EMI TIIK MiWS. Kstntilsl.iil Nov. r. IWil. III 1 - lll.llAl.li, I NtaliliHlu tl April ID.iMiU. ( PLATTSMOUTH, NKI!.. SKI' VIM VAM L I WIS. (JoiiSolIiliUcil .Inn. 1. !-'. VOL. VI. NO. Ml. v v i This Space Belongs to the Firm of SKY OBI & CO., Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. THE COLONLL'S STORY. : a i . :. i.y 1..,.. t.. r. j "The great-. Lu--i.i'.-i u.iutl 1 :-r How Jlii A.ifcM. W.-nt t. '.V4r,i..l U.:ric.l ,rftu Up ugrtili.-t W.'.-i J... J iv le. "n l "lV"'i :-'tc, u-.i. ; frmor I;rnrri...T...r .1 m-at mail;, t . Jt "Talk in;,' about war times," said tie- , in Gerinantown. " said a tn . t ...r ri oil colonel, "did any of you ev r he.O' ' ductur thj other day as hi- ear v. a the Mory of .15m Adkin?" waiting on Fic.nt street. This. bti. i.. r "No." i had u lino, soneakv voi which v u "Well, I'm m rjTi--.-l. Everybody in couUl hoar a bioek awav. Ti i :!. v? V. . the s ttl.'T.K nt l.n. -.v it. Jim w;h a n. j that's just what v.,n weld i it. J 'count sort of a l-llo-.v, and tho old m:m us0,i to Wat.-h lorn sou,, i im. s wh- i. m?mmmmmmmmwmwnmmwmnmmmmmmnK D0V6U & Son KA H B was anxious t., j.-. i mi ol him, so whan I 0 was waiting on en tin- war hi'.!.': oil en 1 tley with 1. u ing around far in: n 1 1. 3 M man iv him away. " "( bve loin away?" "Yes. v;;h in tho h.tvl'.fl, :im(1 an i 1 1 I hi' .! I' was positively almoin:,' to jiarcnt case with hix In- wt:ld m ..' a two pound st- alv i,,n i'jin.ii ''-in h three or more j.miiiil lie would take a rum Ie i : i: i.i .; t"-ywerei;' .,it h leave without liim I pf meat ami thr..wit oath.- I No Cheap Goods No shoddy wares, which wo are inarh ' irj; "Special ,nw I Vices. " Wo have bnou in tins mercantile Im-ii.e--, in I 'hitlsuioulh for tho nast twenty-eight years aiol have c-t ih! a-hed a repiit iitlun fur. . . . The Best Goods at inc.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is our motto, our invariable rule, anil wo do not propo-io to ilopart from it now. Our Spring stock is larger anl iiioro com plete this year than ever. Wo are sole agents in I'latts moiith for the cclobrateil "Hlack g lint" branil Triplo Knoc Stock 'omo in and sen u- and tvo will t rent you ritfhl. 3T7 Triple Knee . - r ,v Hr-tt wlii ii the ;.t ii : ri vinkeil and jiointed t.,) t !.. Irirsi. "'i'iiat v.;s i:oii;.'h. artd luey ut hiiii and : ii'vh. .1 him to tic front. "'1 hi- ol i i was s-irrv after dim v;n ;i" end 1 i- i. -ieiiee liurt him l! had. Jh;t ii" li"p'd ) V i lie ber, until j ! !!. d iv be rot a :-: that told him im ii. el i'eeji !.i!ie. and i urii d on tlie at:b la Id. y " I in-ii he j i-l: d his trripaml started ' ri:!.t oil' to l.i'in;,' dim's b niy home, if l ! po-ih!e, fi .r the ri f stl'i' ken inoiher 1 1 v.'oii Id h a n t ' : i !.,.: i 1 and made 1 1 i'o l ' mi.- r.dde I'l.i- !:im u i; h her repri mi 'la s. . i ii. " I ie ., . ii ! t ' i i ," : ii i i, a nd was i hi re jS ; i;if":-!in d Ibal it v- o -M be i;n) .ible to j i ; l'.:.;. . e t i.e h . , ; 1 I :e ! . 1. 1 I over t ho j!s;:.t whi re it ,-as li.ri.d ami Wept for i i ' t ii!'. diiy-. 'j'lf ii be went sadly home, j "And, lo a. id bei.ol 1, the lirst man 1 . Ii.- ne t as be ii";:-ed bis 'ato was .lim swi.i'il a:ut ri.lit s.ido np witii ferll l, r . -. ... . . i . "Pin ti'ao b' I'nre the old ' mriii e..:i! ,,y ;i i i d, but when lie i i . 1'. niinl it v as really .! i.m in flesh ami Ido ..! that they had ;: dim mixed ihi vit Ii : .aiae i .! inf .i I k i ns. and ho hadn't oil lean was him.- If of his f : 1 n l.i t? hot ! i r .-luwly div k i . '. m . l li- ''ai, iii'ii j'iit-'i i.ji 2. viutji:, GOODS 1V7J Grv'OCvS i i n n ! i ' .r 1 1 i m ! It v. as j yui i v.T saw the -. 'i ti'.' two of 'em walne. li'eliet scran that the pointer would sla.w f. -ur a; n ! and then take it off I i-trnv tin- mi!--could rei.-ter the i r 1 1 W i .'.'it. 'T'e l'e' just four pounds e-.a -t ly, ' he w add s v to t he CU -I inner in that si;u a!;v v.dce of his, and t hell cont itiu.- V 1 1 ii t he s! :: ' iuent iptiekly made; 'r.n.r tiiae 1 J i , f)S. Call it fin, ' and u u h -,-s i,. , i. -t : , i was waK'hin him In.-., iy lie v.. aid ai ways ;;et even chanv-. "He was in the lit- iii ; i.'i'v a few years and ton t d : ie y. Then he b ft it. V h :l w a a -, i a l -how be i s 'i i ii;' t i t a ! .r." if.w. 1 u:o di r-1 and he i in t '. i t . a i i i t : ! i: -di n and I wniid. r im-.v !i v, iia.- ii when he sells a piece of bin I. 'I a :, .', v Jll'ljl liim II, I. ds t i ' . I ' a i ' I : ! : I . : I Record. Tin- !', T:...e f 'a ' ; V. a. 'J h" II - !: v !!:,;' ta. !e: :: ,ii I." . ' !v ono man ' b , " ha - J t : y ' ' i i a I a : i i -tary o inimand i : ! a - .. '. I v . a : . - d in tho I'nii' d Siate- nrn.y A y l-f t.M of ( -rai Sh.oie!' .:.i. !. illas- tratl'S the pllMi I i!lo if t'lM 1'' ' d . 1 1 ill this re-aiai. At a i e; ta in fioin t at vb"---!i Shaft er, w ho the;; h. Id an :.. , :t raak. was com ma .; !. r many ' a : a - . a i : -cus-ion at'' .- amoii;c . ' a,d , , - CI It- Our New Goods are arriving every day in lar:;e quantities. New DRESS GOODS, from the larg est importing house in New York. peca - i t - - I IX: t .-. i -- : I c I r.v - t - We have a line of Black Crepon dress goods, direct from Europe our own impor tation from 50c to $2.00 a yard. NEW FLANNELETTES, for Wrappers, 14 yds for $1.00. NEW OUTING FLANNELS, from 5c up. LEMPON'S best black and white and also grey Calicos, for 5c a yard. New Percales, 8:c a yard. NEW GIANT CALICO for 7c, regular price 10c. 4 i (2). I HE bHc:Vi.j- mas:.! PA to the exact time of day. A c man on top, and j WHh lit- watan m hi- !a;' !, ..:r ju t-.,! ilust ! "-It is now i s.a i ly o l.'l !... " It ti.ok ti," old h. !v and the three i "b'i. no!" -aid a lim.t. amt rirls and two M ait. darkies to pull the m? tl:nt' 11 -s ''b'bt ) iimte- ; a a : i old man oi l'. t n in I yoa i;;.' o. ! ! . er - f ! !!. tu.ver rvi.l-iin d:v 1.. OUt Ot HIS tii'!;.'t. 1 K'loW m .' t ' j and .lir:i didn't a di any om.-t ions, but j tho ii' v t mi .rninLr be told his mother j that while his furlouvh wasn't out still ! he knew his country needed him and I he couh In't stand to stay at bojj.e under j t-io-e circne ;-i a nces. .) lie left his j ble.-:-i:; for i he i Id lnati and took the j (ir-t train for tii-'fr mt." Atlanta Cou ; st i tut ion. e.- FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves,, Furniture, Bath Tufcs, Buggies, Farm Tcoh, Etc. A special paint for cncli pi: HE VA3 A HUMBUG. Wif V.'s I)i-"ti'il Vh'i S!i Iearn-f-1 ta- .Viita.r of t!ie Article. cri! Lb r bad come lionm frooi the " in t he e a n ina' iju it' "'layed oi.f , " o:-' of tiie outnnt of Ids ju-ii and i'i i:i:ii. tb.y. Ii;.- Mits lyiii, on the !. i ..! th-'- : ;;t in.-.' m m alter supjn r. a ?d;s. .- e- oa i , V'l.() ha,l :i . 1 1 .' exactly I'inr, i.e sam, " Bays two minutes jas! At this .iuii'-t lire y. a ; r at his silver wateh. "I don't I. now what say, " he rem-o !a d, " hi. : J w i.di v.. a ! understand that in this a . , a'aaiid ii is live minute- at " Then the yoiurj nr.ic: rs r-'icei-il .-it d that t he ant horify of t iie ee a , i.an' . in:.: ollicer extended evi n to the li.ae ot' day. Voi it li'o Companion. - t-.- Sir- B'-'- I - . ( j- 00 nnf wwwv vivv C lUClJln Special to SCHOOL CHILDREN Free! Free! Absolutely Free ! With every pair of School Shoes we will give a Writin I ablet and Lead Pencil. The same kind we had last son, so popular with the School Children. 1C-- a l Iar. 1. re IS y in t a, x, an .1 pose, TA t litre for :' ni Not low priced, but highest gratlc at fair, i, . our reputation. We s:iy these are the be;'. f ... a say so too after you h o-- used them. bOI.I KY F. G. FRICKE & CO. .. THE LEADERS .. k TilC r.PA?PPT n ll lLUIVUULIV ARE u 1 a vj l ; a 4 1 a ta r.a ! ir ! 's ir ah .at :" j "It's '.i:o:.f t!:, fa;:::y hind of irl'i, whom:;-: ha" v. r v : ' i just so in ! their home--, no lai't r how hard it j i ia!a s it i, r i.rh' r... Von him".- that you j are one i f t lie i'n: ";ii -' ia"i; alive, iavery ru.r and ii".;r atal b i; iui'-t be exactlv ! in 1 1 : ace. an I a J;ii ou-t set -s you j to :!::;!.'. Vu inii.-t have a clean i i:.-;; I.iii tairy i::. a I. and you can. ml cat I i ii l !u re is a tiny sp ,t on t!;o tal.i." loth, i atri iv, -r thi.'i.ir ; aa-f 1 e served j;: -r ( ! aei'y so if y.i'.i p. t i. :";.;ay. Now, i ! Hut tii.lt true." ! "A lean like.-' to see things in order m i:is own eoa . ;-a;.i r-crii.hh r. I . i IT.... I .... . H r-n I l i . . i . ' j a. i a .-, ; a ; i l I : to i.t'i-n !j a V j ; ! i r. i: ' a i a i he t a ;rree of crd. r vi ai ex- I ... r .... ,.-,. ,.i,;t. i,., o, ii... I t'O A. H. WECKBACH & CO. 'Tp II KY car ry tho largest and most complete line in Cass county. thing fresh and new. They pay cash for cur goods and give the: laa-rv- i i :r v'li-io mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned ro di al ways in stock. The only place in the city where you can getali kin. is in fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & . Waterman Blk. FOLEY'S HONEY TAB 18 THE CREAT THROAT and LUNG REMEDY. i ! ;cle etel'S to TUSt I .-ucli unr. a.-i aai ! !. fu sy na n as you j are. and it is n r i '... bit too severe even i wb.eji ir says that they are small sidrit jid and laekin.Lj in trn" nanlii;e-s. I rlo vi-h that yu v x:-l r al tho r.rt ic!-. " ' "I don't )' . d to." ia:. lied Scribbler, j .-ttt !i;4 uj. to fyt .".nd roan. j "I'll ir.- to lillav,- y, ;iy ynll do not n.'.-il r, ad if, ..np. Serihhder'.-" "iJaej--- w, '!, the fact is, my dear, I wrote that arti lo my.-.df. " Denver Ir-t. "Fi.i- V::!i.r." A little sf""v tint a toi.-arol not lnnfj a:;o in a r-, .ni h . :"i- .;:j.-.r is sent to r.s 1 y (' a !''.-.-pa;,. 'el;t to s.how ho'.v S;-:iii- i:e d '. '.v '. of their navy In. fore th !:. it .'v.. !:?s. A '2:'iiish admir.il i- n. a:n: ai .-. aie f t. i-ju pi .rt ill the nat -umI coiir-' of events calls on ti'.o " . , of ti-e local fort, and (m tho ; .:! call t i: Veiiii 'f sees the one lit i.'e ;." :i of the Si ,ani-h ra:iu-of-war run oie to tire a r. turn salute, hut at the i d m an- i t !' : paiiish admiral in.-'e - ami ti;r ws the yen, carriage al ail. r.ia i in- sea. " V-"..;! !" "!:i'uis tli" di.-tinuished vi-i' r. " V.'l-y yui throw your ;.'C.v er:."" :i: ;:ct;- over'.oavdV'' "li.- aus' . " re dies tie- admiral, "if ;he 'r.:i had -.""..' i :T, it wi .ulrt have hi 'an ihi- 'ai"h- shin to .ieei-s! That t.'i' a i . i .r A i si'.'iii Ci.f;; It may i"'t be pir';;!, the Dutch Doors at t !: ( ' those liviii',' ill remote o niafi Vial i.- cxpi nsi ve am! labor to (ihiain. j'r. .,l,eii! ly o;.. ri:;:, . one eollin I . : a eiamd vvhi ii i-; u coiis;de-r.u- no-iti.'U i.n ti, kamer" or j-rincii ai sir; be.' r ulili.ed as an ani.-lo .f iar:. it ornament or as a recepta-'le forcl.-il-i- aud other oddments dim farmer well known f" the v.-rio i possesses a beautifully I'm i-laid arti. !. of this sort which be Tni'-hi-d ;r u; 80 years i'.uo. Duriny that p.-; io.-i i-.,, ! a burit (1 three wives i a'h of ',;!ii.::i bid to bo cnnti.'iit with cohhis of tin- eom rnonest material aud vntuii.'.-t wos 1: manshiy while his own awairim,' o possessor stands in ail its luster ci' i'oi ishtd teak and silver mountings. Fur the present the old j.-e:it ieman uses it as a couch for Lis midday nap in order, as he sometimes remarks with, grave humor, that be may j,mt a.-, ur-h m ed to it. Cane Tiur s Everything in Summer Goods at half price, and less, to close. We must have the room for our Fall Goods. Summer Wrappers at half price, to close. The remainder of our Shirt Waists we have put in three lots 39c, 50c and 75c. New Carpets, Window Shades, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs, Curtains and Curtain Poles ( While Hnamclal Curtain Poles i nd fixtures, for 23c) Unbleached Muslin, excellent quality, 4c. Bleached Muslin, 5c, 6c and 7c. rf" ir b r o tr mmtiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii m in mmmmiimmm C3 A Ovr:iin W'orit S,-i';i'j;( , A German correspondent e..me to tb.e rescue of his count rym 'U, conci-rni!: whom we expressed .surprise that they should prefer to use a wmd of f ur syl lables when another word cxpi ' s-hm the same thing in JO syllables was available, lie sends us u copy r.f The Kolnischo Volkszi.it umr. in whieli oe enrs a sentence of (in 7 words, oemaj y iuj? GO lines of the newspaper. This word serpent occurs in a b ral judgment, and even the printers got to hate it after setting up about -be) words of it. fro they put in a full .-top. which, like a rifle bullet in tin: spine of a f .a constrictor, hilled tin- whole s-jiiteiice. Dut it must really be nice to have news papers in which you can begin to lead a sentence at breakfast, continuo ir in the train and triumphantly l.ai 'h the verb at rliice. .London Glebe. tiii a ' - a m ; . i r i a " i b.w's that':" " i'l.r niv e.-.ura ra; ! 'ii !' a- me; e ' icii SoJj u.'-J 1 I ir-il is in. I--X jxrii'iiccil. "Have you made up your mind ju-t what qualities you e. p ecr to liud in a husband?" asked tho matrn. "Why, of course," answered the maid. "Too bad," commented the matron with a sigh. "Why do you say that'.-'' demand-d the maiden. "Oh, I alwavs hate to s. e vomer gir ls disappoinf.il.' aii-wered the m.itr. .n. j JqJ Chicago Post. r-a IfMJ. aJ. ini( Strap Bow Sandals. Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is better... We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from tho most reliable man uf ictu tors in the b'ni'i .1 States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoeu are refused by an expeit, ami mt permitted to puss to the trade. We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cases of .STUFF that looks like Shoe-, and than swell up and advertise "the Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you to our place of bu-ine--, are then coinoel you to look with chagric and disgust on tho small assortment and make shift with something' you did not want. Wo never have to resort to such misleading statements, for we h'-tvo .. . Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of 4,000, So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand and scratch your head ar.d wen ler what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED UESELIVE, and wo can spring something this soring luring the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make you Bay: "I'll tako thee.'' 1 'DICES ON Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Footwear : InfanU' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to o's ooc. Infants' Chocolate, button, 2's to o's, '',.. Child's '.'hoao'ate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 's G-"ic. Infants' Dongola button. 2's to .Vo ''jc. Child's Extra tine Choc, strap Sandals Soc and Ojc Inftnts Choc, (extra fine) button, 2's to .Vs 7-je. Child's Extra line (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Si to Infants' (Red and Blue Stitch) fine quality inn- 1 1 si, cO to 81. lo. pola button 7"ic. Mi-se?' Extra line (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 11 J to Child's Vesting Top, extra tine Choc, bow ? , 2's $1.25 to 81.50. to 81. -JO M i-se-:' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 00c to 81. Child'.-, Anvil bottom Choc. la;e. Si to Jl :1.25 J"h lot till solid Goat button. 8i to 11 7oc to hoc. to -l..'i5. LaJiea' Oxfords $1 25, 81.50, 81.65. Little Gents', pat. back st -ip, Hi to 11 -sJ.5o. a .!. -rv Mr. C: lain in t' n. 8i Kindly Co :i i i '. eratf . "Whv is it," the ftaiing y.innu' man asked, "that your daughter still wt ars rpl REPAIRING. For Sale bv SMITH & I'A KM ELK and FKICKE .V CO. lie , and in saving this ship " L' ml ai New s. j such short dress I "Oh, I keep h. r dre--ed that way." Lii ! r.. ; a.'.K. i ...'a . i : ; .uis. oiuiiiiiii'' a ii - ei ei 1. v. 111 a i e: ; . - ik Wasth. re juiy vil : fl blush, "because if she had him' ! tkirts on jieeplf would think sin- wa- imy sister whn tlay saw us turn r 1 ; I I Jl 1 1 StllOllI" ll ( ,01 I I 1 TH A. A & V, w ASA - ' a U JL AL V A Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather No Humbuggery. ROBT SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER m foil. fi Tdi m m ,I2J m Toll. 0 jtii. TiHi m m, m m m. m RSI m m m m m m fr-il yckweiler & Loi cat y. ai saw a.-t lilgi ah N.-t "ii the f me, inougn. i have no wih to coueeal the fc! that J u climbing ov.-r my lap ; have a dau-hter who is as tall as 1 ii tne a-.-ta. Yonkers i aim "Cleveland L ad r. In i'raia t lii-lit. ; is ilb.-pil to capture fregs j I tit K - t .'. IN 1NK I.V . i i. -i i . Take Laxative Erotuo Ouinii-.cTalilets. Continue to do a leading business m Fancy .ah .a-j-ts r.fuu.i the money if it and Staple Groceries. Because they carry j;1 IrrtrviancQ o4--kLr V i o r f t v ei c K and coll rj b ail iiiiiiiciioc oijoi, kjkaj vujii "ii" vii ..t think I)e ill's Vi'i cli Hazel i low prices. Everything good to eat of Best : s i, the ns er-t pre I'.i ration en the Quality. Call and try us. ! f-' w,ijhnc. J J l)u ii, if hee.ing. a. Try it tuid .'you will think the same. It .also cures ! eoz- ma aud all skin diseases. F. G. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb iicke. Hattie So you and Jack qr.arr- b d. did yon? Ella Yes. He said something that 1 didn't like and I tal l him we mu.-t be strangers henceforth. Hattie And did he fall on his knee and ask you to forgive him? Ella Not he! You see he tiiat is, his knees were occupied at the time. Chicago News. IS THE I' LACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed i Constantly on Hand. A torpid liver robs you of ambition ' and ruins your health. I)'Witt' Lit- ' rn Elincnr CD TDHftP tie Early ' Kisers cie u se the liver. LUCnDClVUCrX Cf 1 KUUl, cure constipation and all stomach and j liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. TIIIKD AND MAIN-STS. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In al! lines and we Id vlte our friends to look It over. We will endeavor to please you. Call nnd Bee us. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successor to oetry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOUTH. - NEB HARVEY HOLLOWAY Can tractor JJulldcr. Contracts taken far the erect: 'ii r, Rc:'rrnce Hams and any kai l of carotntcr i,ri, m any part of the county. Call on or a-Jiress HAKVEY IIOI,l(IH. V, l'lM.inniilh. Vb THK PERKINS 110USH, F. R. GUTHM ANN, Prop. Rates Si and $1.50 Dcr Day Centrallj- Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA