 iP IP IP IP IP IP tP IP IP IP IP bp IP IP IP IP iP IP hp IP IP IP IP IP