Semi w eekly H TIIK NI'.WH, r.HtiiMili'! Nov. r., lh'.il. TIIK III. KM, i). J htitlliHliil April ID, ( TLATTSMOUTH, NKII.. Al'(U ST 1(. 185)8. UOfiHOlldiiU'd Jan. I. Im'J.'i VOL. VL NO. 7.1. This Space Belongs to the Firm of The Semi-Weekly News-Herald lUHLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS I . . . HV TIIK . . . tvi'n-i i i t f ii'invi vmnt vv . r. iv n I uiUiinin.xir i.ui a.x i , M. Ii. rOI.K, EDITOR. 9 Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. No Cheap Goods Sit shoihly wans, which wo :iro marking "Special Low Prices." Wo have boon in the uieroan t i 1 o business in I Mattsmouth for tho past twenty-eight yours and have established a reputation for. . . . The Best Goods at lite.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is our motto, our invariable ruin, and wo do not propose to depart ftom it now. Our Spring stock is liir'iT and moro com plete this year than over. Wo are solo agents in Platts nioiitli for tho celebrated "IJiaok Cat" brand Triplo Knee Stock i r. gs. Coino in and see us and wo will troat you right. Triple Knee "tEATHER Stocking. Hakf if Goons A..xn Giiocmans The $Kmm- Wouams & Tl A I'. FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves, Furniture, Bath Tutis, Buggies, Farm Tccl:, Etc. ;9W0 sPec'a Pint for each pur- Ji1' 4 pose, not one slip-dash mix ture for all. Not low priced, but highest grade at fair. b:mc--t i : ' Y- -u know our reputation. We say these are the be. r. s . :'. i'ou'H say so too after you h used them. SOLD BY F. G. FRICKE & CO. .. THE LEADERS THE GRO GERYTRflDb ARE- A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY -ar -y tho largest and most corap'ete line in Cass county. Every thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in sioek. The only place in the city where you can get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & GL Waterman Blk, GOING DOWN HILL. People suffering from Kidney Diseas es, feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and vitality. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO. uckweiler DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . Si Mont lis Or:;- Week, single Copies, hKMI-VVKKKLY KDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months, SI no 10 5 00 50 Tf,F LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. Ki.i i hi. i n n( Kt;r. Slitl t. r ct tun , M. I.. II V WAKI). I'ul 1iCUt . -I iCIVCI 11' . I'. (ilHliCK A MIKI'IIKV. I-r S(.'i icl.ii y ( stiiti.-, C. IM'KAS. l-'nr An. '.it 'i, T. L. MATIILWS J-hi Ti cM- in '! , ri'. i i .k m ik I i:nsi:. Fur Statt; Siiju-i i ! 1 1 o i : ! 1 1 1 . I F. SAY I. UK. I ill AttmiifV (, N 1). JACKSON". F.ii (' I'uiilk I a in 1 ;ml 1 1 ii i 1 1 i 1 1 n h O K. WILLI A MS. I .., ( ('mi r'Hsion;i I, ni;i I'SMiiitn, I ii st ili- ti'i i-:. j. ni'KKL'i r. 'mm1 y . hi' SiMKitur W.M. II. NF.WFLL. hi KoiireSL-ntiitiviT 'I'. J'. VlUNC, l.KNI.-r l'OLLAKI). ur Coim'.y Att iiuoy-- JKSSK I- ROOT, in ( 'oiniiiissii iiii'i, Thinl (Jistrict TCKNKK .INK. IS CD. HOWARD A FRAUD? I'. agar Howard makes an appeal to tho fu-ion foices wheresoever dis l Med to C'Uiie forward in this criti cal and trying moni-nt with donations of cash for the several state commit tees to urc ia pnyiiig railroad faro and hotel bills for the reform candidate who must go out and put up a spirited campaign or go down in ignominious defeat. Colonel Howard knows well enough that his scheme is impracti cable a iid woidd prove a useless waste? of money. The candidates would use the pusses they have on hand and '"Siilt'" the mileage as Edmisten has done in the discharge of his duties as oil inspector, i'oiiticians who ave willing to bai ler party principles for oilieo are "out for the stuil','' and h ive shown by accepting benellls from cor porations against which they assumed to be makii.g war that their assump tions were di.-honest and merely a bait thrown out to catch suckers. In stead of putting up money as a gratu ity to fat sal '. i ied otlicers and clerks the people should turn out on election day ar.d rebuke hypocrisy and phm by voting the republican ticket. Uixby. 'I'm-: worst free pas brigade that ev.-r iuld fo' Ih in the state house has been renominated by the pop state convention. Cue of the state officers before a-se-ing Him railways, took his w fe ami family up to the Hiack Hills in a special car as the gue.-:t of the li. vV M road, and when the ;'ssesftraent was made of course the great Uurling ton route was tak n care of. This is the sort of an outlit which tho pop pres calls "leaders of the reform forces.'1 It is reported ihat Uncle Sam at an expense of t ' 15,000.000, will pay off tho Cuban so diers. If Cuba is not to be annexed we should like to know what reason for such action can be found. To pay these insurgents such a princely sum of our mouey looks little short of an outrage and we don't be lieve the president will ever do it. INI OK.UATION" AM) OI'LMO.NS. Lutz A review of the situation, now that hostilities are at an end, warrants the conclusion that the Spanish idea of "satisfying honor'' is to have the oth er feliovv jump on you good ana hard and then pay him liberaliy for his exertions Chicago Ch; onicle. . A cyclone struck some frame houses near Gary, North Dakota, yesterday, and eight people were killed outright and several were fatally wounded. One man's house was picked up and driven through his barn. Stock of all kinds was nil led, and great damage to other property ensued. The Mexican National band has made a hit from its first appearance at tiie exposition. The Transm issis sippi and International Exposition is assuming a mora international charac ter every week that it p-ogresses. I lee. Hebson is said to be engaged to a pretty girl in Georgia He will get blown up again when she hears of that kissing episode. i A religions paper is authority for i the statement that tho devil can not use a man to advantage who attends to his own business. K'ii l!i(-;tii I'lmtT 4 on v nil ii in A d eh'" al e. con von t ion of I ho I ope h- ! lie in a? ly of the hihlli i cpri mmi t i tive district of .Nebraska, composed of Cass and Oloo counties v.iil be lu id at Weeping Water, .Nebtaska, on Wednesday. August 17, Iss, :l -J. o'clock . in. for the purpose of p'ae ing in nomination one candidate lor rep: ehentati ve, and the any other business that come before the convention. Counties will bo entitled setitiition as fo'low.-: Otoe Cass It is recommended that no proxu be allowed, but that, the d legaP present cast the full vote of tli sprctiv counties. I. W. Ti:i:..m;ii:n', H. C. Fit F.K.MAN, Chairman. Secretary. aamm wmmmrotmii m m m rmmmmmmmmmmmnid G. ( im t ra iisact ion of ma y proper 1 y t repi e- ri' Clixniln Mint of I hi- Worlil. M iss An nie Oakley writes: ".Myxelf and many if the UutTalo Mill Wild West (Jo. have "Jvoti .Mien's Foot Ease, the i o'.vilrr to shalvo into the slices, a most th'-ough trial, and it does all if not more than you claim." It instantly takes the sting out of Corns and llunions. Allen s Foot Ease is a certain cure for hot, aching nervous or sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists and Shoo Stores, 25c Sample sort, rK:-.l'.. Allr'ss .Allen S. Olmsted, Ho Roy, N. Y. ( Ii':t KiiK-H ly .Missouri l'.nilli 'l'o()iiiaha on account l-'ori.-t con vcnli' n, (nie fare for round t ip. D ite of sale August 10, limited to return August 25. To Om hit on account, of Nation i Dental .loetii g-, one f ire for tie round trip. August 25, limit d to re turn September 5. To Atchison, Kansas on account of Corn Carnival, one fare for the rouio trip. Date oi sale September re turn September 2-'. To St. Louis," Mo., on of St. Louis Fair, one faro for roimd trip. Dates d sale October 2 to 7, inclusive, ... : v. : . l i s : i .1 , a . to i wibii iiii'ii 111111L lu vycvuuui i". ' To Union, Neb , on account of Old Settlor s Kcunion, tare anu a tniru lor round trip. Dates of sale August 20 and 27, limited to return August 2S. To Omaha, on account of Kansas Day, 50c for round trip. Date of sale Sept. 1st; return limit, Sept. 7 To Omaha, on account of Commer cial Travellers' Day, one fare foi round trip. Date of sale, Sept. 21; ro turn limit, Sepf. 20. For particulars enquiro cf C. F Stouten borough, A gent. F'l--lri: Hill its. Electric Hitters is a medicine suited for any se isoii, but perhaps more gen erally neotteu when tiie lauguui, ex hausted feeiiiig prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic aiai alterative is teit. A prompt i! so of this medicine has often abated long arid perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and free ing tho system from the malar;i! poison. Headache, Indigestion. Con stipation, Dizziness, yield to Fiectrio Hitters. Fifty cents and i'l bottles at F. (Jr. Frickc's drug store. I Kates to Omaha, On account of tho Florist conven tion the 13. & M. will sell round trip tickets to Omaha August 10 for one fare for tho round trip, for trains only arriving in Omaha on the morning of the above date. W. L. 1'R KKT, Agent. K-lirf Pi Six Hours. Pistro-;sing kidney and bladder dis tse relieved in six hours by ''I'm-. (i UK AT SofTlI AMKItHAX KlDNKY CcitK." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieve: retention almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by Goring & Co., Drug gist. Plattsmouth. Nen. If you would like a photograph of Company H, Third regiment. Neb. U. S. volunteers, or of Col. W. J. H'-yan ind staff, see Mr. Ge;. J. Duck at Perkins house. They are sixty coats eaeh. These photographs were originally made for the Omaha World- llerald. Dangerous Drinking V liter. Death lurks in impure water. It breeds diseases often in epidemic form. The first symptom is looseness of the bowels. These diseases are checked bv taking Foley's Colic Cure. Fricke & Co. War! Yar! War! A war social will be given at the Christian church, Murray, Saturday evening August 20. Entertainment free. Everybody invited. E. 15. Ran ks, of Lewisville. Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was wo-th 50,000 to him. It cured his piles of ten years stand ing. He advises others to t'-y it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate soi es. K G. h neke. Take the Missouri Pacific trains if you wish to go to tne exposition, as they have the only depot on the grounds. You can save street car fare and avoid the crowded thoroughfares. TO tl'KE A COLD IN OXK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has , B Q. on each tablet Continue to do a leadiner business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best: Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb Oiui for Oilier Wars. Krupn is building five-centimeter (two inch ) paper tie'd guns for the German infantry. They are so light that a single soldier can easily carry one, while the resistenco of the p iner is creator than that of steel of the same caliber. War is getting: so civ ilized that the enemy will hereafter lie killed, as the politicians are, by the papers. Minneapolis Journal. subscribe for TriE paper in the city. News the best Go to the Drug Store of A. W. ATWOOD, (Successor to Smith & F.irnio'.j) for Pure Drugs, Patent Medicine?, Stationery and Cigars, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyes, Paint, Hair and Tooth Mrushes. Toilet Articles, Peifuraery, Soaps, Sponge, and all Varieties of Druggists' Sundries. Window Glass and Wall Paper, Humphrey's. Lutie's and Menion's Homoeopathic Remedies, Pure California Wices and Liquors for Medicinal u-os. In fact, everytlrng usually kept for Sale in Drug Stores. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Commencing MONDAY. AUGUST 1st. and continuing for the next Thirty Days, wo will have a... JT PR CE ON ALL SUMMER GOODS. Summer Wrappers From 69c up Shirt Waists at Cos! Fro in 39 c U "! I 1 miles, in. wide, -(tinyhams, - oc ic Special Reduction on all Lawn;., Dimities and Organdies. Real Scotch (Hiiyhams, former ;ri-e. 25c and ,0e; no i i - THE BEST SUMMER CORSET MADE, for SHOE DEP'T All Tan and Chocolate Shoos and Slip pers at very low prices, to close... Children's Tan Shoes, (J to 8, Children's Tan Shoes, Si to 11, Children's Tan Shoes, 11to2, . ; j .8!) 1.01) A few Colors in Carpet Warp, only about 100 lbs, wo are offering at 12Jc per pound. Cs- PARPET DEPT--.6 dozen Jtrussels Jluns for the; !)!) J III I'd i II : Ili ii. .;.v- .' rr- I qiiettc Jliiqs, $1 .25. Make your selections earlij, as last a few days. Xew Moqiictte Carpets and ) cewca. jo aozen n inaow bnaaes, ovc Kind . or .joc; e.rra ikhi rame. White Enameled Curtain Poles and fixtures, all complete, for 2 '. Hare you seen the Dewey washable Carpel, for 5' 2-ze ? L. L. Muslin, SG-in. wide, unbleached , 4c; best ijualitj. Best bleached Muslin, five, six and seven cents. This Sale is GENUINE. Enough said. 7i muuuimmummmmm m ui mimiimmmimi& Q 5 Strap Bow Sandals. Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is bettor... Fed fiiiJ m rJ ft u '-or-refu-- We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the most reliable manu States, wher - nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes ar and not permitted to pass to the trade. We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cases of STUFF th and then swell up and advertise Hhe Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you to our pi; then comoel you to look with chagric and disgust on tho small assortment a-.d make did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statements, for we h i : n t i lift ml ml. txj, i ril rri! m m m M Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of MM So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand and scratch yo o wonder what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and we can spring some-thing ti.i during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make you say: "1 11 ta. PRICES ON Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Footwear : i g Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to 5s 55c. Child's Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's 65c. Child's Extra lino Choc, strap Sandals 85c and 95c. Child's Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 8i to 11 $1.00 to $1.15. Misses' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandal3, Hi to 2's 81.25 to $1.50. Misses' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 90c to 81. Job lot all solid Goat button. 8i to 11 75c to 85c. Ladies' Oxfords 1 25, 81.50, 81.65. Infants' Chocolate, button. 2"s 'o 5"s "5c Infants' Dongola button, 2"s to 5"s 55c. Inf ints' Choc, (extra fine) hutton. If- to 5" -Infants' (Red and Ulue Stitch) li-v gola button 75c. Child's Vesting Top. extra fine Che-. 1, , to 81.40. Child's Anvil bottom Choc lace, si to 1 to $1.35. Little Gents', pat. back strap, Si to 11 -rl. REPAIRING. Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather No Humbuggery. ROBT SHERWOOD FOOT rviiLLiriER 0 m 0 fSJ' iaJ. lai Ik. 121 m. fSJ El Si fell Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hav Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER 5 TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete la all lines and we Id vite our friends to look It over. Ve will pQdeavor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT G SATTLER, (Bucceesors to Uecry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOUTH. - NEt HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contract or JJuihlcr. Contracts taken for :! nr.-'f "i I K'-e: :'jt;'w, Lams an-1 an V::i '. ' r ;,rt-..:i-.;r v. :'r.. In anv part of the county. -;.'.. , its! !res H. KVKY IIOI.I.O WAV, 1 l.i 1 1 -nu.u t h. N ) HIE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANM, Prop. Rates SI and S1.50 oer Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Purnifched. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA