Semi-Weekly NEW8MEMAr TIIK NKV H. r.Htiil.lnln .J Nov. .'. Im'.H. I'LATTSMOUTH, NKIi.. .11 LY L'J). 181)8. vo:.. Til K II KKA Ll. J April lit, iMU ( ClllHDllliHl4'i Jltll. I, IV.I.'i, This Space Belongs to the Firm of SiY YD BR & CO., Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. The Semi-Weekly News-Herald No Cheap Goods No shoddy Wiiros, which wo iiro rnarhinir "Special jiuv Prices." Wo h:ivo boon in tho mercantile business iti 1 Matlsmouth for tho oast t wenty-oifjht years and have established a reputation for. . . . The Best Goods at inc.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is our motto, on r i n variable rule, wo do not propose to d"p.-irt f om it now. J n t- Spring stock is lar.-r and more com plete Litis vr;ir than over. Wo art; solo agents in lTatts inoutli for tho celebrated "Hiaek Cat" brand Triplo Knue Stock i ti s. ( 'iinio in and see us and wo will troat .you ritrht. Triple Knee tfATHER Stocking Kenosha Make PlackfA-f brand- m v.j..w, -v -lt-Vt WI1ITK, JJIt GOODS YJJ CKOCISKIJIS PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS . , . IIV THE . . . NEWS riTHLlSlIING COMPANY, M. I. I'OLK, KDITOR. DAILY KUITION. One Year, in advance, . . Six Months One Week, Single Copies, . $5 '' 1 5 fcK.MI- WKKKLY KDITION. Otic Year, in advance, . . . . tl 00 Six Mouths, SO 3: The Sherwin-Wiluams Cl. MAKE PAS NT FOR Nouses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves, Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tools, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know our reputation. We say these are the best paints we krrv- of. You'll s iy so too after you have used them. T-'-'.F LARGEST CIRCULATION Ot any Cass County Paper. C.M.I, I OK COI NTY CONVENTION. The republicans of Cass county aro hcrchy c died to meet in covention at Weeping Water, NoWrask i. on Satur day, July 30, KS'.lS, at ono o'clock p. in. for tho purpose of placing in nomina tion candidates for tho following oMi C'.s, to-wit: County attorney, two members of the h-;islatu o, one sena tor, oi:e member of tho board of county com :u iasioners from the third district; a!.-o t i select 21 do gales to the btate convention at Lincoln, August 10, at 10 o'clock a. m ; also 2o delegated to tho first eongro.-bioi a convention at Lincoln, on August 11, at S p. ni., and for the tra tisaction of such other bus iness us may pcoperly cilne before the eon veiii iou . Tho couiuiit'c recommended that there be o proxies i cognized, but that the d'- eg:tos present from each precinct or ward cast its full vole. The rep? onontatioii is b.ised on the villi) east for C. W. Kaley, (regent for tin: state university in lh07,) being one d legate for e;;eh 15 votes or ma jor fraction thereof, and ono delegate at lartru for each precinct or ward: 1 I Mli AMI NO OKI. 2 ni ' u to S p III I 4 p in 7 5 p 111 ' X p 111 f, 8 p 111 II 8 to 9 p 111 '.' 8 ti. 9 pm '.' 8 to p in r .1 to 9 p ni J- S to ii p ni 5 8 to i m S H to ! p in H 8 to i p 111 I-.' 8 to 9 p in 8 s to y p in ; 8 to fl p in fi 8 to ! p ni 5 8 to 9 p m 4 SOLI) BY F. G. FRICKE & CO. .. THE LEADERS .. M GROCERY ARE A. H. WBCKBACH & CO. HP HEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass "county. jjEvery- thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only place in the city where you can get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & E. Waterman 51L kfEj ana raw t z a a Ifli PS? ARE THE MOST FATAL OF ALL DIS EASES. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Is a guaranteed remedy for all KIDfiEY and fjfij BLADDER Diseases. McA - -- - I'KC 1 Vo I INii l-I.Al 1- Avota Avuca ('ntcr, ManicV 8 M iie ( ii ovi-, Ht-il scliool house Klmwoo 1. M unlock school h'se (in-Dii-Aood, Alvo I.i'ii-ity. I'nioii Louisville, llascniicr's liall N.-ha'A ka, Ni-hauka scli'l h'se Ml l'li-asant. ricat-aiit Dale " Ko( k I5h!!ts I- i r s t I list.. M urrav school h'se Second " Rock l'.,ull-; I ipion Lumb'r oilice I-".at;!e South llelic), So lieiiil school h'se Stove ' reek, Kliuwuoil upci'H h'se ::1: Creek, ii eeii-.vooil W Water prct.i 'aM a-le school li'se Wee.-iii; Water I'itv I-irst War-I. II A K hall iv ornl Ward, "oiiiiri! (.'Iiamber ! hint Want. Towel's Hall l'l.itt 1'rct Tav lor school house 4 to 5 p ni I'lattMuoulh I it y i'"ir-t Ward. 1'erkins House S--co;i I War i.'l urn r 1 ia'I l tnr-1 W-ird. K itch' v liuhr ollici i.urt1' W;. r !.( 'ouocil I 'handier Fdtli W;-id. ,-clioo! House ti to 8 p in 7 to 8 p m 9 to 8 p ni II to 8 p 111 4 to 8 n ni ti 1) ('LAPP, Chairman. i !. C I :;: i;is i.i-k, Seeieta iv. '! II V. 1 i av.a in n e-m m i s -i ou wi-lsail A o;u-t 1", begin ;h - wo k of est-b-lishing a local government for the new territory aeqoired. A. C. FosTKK, of Omaha, is or.o of the strongest men that could be mimed for lieutenant governor. Ho will Ire nominated if the geography question ii not urged agamst him too strong. TliK democrats, poulists and free silver republic. ins will each hold a convention at Louisville, tomorrow for the purpose of seb cting delegates to the state, congressional, Hoat and county conventions. Their conven tion for nominating a county ticket has not been called yet. Till-: town of Fremout seems to ex plain wn Dodge county has been de serting the fiat money business and gives a republican maj ity occasion ally. The May bank statement showed the deposits in the bink- of that town amounted to 81,l00,0d0. Few towns of the same size in the entiio country could make a b tter showing. Til?: republicans of Otce county are to bo congratulated on their nominee for county attorney, John W. Dixon, one of the brightest young lawyers in that county. Mr. Dixon has often been called here on business, and has many warm friends and admirers who hope to see the good judr- nient of old Otoe exempl lied by giving him a rousing maioritv this fall The reublican county convention meeis a Weeping Water tommocrow f v the pui'jio-e of selecting delegates to the stave, congressional and float representative conventions, and nomi nating a county ticket. The outlook for a harmonious convention is all that could be desired, and an invin cible ticket i- certain to be nominated which w ill increase the majority ii; this count v. For Sale by SMITII & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO. For Sale. The five acres with residence, east and adjoining 13. & M. lumber yards. '2t aci es in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells. Cistern. Cellar. The Gut Ileii continues to head the list as a tine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. "I think DeWitt's Wiich Hazel Salve is the finest preparation on the market for piles " So writes John C. Du'in, of Wheeling, Va. Try it and you will think the same. It alsocures eczema and all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke. It is, or should be, the highest aim of every merchant to please his cus tomers; and that the wide-awake drug ! firm of Meyers & Eshlem in, 'Sterling. III., is doing so, is proven by the fol lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It my sixteen years, experience in the drusr : business I have never seen or sold or j tried a medicine that gave as good sat- isfaction as Chamberlain's Coiic. ' Cholera and Diarrhoea Kecnedv." Sold by all druggist Insure in the German A.mervcan. Fred Ebingar, Afjent. The strong anti-i-ass" rt solutions b nig udopted by the pop convention, ai d ihe cordial Mipport given the state l ing wh;cn rines on passes, and has done a 1-ii.ger pas-, brokerage business I ban any ?ot of state etticials we ever had, is refreshing indeed. The puolic don't love a hypoe. ite and if '.ho pari' is icaily opposed to the pa-s system it must, as n matter of good faith, turn down the iloicomb, Edmis-ten, Bryan crowd. J) YOl" remember what Due i ie wrote of Spain? "There she lies at the fu ther er.tremity of the conti t.ent, a huge and torpid mass, the only repres-ent iti ve now remaining of the feelings and the knowledge of the middle ages. And, what is the worst symptom of all, she is taVstied with her own condition. Though she is the most backward country in Europe, she believes lier.ii.lf to be tho fore- j mio-t. She is proud of everything of ! which the ought to be nliame l. Siie j is proud of the antiquity i f her opin- , ions, ptouil of the strengtti of her i faith, proud of her i m iiiciimi ni bl e and childish credulity, proud of In r in.- j willingiio-s to an end either her er.-eu or her cu-tonn, proud of her hatred of j heiiitk-s and proud (flier timlyiig vigilance vvilh which she their elTorts t- obtain a full and legal o.itabl ish men t on her moi1.,? , ,1 - &w??wm ?w?w www????? ????j??????m?wM? - - . G. DOVEY E rr-y STIMIGIIT OOODS. '1 ho tuggeslion ih.t e.imes from Washington that I'resident M Kinh-y will not waste any time with "nego tiations" as the term is generally un derstood, but will formulate at tho terms upon which lie will make peace with Spain and go on with the war until they are accepted, is a good on 3. It will .save a groat deal of pa laver, uncertainty and rot. It will also et a valuable precedent against the usu .1 custom of long intoi change of notes in which each party has sev eral "ultimatums" up its sleeve, and in favor of .absolute frankness and straight talk. MeKiniey knows what will satisfy the American people, and whether it will pay in go on and light until Ii people are &a i lslieil. j ist a: well today i s ho will in a wiek r : month and he will make a ten striki in polities, by telling the Spanish gov ernment what tho must in. without ihe b i si. ci i en mlocut ion or delay. Tnat may not be diplomacy hut it is business and this is a bu-iness govern ment. Diplomacy is a relic of inedi aevalism.a'iy way, and it is time Uncle Sam ch inged the cu-tom. Sia e Jour nal. IXKIKMATION AM nl'l.MDXS, Hail did tremendous damage in Cnieago yesterday, destroying thou sands of panes of window giass. This was followed ny rain in tor rents with a high wind. Tho IT. S. circuit court, in Chicago yesterday decided that, the companies must pay the stamp tax, and t ho corpora t ion gav notice of ati appeal. Theexp'e-s companies don't propose to pay their share of the war tax if they can help it. The Porto lii'of iks might ii- well get l'eadv to H;oept the sovereignty of Uncle S im. The days are short when the Spanish flag will lloat over that, island . -. What a joke it would be if the ('ass county populi-ts t-ho'i d call tin i comity convention ov.-r ni, I ;-.! ti Junction, u.s the democrats and silver republicans wou'd have to f-Ilo.v idem and hold there also. Some people never lead but are great on the follow, especially if a public oi'tics is in sight. The populists of Lancaster county. in convention yesteruay endorsed ill" war noiicv of I 'resident McKinlev in strong tei ms. This is as it should be. Sunday has been a great day in American history. Doneison surren dered on Sunday, the Monitor turned back the terrible Merrimac on Sunday, Dewe' whipped the Spauish lleet, at Manila on Sunday and Schley sunk Cervera's fleet on Sunday. Tho Amer cans are first in peace, first in war tnd generally get, there on tho first day of the week, commonly called Sunday. Ex, A cable lino across the Pacific to Hong Kong touching at Hawaii, the Lad roues and the I'uiiippines has been :ontracteJ for at a cost of 10.u!0,O0ii. Pii is has become a necessity since the i inexation of the Sandwich Islands. "Cass county is for I5urkett for con e.-sman," said a L no. -In man yoiter ty, "and the nomination might a- eii be made by acclam iti.m. Tneic s i.o use to conceal the fact that 'as ouniy is for Liurkett. 'md ;is the dele ration of that county added to tha'. o! Lmcaster count- makes a majority, tile light is all over exc -Pt the formal ity of calling the roil." State Journal. The occupants of the Philippines e present such a variety of races thai hirty-one languages are spoken i here. The opinion that co'-u nation s have no souis will peihas be slightly amended by those who read t lie following order that was published by lie Burlington to enginemen on th road: "On account of very sick pa tient near cut at lork, engine- men will retrain from sounding whis tle unless absoluteiv necesa-v, in the immediate vicinity of that place.'' State Journal. The democratic medicine mixers are very busy just now cajoling their pop ulist brethren, so as to get fusion dele gates elected tomo-row to the several conventions Ihe silver republican oarty, consisting of John Leyii i and two other fellows, wi'l be in line anv- vvav, for without R fusion deal their pre.-ence would not be known. Commencing: MONDAY, A-JCU continuing for the next ThirLy ' have a... THORNS TO SIT UPON. Many people gather tiiorns by fail ing to heed the warning sent out by di-eased kidneys coated tongue par- cneu sKin ieveriur.ess uun acning oain general feeling of we ikness is sure evidence of kid nv and bladder trouble. Take Utah Kidney Hems at once they have cured thou-and-s of others. TlIETriiNEIWOF PlULAUEL PI1A make Utah Kidney Deans. E. B. Samuels, County Clerk of Hickman County, Clinton. Kentucky, testifies, that he suffered for years with horrible pains in the back, kidneys and bladder was treated by many physi cians they gave him no relief he sot so that fie could hardly stand alone L'th Kidney "ians, ne says completely cured him. He gladly rec ..nniends them to all sufferers. F. G. Fricke & Co.. telling agents for Platts niouth and Cass Co. Turner's Little Liver Turner- A very small pill. Turn your liver. A true laxative. An after-dinner pill. CUT p R G : : i ON ALL SUMMED O Summer Wrappers From 69c up mil f Percales, -JO' in. ivide, - 7c Lawns, - "c (liiijjhams, - )C Special R -. ! : Dimities : ' Peal rotc ft (.' and ',(; ;; THE BEST SUMMER CORSET MA SHOE DEP'T All Tan and j Le pers at very low prices, to close... Children's Tan Shoes, 0' to V, - :v Children's Tan Shoes, 81 to if, -Children's Tan Shoes, 11t:, - 1 .)'.) A few Colors in Carpet Warp, only about lOO !lv , are offering at 12ic per pound. CARPET DEP'T-.ViV; 10 dozen Prnssels !,.- p,r ;.,'. quette Puqs, $1 .2). Make ijour selections ea rl i , as tin.- ni!! last a few days. Xeiv Moijnettc Carpets ami narauis ..-. reived. 2 dozen If 'indow Shades, 'jOc f ind, for fj.le; extra a-.n,,,1 ff'hife Enameled Curtain Poles and fixtures, all conijtlele, :, . ' !e. Have you seen the Dewey washable Carpel, for !f,P,e ? L. L. Muslin, oO'-in. wide, a a bleached, 4c; qaalihi. Best bleached Muslin, five, six and seven rents. This Sale is GENUINE. Enough said. . .If - mi! a ' re 3? 7 . DOV mmmuiiumuimiumuauiuuiiiiaimma..:' 'S-- J ' . 6 , frllJ I i m Sij OXFORDS y3 ZJ ' M J:. Strap I ; . a L Essays on MILK are Good, bi We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subjec', iYom tl, States, where nothing but skilled labor is empl j an ; arid not permitted to pass to the trade. We did NOT receive a paltv consignment of " and then swell up and advertise "the Largest Stoc;.'" of -1. ... then comnel you to look with chagrin and disgust on ie- -r.i you did not want. We never have to resort to such ini-l -a m Replenished Our Stock to th o M M 3 m m. m m I'M fi m So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you do-,") h v ; i wonder what to do, for we havo an UNLIMITED KESEilVE, a :d v. . during the beautiful Springtime that will epring 3-011 to vo ir fe ;t .1 ; PRICES ON Latest Novelties in Hot Wealhe Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to o's -Via. Infant.-' Choc .late, i Child's Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's (i-jc. Infanti' I :i.-, ol . 1. Child's Extra fine Choc, strap Sandals 80c and !oc. Inf nits" Choc. (. .-;: Child's Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, hi to 11 $1.(1(1 to Misse-' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Hi to 2's 8 1.25 to SI. 50. Mioses' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's fJ0c to SI. Job lot all solid Goat button', 8i to 11 75c to Hoc Ladies' Oxfords $1 25, $1.50, 31.65. Inf-iutn' (lied and I 10! a b'l U or; 7 'if Child's Ve-ting ',',; to SI. -10 Child'.- Anvil l.o' '.on to l.:;5. Little G nts", pa, b: j 1 REPAIRING. v: -t o. - Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather No Humhumicry, ROB'T SHERWOOD ft. or M ! L L I N E R 1. is 1a Flattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. House Furnishing STOVES, RANGES. HARVEY KOLLOWAY C01 trustor 12 ui Mar. es. j C-.titra-.t- r. j J ,arns an i ; I Jart of t!...- r 1 - Our stock 19 complete ! all lines a nil we Icvlte our friend to look It over. Ve will ruleavor to please you. Call and see us. v.:: :. -,r ! i:css.... IIAKVKV HOI KHVAV, I Uc.nnnlh, Sth STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successors to Lttry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOUTH. - NEb ! mi-: phkkins house, j F. R. GUTli.VANN, Prop. Rates 1 aiKl S1.50 per Dan Centrally L -i'.-.' .100 Com fort a bly i ' it v i s h e d . PLATTSMOUTH, N EHUASXA J Ci 1