Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 29, 1898, Image 3

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!l.-l lull y Snvx W 'A III Not -r-ir w
I'nit ! ril r Our Mir' ' 1 1 1 1 I k.
Wii-liitirtiti, I) C. July US. -Smtr."
tiiry l)ny ntnJ tin- pri'siiliMit cim fmreii
iijain (m1.iv iivnr tli.i rnu'h (iruft of
llio iiiiHwi-r to Spain, whiHi will ln
Milimit led lo I ho c.thi mil lit ilri ini'i-t-inT
tomorrow, mid iinJi vilu;illy to
uii-miKjr a ;in t r n y visit. the Whito
liousi- il 11 ri ii tint duy.
It, is. st:iiMi pn-iti v-:l y by a mf-tn'n;r
C) tho ;!thi not tli it the a.-ctioti relat
i nt,' to tho I Mi i 1 i ppi 11 f a 1ms not yet
bfM'tl My food W.OII
Thorn in to In; 110 urmistioo until
Spain hsis :iyrool yeneritlly to tho
pciuv; terms of tho United Statco.
Tho pifni(l.:n t will not consent to 11
joint protertoriito of liny kind ovnr
llio I 'h i I i ppi 11 i-h.
II" will demand that no portion of
tin? Spanish bonds, iiyyreyali ny $000,
(100.(10(1, b! fastened on Cuha.
No part, of tho I'orlo Kican debt is
to bo n u iran loud. Tliu United Statoa
and Spain will roroivo no nd vantage
over ii'iy other nation in its trndo with
its former Went Indian colonies.
" rheMu," said tho cabinet, "are somo
of tho things wu in ton d not to do. As
to tho things tho yovorniiifint wille.on
beiit lo, that is yet entirely ii? the
hands of the president and secretary
of state. "
Th l-iiiM-rtilc I'rinmrlnn.
There was no contest in any of tho
wardr!, and the followiiii doloates
were chowon without opposition.
First waid Delegated to JjOUMVille
delegate eon vention: C. V. Sherman,
Win. Hassler, l S White, Ed Fitz
gerald, Tom l'iittoion, II. It. Gorim.',
Kd Stamm, I). O. Dvvyer. Delegates
to nominating eon vention: J. ll.Volk
wein. (Jeo. lOderton, W. J. White,
C. M. Hutler, A. It. Smith, II. Ileroid,
C. Seh later, W. I). Jones.
A. U ixter Smith reeoived tho nomi
nation for assessor.
Second ward J. M. Patterson, Fred
Kiu'hler, 1'. K. KulTner, D. M. Jones,
.1. N. Wise, James Kebal, II. Tekater,
II. Klietfch, A. Skuttler, It. S. Ilam
sey, (J. I). Grimes, V. II. Miller, Jacob
Vallery, jr., Adam Kurtz.
1'. F. KulTner was nominated for
Third ward F. F. Green, D. C. Mc
Fnteo, F. J. Morgan, II. I). Travis,
C I). Cummins, A. 1). Despain, C. J.
Martin, F l Don;-.t, J. V. Fen berer,
John KalaseU, It. Chrisvveisser, II. G.
Spencer, L. G. Larson.
Fourth ward J. A. Gutaehe, M.
Archor, John Sutlier, F. G. Knyenber
per, Henry Ofo, It. L. Ki kham, Mike
Whelan, A. U-oback, W. (J. Honfor,
J. D. Mcltr,d..
The above liel -tfates will rt 1. gen
the in both convention.
Henry tfe wis nominated r ii:-
Fifth waii N- 'in iim tint? -iu visit ion:
J. C 15-ittairi, rm. SI iter, John Lutz,
G. (.'ov;i't, i'iOK llowe, J. RaiUes, I'.
Sp ider, Chas. KubisKi. Uelepato con
vention: J. W. Itarwiek, John Vorn
dron, A. It ich, Harry Johnson, Matt.
Luke, Win. Shea, Frank O'Neill, A. C.
G. Covalt was Dominated for asbes
eor. West Rock liluffs Lee Oldham, Lee
Allison, Wm. Nye, Ben Beckman, C.
It i i' re 11, C. Gobbleman, Joe Shaw,
Tom Khoden, Wm. Wheeler, J. R.
Vallery. Dave Araick, Dr. Gilmore,
Quince Connely. For assessor, Wm.
Nve. "
A .MjKterlouH Affair.
Tuesday afternoon, one-halt mile
this side of Paul, the section boss on
the Missouri Pacific railway discover
ed a man standing in the center of
the rijrht of way with his throat badly
lacerated and bleeding- profusely. He
pave his name ae Ed. Oliver and said
his paeonts lived at Pacific Junction,
He claimed that he had been as
saulteil and robbed but refused to give
a description of his assailants or the
the number of them. He seemed very
reticent about making any statement
concerning; the affair and the officers
are somewhat perplexed a9 to the stat
us of the matter.
At this time it is ditficnlt to tell
whether tho younp man was assault
ed or whether tho wound was self-inflicted.
Probably he will be sent to
his home at the Junction as soon as he
is able to trvel.
DHth of Mrs. MoKntre
Mrs. Michael McEntee died at her
homo in Council Bluffs, Tuesday
noon, at the ape of 70 years. She was
the mother of four children Charles
McEntee of this city, Wm. McEntee
and Mrs. Snyder of Seattle, Washing
ton, and Mrs. Petur Carroll of Spo
kane, Washington.
A 11 Viifortunnte Accident.
France Br.llarce, while workinp in
the machine shops on Wednesday, in
some way got hi- left hand caught in
the earing. Tho third linger was
bi.dly c: ushed and the second one was
almost severed at the first joint. No
amputation was made but the chances
of saving the end of tho finger are
thought to be meagre.
ItullcliuK New Coal llouxe.
A crew of It. & M. carpenters are
here with their boarding car, and
will tear down the old coal chutes and
build new and b -tter one. They will
ills.? reshingle the roif on the store
liousi which is quite a job as it will
require SD.UiiO shingles.
I'amf ally Injured.
Elisha Chandler, who works at the
B. & M. shops, had the misfortune to
pet some scalding oil poured on him
on Wednesday, which blistered the
back of his hand and burned his arm
aud side of his neck quite severely.
Dr. Elster dentist, Waterman Block,
Mrs. Ilnniy Ilempel, after a brief;
visit here, returned home this inorti-
Attorney T. It. Wil.ou, of A-h!and,
was in tiio city 0:1 leiral bu-dne-s lu
ll ay.
Frank Johnson is tittinp up the room
In tho Koekwood block for .John K.
Wm. Doty and C. .J. Hr miner, of
Wee pi 11 jr Water, drove over today 011
I). W. Fost'-r, of (J11 Ion, is here today
on business in Jude A roller's court :.s
a witness.
Grandma Buttery and Goorpo Bal
lanco's little daughter returned to
their home al Germantowii this morn
ing. John Tutt, accompanied by his throe
daughters, went to Omaha this morn
inp where the day was speiii at the
Misses Tillie and Katie Weckbaeh,
after an extended visit in this city
with relatives, returned this morning
to their home at Lincoln.
Billy Woodard has been recom
mended to the povci nor for appoint
ment as delegate lo tho ex-siavo con
vention of Ireeumen, which meets in
St. Joe next mouth.
Simeon Upton, of Union, who u-ed
to be a politician when he; wasn't busy
farminp, is mak'ng ho much money of
late that he looks line a plutocrat lie
was in town on business today.
J. J. Klopser vs. Wm. Eiltenbary
was tried before Judge vrcher this
morning, a jury being waived, and he
took tho matior under advisement.
Byron Clark and Matnow Coring were
the opposing attorneys.
Ernest PfoitTer, in a not. to Robert
Sherwood, written from Gibraltar,
says he is on his way home, and later
advices say he arrived in New York
July 120lh. lie will, no doubt, call on
his old I'lattsinouth friends very soon.
Tho camp meetinpdown in Carroll's
grove near I lock BulTs is progressing
finely, and will continue a'.! n xtweek
Somo half-b.iked religionists might
pet a little more zeal rubbed into them
if they attended Evoryhody is in
vited. Don Atwood of this city, who is with
tho quartermaster's department, was
on tho Lampasas, one of the first troop
bhips to land American soldiers on
Porto Riean soil. Don will be able lo
tell all about tho first llag-raioing
when he return-?.
Jacob Vallery s;- , ha.- b- en very low
for several iiv.y-. , . i.u i.ul sli.i t hones
of his recovery ::n. i. erlained. He
is well al( pi - and has been
qcito fee! f :no time. lie was
a 1 : ttle bf ; tci' t L aci ounts, but his
cr dition a- -h"' ro eM.-!idenco
'.va- 1 eposi i i. .1- 1 ii 01 . : .i ;i .
Robert I . i; ; .i i'ioi.::er, of Marys--il
lo. Mo , : .e.-r.. i a visit with
Grandma !'' . .' ' KutTuer and
other rela! ' ve ' ' ; ' ?t v:-.s u sister
of Dr. John 11 irk, ;ini! i r n "'as
hero du'-irp 'is .'n: i i e,s. IC .-rt
hiis bee a (ie.'Uly sheiill down in his
county for twelve years, and is : candi
date there for sheriff on the republi
can ticket this fall. His many friends
here hope for his election as ho is cer
tainly deserving.
Mr. Long, the new owner of tho
south half of tho Union block, has cut
an arch between his two rooms, put in
a system of water and pas mains.
painted, papered and fitted up the
rooms in elegant style until there
isn't a store in town that has such
handsome quarters. He has fitted up
the rooms overhead in palatial style,
and will occupy them as his place of
residence. Mr. .Long has not stated
yet what the doubio store will be used
The Osborne property, in the tecond
ward, was sold today.
Roy McElwain has secured a posi
tion at Burlington, and v.-ill leave for
there the first of the week.
Tho splendid rains which have
blessed this county during the lust few
days oupht to make the farmers
Henry Watson traded his residenc
near L. A. Moore's today to Mrs.
Rockwood for tho Bilstine property
near A. II. Week back's
The many friends ol Dr. Cook will
be plad to learn that h- if still t;:kinp
treatment at the Linenl n s miiai ium
with preat benefit. Ii;- improvement
is such that he may be expected home
Mis. I len took home her tod iy
a bib e '21 0 years of fp -. which had
been in the Black f m !y f r gener
ations. Dr. John Black pave it to Lis
6rster and she will give i' ::t he do th
to E. W. B.ack, of this 1 i'y.
Wash Young received a pir of $io
pigs by express today from tho ia p st
breeder in the east of the new im
proved ' O. I. C." strain of Cnester
Whites. Wash now has tho nucleusof
a herd to be proud of, aud we shall
expect to hear a good teport from him
later on.
In the case of Miss Ida Freeman vs.
School District No. 11, tried before
a jury in Judge Archer's court vester
day, after wrestling with the evidence
until latent night the jury brought in a
verdict for plaintiff fo $.1. 12 a il costs
which will amount to over $(( 00. The
case will be appealed by the school
1 llohrmlnn.
It turns out that tho man found on
Platte bottom is from Thayer county.
He is petting bolter, but can speak
only Bohemian. He says his wife
clubbed him over the head and forced
him to leave home.
Vtilu-1:iy' Morui.
I'mm Tlnir-fiay'h I -t 1 1 v -
From eight to ini miles -outhof
1 1, in e , l u violent 1 huinb-rsitirm wis
had, r.ceoinp inied by a be. ivy il nwirui'
i f i;i 11. Tin- eleef iei! di-piay was
m 'inelh i ng wonderful, the thunder
ne ver ce. isi 11 g for several mi nu'.os. The
Iim fii of Mr. Long wnst-truek by light
ning and Win totally consumed by tire.
Fortunately be lo-t no -loek, the barn
containing only grain and buy. The
corn in that part of the county will
not heed any more rain to mature
i I.
During the. eleclrie storm of yes
terday, I ig lit.iiibg struek a larg" oak
tree near the Third ward school hou-e
and shattered it up considerably, be-sidu-
sliocl ing the residual for sev
eral lois away. Among those shocked
were John Wh ilen and Wm. Wynn.
The storm l ist nigut w;is somewhat
of a hu:nni -r after all, doing a great
deal of dam ipu in sp its, in some
places amounting lo a cyclone, while
in other places lightning was the
prominent feature Down near Rock
ltlulTs (juile a di-p!ay of tho fiery
liquid was experienced. 1 homas Me
Cul ic!i had ;i wheat .-tack struck and
partially burned, causing a loss of
about $100. 00 which falls pretty heavily
as it takes 111. 1st of his crop.
The lightni'ip during the storm
south of town ye-teiday must hava
been terrific. In John Spanglers
wheat field several shocks were burned
up during tiie stoi m in different p irts
of the '.iu:d, that had beun struck by
1 ipbtiiiiig. The flahs were almost
constant and the thunder was deafen
ing, is the icport of those who were
F 1 rniers from the Miuih part of the
county rep rt a high w ind yesterday,
which scattered shocked wheat and
blew grain that was stacked.
; aeral lil-s Wins I'oint.
The war d pai l.ment has reconciled
its .;lf to the changes in its p. an made
by General Miles when he landed al
Guancia instead of the noriheast coast,
as previously agio d upon. li is sur
mised that he was n il to make this
change by ri.asoti of tho detention 01
Ins lighters, and lorusaw a week's de
lay umess iie went in where he Jid.
lie thus lias avoided exposing his
troops to tue hardships suffered by
Sbafier's men a- ihey iay off Santiago.
Il is als 1 suggest"d ill it the general
has se ued an lmpo tint diplomatic
advantage in setting fool 011 Porio
Ric ui soil bef re the lirst overtures
had neon received f . 0111 Spam looking
to w 1 ril peace.
I he departure of General Brooke
arid General iiaines from Hampton
Road-, who are expected tomorrow to
rei' forco General Miles in Porto Rico,
is a substantial evidence of the deci
sion of the gover nment not to abate
tho prosecution of military activity at
this stage. The two generals are m
barked on rap'd liners, and should
reach General Miles by next Monday,
putting him in possession of a suffi
cient force to begin tho movement on
S:i n J uan at once.
The second cap' 11 red hatile flag was
reeeived at the war department, today
with a brief note from General Shafter
as follows:
"Fragment of Spanish flag captured
by the'" Thirteenth Unit'-d States in
fantry at San Juan, July 1."
C'owin la ATashincton,
General John C. Cowin has just re
turned from the east, Ho went to
New York to represent the govern
ment in a hearing regarding Union
Pacific finances taken before a master-in-chancery.
Considerable testimony
was taken rogardinp the amount of
deficiency claim the government is en
titled to receive and concerning the
liability of the Union Pacific for that
claim. Nothing definite was decided,
and further testimony will h;ive to be
taken before the hearing is at an end.
General Cowin also called uoon
President McKinley at Washington.
He says: "I was ag:-ee ibly surprised
to find the president looking so well.
The strain of the war has apparently
not weakened him any. lie is a hard
worker, and is accomplishing a won
derful amount of work. Everyone
about the capitol is very busy these
days, and all departments of the gov
ernment are working day and night."
Omaha B e.
The School Hoard
The school board for the coming
year has been org'-iniz'd as follows:
President D. li. Smith.
Vice President R. It. Windham.
Secretary Dr. Ed. Cummins.
Committee on grounds, buildings
ar.d repairs Cummins, Windhim and
Committee on furniture and sup
plies Tiavis, Cummins and Fricke.
Committee on teachers, text bocks
and rules Windham. Davis and Cum
mins. Committee on printing Fricke,
Davis and Travis.
Committee on litnneo Davis. Wind
ham an d Fricke.
Ticket ill Otoe.
The Ot e county republican county
ion vention was held sit Syra.-u-e ye
tt-rday and the fo lowing ticket was
n;i Pidl :
County a ornev, John 'A'. Dixon.
Sen. .10 , J II. An r.ds.
R -preseatativ -, P t i Uy ailG.
11. 11 ri is.
M. L. llaywiird :i allowei to name
the del- g les to the state convention.
Ki-fais Mis Identity.
Ni.niiAsKA cri'T. Neb., July 21.
I Tn-.' j'.uiiv' ni an who attenij ted suicide
1,-ist 'V -nitjer ;ip,- Paul. ly cutting
! his thro -t. t -J iy irave his nj-ht n un..'
! :is Lchii.- Van bhct-tz and liia iio-c ,-,s
' nineU'fii yc ,rs. lie hail :i fulii. y- cut
. with bi- iiai-t'tits somo th .-e ve r- .-tijo
i umI left home ;md h;is r.inm d iibuut
since. lie hecitni-' (ii-cwu ;iir.-u ana
concluded tho e.:sie-st wny oat of it
w.i 10 kill himself.
Old p.-op-lo in (ialc-hur, 111, re
member when General Shafter t.'as a
J husti hie- employe of tho Burlington
road at that pince. tie is remeni nerea
hp ii manly, ambitious younr fellow,
the leader ia spelling and wrestling.
I'oiiticiti ;
John A. Guiseho 1- nom i imi tl I
mer,tioni d as a c.i 1. 1 1 n I a ' e for tie- sen- i
ale on the ic I'i'iii t ttii- fall,
along with J. M. I'.itteisoii and Frank
J.. Morgan. For county a' U.rney, the!
Fourth ward (b iegato.-, are in-truelcd
for 11. D. Travis and no dou '1: - i -1 1
a- to tils being able to p. t ihi- nomi
nation, if he so do-ires. Fred Goriier ;
of Weeping Water i - said to bo a c in- j
didale for the Hou-e and ant- to cap- ,
lure Pollard's shoes. (iine Con
nelly is also mentioned for tho II o.
Newell, Youtig and Pol. aid seem 10
have clear sailing on t he. re pu I '1 1 c 11
side. Tho candidate-, for comm's
sinner among the 1 e pu I ! iea 11.- in the
third district are J. v :. 1 I a y s , Tn r e r
Zink, Jonathan Ad nils, I. C. Steven
son, John Mi -fiord and Buili-of W ' p
ing Water. I ho candidates .r- county
Kltorney are J L. Root, A. J. (Invi
mid Allen Beeson. Geo. Towie is said
to be the democratic choice for com
missioner. !1 InucHol i'H N-w ('ikiiiol,
ST. P.U'I., Minn., July -T. With
preat ceremony, in the presence of an
immense cone urso of people, this
afie-i.ooii Hon. Alexander R:tm-ey,
territorial governor, I he oii.y survivor
of tho famous Union war governors,
ex-secretary of w ir and ex-United
Suites neiiator, laid llo; corner tone of
Minne.-o'.ii's c;ipitol building in th s
The two million dollar buiidinp was
dosipned by C;iss (li berl of St. Paul,
an architect well known .'ill over the
country , and is being constructed of
granite from St Cloud, with. Georgia
marble f r superstructure and trim
mings. Archbishop Ireland offered
ICender I nto CiirHir.
"( Jive us the 11 mie of I he g u tt no ."s !"
says a prom in on l citizen o!" Sprinp
ti e Id. "they are theiin-ii who have
won the victory over which tiie friend -of
Schley and Sampson are bickering."
There is an obvious foice in this
suggestion that need not be enlarged
upon. Credit is due ti) the American
navy .ill of it. from the d'-pn rt moot
officer.- in Washington down through
to the men who fed the lire-. No one
man deserves all the honor and no one
should seek to demand neither in
per.-on or through his friend-.
Spring field Republ ic in.
Tiie Iiiulit I'recinct i'rimarli-s.
The members of th-j peoine's
party for Plait-mouth preci .ct, for
the purno.-e of selucliag deieg ile- to
attend the county conveniion to be
held at Louisville. July M0, IS! IS, are
eal.ed to meet at M nard Friday, July
ill), to select seventeen dcleg ,te-, and
to attend the one to b - held August
1,!, 1S'.)S. Wm G i i.i! or i:
1 ,'om m i lleiiKin.
Ill Sul-TIT1.
We are carrying over a thousand
account- on our books, many of them
small but in tho aggregate it amount
to a neat sum which would help us out
if paid in. If vou can't pay all you
owe send us a dollar and we will send
receipt bv return mail with a c u d of
thanks thrown in.
A new use has been found for our
allies of the Pacific i-lands. The f;iil
carnival managers of Top ka have
commissioned an agent to procure a
dusky queen from the Philippines,
Ladrones or e so where a real royal
biooded queen for a carnival queen.
Last year they tried a Missouri girl.
Omaha Bee.
Wonderfully Low Kates.
In order to secure men for ihe har
vest fields of K.-ins and Oklahoma the
M. P. railway will sell one ticket to
any point on its lines in that c .entry
at regular rates good for three poi
sons. This is a reman-cably liberal act
on the part of the M. P. and will give
any man who wants work a chance to
get it.
The blackberry crop, which has
boen enormous, will soon have been
marketed and tho plums are already
coming in to take their place.
an Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
No 1. Denver express 11:1 p-n
No 2. Omaha to St. Louis . 5:.--J pin
No r. Chicago exoress 1-:4'J am
NoiU. Local express, daily, St foe,
Ki.nsas. St Louis, all points
sou 1 li P:40 am
No 4. Loca. eD. dally, Hu rlinfton.
Chicago, ail piiiiits (i.,st lUi-4 urn
No 14. Local exp. daily except Sun
No. 10 Oinaba to Creston, local 4 : :-! pai
(Jay 1C.4S ttm
No 9-. Local exp. dally exrept sun
day, l'acific J unetio'i V2:'.') prn
No 30. Frei- lit, iai ly except Sund ay
I'acitic Junction -.."U pin
No 2. Vestibuleu exp, daily. Hur
liu;riou, Cliiea-O and ail
points east 5 ::0 pin
No 13 stub from Jum-tiou to I'latts-
11, 011 tli tj : la Ijln
No 1-. Local exp. daily. St loe.Knn
saB City. St Louis. (Jhicri-o
uli points east and south.. S:-! un,
No 1'.'. Lucai exp. daily, Omaha. Lln
coiii. Den vtr and inltriue-
lllll'i' 5Utl"IIS r. 11
o '27. Crcston to l oaba I.oaal !!::.: nm
No y. Local st. Lou sto 'inah i I-' am
os., L.icai freiini, ii a t iy , urn .1 -a. ' ."5 t-
NiiS. LuC il Ireuiil. oaiiy, ex Sun
uay, CuUar 1 n-e, l.oUis
vi,e, souib i;eu,, 7::.G .11
.So T. l-'ast mail, oahy . Dini-n a rid
Lincoln r .0
N.i :i. Ve.-t i lo. ieu ;j, liaiiy, I e:i
v'i r ami it jintn; - in n.n
raoo, t lab .am C;i..fiji'ii ;i.
br.iinl Island. I'.iaek !!:,!-.Mi-nl
tiia and i aellij N. v pi,
Mi 13. L.) al exp. Uauy c ijt s
oay. Louisville. Asii.auu,
Walmo, seimyier i.-" pn
No 11. Local exp. daiiy ex.-. pt on-
U ay , t m an a a ml Liu ol '1 . . 50.' p'o
No 17. Loc 1 1 ex pr.-s-. 111; a v 1 hi i y .
.so. s'J East Dniin I Fre: - lit. eonnect s
at I'acitic .liinet 011
o. 1 the ll-nver Kxpres
which noes not sio:. at
l'iat tsiiiO.itb p.; 10 p -a
slcepin .1 . ui 11 . and re:-i;uiiij ei.t:r cars
si, its free, on tlirou.'li trains. Tick, ts "nil
aral ba-a.e cneck. : to my ;j.,-irit :n tli-
t'lilt.'d Slates or l ana.ia.
I'or i n Ti r ii, a t ion, time t.'ih'es, inups and
1 . .i- -, ill or nri'eto
V. L. I'lfliKT r. .-Went,
l':al l-meuii.. N.-h.
I. IK A N:i,S. titri. i'a-s A.t..
. Unaiia. Net'.
i . 1 i . t. 1..M111.
T11AINS (iillNO NOHin,
N o. 1 4 : 50 a. m
N... 11.M 11.n1
No. I'M. Ineiii freiirrit . 4.W
No. 2 10:4, -;p. ti..
:. 1-'-. ioo il freint 7;:C a., in.
No. )u 4:04 p. tu
A Wiirm ly.
"Why Ho you wr-. oh penile Ian'
I'ouid lift uriiu wot? ( oiiMi-nt to pas
( (in- ol mr i'.iiu c and t.itioii ?"
"f :iiii not Wti iiiiK. sii." inolli she
" ti-.o (tiojis 1h.1t vou tliink you n-e
An sMii!y jicrsl'iialion "
W.i-hiiicl'iu Si. 11.
J i:n V. McKane, who was tho "king
of Coney I .-l.i nd" before bo went to
Sing S. ng pi ion, and who, when ho
came out, was -upposi d to be a pauper,
has j U"-1 so' d some real est a to at S bee ps
hea.l Ray for 1 -10,(1(1.).
Legal Notice.
In tl.r I ) -11 a I ( niit ..I I'.ri t '..ant y. N'ctu- La.
1 11 1 he 111.1i i.-r ..I 1 In- estate
ol 1 h o :us I'.uiii 1, ile-
A 1 1 la at urn of M ai .t . it S. I '.u tie: . ad a nil l -a r a t r i x
I sa il e-tale f a il- ruse to soli real estate to
i.i ifehts.
Ih.- 1 ;nsi' ame mi fur lu aiinn ii.'n tiie
I'l-titcai of Marairt . limlrr alaiinl i at nx of
I lie e I ill- nt I li.ules fiat, ei, deceased. ilaniK
t a .1 ia en-.e to --ell t tie sout fi est (juailei nw'4i
ol-ei-'ioiii-ilit'Hi township (10) raneniiie Wi,
v'iis- ( oiint y . Nriii.i-ka. 01 it sulfa lent amount
ot tie s.i aie to ; ay the ku in of tVVWJ.IJ in mailt
of dc ill;, 1 li.u.-r' ai. i f l) -lisrs ol nd Ul 1 11 . 1 1 t loll
of s.iuf estate uiel it apitai ln to t lie uii'lei 9 uril
j 11. in of t he 1 1 ist 1 at 011 1 1 1 1 at there m nut utn-
ant pel son a I propertv ill the li.iiuls of .laid adlinn-1-t
rat 1 1 to ja said 1 1 t s. c ha 1 r and expeiui.
and it 1 111 ! her appeal 111K tliat it is nrcrKsarv to
--i ll the leal e-tate destiilird 111 said petition
li i-d lii-ii-iii lot the payment of said debt . eiiaiKe
and 1 p.-tr.e--.
Il 1-. iln iel ne ordeied that all persons inter
e ted in -aid estate appear l.rlore 11. e at the otfn e
ot lln- 1 li-lk ill the d ! it I u t Coll 1 1 111 riattSlllolltll
'a 1 mill! , .Neli 1 1 ska on the '..'Tt li da ol August,
.. I ' 1- .1'. '.' o ! I.u k I'. M of said day anil show
eaa-e whv .'1 lneii--e should not lie planted a
pl.iV'-dto said adminlslrati ix to sell Ihe al.ove
di-.i 1 1'ied leal estate or mi mm fi tlieieol as mav he
neies aiy to pay said ilehts. charges and ex
penses. It is further oidered that a copy of this notice
he published tor lonr uctessive week prior to
tl.e lime lixed for said heal 111; 111 t fie 's,eini
WeekU Nks lli iMl.."a leal newspaper puh-lish.-d
i.i t'as- county, Nelnaska.
i ated tins l.Mh .lay ot uly A I). I HUH.
Basil S. Kamsi-.v, Jiule.
Probate Notice.
In county court, ('ass county, Nehrauka.
In the matter of the estate of John Johnson,
Wilii. 1111 Tolliver Johnson, Kicliard Joln-jon,
Austin ..liiioii, Suisie ('. Merger, Andiew Jack
son Johnsoii, and all other persons inteieted in
said matter, aie lieiel.y notified that on the Iltti
day of July. ls..s. Win. T Johnson and A J.
I ohieoii ti led a pet ilion in said court, alleciiiK,
aiiiony ot her t h ini;s, that 1 1 I 1 11 Johnson died on
the Sih day ol July. IH'.iH. leaving no last wid and
testament, and possessed of real and personal
e tate, and that the above-named constitute all
the persons interested in the estate of said de
ceased, and prayinn tor administration thereof.
011 are hereby uotilie 1 that if you fail to appear
at said court on the 1st day ol August, A !.,
Is'.s. at '.i o'clock a. 111. , and contest said petition,
the coiiit will appoint James M. Patterson, or
some other suitai.le person, administrator, and
proceed to a settlement of said estate.
lines, my ban 1 and the seal of said Court at
lt:it;::;t Platt-mouth. Nebraska, tins llthday
f, s 1 , i tt of Juiy. lsi'H
(..KOKOli M. M'liKI.OCK,
County Judie.
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of A. Juliaette Wright,
deceased .
Charlotte Amelia Morrison. Juliet Amanda
lined, Mary Kllcn iallanher, Frances l-.velyn
Wise, and all other persons interested in said
matter, aie hereby notified that on the 12th day
of July. ls;is, Frances F.. Wise tiled a petition in
said court, alleging anrjnjr other things, that A.
Imiactte W riht died on the atti day of Jiuy, 1HVH,
leaving a last will and testament, and possessed
ol real and personal estate, and that the above
named constitute all the persons interested in the
estate of said deceased, and praying for the pro
bate of said w ill and for administration ol said
estate. Vou re hereby notified that if you fail to
appear at said court on the 0th day of August, A.
1 1 s'..s, ;lt ten o'clock a. 111. to contest the pro
bate of said will, the court may allow and probate
said will, and grant administration ol said estate
to James M Patterson and Robert li. Windham,
or some other suitable person, and proceed to a
setta-iiieiit thereof.
Witness my hand and seal of said court at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, lJth day of July
A. I), ls'.'s.
George M. Spcri.ock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska. 1 , r t c t
Cass County, ) 1
In the matter of the estate of John Frederick
Stub, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis
trator of said estate, before me, county judge of
Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room
in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 1st day of
( ictober. A. I) Wis, on the 1st day of December,, and on the 1st day of February, lsyy, at
nine o'clock a. in., eacfi day for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed lor
the creditors ol said deceased tj preseiii their
claims and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 1st day of August,
This notice shall be published ill the Semi
Weekly Ni ws-ll KiiAl.D for four weeks suc
cessively, prior to the 1st day of August, IH9H.
Witness rnv hand and seal ot said county
court at Plattsiii juth, Nebraska, this d day of
July, I-!.-, Gkokge M. Spuki.ock
(.Sealj County Judge.
Li'jral Notice.
In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ot 1
Addison P. Weston f
To the heirs and legatees of Addison I. Wes
ton an 1 all other persons interested in the es
tate 01 Addison. 1. Weston, deceased:
You are hereby notified that Levi C. Pollard
as executor of the last will and testament of
A :J;su:i P. Weston, decea-ed, has tiled his
petition in this court for instruction and power
to pay out monies on hand to the persons finally
entitled to the same under the provision of the
will in said estate or for its investment or safe
keeping if not paid out,
Siaal cause on said petition is set for hearing on
the -d dav of August, A. D Ions, at two o'clock
p in .. at which time you are required to appear
and defend or show cause as to what order
should be entered and at which time such order
w ill be entered as directed by the provision of
said will, and the law directs for proper conduct
of said estate.
It is further ordered that this notice be pub
lished in the Semi-Weekly N ews-II frald for
three weeks prior to the day of hearing.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal ol this Court July 'Jd. A I). 1-K-.
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notice
I:i the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
In the matter of tiie es- 1
tate of John Cusack,
deceased. ;
Application of Nathaniel H. Meeker, adminis
trator, with will annexed of the estate of John
Cusack, deceased, for license to sell real estate
to pay debts, legacies and expenses of admin
istration. I his cause came on for hearing upon the peti
tion of Nathaniel II. M eeker administrator ot the
estate of John Cusack, deceased, with will an
nexed praing for a license tj sell the west one
haif neji ui the southwest quarter (sw 1 of sec
tion six. 'ii township eleven (11. range nine (Ml
Cass county, Nebraska or a sufficient amount of
the same to oav the costs of administration, debts
and iegacie-. of said e-tate and its appearing to
the under-igned judge of the district court lhat
there is not sutlic cut personal property in the
hands of said administrator to pay the debts,
leiracie. dunes and expenses ol the adminis
tration of said e-tate. and it appearing to the
judge of thi- court that it is r.ece-sary to sell the
real estate descriD d in said petition, tiled herein
for the payment -if said debts, legacies, charges
and expenses ot administration.
It I- therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate ap; ear before me at the
oiiice ,-f the cerk of the district court of Cass
county, Nebraska, in the city of Plattsmouth. on
the ii i iay of September, lsin, at two o'clock p
111. of sai l day to show cause why a licen-e
- li, -u! i not be granted as prayed, to said ad
siiini trator tj sei! t ie above described real es
tate or so much thereof as may be necessary to
pay said debts, legacies, charges and expenses.
It is farther ordered that a copy of this notice
he pnbli-hed f.,r four successive weeks, prior to
t'-e time rixe 1 for said hearing, in the Semi
We kiv Nkws H1.RAI.I1. a legal newspaper, pub--.siied
i,i Cass coun'y, Nebraska.
Ilated this 21st day of Juiy. l-.'S.
Basil. S. Ramsey, Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Cas County. Nebraska.
In the matter ot the guardianship of ) ti. 11'Kourke. Anna L. O Kourke
ni 1 i-t-ijh I" O'Kourke. )
L'nler and bv vir ue of a license to sell the
real e-tate hereinafter described entered in tiie
above caii-e bv lion. Basil S. Ramsey, judge, on
the 'Jth dav of July. A. I). ly. I ill on tiie Mil
day f .Vitfurt, A.I) 1-V't. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at
ttie south door of the court house, in Platts
mouth. t.'a-s county. Nebraska, orfer for sale lot
one hundred and three in the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter, lot one hundred and
four in tiie northwest quarter of the south
west quarter, and lot eighteen in the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and
the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter,
al! in section nineteen, in township twelve, north
of ranee fourteen, in Cass county, Nebraska, to
the highest bidder for cash.
Nellie M. O'Rourke, Guardian.
By her attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls.
That's what's tho :
and all other 50
are compelled Jo
kitchen stove on ii:'
Buy Your !r
And thuj save
and worry. !t'c
bills nr: :! rt:-
I !
:j I
out conipiii i' li.
Gasoline Stove aiu!
Lowest prices, vvi
that you will be p! : Lc !
only stovo in vvhicli pi
to prevent iha escaiv.
should the burnur i.;
blown out or loft epe-n.
ably the best asoliiu. i.i
and the price is aivny
Stock of Furnitu
Is as full and complete a;; cv; r, anJ
acknowledged everywhere lo b: L!io
largest in Cass county. ! can plea?;e
you in...
Variety, Quality and Price..
Opposite Court House, PlaLLsrr.ou'i.ii, Neb
They banish pain
and prolong life.
No matter what tiie matter is, one vih
good, and you can get ten f ;r iiv c ' 1
at sotne drufg pwr-1 '.h w 1 v a . 1 i i a ,
JB0 do-n of thi: rtv :ir .ri ' ,6J ft :
to the ftiFAXH ChjehI'.-ai. ;-ytr: v, : i t Si,
TABUUSi) will b sent for five jtti. ', fbt UiK in
Bottom Dropped
...of Prices
On 1897-Grown
Garden and Field mis p ym
Two Packages Garden Seed, 5c.
Everything else at bottom prices.
Now is the time to repair your Spouting and Tin Roofs, be
fore the rains beirin
We Have Something New
In a door kick that will last a life-time ; 111-. :: springs ;
works better and costs less money than a spring lock.
Call and see a Gravity door lock, at the reliable hardware
store of . . . .
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neo.
II I a 1
ro; o -
G .
it M,
. f
1 1
1 .
3 v.
( r : 1.
V 1 i
; 1 r;
1 .0.1 ,
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C- - '
r"1" F fi
P. '
ts r- h 7.