SEMI EEKJLY H PLATTSMOUTH, NEH.. OCTOBKK 7. 18JKS. VOL.VI. NO. Ml. TIIK 111 KAU. I A.rll I I. . f '"'H" 1. !.. 7: SHOULD TRY TO SUCCEED BY MERIT; XOT BY E:11'0R. Old Maxim. Midi LULU 3. tw r Tnlno l Any advertisement not founded on Merit is valueless. When we set forth our claims in cold type, it is because we seek your business, and in reaching out for your business, we make ourselves alive to its requirements. Your needs are sure of being met here. No delav, no doubt, no lack in Quality or Value. We are a dependable source to all who wish to secure the best that is going at Best Prices. Prints and Domestics. FOIl months thu work ol vu KK l'KKi-sl' 1:1: buying hns rono on to Iruid on our foun t-rs ;i lot, of St i .o Mi-mi-ih rui i-o which wo am able to sci 1 at tin; rumariv b!o p. in our history 10 i u-o's Si in pf im'.s Uuurk ami Whit.' prints. (bo.-,t undo) at ''- a yard. 1 caso napped bark I't'int'-i) Isanti:!, -ri . 87 pK-cos "X'ictin i'' ami 'iusian K I ;" ;.l " -X tra hft.ivy I'rint'-tl L'iitn:.-1-Htl.s, at exactly 1 1 ) - i i w hobs I 'I! ;st 7o uyafil. 1 ivio .'! i neb IVira'i-, hti-.vy, at 7i: a yard. 1 ;:t-i S;i n'ii t i mi n .- in all hih coloi-s and beautiful tints, extra nici for comforts, formerly sold at HHi. a yard but bought by us i.t a prieu that etiabieH Us to sell i! at 7ii" a ya-.l. Outing and Shaker Flannels. '1 caOi "EiliMl-h FhtimfU'ttx," u typical IHo rln'.li, at Sic. li.-au iful, .mft, tleei'.v foods f-leeiel:y a(ia.t (1 lor nit hi i;owns. Outint,' l'l .t.nels, Sh iker rVinnels, otto:) l'an!i'li arnl ether o..ds in this clar-.s. vV'e have. . xcelleii' v . Iij.-s at .'tie. -le, ai;, tjo.; 7e. I'Jiy ii-8.rtm.-iit. of Stand -rd Fast 'o'or I'rintsin (iei tna-. iUu -s, Turkey ll-d-, Kobo S I)-ess Siyb fi, So, id Colic s, etc. S .Id fUowhoro sit f om oc t. ' 7c, U'- p. ice f. .r ;. -1 i ro .-.sso. t men t 4c .; y.-1 u. Linens, Linens Wo have rcc i ved n cut i rel new and an except io 'tally mx line of Table Linen- anil fo wo s d. ' cct f r iu i m p rl -rs at prices very much under any thinu' that vvi- ha v been a bie to olTe b-fo.o. If you need anything in th'9 line, five us a call and ict us price them for vou. Our space 1'ei-e is too limited. Dress Goods and Silk Dep't. All the I m test and popular style-, in d shades in I.-or- Goads, at a of pricoi from ldc a ya-d for a half-'we.o!, doultlo-fo-.d Novelty to .".o! a yard for hih cImSs Imported Crej.oun. Two Special Dress Goods Bargains. 1 counter full of ali -wcoi, :;(-ii e!i Neveltie, worth ti to ode. Your choice 2:5c a yard. 1 counter full of 'M inch, 7"c t l Mov 1 ' Ye : r c a i ice for 1'.C. IN THE Cloak IDepartrpeiit We place on Sale Sonic of the Latest Styles in . . . . ..Jackets Ladies', Misses' and Children's At Prices Much Under the Omaha Kxposition Prices. ( A 1 1 ypiiirxc n French Seal, Black Martin, Astrakan, VOllcll LllLb (Mink, and, in fact, all the Popular Furs. Ran'in- in price from.. $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 to $15. rCall or write for our Catalogue. . . SILKS, SILKS. The best collection i f Silks to be found outside of Lincoln or Omaha, in liUick Fancies, I'laiti ami Kveninjr Tints. A pretty iino of Tappatiis nil silk, very popular for underskirts, linings, waists, etc., 'worth usually 7-")C Your choice -rUc A bi it purchase of 1 Slack I3roc:ides, especi illy rood for overskirts, easily worth 7 c. Hoc and $1. Your choice for Fancy Silks for tri tntniti? :ind waists, 2-tc a yard Hnd up. UNDERWEAR. Men's, women's and children's Fit 11 and Winter Underwear. The 1 it-eest and most complete stock in the city of all kinds and qualities. We huv our Under wear by the case, while others Vuy hy the do.en. Winter Winter Underwear, Un d i-r wear Men's heavy from 20c upward. Ladies' heavy from 20c upwards. Children's Underwe;tr, union suits etc.. at from lilc a garment for all upwards for heavy winter weights. In the Blanket Department. 1 1 l: lit,' N IKK1 pair 10 I Cotton lil4iLvt. pi-i ial pi ire for os r I-p k oii! a tl." Trni.nk.j- 1)1 v low pt ico f cents per pair Nut nun r t U live p;n i t o a ruMlonin . Iii';itji till not tied 10-4 Cotton I'.UnkclH, soft, rirh colornm anM pretty Impli-nnir. rpii i.iti v nn i- l"t hutli and louinjaiu roll on. Fot niri I y tuM at l .'-i t jiatr now 7 ' i-nt ,,ia .,, n kct.s Irinn tilt ieiit-4 tipwaiil. I!cd Comforts at from AO cents npwatil. All wool !'.laiiki't. too many kiml" ami ipinlitii's to h .1 m tin - 1 1 1 k 1 1 I -. ji.., . In.t i.l to meet any local or Omaha price. .I I'.lno I ! A 111 ! Carpets, Lace Curtains, Draperies. An entire new stock ol (Jar pets. ; Curtains, I'i aperies, ( il Hot li ami I .iii iii-iiin . All om stock ol above goods ol last spring was lama;eil Ijy last July's Mooil ami soi l out " ,l,i . ml clean" at our July "wet goods sale," o our present stock li all new patterns, IjookIjI at a time uhen tlm inaiket was at its loe-t etib, so it you want anything in the above ilepa'tmeiit tive 11 a ( ail and we will do you good. We have the laigest and most complete line ol Diapenes, lac- ,'n 1 1 a in., Sillc.'iliiie. Cpliolstur's Cloth, .Scriinni Damasks, I enims, etc evri drought to J'.attsinou' li Wet Goods. Wet Goods. We have lemuiuing from our tlooded Ijasrineiit last July u lot ol Wintei ,M ei j i ., nln h we did not put on sale during on r ' Wet (ioods Sale'' in July on account ol the misca xni.tlilu iml ui a of tlie goods. I'hinkiug we could dispose of them to detter advantage in their sea on a iaigr sec tion of our basement was used to store unseasonadle goods, and hi these mi i pi ,m ph: Jo . oi l in i i-d W e now intend to put them on sale at lacrilice puces. lrtai) pair of men's, Vomen's mid children's K udders. An tn s. Jill .Shoes, w ,u m M.ppcr . just as good as ever to wear but not quite so pretty as they weie. Child's J" cent Rubbers, 10 cents. Misses' and Hoys' X cunt Kubbcis at I ! i ml . Ladies' til cent Rubbers at IU cents. Men's M cent Kudbri s at i ent . Arctics, Warm Shoes and Kelt Goods in l'ronoi tion. -o lbs. Fie icher Knitting Vara at l."( cents a skein, worth cent ., as good ,n lbs. Spanish and Saxony Varus that sold for flic, l.c, and '- i nut i a xkeui. yom Inn ... . 'A cases Men's Women's and Children's Winter Underwear, which only need the w. h tub to make thcin as good as new, but wc villi sell them at about one half then wholesale o .t. One case Children's t Inderw ear, worth f i om 'J." cents to ,r0 eent - a g.u nun t , y,u i i h - - I ' ent, all sizes. 1 case Men's I'nderweai, worth fioin Hk to $1, your chon e i cnt I case Ladies' L'nderwvar, at 1! cents, worth up to TiO rents. Ladies' and lVIisses' Jackets. :tWI of these gt incuts from la-t season that we weie cat i ving inn and ha t cut ,i Inli ne! y pa' r I in the basement. As there is no inutei ial change in styles since but sua -ion, all they m- I i i . II It 1 pressing to make them as goo I as ever. 1 he c;it nig jualities aie ail thei - We will -,i-!l I hem al your own price regardless ol cost to us. 150 Spt ing anil Fall Wraps, worth from : W to 4.10, in this lot v will give y.u In- - I n !s cents each . 1 case ri-o.. Cotton Manuel, slightly soiled by the mud, world .'()!-, for I II, cent . 505-507 MAIN STREET. 4 1MB BOW PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. New Miiimepu Siore! MRS. O. F. UTTERS ACK Has opened a select line of Tillinery in the basement of the Bank of Cass County Building, consisting of Latest Styles in Hats & Bonnets RIBBONS, ORNAMENTS AND TRSIVTMINGS The nicest line of velvets, in all the late shades, suitable for dress trimming-, to be found in the city. Our prices are low, and with an expert trimmer, we hope to merit a fair share of your trade. Please call and inspect our stock before purchasing. "We can save you money. MRS.O. F.-UTT iv3 UNDER BANK OF CASS COUNTY FOR FINE FOOTWEAR There is no place like a KBS3 ip3S3 ESSZa ESSip Joe rt i z hi VA The best class of goods to be found in Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper per pair. We make a specialty of High Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are glad to have you come in and see our stock WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. An Immense Line of FALL and WINTER SHOES in, that will suit all classes of purcasers. We paid the CASH and will give you the benefit of heavy DISCOUNT. COME IN AND SEE US... JOE XTlSrrZli:JK., 413 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb. A Serious A--iient. l'ii k McNurlin met with ;i vecy painfui : ccident Monday evouin,r, whie'i may chu Mm to hs lame the rt'st if hisdttyr". He was driving' down !)M.e! hill with Lias tools for moving luiufcs on his wnyon. 'i iio hill is vet y tei!p, and tho trucks, chains-, etc., e-ran to slif) forward out ) the mules, and they tearan to run. luck was ritandinsj where he saw ho would be thrown hot wien the mules, and so he jumped cut of the wagon, and iu light ing he broke u bone in hi-1 right heel, and s-tove the ank'.e boned up into the lleh rn iking a very painfui wound. Drs. llungate and Butlor were called and ti.ey -ay the broken hones ouht to he cut cut, but Dick is troub led some with his heart, and he is sif rn i.l to t:ike chloroform, but he has nut m-ido up his mind yet wh;it to do in the matter. Weeping Water Re publican. 1 it Siu tlt l'ox? The News bears quite a pan icky feeli-.ig has been brought about at Nebraska City over something very simil ir to t-matl pox, and the whole town is being vaccinated. The dis ease is said to have been brought from Texas. We trust they will not have the serious time we had in this city a few j ears ago. Some think it is only chicken pox. Ours was Ger man measles until it had spead over the town. 0td rtliow Iy. October 17 i Odd Feilows day at the exposition and the ledges of this city will attend in a body. They will in vite a' 1 visiting Odd Fellows and rnem betsoutin the county to join them. At Omaha a sc uvenir badge will be furnished, and the day promises to be of unusual pleasure to the fraternity. It is their pro tout purpose to meet at thtir hail, in the Fitzarerald block, a d march to the :'3- I. & M. mo: n i t. r train in a bod v. Crnm Stewart h-ad been reading of the cipture of the Spanish islands so ho filled ur with extnict of corn and armed with a machete or corn knife, he bolily ventured down to the island d tr ain of Col. Gochinour below the oridge. The colonel was not sleeping in his trencnes, and the valiant Stew art's coupe ue main failed at the first charge. His threatening altitude and noi-sy war whoops caused the owner of the mesne much vexation and he is now seeking redte-s by hdvinsr a war rant is-ued for Stewart's arrest, al though the latter retreated in good form and did his enemy no physical harm. e inl Low Kates. The M. P. will sell round trip tick ets to Omaha on the 8th and 9th for Missouri day for 50 cents. Remember the dates. It Wan a I'rost. Gov. llolcorab spoke at Schuyler 1? st night in the opera house, and al though that town has been strongly demopop the hall was not half full, we are informed by a gentleman who was present, and that the audience of 150 boys, men and women gave a very chilly reception. The expleded doc trines it is found like powder that lias once been used, cannot be used again to ; dvanlage. Bogus reforms from the antimotiop' pass holders don't go any mote, and every day a rousing re: publican victory this fall is made more certain. The Iowa telephone company, which controls the telephone exchange at Gienwood, has a big suit on its hands at Shenandoah, whero suit has been brought for $10,000 damages by the paruts of a young man who was re cently killed by coming in contact with a 'live" wire. It soems the tele company had allowed an old wire to remain suspended fiom a pole which upon being connected with an electric light wire in some way had caused the young man's death. A similar acci dent was narrowly averted in Glen wood several months ago, and the moral is to beware cf wires, especially in wet weather. Gienwood Opinion. A diseased liver declares itself bv moroseness, mental depression, lack of energy, restlessness, melancholy and constipation. Herbine will re store the liver to a healthy condition. Price '') cents. F. G. Fricke. It turns out that Harry Stevens the man who worked in the shops here lor some time, and who forged two checks at Gienwood as report- d in this paper at the time, was a bad egg. He had teen out of the peuiteutiary ody a short time when he came here to work. Nothing has baen heard from him since he left Gienwood, except that he was seen ij Lincoln the next day. ihe chances for his capture are slim. Thieves whe broke into the barns of several farmers near Tecumseh last night will be tracked by blood hounds and it is to be hoped that their cap ture may be effected. Heft Line of (stoves ou Earth. iv.und Oak. and R idient Home ba-se burners, Quick Meal and Buck Steel ranges, and Cole's air tight 6toves at Ebinger Hardware Co. m m M If II m m km School Shoes Good and Cheap. look out m m m li lsM: rail M El; frJi m Hi iiai That your children are well shod, for it might r : THERIA entering your family. Dry feet save 'J. , . o: :j. BEWARE that you are not BAMBOOZLED anin and buy your Shoes at the Old Roliable Regular Shoe Store. THE TIME IS NEAR when we will have wet, sloppy weather and that's what tests a shoe, so be careful you don't get 'em with paper insoles and counters or they will surely collapse. Take our advice, let us help you select you shoe and you will come out winner. WE'VE GOT 'EM! What? Why, SCHOOL SHOES, of course GOOD AND STRONG at 95c, $1.00, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. In all shapes, styles and varieties of leather and warranted to be SOLID LEATHER throughout and sewed up FREE OF CHARGE should they ever rip. We have a CUR0SITY in shape of a SEAMLESS SHOE for YOUTH'S, BOYS and MEN which can NEVER RIP. SEE 'EM. 9 REPAIRING. no. n .13 MMMMMMMMIMMMM I ROB'T SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER te rn IE is U2J 121 m Self m. 5SJ m m is ISl M m m m m m Si m ssk Isf You may bridle the appetite, but you cannot bribe the liver to do its work well. You must be honest with it, help it along a little now and then with a dose or Herbine, the best liver regulator. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke, fcubserite for The News the best paper in the city. Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oat3 and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. lines and we Invite our frlendi to look It over. We will enJeavor to please you. Call .nd see us. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successors to Letry Boeek. ) PLATTSMOUTH NEE HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor ttulldcr. Contracts taea for the erection oj Rtsidesces Barm an-i any kind of carpenter work, In part of the county. Cail on or addrest.... HAKVEY HOI.r,OWAT. I'latUmoqth. Nk THE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates SI and $1.50 ner Dau Centrally Located and Com fortably FurDiebed. PLATTSMOUTH EBRASrA