0 t s The Scnii-Wechlj Mews-Herald tin.... .-:v.:- 1 . " ; , ; . i . i ! j ' i compw m. i r ; : , i 'i 1 daily :.ii ) ir. . , One Year, in advance 'I" Six .Months - -'0 One Week 1" .iinI3 CopicM, HKMI WKl'KI.V F.IM HON. One Year, iti ad Vance, . ... I ''0 Six MmiiliH, :0 Till- LARGEST CIRCULATION Ol any Cass County Paper. A "PolNTF.!:" fur democrats is tie fact that M. h. Hayward will I t i noxt joverinr of Nebraska. W. A. J'oYNTKK, a persi-tcnt oHiee WKkoP fnim l.oono county, was nomi nated by tlx; populists l;i-,t ni'it for governor. Tho other two eon von I ioi.s will undoubtedly ciiilorw! him, : n t In: will head tho fu-ion ticket. K. .1. Ill'llK K'l T will bo tin-. next c ii fjri'rtsuiilti from this district, and no )opocr;it io .side show with I I-ileoinb in nharyo will change a single voto. Tlio hero of tho spotted cow called Hpock, will not enthuse anybody down this way. IT is estimated by tho government, judging from the. p.esont rale of re ceipts, that the new war taxes will prod ni'e a. re venue of $ I7-,H'0,li0!( per year. The $'JO0,OI 10,0(10 bond issue will thus be denned up so rjiiiek the popo erats will not have any bonds to howl about. IU in is i i:n Si;w.i.l, prominently spoken of as governor of Hawaii, is the young man who refused to vo'e for his father, who had been yoked up with liryan. He continues to show a bright discriminating mind, and no doubt will receive further hono.B at tho hands of tho admini-tration. TlIK silver republican con tingent soured the state for delegates but when they were called together le:-s than a hundred could Ivi found in tho state convention, and half the enmities of tho state wore, not represented at all They made a bald blutT, however, and secured tho place of lieutenant governor for Gilbert, of York, one of their number. TlIK fall in th:. price of wheat is heralded with joyous acclaim by tli-t ponocratic press, and V. V. Allen had tho tomerity yesterday to mention that whoat and silver were r.ot so far apart as they had been. It is only by calamity, cyclones, grasshoppers or hard times of some sort that such inoii as Allen can hold public oflice, henco tho zeal of his followers to magnify and distort everything that occurs to mnke it appear worse than it is. Till". Nebraska City News, in its de sire to injure Judge Ilnyward by plac ing him in a false light, shows u little ness of disposition far bolo-.v what we thought possib'e. Mr. Hay want was appointed conn ty attorney to succeed Paul Jcssn, who went to war, for the reason that he was ablo and willing to turn the salary over to Paul's widowed mother. Paul had been in his otlice for years, and the work was a labor of love, and relloets great credit on Judge Ilayward, whoso kindness of heart is shown by bene vo'.er.t act-;. The Nebraska City paper must know of these facts, yet it pretends not to know it, and speaks of the mr.ttcr in a wav that is iitt'e short of scandalous. BILL G KKKN'K, the boozy eong'-o-s-man from the Sixth di.-triet, is clear on tho financial Question. He says he is opposed to bonds, and thinks the government ought to is-u ) its own money by printing on a piece of p iper this is a dollar. We could do away with the taxes in that way entirely. It seems so strange that all the wis dom of centuries lias net shown gov ernments that resorting to taxation was wrong, and whenever they wanted money for any purpose thoy should simply print it. Bill ought to soak his head and bathe his feet awhile, so as to restore thi equilibr ium to his circulation. Hj evidently sutlers from a rush of blood to the head. Jrixil.Mi from tho falling oil of tho freo silver voto in 1SDT, as compared with IS!)i, Neb.aska is likely to swing back into tho republican lino this fill. That stato is naturally republican by a very large majority, but between poor crops and poor prices for what little they did raise the farmers of that stato became desperate. They took to populism with the eagerness of a drowning mm catching at straws. Hut this has been a year of great agri cultural prosperity, and of the ?10:, 000,0d0 of farm mortgages paid off during the last twelve months Ne braska liquidated its fair shai-e. It may he coun'ed upon with re isoaab'e certainty to now resume its proper place in tho republican column. Chicago Inter O -e an. READY WITH A FLAG. The facility with which Porto Pican majors boast of their United States citizenship and recommend their peo ple to treat with humanity their con quored enemy, the Spaniards, is in 6tructivo as well as amusing. It indi cates that they have been thinking about annexation to tho United States so loE and to such purpose, that when it comes with the apparent su 1 denncssof a tropical storm, it finds them fully prepared with the appro priate proclamation and even with a flag made in the secrecy of the domes tic circle, bearing tho stars and stripes in regular form. State Journal. in mo nr. The new- from Madrid ihd Scutes that 'b" w.m will soon hi.; over. Tho S;i in-'i i 'V. rne eat !'. I i.ea the ho ,c. ! ss.o of tic c.jiilliet now thai its :i..vy i.- .l.-..r.. ci :...d will inc. ;: tho .lieyi line ,i;nl retire f.-.ill N pM.Se.s-J-es-i,-!,-, i1 ti, W-i.lt I fol ! ;S. It i- . lie' I.,, .,i to haggle about the condition which rol hives those inland ami the I Ttl it d Stiles from all tho colutiiil iri'.h.iy.edtie-t con tr jeted by .-o:i'u in ner vain oiloris to pidu i Nently subjue tho Cuban, bu'. tho United S'.ites having waived all mon ey indemnity for war exn :n?o- on wm ditiou that Spain settles tcr own bond - the oh j. ( j,,,, t,( v , her ! - ril colouioi fru.i from debt. will doublbsbe i e.'c r i u I eit by tho bond holdor.s who must fuel cortiin that t lie-c, cond i I ions are liual and that any refu-al to ag'-e.i will merely furth er impoverish their debtor and make t hei r bonds st i 1 1 m re precarious. They will have to accept a big dis count in one cie.e .-ml will eventually gi t nothing if Spain is reduced to ox tronrtion by an effort to continue the fighting. TlIK NATION'S CHEOIT. In the very midst of an exciiing war the doted States issued $-Jfj0,0CO,(l0.) of hotels at the low rate of three p.;r cent. They woro a'. 1 taken up at par liy the. people without tho interven tion of any syndicate or any bank. And. so great is tho country's credit that with the war slill on, these bonds have risen to 101 even before their is.-,uo. That is to say, investors, aro so eager to get them that they are will ing to surrender a year and a ipiar tor's interest for that purpose. Was there ever such national credit in the world as ours" St. ite Journal. Till-: democratic program is said to have destroyed Mathevv Goring'.s hopes and smashed his day dreams of congressional honors without regard to his feliriLTs. Iloleomb, who has never been an actual resident of the district, is now a candidate for c. in gress, and the democrats propose to nominate him, even though he be a pop, which will m ike no dilToronco. Wo hope thei r pi ans may not miscarry. The ropubiic in majority in this dis trict would be augmented hy his can didacy and the capitol ring would not save him. IM OKMATION AM) Ol'l NIOXS. Clem Dcaver lies, n gloomy wreck. Ami none tliurc aie to praise him; Ami naval men have made re;ort It will not pay to raise him. alt Mason. Chattanooga has enjoyed pro iter prosperity since the outbreak of the war with Spain than any other town in America. With 00,000 soldiers en camped at CLick.imauga tho Chata nooga mercha n ts have done a tremend ous business and, like Artemus Ward, they are most enthusiastic, not only for this war, but the next war. Ex. Galiin, of Sarpy, was severely in jured tho other day, but the fall he got yesterday in the pop state conven tion was worse than all else. Our republican contemporary prom ised to "show us" when tho conven tion met but the promise has not been fulfilled. It takes its political cue from the wrong source. Tho queen regents "Cam ira"' re fuses to t:i.ko anyth'iig. She should let Commodore Watson push the but ton and then look at the picture. A clcv."sr swindling scheme is beintr worked by a pair of smart fellows in various parts of the country. One goo- through the country on a ood bicycle, and when he strikes a lively town he claims to be hard up, and offers to sell tho wheel cheap to get -oine money. Fanners boys admire bicycles and bite rei.diiy, paying a small price for a first clas wheel. After a few days tho ot'ier sharper turns up and claims to be lookiner for a nrai who stoie his wheel. He de scribes it well, giving the n umber, a nd tho owner has to part with it. The sharpers raise from twenty to forty dollars a trip, and -tart to greener Hold - r-x. Poi nter is one of tho farmers who farnis t.io farmers. The third member of the Thompson family at Grand Island, who deserted fns brother in dcraocr .cy to work the pops, failed isrnominiously at the late state convention. It s v;ms to be a case of two much Thompson. Admiral Dewey has captured an other island. If Mr. Cleveland were president at the present time, Dewey would keep him quite busy hauling down American flags. l-,x. The Spanish prisoners have been so we'.l fed and cared for that they now cheer American warships. Probably before long they will be wanting to enlist in tho army and navy. Our Nebraska- City namesake is a dyspeptic with narrow vision. A man might not be a candidate, Mr. Mar nell, and still some one could present his name to a convention without be ing in danger of arrest. The act that the convention refused to consider the claims of tho gentleman is further proof that he was not a candidate. This paper never prints an litem until it has reason to believe it is true, and our Mizzoory neighbor need make r.o faces or allusions which tho facts will not bear out. lid. Howard, the Sa.-py county ego tist, says J. Sterling- Morton is the fa ther of Nebraska fusion. The fellows whoare ashamed of their work usually find relief in trying to point out some one else that is just as had as they are. Howard and his crowd of any-thing-for-oflice-reformors are welcome to the comfort thoy can get out of Morton's attitude. Free silver republicans are the smallest crop in Nebraska this year. Thel- don't average ono in a hill. Answer to a correspondent: Tho phrase "dinna ye hear the slogan?"' was originated by a story concerning tho siege of Lucknow. Tho "British garrison there was in hard lines, te- ng aim -si st irve l and short of arnu nili hi; many wi re, dying of hunger atei despair, inciudllig .VonC'll ;u: J etiiidr. n, and it o.oio d .it, ia.-l a-, lii -iiu'h lis-- hour doom i.-.d nivived. W'h tin t h. tin ver-- i, !:-. ie - a "a ! e "'i a S.oieo w .in.i :i in '.ho put, he i- oar to ie- grou-.d, ,'in.t her heml v 1.!, ii r-n.iii of i asp. h : ; i pi lies, s! e r- . i i i : : ,u :es a. 1 1 men , I l,a ve the ' on. 'i- to a : that the Campbells aro con, in; en w: i a ; -i iiie id '"Mi- hoa i.e r. bur- rah, hurroo, Diana ye tfan?"' Sui-if onrjij'.'h tin pipes wen; shrieking i-i and this wits the slogan a ear I fie o S- oteh b.ie the d i - ti i:cs to which !;, referred. The besiegers ;',etl before the diabidieal nn-ie, which is fatal to anybody but a Sc ' ; Ii ma n , and the garrison was rc-eued If tlp-re is any thi'ig e!so you dor-'t Ini-iw. write to us a)i nit it . We n"e ia'nm. l to th" neeiv - i t 1 1 - f i '. i i.fi mat '. on : W : ! t. -on. V!:en a man ;(m s into politics it spoils him entirely for any! nine use ful afterwards. See what it has done for Otto Mut.. Bixby. K- W. L. Stark, nominated a few days ago by tho pops for conorcss m the I Fourth district, was yesterday en dorsed by the democrats. Ho will be opposed by cither Haitior or Hitishav" of Fairburv. liurkott received 111 votes to StullY. 22 at the congressional convention. It was a foregone conclusion some days !iiro that the brilliant young lawyer of Uncolii would lie the nominee. -y- There is some thought of making Hawaii a county and admitting it as a part of California. '1 he commission sails in a day or two to investigate and report to congress. Some authorities urge ti territorial form of government with oflieers appointed by tho presi dent. The state house strategy board, re inforced by the politic il Viin Moltkes of the Omaha Fakory, have had their plans of battle smas!ed into forty smithereens by the mulish performers in the three-ring circus. Theso kick ing bionchos sometimes smash the dashboard and throw the driver Hee. Poyn'er for governor rends like a joke. Tho follow is of nvdioco abil ity and can no mo -e make a campaign against M. Ij. I fay ward than he can go to heaven in a baloon He won'.d be clay in the hands of tho hoodlers who infest the st:.te hou-e if ho were elected, but ho can't be elected this year. How ashamed Uncle John Powers must, feel when be thinks of himself as the father c-f this three-headed politi cal monst ros'ty. Iix by. X- This oflice isn't spokesman for tiny one, but our neighbor will notice that wha. the Ni-:ws said two weeks ago has proven true exactly. Ii-lu?Ii-itii Flout Con vt-ri I ion, A delegate, convention of the repub lican party of ihe Kighih i epr-sent i -tive district of Nebraska. Composed of Cass and Ome counties;, will lie held at Weeping titer, Nebraska, on Wednesday, August. 17, at II o'clock ). m. for the purpose of plac ing in nomination one candidate for representative, and the transaction of any oilier business that may properly come before the convention. Counties will he entitled to repre sentation as follow.-: Otoe -2-2 Cass -d It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed, but that. the. delegates present cast the full vo'e of their re spective counties. I. W. Tkkoakdknt, II. C. FuKF.MAN", Chairman. Secretary. Iturki'tt f :r t'oii;r Ks. Lincoln, Aug. 3 The republican congressional convention of tho First district was held m this city tonignt, at which Hon. M. J. Hurkett of Lan caster county was nominated on the first ballot. The vole was: Burkelt, 141; Stull of Nemaha, 2:2. Trie votes cast for Judge Stuil were fourt -en by Nemaha, five by liichardson and three by Johnson. Add'-en it f (toe was eh-irm'-in of t lie con vei.t ion and Tiinblinof Cass ami Stotieil of Xoniaha were secretaries. The platform adopted endorses ?ile Kiaiey and congress in the enactment of the tai ilT and revenue bills, com mends the foreign po icy of the administration ar.d the conduct f the war and rejoices in the annexation of Hawaii. Allegiance is renewed to tho national platform of bSOti and to the cause of sound money and pro tection. Tho conduc'. of Congressman Strode is also commended. The committeemen selected wee as follow?: Cass, J. I. Unruh; .Tohn-on, F. O. Dort; Lancaster, E. L. Uolyok-; Nemaha. S. W. McGrew; Otoe, Frank Helbig; Pawnee, J. F. Griffith: Kich ardson, C. M. Linn. The chairman and secretary Ot the committee will he selected by Mr. liurkott. The con vention was fully represented and was enthusiastic at all times. Call for CotiKrr'-ssiinial Convention Firrtt Ills! ri-t. The Peoples Independent Parti of the First co.gressional district of Nebraska mill meet m delegate con vention at Piattsinouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the lllh day of August. 1S')S, at t2 o'clock p. tn.. for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date for congress for said district, and to transact such further business a sha. 1 come before the convention The basis of representation in this convention is the vote cast for JclTer son II. Broady. in I ho Vir?l congress ional district in 1U9G. Kich county will bo entitled to one delegate for each two hundred votes, or major fraction therof then cast. Under this apportionment the fc veral counties of the district a-e entitled, respectively, to the following number of delegate-, to-wit: Cass. 1:2; J-.hn.on. 0; Lace vs ter. 27; Nemaha. 0; Otoe, 13; Pawnee, G; Richardson, 13. It is recommended that alternaies be elected for all delegates, and that the delegates present cast the full vote of their expect ive couo'ies. FltKD Shfpiwkp. Chairman. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the pst o'nee at Plattsmouth. August 8. 1SDS: Amick. Mr? O'.ga Hlotzor. Fran'-; Barnes. H C Dorey. Mrs O K Hart. Dave I leiir'clipen. Ohas McKimiey, Mrs Fred Oliver. Mis- A'.iie Perlee. Mr I'ranther, J C Tin niton. Miss Ciara When calling for any of the above letters please say ' 'ad ve-ti-aMl.'" "C. II. Smith, P. M. Wo will pay a salary of 'lo per week and expenses for man with risr to introduce our poultry Mixture and insect Destroyer in the country. Kef. required. Address ith statno. I'f.i: FECTION Ml"(i. Co.. Parsons. Kan. Dr. Elster dentist, Waterman Block, ' Plattsmouth. ' rKl l'ltl.M'AN STATK ( (IVVKNTION. Tie- f.-j'Uolican electors of the htale (if N' b'iik .-re ri-(ii' sted to send deleate- f i om their respoeti vn con n -ties to meet in convention in tho citv f I,; is: is, po -e d .te 1. ne .n, on Veilne-day, August lO, at ten o'elo-k a. m , for the pur .f placing in nomination c.indi--. 1- r t h. following ollices: Govo'-nor. Lieuter aut govoruor. S'-eretary of state. Auditor Lf public accounts. Tn."i-u re-r. Si:i'.-rintot:de!it of public iiirstrue- t.ion. 7. A tt oriiey-genertil. ,s. Commissioner (if public lands and !ci i h 1 i ngs. And to transact such other business i a- may propeHy corno before tho con-: vention. s The several counties are entitled to representation as follows: Tho appor tionment being based upon the voto cast for Hon. Albei t J. Iiurnham, for presidential elector in lS'JO, giving each county one delegate at large and one for each 1 2ij votes and a major fraction thereof: ( (U NII I S. .Vlanis ... Anti-lope . liamiei . . . . i iiaiiie II .one Ii . Unite I! -of 1 a ou a Hull. il.. Hurt liuCer Cass Ce.i.a Cfiase 1)1.1.. CoL.NIIIiS. . . . Johnson ... '. Kimljall 2 Ivnox "-' Kearney .... ... in Keith ... ;V Keya l'aha . . . . . T) I ..nirasle. . . . . . . 1 I .nicohi ... Ill .oj;aii .. . M.I. imp . . . 1 1 : M aijison ... w'JMt Phersou. . ... !' Merrick . . :i Nance . . V! ('In ny ti Neinal.a . . L licvenne . lav Coltax 'i:ai:u;; . . . . ( li ter i )ak. ta I lawes I I.'IW.-OII . . . I ei;el I ;v.a Do lte I)ollK::is.... Mini.lv I- i. Im. n e . . Fi an k 1 in . . . I 'r nit ier . . . I- in lias . . . . iae i ll tie! 1 'io pel . il .1111 lilo-lcV. .. . I : a : ! . Hamilton.. i iat : an 1 1 a es i Nuckolls.. . K.l toe . M I'awnee . :i;I'helps... . . 111! Pel kins ii Fierce . H .Platte . mil',, Ik . :i,Ke.l Willow i Kiclianlson . -llKock . le();Sai py . :i!Saline . 1 lSaunilers. . . . SlSCOtt's hllllt . TSearcl . lui.Shericia.n.. :io.siei man 4 . '"Sioux . 4!Stantoii fi . 2 j Thayer 13 . 4, I 'homas 1 . l'Vrhuistou f UlValley 7 . sj Washington M ayne llm-h'.ock 4iVelister... Holt si Wheeler... ilo.i'ar ljVork Ilowanl 71 Jetiei'soii 1 1 Total it; '.!.-. It is recom mended that no proxies bo admitted to the convention and that the delegation present be author ized to cast the entire vote of the dele gation of the county which they rep resent . It is requested that the county con vention select their committeeman and perfect their county organization at the first convention counties in which two conventions tire held. Da vii II. M f.kckk, Chairmaa. Ed. It. Sinit, Secretary. A not tier Hero. IScri II. Cilman, captain in the reg uiar army, and a brother of Mrs. Li. ' '. Kerr of this city, is receiving ex tended and complimentary notice in the eastern press since his death. He proved himself one of the heroes of the war, and too much cannot be spo ken in his praise. He was born in New Hampshire, but spent his boy hood "lays at Dixon, Illinois. In 1S72 he graduated from West Point, and, being a fine schoiar he litis held many positions in colleges where he had been sent by tho secretary of war He was stationed at Governor's Island, New York, when tho war broke out and a- Ked to command a company, which was granted, and lie went with the first expedition to Santiago where he w;.- taken sick. When tho day of batt'e arrived he got out of bea to 'e -d h is romp my, and while t.t the front he was wounded, and being sick and faint he fought tho bush for shade. ;md was net discovered for uendy a wrek. He finally reached the hospital and was sent to Xew York, where he arrived lf-:st week. He lived only a few h -urs, however, after bis return ;o his native land, and he low sleeps iu the government burial place l West Point. He was one of the braves' soldiers before Santiago, his comrades sav. and his death is ileply deplored. He visited his sister in this city five or six years ago, and many will remember meeting him while here. A !iil TrHjjedy. The four-year - old son of Ernest Bahnkes, residing1 near Pacific Junc tion, got on a chair Monday, in the absence of his mother, and secured a loalod revolver, with which lie was playing, when it was d iseharged, kill ing his little two-year-old sister. The funeral took place in Omaha Tues day. The mother is nearly distracted with grief over the result of the acci dent. Vp-iil August in ttic ISlKC-k IlilU. Co first l fclot Springs. There you c n bathe, ride bicycle, climb moun tains, dance a' d play tennis to your heart's content. If your limbs arc stiff, your kidneys out of order or if yep are troubled with exzema or any other form of skin disease, a month at Hot Springs will make a new man of you . Sylvan Lake and Spenrfih are with in a comparatively short distance of Hot Springs and everyone who visits tho IJIack Hills should see them. Sylvan Lake is the prettiest and cool est summer resort in the west. Spoar-fi.-h is reached after a railroad ride that ranks among the experiences of a lifetime. There is nothing like it; any where else on the g'oVe. During Aueu-t, the Burlington route will run two 1 -w rate excursions: ' r.e on the tub, the other on the 'JHlh of that month. Tickets will be sold' at. on-' fare for the round t rip- halt rates and will be good to re tern T-.t a--y time within thirty days. Organize a party. Arrange- ,iFo U your hotel accommodations, at F o' Sonne's. (et you- tickets friira the Piu-lincrton acent, and pass th 'most a -hghtful months in thoyeir in the most, delightful puramorl?i,Dd on the continent. Columbus was thrown into a rlun gvon after rotiirniny f-.-om his vovap-o of disoovory. Could the Spaniards have fo'esoen what would happen four centuries later ha would have be-?n beheaded. AVonderfully Low Uatex. In order- t secure men for the har vest fields of Kans and Oklahoma the M. I. railway will e!i otie ticket to any pointer, its lines ia that euntrv at tc'truiar rates jrooj for three per-sDn-. This is a reinaricaiily liberal act on nit? part m i no .j . t". ana will eive any man who v anta work a chance to get it. iJ 1x3 i jf31 The Leading Paper oiJ THE And It Is the Only Larger Than Any Other If You Don't See It in THE NEWS, It Never Happened. i;j- Lasa'I''rfci Jacob, the iifteen year old .-on of John Kraegec, residing ileveti mile south of Plat tniouth, left, home on the evening- of Aug 'J and has not been heard of since. lie is Light complex ion ed.. thick lips, large teeth, with one corner ofT a front tooth. ITe wore a black, soft hat, brown jacket, light shirt and old blue overalls. Any information about the boy will be glavlly received and paid for by John Kraeger, Mynaid, Nebraska. I.t is, or should be, the highest aim of every merchant to please his customer-; and that xhe wide-awake drug firm of Meyers & F.shleman. Sterling. Ii 1.. is doing so, 3 proven by ihe fol lowing, f om Mr. llshiomau: "'it my ii.Xueen years, exporiance in the drug business I have newer s en or sold or ti-iCMl a medicine that gave as good sat isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Jtemedy.'" Soid by all druggist, As a good thing ought io ha in bottles. And scaled medicinally pure and rip-; with age and mellow. Our name c:i label over the cork. It's there because it protects your interests as well as ours. HISKIES Never snM in txifk. Of Urngpists, Grocers, Licensed lieatea, every wliere. TRADE SUPPLIED BY .RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA. NEB. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Kotary Motion and Ball Bearings 0 ft TAYL y.n. i v nwzvlV ife aLlo FOR THE I I I rr coxra.vs. NEW- has been Reduced in . . 1 0 Con ts Seven - Column Daily A Superior News Service. Half K;t'H - Kpwiirth I.ajriu- Ams-ii.IIv l.ilK Oll), .lll'UHl II IO. l-'or this oceanion Ihiriinton route agents at stations within I.'jK milcnif IiiiM-oln, will, on t he 3rd, ": h , lth and St ii of A ust, sell round t.ri p 1ie,,-t s to Lincoln :it the one way rate. Atiiiust and o, corre.spOi.il ingly low r.ites will Vie in effect from points in western Nebraska Pelurn limit August ". At'end nits will have plenty of time, to visit Omaha tho assembly is over and se Trans-Mississi ppi Px position . it. Tourint i'niii;ili l-l , Do-criptive of Yeltowston National Park and the summer resorts of ;olo rado and containing, besides map-sand illustrations, a great deal ef info ma tion of interest to sightseers and tourists, can be had by add rcs-ing .1 . Francis, (lencal Passenger Atront, I5uri''ngton lloute, Omaha, Neb. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena iJort!arifi San Francisco All points west. Chicago St. Joscpri Kansas C ;y St. Louis MV points i.t Sou tli. TRAINS LEAVE AS FCLLO'A'5 : No 1. Denver express Z. (Jiuali.i t st. Louis (.'Ikoiwo exureis. 11:1- TfA'Z 1-':4'1 pa: lo.-i Su Su : :fj. Lui'a.1 express, ilaUy, S t Jot;. Kunsas. st Louis, ml jjoirns null! b No 1. Luch. exu. daily, liuriinirtna, (Jhiciio. all points o ist No U- Locai VXD. a wiiy except suir No. I" Uiinlia to Crcslori, loral... 0 : 10 a IU::". ar 4 ::. v.a:, i U ny ! ;oW. Luca.1 exp. dully except uii- day. I'iicifii.- .1 uuct ion j No:iil. rrtii-ht, 'ittily except Mirniay " lai'-ific J ti m.-t inn HI'. ii:.'; pi.-. No - VctityUl'j'l exp. daily, li ir liDfc'ion, Chic.t-O an;! iOi points east No l;JstulJ from Juiict.oa to l'nitts aioutn No li. Local exp. Oaily. 21 Joe, Kan sas City. ?t Louis. Cliii- i.-o nil points east and south.. No 111. Local exp, daily, Uniana, Lin coln, Denver and interme diate stations 'o 'S Creston to Oruatia Local No l. J',cal st. Lou sto'Jmilia -ii r.'i. Local f relrit, daily, omar. a. :.;) i, in :!". -in. 7:M M:a i'ii No Lio;'l fr.-ifit. oaiiy, ex .sun day. Cedar '. ret -', i.ouj--vu.e. - am !:eii-i I-";, -t li; a : i, or.1i . en: at a a i: '1 No No ii. Vv-tiauied exp, oaiiy. I'en- v.-r ar"J -ii po rr- m eoe, rado, i'tali .t no Cai . f n i,r iL(l isiar.d. ili.i. li Ii. 1 -. .Moutaria snd I ai-ili N. V Ne- VI. Li. ai ex p. u iiy l; v j: : a uay. ljouisvi.ii-. A-a na-j. V anoo, ?ctiuy !er No 11. Local exp, dally except sua uay, Urualia and I-in-oni.. No IT. Local i.x press, sunoay uriiy. .Nil.-': L.it Ijo in l Freight, eonm.-'jts at I'aciiic .) u net f hi w t ii o. 1 the Denver Kxpns-,. whicli ooe- not uio,. 1 1' ia! isn.ou tii p .let-piriu'. dinlu- and rc-i u:r.: e;, , seals fr:.-ei on tiirouSi trains. T'.-- . and lai-ira-e ctjeckeo to my in;:,r L'niled st iiH-n.ri anad i For Inforn.at ion. tine ta'ilci, a tick in cail or v. rite to l' a: -a: a: 1 1 . I. 1"!;. NCKs. e n. la-, A. i . p a i . No. j ... No i-ii.' .11 . 4 local freight TRAIN?" i.'llNfi No. 0 No. 1 -. ioc.il freight . No. 1'J Mi: 111 p in ' . t '.Vi a in 1 4:01 p tn I N e w s tue oity. Price to . . K Mont ! in the City. Daily. ! o o i The Cssinn Saloon i 1 end (j ! 1 1 1 e rs for tin; llet Peer On liarth, i By the Kx- I,. c;,. a'e- pert-, i, and i- ( 1 I. i- -eiiutry. Special I mm mm AH 1 IO' thi Y i-:t r t. A N 1 - 1 i iT'J i I ' t . i ; k. Von Car, Always l-'iiid Sujijily of l'u 11 BUDWE1SER And Other Iir.-Lii.!:. W'h'wh Will Ic Sclii Wry Cli i.'.''. ) liy tlu rt' i t k i 1 11L- i'lllll II; t- Sliown Its Annrccirttion o I ji;dvi;isi;k' by tin- Fuel that Kivc Hundred Alillion Bot tles Were Con-tuned Last Year. D'-'!nt;red to Any I'm t of the City. PHIL TKIEROLF, Proprietor. B AiJf ;r.ss. 1 1 Excelsior Meat Market or i;vi;KYi mxe; '1 . i. v i MEAT MARKET Ataia,"i;tw een Third and Fourth St. rr i it i n ti Li iuImv. t'ln- Trail hni a I1- I i it n1i axil of the lt t nn-fiil . 1 1 i-nr ion n ll!i- 'I'radi hiiii Ihe Io,t Kra- I hoiialil- I'rii-i-M M. L. JOHNSON. r