Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 05, 1898, Image 4

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---T.- .lr"5 V-'"n-'t T-
C. A. Mar-.haU, Det... .
Dim-hp making, Mih.' I
r ii.'i I! . iv.
I ii in r- iii IIim ( ' r Hi
II A ml: i ir.ui .
L-Vcd El.inecr,
it .
1 1 o'. ! o a :iv 's Ij i'iuI ii"
lu.'ll'l'1 of ifcl-O. H bo.-I
l- .i; s .:-!: - A go '1 f
clu . i. Linr.ii'c i f A. V
. A.
New uruc-ai gasoline uluves fit
most your own prices at L'outuJ A- Co's.
Uollowuy'i bread, ivLich h'i takoii
the lead, id made ol IK-ii-l's "Plan
sifter" Dour.
Lloyd Wilson hn a nMiLimi in Dcr
old's store which ho tills with unusui.l
ability for m boy.
I f you don't see tho iut Boil cigar
call lor it, and got the bust " cunt ci
gur in the marki't.
IJ. C Kerr, one of the nil i-xp'-ri-onced
pharmacists in the city, ie assist
ing A. VVr. Alwood.
If it's quality you waul in ;i -it.'ar,
not quantity, smolo the "Exquisite.''
For sale everywhere.
For tho next sixty days 1 will Hi 11
t igar crli ii'itrv for IHic per pound.
II. SriKS.
liov. VuiiAcos will preuch at the
South I'. irk church next Sunday at
four mid eight p. in. Everybody in
vttod. .
Jorry Farthing t ills of a cyclone
which he saw over in Iowa recently
Unit win a genuine twister, worlti
going miicH to to keep ;tw:ty from.
VVilbon Uilmore, and others inter
ested in tho estate of John (Jilmoie,
deceased, aro attending court ti d iy
when 11 mil HOttlement will bo made.
Nails which havo boon in tho ilood
for Halo by tho pound or keg, at prices
bolow whole-sale at tho factory.
J. W. Sare received three oar loads
of lumber vesterdav and botrun tho
caroontor work on his livery barn,
across tho street south of Bichey's
lumber o'llco
Don't for trot to leave magazines at
Woncotl's storo for tho boys in com
pany B They aro anxious for thcin
and tlirv will bo ni'oiiiDtlv sent to
thorn at .Jacks-onvillo, la.
Thousands of persons havo been
cured of uilos by using Do Will's Witch
Hazel Salvo. It heals promptly and
eiireri orz.ima and all skin disease. It
gives immediato relief. F. G. Fricke
Tho ladies of tho Presbyterian Aid
society invite you to a "Kensington "
at tho homo of Mrs. S. Waugh, Tues
day, Aug. ii, from three to six p. in.
Refreshments, l.'ic. lr ing yo r fancy
work and enjoy a pleasant afternoon.
Will Streight and (Joorgo K. Guild
made a delightful trip up tho river
last evening in a sailboat, the wind
carrying them along nicely. They re
turned about nine o'clock, and enjoyed
tho moonlight and cooling breezo im
mensely. A new time- card will go into effect
on the B. &, M. August 14. Tho time
of tho midnight trains will be changed
so they will meet at Lincoln at about
one o'clock. Tho theatre train will
not reach horo then until two o'clock
in the morning.
Thomas Janson, 70 years of age,
with $5,000 worth of notes and mort
gMjjes on his person, is the lat-st-t mys
terious disappearance. Ho has not
been seen by his friends for several
weeks, and it is thought ho has been
murdered. His home is in Beatrice.
Judg Archer took a bath at tho
sanitarium yesterday and feels much
better. As a democrat ho has been
cautioned about courting too much
familiarity with water and not bathe
too often lest he lo.-e peine of his popu
laritv with the masses as a loyal, old-
line democrat.
William Wvnn. ,1r. a-id family will
start east in tiie course of ten days on
an extended vi.-it among relatives.
Mr. Wynn will go into Michigan
where ho will visit his sisters aud
uncles, and bis wife will go to Ohio to
visit sisters, aunts and unclo. They
will bo gone about a month before re
turning. On the morning of Feb. 2D, ISO"), I
was sick with r heumatism, and lay in
bed until May 2ist, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Fain Balm. The
first application of it relieved mo al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded eonplete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Monr.AUX, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
The wife of a man residing in the
third ward has been making trouble
by using language that might properly
be called "tuff," and calling the
neighboring women vile names. A
warrant was about being issued for
her arrest, when the judge concluded
to first send an officer to notify her
what would be done, and at last ac
counts everything was quiet.
Rov Tanev. a voung man about 10
vears of ago, living near Berlin, goi
his foot caught in the master wheel
of a horse power Tuesday, while
threshing east of Avoca, and had hi
left ankle crushed. Dr. Bungate, Dr.
Hillis of Berlin and Dr. Brendel of
Avoca, were present and dressed the
limb. Thov are trvin? to save the
foot but feel very doubtful about the
outcomo. Weeping Water Republi
can. Opposed to the J air.
There is a strong disposition on the
part of numerous tax payers to pre
vent the county commissioners mak
ing tho usual appropriation for a coun
ty fair, and unless some steps are ta
ken at once an appropriation of about
$700 will no doubt bo made. Injunc
tion has been suggested as the proper
step, and while we doubt that being
effective, wo aro ready to join with
others and raise a fund to contest the
right of a few men to raid the county
treasury upon pretense of holding a
county fair. Tho amount to be appro
priated is almost sufficient to buy all
tho exhibits that will bo on the ground
this year, and it is the nea-esi thiDg
to robbery for a gang to get hold of
8700 of the people's money and squan
der it in in paying "salaries and ex
pense" to themselves for conducting
such a ridiculous farce as this thing
has been several years past,
The Ledger, as well as most of the
farmers in this part of tho county, is
decidedly in favor of putting forth
some effort to prevent this county fair
foolishness, better uso tho $700 im
proving cemeteries, and havo the
county fareo officials draw salaries a?
sextons if they must bo kept at the ex
pense of tho tax payers. Union Led
ger. Ahnke Into Vonr Kliom
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing, nervous feet and instantly take
the sting out of corns and bunions
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Allen's Foot-IOaso makes
tight or new shoes f el easy. It is a
certain cure for sweating, callous and
hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today.
Sold by fill drupgists and hhoo stores.
F'y mail for 2-c in stamps. Trial pack
age FRFK. AddresB, Allen S. Oim-j
Bted, LoRoy, N. Y.
.! il;i:iu Ii t r writ; :it the
..i-...n t.
1. 1. r
the -i'
aie -1 1 j i '.tig li. . r !. at
I 1 1 1 1 1 ! I )
nt i;
if til.; I! iV M.
U.1H .11
i!HM.:f. Kitt:.;
W. II.
Mi Ii. Spi.iiu.k. of YurL, i iu
t',e city U.
U-t.t l l-ci u. JuJe -.purlo'.k.
U. M, .. .iiaii;. J t,) hi
:le ai. J
tri. I .;:.t tl day at the fXpoMtlyu.
L' I nil., thy Ciaik is in today from hi?
vte.-piiiK lo.Je. bhak int. hand-, -.viih ho-H
ijl old Inn.; ti un I.-.
Mis. an .Icavr i. ti.iiicU to lir! home ai Lin
L'.jln this in .riling altci a vit v.itli hci patents
Mi anU Mis. W. . I leaser, south ol town.
J. d. n hii..Moii, ol .St....kloti, Cahlornia. drpaitt d
foi liimc tliiS atti-i noun af:.;r a bne! ,s,itv.ith
In. l.iothcM in law, ki.-ece Walker and family.
Mr. and M i s. ( .1 and Miss (Jiive iiaha:n
..1 1. in... .in. an. 1 Mi. and Mrs. M. Meeds of Chica
go, will visit a lev. day! with Mi. V. II. IJoolh.
111 Op 11 Moiiflay.
l'iatt'tnont b'pj new bank, tho 1'ar
uiolo Sav,ii;.s bank, will open for
businosM 11. xt Monday morning under
very favorable auices. This will bo
a great opportunity for wage workers,
not only to deposit their surplus cash
in a safe, but to draw a neat interest
on the same, as interest will bo paid
evry thir ty days to till who so desire.
The bank starts out with ample capi
ta!, and that it will bo managed on
conservative lines goes without saying,
when it is known that C. C. I'armolo
is manager of tho institution.
As a place for small savings, as well
as larger amounts, the new bank will
be of great benefit, and will aoon be
come one of the leading financial in
stitutions of the city. Sums from
up will draw interest if placed on de
posit for th irty days. Kveryono wel
come to tho new bank in tho Union
Block corner, wiioro all questions will
be answered.
Flrt'iiini'M Toll rna iikii t .
Fred A. Wood, manager of tho Na
tional Firemen's) Tournament to take
place in Om .ha, September 5 to Id,
says that at least 100 companies will
participate, and not less than 10,0(10
people will coiuo. Several companies
from Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, South
Dakota, Illinois, Minnesota, New
York and l'ennsyl vnnia are booked,
and many crack companies will be
pro.-ont. I he rates probable for tho
occasion are one cent a nine lor a ra-
dious of .'-j0 miles, and in pirties of
fifteen or more, one cent a mile from
any part of tho country.
Mr. Wood says the western states
promise very largo delegations, and
at least 500 firemen will come from the
far east. The responses, he says, far
exceeds his expectation. Ten thou
sand dollars in will bo the
drawing card.
A liright Itoy.
An exchange gives tho following as
a school boy s idea of an editor: "The
editor is one of the happiest mortals
on earth. He can go lo tho circus
afternoon and evening without paying
a cent, aud lo luquests and haugings
Ho gets free tickets to picnics and
strawberry festivals, gets wedding
cake sent to him and sometimes gets
ucked, not often, for he can take it
back in the next issue, which he gen
erally does, l never know but one
editor to ire t licked. His paper busted
that day and he couldn't take things
back While other folks go t.0 bed
early the editor can sit up late and
teo all that is going on. When I am
an edito" I can stay out late at night.
Railroads get up excursions for him
In politics bo don't care much who be
goes for if they are on his side. If
they ran t he goes lor them anyway
If I were asked which I would rather
have, an education or a circus I would
6ay let rn be an editor.
Sun. Inj School I'lrnlc.
Tho Prebbvterian Sunday scho )1
had a jolly time today at their picnic
which was held out near the Morgan
i-esidenc at theedgeof t'latte bottom
whore plentv of shade was had and ;
most inviting place was found. (James
swings, music and good things to eat
occupied the time of the young peo
ple very completely, which was furth
or hihtened bv a delightful ride
homo in the evening.
W ill Organize a Team.
J. A. Murray, Lyman and Elias Kil
dow, Jake Brekenfeid, Charley Shultz
Mike MeCJool aud v m. Betifor prae
ticed with tho running hose cart on
the avenue last night, and showed up
well for tho first run in several vears
The boys will select twelve of tho fast
est men and organize for the purpose
oft king a chance at tne exposition
Spend Amount iu the ltlx k Iliiln.
Go first t Hot Springs. There you
can bathe, ride bicycle, climb moun
tains, dance n a piay tennis to your
heart s content. If your limbs are
stilT, your kidneys out of order or if
you are troubled with exzema or any
other form of skin disease, a month at.
Hot Springs will make a new man of
Sylvan Lake and Spearfish are with
in a comparatively short distance of
Hot Springs and everyone who visits
the Black nilU should see them.
Sylvan Bake is the prettiest and cool
est summer resort in the west. Spear
fish is reached after a railroad ride
that ranks among the experiences of a
lifetime. There is nothing like it any
where else on the globe.
During August, the Burlington
route will run two low rate excursions;
one on the 0th, the other on the 26th
of that month. Tickets will be sold at
one faro for the round trip half
rates and will be good to return at
any time within thirty days.
Organize a party. Arrange about
your hotel accommodations at Hot
Springs. Get your tickets from the
Burlington agent, and pass the most
delightful months in the yeir in the
most delightful summerlacd on the
DmigerouH Drinking Water.
Death lurks in impure water. It
breeds diseases often iu epidemic
form. The first symptom is looseness
of the bowels. These diseases are
checked by taking Foley's Colic Cure.
Fricko & Co.
A man is on exhibition at tho Hotel
Piattsmouth who has not swallowed
any food for two years. He chews his
victuals and then blows them into his
stomach through a rubber tube, which
is inserted a little abjve the waist
band of his trousers.
Old papers for sale at this ofiico.
'I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo is the finest preparation on the
market for piles. " So writes John C.
Dunn, of Wheeling, Va. Try it and
you will think the same. Italsocures
eczema and all skin diseases. F. G.
subscribe for THE in the citj.
News the best
V Will K. tuln MnlU.
IIo.N'o Kon.j, Aug. 0. The follow
ing has t.e.'u received by j 'tiera!
Wild man :
"Cavile, J u y .'M. I h ivu reid in
tho Journal that I :nn g -ttir-g the "big
head,' and not behaving as I promised
"In re ;!;,, .i-'k, why .--li u.d Am.-r--X
:.!, !;.e : '.ii.o :n.V policy,
present and future, and tight blindly
for ho r i nte ret, when iet will
not It frank with in :T Tell rue thie.
"Am L lighting for annexation, fro-
1 tection or indep.-ndecc i It is for
America to say, not me.
'I can take Manila, as 1 lu ve de-
".uted the Spuii-di overy wh ;re, but
what woul J bo the us..?
'If Am.jrici takes Manila. 1 can
save my men and aims f,.r what tho
future has ir; store for me.
"Now, good fi i.-nd, believe mo, 1 am
not both fool and rogue. The interests
of my people arc as sacred to me as
are the interests of vour oeoolo to
you. a:i:inai.ixj.
A ntllimldo Mure I rlenillj,
MANILA, Juno 30. ) Via Hong Cong,
ug. 4. 1 Aguinaulo ;isks permission
of Merritt to march his troops through
Manila streets when that city falls.
Merritt may consent. Aguinaldo is
becoming more friendly with the
Americans and uoge-t the for mat ;ou
of Philippine regiments with Ameri
can ollicors. This proposition is well
received and oilers a possible solution
of tho present dilliculties.
American tiops now occupy the
trenches in front of Malate, tho rebels
having retired. The Astor battery
and a battalion of the Third infantry
is now at the front. Tho guns aro
within 1,000 yards of tho Spanish
Fathers Donnagan and Mannkin,
formerly of Morrill's staff, have gono
to Manila to interview the archbishop
and point out the futility of rj-it-
Hough KlileiH Kontl.
TAMPA. Florida, August 4 The
detached troop- of Roosevelt's Rough
Itiders camped near here were driven
out of camp, routed and dispersed by
a cloudburst just after the bu-zai
sounded retreat this evening. The
deluge was terriflie while it la-ted.
Five or six inches of water in their
tents was more than the bo s couid
stand and when the downpour ce ised
they turned looso and the camp re
sounded with western whoops and
yells. All camp fires wore extin
guished and the troop cook s tents
were wrecked so that tho cavalrymen
found themselves supperless as well
as bed loss.
Will Make SmokelesK I'owiler.
Cr.KVti.Axn, O., Aug. 4. W. M
Irish, II. H. Anderson and R Daven
port ot this city have incorporated a
company in West irgmia lor tue
manufacture of smokless powder. I no
capital stock is $."jOO.O(ti, wiih the
privilege of increasing it to SM.Oiio.ooO.
Tho company has eecured contracts
to furnish large quantities of smoke
less powder for tho government. It
will deliver 10,000 pounds each week.
Tne plant will be in tho vicinity of
KflMiblUnn Float C on vt ill ion,
A delegate convention of the repub
lican party of the Mighth epresenta
tive district of Nebraska, composed
of Cass and Oloe counties, will be held
at Weeping Water, Nebiask-., on
Wednesday, August 17, l.S'J.S, at '2
o'clock p. m. for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination one candidate for
representative, and the transaction of
any other business that may properly
come before the convention.
Counties will he entitled to repre
sentation as follows:
Otoe 22
Cass -
It is recommended that no proxies
be allowed, but that, the delegates
present o-st the full vole of their re
spective counties.
I. W. Tekoakdkx,
II. C. Fkfk.max, Chairman.
It is, or should be, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his customer.-;
and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers it Mshleman, Sterling,
il., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshlemau: "It my
sixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Coiie,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy."
Sold by all druggist
Call for Congressional Convention First
The Peoples Independent Party of
the First congressional district of
Nebraska mill meet in delegate con
vention at Piattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, on the 11th day of August,
1S0S, at 2 o'clock p. ra., for tho pur
pose of placing in nomination a candi
date for congress for said district, and
to transact such further business as
sha l come before the convention.
The basis of representation in this
convention is tho vote cast for Jeffer
son H. Broady, in the First congress
ional district in 1.S0G. E.ich county
will bo entitled to one delegate for
each two hundred votes, or major
fraction therof then cast. Under this
apportionment the several counties of
the district are entitled, re-pecti vely,
to the following number of delegates,
to-wit: Cass, 12; Johnson. 0; Lancas
ter, 21; Nemaha. 9; Otoe, 13; Pawnee,
6; Richardson, 13.
It is recommended that alternates
be elected for all delegates, and that
the delegates present cast the full
vote of their respective counties:.
Fhed Shf.ppa kd. Chairman.
When You Tke Your Vacation
The most nacessary article to have
with you (after your pocket book) is a
bottle of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an
absolute prevention or cure of ail de
rangements of the bowels caused by a
chance of water. You aro likely to
need it. Frieke & Co.
Morning's bread here-ifter may be
obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona
than Hatt's and Dovey's.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. "W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block. Piattsmouth.
You Can Depend On It
that Foley's Colic Cure is an instant
relief for colic, summer complaint,
cholera morbus, diarrhoea, bloody
flux, chronic diarrhoea, cholera in
fantum, bilious colic, painter's colic
and all bowel complaints. Fricke x
For lU-iit.
in Fitzgareld's block.
II. Pollock, Agent.
Store room
Enquire of T.
Tho Gut Ileil continues to head the
list as a fine 5-eent cigar. Ask for no
One Tiling ami Another !
Tho Salvation Army which has
laboreu faithfully at .S'ebr .ska City
ban giv.-n jp in despair and left the
low n.
Mr-, llerold wishes to announce
that fo" the convenience of the laem
! i r- i I the Woman 's Club, the badges
havo been lelt for sale with Mr. Jumes
Heroin, at the store.
Ti.e Indian day program at the ex-po-itlou
yerterday proved a grant suc
cess, and it is said a similar program
will to given next Thursduy when
more Indians will be present.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DoWitt's Lit
tle Marly Risers cleanse the liver,
euro constipation and all stomach and
liver 1 roubles. F. G. Frieke & Co.
There's no bettor flour made than
i'ei- ;i', "1'lansifter," manufactured
in this citi. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same tide,
vtliieh builds up the town.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediato results;
when taken early it prevents consump
tion. And in later stages it furnishes
prompt relief. F. G. Fricko.
Gatlin, tho chairman of the pop
state central eommitiee, is likely to
bo crowded out. His relations to Dor
gan in tho penitentiary deal were un
savory, to say the least, and his per
sonality will not count for much under
the circumstances.
Sick headache, biliousness, consti
pation and all liver and stomach troub
les can be quickly cured by usi tig tho.-e
famous little pills known as DoWitt's
Little Marly Risers. They aro pleas
ant to tako and never gripe. F. (J.
A bunch of cattle belonging to John
McKcrgan of Bancroft, were last
Thursday attacked by a swarm of bees.
Thirty head wero driven over a fifty
foot abrupt bank and twelvu head
were drowned. Tho eighteen head
that were saved were aided by a ferry
boat that happened near. Mx.
I desire to attest to tho merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of. the most valuable and etlicient
preparations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 21 hours, and in gratitude there
for. 1 desire to inform you that I will
never bo without it and you should feel
proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies are held dy people in
general. It is the one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
DoWN ky, Mditor Domocrat, Albion.
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
"John," said a Topeka wife to
husband, T will quit drinking
ar.d save tho war tax if you do
sa me with beer. "
"Woman," responded John with
cold severity, "do you think it is the
part of patriotism to abandon your
country in its time of poril?" Mx.
Klectric Itlttern.
Mlectric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and tho
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt uso of this medicine has
often abated long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing the system from the malar?a:
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation. Dizziness, yield to Electric
Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at
F. G. Frieke's drug storo. 1
Hard and Soft Coal.
John Waterman is sole agent for
the famous Mendota soft coal. Also
carries the best grades of hard coal,
wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime,
cement, etc. If you are going to
build, it will pay you to see Water
nan. OHiee at the rear of Water
man block on Fifth street.
M. L. Yoeum, Cameron. Pa., says "I
was a suiTerer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was receommend to me. I used one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Frieke & Co.
Wonderfully Low Kates.
In older to secure men for tho har
vest fields of Kans and Oklahoma the
M. P. railway will sell one ticket to
any point on its lines in that country
at regular rates good for three per
sons. This is a remarkably liberal act
on tho part of the M. P. and will give
any man who wants work a chance to
get it.
The Mont Fatal Disease.
It is not generally known that more
adults die of Kidney trouble than of
any other disease. When the first
symptoms of this disease appears, no
time should be lost in taking Foley's
Kidney Cure; which is guaranteed or
money refunded. Fricke & Co.
Vocal Inritructl on.
Those wishing lessons in vocal mu
sic may see me at residence of F. S .
White on Tuesday, Wednesday or
Friday of each week. Terms are.
three half-hour lessons per week, $2.. 50:
two half-hour lessons $2.00; one three-quarter-hour
lesson 81.25.
SlOO Kcward 100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall"s Catarrh Cure
is trie only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beinji a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Mall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
it.sease. and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they orler One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cine.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F.J. HtNKY &Co.. Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
Ituriintoii Inn.
Six blocks from exposition. A. D
Touzalin, manacer; E. B. Mooney,
clerk. Ilo.ims $1.00 per day special
rates by week or month. Everything
nst class. Tako Dodge street car.
from Union depot to 2'lthand Burdette
streets. Write us for particulars.
Take the Missouri Pacific trains if
you wish to go to the exposition, as
ihey have the only depot on the
grounds. You can snve street car fare
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
The editor of the Evans City Pa.,
Globe, writes: "One Minuto Cough
Cure is rightly named. It cured my
children after all other remedies
failed." It cures coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Tf vou vant to smoke the best try
Wurl Bros. Gut Ileil. Tho finest 5
cent cigar made.
Get Waah-a-Lone soap at Zuck
weiler & Lutz.
1? lbs beit granu'a'ed sugat
. .1.0U
19 lbs best "C" jugnr 1.N
Bucket Syrup 4-j
Bucket Jelly 40
2 lb package Oatmeal (J."
Price baking powder, 1-lbcan... 'AH
Price b iking powder, i-lbcan... 2'
lion-Bon baking powder, 1-lbcan 10
Calumet baking powder, 1 lb can 10
1 lb Pepper IS
Lemon extract, per bottle 0o
Vanilla extract, per bottle U.r)
Coal oil, per gal 10
Household ;!-(.
The ancient Greeks believed that
the Penates wero the gods who at
tended to the welfare and prosperity
of the family. They were worship
ped as household gods. Tho house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all alloc' ions of
thtoat, chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. It has been tried for a quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should be without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu
lar size oOe and $1.
Half Katen -Kpworth I.eunue Assemlily-I.iiM-oln,
August LS-IO.
For this occasion Burlington route
agents at stations within 1-50 miles of
Lincoln, will, on the 3rd, .5ih, 0th and
S t ii of August, sell round trip tickets
to Lincoln at the one way rate.
August 2 and -5, correspondingly low
rates will be in effect from points in
western Nebraska. Beturn limit
August 1-5. Attendants will have
plenty of time to visit Omaha niter
the assembly is over and see the
Trans-Mississippi Ex position.
A man stands no chance of being?
sleeted to tno mayorship of a city unless
he enj.-ys the confidence aud esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W Humphrey is j
the popular mayor of Svvanton, Ohio,
and under date of Jan. 17, lSOO, ho
writes as follows: "This is to certify'
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's j
Cough Remedy. My family !'-nd
neighbors have tested it, and we
know it is an excellent remedy for ;
coughs and colds. Geokok W. i
Uit-m nuifi.-.v " Sold hv all ii ru.'eist s. '
Half Hate, Salem C'liauta li ua via tiie l$ur-
liiijtiou Kuute.
July 30th to August 7th the Burling -
ton route offers a rato of one fire for -
the round trip to Salem. 1 his t ate
will be in elleet iroin an stations wiin
in 150 milos of Salem, and tickets will ;
bear final return limit of AuuuH 8. )
Salem Chautauqua is the only cliau-
tauqua which will be held in soutie-rn ;
Nebraska during the present year.. '
The management has taken advantage-,
of that fact, and has arranged a pro
gram of exceptional interest and mer
it. Tne attendance should be greaily
in excess of that of any previous year.
.1. Francis, G. P. A.
KucklHi'n Arnica Salve.
. , , r
1 he best salve in the world for cuts,
UUU1S', s,
ver sores, tetter, cn::ppeu iiiuiub, eim
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,.
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke
Notiee lo lee Consumer.
Our ice books aro oO cts per 10" lbs.
Cash from and after this date. Cash
only. F. S. WHITE,
H. C. McMaken & Son.
E. 15. Banks, of Lewisville. Texas,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch.
Hazel Salve was worth 150,000 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years stand
ing. He ad vises others to try it. It..)
also cures eczema, skin diseases; ana
obstinate soi es. F. G. Fricke.
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received at my office
until 12 o'clock, Monday, Autrnst 8.
for the filling and grading of Chicago
avenue from Pearl street to south line
of Granite street. City reserves right
to reject anv and all bids.
B. C. Kekk, City dork.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg,
Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Iiisera
are the best pills he ever used in bis
family during forty years of house
keeping. They cure constipation, .
sick headache and stomach and liver
troubles. Small in size but great ia
results. F. G. Fricke.
For Sale.
A fresh milch cow. Enquire of Wm
Wotenkamp, Mynard.
Take Laxative Bromo QulnineTabieiH. J
All druL'trists refund tiie money if it
fails to cure. 2V-. The
L. B. Q. on tablet
g.-noir.e b p
The Wor.d's best " cent cignr, Wurl j
Tt-.-. r:..- tiii.t!,' T'ni.m mflff.. I
Every dealer handles them
Investigation shows that men who
succeed are men of trains strong
nerves great will-power. Ordinary
food cannot supply the vital forces
which people with active brpins and
bodies require. Bicola Pills feed the
nerves make the mind bright, mus
cles strong make flesh and blood a-id
give pa' feet health to Men and Wo
men. Tiik TntSKK.s r Pi'iila
dklphia make Bicola Pills
J E Buckey, chief r'.t-rk National Hotel. Wash
ington. D C. testifies that he was all run down
was a shadow cf his former self Hlcola PHI
gave him wonderful relief -he gained over
twenty pounds after using them.
SellliifC A cent for I'lattRinnut Ii and t'ass
County, F. G. FKICKE & CO.
Tnrnem' Little Ller Turnem A very
small pill. Turn your liver. Cure sick head
ache Biliousness I n ligestion-
New York Cream Choo-e .
Good bucket
Beat fibre bucket
Bran, 100 lbs
Mlegant Hour bins
Lamp chimneys
Argo gloss starch
A rgo corn starch
Best crackers, per lb
1 doz . clothes pi ns
California Prunes, per lb..
Mlegant Raisins, per lb. . .
3 packages Parlor Matcher
0 I
Opposite Bank of Cass County, Piattsmouth
....Our own direct ! mjior! a ' ion iiom Anstr it
The Finest
rr! Chinuxvurc 1,1 ihcCily
Line of
Mrinv Xowltii', S'liiwiins, 'k, wit it
Pictures of the Cass County Court
Placed under the l.tx
town. L.oiiie ;inl sec
First Door East of Court Ib-.i-
Wo. 77.
S-irr.T Flarnrai
A K . "1 a Hells fur
Relief iu Six Hours.
Distressing kidney ai;d blad.
euse relieved in six hour- by "
i. (; 1K AT Sol" 1 .1 AilKIIUAN Kill
(Jl.'KE." It is a g roat sorpis ot
t eou n t of its exceeding promp'n.s
j relieving pain in tiladi.-r, knin.ys
! i I .
j i -
i. back, in male or fern il
i -I)
retention almost i mm d ia ' ly .
want quick reiief and cure, tbi:
rem.-dv. Sold by Goring c (Jo .
Mst, Piattsmouth. Nen.
t be 1
! In New Oiiitrli ri.
j Having removed to tic- M
j building, next to Leh t; h .'f'-,
I continue to k ep a selected si
k of
trooical iruiis. ami win sei-v
.. L.ream ar)( lemon ide as forme-ly.
J John S ui.M'i t -
j f ,
I Bob Moore of of L-i r aye' to. i
g:ivs lhat f(),. constip,tion h.. ,m, f,t)
i)t!Vitt's Little I'.uriv Ki-e-s ti
perfect. They never gtipe. Try them
for stomache and liver troubb-s. F.
G. Fricke.
Cletmtrw mil b. t!. .a.r.
i'romou-f '.'iirir.i-it f1"1--Bever
Fails to H .store -r
Hair to lit Youthful Colrr.
Cure? iirn.p .l..ri.Ms u r.k:r lu..::..
i..r,B.'i S 1 '-.Kt t"9'
to housekeepers.
Extract of Deef
telling how to prepare m iny d jli
cate and delicious dishe.-.
A.rcs". Lieb-K Co.. 1'. (). Hox
New V.-
M It IS I. K S TSJ.,
IL M. SOE.WIl MSi:., Ma; -,;u' r.
Large Supply of a' I t: :
Including the Famous
Missouri. IUinoi-,
Jackson Hill and
Canon Citv Lump.
1 x.
Aiways on hand A'.-o 3. :
'Jhsiper Grades of NUT .' . !..
kuti. on hand a!i kir.di oi 'A . - :
UT4 promptly de'.vere !. . - -:
at procery store of A . H U'fuli:.
V. .
jM.osri Coal, (Iciiuine ( alien ( By Coal
Leave order at F. S. White's Store.
i CO
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iioi. -',1. We .ill -.;;m1 it to
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I hollo way, The Baker,
F.tL'.-niM Bi :::.
J A M -
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f .1 f:.r-
Finish illm, Old Boy !
::: -ay- fo his
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O : r 1 1 j rid ry
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South Sixth St.
Ier out it.
KVKNINU Nkws only ten cents
en, you can't allord to do with-
Calai"Rl J 01 il (.ur.'.j.- i. rill.'!. , j i.i. i t . . , ,
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