The Son!-Weekly KcHs-Mtia tl z; f.": : Vmi l-. fnl ri:nr. On" of tl: i . :-t. n.a i v h . . i workmen i;.- . -:-.-. ;.:; pt iixi'OiiTio.i ii - -;:. I i) :i :tnr .1 f i .Show. PUiJLISHr.D CN TUtODAV'i AND Fl l.i.-.y. ... ii y r ! i'. . . NK.WS l't;i!LISi!IN( CO.V'.P.WV, M. I l''l H' t llT' R. HAIIA KlJl'J lO V . One Year, in ad '. : n-f, ' Six Mon t lis ' One Week. Single (,'opie.S, S !'' !i 1 VVKK.M.V K.I) i l l N One Yr:M-. in :id we'.-, ... ' Six Months, LARGEST GmUL?l OI jnv C toiiily i..pi !. 1! I II CI. I ' V N li! ; r. Nl III '. 1 .jr ( ii. m 1 1'. i . M. I .. II WW a !:!. 1 . 1 1 Ili'lita ilPM'l !. I. (.1., A. .Ml. I l' il . I'nr So n-li.i i "1 ' , .;. I ! a- I'.jr A ii'iiJ-.r. I I.. MAI I.I V. I'Vll Ill-I-IIHT. i'K I i.i; mi ik'i i:: i n. I' hi St;ite Si.'Ik-i J K. S.WI.OK. I i.r A II ui in y ( ii in oil, N I). JACK:- '' I'tji Cum. I'uli'it Land-: and la..: i i;::- . O. K. WILLIAMS. CoiiJjr'hHhuin I or CoKBrcsMiiiiii. l iist ill li; I".. J V.V U K I . I' I . (iiuiity. l',..i Senator W'M. II. NIAVKI.L. I'nr Kcnicscntativcs T. T. VtJUNC. F.KMCST rOLI.AUD. I'nr I-"!ii:it Keprcscntative K. A. DITMAK. For Ooimty Attorney jesse i- oo r. l'or CciniinissiniiLT, Third district TL'KNIiK ASK. The army scandals oo l)';:itantly idoii tionod by tho domocrtic riewsjtiprt aro being punctured, and that too, by democratic officers in the army. The entire talk about mismanagement will bo found absolutely untru ?. TllKoutloolt for republican success, or rather for tho defeat of the fusion scramble for office this fall, is certain ly blight. Tho republican organiza tion is the best ever had, and the fu ses are jangling among themselves. WHEN the Omaha congressional campaign gets f.iirly opened, the files of the World-Herald will furnish Dave Mercer nil tho campaign ammunition ho will want. Iliteheoe.c used to be a gold bug anil a red-hot lighter sigaiiisi. the pops. 'i'HK Sttite Agricultural Mvir-tv ha- ! enough elf respect to no., atiempt t hold a fair this year, ;u;.l vre i!. ! for the lu-ijiou? ralceoiT faun tii c ots of the t.ix ii ye s, v ry f v u . ties in liie s... e wu d alleinpt to t.o i any fair thi- f U "i :i .'v.w .f t t, e x posi tioti. Ol'il nr. me- ri N.-in a-'ka '.it v calis it pa rl i.-a r -h i p :o oiij c t. to i i. COllimi'S of f.'.l -eia o.t wii.e ! is .. '. i daily printed about ho rmy a: i i -so Called :iu-:a : n;e-i v.: r by t'a. d ,. -ocritie patio -s. W e .ro 1; - r i y ii fave.r of a t h. -!!!.: h '. n ' a i o-i n the p'. iiishm a' of ill v. ii h v been L'uiliy i f . i i l. 1-e p! a o m iiiiiiLT o .-n: o .a ;e e ; i. :i a i . fucii mi- forrun.-s i - 1 i :',; hi :.-1 people toi a.iu .e in. n : .-. i, stock iu that s rt of d ri v i .': i---. POLITICAL POlM LS. Ti.e dem a-i at. n::ir!i.i e h - .'.ve i UU the doso v liied wi I l e ui :. ! :.i pops at Weeping Y i'ci' next !".-- . y. S ipyery S in"- ; . a aii '. : lieu-.-, ' It -r m -eh e ee : ieg. h i i turne i d v. n ,0.0 .1. W. iUa-o -e, . bo nominated for thy i.i m u 1 should I'oiU'lu : to t y '" r ; !..- :1 .'. .! M. l'at'e so-:, she b:;ker. n.i .'hi distasteful to t fi ' ah '-; a 'i e a pops, as his c' ss ! - j a stand :kser l the ;' a a t . f v, ; street th in to ti.e f .- ia r . a- t fiat has gone forth and : he ; o. s r .ae take the medicine which is tiiix-- f j them down here in I'I cts..i..u i;. ! whether they liko iter not. IVi-e . son must bo named for the sea t i-j tho edict from the bosses aad uha : they Saiy goes, so far as the conv ntii .. : is concerned. Fre 1 Gorder, of Woeo-j ing Water, i? to be the democratic ! member of the hiuse and D. O. Dwye j to be the fusion candidate fcr county j attorney, although Mat Gorir.g's pushers want him to take the job of ' getting licked next November. J he present plan as given us by part es on the insido show one pop on the fusion ticket to three democrats and no white metal republicans. The three ringed fake wiih a reform baDner meets at Weeping Water next Tuesday. INFORMATION AND OTINIONS. Rose Ilessel was sentenced from York county yesterday to twelve months in the penitentiary for horse stealing. One of the sons.of Col. Tom Majors, who is a member of the Second Ne braska volunteers, was taken sick a hort timo since at Ckickamauga, and whan found by Mrs. Colby, wife of General Colby, she at once took him in company with the son of a captain of one of the other companies of the Nebraska boys to tho top f Lookout mountain, where she is nursir g them herself back to health. Ti e b...s born have typhoid fever but are getting along nicely as the aaiiy wire report received by Colonel Maj rs shows. Nebraska City News. Tho fond father who uai.l-. his soi.s to refrr-iu from evil habits rb.ould.tak: n 1 u l .vi . i : , i...-. I. 1 " ' !i' t . romp . i . if i ,(, f :..w v do i- I 1" -" I... in..:,, ! I ' ' . .11 I' !', i i V i I : I a i ' . v ! ! ' l v. ; In..! i , ' ' i a i . i i ' i . . I a c .. I v, io.i - :. i.- i i i i . i i li h v ' :.' I ' . j ; i . 1 1 ; ! i i . . ! i t . . r. ' . - i - ; ' I i t. I! li o' 1 . ' i : l'i :'.:.:.! il ! ! li..lids on the X hr u- mi " iov.s. hei.ct! iti. ;i i-Li" in ; -t .-.: i,-.. .. n:iled. I'i-ih'.i.t i l-pu i! ic. - The last two ili'si.'i'iidcn's of .'!: ri lopher CuluiliVnis arc t.aid to lie i:. innterf of ti po'ir hou-e at .';vd:., Sp:iiii Siiiee the vv;ir closed, the f-elin ;tatnst Columbus for h iving discov ered America is such that his de-cen dants are not likely to receive any; courlcses- i Stale I iiiverhily. Kntranco examinatioiiS and regis tration for tho state university will 'jeyin Tuesday, September l.S. On Saturda', Sr;)tetuber 17, classes wi 1 organizo and ne assigned work for Monday. On Monday, iioptemher 10. ;he reuular class wo: k wil: begin. I he university of Aobr.cska v.-e op. n j wi Ih the e.s pi'i ta' ;o i ,.f ;,t ea-i ; iiuie its durir-g t he vo (. i'ne rog i ii'-iMfin i-i-it :n- iv. - 11,1a. !-: M i- : 1 '.,i i, :.: it i- : '.;) d t h t t e na ,.. .: ! i.i -i ed Ad i.i. lia' .-''. ii.'a ! v Mi : i ! : I e ' i Wl i He .-' ,, . 1 . r. a :.. a ' : " " ' . u . : 1 ..s a l:a. - I a 1 1 la v fi -.ill. .r.iT t. '1 I: l.UJl out and j a lur.rter of a -1 r . a 'A .Tak- stiirie-i i..y 1 pered bthiiid his l;;;;.ii. ' j .:::;cr V.nis f. r a uuur- t r. Jake: two lor a ;r..;i ia r. tiiK Down Hill. People suffering from Kid ney Diseases feci a gradual but steudy loss ef strength and vital it y. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. Fricke Jc Co. Ask your dealers for the "White Sailor" cigar, manufactti e,i by Frank Neiman. ISnrl iiiRt on 1 101 Six blocks f 1 oin ex : ei ' h n A 1' Toazalin, m n ei' . 1. M. on . clerk. Iln in?- Si. do in- d y -ite.;.. rati shy week or m- - h !-'v ': 1 -fi'-tt class. Take Dodge street car. 1 1 o a 1 L 1 1 1 o ' ! . . "- . . : i : , . . - - ri : -tr a s. W: . ( e : Ii r . a .: s F aj, f in in;ie f ('io ' o'. t; . 1 i.q ir i' lira? I.e r, i-vtii. I I i t t ' : U'U 1 I a :. -rno iu . ! V. '. M 1 hi t W ') ,'. i- : I !'i I i li li:- 1 a il'. I .) I :i ii. i.. : -r ! ' 1 L ' ' ; ii .-:; i . i. .'; ii. li-e c. ; :. . 1 'ci -1 i'i .-i-k ; : i r"'i. h. !:; r. !: -t: v.-- i.i i ' ' ; h, c; y-.y v ;.!:!:: c'. l lu-i :.i;ythii.; uiiith. L-.ter - i- it, cvi :i , ::!; an eld cvi.-if:,:;-..T ; 1 Vtil!k '" - . " ","'a"v-; . gums t'ie popular lew or t: e i..;n- : i n.-'ho -with r-'-ird to the ocium tsubit. " Opiiati -Coiuiiiissinn U. port. U a TV- G-ilvhi C'aust v';-.rcl Xa.ii)i:ir;. "Thcro never v.-:-s a pitcher in this country who could excel old .Jimmy Galviu in catt-biti base ruuueis nap ping," said Jack Crooks. "I remember seeing tho old fellow catcli the foxie.-t baso runners in the country asleep oil the Lags with the quickest kind rt" a motion. There was one occasion when (;.avi(, pied a btar trick of this kind on .lohuny Ward. Tho Pittsbiirgs were phivie;.; the New Yorks, ami the score v::'s ery I i-e, i'i w:'s , ry 1 of tho forme; j i ... . x v:o i'ie:i on liiil V. Ciai ta ( : t . . : t i . I-..;, w::'-. tv. o r; . ; ' l . ..'. I ta :-; '. : -1 -v t i te.a h : : r:al riti .1;:. tae oh! a - rvi; the h,a.r-(l t" e , ' ; a exists. Charley. Ua ur tii 1 '.vn u'Ava'says as ti.e uyaa wsitcltmau. Lr.s to call the honrs in th:--sii'a iroi-i 1 1 p. ui till o a. m. Wet or Que, he must riot negl-et his duty. London Glote. There is a curious little Holland vil lage in Wisconsin named Littla Chute whose chief manufacture is wooden shoes. The people there are as thor oughly Dutch as their progenitors. The tovrn stands on the ground where Ptro Marqnette had his winter quarters, and where the Dnteh priests instructed the Indians. M. L. Yo.-tm, Cameron, Pa., says "1 w:.s a -aCTerer for ten years, trying all kinds of pile r -tue lie-, hut without succrss. De'.Viii's Witch Hazel Salve was rt-eeointiiend to me. f used one box. has , -y -i t--d a perma.'ieiit cure.'" A ; : n :. ti . - f , T 1 -arc lor Mrr- p.-'Vitt"s V'i:- ':. ITaz -! Salve has til- j -r.a.-.' i-'. 1. '.- v ' . I 5 ' r 1 : ' i- S tie. '-. : 1 ii.-in's 1 I t D i ;,ii. :- . f ti ''.... a i:i t.. -.v : a ! i-; ii : f,f ... v. -Ii i ! ; ' 1 11) a t Ji.j ev. li p j Ha. d Ware C'j's. a I i 1 -ii 1 . . . .!'i i-.Mi;;-1-: . .f A: v i ..I :!.! ., . i ' I : : ii .1 .1 ' . . I V I ' I . :i :n . . . : i : : I 1 at. 'I ' . '. , : , .... ! r .!,Jv.:.v. ; : i .... .... i , ,i. .-.!,. ; 't : i , " n.i-.: t r. in 1 1 y ; . ; : i ',. i i :i i i r i ;i ii ' , of, . . : ., i 1 . r, t !.:st. lii: il .d , ... , v. - ;.;iv. ii up to die,! i. i r.-at.'ecnt that i ... i .- "if.-, t ried .1 i coil " h i - . i ii :tr of. but .'Ot iio '.: ' in i. v i i j L i silting up . : ' ' - ,('.n d to t ry Dr. : ' . - i i , i was eu d . ' .11. Fo.- pss.-t three : . .. n -1 n;' to business, ; - : -. . s D i -co very ; i t !: iy ev.-r iiitiiie. as il ; i ' ; . f 'I' rim ud a! -u for i - . . ; - ::i:-iily. D.-. Ki n sV : gu-i! au'.eial for: ' u i.l. a :d ' on.- in;i nlKMi. It ; :': i'.-i i h-i-lles fi-t-c at l' ii. I , .'V. Ii. N;ii;.ui line.: ii:pi:ic;i it t iiK'in- . I, u i . Il ;o. ' .Jli'titl;::;:;!!::;::3;::! li.riui rout.- ir.,:i) Omaha to CitiCi n u.. ti i ii route !r.:i) O.uaha to Cincinnati ; i'i ine i.v.n A l.o: at iMieam i.iiieni oi i tiie, C A 11. V'eteiiiii- ..nd othe'is who! intte.d visitil:" t. i:ici:.n;!ti ilt ti;e lime! . i of t h i s eaea ia iJiu. ij I si.ouicl t-eo to it ; lii t thels ticket.- read over the above j r . '. i i o -.ds . L'i.i:u: a .es will ret.devous j at 4:il.; i). m. Monday. Si p einber o. at j I e iiui 'lin.4 ton s auon, Oujaha. At. j o:00 p. m. laey wilt leave Omaha on a sp. cial tra.n via the tiu linatoa route a: i iving'at Citicao at S u'cloe. next! tnoinii g ai.d at Cincinnati at b p. m the same d.-iy. th'OU"!i sleepers, ' i;i to Cincinnati ' C. a'.d stall and o -st eumma iters i I :i':.Ve; oil the v.)!lie a t, i m ii A 111 n n o a-e rn ; n 1 leen . 1 : v.. ; r ..- we: a -i:e Si--- pi e.' e-i r ae- tr : XC " . i. I .rut AX K 1 1 i. t be .'! - to be . '-'ry ; ie U: Iro.i'.i i' Fr r Rats, Like. Roaches, I . Otlier ' Vermi Vermin J IT'S A KILLEiR. i Aficr f ntine. n!l vermin eck water and the cpen air. : Hence this kiiler is the most cleanly on earth. i For Sale by ail Druisrlsts. Price, 15 Cent. 1'EWTON MANUFACTURING fi CHEMICAL CO., P5 W ilfiasi Street, New York. Go to the D-ug Store of A. W. ATWOOD, i.-cccci-or to Siiiii'i .V Parnicici for Pure Drills, patent Nlc-dicir: Stationery aed Cig-trs, Paint-, J;is, Varnishes, Dy.-s, Paint. Hair and To th Tl . u-lo-s. Toilet Articies, Pei fumery, Soa.rjs, ! Siionee-, and ail Varieties f Druggists' Sundries. Window- G ass and Wall J'ap jr, j Humphrey's, Lutie's and Mirnioa's I Homee -p ithic Kemecies, Pu'e California Wines and jiquors i for Medicinal u-es. j la f C, : '. ei vth ng usual y k-pt for S soj in ti :-t Dr'-'g J? .: . ' e-e f . efu Iv 1 "omt'o ' d-.-d. it - (e.j : 'j .-. 1 ' . - ; a .- r 1 1 la S fi A t-b. 1. . K1.-1. r . n 1 'lattsmo jth. U ..terni,.u DitcU. I SEi3;,,.i,i-:'ir Ca&iJ lir-V isl' 1 .. rxM O T' 1 il ii ii I; t ; jL 1 7 171 tho Iocal A7evvs Is the Only Seven-Column Daily in the City, Larger Than Any Other Local Daily. A Superior News Service. You Don't V: .: ' i ra These vi :. i i; o i-- i:i a v r-e ' iii at. r bite en i:e d ' 'day of e ; : va: o i e - ha 1 f -h u r ! - o v:- 'o. f- il'J . s c. :aa'tel'-hoa r !c-. r. r ! to cc: i.e .: : ii w 1 : ' ' S . a eV ,r ! h a- iaa: ! i ' . O. on . ' -' i'ii : a b i;:':i'. o I ; t ;eis. :iu-r. Oa,- icM i'i (ii; - : v- .' '- vi 1 1 ' ' ' - . -ii from -i d '.'v h - d a ' e. Cash iiv. i'". S. V::iTi-: If Vr-AKKV tf.- S'f.W Ni-i-,. n in l-'i'z ;' (i s b. i oa:i-e of T. 11 Doiioek. Ai'Oht. iTascribe them because they never vary from one standard of medicinal quality the highest and doctors are careful folks. You trust your family doctor of course. Ask him. a i WHISKIES la sealed bottles o&!y. Ot Druggists. TRADE SUPPLIED EY RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEB. TZ 2 - ' j S E a JEt.o UViJoi tmuiu " :r " a .1 ... - : l ae 1 1 raD s- i is:- so l 1, -ii-S a i a L I,'-.-a f.:9n:i' :.; : i . AT Oii.AHA. NOW orifN ". 1 -?. ! l-irty '!"r.bis (' Nor h A i- : i- a , li di ! ;.ns K- . s !. ' Unique 'X 1li ; 0 if .'hl 'il. nine 0, D in:i"i e ... ...... 1.0 ' o' ,:- type, of Au. M-eaa I ,!e, in Xhoir native Co-tu i;e- , H i d t on-. Nearlj' a Thousand Indians on the Encampment Grounds, in the Exposition Enclosure. L'nder the direct: n; : .pt. '.V. A. Mercer. V . S A., these Indian tr.'oes participate in therr Spectacular Dan es nearly every evening. The War Dance, The Medicine Dance. The Ghost Dance. ! The Snake Dance, V, The Sun Dance, ' , , .nil oO'i-r-1 rear :aa ec- i i;ie r.-a - are Peif .tir.ei t'V t !;- 1:. lai.a. a ! . f i ! Thi- rre it 1 aha i ' vl.ich the f:a:..a M.a I 1 ii .'" ', w .!. ci.:.:i:;w .! r.i ..J 1 1 " - IIEDUCEi- PAII.LI JAD IlAi'MS I 1 10m aif i'o.i.ts liow iu i'orce. .Y".i Li U IS tx FOR THE n fi ii it Leading- Paper o(' .And has been Reduced in Price to.. lO Cants Jor(y CoifvS O 9 See It in 4 e vei TO jla a. 5. 9 i J ct II J5. f- m vi vv V-! - r ; .a :t " r." r a. a .a'-.'-v: I'LATT'ii O iJTH, I'i Lincoln j Omaha Helena K. oa n r 1 an '. ; All points wet.!. TRAINS lA ."2 -S ' So 1. I "" ver 1: s pre .0 C111 Oi 1 tn i. i'.i -i No ,;. C fi ".i-o e a : 1 -s l-l.. - I) ! ' I .' .1 a K iis..s. st 1 i i". ' -rri ' N , 4. Iiim-h. eu- i.tily. On ; a :.i - 1 on. 1 fiicu.ii, .1. 1 (.eliii- - t.. !'::-.'i an l.m.Jil ex u. a 1 H V ' Ai-i-ie -aa- So. ,11 ii.ooi to Cr.'iton, iocm... 1 :1a- 11 1 y 1, .4 So ICi l.urai cx;i. ilrlv e -e;it s i.a- ', i.m. lR-i.iit..l;i j cx.a ;.i - ir.a.iY I'.n-llic J 11 :i--l Hill :- - ru Vetibu icil ! o.y. li -i r- ::iian:i, Clina o ana . . -i ;:; tu Juu.'tioii to f'lai t .. :itt... "''I I .. Loiai l haJj. uali.V. .-t .'i.'.lllll- I s.-i i-.l. t l.i.'ii-. sa'. i.'Ci .Mi..a;l.U. .i..i.i.:.- 1 i . r. . 1 m : 1 t: r .: a 1 a . :7 1 r,--i 011 1 o o ii h :i I . . liiai -1. L-jii - : u i.i .,. ...-.. a a . . j . .. c ' tr. i to. a . . UnJT. C'-J--.t 1 ' V . - . 1 :j : . a---- ;. I t 'a.ia. . .1. . i N,. .'-t 1 wiii1 ; . . ' na - : 1 - r-.v .e. i ' . li a. : . Ur.o 1 le : ' ;i 11 1 l a . . ' j " "- So 1?.. ho a e a ..y.' . - . - ,,H . I.O' - vain. A-h mi-. V. . nr. - It 11 a- r j . jl. Locio i o...., ..v. ,i s 111- j N( XXy. 1 East no -i o-i I- rei-tst. curwiects I at I'iioitif Juuelon v.atli i o. 1 the Denver K.xyress. which iioes not stun ;it 1'iattsniouth 10:i5 pm j Meepin. d. run- aad re-elmiu chair cars 1 bf ats f reel od through trains. Tickets sold irul biu'iiu.e cbeckeu to 107 uoiut In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps anfl y.e kiits call or write to W. L,. PICKETT. Airent, Platismou tti. N-t- 1. r UANCES. Gen. Pass Ait.. Omaha. Neb. rt. p. 11 if. TrlAINS OOIXO SOUTH. 1 .4:5i a. tn .11. .Il a.' 4.CI i ; . - ! . . 121, ioea! frel.'ht TWAINS OOI.vr. SOUTH. i No. 2 i .o. 1 2, 10c il treislit i X... 10 7 :fl '! t:UI i' 1,1 Th ' EVEN'ING NEWS onU tea ..... is I 1 f.-cr 'teK, you can t anuiai 10 aj wiin 1 out it. v.' . ' f '' : i it. ; the City. par Weec ptr A011. THE NEWS, c3 Li U ' I -'. Jr. l J1 : ft fv4 (y Thr Casino. Saloon Ill,: -J a 1 e ( . -r 1 be !'.e.,t JJee-r On Farth, A- l'r v-. d liy the ' i .Vi'-t .b-d i'-aJ Kx- 1 ; n t i . ( 'ou n try, aad i- Giving Special A '. , 1 io . ttiis Veir I" ! ii ' Ml-: ST ItKANIM Of F.O'I ThKIl lllIKK. m - li ; - 1 OU Call AlWIlVS i' liiil a V Ull I 1 r j rmpplY OI IV- li BUDWEISER X : - -.. - - -- v'NA Attrl Oiher BrnrvN Which Will B- Sul.-l V.-rv C:!p up By the Ca c. Th- Bub!;c Has ; Shd'.vn It s A iirociution of fit:;w::fs::K In the Fact that Five Hundred Million Bot- i ties Were Consumed Last ! Year. Delivered fo Any Part of the City. PHIL THIEROLF, ProDnefor. Excelsior iMcat iMarkct BEST OF EVERYTHING In the meat line can be found at M. Li John.-01's fo' merly Petersen's! MEAT MARKET Main, Betveen Third and Fourth.St. pvpythlnts Fr-li ..d .f th Hrnt C Oiialoy Hn-fiil Aririillon to in.- Tnili- mm ttf Mini itu- honablt: l'rir'. I M. L. JOHNSON. rii i ii i o (