r.i. -5 4 V 4 V 4 V 4 V 8V 4V V ' 4V V 8 V v v 4 V 4 V 4, 4 V 4V V V V v V J ,',! Nni'iiiHl I li it. Iiiiln Kii'ii ;unl nlln r Sp in-h tut -j i ii II W t'M l. 1 ii n li H ;i i nl Hi i i -t il r 1 1 M tin- i ,:nl I". .lies In In- .-.i 1 ( a ti il i . i I . BfSIS OF PEfGE TREATY. ris I 'I'll :i t S;i;n will rt;liiit-inli :ill claiin of m'ViTfi;'iit;, civr r niiil lilif li u l.t. IJniUil St itu. hliull ho untied to tins latter. 'i'ii i (I - I hat t In L'niH d S' it I e will ( u iy atid hod t h; ci ty hay and hitltur of Maui la. J;ud I n' Itiu conclusion of a tr.aly n diijM)rti lion and ?. if- i . . ? f to ? to to tf v V V "T V V V V V V V V V V V V pi-nee, wiiu-li nti ill deter mlno the control, orniiHMitof tiie I'liillppincb. Fourth That I'u ha, i'orto I tiro and oilier .Spanish isiati.'.n in tho Vo--t Itidio hh ill ho iin rm:o lutoly ov n:ualed, and that. rii -rniHsioat-rx, to b itppolritotl within ten dayb, hhall, within thirtv day nftor tin- -ij;ri ii.Lf of the proeloeol, meet it1 Havana an. I S n Juan, ri'hi'i;ti Voiy , to arianjfo und execute tho dulai.n tho j VacuatioiiM. Fifth That, tho United Stati-s and Spain will o-u-h :i f j . i 1 1 1 t m ,1,. liian vi; Ciiuiiili.-.'-lO'i.Mas to ni-yot .at o and tiil min a I aty of n- .1:0. Tin- com ill i.--ii rif i s an; to ni'-ft ..t. I'iri-i not l.iti-i tl. an li.o lir.-,t of ( )ct ohm-. Sixth- On tho hiitiiri-r of tin; iiroctocol IwHti i lli- w 1 1 1 ho t-nisperiilial , and not ice to that flT'ei't will ho jivon as soon ;h po sihlo hy inch jo Vern im-ii t to ilt) military anil navai rorn :n .. n ors. PEACE IS DECLARED. I'riii I iiidiIiuii or lliti l'r hPP'IiI No Fur I Iter I' Ifi til Injf Now. V. Asiii.Noi on. Aim. 12. Tho picsi dont has iiiiiod tho following pro clamation : Hy tiik I'liKsiitKNTor tiih (Jnitki STATl.S OK AMKUICA I KOI .'LA. MA -TION : Whereas, Ily a protocol concluded and sitrnod Auiru-.t 12, lH'.t.H, by William ll. Day. sec;et:iry of ntato of the Unitod StatcH, and his excellency, Jules Camhou, nmhassador extra ordinary a nd minister plenipotentiary of the repuhlie of France, tit Wuah intjton, resjiccl i vely i epreentiny for this jiurjioso the (.'over n men t of the United SlateH and the trovernnu nt of Sptiin, tho United States mid Spain have formally agreed upon tho tei ins on which negotiations for the estab lishment of peace between the two countries shall be undertaken and, Whereas, It is in said protocol agreed that upon its conclusion and signature hostilities between tho two countries shall bo suspended, and that notice to that effect shall bo given as soon as possible by each government to the commanders of its military and naval forces. Now, Therefore, I, William Me Kinley, president of tho United States, do, in accordance with the stipulations of the protocol, declare and proclaim on tho part of tho Unitod States, a suspension of hostilities, and do here by command that orders lie immedi atly given through the proper channels to the commanders of the military and naval forces of the Unitod States to abstain from all acts inconsistent with this proclamation. In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused tho seal of tho United States to ho atlixed. Done at the City of Washington this 12th nay of August, in the yea of our Lord, One Thousand r'itrht 1 .: e - j dred and Nu ety-eight, and of the independence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty-third. Seal William M'kixlky. Hy the President, William li. Day, Secretary of State. A copy of the proclamation has been cabled to our army and navy com manders. Spain will caole its com manders like instructions. Hll;hl St. .( Train IColili. i s, ST. JoSKl'II, Mo., Aug. 1J. The train robbois who held up the iJur llntou ' llyer'' Lwo min.-s north o! this city last n if.' h t are u ruler arrest and a weeping, cr. sll'ai . en gang of h .ndits they Hie. Tin) loader. James ll ith i way, aged 17, is a Western Union mes senger boy. His pa, i Lner-i in high crime are Charley I i, Alono n- torburn, William Hathaway, brother of James, and llerh.-r Doniphan, rang ing in ago from 1; to iii years. All are sons of respectable people. These i n trepid road agent s recoi ved the iiinpiration which enahiod them to hold up an express train, terrorize the trainmen, overpower the expre-s mes senger anil roll his strong box out of the car door into a t .'on, from persistent reading ol yeiio'.v-Packet romance. At the scene of the tn(lu tho leader of tho gaii'.r lo-' :v pock d ict ion.t ry, on the Ily leaf of whii nis name was wrl'.teti. 1 his was louttn today by a raiiioad delec'ive. All llltll lelliallli It L( lie 1 1 1 1 1 - u:,s 10 eon- suit tho citv direetorv and to arrest young' Hathau ay, who promptly con fessed everything, giving the ham.!: of the others. After securing the safe and getting away from the scene of the robbery with it, tho youths lost their splendid nerve, dumped it out upon the high way, and scurried back to their coin fortablo homes in the citv. : CITY AM) COUNTY. I SAII'ltltAV. j One oi .eh would not contain the iCio.mI whi.'h went to Omaha on the ii a r ; y t I a i a this morning. I ; rt .-ihryoek i - e I . i , n in Hasso j niei.-r'- oriig -tore, at Louisville, dur ing l"e ;i!i-..-t nl lite proprietor. 'ihe Worn. us cluo met with Mrs. j Aiwoi.il la-t i veiling. Lu-ii.e-s of Until. i l. I. cij v. .. s l I n li. a J t. U a tl u a pK Ua a'.t ii ur i - i if t. O. iiy Li v iujiitton and Ihe recruit for Man.ia are expected to rail this week. They li iU! been ut San Francisco up to tie. pr. so n t time. J ul i a Ol i v or, F. M. Ihaneliard and o ! hers li i e.l art icles est eril ay tit Ll II -coni lor ' ho organization of ti.e State loll 1 o-ters a-si no i Hon. Tool W hiti head has b i ll lining , niie hu-i nes- here i n ty pe wri te rs. hav lug s o il six in otio v.'ei k. lie h . an nlhe on I'ainiiatu str eet in Ouiah u Tie- Loui- Ville folks are making preparation- ioi a Wo-d n: I'l's picnit o e hoot t hero Au.'U-t Si F. J Lutl.eti ami .1. L Kool art) tin -p - aker- who will he in attendance. Lieutenant L'awls writes that Hiram l.o-.ine i- in p. ui s.o.i.e. Ho 1-, better oat is suiT ring fioin iusoinaia, and an llort ii being made to have hull fur :oi:"h"d home. Wiilie ( i u ' h m a n is '.veil I'gain nf'cr a loi -f iiiness. Ceorge Hub- r. or.e o' the earlle-t seniors of Loui-.vi:lo. died in Coiinci ll nil's la-t Moral a v ttrid was bur'nd Weill. e-driV I Iuiisvilie. Ho l'-avi: a wif and four chihiren. Most of his oioperty was dissipated before his don th. John Wilkinson is now the happy owner of u line hi oded hay running horse, a d it P said that he intends to enter him in the races at the Cass iouat f oe" fai". Mr. W ilkinson pur-eiia-. al this blooded steed from a AS TIIKV COMIC AND iO. I'o.i. Mtlha;!. v. I., a. A. lain W. .11 an l ( i'u I'lav.. 1 1 Sam l".e. ! "ii I. in. "!n n. lav . I .i-,t;:- a n i .at' l i "-;! li I Mil. .1. iv. ' :u ai ;sm .tin 1 1 ,im- a 1 1 i : . v. 1 ' M'I1 1 III' i.y va. I .n i.iy ;it t! ai'lav at nl LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ,. ,.i i tit L. t: -t vi r ii.--J I. ill t" -.L'lrJ - lai ..1 .1 y . I ll II -h,-r. LETTER FROM SANTIAGO Will be Muttterftl Out. Washington, D. C, Aug. 15. The war depertment has decided not to move any more troops from state cam its. Twenty thousand men are to be mustered out soon. A number of batteries of artillery and eighteen regiments of infantry now in state camps are on the lists flrst to be mus tered out. The western and north western regiments are the Fifth and Sixth Iowa batteries, Twenty-third Kansas, Fifteenth Minnesota. Nevada battalion. Fourth Wisconsin and Wis consin battery. The Cornell Hoy Fount!. Arthur Crissman returned fioni a boxcar ride to North Platte the first of tho week, and while out on ui: tour he became acquainted with the runaway Cornell boy of Aubur n, who went with him from Seward. The f ther and mother are in a state of mind over the boy's absence, and have telegraphed all over the country tr ing to find him Mr. Cornell learned of Crissman and came to town Fri day and was overjoyed to get the trace of his son. He derm-tod by first train for the wt st to get him. The Ciay Troubittlours. L. D. Iliatt, Louis '1 nomas' Reu Patterson and F.cd Hiwksworth, drove down from Pin ttsmouth last Sunday and took dinner at Hotel Smith? After dinner Messrs. Iliatt and Thomas played some splendid selections on mandolin and guitar, and the music was enjoyed by quite an audience that assembled in the hotel ollico to hear them. Union Ledger. A "ice 1'icuic. The Tu to rs report a first class time at their picnic Sunday, tiie crowd being very large and everything passed off quiet and nice. The music was line and the big crowd which went out from this city were nicely enter tained. Another will probably be given in a few- weeks, before the sea son closes. The society cleared over 37-5 which will help out on tht-ir new hall. Dnura at Cedar Creek. The Foresters of Modern Woodmen camp -.('). will give a dance at Schneider hall. Cedar Creek, August 27. Good music and a nice timo as sured all who attend. A ICeKiilar Soldier Writes His Multi.j About the liilllli' of 1 ! t am v SANTIAGO, Cuba, July 2o, ISifS. Dt:AK Motiiku: We have had 1 0:11 Dailies uere, aim Willie you have been uneasy auoui me yet vol cannot imagine w hat a terrible tioiigvvat is. until you see a battle fougtti ;.uu thei go to the liosfiital ami see t ie w ounued and dying iu ail inoir a.:o av ..ud dis tress. Ill the b-.'le . .. ; I'e .' a we had marches t v 1, .0 . t i h ui halt; d, when a. 1 - 1 : : .j;,.. .vlong and (raid we had to .11 o u )l;ti:u high up oil mo 111 1 1 l- oi us heiore we c old take Sa: ' '' -' t!ocan- li 'ed from i i u: , v. i.i -e we aoi lint on 5 ::r. . .. 'or four hours, l ; C't the i n ii' ' - e : I t into tti-tiO!', anu . . i; ...... . i . ., m in s voice ten fi e? the i;o;.-o of Li e musket s y. w . oader lit for thirteen i-.a v. . I . . al ,i lutu to eat or a e:a, ,-' . t to ,!- ' k. Finally the vvhi e il we up. o"! we were glad, it- w .s ,!ii..i;i at tin n, and we h d to g. right i v. . I 1m-; ing dean so.'j iei s. It was a sic.i.-n g job, but we had to do it. We iluj hoies in the ground three feet deep and wide enough to put six to eight in one grave. In this battle my chum was killed as he loaded his r i fie by my side, and two other men of my com pany were killed and sixty wounded. I got through without a scratch. On the 6th day of July we worked all day and all night. digging trenches around the city about half a mile from town, and then we were lighting night and day for three days. Finally when the white flag went up we jumped out of the trenches and shouted ourselves hoarse with joy. The city has a population of :ib ut 90,1100, and there are hundreds of wounded Spaniards there. We are camped just outsiie the city, and there is lots of our boys sick iti camp. The doetiv says it was on account of its being so hot, and the ate'' di e not agree with us. We get plen'y to eat now, we have been getting tresh beef and Ivead for the last week, expect to go to Porto Hico next. Your Son, Waltkk L. 13i.ackf.tt, Co. 13. 22d Fveg. Infants W Today's Mrket. Wheat opened at 6")4. and closed at 65; corn 32J, and closed at 3. Pork and oats both lower. A woman died at Table Hock yester day that must have been pretty old, ns her fourth husband died of old nge 25 yea'-s ago. The woman is thought to have been 1 10 vears old at the time of her demise. Her name was Delilah Cromwell. Dr. Elster dentist, Waterman Block, Plattsmouth. A ltntl Accident. Sam Archer was driving a team hitched to a carryall Sunday, and in turning a corner quickly the vehicle wasupset severely injuring Mrs. Mike McCool and little child, also Mis Harkens. The women were both un conscious at first but soon recovered. The little McCool child had a gah cut across its forehead which l.i id bare the ekuil, and leceived o h"r in juries which may prove ltlai Company II. Mrs. Wescott anu oilier Pdiltsmnu: 1. ladies would like to send some read ing mitler to company i!, and no grt atcr favor could be shown the boys, who long for something to read, than to send them your old magazine. Arv papers or magazines left at Wesco-t".-store will be promptly fov warded to them. Please remember th m in their loneiy camp life, a;)d send them old or nesv magazines. The old lady of 1 17 .e irs, who ba justdieJ in Cayuga county. X Y.. leaves a son 7" years old and a icgii ter who is SO. Doubtless her ho; moments were disturbed with ano c honsion as to what would beeom-' ' these ycung people when she shoiiM no longer bo here to watch over tht.ni. Floy Oisrtppeareil. Jacob, the fifteen year old son south of Plattsmouth, left home on the evening of Aug 2 and has not been heard of since. He is light compiox ioned, thick lips, large teeth, with one corner off a front tooth. He wore a black soft hat, brown jacket, light shirt and old blue overalls. Any information about the boy will be gladly received atid paid for by John Kraeger, Mynard, Nebraska. For !nle. The five acres with res donee, east and adjoining 13. & M. lumber y.rds. 2i act es in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells. Cistern. Cellar. was on our A voca Ad vo- watermelon v.-nder, w h street- last Wednesday.- cate. A 1 e! t or ft om Sa n ' in go received tit this olliee today showed a regular IT. S. p. -st ago stamp with no Spanish in dications to pi ove thr'.l S intitigo was no an American town belonging to I'lieie Sam. ll looked good ti) see the little "ed stamp doing duty down in Cuba, bearing loving greetings to friends in Nebraska. MONDAY. Win. Crawford, the gardener, has his famous music melons on the mar ket which is ii-riainly quite early for them. Company 15. of the Third Nebraska region nt has a darky hoy for a mas cot which was captured at Chaita no ga. Lixby's poetry ab ut when Mana han swallowed the oops, is too realis tic for some ol the de.ejales here to lie funny. TheXi:VS rearet-: to note that II. 1). Travis is conlined to his heme wilh a slight iiliies-i. lie hopes io be out ga shortly. There will be no police court this W: Cl.tii-iict." I . Il -l.ii y i- uu' J;nk I'i H--.JII ii.d l.iaiily. Supt. O lit ,fii. ul tl.c -tine t, citv Kil.! lr.nn smith Hiiid. Mis. In. Dcaii-iK and .vl Manlia I -; 1 1 . i s th.s n.aiiai.'H. li. W. Ui-csi.n at:d wik" ul lu- lu.ik aic iitj viitain In-i la ithi-r A!!rti Itvu.ai. Mrs I) l. An. litis ,,f M.inlrv. an I Mi I n: li.eu i'ii' in th, a .11 t.i.lllV. a . .in lie . : : tia . M i : will l.-av.' .aii.l Mi S. .it! M .n llii- ulii ii-i-i i l :n-. It., l s pi-i: lai a I'ett'iM-n aic attrti'la. tl.f t-xp.. Mo I.i..m lii i.ni ui'til tu I mi'. n la si'iai'l .sun l.i i.ith I. i t Wtiiiani W y ii ii ji. aoi l..n..l .l.i tin an r tt-n. v 1 i.ii l- ( hi p. .ait-;. I I. ink U'hr.-li-i and ilr il ..uti ii'i-ai f a" M.i'li-.n Nivi.i.i lua tnii .11 until s ii i i . M N. i ii until, w ill' and i!a.ikd;ti- tlii-a Inane ill I inial.a t.. !a wi.'i-k iit 'a ilt-nl.rA n.'" Alb. at I'll kc.l'ln. l'att.i..n. li. -i.il ! I'o-w ami I' i it 1' ra.ku liao- l'.'Iil' i.c.r tin- M.iU- In laaii-s ta i .aiup nut Lit ii l.-u days. Mrs t.'. W. I ii-l i v iiic ..I K n. i i ii-, luv.a. a.a'.iai paaird l lifi liaslian.l. is in tin- i itv vi ii.ii; lica patents. Mi. and Mis. I'. W. !-lifriii;iii. I Is. J'li. mas, Kt, 1. 1. I'atn.n and Cliai ao l-..-tei an. I r el a I oilier sli.. pe"!'!.', made npaii.re ei-.ud ..1 epo-ilion i.it.n:- tliis til'.tnili. (He Maylield, one d the la.l.te-t y.iuii nev.s paper men in the state, i ; in the city ti. Ia h mi A..Lii with his wile, an h'.s' way to I uui-i!le ta spend Sunday wilh his patents. J :nl no A i eher went oat to the San. tin 1 i.m iit Lincoln aairi today. He will return Sunday and k'o l.iii K 1 uesdity lu remain a Week', ami see Citn net the rheu mat i: in bo i led out o h : at. I h I.rfal Notice. In the I 1 r t I on 1 1 of ( 'ass Count v. Nebraska. In la.- mallei nl the eu.inli.iiishij I on i . ii I- on i ke, Anna I .. I I Kotii and .. ,'iili I' I I Ko.it ke. I 'ndei .mil I a tie . .1 a In I'ir.r to sell the leal .' I.i'-' I. ere a: if I el !e - . I 1 1 ,e. I tl I .ide 1 11 t lie a 1 .1 . V e I'll -I t. i' la e to It. .11 i'..eal s Kalll .i'V. pidre. on i. d i i .1 Inly. A . I i !-'.'. I will on the iiol I S. ,.; ,,a. . l JS'.IS, , pi , 1, ;, ..lia-s ! .a ol t he i inn 1 h,,u-e, in I'lalt . in i.o.e.i i . o o i . Ni'hi.i-li i, o'tei lot eale i . t one la: ndi e I .uel tin rf in the n ui t lieus I q u j r Icr .1 the j..tlovet i) li j 1 1 c t . lot one hundirJ Mild toir in the Uutti,wi-t quartei ul the kuuth '.jjl ij. nter and lot ciliteuri In thr -..ii t hv. ct quarter ot the sou'hrait quarter and tin- soutiie.ist ipi.ai ler of the toiitliwest quarter, a! m si, lion mm-tern. in township twriTr, north .1 latitte loiirteen. in l ass county, Nebraska. I ..li ii n.'.ui.l t.'ti mi li.uk t vMity-six, Duke's ml- I a i ui. La s len, eleven ami twelve in block tine, -t a ia. i ni. ai's :i i.biioii and hit ten in block nan tv to.-, a.! in thr ntv ol I'lattsinnut h. Cass ..aits. .N .1 a ask a. to the h ivdiest hnlder (ur cash . i.-l noiiois owiitna an ua divided three loiirths . ol aid land, and a deed wtil be made to the p., 1 1 1 1 .t -e r ii j.i .ii t he pa v m. nt ol t he pro rata bhar e I he pi: i a.. e pi ii e . .1 I he lemaiinnu undivided .lie - I. e, I h I ' j I. N I I I I 1 M I l I 1 1 It K h, as t oi. ii d.. an and lor heiself. I'.v her attoiuevs, pyi .n C.aik and C A. Kawls. .'.!;::: a v. I -'.' Mieiin's Sale. I'. tine ..I an i -.o ii'ii.n. issued by I ieo I'". 1 1-.iiseu i 1 1 h. cleikot the disoiit i unit, within and I'.i I ,os lonnty. Nelnaska. ami loineih i. i ted. I will on the ii I day ol S- pteinl.ei, A. I). I"'- at - o i lo. k k in ol s:n, .l.i . at the south do t ot the . nil It lions,, in he . ily ol I 'hit t slilolit li in -aid ...i!iit, -ell .it pul. he am Hun, to the ha:l:e-; binder I. a ni li, Ihe luliiiuui leal estate P. v. it I a I .ur (ll in blmk twenty one (L'l) in the y i.e.'.- ..I l.auw'iod, in t'ass t utility. Nrluaska. t -i.elhei u ah the proiiee, and applirteliam.es tl.ei.'inito bcioimuiK iii in anywise appui I, lining I he -.ime In ini; lea-l upon iiml taken as the pi l.etty ol A. A. Ihols ileleudant, losalislya jml:;a.t nt ol -aid mint le. oveied by the I'.iiin ei- liank ol Mui.hu k, pi.nntilt. against said de- iCll' l.i nt . i'.ait .aiouth. Nebra-ka, A it 1; . '.". I , - . I)., IhyH. m. I) V ii no a k. Sheiill. ( 'ass fount y, Nebraska. I.y . I ). .MdliiJo, I It-imty. C S l'ulk, attorney loi planitill. Bottom Dropped ...of Prices 1 i- On 1897-Grown ... Off Garden and Field fs Ni W t-w.w Two Packages Garden Sor.cl, i Everything else at bottom i! io y e) Now is tho time to rcji.'iir your Sj t ti ti 1 1 fore the rains lie-jin lib 111 K i i We Have Something Ne i i .(li aft""r toniorro.y, .is J utlye Aretter )us to Lincoln to fake treatment for is rheumai.MU. Mr. ull-l Ivl. llerinati K:ietseh's little ihiu-rht: r, Alio-.-, yv;i.s rt jiorteil Jsino-orously ill ye.sterd.iy, but is much et ter this morn i u. l'o-ey Messersinit!i says he has the niee-ist eor n lie ever saw. I Jo declares iotne of the ears are so larffe a man e;in"t lift one end of them. Tiie fellows who had a li ye-fral Ion yvj; at a iiieaie yesterday full of beer bail hotter leave a ciar at this olliee before they hear something; drop. A ieltei" was received today from Willie Oulliniiiti at Jaeksonyille hy a relative .mil ho s:i ys he is well ii";iiin null irun l'iil health of the camp is rood Dr. ll. W. t.'ook is homo nfjain from Lincoln orroitly imoroved in health, a"d ho'-f 'o lie ahle lo att -nd to busi-ne-s without havi.'ia- to go b u k any more. A million dollars has just been paid out to th-; so diors at Chiekamauira. .lost of the mo ey will no doubt he ent horn for safe keen na; and to pay dents with. A e mo o of boys shot li line spec! men of the uncommon blue crane on the tivor this rnorninjr, which they vvouid iik" to turn over to a competent iaxiuermist. .Miss K.son entertained a company yoiioi- 'oiks at her home Satur iv even; no- r, honor of u-m-sts from .j 'ssi - si ;!!, i::!iii'ln; w is one ol t ne ! lief a rniisenionls. j Yard ma -ter Mmehester want out to scliuy.er this morni .jr to brinyf .n Lne pa-seae-'M tfiim from t ii -re. He .'i I t ke Conductor Waidron s place for a couple of days. Court lloport 'r Xo 't.heutt had busi ness in town u'liicu called ii i m nere from Nebraska City Tills is a much nicer city to spend S tnday in than our neirrhbor down the river. Will B ook is permanently employed as a saiesm-'n in tne snee n piriraent .it the Host on store and only comes me hero on Saturday ev. nine, to re turn ao;;un on the early fain .Monday m - i r n i : i r . A eia-s of thirteen rr.i-s"s dressed in Hire white, weari::r white veils tok ih-"i." iirsi holy Co'mmunioii at rst. .iiMin s euurc i tins morninir, tocreiner with four hoys. The fervico was an impressive one, and as si tin as the nishop comes the class will be duly n firmed. J. W. Sage,s monster livery barn at the corner of Seventh and Pearl treets, opposite Kiehey's lumber of- hee. has been raised and looks like an x position buildino-. Frank Kichey inforras us it will require four car loads of lumber for completion outside of tillering1. John Robins it Son me JoirfT the carpenter work. He it: ice newspapars talk encourao-- n .ay about havi:iLf a possible naif crop f c ra in that vicinity. That town las sulTei-' d from about seven succes sive tiiouths. wnile this counTv has l ei but one drouth in forty years aad n-aiw hill! a crop was raised then. Che rof tie ds hero loon likeeiphty u-h 1- to the acre wimid not b un co m mon. 'no salvation ;i:niy pugilist, who ache's between times, was fined s2.no, and co-ts this mornin!.r for the tv-ave net of triK!tiiT a man in the ace while an office' pinion-'.) the fel ow's hands an, arms. The fracas occurred nt their barricks on lower Main street Saturday even ins" where lhout forty Salvationists from Ornnha lave :i bantjuet. Ml. N I. AY. Mr. Kes-ler was in ( laiaha t li is nnu nin. C. S: l!lv was looking altet le;il husiiiess in tin m.tiopolis today. Mr. and Mrs. II . Monisand Mi s beul.ili Klson snent the day at the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Iiellviile went to I 'aiaha this morning to attend the exposition. John Carney Suit laycl in I'liittsiiiouth, and re turned to his woik at the Hotel I'clloiie this niormnir. Mrs. C A. Kawls and family went out t a I lug, .Nebraska, this mot nin lo visit her -istei In n le.v days. Ilerniiin liode, of l;looinii);;toti, Illinii.-;, lelt for hotn'. by the way of Uaiaha alter a ybit vvi'li his brot In-r-in-law, l id. Cunningham. tijorKc" lirinklow departed today for his home in Texas to resume his occu. atia as engineer liis wile v. ill teiiiaiii he.e s-oinc i.caks loiiu'ei . W. t '. Wiilit- received u-n I yestei lay lliat hi ; iiuitlicr v as very l..w . and he w ill leave this eveiiinK for her home at I letroit, M 'n Icati. J. N. Siiminers spent Sunday heie with his family, lie likes his ne.v p isiiion ai loie n.ci at Wymore vetyraujh, and letuinel io his w.uk this luariiincj. C. V.. Wescott returned home this laoinin from tlliicitgo where he purchased an immense line of clothing and gents' furiiishaigs, some of which has already be;un to arrive. Harvey Cory returiied to his home at Marly, Iowa, yesterday, near Sioux City. He says t he republicans in that district are going to elect a democrat to congress, by the name ol ( Jarrett son, beyond a doubt, as the re-art of turning down Col. Perkins of the Sioux City journal, who was entitled to a renominatioii. Probate Notice. I n th.- County Com I of Cass county, N'ebi ask a: In the m.o ter ol the estate of John H Holmes, deiea-ed. All prisons niteiested 111 said matter .ne lu iebv untitle I that nil the ".Tlh day of July, l-'.ts, l-i.iiK is M. Young tiled a petition in sat! rn. ut. playing that Ins ttnal a iministratioii ai -i i .ii a t , tiled heieni, be seltled and allowed, and Hii't he be dist haiged from his trust as atliiiiius 1 1 .tot , and t h.'it il you tail to appear beloie said court mi the -I'd day nl August. IsliH, at U o'clock a. in . and contest said petition, the cotnt may giant tin- piayer of said petition, and make such other and Itiithei unlets, allowances and decrees as to this couit may seem piopei. to the end that an inn t na s pn la m ing to said estate may be linal Iv settled and dctei m mcd . Witness my hand a". I tiie seal nl said couit, tins IM day nt Aug list, IS'.'S ljl i.KI.1'. M Sl'l KI.OCK, I si Al County Judge. In a door lock that will last a lilc-liinc ; li.i . work's better anl costs less money tli.in ;i Call and see adravity door lock, at I he ii i store of . . . . S. B. HALL & SON, South Sixth Street, - - Pl.-.U- to. - J I 1 ll nil lib ! i a h , V.I !'' WHALE HUNTING. Bennett & Tutt today received an Immense invoice of China and lamp goods that are well worth seeing. In Kniland they claim to have sue i d- d. after ii'tii.' and patient trial," in i sa.ir wheat and oats until the pro- tuct pas the b-' ii-ine- qua ltiesof hotn, in it r.i ni ;is well r.s in straw. It is another "revolution in iiuriciriture,"" and if it should happen to turn out ac cording to the promises of the experi- 4merican Whaler Was Accused o Jrcery Valuable Catcliew. The whins fisheries pursued for manj years with jjreai peoiit tc the wli ilers oi Massachusetts and Lou; Island are now but a shadow of their former pro;.. rt ions Forty years a;:o nearly bUD wiialini; ves sels sailed from New IJcdl'or.i, Mass., aud returned with oil and whaiebont worth uearly -fT.OOO.Ocu Whale oil then sold for $2.75 a gallon and whale boue was worth a pound Sow thai thewha'ing grounds have been didixded of their riches, the docks of New Ued ford are almost deserted of whalers, lor few lisbermeu are hardy enough to vi :i ture into antarctic waters, where tin reiuuauts of formerly vast schools oi whales tied tor security The whaling industry is 0:10 ot rht- oldest iii America It was e.- tabiis.i: t in 1755 It reached its most proiitabh period 1'" years later Simv I -did it ha been decreasing in nnpoi t.mee simi proht Today it adds very little to the wealil of New Bedford. A writer iu Tho Fishing (-iazette sas s "One William Hamilton was the lirsi person who killed whales ou the New England coast He was born ?n Scotland iu ItH'J and. coming to this country 11: the early part of bi3 life, took up his residence at Cape Cod. where he was persecuted by the inhabitants tor killinj; whales as one who dealt with evil spir its Whaling was a'terwanl carried 01; by a Mr I'aiM.iek who went to Nan tucket about tiie midd'e d IS-o tor r iit purpose of i:si ruci ing tne Loo,..!) Ui the art of wha 111 boats from tin shore, which b.i.i'iess continued gooc and profitable tih v.be year 17H0 when it dimiuished in visejue!ice ot thf scarcity ot whales In 1 7 1 whales wcr pursued on the occaa u small sloops aud schoouers of from 80 to 50 tons The blubber was brought home and tried or boiieri in try houses. A few years later vessels of larger burden ivert employed and the oil boiled out in trj works at sea "The most valuable catch ever madf by a whaleshtp was that ol the Onward. Captain A lieu, which arrive;! in New Bedford after a 41 months cruise with a cargo worth over $-i75.0"0. of which the captaiu s share was :'.', 000 The total value of the whole product of the whales brought into New Bedford dur ing the L'-i years for whirh a record has been kept is more than 1 4o. ntrd, 000 "The average ship, carrying a crerj of SO hands. Used to cost about s'.5,000 The ships were owned by companies which supplied provisions and clothing and all tho necessaries ot the vnvasre j and advanced certain surisot money toi tne captain and his viiw to leave f 01 the support of their families while they were away No wanes were paid tc either the officers or the sailors, bui each had his share in the proceeds of the voyage, and the balance was divider among the stockholders when they re turned The captains aud mates ver- Legal Notice In tlio I isti ii t Couit of Cass County. Nebraska. iu tin.' matter ot the estate ol Chillies llutiia, de teasel. Aj.pii. at inn of Mainari-t S. (Sutler, administratrix ol i-atid e-aate loi license to sell real estate to J'liV debts. I his cause came on for hearing upon the Ii"tilion ol Marnaiet S. Butler ailinintratrix of I lie folate ol Chai les Ilutler, deceased, praying tor a license to sell the southwest quarter (sw'l ol 1-i'Cti.ui eight ) touai.dnp ( lOj range nine do, c'a-s county, .Nebraska, or a sutiicient amount 1 .1 the same to cay the sum ol Sl'.-2,i)t) in payment ol -iehts, charges and expenses ol administration ..t said estateaud il appearing to the undersigned judge "I the district court that there is not sulli 1 lent pel soiial propel t y in the hands of said adniin-i.-ti.drix lo pay said debts, t harges and expenses i.nd it iui thei appearing that it is necessary to -ell the leal estate described in said petition tiled herein lor the payment of said debts, charges and e.peii-es. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter-e-ted in said estate appear before tne at the otfice 0 1 the del It nf the district court in I'lattsmouth Ca- cou nl v . Nebraska on the 27 ih day of August, A. 1). Is'.is al :l o'clock I'. M. of said day and show cau-e why a license should not be granted as pi.aved to said administratrix to sell the above di ,-ct n. ed le.ai estate or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said debts, chaiges and ex penses. It is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published far tour successive weeks prior to the time fixed for said hearing in the "Semi Week I y N i us-1 1 iui A 1. 1 1. ': a legal newspaper pub lished in Cass county, Nebraska. 1 rated this loth day ol July A I), islts. IJasii. S. Kamskv, judge. Legal Notice. I n t he Dist 'ict Con it of Cass Count y, Nebraska. In tiie matter of the es- I late of John Cusack, r di'Cea-ed. ) Application of Nathaniel II. Meeker, adminis trator, with will annexed of the estate of John Cusack. deceased, for license to sell real estate to pay debts, legacies and expenses ol admin istration. 1 his cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion ot .Nathaniel II. M eeker administrator of the estate of John Cusack, deceased, with will an nexed praing for a license tj sell the west one had I ' o ot the southwest quarter (sn J4 i of sec tion six Oil township eleven (Hi range nine (I'l I ass county, Nebraska or a sufficient amount of the same to pay the costs of administration, debts aad legacies oi said e-tate and its appealing to the undersigned judge of the district court that there is not sullic e..t personal property in the hau ls of said administrator to pay the debts, legacies, charges and expenses ot the adminis tration of said estate, and it appearing to the judge ot this court that it is necessary to sell the rea. estate describ d in said petition, tiled herein f..t tiie pa iiient of said debts, legacies, charges and expenses of administration. It i- therefore ordered that all persons in terested in said estate appear before me at the o:iire oithe clerk of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, in the city of flattsmouth, on the lid day of September, at two o'clock p in. ol said day to show cause why a license h. aid not be u ranted as praed, to said ad-iiiini-i rator to scll trie above described real es tate or so in uch thereof as may be necessary to pav .-aid debts, legacies, charge- and expenses. It i- I .t ah -r ordered that a Copy of this notice be p.ii' i-iied f.r tour succe--ive Week s prior to 'i time tix.-d fur sa: 1 hearing, in the Semi W'eeko Ni-.ws 11 r.KAl.li. a legal newspaper, pub ashed ia Co- couni. Nciir.iSka I 'aied tins Ul-t day oi Ju.y. I :-. liA.-n. . Kamskv, Judge. They banish pain r .. ON ' "-.' A and nrolono life. 7 N r-i:.-.Trr Neb. V -I -MM il V I r , b : - ' V-rf- --.',- 1. l (K.!iW''--''ir - -. o :.:;) -?tVi'.l V vWw- .17 za yir 11 w v ftl "in.' Wi? Ve. UV VCl V It V.' J t: r :m c .:.) T" No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. b A now pnrket cootAtnlixr tiw itri'A rARiT.ri In h yti'i'T r-. r f..ti ii t ,- at name dniir sbires ou ki vk cum. Tin 1 1 .w in i. en ni t i-, inii-mi. -i i .i i ,, . cal. l me loin of the live ceul rt.iti ( iau tnl.iil. , e,i;, I., i,..,,! t,. ,,, ., ,., to tho EirAHH Chbhicai. (Ujurtsy. So. lu Sprue.i sn,-. i '., w v. ri ... . luniLai wiu i mm ur s?a t. iiu. JJost Diedleuiu i v r m ..lu .ii, 1 1, w. .. I . . (1 Try the NEWS-HE ..For J 2 4 U I M mmmm-mmymiiam m l-.tfrt!f"'''r A H ts ft f t , ' t C fi " r t f TLbt Smith premier typewrite v r - I fii-y 1 li I 'tJfl t n &t9t "Valut Writing Machine Ras all tb JLateat T.mprorcmcnlo. popular Because of Jcrit. Moat Durable C-ppewriter Made, premier Buyers do JNot experiment. CDrit for JVew Hrt Catalogut free. Cbc Smith Premier "Cypc writer Co 8jracus, N. . t. H Omaha. Branch Oflli-f. cor. Suvt.-n t'-y t. .ri Probace None;. In county court, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Henry Martens, deceased. Augusta Martens, Maria Alartetis, Herman Marteiis. Fred Martens, Km i lie Martens, Henri etta Martens, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby not. lied that on the 4tti day ot August IStx, Augusta Martens filed a pe tition in said court, aileKiiil? anions other things that Het,r M.iMeiis me j on the lllth day of June is'.'-, leavmer ;i last ii: and testament, and pos--e--e 1 ot real at.d per- nai estate in said county, a;:..! . i al a( ve n anied C'liisti'.ute al. the pe sans n.teieste I i;: s;i'd matter, and prayir.tr for thenro- i a-.eoi said v.iii and tot aau.i.Kstr.uion of said Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RIIKUMATIC 'I I , i .u are hereby notified that if you fail to ap pear at sai 1 court o.i the al-t dav ot August, A. I). ,.-.-. at ' o'clock a. m., to contest the probate oi said uni. tho court may allow and probate said w iii and rrant administration of sa'd estate to Auyu-ta Martens, or some other suitable per son, and proceed to a sett lenient thereof. Vi itness my hand and the seal of said court at f'lausiiioulh, Nebraska, this, the kth day ol August A. 1). l-'.'S. (jKoRlll'- M. SU'RLOl K, I.SKAKJ County Judge LroLru! f ii n in mini 1 1 i iHaSrti iff-o-liiT- ,- , ,j Notice to Creditors. "AKai:cKA-f-" County Court In the matter of the estate c f John Johnson. de Ceased . Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator ol said estate, before me, county judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county fourt room in Platts mouth :n said county, on the third day of March, A. U. ls'.i'.'. at nine o'clock a. m., for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad-ju-tment and allowance. Six months are allowed tar the creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year for ihe administrator to set tie said estate, from the thi;d day of September. 1 s;.s. Witness my hand and the seal of said county iiiiitlii I'ourt at Fiattsmouth. Nebraska, this ttsi-.Ai. Zl i ih day of August, ls;is. ZttX'riyX GfcORGE M. jPCRLOCK. County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. I'.v virtue ol an order of sale issued by Basil Kamsoy. judge ol the district court, within and tor Cass cu:ty, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the '-'oth dav ot August. A. I.. 1'.''. at a o'clock p. m. of said day in the Martin building, on the north side of Main, be tween Fourth and Filth streets, in the city of Fiattsmouth. in said countv, sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de-cribed stock ol millinery goods, to-wit: In clu ing hats, bonnets, caps, ribbons, flowers, perfumes. laces and trimmings and fixtures, show cases, lankinir glasses, money drawer, etc.. the Another lit ratal C. F. Tuck- r will jrive tiie last stu mont rs it will cheapen food and lower: dent's recital at the i-rside-.ee of Mr. tho value of h rrricultural lands the i Hrd Mra Byron Clark Tnufoduy tve-i-world over. Ex. ing, August 25. same being evi.-d upon and taken as the pr .p- ertv of M illie Tucker and Nina Tucker, defend- bardy New Englailders, bat tho crews j ants, under an order of attachment issued out of .t -. r- ...t-ti u,...,,..-., r..e,,., tht, r-.n. the district court of said countv, in favor of "" "'"""J -..xiuu.3 uvu. .. v,te j in, ,t e Weakly Mibinery company, plaintiffs. ry, Madeira and Azore Hlaudi ' aga:nst said defendants. Fiattsmouth, Neb., August Cth. A I.. 1S3. V. D. Wheeler. Mieritf. Cass County. Nebraska. Hy J. I). Mcliride. Deputy. Get Wash-a-Loue weiler & Lutz. soap at Zuck- surest and the best, bold by druggists on a positive guarantee, J rn V) ceut.-j Ver box. Sample sent free on mention of this piihlifnt ion. THE I)R. WHITEHALL MLGIUMINE ;o . KoutL IJenJ. I&iJlana. THE NEWS does ..Good Job I ri nil na f.'rst- NATIONAL BANK OF I'LATTSMOUTH, NEB. ED. FfTZCiHEMffjD Ilasi new .-.toi-.c, ra is pre pa rod t. to take care of irvl PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, tfold. novernment and loi al securities oought and sold. Deposits re ceived and interest allowed on the certfl cates. Drafts drawn, arallaole In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. fl General Livery 2 illness. Quick trip-j made to ':i county. Li1.', iti. -:- :.:. rn-j cons tre.'i tm-Ti t !. ST VJ'.LKS SIX J ii , vi .j: Plattsnmiitli, V;h a. the H DIRECTORS: N. Dovey, D. Hawksviorth, S. Waugh, F. E. White, G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh, Cashier. H. N. DoveT. Asst. Cashier. tsubserite for The News the best paper in the city. HIE PERKINS HOUSE, GUTIIMANN, 1 top. F. R. Rates and 5-1.50 ccr Day Centrally Located and Com fortably FurLiiabed. PLATrSMOUTII, NEBRASKA f 1 1