SlEMI AT. JLt 3 PL ATTSMO UT 1 1 , NKH.. SKITKM IHIK I.?, i j VOL.VI. NO.K2. THK NKWH. KHtablnhod Not. M8UI. ' Connl,lat1 J.m 1 lnr, TUK IlKUALD. Ktblmhd April 10. ,Wt. ( Onnolldated Jan. 1. 1H.I.. WEEKLY 1 This Space Belongs to the Firm of SNYDER & CO., Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. - No Cheap Goods No shoddy wares, which wo aro mirking "Special Low Priced. " Wo have boon in tho mercantile busine-s in I'lattaraouth for tho nast twonty-eight j-ears: and liuvo established a reputation for. . . . The Best Goods at inc.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. i This ii our motto, our Invariable rule, and wo do not propose to depart from it now. Our Spring stock is larger and moro com plete this year than ever. We are nolo agents In Platt mouthfor tho celebrated "Black Cat" brand Triple Knee Stock iDjja. Come in and nee us and we will treat you right. Tdidip Knft- f ATH5R STOCKING''' EH05HA Make UltY GOODS AVD GltOCJSltUSS $ 40 00 17 WO CO 00 1 no 19 11 34 57 40 00 7 05 CO 00 40 00 ;."4 tin ;i07 24 S 40 10 00 50 00 is s:5 25 15 (.0 22 20 2 70 .tor sv r SHERWIN- WlLLiAMS C MAKE PAIIM1 FOB Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tool), Etc. A special print for each pur pose, net one s'.ip-d.ish mix ture for oil. Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest i : ;. You know our reputation. We say these are the best pauiu " 1. You'll say so too after you have used them. SOLD BY F. G. FRICKE & CO. I i r i JL FOLEY'S HONEY TAR 19 THE OR EAT THROAT and LUNQ REMEDY. T For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO .. THE LEADERS .. IN THE GROGERY TRfl ARK A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass county. LVery thing freah and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their eusu aiora the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of c;inn-.l goods il ways in stock. The only place in the city where you can get uli kind o' -ib Chea. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & . Waterman Bik . Zuckvjciler & Lutz Continueto doa Ieadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Council Proceeding. The eounci I ixiet in regular esion lut evening, UH members present ex cept J. M. Dove. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved, A petition signed by Mary Fitzger ald, V. V. Leonard, and other proper ty owners, Biking to have Hewer in block 23, lowered ao aa to drain the cellars, wan placed on file and the clerk ordered to advertise for bida to do the work. Tho city marshal reported eight arrests for the month, four were com mitted to jail, two paid their lines, one gave security for payment and the other paid by working on htreet. The police judge report showed same with a receipt for 810 paid the treasurer. The treasurer's statement showed only id, 174 on hand with business. tax arid road fund overdrawn and il agreed that hereafter no moro street work should bo done except by I oil tax. ! Tho following bills wero allowed: l'J ll.inscn K Kildow John I.oetel Clans l'.oetel Dan Kice John (jingery N'aptha Supplies I oti ii Murray 1) M Graves J M Johns Chas T Dabb , E M kichey. lumber Ceo I'aisall, grading . J Mull, hay Chas M Morrissey (ias& Electric Light Co E K Hilton A II Weckbach & Co. coal , S Stribbling ; J M Dove 1 Kli Jtmes ; Kbinner Hardware Co 'i 50 i Freight 1 Vi I l'eter Munson 1 20 (iid Archer 15 00 M McCool 22 95 C V bhultz 11 40 J I'artrulge 13 90 i'-binger Hardware Co 1 5 Robert Carnes 7 SO Win O'Neill -i "0 1. Kildow a 75 John Janda Ii 00 K Kesinger 1U HO M Sheldon 22 85 M Archer, uncollected costs 11 2(J Win Hassler 11 70 Public Library for August Kl T. John Waterman, lumber hi First 6treet near Ir. Reinhackle's whs ordered fixed. Mr. Rebal called attention to a bad place on Four teenth and Vine streets which was ordered fixed. Some side walk reso lutions were passed fo" walks on south side lots -3-15, KiS and west sido lota S, 9 and 10. Tho mayor was called out and president of the coun cil John 1'. Sattler took tho chair. Hinhaw called atten'.ion to a ditch on D.'.v between Ninth and Tenth, which; was ordered filled. After some discussion P. J. Hanson was placed in full charge of all street work with instructions to keep a care ful account. On complaint of Hin shaw the electric light near IleisePs mill was ordered moved twenty feet south so it would throw a better light along tho street. Rock street between Fifth and Sixth wvs ordered widened out with poll tax work. The store house crossing ordered rebuilt, and Pearl street to be filled in between Fifth and Sixth and a bridge approach to be filled on Dyke street. Several washouts were ordered ropaired. Af ter a talk over the financial condition of the city the council adjourned. IJtniopop Argument. "Under a republican administration Nebraska state warrants were at a dis count, today they are at a premium under deraopop rule,1' says a chorus of newspapers of that faith in a studied effort to deceive the public. What, are the facts, and why are warrants at, a premium now? The maa who buy warrants ought to be the oest author ity, and they say that under the late democratic national administration the free silver threat drove money ' out of circulation aud no one cared to loan at 7 per cent, when the market for 10 per cent, paper was not satisfied. R'ght now under a republican naticn al administration, the banks are full of money seeking investment. Only 3 por cent, is paid for deposits and the money is not wanted at that, hence a etate warrant drawing 7 per cent, in terest is woi th a premium because of the rate of interest it draws and not because it will ba paid soon, for tho longer the warrant runs the better it suits tho man who buya it for the in terest he gets on his money. These warrants draw no more Interest now tnan when the republicans adminis tered the affairs of this state, and the only difference is in the fact that we have more money all over the country. If a popocrat can get any comfort out of these facia which show that the i free silver scare was what ailed the warrants, he is welcome to it. Married Tomorrow. Our informant was in error about tiie marriage of Fred Drucker and Miss Grebe, as the happy event will not occur until Wednesday September 14, at the borne of the bride's parents at 3 o'clock p. m., Rev. J. Ratz officiat ing. They will go to housekeeping here in the city where a neat home hHS already been furnished. The News extends best wishes. "Since Mttllimtiall Switl lou l !! l'"'-. " Munuahan, tho .'ellow m hoin ilixbv has Immortali7.ed in : ug as "tin' m ui who swallowed tho pops," I'cr v.rd his courage up and made a vi-it to iLl city today, after "iK-aeon" New branch had broken the ice for him Mattoo Gering received him on a ril ver salver and Col. Kroeh'er wuu'ed (uit) to have the band called out. Co.. RutTner did not order up a coach ami four to take tho distinguished Miti nesotean about town, but Corporal David McEutee acted as a faithfu pilot and thowed him ai.out theciiy. Mannahan is tho probate lawyer im ported to settle up the Fitzgerald estate, arid somo enemies near the midnight hour thrust a congi e-.-itt) a; nomination on him, and ho appear to know what to do with itaboul as inueb as a six month infant wou.d with pa r of kid gloves. He has a dcuciou accent with a Cork flavor and ve.i red hair and gold-rimmed eye g ar. -. Wo trust every voter in t li; disl'ie'. may b'-i ab.e t.) form hi ai,;;uan;l..u--e. 6 DOV60 & 4 1 1 Our New Goods are arriving every day in large quantities. New DRESS GOODS, from tho larg est importing house in New York. 3 IMi t'ircu C ii in ii . Judging lioiu our eNdu'ing- s !l . of our readi i 6 who a i c mi lt.rt una : ' - to fctO tho Croat V;:ll;;ei; Show- :: l'latlsmouth, S'-ptciubyr HI, wlli i well repaid for their time and tn.u . The Comim n i il ;:. t'--, ! burg, i'a.. -oinnjeiit-. a.i ft. ! The (J real Wallace show. ; - . : . . tho city at ll:l- a. m. yi three sections. A low hoi.j s i ! immense show was laiuk ! i'..-::d ' exposition pari;, and long I - i i - n fall tho many acres f i a r a , , . stretched and the ap:a . a i -a- p :u i for the performance. Wallace's show has many sii'on at tractions this year which are i,ot in troduced in tho other ciieli.-es", 'J iie performance in the big tent brings be fore the public the Nelson family, ac robats of international fame. The nine members of the family are known to thd Pittsburg public, their clever work having been appreciated here many times. The Angelu family do the flying trapeze act, aod the Stirks, French trick cyclists, perform. The Petits. in their aerial bar comedy net, aro one of the important features f the show, and the grand ballet was a magni ticent spectacle. 1 We have a lir.o of Black Crepon dress goods, direct from Europe our own importation from 50c to $2.00 a yard. NEW FLANNELETTES, for Wrappers, 14 yds for $1.00. NEW OUTING FLANNELS, from 5c up. 1. E ! N E " 'ON'S bas' black and white and also grey Calicos, 5c a yore:. New Percales, Sc a yard. GIANT CALICO for 7c, regular price IOc. !; f SCHOOL SHOES- Special to SCHOOL CHILDREN ee! Absolutely Free! . c i Ciiitt'd Itretliren A ppoint mciil h. At tho recent United Brethren con ference the following ministers wore sent to Cass county for tho coming year: Otterbein. Rev. T. K. Sur i'aej; Liberty, J. J. Lmr; Nehawka, A. i. Smith. All aro strong men. w : known in tho county, and a hear v welcome will be given them. i, - C 6f very pair of School Shoes we will give a Writing Tablet and Lead Fencil. The same kind we had last sea son, co popular with the School Children. Everything in Summer Goods at half price, and less, to close. We must have the room for our Fall Goods. Summer Wrappers at half price, to close. The remainder of our Shirt Waists we have put in three lots 39c, 50c and 75c. New Carpets, Window Shades, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs, Curtains and Curtain Poles (While Kim me I erf durtnin Poles and Ji.vt tires, fur X-'Jc) Unbleached Muslin, excellent quality, 4c. Bleached Muslin, 5c, 6c and 7c. 5 5 3 SON Harvest Th;niksi viiiK- Septemoer 17, IS, 1! and 20 at the! Salvation Arrav hall. Any sa'erbci gift thankfully received by Captain Hodge. V -. Thousands of persons have le..n cured of wiles by using Do Witt's Witch' Hazel Salve. It heals promptly curei eczama and all skin diseases, it griyes immediate relief. F. G. Fricko. Legal Notice. To John Frederick Stull, Mrs. John Frederick Stiill, Charles X'audeventcr. Charles -i iJler. William H. Shafer, Mrs. Matiida C. Miarp. Mrs. Myra H. Scott, M. lilakely Miarp, Macou C. Sharp and Mrs. Mattie Lou l'urtu, implead ed with Agatha Stull, et al: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the lath day of September, A. i. is'.is, Ausci 1110 B. Smith commenced an action in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer ol which are to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed on the 4th of February. A. 1J. lsKi, by John F Stull, under the name of J. F. Stull, and on the north west quarter ol sec tion two f J . a"d the north halt of the southwest quarter ol section two -, and the west hail of the northeast quarter ol section two L'J, and the north half of the northwest quarter of il ie south east quarter of section two 2, all in township twelve U-J. range thirteen (laj. in Cass count, Nebraska. Said mortgage being to secure the payment of a note tor j;i,t4.70 due on or before February 4th, ls'.i.'j, and bearing 10 per cent, in terest from its date; there is due on said note the sum of Stj.090 to Sept. Kith, W.'s, and it is asked that the defendadt s interests in said land be held junior and interior to said mortgage claim and tlie said land sola to satisty the saaie The further object and prayer ot said petition is to foreclose a certain land contract ot date April !, 1SS7, on all that part ot government lot mini ui i c-1 three of section six jrij, m tow n:-h.p twec f 1 J . range lourteen (14, in Cass county. Ne braska, lying west of the right of way of the li. .'C M. railroad, together with that part ot said on the east side ot said ritlit ol way lying north west of the culvert on the curve at or near me r-a:.d oiut or blutt commonly described as " aii:..j ill." It is Claimed there is due unsaid contract and because ot taxes paid on said land loti. -day the sum of $000. and said land is asked to i.e sold to pay the same. 1'iainliti claims t.j u n ; the rights, property real and persona', of s.i.u Oreopolis Company and to be etitaled t I . j close said contr.iCt. Jt is further aM. i that ea and all of the defendants in ta d ajti. ii i,e : judged to have no interest in any ::it ..! u laud, except subject to said im a taf and c ' tract. You are required to answer said pet: i n i. i before Monday, the -4th day of October, A. i. lsys, or your default will be entered and judg ment entered accordingly againn u and l land. Ansi.kmo il. Smi i n, lly h:s attorney s. ALLKN BEF.SoN AND Jl-..-Sli I.. r: . Dated this 11th day ot September, A. L 1 -'.. Aduiinislrator's Sale. In the matter of the Estate of Charles deceased. m r-i! il TrJP i M m . .4 'A'-i li 1; 'gZmMWM&MWi&MMz ". r. ; i t -. : - . .rr."-- v Strap Bow Sandals. Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is better... We give you the CilEAM of the SIIOF subject, from the most reliable manufacturers in the L'nited Slates, wn-jr-: iMtii i a j h i rkilied 1-ibor is ompi yed aid where doubtful Shoe aro refused by an expert, and not permitted to p iss to lh-.; trade. We did NOT receive a j.alty consi -rnment of Twenty Cases of STl'FF that looks like Shoe-, and then swei; up t;:d ad v;rtiS'; "th.3 L-ii gest Stoeic" of shoe's, to induce you to our place of business, and then coinne. you to lo ;k with chugr in and disgust on 1 ho you did not w .m. We never have to resort lo such mislt mall assortment a'-.d make shift with something ading staterr;ents, for wo h ive ... Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of S4.000, Si ,. ; f o;: c , : . w n.Jcr w h :' . i (i ui'i i r the ' - i PKic;:s o -ui cl in two or three artie"..;.-, you don't have to stand and scratch your head and or we h.ivo an I'NLIMITKD KICSKliVF, and we cm spring something this spring Spi-i?i-ti;e. ' hat wiil soring you to your fc"t and make vou sav: "I'll take those.'' Novelties in Hot Weather Footwear : .:. i. o , . : .' . i t.iiitou); tow - o-.v ials, 1 1 t. -I (.i -at iiutlon, S: to 11 J 1 Sy, -il.r.0, 1. Go. !) lili.ti.s. Ii s L 1 1 -) r ) )'. :d !"- u, S'- t,:,c. :'...: s - - !(.-. ::-) :: .:. lis. S- to S it;.'! lis. II tO s !Uc to 7c t o ':. Infants" Chocolate, button, 2"s to o's ."oc. Infants' Oongola button, U's to 'a o-jc. Inf mts" Choc, (extra fine) button, H's to o's 7-jc. Infants' (lied and Illue Stitch) fine quality ion- goia button 7-jc. Child's Vesting Top, extra fine Choc, bow tl.2." to sua Child's Anvil bottom Choe. la;;e. hi to 11 il.'JS to . :'',. Little Gents', pat. back strap, Sj to 11 -!.. '(. 12J f2l ii. iial iial m m m m. S3. !I2l. iial iial. 0 0 0. 0, 0. Hi, 0. 0. 0, 0 0 121. fSJ jal. jsi 0, lUuier. j rt Kvcrything Mentioned Is Solid Leather 'o Humbusjery. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of au j - order ol isasil &. Kamsey. Judge of the District REPAIRING. 'T SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER Court ol Cass county. Nebraska, made on the I 27th day of August. ls:'S. for the sale ot the reai the south door of the Court House, in'tl.e c.ty of MtiMllMME!IMW U Piattsmoutti, in said county, on the sih day ot ! - - . i l i ii ij October. Is ts. at 11 o'clock. A. M . at pubiic ven- ! due to the highest bidder tor casti, the following described real estate, to-wit: The suuthwest quarter (s w U) of section eight (si, township ten (10), range nine iU, Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. Dated this 13th day ol September, IS MaroarkiS, Administratrix of the estate ot Charics ls.itier, deceased, C Folk, Attorney for Estate Werner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, rb You maj' bridle the appetite, but jyou cannot bribe the liver to do its j work well. You must be honest with j it, help it along a little now and then ; with a dose of Heroine, the best liver I regulator. Price 30 cents. F. G. ' Vricke, Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS TJJF FLACK TO LUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Administrator's Sale. In the matter of the Estate of John Cusack. Ue- i ceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an i order of Basil S. Kamncy, Judge of the District Court of C ss county, Nebraska, made on the Mid j day of September, lsys, for the sale of the real j estate hereinafte r described, theie will be sold at the south door of the Court House, in the ci:y i of Plattsmouth, in said county, on trie fth day t O tober, at 1 1 o'clock. A. M .. at pubiic ven- due, to the highest bidder for cash, the f !! wn,g described real estate, to-wit: The w, st half i ' : .. : XI a v. Corn, Oata ai.U ail Kinds of Feed of the outhwest ts w-4 i. of section six i''), t w n-i ship eleven (11), range nine t:i, Ca?s countv. .c- ; braska. i Said sale to remain op-.-n one hour. j Dated this 13th day of September. ISJ'S. rrr U ". t"? r T O TT? ft Cl Administrator, with will annexed, of the estate of John Cusack. deceased. j lr, . ,r, -,r,TX- . C, S, Polk. Attorney lor Estate. Tnilli1 D A I N -S1 ft. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our s'.oi.k Is complete In ail lines nd we lr vite our friends to look It over. We will i V! Jeuvor to piiise you. Call ;-.nd see us. Con tantl v on Ii : STrSSaHT C SATTLER, :i'.-a--s'i:j to o . -ry Hoeck. ) i'i .ATToiJUL-TU. - N EL- HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor J 3 ui Icier. Contracts taken for the erection of Keidences liarns and may kind cf carpenTr woik, in am paitof the county. Cail on or address.... IIAKVKV HOI.LOWAT, lint turnout h. el rill: PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. RatecS SI and 51.50 Der Dau Centrally Iocated and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTFI, NEBRASKA