Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 22, 1898, Image 3

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    ) M
Chas. C. I 'urnu'h- t St:irt ;i
Savin rs I Sank.
llif Mm ii lio til) iuitr(l To Murder 1
lilt Wife I-oiiikI IIhiikIiik to h Trie
I.hhI Y-lii-nti y Morning. j
Tin- .N-w lliiuk.
Many l'lriltHMMnith loopUj whn hitvi)
lony fult l lm tu-il of ,t nuii'id iiviti&
bank in this city, will bi imii liud to
know that (.'Ii.-ii-Ihm C 1'iirmolo has
tliadf ariaii( uim-ii t.i anil Mill Ofx-n hUh
an i iinli lu i.iin in liio Union lloi k in a
a low days. '1 lm hank will havo aiiipU:
capital, ai d Mr. 1 'm ni;lns w-,l 1 known
consorvati v(j busim-H lucthoils maku
certain thai it will bt-coino a lemlintr
factor in tho prosperity of our city.
Huill hi N lirniki ( Ity.
Nkhiiasica City, N.;b ., July 10. 'J
p. in. (Special to t he NttWS. ) (,'1ihm.
'J'ol 1 i '. ir, the man who hIidI his wife in
the thili nijjhl before 'nut, was
found liaiiM ii to a limb about two
miles of tho city; the suppoHition
is that he hunjj hiin-tolf; will havo cor
oner's inqiieHt in about an hour.
Woman is .still alivo and expected to
recover. I just came from out there;
saw him hanjrin to a tree, walnut
tree I think. Took him down about
8: 10 a. m.
TiiHlyM .Storm.
Althou;h hut little rain foil in thin
city Tuesday afternoon from tho
threatening clouds, our neighbors to
tho Bouth were leas fortunate. South
east of Murray, and all over I-iherty
precinct, the rain fell in torrontH, and
quite a liitlo hail also fell, but no
damage worth reporting ensued in
that vicinity.
Down in Otoo county a strip near
Douglas, four miles wiclo was com
pletely devastated by hail. Tho corn
wasstrippod and all small grain was
pounded into tho ground. The course
of tho storm was southeasterly, but
it did not go entirely across tho coun
ty. Tho Ions will bo quite hoavy on
tho farmers who were so unfortunate
as to reside within tho path of the
storm, for thov had hardly mado up
half their loss from tho drouth of July
two years ago.
Will fi to Mct'ook,
The many friends of Henry Tartsch
will regret to learn that ho goes to
McCook tho first of tho month to tako
chargo of a, clothing store for F. J.
Morgan at that place. Henry com
menced clorking eighteen years ago
for 1. J. Hansen, whom he worked
for livo yea- s. Ho thon entered the
employ of Mayer I'.ros , iifttrward
Mayer & Morgan, thei$ Morgan, and
in all these eighteen years ho has had
but "1 few days away from business.
Mrs. Tartsch will remain hero until
spring, probably, wlion they will
move out. Mr. Morgan is putting in
a big store at MeCook and is certain
to do a nice businoss thero.
llttll nt Kock llluiTit
Tuesday last, when tho thunder
storm blew up here, thero was quite a
hail storm south and west of ltock
Bluffs, beginning at tho farm of Jos.
Sands, and traveling in a strip about
half a mile wido to .he old Lownsite of
Kenosha. Wherever it struck a field
of small grain it was beaten down to
tho ground, and corn was cut up pret
ty badly. Conservative estimates put
tho damage on corn at ten bushels
per acre, while in some instances
wheat and oals are being mowed, as
they cannot be harvested in the regu
lar way, being lodged so badly.
Will Look After Convention!!.
From Thursday's Duly.
The meeting of democrats, populists
and silver republicans, held at Judge
Archer's othVe last evening was pre
sided over b J. N. Wise. Tho con
glomerates were of course harmoni
ous, and it was decided to look after
the three conventions to be held hero
August 11, for the purpose of naming
a congressional candidate. The com
mittee appointed on general arrange
ments was II. K. Gering, John Ley
da, W. Holly and P. E. ltuffner. On
finance J. A. Gutsche, F. J. Morgan
and D. C. McEntee.
Killed a Horse.
2so. G the midnight passenger train
on tho B. & M., struck a horse Mon
day night rear Oreapolis belonging
to Jake Stull, and broke nearly every
bone in tho animal's body. It was
thrown out to one side of the track,
and no damage to the train or engine
resulted. Section Foreman Gillespie
callevl a board of appraisal and tho
value of the horse was fixed at $55.
An Important Salt.
County Treasurer A. TI. Eikenbary
has filed suit in county court, by hi3
attorney, Jesse L. Root, against the
Equitable Mutual Accident association
of Grand Island for $1,000 on an acci
dent policy, which he held at the time
of tho accident which lost him his foot.
This is quite an important suit, which
will call forth a close legal battle.
A New IlrlwMre Store.
John It. Cox has rented Walter
White's room, next to Wescott's, and
will move his hardware store down
from Louisville August 1st and occupy
it. His many friends will welcome
him back to Plattsmouth, where he
conducted a successful bnsiness for
Eeveral years.
Cut This Oat ? ? ?.
1G0 acres of Merrick county land for
S640.0O. Write me for new land list
J. R. Mason,
Central City, Nebr.
w i: !N i:si A T.
.Ill ius it. and sister wen- exposi
tion visitors today.
T. W. Shryork and John K. -'ox of
Louisville are in I lie city today.
Mis. J. P. I'olk returned to her
home, ut (ireenwood evei.iiiL'.
S. C Anthony burs been eon lined to
his bed tince, nnd is reported
quite sick.
Jesse SeotL am' wife came down from
Omaha this morning for a visit with
tho lattors parents.
Andy and John Sutton, Fred ard Joe
Heal of Hock Hlulls went to Omaha to
attend the ex poistiou today.
II. K Brown, the Louisville drug
gist, accompanied by his wife is vis t
ing friends in liiisi ily today
It is reported that Simmy Chapman
and little Johnny Davies are very
busy just now selling up c ty primi
ait:s for Saturday evening.
Mrs. P. K (lUthman has been quite
sick, but her many friends will be
glad to know that she is much better,
and will soon be well again.
Tho Cuban war has knocked the
Klondike entirely out. If the temper
ature of both countries could be equal
ized it would suit all concerned.
Ttio republican primaries, to select
delegates to tho county convention,
will be hold in this city, and through
out tho county Saturday afternoon and
evening of this week.
Tho big Armour packing plant at
South Omaha, costing over a million
dollars fooinn operations this morning
with 1 ,1100 mon employed. This in
stitution is of greater value to tho
state than to South Omaha.
On yesterday Dad Carries, tho night
operator hero for tin: 15. iV M., finished
ud eighteen years of continuous ser
vice for tho company in this city. Ho
will continue in the employ of the
company, but probably not for eighteen
years more, as ho certainly deserves a
Rev. II. B. Burgess, A. B. Todd,
1). O. Dvvyor and a number of ladies
wont to Council Bluffs yesterday to
attend tho funeral of Mrs. Hillary.
Tho funeral was a large one, and the
remains were laid to rest beside her
mother, who precodod hor to tho bet
ter world many years ago.
Tho M. P. express car north this
morning had a cago with a canvas top
aboard containinc two dozen of the
noisiest parrots that ever shrieked.
When tho train stopped hero tho par
rots had cut their way out of tho cage
and all of them llew out into the car
making more noiso than a b! ickbird
convention. Tho messenger did not
know their value, a d the zeal he put
into his chaso after the birds mado fun
for tho bystanders. Ho succeeded in
catching all of them by outside assist
ance, and tho traia ,-o ;i sped ;:.
Tin nsi v i .
M. Davis, the imp.eiuenl man, went
to Council BluiTs ILL- niorrnng.
J. V. Egenborger, sr., is out in the
country trying his baud at farming.
George Brinklow and wife, and Mrs.
Wynn wore exposition visitors today.
II. D. Rud, of Weeping Water, is
doing business at tho court house to
day. Jack Shaw, tho Murray liveryman.
was transacting busiues in the city
S. A. Davis went to York this morn
ing on business, and will bo aw ij un
til Saturday morning".
Charles Riefenstahl of Pekin, Illi
nois, is here on a two weeks' visit with
his cousin, II. E. Weidman.
Perry Marsh will start for Dakota
next Mondav to look for a location.
He expects to buy a farm before he
Mrs. Thompson of Alliance, nee
Miss Buttery, is in the city vi-iting
her mother. She attended the expo
sition today.
A party of young f lks wont down
to J. V. Hosser's today, where they
will have a picnic aud view the many
attactions at Mr. IPs.
D.iniel Webster Foster of Union, the
irrepressible pop of Liberty precinct,
was in town today circulating among
his friends and talking a little politics
on tha side.
Commissioner Falter werit out to
Lincoln today to look up the record of
ten acres of school land down neat-
Rock Blutfs, that appears to have
been lost.
Mrs. P. C. Minor tclu-ncd to her
home at Lousiana, Missouri, last
evening and was accompanied for a
few days visit by her neice, Miss
Claire Drummond.
The W. C. T. U. is arranging to
send a box of reading matter to com
pany B. AH who wish to contribute
magazines or papers are reauested
to leave them at Wescott's store.
Henry Hempel stopped otT from a
trip to Omaha with the fish car to
shake hands and exchange a few pleas
ant words with his many Plattsmouth
friends, g'oing on home at four o'clock.
Ed Siever whs down to Omaha from
Marquetto yesterday with a bunch of
cattle, and 6pent the night here. He
will visit the exposition today. We
are glad to learn of Ed's prosperity
out in that country, for it is well de
served. Frank Moore was in town yesterday
from near Union and he says the hail
did considerable damage in that part
of the county, pounding the wheat
and oats into tho ground so that in
many places but half of it would be
Judge Spurloclc has not issued a
marriage license for two weeks, where
at he uiou ns. The cause he attrib-
ules to the lar'.'e numberof young men
who have eone t i war. Verily, tho
ware!Tee'-, al' clas-es and kinds of
H"--1 Little ;i:iil John (iien-oti left
1 1, i s aTl eruoon for the wheat (iolils of
South Iliko! t, where men are report
ed -("I'ceand wae-cs ;mi.i - rum s-J "ill .
to 1 lU rd hoard per day. Several
other parties wi.l leave this We ! fo.-
the s'i me local 1 1 y.
Kd Siever says wheat is being)
thie-hed out about Marquetlo, and is!
making f i om t h i ity to t h i rty li vn bush-'
els to the acre, and the acreage is tin-usui-liy
large. Ho brought to market
lifty-lhreo yearling calves for which
be reeieved the neat sum of -U,."00.
Lhier It. M. I )u . igan of t ho C h ri stian
Church is also secretary of tho church
of t his district and has supervision of
the counties of ('ass, Lancaster and
Otoe. He will pr-ach at Murray ibis
cvenini.' and will en leV'.r to secure a
preacher for the church at that place.
Jonu Wilson, a tonsorial artist
from Weeping Water, ton of O. T.
Wilson of that place, went through
town tonay on his way to Valparaiso,
Neb., where In; expects to embarK in
tho ba ber business for himself.
John is a good workman and we ex
pect to hear of him making a success.
Yesterday was a big day at tho ex
position, and the lire works in the
evening are said to have been excep
tionally line. The governor of Min
nesota and his suite were thero to
dedicate tho Minnesota building-, and
they are reported to have said tho ex
position in many respects was su pcior
to the World's Fair.
Kinehart, the Omaha photographer,
is said to have paid l,o(i() for tho ex
clusive pho'ograph rights at tho ex
position. He has lilted up neat quar
ters with a dark room tochango plates
or developo them in, and charges $1. CO
for those who wish to use their kodak
ono day on the grounds. He will
(their a good manv thousand dollars.
llrselut ions of Condolence.
Resolutions passed by the Woman's
club Tuesday evening, July 10. lS'JS:
WllKKEAS, Iii tho providence of
God, we are called upon to record tho
first death in our organization, and
Wiikilkas, Wo deeply feel the loss
we have sustained in the death of our
loved member, Mrs. Grace A. Patter
son, therefore, he it
Resolved, That we, as members of
the Woman's club, fondly cherish her
memory by exemplifying in our inter
course with each other those lovely
traits of character which mado her
life and death so beautiful. Bo it
Resolved, That we herewith extend
our sincere sympathy to tho bereaved
husband and little son and immediate
relatives. And may the Everlasting
Anns be underneath to support and
strengthen them.
Resolved, That a written copy of
these resolutions be sent to tho family
of deceased, a copy be. placed on file
and one sent to each of the city papers.
Com mittke.
ltriive Nebraska Boy.
In tho advance upon Santiago a Ne
braska boy captured the first Spanish
tlag taken in tho famous assault. The
details of the affair have not yet been
fully described, but tho simple an
nouncement has been mado that Pri
vate Boyle of tho Twenty-second regi
ment had the honor of first capturing
the Spanish colors. Tho young nu.n is
none other than Ashton Boyle, son cf
Juan I! )yio of Kearney, who has been
well iind popularly Known in this city
and throughout tho state. His son
joined the Twenty-second before war
was declared and promised his father
that if good conduct and faithfulness
to duty could win promotion from tho
ranks he hoped sorao day to become
an o.'heer. This distinguished act of
gallantry performed by Ashton Boyle
will doubtless receive substantial re
cognition and he may bo wearing
shoulder straps long before the time
which his patriotic ambition had an
ticipated. World-He raid.
A l.oss Kooster.
The National Military Home at Ma
riou, Indiana, has a genuine curiosity
in the shape of a common Shanghai
rooster that has taken it upon itself to
hatch out a brood of chicks, and act
as mother and protector to them. He
"set"" on a nest of eggs the requisite
three weeks and hatched out the
fluffy chicks in regular fashion, and
now he seems to be very proud of his
accomplishment. He fondles and pro
tects them after tho fashion of a lov
ing and jealous mother. The story of
this queer rooster's peculiar act has
brought many people to the barns
to observe the barnyard phenomenon.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
liurlington Koute California excursions
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt Lake
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
:n; have spring seats and backs
md are provided with curtains, bed
ling, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
erters and experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion,
relieving passengers o.r all bother
kbout baggage, pointing out objects
of interest aud in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
deiightful experience. Second class
tickets are honored. Berths $-5.
For folder giving f n 11 information,
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket office, or write to J. Francis
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
There's no better Hour made than
Hoisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
I !llil fully 1 ait rlrtiro il.
Oic of I he most, Celightflll soei l
e ve u Is of t ho season wasaiawii par t
given Tuesday even ng b the Mi-s- s
Strict in honor of t'mir eh :t ruing.
j' i i - -1 . Mi-s Imogen Ciiaton, of L:n- '
coin. j
The lawn was brill ian t ly i 1 1 1 n. i n a t ei I '
hy herdiights arid Chinc-e 1 a n I ii .-.
the pretty gowns of the lady g'.:- -t-.
making a charming picture in tho j
changing lights.
Refreshments were served in a
dainty manner during tho evening the
punch bowls d'-coratcd with sweet
poas being tin! centre of attraction.
Tho guests wore entertained with
various games, impromptu scenes from
tho Midway by M -s-r s Spurlork, Van
Horn, Thygeson and Hilt W.seett
creating great amusement. The ladb s
and gentlemen present were:
M issus
( 'I ail. .a. I in- ii iii;
Kesslcr, Autonia
1 1 yi-rs. Rest;
Sullivan. Anna
Waybi ilit. Nultic
New man, M iss
Vallery, Matilda
White, I onise
I.cvintfs, Myrtle
l-'ark-y. Miss
Johns. n, M.ihel
l'ikinhary, Kliabeth
Street, Mac
I liatt,
Weidman. Henr y
Thyuasen, Casper
Farley, George
Wescnlt. Clitt
I .e villus, Frank
Van Horn, F
Whit.-, I'loo-iic-
S 1 1 . 1 i v a : i . M.ivnic
Mauy, Ma'id
'J'.iki tel. at.-, Miss
Wilii;, Mi,s
1'at cisoli. I dlth
Waikri , ( i i arc
II. .-a land. Miss
liatmi, I".. Ina
' Maud
i u rn, "!.ir;i
Street, (tiara
Tartsch, ( Icore
ioos, I lenry
White. Frank
Carter. Wallace
Spin lock, ieoi K"-'
llallance, Fran
Filter. I )r.
Newell, Jalllrs
Coleman, John
Groves, I lai ry
Women Club N'oli s.
Tuesday evening tho Women's Club
hold their "Midsummer Meeting" at
tho homo of Mrs. S. Waugli. The
rooms were prettily decorated with
Hags and sweet peas representing the
national colors. M iss Elizabeth Waugli
daintily presided over tho punch bowl.
Mrs. Atwood called the meeting to
order, and some unfinished business
was discussed Resolutions wore read
by Mrs. Wescott on the death of our
beloved member, Mrs. Grace Patter
son, who so suddenly left us to com
plete her work in her beautiful heme
beyond tho river.
Mrs. Snyder read a note of thanks
from Mrs. J. N. Wise and sisters to
the club for kindness ;:nd sympathy
shown them during their sad bereave
ment. A vote of thanks was tendered
to L. A. Moore and W. J. White for
their kindness in assisting- the club in
placing the name klPlattmoulh " in
the B. & M park.
Mrs. Clark, our representative to
tho bi-ennial at Denver, carried us in
thought with her through each day's
proceedings. Her vivid discription
brought tho delights of the bi-ennial
to each of us. Mrs. Agnew gave a very
interesting description of the trip
arund the loop and the musicals. She
was very much enthused with Miss
Sadie Amerita's work-, which was fur
ther approved lnT Mrs. Stoutenbor-
ough who thought that too much
could not he said in praise of the no
ble work she was doing.
Miss Ilallie Atwood defighted the
audience wito a selection frein Mosiah
Allen's VN ife," displaying her natural
ability as an elocutionist. Mrs. Stout
enborough kindly gave an address
thfit she delivered at the bi-ennial.
No words of ours could do-ci ibe the
beautiful thoughts that she called
fourth as she traced by the scarlet
thread tho progress of tho prst and
promise of tho future.
The Mozart club furnished some ap
propriate selections for th-i occasion.
The song. "Ma'-ch on Brave Boys.
Mai ch On," which has been adopted
by the club as their patriotic song,
was well rendered by Miss Cagney.
"Columbia the Gem of tho Ocean,"
solo, by Miss Sullivan. "Dixie," by
Miss Elson, and a solo by Miss Weck, "When Love is Told," which
was beautifully sung, and receiving a
hearty encore she responded with "A
Dream." The meeting ciosed by sing
ing "America."
Dr. Elster dentist, Waterman Block,
liadly Scalded.
The infant daughter of Section Fore
man Chas. A. McGuire was badly
scalded Thursday afternoon, but how
severely we were unable to learn. Mr.
McGuire, who wras at wo k near Ore
apolis was telegraphed for, and has
tened to the little one's bedside. All
that can be done is being done for the
little sufferer.
To Subscribers.
We are carrying over a thousand
accoun ts on our books, many of them
small but in the aggregate it amounts
to a neat snm which would help us out
if paid in. If vou can't pay all you
owe send us a dollar nd we will send
receipt by return mail with a card of
thanks thrown in.
Tourist l'am pli lot s,
Descriptive of Yellowston National
Park and the summer resorts of Colo
rado and containing, besides maps and
illustrations, a great deal of informa
tion of interest to sight-seers and
tourists, can be had by addressing J.
Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Burlington Route. Omaha, Neb.
Don't you forget the republican
primaries to be held July 23.
Legal Notice.
Iu the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of J
John G. O Kourke. Anna L. (J Kourkc
and Joseph T. O Kourke. )
Under and by vir ue of a license to sell the
real estate hereinafter described entered in the
above cause by Hon. basil S. Ramsey, judije. on
the th day of July. A. I). ls'SK I will on the th
day of August, A. I) lkl..s, at 1') o'clock a. ni.. at
the south door of the court house, in Fiatts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, otter for sale .ot
one hundred and three in the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter, lot one hundred and
four in the northwest quarter of the south
west quarter, and lot eighteen in the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and
the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter,
all in section nineteen, in township twelve, north
of range fourteen, m Cass county, Nebraska, to
the highest bidder for cash.
Nellie M. O Kourke. Guardian.
By her attorneys, Byron Clark and C A. Kawls.
Legal Notice.
In ti:.-I ,. t Couil ol (t;is (tounty, Nebraska,
hi !h.- niaMi-r "I the e-.tate I
ol !;..i !e, r.ullel, de-
r.a.d. )
A ;(.;! a I ion of M ;n i;ai. t . 1 Sutler . ri x
1. 1 -a: I . late lm'et i sell real estate to
pa !.! is.
1 h;s cause i ai n for h.-aimi; upon thr
at loll o Maiao't S. Ilutlrr admiiit i at r '. of
ilo- r late ol thai a-s ISulVi, dei ea a-d, naving
t o en e I" s.-'! the southwest qualter isw'tl
ol .'.imi eijht IS township ( W) I uiiKe nine i W i ,
iJas Loiinty. Nebraska, or a sufficient amount
ot the same to ay the um ot in payment
ut .1. ' ts, charges ar. 1 etp- nsen ut adiriimstrat'.wn
ol said estate and it appearing to the undersigned
judg of the district court that there Is not sutli
i lent personal property in the hand of said admin
istratis to pay said debts, i hargen and expense
and ir fur ther appearing that it is necessarv to
...l: the real estate d.siubcd in said petition
tiled herein lor the payment of said debts, charges
anil e. 'rlr- es .
It is therefore ordered that all person iriter-e-t.-d
in said estate appear hetoie me at the office
.1 theil.-ikof the d.stru t . oint in Plattsmouth
'.is s i m ut v. Nebraska on the 27 1 Ii .lav ot August,
. 1 ). l.-'.'s at o'i lm k I'. M of shI.1 day and show
. an e why a lic u'e should not be granted as
pi.o.' llo said administratrix to sell the ahove
il.'-i i ila'd leal estate m so iiim h thereof as mav be
iie. es aiy to pay said debts, ..barges and ex
penses. Ir is burlier or lere'd that a eopv of tins notice
be published tor four suriessive weeks prior to
the time lix.-il fm said healing in t he "Sciui
WecklvNi'Ws Hi KAii."a legal newspaper pub
Its he 1 ni ( as ( on nt v. Nebraska.
I rated this 1Mb day ol July A I). !UH.
Basil S. Kamslv. Judge.
Probate Notice.
In .utility court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John Johnson,
dei eased
William Tolliver Johnson, Richard Johnson,
Austin lohnson. Susie ..'. Iterger. Andiew Jack
son lohiison. and all other persons interested in
said inaitei, are hereby notified that on the 11th
.lav of July. ls.'S. Win. T Johnson and A J.
Johnson tiled a petition in said rourt. alleging,
among other things, that lohn Johnson died on
the sih day of July. l.s'.rH, leaving no lat will arid
testament, and possessed of real and personal
estate, and that the above-named constitute all
the persons interested in the estate of said de
. eased, and pi a ing tor administration theieof.
on arc hereby notilied that if you fail to appear
at said con 1 1 on the 1st day of August, A I)..
I sits, at '.' o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition,
the court will appoint James M. 1'atteison, or
some other suitable person, administrator, and
proceed to a settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand aud the seal of said Court at
j!iiitf 1'lattsinotith, Nebraska, this 1 1th day
;;si M. tt of July, I s.)K.
O t Ottt-t
County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County, Nebraska.
In the matter ot the estate of A. Juliaette Wright,
deceased .
Charlotte Amelia Morrison. Juliet Amanda
Iiuell. Mary Kllen Gallagher, f-ranees Kvelyn
Wise, and all other persons interested in said
matter, are hereby notilied tfiat on the llirh day
of Inly, Is'jh, Frances E. Wise tiled a petition in
said court, alleging among other things, that A.
luliaette Wright died on the Mh day of Jtny, IK'jh,
leaving a last will and testament, and possessed
of real and personal estate, and that the above
named constitute all the persons interested in the
estate of said deceased, and praying for the pro
bate of s aid will and for administration of said
c-Mate. on re hereby notified that if you fail to
appear at said court on the tHh day of August, A.
I). s'is, at ten o'clock a. in. to contest the pro
bate of said will, the court may allow and probate
said will, and grant adminislration of said estate
to James M I'alterson and Robert B. Windham,
or some other suitable person, and proceed to a
settlement thereof.
Witness my hand and seal of said court at
t'lattsinoiitli, Nebraska, this, l'Jth day of July
A. I), isys.
George M. Sitrlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice 1 1 Cretlitors.
h- In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John I rederick
Stull, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet tfie adminis
trator of said estate, before me, county judge of
Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room
in l'lattsinouth in said county, on the 1st day of
October, A. I) I-i'S, on the 1st day of December,
IMPS, and on the 1st day of February, lsyy, at
nine o'clock a. m., each day for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for
the creditors ot said deceased t'j present their
claims and one year for the administrator to
set tie said estate, from the 1st day of August,
This notice shall be published in the Semi
Weekly News-Herald for four weeks suc
cessively, prior to the 1st day of August, lhUH.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court at l'lattsinouth, Nebraska, this d day of
July, l'Js, Georce M. SrUHLOCK.
(.Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notice..
In the County Court of Cass County Nebraska.
Jn the matter of the estate ot
Addison F. Weston f
To the heirs and legatees of Addison P. Wes
ton and ali other persons interested in the es
tate of Addison P. Weston, deceased :
Vou are hereby notified that Levi C. Pollard
as executor of the last will and testament of
Addison P. Weston, deceased, has bled his
petition iu this court for instruction and power
to pay out monies on hand to the persons finally
entitled to the same under the provision of the
will in said estate or for its investment or safe
keeping if not paid out.
:sa:d cause on said petition is set for hearing on
the '-id day of August, A. I). IS'.iK, at two o'clock
p in., at which time you are required to appear
and defend or show cause as to what order
should be entered and at which time such order
will be entered as directed by' the provision of
said will, and the law directs tor proper conduct
of said estate.
It is further ordered that this notice be pub
lished in the Semi-Weekly News-Hfrald for
three weeks prior to the day of hearing.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal of this court July 2d. A. D. 1SWS.
Georoe M. Si'L'rlock.
(Seal) County Judge.
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
No 1. Denver express 11:18 pm
No "J. Omab t to ?t Louis 5:02 pm
No ti. Chicago express V!:40 urn
No 20. Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas. St Louis, all points
south 0:10 am
No 4. Locai e.xD. dally, Burlington,
Chicago, all points Bust... . 10:24 am
No 14. Loeal e.xp, u aily except Sun
No. 10 Omaha to Creston, local 4:30 pm
Uay 10:45 am
No '2. Local exp, daily except Sun
day, Pacific Junction 12:30 pm
No 30. FreUht, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction 2:50 pm
No 2. Vestibuled exp, daily. Bur
lington, Chicago and all
(joints east 5:30 pm
No 13 stub from Junction to Platts-
nioutri, 6:15pm
No 12. Local exp, daily, st Joe.Kan
sril City. 5t Louis. Chlcaso
all points east and south.. 8:25 pm
No l'J. Local exp, daily, Omaha, Lin
coln, Denver aud interme
diate stations 7:34 firu
No 27. Creston to Omaha Local 11:33 pm
Not. Loeu.1 st. Lou s to umaha .. . . lu:0r am
No so. Local freight, daily. Omaha. 7:55 am
No ZJ. Local freight, dany, ex Sun
day, Cedar Creetc, Louis
ville, South Bena 7:38 am
No 7. Fast mail, ually, Omaha and
Lincoln 2:22 pm
No 3, Vestlbuled exp, dally, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand Island, Black Hills.
Montana and Pacific N. W 38 pm
No 13. Local exp. dailyexcept Sun
day. Louisville. Ashland,
Wahoo, Schuyler 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 5-00 pm
No 17. Local express. Sunday only,
No.2 East bound Freight, connects
at Pacific Junction with
No. 1 the Denver Express,
which does not stop at
Plattsmouth 10:05 Dm
Sleeping, u.nin and reclining chair oars
iseats rreei on tnrougb trains. Tickets sold
and bakTgab checked to any Doint In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets ca.ll or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Auent.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. AU.
Omaha. Neb.
U. F. 1I.UK L'AKU.
No. l 4:50 a. m
No. ! 1L51 a. m
No. 121, local freleht 4.04 d.uj
No. 2 10:43;p. m.
No. 122, local frelgnt 7;3. a. m.
No. 10 4:04 p. m
By a
That's what's the matter wi
and all other good ho'r ry
are compelled to roast o
kitchen stove on these to; .
Buy Your Wife a
And thus save her :.
and worry. It's cher.p
bills and much better
out companion. V,
" Insuran
Gasoline Stove and 0-
Lowest pt ices, w : ' ! i I'
that you will be pU .
only stove in which prc-vi
to prevent the escajv.
should the burner be
blown out or left open. '
ably the best gasoline
and the price is always
Stock of Funtittt
Is as full and complete as e ve. . ; ud
acknowledged everywhere le the
largest in Cass county. I c:in l
you in...
..Variety, Quality and Prico
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb
They banish pain
and n r o 1 o n 2 1 i fe .
Jv&g -
v - ...
- v
yil Si "V-. .1.
w 1
No. matter what the matter i ,
good, and you can get ten f r
A new tttylB prknt contafnlrar tt:v rtH''9 r r.rrr
mX KHDO drUfT tor1 FO?t Kl VK t i N : : S. li!.- 1 . i
e&l. m down of the flv- :tnt j-iiin ez j , -
tO thfl HWAHS CHEMR-lL VI'A . i". '. 1 S,.
TABCLXS) will be abut for Ave : iha. li'itft ir-e.-
Bottom Dropped
...of Prices
On 1897-Grown
Garden and Field OLLUO
Two Packages
Everything else
Now is the time to repair your
fore the rains begin
We Have Something New
In a door lock that will last a life-time ; has vf -prir-T'-s ;
works better and costs less money than a prii" lock.
Call and see a Gravity door lock, at the reliable hardware
store of . . . .
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
''-. ft
i" '
1 1
i i
ty-Ji '
A JL- - "l r-
'W. e.
V '
... i
A V.
Garden Seed, 5c.
at bottom prices.
Spouting a.r.l Tin lv..of, 1j
h l i I-