Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 16, 1898, Image 4

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C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Drt-HH making, MiH.-t Laura Twins.
Union Ulock.
IiiHiiro in tho (ii'i'iinn Amoi ie.aer.
FrtMl l'.hinjror, A'oiit.
I iollowuy'o popular Htam.:d Im-ad
i mailo of Uciol'b host Hoar.
Now process aolino hIovos at al
most your owii prices at Coatu &l Co'.
Auk your duulurtt fur the "White
Sailor" ciivr, inatirifartured )y
For. Sall'Jhkap-A a'uipli
tOD buiriv. Suo A. VV. AtWootl
Fran k
ut tllW
tlru aior.
Uolloway'a bread, which has
the lead, is made of Ileidol'a
sifter" Hour.
Four choice fariua for rout
miles from town. Knuuire of
II f i: W
J. Ji.
Tiirasher, agent.
The woattier bureau aya cooler to
day 1 d eastern Nubr aika, but you ean'l
notice it, if it ia.
If you vanl to amok the boat try
Wurl llroa. Cut lleil. The liriOMt f
cent cigar mudo.
If you don't beo the (Jut I foil riar
call for it, and tfot the boat .r cent ci
gar in the market.
Wa.NTKO To trade a good fix
octavo orgnn for a good buggy hm ao.
Inquire at Nkws ollice.
Switch murine 1H3 broke an aile in
the yards laat night, and will
laid up aomo timo for repairs.
FoltriALK A li vo-yoar-old mare, at
a. bargain. Sound in ovory particular.
Thu Fraternal Union will give
aocial at th K. of 1'. hall tho overling
of Auguat IK. Further particulars
Wantkd A good girl for goneral
housework. Apply at Morning hakery.
corner of Sixth and Vino streets,
Thev do anv you can get tho best
soda wator at A. W. At wood's drug
tore. Coca-Cola, Celery, cherry und
all thaehoico tiavors.
Don't fail to bring your old school
books to Central building if you want
to foil thorn. It will bo too late if
you don't attend to it at once.
Wanted Intelligent women; ppe
rial work, good pay. Call at, Mrs
l'eterbon's opposite tho court house,
today and tomorrow afternoon
Nails which havo boen in tho Hood
for sale by the pound or keg, at prices
bolow wholesale at tho factory.
The B. & M. will sell tickets to Om
aha and return August 17, IS and 19,
and good for return the 20, at GO cents
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Tho Havanna folks must feel first
rate with a square meal in sight. Hats
will require soreral years to recuper
ate and got a footing on the island
The ladies of tho W. It. C. will give
a ''lilue Jay social and cako walk at
G. A. It. hall Wednesday night, Au
gust 17. Admission 10 cents refresh
ments free.
The city ia pretty well covered by
lady book agents just now, and thoy
say some of the gallant young men are
buying beoks with a lavishness that ir
quito surprising.
Plattsmouth will soon have another
weekly paper with George IS. Mann a
proprietor ana editor, it wiu be in
dependent in politics and will fill a
field not covered before.
Ihe dirt ia tho hill tt tho corner of
Seventh and Main streets is beine
taken out by tho use of sticks of dyna
mite, and is being liauieu to nil up
under the now Sage Livery barn.
Thousands of persons havo been
cured of piles by using Do Witt's Witch
Hazol Salvo. It heals promptly and
cures eczema and all skin diseases. Ii
gives immediate rolief. F. G. Fricke.
Gust Hyors of Ilavelock got the
point of a drill thrust deep into hi
hand and blood poison was threatened.
IIo is laying oft with a badly swollen
hand and spent tho day with his fa
The Christian bcienco readingroom,
over the old Journal oillee, had a nice
new org;n added this morning. Col.
Robert Vass will yank a few familiar
melodies out ot tuo inacnino upon re
Be on the watch for the large Color
tvpe picture of the Battleship Maine
Frame! in oak and gold. Tho most
beautiful and pathetic memento of the
war. Orders will be taker, at your
E. M. Weil, suprema organizer of
tho United Moderns, and D. Tope, of
the M. W. A., accident department.
aro in tho city from Denver today
Both will be present at the Fraternal
Union social this evening.
"I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the finest preparation on thi
market for piles " So writes John C.
Dunn, of Wheeling, Va. Try it Hnd
you will think the same. It also cures
eczema and all skin diseases. F. G
L. A. Moore, Nebraska's most artis
tic florist, took a largo quantity of
flowers, fdrns, plants, etc., to Omaha
thia morning where he will decorate
for the Whoeler-Cady wedding. His
reputation for fine work is better than
that or any florist in the metropolis..
The Journal advocates a Platts
mouth. JJay at tne exposition. t
can't see anything in favor of the
proposition; eTery day has has been
Plattsmouth Day since the gates
opened, and the cost of the exposi
tion to this city will amount to an enor
mous sum. Ihe people here don't
need any incentive to get them out.
Col. Pickett continues to build up si
big market for fruits and regetaolee
which he sends to the Black Hills. lie
sent twenty immense crates in
day. Wm. Crawford is the chief
to take advantage of the market
his fins musk melons, tomatoes.
cabbage grace the tables of wealthy
residents of Dead wood and Lead City
Ue takes great care in selecting and
picking, and the result is there is no
complaint evar received.
A man stands no chance of being
elected to tne mayorshipof acity unless
he enjoys the confidence and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is
the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio,
and under date of Jan. 17, 1S95, he
writes as follows: "This is to certify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. My family and
neighbors have tested it, and we
know it Is an excellent remedy for
coughs and colds. George W
HUMrilREY," Sold by all druggists
A Monster Knglne.
A Decapol B. & M. engine No 333 with
ten drive wheels came in from the east
last night, and will be pent out to the
mountain division of the road whore
two of the same kind have been in use
for over a year. Thoy aro very use
ful on tho etoop grades and have
earned the name of mountain climbers.
Tho Gut lleil continues to head tho
it a a fine 6-cont cigar. Ask for no
I.fttmt War Nw,
VASniNJTr, !). C.. Aug. in. Ad
jutant (jenoral Corbin'a orders this
iiioMiirg M-ttls definitoly L,,:'-i posi
tion in Cub i. The Seventh army
corps will occupy Havana province.
Leo will bo in coriiinaud of the milita
ry department -f llaTiiisa.
The Third N' brauka, being a part
of the Seventh corps, will go to Ila-
v a n u.
IIo.N'U KON'O, Aug. I ti. It W;i 10
o'clock Saturday when Dewey ig-
nalled the advance on Manila,
previously buying received a refus'ii
of surrender.
The Olympia in tho lead, sigualb d
tho city Jigain to surrender. Tho
O.ympia then commenced the bom
bardment with eight-inch shells. The
report of tho gun was tho signal fur
the American advanoe on land.
Tho lightirg lasted two hours. Then
tho Spanish surrendered and our
troops later marched into the city.
Augusti escaped at dusk. A fait
cruiser from Dewey is expected every
moment with full details. Th-o were
given by the Gorman conaul.
MunllM Una IriIleu.
Washington, August IS. The
State department has just Uaued the
followin p:
"The following dinpatch wai re
ceived at tho slate department at 11:1
p. m., August 15, from Consul YViid
imin, Hong Kong:
"'.Augusti says Dowcy bombarded
Manila Saturday and tho city surren
dered unconditionally. Augusti was
taken by Germans in launch to the
Kaiserin Augusta and brought to
Bong Kong. I credit tho report.' "
Free Mt-liuul Hooks Decided Upon.
The board of education met in ad
journed session last ovoning, for the
purpose of providing for tho introduc
tion of tho froo-book system, nnd de
cided te operate tho 6ystom in all
grades, including th high school.
Thia means that all tho pupils in tho
ci.y schools will bo furnished all their
books of every kind, which books will
bo tho property of the school district,
and which will bo loanod to the pupils
while attending school. For the sake
of economy and to enable those now
owning books, for which they will
have no further need, to receive the
value of thom so that they will not be
a dead loss upon their hands, the board
decided to purchase all books now in
the hands of pupils and others, which
were in good second-hand condition,
for fifty per cent of the selling price
and they can bo so disposed of during
every day this week at the high
tchool building for cash. No parents
will bo required to purchase any books
whatever in the future, and it is earn
estly requested that those having
school books now in use in the schools,
which aro in good second-hand con
dition, should bring tho same to the
central building, before tho close of
thia wook, as after that tho board will
not purchase second-band books, but
will fill out the quunty needed with
new books. Ail books containing pen
cil marks must be cleaned with an
eraser, and all books must be put In
good cleanly condition. The board
will not purchase any book that is not
in a neat, clean, sound condition. Per
sons who desire to purchase and own
thoir own books will have an oppor
tunity to do so. All books will prob
ably bo covered with a tough smooth
durable cover each year before being
placed in the hands of the pupils. A
list of the books desired are as follows:
Books used in grades:
Barnes' National First Reader.
' " Second "
Third "
Fourth "
" Elementary Geography.
" Complete Geography.
Hyde's Lessons in English, Book 1.
I ! ft
Kellagg's Physiology. Book 2.
Books used in the high school.
Harkness' F-asy Latin M.thod.
" Cicero.
" Latin Grammar.
Harper and Tolman's Caesar.
Miller's Vergil.
Milne's Algebra.
Macnie's l'lane and Solid Geometry.
Barnes' General History.
Hutchinson's Physiology.
Burnett's Zoology,
Bryant and Stratton Bookkeeping.
Butler's School English.
McCIeary's Studies in Civics.
Spaulding'i Botany.
LeConte's Geology.
Morris' English History.
Shaw's English and American Literature.
" Physics.
Steele's Astronomy.
Clark's Elements of Chemistry.
Joines and Meisner's German Gr miner.
Storms' Immensee.
Bilderbuch ohne Bilder.
Itadly Frightvued.
Mr. Fangler had never seen any
dynamite, and when he found a couple
of sticks of the deadly explosive under
the cushion of his wagon seat that
roischevious boys had stolen and hid
away, ho lit his cigar wnile he exam
ined the stuff, and even placed it to
his nose to smell it while he puffed
away at the cigar, never realizing
that ho wasn t two inches from eter
nity until he drove up in front of
Mayor Uichey's and enquired what
the stuff was. When told that it was
dynamite, he realized what a close
call he had, and he was badly fright
ened. He will be more, careful next
time about examining articles with a
lighted cigar closo by.
A New 1'ollc Judge.
Henry Decatur Barr who is called
"Dick" for short is acting police judge
under the ordinances of the city dui
ing the absence of J udge Archer this
week in Lincoln. Barr ia a juttice of
the peace in and for this city, and the
ordinance makes him police judge
during the absence of the regularly
elected officer. He is setting type at
the News office, but anyone enquiring
for justice will be promptly accom
modated. Choice Herd Ground.
Cows taken to pasture on the
choice sweet grass of the sandbar.
Plenty of shade, $1.25 per month will
be charged, cows to bo taken and re
turned. Address through postoffice.
Geo. McDaniel.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. Tho genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
For Sale.
A fre..h milch cow. Enquire of Wm.
Wetenkamp, Mynard.
Notice to Ire Conituiiiera.
Our ice books are 30 cts. per 100 lbs.
Cash from and after this date. Cash
inly. F. S. WlllTK,
II. C. McMakkn A Son.
Tho World's best 5 cent cigar, Wurl
Bros. Cut lleil, strictly Union made.
Every doalor handles them.
M is McClullmid is vi' ifintf old fik nd i in this
Miss Kate I Ienipi.-I is visiting the exposition
tudiiy .
Mn. A. W. At wood is visiting with a fiiend
In ( in;'li.i.
("urti Moore and wife visiting the -x posi
tion tu lay.
Mr. I.aFollett went to Ashland this afternoon
on hiiiiiiesv
Fi ed Soderien and wile we;e po? 1 1 i"ii
vmlol today.
S L. tireesjri, a leaideut ol B-ravcr City, is m
tuwn uii a v;it with old Ii lends.
County Suivevor E. E. Hilton went out to
Louisville this inoiniiiK on business.
Jared Coie and w ile ol L juisvilie weie in the
tity today, and made the Nhi a pleasant tall.
Ilrnry Long and wife went out to Beaver City
this moi mug to look after theii wheat ciup out
Miss linger ol Columbus icturnrd home today
alter a pleasant visit w Ith the daughters ol Mr.
and Mrs. John hight.
Will Stadelmann K It Sunday evening for his
home in Chicago, while heie he sold his lot in
block ft, Stadelma'in's addition, to his mother.
Miss Linnie Smith, of Bureau county, Illinois,
arrived from the east yesterday for a visit with
Mrs. Jared Oore, her cousin, and other relatives
among the McNurlins.
Mrs. Elizabeth Goodwin depaited this morn
ing for Kawlius, Wyoming to attend the funeral
of her niece. She will be absent several days as
her sister is residing there
Miss Alice Wilson, after a pleasant vacation
with relatives and friends in this city, departed
this morning for Denver where she is one of the
teachers in the public schools.
William Wynn and family left on the 2 o'clock
train this morning over the B. & M. for a visit
with relatives and friends in Michigan. They
will spend a week in Chicago, and lemain east
about a month .
Miss Clara Street departed last evening for
Chicago to meet her mother, who lias been absent
in Massachusetts for several weeks. They will
return to l'lattsmoutli alter a short stay in the
city by the lake.
Asher Clark and daughter, Ella, accompanied
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. l'iper, to Omaha and
South Omaha today after which Mr. and Mrs.
l'iper will visit at Peru for a few days before re
turning to their Home in New York.
James Furlong, one of Cass county's enterpris
ing youug men, wili arrive here on the twenty
first to spend a couple ol weeks with his parents
and old friends; also to attend the Old Settler's
re-union. He has certainly made a record that
any young man should be proud of during the
past year.
Conditions In the JtorHin et.
"Tho northwest country is looking
fine, tho people aro fooling good, and
most of them are coming down to tho
exposition during the fall month-,'"
Biiys Arthur B. Smith, assistant gen
eral pasengor agent of the B. & M.,
who lias just returned from a fort
night's trip through Oiegon, Wash
ington, Montana, Idaho, Utah am!
"There is not the excitement over
the Klondike gold minos that there
was in Seattle and other northwest
cities a few months ago," continued
Mr. Smith, "but tho Alaskan trallic
still attracts considerable attention.
The people there say there is a good
living in gold mining in Alaska for
any one who can start in with enough
capital to carry on a season's enter
prise, but the men who went up with
out nothing and expected to become
millionaires in a few we ks are being
rapidly weeded out. Business condi
tions are good. Bee.
A Recital.
Mr. Tucker's vocal pupils will give
tho closing recital of tho years' work
at tho home of Mrs. Byron Clark, who
has kindly loaned her home for the
occasion. Chairs will be placed on
tho lawn as woli as in the house, and
everything possible wili be done for
the pleasant entertainment of the
guests. An admission of twenty-five
cents will bo charged which will in
clude admission and refreshment
charges. The pupils will all undoubt
edly show a vnst improvement over
former work. An interesting program
has boen prepared that is not too classi
cal to bo agreeable. Tho program
will be announced later.
Another Reformer.
Bl'TTK, Montana, August 15. W.
A. Clark, banker, mir:e owner and
patron of art, who estimates hi
wealth at 40, 000, ()(, is announced by
his newspapers as a democratic can
did-tte for United States sen-ile to
succeed Leo Mantle, lie will mnko
run on a platform of free silver and
against the money aristocracy. A
the same time the interesting an
rouDcement is made that Marcu
Daly is also urged by his friends to b
a candidate and that he may bo per
suaded to make tho race.
Hacklen's Arnica Salve.
The be&t salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
;nd positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 2-5 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke
An lueroKting Event.
Miss Evans of Omaha will give an
interesting talk about her 'P3rsonaI
Experience in Paris" at the Ladies'
Day Reception, given by tho Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church,
at the home of Mrs. Agnew, Wednes
day afternoon, August 17, from 2:o0 to
5:S0. Come to hear her and snend
pleasant afternoon. A good program
has been prepared. Admission 25
When You Take Your Vacation
The most necessary article to have
with you (after your pocket book) is a
bottlo of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an
absolute prevention or euro of all de
rangements of the bowels caused byr a
change of water. You aro likely to
need it. F.-icke & Co.
It read.
Morning's bread hereafter may be
obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona
than Hatt's and Dovey's.
Bob Moore of of Lafayette, Ind.
says that for constipation ho has found
DeWitt's Litt'o Early Risers to be
perfect. They never gripe. Try them
for stomache and liver troubles. F.
G. Fricke.
For Kent.
Store room in Fitzgareld's block.
Enquire of T. II. Pollock, Agent.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until Mav 21st. when I crot a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the rain and the
second afforded cotrplete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Moheaux, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
Another Recital.
C. F. Tucker will give the last stu
dent's recital at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Byron Clark Thursday even
ing, August 25.
One Tliina and Knottier
A torpid liver robs ou of ambition
arid ruins your health. DuWitt's Lit
tle Early Ris.iis cleanse the liver,
euro constipation and all stomach and
liver troublos. F. C Fricko k Co.
Barak Livingston received an i'l
creaMj in poneiwn from $ to $10 pur
month. IIo was an early settlor of
thi county, and now resides near
A ned mo.
There's no better flour made than
Hi-i.-ol's "Plansifter," manufactured
in city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get tho best and sup
port .v home industry at tho same titre,
vihich builds up thn town.
Win your battles against disuaso by
acting promptly. One Minuto Cough
Cure produces immediate results;
when taken early it prevents consump
tion. And in later stages it furnishes
prompt rolief. F. G. Fricko.
Second hand typewriters as good as
new. Smith Premier and Remingtons
that will do perfect work, and can bo
bad for a fraction of tho price of a
now machine. See Thos. W hitehead
at Nkws ollice.
Sick headache, biliousness, consti
pation and all li ver and stomach troub
les can bo quickly cured by using those
famous littlo pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. Thoy are pleas
ant to take and never gripo. F. G.
A man was arrested at Nebraska
City because ho refused to pay taxes
on his dog. He was afterward dis
charged and tho dog was arrested and
taken into custody, where if not bailed
out it will suffer martyrdom for hav
ing an owner too stingy to pay for its
right to live.
1 dosire to attest to tho merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of tho most valuable and efficient
preparations on tho market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
ine in 24 hours, and in gratitude there
for. I desire to inform you that I will
nevor bn without it and you should foci
proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies art; held dy p?oplo in
general. It is tho one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downky, Editor Democrat, Albion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
Special Rate For ftenalou.
A special coach will bo attached to
the freight train going south on the
M. P. at 6:35 a. m. August 20 and 27,
which will return leaving Union daily
a little after five o'clock. This is done
to accommodate those who wish to at
tend the old settler's reunion at Union.
Tho rates will tie ono and ooo-third
fare for the round trip sixty cents for
Plattsmouth visitors. No t etter train
sorvico could be asked for. For further
particulars enquire of C. F. Stouton
borough, M. P. agent.
The Mont Fatal Dlm'asp.
It is not generally known that more
adults die of Kidney trouble than of
anv other disoaso. When tho first
symptoms of this disease appears, no
time should bo lost in taking Foley's
Kidney Cure; which is guaranteed or
money refunded. Fricko & Co.
Hard and Soft Coal.
John Waterman is sole agent for
tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also
carries the boot grades of hard coal,
wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime,
moment, etc. If you are going to
build, it will pay you to see Water
nan. Office at the rear of Water
man block on Fifth street.
It is, or should be, the highest aim
jf every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling.
111., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It m3'
ixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv."
Sold by all druggist
Wonderfully Low Kateft.
In order to secure men for the har
vest fields of Kans and Oklahoma the
M. 1. railway will sell ono ticket to
any point on its lines in that country
at regub'.r rates good for three pet
sons. This is a remarKably liberal ad
on tho part of the M. P. and will eivr
any man who wants work a chance to
get it.
M. L. Yoctm, Cameron, Pa., says "1
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was reccommend to me. I used ont
box. It has effected a permanenl
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Missouri Pacilic
Has a round trip rate of a fare and a
third to Omaha, good every day dur
ing the exposition excent when a low
er rate is made. All trains stop at
the exposition gate, giving exception
al facilities for the convenience of
patrons who save car fare and unpleas
ant transfers. Take the old reliable
M. P. train for Omaha and the expo
sition. 8100 Reward 8100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure ia all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to. the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure
Send for list of testimonials.
i Address. F.J, henry &Co.. Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
ISurliiigton Inn
Six blocks from exposition. A. D
Touzalin, manager; E. B. Mooney,
clerk. Rooms SI. 00 per day special
rates by week or month. Everything
nrst class. lake Dodge street car
from Union depot to 20th and Burdette
streets. Write us for particulars.
The editor of the Evans City, Pa.,
Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough
Cure is rightly namod. It cured my
children after all other remedies
failed." It cures coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Tourist, l'rttiiphletn.
Descriptive of Yellowston National
Park and the summer resorts of Colo
rado and containing, besides maps and
illustrations, a great deal of info-ma-tion
of interest to sight-seers and
tourists, can be had by addressing J.
Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
You Can Depend On It
that Foley's Colic Cure is an instant
relief for colic, summer complaint,
cholera morbus, diarrhoea, bloody
flux, chronic diarrhoea, cholera in
fantum, bilious colic, painter's colic
and all bowel complaints. Fricke &
Get Wash-a-Lone
weiler & Lutz.
soap at Zuck
The Beearftn
Special ,on SllOCS
One Bar Santa Claus Soap
On presenting thisC'-upon on
or b-.'foro Aug. 18, ai d
making a purchase ( f
f.0 cents at tho
Department Store
liouxetiold Uudi.
The ancient Greeks believed that
the Penates worn tho gods who at- '
tended to tne wunaru anu prosperity
of tho family. '1 hey were worship
ped us household gods. The house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
Now Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds arid for all atTecions of
thi oat, chest and lungs, it i invalu
able. It has been tried for a quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cu'e
or money returned. No household
should bo without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedv for old and young. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu
lar size 50c and $1.
In New Quartern.
Having removed to the Merges'
building, next to Lehnhoff's, I will
continue to keep a selected stock of 1
tropical fruits, and will servo ice j
cream and lomon-ide as formerly.
John Schiapiicassk. j
The Chief Rurgess of Milesburg. j
Pa., says DoWitt s Little Larly ltis-ers
aro the best pills he over used in his
familj' during forty years of hmwi
keeping. They cure constipation,
sick headache and stomach and livr
troubles. Small in size but great in
results. F. G. Fricke.
Don't forgot to leave magazines at
Wescott's store for the buys in com
pany B. They aro anxious for them
and they will bo promptly sent to
them at Jacksonville, Fia.
Investigation shows that men who
succeed are men of brains tr ng i
nerves grjat will-power. Ordiraty
food eannot suppiv tho vital force
which peopb' with active, hr-rins fi nd j
bodies require. Elcola Pills fe d the j
nerves make tho mind b'-igVt. mcs-j
cles strong mak" flesh aeri b!.i- d ar:(i j
give per feet hoaitb to Me'i and Wo- i
men. TlIK TUIIKKUS K l';!U..-
ijklphi A make Eicola Pills
J E Huckey. chief rlerk National Ho-el. j
ington, I C. testifies tliat lie was all run inwn
was a shadow cf his fanner sc"f- I5;-l-- Tills
gave him wonderfnl reiicf he Rained over
twenty pounds after usinc them.
Selling: .Asreiit: for Ilttrinnih nul '
County, V. l. FSlCHE & O.
Turners' I iftl L.;-v-i- Turien V very
small pi!'. Turn your Tver. 've tI- he.-id-ache
Bi'iou-;n.'; -1 r"-l:.ei-T--
r rfT'r- ir ; t c
rs 1
PACK 3Ai-r.f-!
ever rem n hcti.uo i
.. - j f
Luiui eOlOl'. a
II r.air tailing. !
Curei 5Cil,i c -esJ a.
nr. 51 ,t,rx
Pol'shed Nickel or An-
t.que Cupper
1 .()(( MII.KS. with
Independent t rip Reg
ister of Hi ) Miles.
Trip can easily be
Set bark to 0. I-or all
sizes. Fully guaranteed
Sold by all good dealers.
V. N. Mftiiuf Co., Fluid du Lac.; H is.
Ice Cream on tha Lawn,
or served on tho piazza, is tho pvor-er
caper just n.w, when the family are
indulinr i" t.utis, crrqu-t, p olf or
other he:iithy -:'OT t-. Th jre i 3 noth
intrtoequfil our deliciius i-o cream
as a cool iner, ref ''eshingr and nouri.h
in refreshment. We will srtd it to
your order in any quantity de; tired.
holloway, The Baker.
Fitzgerald Block
ent S
tore to
$1.75, $1.50 and $1.25 Shoes go at $1.00
Ixiwns and
...That were 1 5c, !2'c,
Organdies, Lawns nud Diniities..
...That v --m o 6c, 5c, 3;c, o at 2'c
jjjjj UA'.LIl
Bank of Cass County, Pi
II;ivin;" t'l'l iirm (1 t I
to wck'niiK' all my old ru-.t
and show IIkjii a xrKvt
Tinware and ainlliMi t: -
hardware store.
He sure and rail, a-- '
interest von.
RockwoocI Block,
.Our own direct i .:i
1 IIU r illL'oL 1
Line of . . .
Many Xovelliex, Swiiwinr--.. etr., with
Pictures of the Cass County Court House
Placed under the (ilaxo. Nothing like ..m- line in
town. Come and sec us. . . .
First Door Eat of Court ! . ,-e PLATTSMOUTH, NE?
' OI a HOl'llr Willi 11 1 u I
better uiifl tiijlit ln.-tter.
resist the ellVrt of the mid.
exhaustion of the li.-ittie.
restorative the tiiii t li-iri i
( t roH r.t tllO Tl.fitt itTu.lCillllK
YTfM swecte6t flowers, it renews
blood: tho assimilative power
ia r1r rf tl
i can't drink too mm.'li of
!l wroni; time. Yoi were
never ne too Old 10 enjoy n n 01 n in n i it.
wA.V, for ttie soldier in t!ie fir Id. for 1 !: wojim-h :mri
V.'. children at home, HIKKS Jjootl.eer the t.est J.
V.VK beverage, tfie host,
VVV. for laiiL'iior.
Kl'v one paekape
vv'x rniiaueipnia.
i I
and e r!s ylioul-i wri:
the Clmricy. K. Ilin
:J :,m a day.
aiJ Itani how to :u;'.ke IK i-,r J
f ai'? j ri' KS.
vh;Ti f')T
1H strict f,f
5 atri8 of
Top ii!j2-.".H3.
Surrpra, j to f
ett I rinjr-ll'al
"Wa. .is. trr.d f.r
T. T7. S :rrer TTarnf. Prl'. I6. 00.
, . r . i i aei.a for b.
Catalogue of ail
i mm
M ICJiLK !ST"i.,
II. M. HJKNNK MSK.N, Maiiau'er.
Large Supply of tho
Inc:udiar tlm Famous
Missouri. Iliinoi.-.
Jackson Hill nnd
Canon City Lump,
Always on hand A No a quantity of
cheaper Grades of NUT COAT.. We aNo
Weep on hand all kinds of Wood. AH "r
dcrs promptly delivered. Leave oriers
at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co.
-; i
A ai giixr
v if c" n s
10c ;ici
O 1 -
o at 5c
'!; ! i - .ii' :!'. I will ! - ! : i l
in.T .
, , I .1 - tU-W rilli'S,
S ! : V." -,, ! I ; l I t 1 W.'UV,
u;; 1 J . r.n r! in a ii r:-t tlass
-imc in k--, llial will
puvi u i ;?-. Vroia ,'i!Sria
ii lie! ware !,nth
"f 1
. . , . !
1 ii I i .i ii'i in: v 1 1 t ii-' I
in; w in rn: roller pn purci io y
tin- hiiit'ix- :f tl;': rii;tr:)i, the I',
IIIKKS J'.oo! i. -r is n.-iture's Mr
n? Jrir;): of tin: n.ition. Corn- W'
ILIlN. tiiP 1 1 1 I V f - t XilT l. tllfi'i
the life-fiviirt' elements of the
of the nouiach; the; vi;;or 'ind '
ot the body. 'I'Ait
'Mk 'til
f, IrMrr-ct r, : : f r i i vr- Vf,li:P. "YfMl 'V4-A
r it
it; you emit ir ink it at the yW-7
tieer too yorint.' .von will fJr, tlie l.ei-t untidote ."fS",
oid tverywj.-re.
mrtKis panons.
i.t v. r.
f.iv;;, t
w ar-j.r.u.-i.
Vj u. ? ;o.
'i:. Carr:a-
and M:lk
Iirre, frte
our ttyj
tfca --i. r-itk dL;ir
L, ,-r I. A i'-rOl 1 for 'Ai
TV. !!. Tj:.TT. V I.K MA UT.
hizzw.m Liveryman.
rr. 1 his
fi, 7i .-.M. i!."iMl N'EH
11 A ID CO A
" i i ri Coal, f.en ui i:e Canon City Coal
.t F. S. Whit-
j whiti:.
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
Drew Kuilliiir, I'lattsiiioulh, Neh.
Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8 p.
m; net-vices each Sunday,