CITY AND COUNTY. WKDNKSDAr. JiiMtlco Swoarinon, of Murrfty, In in tho city today. T. V. Shryock mul Jack Il.irker, nf Louixvillo, in tiio city today. Djputy Diiti iet dork Wu! I acu Car ter iH out in tho country viitir this week. Chriinpori S. CuaMu bus been a p pointer! Burvoyor of customs lor the p. li t of O in a h i . Joseph Lolly, who workH for tho 11. & M. in Ctciin .fM-'s department, ia off with a up ilno 1 Imck. Willlo GnlhinHti id going to war after till. Ho In comp;ii.y cook nnd gets over $oO.(M) per month. Mih. C. A. Kiiwl.s went to Fort Om ahu lod.ty for a visit with her hug band, Lieutenant Kawlo, of tho Ihird regiment. Arch Holmes lont ono of hia best horrtea lant week which wan overheated in the field, and died before ii. could bo taken to tho stabler. Mr. ai.d Mra. J. Kepnel and daugh ter, accompanied by their hou Frank and wife, of Iowa City, departed this morning for Donvor, expecting to visit there for a week or ten days. Several of tho holdier boys created quite an effecting neene at tho depot this morning, when they hid their relatives a final good-bye, with no as surance that they would over teo them again. Col. licrtemius Clements, tho genial editor of tho Elm wood Leador-Echo, made the News a pleasant call today on his way homo from tho republican league mooting in Omaha where ho went as a delegate. Win. llesaer received twelve parrots from old Mexico by I'acific express to day, two having died en route. The duty on tho birds amounted to $1.00 which had been paid by tho express company, and. charged up on tho bill of lading. Dr. Humphrey performed a neat Buryical operation this morning by cutting a largo tumor out of the thigh of George, son of Harrison Smith, re siding south of town. Tho young man is gettmg along nicely and will toon bo well iigaiu. The Oak Hill Sund iy school meets every Sunday at three p. m,, and is in a flourishing condition. Tho officers are: Tom Wiles, superintendent; Mrs. Wm. Gingery, assUtant superin tendent; Hattie McCroskey, secre tary; and Mrs. Ilowland, treasurer. Henry Weidman, who presides at LehnholT's postoffice booK store, re ceived six beautiful walnut finish show cases recently, which makes his room one of tho roatest in town. Henry keeps things in good shapa, anyway, and fully de-erves the nice tr alri ho enjoys. Seventy-eight people went out on the moonlight excursion on the John It. Uusio last n ight and were out on the river over ttireo hours. Th -y werit down twelve miles below tho bruise and had a very nice time, though some of the blools from town got rathter boisterous and. had to be dressed down after they got up town. THURSDAY. Joho llout went to Omaha this morning. A. L. IIulTer and wife were exposi tion visitors today. Corporal 11 ibine of company B, was bidding his Plattsmouth friends good bye tod.iy. A few quarts of liquid air taken on subaciipiiou at this office, while the thermometer roosts aronnd the 100 mark. Roy McElwain has the finest lot of flood pictures we have seen. They are on exhibition at McElwain's jew elry store. The grading outfit at Bethlehem was shipped to Humbolt, yesterday, where the B & M. is making some im provements. It seems to bo definitely arranged for the Third regiment to move on Monday. Part i f the boys will go via M. P. and others tho 13. & M. and Chicago & Northwestern. Frank Shopp of May wood is down to help his brother, Charley, take care of his wheat crop. Frank's folks were sick with scarlet fever in the spring, so he had to rent his farm out. Jim Johnson, an old time Plaits mouth boy who has been living with his parents near Waboo, for a time, joined the navy and is now doing duty aboard the Philadelphia at San Fran cisco. Freight No. 70 from South Omaha went east in three sections yesterday, and threo heavy trains today were re quired to do the business usually done by one. Stock business on the B. & M. is lively. John McManigal, ono of Lincoln's best known cit zens, died Tuesday. He had been a resident of that town since 18G9, and was engaged in the real estate business. Ho was promi nent as a leader in the democratic party. Mr. Krahl got so full he couldn't crawl yesterday, and the police landed him in the bastile where he rested un til this morning, and Judge Archer charged him $0.00 for his nieht's lod ging and services of porter. His ex chequer was low, so be will remain in jail for a few days. Mrs. S. C. Anthony and daughters; Mrs. Val. Burkle and Mrs. Jos. Gray and children, all went to Fort Omaha this morning with well filled baskets where they will take dinner with rela tive members of company B, and Plattsmouth friends. Mrs. Anthony will remain in Omaha until Saturday visiting relatives, and the exposition. HAD A IIOYAL TIME. Otll Fellow mikI Itrhi kitli IiihIuM Their Of1l-pr Tuemluy Kv nlntf. 1'lHttn Lodge No. 7, do-H Lodge No. I'M, I. (). O. F. , anil Bud of Promise, Daughtorn of Kebecoa, held a joint meeting Tuesday night at the hall f Ca-H lodge, in Fitzgerald block, for the purp'mo of installing tho oHiet-rs f the respective lodges for the entjuing term. The meeting wns called to order by E. S. Lemm, N. G. of 14G, and was opened by ringing the opening ode, and prayer by Chaplain F. A. Camp bell. The meeting was then turned over to tho officers of tho Kehecea lodge, which proceeded, to install their olli cors elect, Mrs. J. M. Leak occupying the chair of Noble Grand. Mrs. P. I). Bates, the in-iJo guard ian, announced that tho grand mar shal with tho grand o Ulcers were waiting outside for tho put pose of installing tho ollicers of tne lodge. Thoy wore admitted. Grand Marshal Mrs. Allen Slultz leading, followed by Grand Master Mrs. S. II. Fisher, Grand Secretary Mrs. J. C. Petersen. Grand Warden Mrs. 1. C. Petersen, and Grand Treaburor Mrs. I). B. Eb ersolo. Tho installation was then proceeded with under tho supervision of Captain Lewis E. Karnes, while Miss Susie Kroohler presided at tho organ. The marching of tho to ira of grand officers and tho captain was a nice sight, all keeping time with the music, was and such a success that tho members f company B, wou d have been sore with envy. The -flicerg installed wore: Mes damos. Wm. Wells, N. G.; John Cory, II. S.; S 11. FUher, L. S.; B. F. Dean, V. G.; F. II. St-.imker, K. S.; Chris tian Chi i-ienseii, L. S; I B. Eher sole, S ; I. Pearlinan, VV.; L. C. An derso , C; P. C Peterson, Chaplain, and Miss lA..f. Kroohler, Treasurer. The ollicei s of '.he Ithoeea Lodge being duly installed, tire meeting was turne l over to the gratia otiicers I. O. O. F. Benton C. Kerr, G. M.; P. I). Bates, G. Marshal; L G. Lar son, G. V .; B. F. Brown, G. S., and F. II. Stoimker, G. T., who proceeded to in stall the officers of Platte L'lde No. 7. and Cass Lodero No. 1 4t into their re spective chairs as follows: Piatt No. 7: Henry Joss, N . G. ;Chris Christensen, R. S.; John Kirkham, L S.; John Cory, V. G.; II. Richter, Ii. S.; J. M. Leak, L. S. ; Joseph Jo'ies, I. G.; T. E Oleson, O. G., and Frank McCarthy, W. Cass Lodge No 146: A. II. Hager, N. G. ; D. B. Ebersoie, Ii. S. ; W. R. Webb, L. S.; M. S. Brings, V. G.; A. B. Zemmerman, U.S.; ! Lobert Crozier, L. S.; George B. v;''g, W.; M. Fan eer, I. G. ; Geo ;re B O. G.; Wm. Wynn, Sr., Ch -pi...i., and John Lu'.z, C; n uctor. Aiiu-ng those ;. nit- nd :rc-: were: Mr. and Mrs. L. (' A derson, F. II. S:empker, F. A n; IvmI, D. B. Ed- eisole, Wm. Wyin, '., ii F. Dean. W. R. Webb, II. lln l. o-, P. D. Bates, Levi Golding, L B E.ii i ti'cr, C. Christen-en. T. E Olcon, J. M. L a'-, P. C. Peterson, M. Fangor, J. M. Thompson. Thj following Mesdames: Allen Stultz, S. H. Fisher, W. Slater, J. C. Peterson, M G. Patton,!. I'e u i- man, Wm. Weill-; the following Miss es: Bates, Wells, Vo'nagle, Stuiz, Kroehler, and Brown; following are the gentlemen: John Lu'z, Geo B. Craig, A B. Zimmerman, Peter Wolf, A. U. Hager,E. S. Lemm, Joseph Phe bus, L E. Karnes, J. R Barker, B. C. Kerr, H. JerS, S. Ilogref, John Cory, Chris Volenagle, S. F. Osborne, Earn: est Reenter, Oilie Ouborn, L-?v Pat ton, Louis Kroehler, R b Crozier. B. T. Brown, L. G. Larson, Jos Jones and Geo Bax. Several others were present but we failed to get their names. After the conclusion of tho ceremo nies a supper was served, consisting of ice cream, fruit and cake, and a so cial time generally was had, all de claring upon their departure that the Odd Fellows and their ladies were roy al good people. Off For Omaha. From Wednesday's Daily A jolly crowd of ladies are enjoj'ing the expesitioh today from this city. They are members of the German Frauenverein and we doubt if a more congenial pleasant crowd could be found. Those who departed at 10:00 on the B. &M. this morning were: Mesdames Horn, Wm. Hasstler. H Spies, Phil Thierolf, Jos Droege. Wm Weber, A H Weckbach, Ed Heitzhausen, Wm Schmidtmann. Jos Fetzer, Fred Goos, II Klietsch, J. V. Egenberger, Mary Eidman, Carl Kunzman, Fred Ebinger, Geo Weidman, Christ Koehuke, Wurl, Peter Mumm. Darmeister. Misses H el jn Spies, Herma Spies, Lulu Weber. Cut This Out ? ? ?. 160 acres of Merrick county land for $640.00. Write me for new land list. Address J. R. MASON", Central City, Nebr. John Sattler returned home last evening from his visit to San Fran cisco. He had an elegant trip and stopped off at Salt Lake City where he visited J. V. Egenberger and wife, who are doing a good business in a bakery, and Coon Siden&triker who gets $1,500 per year as clerk in an of fice. They were awfully glad to see eomeoDe from Plattsmouth. A White Mark. Foley's Kidney fectly reliable for all Kidney diseases. The pro great medicine or the money re they not deserve Cure is a per prep ir a t i o n and Bladder prietorsof this guarantees it funded. Do a white mark? Stat I.-i;ue Convention. At tho Statu Lenguo convention of nuuihllean clubs, held in Omaha Tues day evening, tho following delegates to tho national convention, which mot in Omaha Wed no-day, were se lected : First district, dulogato al large, J. B. Strode, Lincoln; alternate, L. L. fjind-ey, Linco n; delegates, Norman Mus-eiiiKin of Richardsi u. S. 1. D i-vi-Json of Johnson, Harry Lindsey of Pawnee, A. C. Wright of Cass; alter nates, E, A. Brown (f Otoe, Jesse Root of Cass, E. O. Lewis of Richard son and W. R. Wright of Johnson; committeeman, L. W. Billingsley. Lineol n. When tho election of oflicers was announced, President Winters wns re elected by acclamation, as were aUo Secretary Ed.. J. Mock, Tro.isurer 1. .J. Hill, national Vice President McCreary and National Committeman L. W. Billingsley. Under tho new rules a vice president was elected for each district, as follows. First, Ed R. Sizer; Second, R. Moseley; Third, W. I. Allen; Fourth, T. Jones; Fifth, JclT Stone, and Sixth, II. Cook. 1 rom'ri Ttironti. Wm. A. Shaffer, of Company D, First Nefira-ka volunteers, writing from Honolulu, says: The government has ncc uded us all the privilege of the grounds and build ing, and have est ib' ished a free writ ing room in the throne i t om of ex-Q-.ioen, and I have been fortunate enough to capture her throne and desk and have been using it all afternoon. This letter was written on her desk and you want to preserve it for that reason. Tho government refuses lo allow us to pay any postage, electing to do that themselves. They also fui nish u-i a l stationery. They put up tables in the palace grounds, and put on a largo force of waiters, and we eat everything and anything wo want. In the t wti we have anything we want, even tho Chinese t efusing to ac cept money for oods. Neoraska City News. Knit Iv. iliiyilen. Lincoln, -'u'y 12. Kent K. Ilnyden, receiver for the Capital National bank and German National bank of this city, died tonight from the effects of an overdose of chloroform. He re turned from a trip fiom Idaho Springs this afternoon completely worn out and u-ed tho ehl roforni to take a nap before attending to some ureat bus -ness. During sleep he turned over with his f -ce in the handkerchief and was dead when his wife went to wake him Mr. Hayden came here from Omaha several years ago and was in terested in sem - of the city banks pre vious to his appointment as receiver of the two b inks mentioned. He car ried some life insurance, but how much is not known. Dissolution of Partnership. The well known law lirm of Beeson & Root, composed of Allen Beeson and J. L. Root, has been dissolved by mu tual consent. This was one of tho strongest law firms in tho county and we ar e glad to note that both members will continue in the practice in this city. Mr. Beeson, who has earned more than a local r eputation ns an ab e conscientious iawyer,wiil rem lin in the old offices in the Fitzgerald block, and Mr. Reot,who h .s built up an enviable reputation as a successful attorney, giving gre;.t care at.d attention to the interest of his clients, will occupy the room-j in the Wettenkarap block, op posite the court nous?, formerly occu pied by Juiige Ramsey and T. Frank Wiles' Keller in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in six hours by "The. Great South Ameiiicax Kidney CUKE." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug gist, Plattsmouth. Neb. Wanted Agents for "Gladstone, His Life and Public Services,"' Thos. W. Handford. A wonderful story of a glorious career. Over 500 large, radi ant, pages, 100 supei b t are engravings. Richest, biggest, best and only in dorsed "Gladstone book" published. Only SI. 50. Commission, 50 per cent. Credit driven. Freight paid. Outfit free. Drop all trash and clear $300 a month with tho only true and good "Gladstone book." Address The Dominion Company, Dept. 36, 352 356 Dearborn street, Chicago. ltucklen'8 Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappeplhands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke Wonderfully Low Kates. In order to secure men for the har vest fields of Kans and Oklahoma the M. P. railway will sell ono ticket to any point on its lines in that country at regular rates good for three per sons. This is a remarkably liberal act on the part of the M. P. and will give any man who wants work a chance to get it. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Brnmo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oe. The genuine ha L. B. Q. on each tablet When You Take Your Vacation The most nacessary article to have with you (after your pocket book) is a bottle of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an absolute prevention or cure of all de rangements of the bowels caused by a chancre of water. You are likely to need it. A QUIET WEDDING. Alpheim Clencleiilo Hiici MImh Falith I. Nliuunoii Married I.ant Kvviilng . A pretty wedding occurred lasst evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, 122 Lincoln street, nt which thoir daughter, Edith Luejla, became tho bride of Alpheus Cleud eniu. Tho affair was a quiet one, only relatives and tho most intimate frieuds b-jing present. Rev. Smith, of Prince ton. III., uncle of the g room, officiated. Numerous presents were bestowed upon tho young people, among them being a beautiful piano for the bride. A dainty luncheon was nerved, after which tho couple left for Chicago where they will b 'gin housekeeping at onco on Vernon avenue. Tho groom is a Joliet boy and The News is proud that he was once one of Its carriers. Ho has a wido circle of friends ia this city and is a young man of ability and exemplary character. The bride is also well known here and is esteemed by ail her friends for her amiable qualities. Mr. Clendenin is engaged in the real estate and insurance business in Chicago. Joliet Daily News, Juno 30 WlOO Keward UltlU. The rcaiters of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure ai all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beiii a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and Hiving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution anil assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they otfer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F.J. henev &Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists 7fc There are women who are cornel', there are women who are homely, though be careful how the latter thing you say. There ate women wealthy, there are women who are healthy, there are women who will always havo their way. There are women who are truthful, there are women who are youthful was there ever any woman who was old? There are women who are sainted, there .are womon who are painted, there are women who are worth their weight in gold. There are women who are tender, there are women who are slender, there aro wo men who tire large and fat and rad. There are women who are married, there are women who have tar ried, there are women who are talkless but they are dead. Ex. TO CUKE A (JOLI) IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. ilurliugton Route California, Excursions Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Pr-ancisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered !n rattan; have spring seats and backs ind are provided with curtains, bed iing, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed sorters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a deiightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5. For folder giving full information, call at nearest Burlingtou Route ticket ofiice, or write to J. Francis Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neh, The Evening News only ten cents per weeK, you can't ifford to do with out it. To Subscribers. We are carrying over a thousand accounts on our books, many of them small but in tho aggregate it amounts to a neat snm which would help us out if paid in. If you can't pay all you owe send us a dollar and we will send receipt by return mail with a card of thanks thrown in. The Missouri Pacific Has a round trip rate of a fare and a third to Omaha, good every day dur ing the exposition exceot when a low er rate is made. All trains fctop at the exposition gate, giving exception al facilities for the convenience of patrons who save car fare and unpleas ant transfers. Take the old reliable M. P. train for Omaha and the expo sition. Hard and Soft Coal. John Waterman is sole agent for tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also carries the best grades of hard coal, wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you are going to build, it will pay you to see Water nan. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth street. Twenty miners from the Alaska gold fields have returned to San Francisco bringing $70,000 in cash and $25,000, 000 in rerorts. That is about the way the gold came out last fall. It is now about time that some of the magni ficent stories of fortune that have been coming from that country so long were being substantiated by the cash. Philadelphia Ledger. i Burlington Inn Six blocks from exposition. A. D. Touzalin, minager; E. B. Mooney, clerk. Ro ms $1.00 per day special rates by week or month. Everything i'-st class. Take Dodge street car. from Union depot to 20th and Burdette streets. Write us for particulars. Midsummer Meeting The Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Waugh next Tuesday evening, July 19, at 8 o'clock. E-ich member has the privilege of inviting one lady Iriend. By order of president. Jennie P. Shipman. Cor. Secy. Old papers for sale at this office. Tourlnt I'amphletn, Descriptive of Yellowston National Park and tho summer resortB of Colo rado and containing, besides maps and illustrations, a great doal of informa tion of Interest to nfght-soers and tourists, crin bo had by addressing J. Francis, (lenoral Passenger A iron t, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Probate Notice. In county court. Cast county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John Johnson, deceased William Tolliver Johnson. Richard Johnson, Austin Johnson, Susie C. Berger, Andrew Jack son Johnson, and al! other person interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the 11th day of July. 1K-..K, Wm. T Johnson and A J. Johnson tiled a petition in said court, alleging, among other things, that luhn Johnson died on the Hili day of July. lxm. leaving no last will and testament, ami possessed of real and personal estate, ami that the above-named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said de ceased, and praying lor administration thereof. You are hereby notified that it you fail to appear at said court on the 1st day ot August, A l.. Is'.w. at tl o'clock a. m., and contest said petition, the court will appoint James M. Patterson, or some other suitable person, administrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at JtJJUnU 1'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this 11th day of July. 1H'.H. OEORGE M. SrURLOCK, County Judge. Probate Notice. In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of A. Juliaette Wright, deceased . Charlotte Amelia Morrison. Juliet Amanda Bueil, Mary Kllen Gallagher, Frances Kvelyn Wise, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the 12th day of July. I;i8, 1-rances IC. Wise tiled a petition in sid court, alleging among other things, that A. lu.iaette V right died on the :th day ot Juiy. 1HUH, leaving a last will and testament, and possessed of real and personal estate, and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said deceased, and praying for the pro bate of said will and for administration ot said estate. You re hereby notified that if you fail to appear at said court on the tHh day of August, A. 1) lv.'.s, at ten o'clock a. in. to contest the pro bate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will, and grant administration of said estate to James M 1'atterson and Robert B. Windham, or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Witness my hand and seal ot said court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, lth day oi July A. IX 1MK. George M. Sporlock, (Seal) County Judge. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship of ) John G. O'Kourke, Anna L. O'Kourke f and Joseph T. O'Kourke. ) Under and by yir ue of a license to sell the real estate hereinafter described entered in the above cause by Hon. Basil S. Kamsey, judge, on the "th day of July, A. I). 1898. 1 will on the 8th day of August. A. D 18'J8, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at tho south door of the court house, in Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, offer for sale lot one hundred and three in the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, lot one hundred and four in the northwest quarter of the south west quarter, and lot eighteen in the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, all in section nineteen, in township twelve, north of range fourteen, in Cass county, Nebraska, to the highest bidder for cash. Nellie M. O'Kourke, Guardian. By her attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. Notice to Creditors. SUcea CnTy5."3- H CUOt Court' In the matter of the estate of John Frederick Stull, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis trator of said estate, before me, county judge of Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 1st day of October, A. D 1698, on the 1st day of December, lb'Jt, and on the 1st day of February, 1899, at nine o'clock a. m., each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors ol said deceased t-j present their claims and one year for the administrator to settle said estate, from the 1st day of August, 1.-98. This notice shall be published in the Semi Weekly News-Herald for four weeks suc cessively, prior to the 1st day of August, 1898. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this Hd day of July, 189S, George M. Spurlock (Seal) County Judge. Legal Notice. In the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate ot I Addison P. Weston f To the heirs and legatees of Addison P. Wes ton and all other persons interested in the es tate of Addison P. Weston, deceased: Y ou are hereby notified that Levi C. Pollard as executor of the last will and testament of Addison P. Weston, deceased, has tiled his petition in this court for instruction and power to pay out monies on hand to the persons finally entitled to the same under the provision of the will in said estate or for its investment or safe keeping if not paid out. Sa d cause on said petition is set for hearing on the 2d day of August, A. D 1898, at two o'clock p. m., at which time you are required to appear and defend or show cause as to what order should be entered and at which time such order will be entered as directed by the provision of said will, and the law directs lor proper conduct of said estate. It is further ordered that this notice be pub lished in the Semi-Weekly News-Hfrald for tiiree weeks prior to the day of hearing. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of this court July 2d, A. D. 1898. George M. Spurlock, (Seal) County Judge. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No 1. Den ver express 11:18 pm iNo Omaha, to tit. Louis 5:02 pm No 6. Chicago express 12:40 am No 20. Local express, daily, St Joe, Kunsas, tit Louis, all points south 9:40 am No 4. Locai exD. dally, Burlington, Chicago, all points east.... 10:24 am No 14. Local exp, a aily except Sun No. 10 Omaha to Cresion. local 4:30 pm day 10:45 am No 92. Local exp, daily except Sun day, Pacific Junction 12:30 pm No30. Freight, daily except Sunday Pacific Junction 2:50 pm No 2. Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur lington, Chicago and all points east 5-30 pm No 13 stub from Junction to Platts- moutn, 6:15 pm No l-i. Local exp, daily. St Joe, Kan sas City. St Louis. Chicago all points east and south.. 8:25 pm No 19. Looai exp. daily,Omaba,Lln coln. Den rer and Interme diate stations 7:34 am No 27. Creston to Omaha Local 11:33 pm No 9. Local ?t. Lou sto Omaha.... 10:0 am .Notso. Local freignt, daily. Omana. 7:55 am No 29. Local f reignt. daily, ex Sun day, Cedar Cree. Louis ville, South Bena 7:29 am No 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and Lincoln 2-22 pm No 3. Vestibuled exp, daily, Den ver and all points In Colo rado, Utah and California. Grand Island. Black Hills. Montana and Pacific N. W 3:38 pm No 13. Local exp, dally except "jun say. Louisville. Ashland, Waboo, schuyler 4 .00 pm No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun day , (Juiaba and Lincoln.. 600 pm No 17. Local express. Sunday only, No.fc2 East bound Freight, connects at Pacific Junction with o. 1 the Denver Express, which does not bioii at Plattsmouth 10:06 pm Sleeping, dining and reclinlne chair oars iseats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to an point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and ttckots call or write to W. L. PICKETT. Afrent. v Plattsmouth, Neb. J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. AbU. Omaha, Neb. ' M. V. TI.MK CAKU. TRAINS GOING NORTH, No. 1 4:50 a. m No. 1L51 No. 121, local freight 4.04 d.Ui TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No.2 10:43S. m. No. 12'.!, looal freignt 7:35 a, m. No. 10 4:04 p. m Struck By a That's what's the matter with Hannai . and all other good housewives, who are compelled to roast over a ho', kitchen stove on these torrid days. Buy Your Wife a Gasoline Stove, And thus save her much suffering and worry. It's cheaper than doctor bills and much better than a worn out companion. We give you the Insurance Gasoline Stove and Oven at the very Lowest prices, with the assurance that you will be pleased with it. The only stove in which provision is made to prevent the escape of gasoline, should the burner be accidentally blown out or left open. Unquestion ably the best gasoline stove made, and the price is always the lowest. My Stock of Furnitttre.. Is as full and complete as ever, and acknowledged everywhere to be the largest in Cass county. I can please you in... ..Variety, Quality and Price I. PEARLMA THE BIG FURNITURE DEALER, Opposite Court House, Plattsmou'.h, Neb They banish pain and prolong life, n - ft 1 K tPjr m No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. A bw style packet containing; m kxpajtb riBrjLM In a parr mrtnn (without tfu) fp now for m1 mt wbm druf Moref won, wirm cent. Thiat low-prn-eU Burt m uteri'i-! ft tti-; ibu ecoioiiil- cai. od docenor tn nva-cent carton (law tanujefl) ibb lAIVhWl WMA V aWU iVl U'W WAIHO. MJUWh IUVUU.UW Bottom Dropped Out ..of Prices On 1897TGrown ... Garden and Field Two Packages Everything else Now is the time to repair your Spouting- and Tin Roofs, be fore the rains begin We Have Something New In a door lock that will last a life-time ; has no springs ; works better and costs less money than a spring Ick. Call and see a Gravity door lock, at the reliable hardware store of . . . . S. E. HALL & SON, South Sixth Street, - - Plattcmouth, : e. Hoi ' t. 99 (r- G! V LS Or- fi ii4 2 can u naa oj mail by m:wiinv? forty fiht r-i:tg UIQUO BHX1CV IUU WUIHi WitM I T' SM't . Garden Seed, 5c. at bottom prices. vim