Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 15, 1898, Image 4

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Who are looking only to
the present sale of a suit of clothes,
and have no reputation to be in
jured by "Shoddy" transactions,
are ready enough to offer the most
preposterous "Bargains" at the
most ridiculous prices.
The judicious man understands
this, and prefers to deal with
Clothiers of Standing, whose name
alone is a guarantee of the quality
of the goods offered for sale.
Good Clothes cost money be
cause the host of materials and
the most expert workmanship com
mand their value, and the labor
on a well-made suit costs as much
as the cloth and lining.
We have nothing but good
Clothing, but the size of our bus
iness and our exceptional facil
ities for buying and selling en
able us to do so at the lowest pos
sible cost. You may often pay as
much for "Shoddy" as for a first
class suit of our reliable Clothing.
Flood goods will be put on sale
as soon as they can be put in con
dition, at prices to make you dizzy.
A t; A fe A A
-n. vt n r x -4 r"
t : I- iftOCicATT A VfUl
J l9 ill
iickweiler fe
Continue to do a Ieadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Flattsmouth, Neb
tut have s i! J direct to the con
sumer for years at whole
sale prices, aavinp
cealer s prouts. smp
where for examination.
Everything warranted,
lis eiyles of Vehicles,
5. stvles ot Harness.
Tnn Iiuezies. $,6 to 870.
Q.n-r.v to S125.
r (T"S, I'haetons, Traps,
- and
rf i(vi Va-ii3. Sena lor larpe. ireo No. 606 surrrj. rnce. wun cnnms. umpi, m
T0.TT. 8orreHWi.f Price. 116.00. Catalogu0 0f all oux 6tJles. .hade, apron and fender., 00. As good u sells for fjO,
Call for Congressional tonveiilUm First
The Peoples Independent Party of
the First congressional district of
Nebraska mill meet in delegate con
vention at Plattsmouth, Cars county,
Nebraska, on the 1Kb day of August,
1S0S, at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the pur
pose of placing in nomination a candi
date for congress for said district, and
to ti ansact such further business as
shit'.l come bcfoie the convention.
The basis of representation in this!
convention is tho vote cast for Jetler
son II. Broady, in the First congress
ional district in lvich county
will bo entitled to one delegate for
each two hundred votes, or major
fraction therof then c ist. Under this
apportionment the several counties of
the district are entitled, respectively,
to the following number of delegates,
to-wit: Cass, 12; Johnson, 0; Lancas
ter, 27; Nemaha, 9; Otoe, 13; Pawnee,
G; Richardson, 13.
It is recommended that alternates
be elected for all delegates, and that
the delegates present cast the full
vote of their respective counties.
Fked Shkitakd, Chairman.
The Chief Burgess of Mihsburg
Pa., says De Witt's Little Early Risers
are'the best pills he ever used in his
family during forty years of house
keeping. They cire constipation,
eick headache and stomach and liver
troubles. Small in size but great in
re&ullB. F. G.'Frcko.
Morning's bread hereafter may bo
obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, and at
Jonathan Ilatt's.
him the
Carria -
Waeon -
.Mammoth Whule,
The mammoth whule enroute to the
Omaha exposition will remain Iieie
two days, Tuesday and Wednesday,
July 12 and 13, at the Missouri Pacific
depot. This mountain of flesh, bone
and blubber is fifty-five feet long, 400
years oid and S0,000 pounds in weight,
and the only genuine while on ex
hibition in the world. After the fair
it will be taken to the Suiitbscninn
institute in Washington. The ad
mission will be only 10 cents, children
5 cents. Open from 10:00 a. m. until
9:00 p. m.
A Little l'ersoual Matter.
I. Pearlman's heavy losses by flo d
make him in sore need of money. If
the farmers and town people would
call and pay their hills, or a pirt of
what they owe, he will give them a
discount in order to raise tome money.
If your bill is not yet due it will pny
you to come in and see him. Those
whoso bills are past due are especially
requested to call in at once.
Sick headache, biliousness, consti
pation and all liver and stomach troub
les can be quickly cured by using those
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. They are pleas
ant to take and never gtipe. F. G.
Hi movitl Notice
Having removed my tailor shop to
the rooms over John Sehianpie isse, I
desire to thank my former patrons for
their support, i.nd invite them to call
at my new quarters, with as many new
customers as may desire anythif g in
mv line. John C. Ptak.
C A Marsha I, Dentist
J. L. Root wool to Omaha today.
W n vs ti d -v iu d"cidedly scarce.
I) m.iKii), Miss Laura Twis.
i ' i ii hi I i .
"Mirsc. il.-f ,- The Nkws the bent
pa ' in In- ci y
D m't you forget the republican
primaries to bo held July 23.
llolloway's popular steamed bread
m made of Iloisel's best flour.
Bi-oback & Nitka unloaded thirty
twj barrels of the famous Sohlit7 beer
last night.
llolloway's bread, which ha3 taken
the b ad, is made of Heisel's "Plan
siftei" Hour.
If you vaut U smoke the beet try
Wu.-l Bros. Out Heil. The finest 5
cent cigar made.
I f y;u don't free the Gut Ueil cigar
ill for it, and get the best 5 cent ci
gar in the market.
Fifty cents for a ticket to Omaha
via the M. P. on Satnrday good to re
turn until Monday.
The Wor d's best -5 cent cigar, Wurl
iiro-.. (Jut Ileil, strictly Union made.
Kv-ry dealer handles them.
Ji;e Sands-, down near Rock Bluffs,
tli rat-hod lii bushels of fall wheat
from thirteen acres yesterday.
The State Journal eays Mr. and Mrs.
Richard O'Xoill have recently wel
comt d a new boy to their houe.
The Southern Pacifio train was held
up yesterday, and the express car was
ebb id while p issing through Nevada.
Lost. A pocketbook containing; pa
pers of value only to the owner. The
finder will please leave it at the News
Mrs. C. II. Parmele is having some
repairs made on her property on Vine
street, and S. F. Osborne is doing the
W. L. Swaim, who has been con
fined to his bed with rheumatism for
the past, week, is able to be out again,
'though with difficulty.
The Crabill brothers are making
some substantial improvements on
their Mercerville residence, which
will add to the beauty and convenience
of their home.
The Presbyterian ladies' aid eociety
wM give a lawn social at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wash. Smith Tuesday
evening, July 26. Remember the
Everybody invited to attend the
Patriotic Concert and social at the
Christian Church, Friday evening July
lo. Admission 10 cents, refreshments
We regret to note that Dr. Cook is
still confined to his residence with
rheumatism. He certainly has an un
fortunately long siege with this ugly
An immense crowd will take advant
age of the fifty cent rate to visit
Omaha tomorrow and see Bryan in
uniform, and the soldier boys who are
expected to leave Monday.
Foii Sale. Eighty acres of land
S'.-ven miles south-west of Plattsmouth,
all under cultivation no buildings.
Price $40 per acre. Enquire of a. L.
Cox, Mynatd, Nebraska.
The residence of J. H. Gray pre
sents a very nice appearance as it
nears completion and with the addi
tional .room which has been added,
makes a very comodious home.
The $4.00 S-3.00 and $6 00 suits at the
Great Manufacturers wSale, second
door east of the court house, are the
biggest bargains ever offered in this
town. Saturday is the last day.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. De Witt's Lit
tle Early Risers cleanse the liver,
cure constipation and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
W. L. Street kst a receipt book and
a package of collecting cards. Any
one finding s me will confer a fvor
by' leaving them at this office, or at
t ie binder sewing machine office.
Orrin S nith, the expressman, cut
his- tinirer very badly this morning
while handling some- beer kegs at the
depot. The moral is that a fellow
should only handle beer by the glass.
Men's tan shoes $1.25, $1.50, $1.90.
Vici Kid, Russian grain Vesting tops.
Latest styles, best make, at the Great
Manufacturer's Sale. Second door east
of court house. Saturday is the last
day. Don't miss the opportunity.
Close at 9 p. m.
Ladies low cut shoes, slippers and
Oxford ties, black ana tan, coin and
common sense toe, 74c, 98c, and 60c.
Lace and button shoes 95c and $1.25,
at half price. Saturday is the last
d iy. Close at 9 o'clock p. m., the
great manufacturer's Closing out Sale.
Second door east of the court house.
The little folks who have an organ
ization auxiliary to the Christian
church, whose object is to aid in the
missionary work, are giving an enter
tain ment tonight, the proceeds of
which will be givn to aid in sending
missionaries to the heathen Mrs.
Dungan has charge of the entertain
ment which goes to say that it wi 1
bo a success. Everybody is invited
to attend and assist in the good
wor k.
A lady sent for Jack Murray to come
and kill her dog last evening, and
JucK walked a mile or two to find the
house, and when he saw the dog it wnj
so small he feared he couldn't hit it, bo
he concluded to carry it down town
and get someone else to do the shoot
act. He got down town all right and
while admiring the dog it suddenly
proved to be a sprinter, and vaui-hed
quick as thought. Murray is afraid to
rendezvous now in tbat part of town
lest the worn vn give him a pieca of
hor mind, and the infantile canine
still lives.
1' 1 I Mi
ICx-Prcmier Sees Hand-Writ-imr
On the Wall.
A Mob of Ten TbouMuod Starving Ilunian
Beluga Surround Lllanco'a Faltace
and Ask For food An Cp
rliilug la Imminent.
Madrid, July 15, 8 a. ra. One min
ister expressed the conviction that of
ficial overtures for peace will be made
before Sunday, and there is reason to
believe France has offered her ser
vices to Spain, and that Spain has
drawn up conditions for peace which
offers a basis of negotiation.
Premier Sagasta is quoted as saying
that Spain wants peace, but that "it
must bo an honorable peace, as Spain
deserves." The army, the premier is
said to have added, is anxious to re
sist to the last, but the government
cannot consent to such useless sacri
fice. Had we our fleet, the situation
Would be different.
No Nef;t ion Itrgun,
Washington, July 15. It is author
itatively stated by Secretary Day that
there is no truth in the published re
port that peace negotiations have
been opened at Washington, led by
Sir Julian Pencefote, assisted by the
Russian ambassador, the Japanese
m'nister and other foreign diplomats.
McKlnley Kxpectn I?ace.
Washington, D. C, July 15.
President McKinley today, in speak
ing of the fall of Santiago, said: "1
hope for early peace now."
Mobs Clamoring For liread.
Fort ie France, July 15. The
steamship Bergen, with 4S0 refugees
from Havana, arrive! and quarantined
here. They tell terrible tales of mob
A mob of 10,000 clamored in front of
Blanco's palace on the 3d for food.
Blanco made a speech, assuring them
that food was coming. They were
quieted for the time being, but violence
broke out later when the news of Cer
vera was made public.
The situation is desperate. The city
is starving. There has been no bread
nor fresh meat for fifteen days.
Life is not safe. There may be an
uprising and massacre any moment.
The Kecital Tonight.
The pupils of Mr. Tucker, assisted
by Miss Lillian Kaubie, violin, ani
Miss Burgess at piano, will give a re
cital at the Presbyterian church this
evening. The performance will begin
promptly at 8:30.
'Rock-a-Bye" Neidlinger,
Louise Woodruff. Bertha Lord,; Blanch
Burkett, Ethel Stevens.
( "Say Yes, Mignon." Cartlett
("My Cavalier," DeKoven
Miss Burgess.
'Thou'rt Like Unto a Lovely Flower," Smith.
Mrs. C. H, Towslee.
"Because I Love You, Dear," Ilawley.
Lee Hiatt.
"Ava Maria," (violin obligato) Gounod.
Catharine Agnew.
"The Ange'," Rubinstein.
Miss Lord, Mr Tucker.
( "Four-Leaf Clover " Coombs.
X "All Through the Night," Ureen
Clara Street.
"Love's Sorrow," Shelley
Harry Groves.
( "Thou Art So Like a Flower." Chad wick.
"Come Where the Lindens Bloom," Buck.
Florence White.
"Once in the Purple Twilight," Cowles,
Ethel Stevens.
('Twas April," Nevin.
( "At Parting," Rogers.
Louise Woodruff.
"She Was But Seven," Hawley.
Florence White, Lucy Burgess, Claire
Green, Clara Street.
I "Lullaby." Chadwick.
) "The Dandelion." Chadwick.
Mrs. Williams.
"Calm as the Night," Bohm.
Mrs. Britt.
"Doris," (violin obligato) Neidlinger.
Cat harine Agnew.
( "Allah,"' Chadwick.
i "L ve Me if I Live," Foote.
("HI Knew." Gaynor.
Bertha Lord.
"O. That We Two Were Maying," ..Smith.
Miss Street, Mr Tucker.
The Piano use-1 is furnished by W. D. Crawlord.
Anntbrr Fire at the Junction.
A dwelling house at the Junction,
owned by Ferry Alleshouse, the drug
gist at that plac , and occupied by
Ed Heath, waS bu i:t d ti day about ten
o'clcck. The tire was caused by the
expiet-ion tf n ga-o ine stove. The
house, AMiich was a v. ry c -mfortable
and iom"nodiou- one w.-.s ent rely con
suuud. but the iiuint succeeded in
saving his goeelj. Anether dwelling
stood within sx fe- t -f the one bnrned
and though the tn.-ck- i brigade worked
her ieal i y, u-- i n fo man . thought that
it could in t be raved though it had
not y t caegtit tire. 1 ho Junction
seems to h;. ve more than its share of
ill-luck ia the matter of conflagra
tions. Mr. Al esiu-use's building was
fuliy injured.
J. W. Sage on Deck.
J'm Sage has a fu 1 complement of
nice h.r.-es, and is again ready to take
care of rII livery business which may
come his way.
Heady for ltuainess.
Uol'o.vays h ive their bakery all
cleaned up since the fi od as good as
ue v, tunning as -f old.
The Mirixourt l'acillc
will se.l r- u'-u trip li3ets to Omaha
Saturday for ti f v eenls. Remember
our depot is the on'y oue on the expo
sition giou; ds.
A ICarr )- urr-n- In t Ii Mi.ipc of w
Wrt-rk on Ihti ItiirltiiKioii 1, ml
A head end eoliinbm iii tl;j 15. &
M. is i-f s. raio an occur' eneM that it
creates much comment.
Lant evening No. L! w .s reported
1 to, and mi xt: a freight, with Lutz
as conductor and Fied Milb.r i tigin
eor, left Flattf umui h with eiiUrd to
meet No. 2 at LaPlatty. No. - get
orders at Bellevuo to meet tha extra
freight at same p jint. U hen No. 1
reached LaPlatte a r-p-.M uion ef the
order was handed the ertginee:-, as is
the custom, that he m'ght not forget
it. Insteud of taking the siding, or
waiting for tho freight he immedi
ately pulled out, thinking the order
was for another meeting point, and
leisurely unfolded his order to read it.
By that time his train had reached
the curve and the freight train, which
was rushing along, collided at once.
The men on tho two engines had bare
ly time to put on the air and shut olT
stoaip, and leap from their engines
when the collision occurred. Tho
two engines were badly wrecked. Tho
freight engine. No. 108, getting much
the worst of it. None of the coaches
or freight cars left tho track, and
after a few hours work the obstruc
tions were hauled to Oreapolis, and a
new engine finished the run for No. '2.
The passengers all escaped serious in
jury, but the sudden btop threw many
of them out of their Beats, which re
sulted in scratches and bruises about
the arms and face of a few of the more
unfortunate ones.
The crew of So. 2 woro olT tho K. C.
road, that train being a K. C. stub
from Omaha to the Junction.
It was remarkable that more harm
was not done, considering the nature
of the collision; the slow running of
the passenger train doubtless account
ing for it. The J3. & M. operating de
partment is so carefully managed that
an accident is next to impossible, and
cannot occur except on account of the
gross negligenco of some of the train
men, which is very rare.
W. NT. Turner and wife were at the
exposition today.
Miss Pheme Robbins was an expo
sition visitor today.
J. G. Richey, wife and son spent tho
day at the exposition.
Mrs. E. H. Booth and Mrs. Twitch
ell were Omaha passengers this morn-inff-
Mr, Shaw of Tabor, Iowa, is in the
city visiting his daughter, Mrs. Win.
llev. Chittenden of Kearney college,
after a brief visit, returned to his
home today.
L. C. Pollard of Nehawka, is in
town doing business at the court
house today.
TJucle John Rauth went cut to Scott
Bluffs county yesterday for
a short visit.
Henry Snj'der's wife and si9ter are
v'siting his grandparents at Malvern,
Iova, todiy.
C. E. Wescott will leave for Red
Cloud, Saturday to look after his in
terests there.
Mrs. James Sipe and sister, Lizzie,
of Cambridge, Nebraska, are visiting
with S. E. Hall.
II. G. Spencer and wife go to Omaha
tomorrow to spend the day with their
son in company B.
T. E. Williams and wife of Glendale,
ware in town this morning on their
way to the exposition.
John F. Hinshaw departed last
evening for a visit at his old home
near New Castle, Indiana.
Mrs. John F. Polk, of Greenwood,
came in this morning for a few days
visit with her sons and other relatives.
Mrs. Henry Herold was on the
wrecked No. 2 last evening and came
to town with J J. McVey on his ve
locipede soon after the collision.
Mrs. Whittier, sister of H. J. and
O. M. Streight, passed through this
mornine, nccompmied by her daugh
ter, from Red Oak to South Bend on a
visit with her parents.
O- E. Dinwiddie of company B has
gone to Chariton, Iowa, to visit his
parents before going to the front. He
will return on No. 1 tonight to be
ready for departure with his company.
Miss Josie Swoboda, who has been
at Racine, Wisconsin, for the last two
years came home last evening on a
visit, accompanied by her friend. Miss
Sarah Morrowitz, a typo on the Daily
Claude Swemm, the artist assistant
of V. J Koon, went to Omaha to take
a picture of company B in their uni
forms. As Claude is a fine artist we
may expect some very good pictures
of the boys.
Y. L. Street made a trip down be
low Union j'esterday and reports
f irmeis all very busy, and everything
looking fine, wheat making a good
yield, though soma farmers are cut
ting their oats for bay.
Mast Stop Rifle Practice.
Complaint having been made that
bo vs were shoot:ng target rifles near
the depot grounds, they are hereby
notified that shooting rifles or other
fire arms within the citv limits is
strictly prohibited by ordinance, and
I will arrest any party or parties who
refuse to obey the law.
Chief of Police.
The editor of the Evans City, Pa.
Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough
Cure is rightly named. It cured my
children after all other remedies
failed." It cures coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Mull Corn 1 1 n in i
CUICAOO.-Ii'ly l' - ". h v f
tures in lh- gr '? p't-i t '. he "i ' i- : I
t'lis in iri i'ig -dio-.vt'd i h!- :r,, ! !
from l-it-l ni I,: '-..
produ -t-i wa- a Ii' t'u hi..-li-- h l.. ,
after the' opening rallv in r. .-. t
it earry ii;: win r.l up f.n- ; h I.J . n .
corn hi i ii c ig Ii 1 I', i. is a h i imI
pork lif'.i eii e.; at 4l.. (, ,. In- i a
reaction I'l'lirred nnl corn filled
back thr'-e-i-if ht'-- o- l" ." k i 1 the
other grains in propo. t,.m. l'oric i -
ceeding to V7i from 4 I".' i iui a Imv ;
minutes befo e, )
Corn Heeined to be th" In d o. n: il!
while wheat and nutt with the log
produc'a refuho i to uiiv.iiii o, com
climbed peg by peg untl at the close
it wa- at o'M, making a g un of li
for tho day, while wheat oily ad
vanced three eighth and o its one
fourth. The signal service had j ivdicted a
warm war in the corn bes t and today's
report showed an increase in the tem
perature which c aused ovuryb uly to
want corn.
Tho shorts were seized wi'h a temi
panic in their endeavor f cover, to
gether with tho purehi'so for the long
account, caused that cereal to jro
bounding upward liko Andrei; wh-n
ho begun his north polo expedition.
Other grain weee lnllu;iiod by iht
strength in corn, though not. enough
to cause any appreciable advance in
their price. There seems to bo really
no cause for tho rapid advance, other
than that of more fright which seems
to be contagioui. The following is the
range ef prices:
'losing VeM i y
Ml US';
'.I '.12
W. I). Fisher will be at the S uth
Park Baptist church social Saturday
evening with his rramaphit) J) m't
fail to attend.
I'oIoim-1 Itrj'an'rt lCiiiiiiit
the Thiid Nebraska Volunteers leaves
Omaha for Jacksonville, Fla., early
next week. At 10:30 a m Saturday
July 10, it will be reviewed by Gover
nor lloicomb and stall on Uio Grand
Plaza at the Trans-Mississippi Expo
sition, Omaha.
To enable his fellow citizens to bid
the great silver leader farewell, the
Burlington Route lias made a rate of
to Omaha from stations within f0
miles of that city. Tickets will bo on
salo Saturday July 10, at stations from
which it is possible to reach Omaha
on tho norning of that day. At points
where it is not possible to do this tic
kets will be sold Friday Julv 1". All
twtlV.itj trrill fr.jn i-r. wi.t to t mm I i 1 1 T i 1 '
t, 1 rv w 1,1 it iu I'U firiu bi 1 lUl :i u 1 1 i i t
.j on day, July 18, permitting holdc
to spend Sunoay at th-i oxp-.i
For tickets and full irifoini it.ioii i
about, trains, rates, etc., apply to lie )
local ticket f gent of the 11. ci M.
W. I). Crawford has seme hi-hj
grade p'anos at the P. ). boo fi-to-- ,
which h . will elose cu'. chcip. ( .'a i
in and Me lln'in. II ' ea : s -.1 w u any
kind of an lust ruineut yo-i may desire,
at better terms tha-i yi u ever hni I e
fore. Come and see
Evi'ry I"ri'inl anil Ailiiiir-r of Col Jlrj-stn
slxmld bo in Omaha next. Sitn;-day,
when tho Third Nebra k i Vo! u n ' eei s.
prior to their departu e f r ti.e seat
of war, will he reviewed l y (i ivernor
Holcomb and stall. Fifty cents for
round trip via route. Tic
kets, trood to return un'il Monday,
July 18
M. L. Yoct m, Cameron, t'a., says "1
was a sullerer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was reccommend to me. I used one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Burlington lioute.
Fifty cents for round trip to Omaha
on account of review of Col Bryan's
regiment on the Grand Plaza, Trans
Mississippi Fxnosition, Situ'day Julv
1G. Tickets good to return uniii Man
day July 18. See ticKet agent and g t
full particulars.
Thousands of persons have b3en
cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and
cures eczema and all skin diseases. It
gives immediate relief. F. G. Fricke.
The Juniors of the Christian church
are going to give a patriotic concert
and social at the church Friday even
ing of this week. Ten cents i dmis
sion will bo charged at the c:oo-, re
freshments free. Everybody invited.
The proceeds will tro to foreign mis
sions. Don't fail to a ten 1.
Take the Missouri Pacific trains if
you wi-h to go to thj exposition, as
they have the only depot on th"
grounds. You can save street ea- f:;r
and avoid the crowded thoroughfare s.
Notice to Ice Coimumer.
Our ice bcoks are 30 cts pe- 100 P
Cash from and after this date. Ct'h
only. F. S. White,
H. C. McMakev & Son.
Rates SI and S1.50 per Dai
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Con tractor
Contracts taken for the erection of Residences
Barns and any kind of carpenter work, in anv
part of the county. Call on or address....
HARVEY HOLLO WAY, Plattsmoath, Neb
lOpua'K llili'st I.owcmI
Wheat. S7 li7; 7
Corn... :a :::t :im
Fork.. . y .SI.") 10 1(1 11 !'.-
Oats... llt;8 A li,'i l'.t
1 1, i
i In Great Demand
i l!y thes ; who love a rich, creamy
j and delicious rcf i t- men t is our ,-x-!
rpiiwlto'.y flavored and tempting ico
.cream. It is not only good to the
I t'iste, but it is nourishing and accept
1 able to the iu valid, the children and
grown people. We have it in all
lEoIIo'.va.v's SSnfiflT.v
Fitzgor'iM I Hoe If.
Leading Liveryman-
Tin: lii-sl ni i i);s fin iiislii"! at all limn nii'l liis
in u i-s are always ri-.iMotiiilili.. 'J In-must
convenient Imai '! in); slalile lor far
mers 1 ' tlie citv
Plattsmoulli Coal Ynnl
- : i '; I'l.ACi: 'I'D !!IIV-
A! I. (ill A!)l;
- -
'ei-e, ).i I..-; a id all K i n 'Is of Feed
'- ' ii -! a v '. 1 y o-i I 1 nd.
& ;--o-:-o---sj-:- &
i ya
M . II It LI': SIS.,
-Ol'NNH IISK. .Manager.
t. : i -
1 . 1 1 i i ;v
. i fc.M
! li' 'in: i';iniml -;
M i-souri. Illinois.
.' i el, son 1 1 i I i and
'':f' a ' i' Lump,
liaii'! AI k a quantity (if
rh' -, . ( li.ri.js i,l NUT LO. I.. We also
!;e. i .... a ! all kinds 'if W.i.jfl. All r-
r'i.i:;itiy dehvere'I. Leave or'lers
re (if A. II. We' kbacli tt Co.
.Missouri Coal, (a iiiiiiic Cation City Coal
Leave orderj at F. S. White's Store.
W. J www v..
House Furmishsngs,
tiiir stoek Is corinletH fn al! llne-s and we
n ". :t.e frionds to hjiik It over. Wo will
n-l':i vi. r f I'lcase you. f:ll and net) us.
. i y !Vio k. )
Finish Him, O'd Boy !
Uncle -s im say to his
p'uc : f;'h!- -. II i vir linih him,
no -oti'.t, in ;i- v.. : - o rf u I ;i manner as
wi' will lirl-b yo'ir iir c-i, after utting
il lj' i,utifu! ,'"!,i' U " il- laundry
work ''s prTf( ct, and anvthing sent to
'this e-t tb.ishrcon to iio laundered
; will give t--rf-ct s iti -f t ti-jn, as well
ii- gr; tif:c ition. Shir's, collars and
eelTs ui.-.Oo to b,-k just liko new.
South Sixth St.