Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 15, 1898, Image 2

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    The Srnii-VCcckly cwHerz d
... BY TIIK . . .
One Year, iu advance, . . . .
Six Months
Oai Week,
Single Copies,
Oue Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months,
tf on
2 50
tl 00
Of any Cass County Paper.
Tho republican of C iss county arts
hereby called to m;ot in covun tion at
Weeping1 WhUt, Nebraska, on Satur
day, July SO, 1808, at onu oV lock p. rn.
for tho purpose of pricing in nomina
tion candiuatort for tho following olli
ces, to-vdt: County attorney, two
luemboia of tho legislature, ono sena
tor, one member of tho board of county
commissioner from tho third district;
also to tiulccl 21 dulcgatcH to tho Ktato
convention at Lincoln, AuUbt 10, at
10 o'clock a. m.; also 2( delegates to
tho first congrosbio: al convention at
Lincoln, on August .', at 8 p. rn., and
for tho traDHaction of such other bus
iness its may properly conio before tho
Tho coraraitto recommended that
thoro be r,o proxies recognized, but
that the delegates present from each
precinct or ward cast its full vote. Tho
primary to select delegates to s iid
convention will bo hold on Saturday,
July 23. Representation is based on
the vote cast for G. W. Kaley, (regent,
for the state university in 1807,) being
one delegate for each 15 votes or ma
jor fraction thereof, and ono delegate
at largo for each precinct or ward:
Avoca Avoca p in
Center, Mauley 5 to S p m 7
8 Mile Grove, Heil school house -1 p in 7
Elm wood, Murdock school h'se 8 p m lJ
Greenwood, Alvo 8 p in H
Liberty, Union 8 p in 10
Louisville, llasseinier's hall S to 9 p in U
Ncli.iwka, Nehawka sch'l h'se 8 to ! p in I)
Mt Pleasant, Pleasant Dale " 8 to ! p in 5
Rock Bluffs
Fin t l ist., Murray school h'se S to 9 p in S
Secoi I " Rock liluits " 8 to t) p in 5
Tipt .n Luinb'r office Eagle 8 to i p in 8
South Iiend, So Hend school h'se 8 to i p in 6
Stove Creek, Elimvood opera h'se 8 to t p in J
Salt Creek, Greenwood 8 to 1 p in 8
W Water prct, Cascade school h'se 8 to 9 p in 0
Weeding Water City
First Ward. GAR hall 8 to 0 p in 5
Second Ward, Council Chamber 8 to tl p in 5
Third Ward, Powel's Hall 8 to 9 p m 4
PlatU I'rct Taylor school house 4 to 5 p in t
Piatt:-mouth City
First Ward, Perkins House 6 to 8 p m 7
Second Ward, Turner Hall 6 to 8 p in i)
Third Ward, Ritch'y lmbr office to p m 1 1
Fourth Ward, Council Chamber to 8 p in 4
Fifth Ward, School House 6 to 8 p m 6
C. D. Claiu',
11. G. Beards lee,
The Lincoln Courier is the best
edited weekly paper printed in this
state, and a woman is the editor. If
there are more women as bright as
Mrs. Harris, the newspaper field is
a proper one for them to enter.
Dewey is a diplomat, as well as a
warrior. If Merritt is gifted with as
much horse sense, the admiral and
the gene:al will annex, not only the
Philippine islands, but China as well;
that is, providing it is the proper
thing to do.
A western paper is booming Judge
Crounse for governor, but the judge's
boom is not assuming alarming pro
portions. Republicans generally will
not take any interest in the matter,
until the ex-governor pays his man
Hilton's $5,000 shortage.
WiTn William V. Allen the issue
this fall, the legislative campaign will
be dead easy. Not all the rivers of
talk from the Boy Orator to B. P. Al
len can explain away the active ef
forts made by Senator Allen at the be
hest of the sugar trust wherever its
interests were jeopardized at Wash
ington. Prof. S. A. Mokrisox of Eugle,
in this county, is in every way quali
fied for the position of state superin
tendent of public instruction, and he
would be a strong man for that office.
His Cass county friends are urging
him for the position, and the News
would bs glad to see him successful.
Several friends out in the state have
tendered their assistance, and we
should not bo surprised to see Mr.
Morrison on the ground with a big
Europe has its losnon. We were
not ready for war; but wo made a clean
job of it, and now, as war came from
European sympathy, so peace must
come from European pressure. If it
does not, but one course remains the
war must be carried into Spain and
Europe must feel its effect at short
range. No European nation wants
this, and an attacx on the Spanish
coast is today a quicker, shorter and
more direct path to peace than any
attack on any Spanish garrison in
Cuba or Porto Rico.
THE war clouds are scattering and
there is much talk of peaco, even in
Madrid. Premier Sasrasta has re
signed with the entire cabinet, and
the Qaeen Regent will have to form a
new ministry. It is said tha military
leaders will be in the next cabinet,
which is not a ture forerunner of
peace. It is reported that the United
States demands $210,000,000 indemnity.
and the surrender of Cuba, and Porto
Rico and a coaling station on the Ca
naries. The Philippines to be held as
security until the indemnity is paid.
I'i'M't. rn-t -i -if courno u'-hi - HC-
o S . . n. i u ; h may h v- to nc
i'i il hi'in. Tik'i-.- i no q uot ion but
wh it tlw poaro party at Madrid is
rapidly gi owing, and it looks as
thoiiL'h th" (Mid win not, f ir awny Tte
Sp ni-h i in horitieH ;i-o very .fearful
f 'oni inoilore Watson who sails
'III ii - day, intercepting Cm in a r be
fore ho can roach Spain nd destroy
tho rest of tho Spanish fleet. They
now have a holy foar of the American
battleships, which they were wont to
make so much fun of a few mouths
A HOL'SK divided cannot endure.
Sagacious democi aUs, with an eye to
the perpetuity of their party, see tbo
at boluto iioces:?ity of lopping off six-teen-to-one,
anarchy and general dem-
"gog'""1 from their platforms and get
ting bark to the good old platitudes,
potent enough to sweep their party
into power in days gone by. Illinois
democracy i reeling under the pur
gatives adtirnisteied by Harrison,
and tho r-timuhmts injected ljAlt
geld. The outcome will bo a very
sieiv patient, and the triumphant oleo-
tion of a republican legislature.
"1 lie Spani h wrecks." old Neptune said,
"Are coming thick and fast.
With now and then a busted gun,
And now and then a mast;
I'll open up a junk bazaar
When this sad war is past."'
Walt Mason.
John T. Mallaliou. ex-superintend
ent of tho Kearney reform school, was
Wednesday sued by tho state for $4,400
which ho is charged with receiving
for sugar beets and turning to his own
The Spaniards have been counting
up their losses and find that they
number twenty-ono warships, with an
iggregate tonnage of nearly 45,000,and
twenty-ono trading ships. So far they
have captured ono Amer ican trading
ship which was recovered by Dewey
after he reached Manila.
Little Jonny Davies and Slippery
Sam seem not to have cut much ice at
the state league convention Tuesday
in Omaha. The delegate to the Na
tional convention elected was A. C.
Wright of Elmwood, with J. L. Root
of this city as alternata.
Your Uncle Sam is quite busy just
cow annexing tho nation of Hawaii
while he captures the Ladione Islands
and plants a Hag on the Philippines,
clear out Santiago, and make ready to
capture Porto Rico. This is his busy
day every day.
Tho west has been pretty thorough
ly farmed out, and the restless Amer
icans wanted to go somewhere else.
Thy will now have plenty of oppor
tunities, and still remain under the
Amerfcan Hag.
While Chapman and Davies went
out to see the town, in Omaha,Tueeday
night, carrying the credentials of the
Cass county delegates in their inside
pockets, thinking how smart they
were, two or three delegates went up
and got seats, attended the caucus and
got a Cass county man for nation-al
delegate before the two "smart" poli
ticians woke up. They were too slow
for people who are up to date, and
can't train in that class.
President McKinley's refusal to
consider Toral's offer to surrender the
city of Santiago providing the Spanish
army was allowed to depart in peace
into the interior, notwithstanding the
alleged advice of General Shafter to
accept, was like a soldier and states
man. It is true that the Spaniards
might not be able to do us much harm
if they escaped cipture,as tho war will
probably bo determined by operations
outside of Cuba, but they would be a
terror to the poor people . of Cuba,
whom they would continue to murder
and rob for an indefiiite time. They
should be corralled somewhere in the
United States and kept from further
m'schief. State Journal.
When Dewey sunk Spain's Philip
pine fleet without a scratch or the
loss of a man, many said it was an
accident and that according to the
doctrine of chances it could not hap
pen again in a thousand years, because
such a thing had not happened in
three thousand years. But in just
two months Sampsons's fleet dupli
cated the trick at Santiago. The
nations of the big round earth wil
take notice that Uncle Sam is not sink
ing fleets by accident, but by design.
Windy V. Ailen kept up his reputa
tion to tho last, and was clamoring
loudly against adjournment and for
an extension of the session when the
session closed. Allen is a great iran,
as a time killer.
Yellow fever seems to have broken
out among tho Araeric in troops near
Santiago, though every precaution is
being taken. General Miles should
butcher the Spanish army without de
lay, and at any cost, so our soldiers
can procure shelter from the awful
tropical rains and burning sun.
The yellow fever has been commu
nicated to our soldiers by tho starving
refugees, it is said. If the refugees
would raise more corn and eatables,
and es h they would r ot need to
starve. It is said that corn matures
there in ninety days from the time it
is planted. The dreaded scourge now j
seems to have a foothold in tho ranks. I
aim moo iinntT exist from iha.
h u w than f oin the bullets of the
tVo'i.cheroUs S.aninrui-. Definite news
chronicling the fa. I of Santiago is
longingly looked fur by every patri
otic n nd humane Citizen. General
Tortal evidently delays with the hoj o
that yellow (ever m v do what ho can
not hopo to accomplish.
Victor Johnson, formerly book
keeper at the insane hospital, but now
a member of compiny A, Third regi
ment, and Miss Dora Sprnguo, a type
writer at tho samo institution, went to
Blair from Omaha Tuemlny and were
married in view of Mr. .1iIiiim):i'h ap
proaching departure. State Journal.
Tho battleship Oregon fires tho
greatest projectiles in tho world. On
hundred and fifty 13-inch shells are
being rushed to Cuba for the Oregon.
These great projectiles will crush tho
armor of any Spanish ship afloat.
They will penetrate twenty inches of
steel armor, fifteen feet of solid oak,
four fet t of granite, seven feet of con
crete. As 12 inch armor is tho best the
Spaniards have to oppose ag iint them,
it will bo easy work for tho O.egon.
Tho Thurston county delegation to
tho state league in Omaha Tuesday,
coutained Chief Blackbird and several
other full blood Indians When cheers
filled the hall tho war whoop of the
Indians could bo heard far above the
other voices. Tho easterners who
were present to attend tho national
leaguo were highly entertained by tho
Kaiser Wilhelm will eat several
more wienewurst before ho declares
war against a nation twice as Large
and twice as wealthy as his own, sinco
he discovered they would fight when
they had to.
The wars between China and Jaoan
and this country and Spain have been
so unequal that a real fair test of mod
ern war machinery has not yet been
had. If the Oregon or Iowa could
meet the Pelazo on the open sea and
engage in battle, the result would be
of great interest.
Spain has no ono to tako the pre
miership, and rather than h;ive the
place go begging, wo rise to placo
in nomination D. K. Ban- of this city.
Dave could do the honors, aud with
him we might negotiate terms of
peace that would be mutually satis
factory. Sagasta is no longer equal
to the emergencj'. and we hope he
will take to our suggestion kindly.
The express companies which were
so porkish about the war tax, will
have to come to time and pay tho tax
themselves, according to a decision of
the committe of intern tl revenue
and the attorney general.
The republican electors of the state
of Nebraska are requested to send
delegates from their respective coun
ties to meet in convention in the city
of Lincoln, on Wednesday, August 10,
18'JS, at ten o'clock a. m , for the pur
pose of placing in nomination candi
dates for the following otlices:
1. Governor.
2. Lieutenant governor.
Secretary of state.
Auditor of public accounts.
Superintendent of public instruc-
Commissioner of
public land
and buildings,
And to transact such other business
as may properly come before the con
vention. The several counties are entitled to
representation as follows: The appor
tionment being based upon the vote
cast for Hon. Albert J. Burnham, for
presidential elector in 1S96, giving
each county one delegate at largo and
one for each 125 votes and a major
fraction thereof:
Adams 15 Johnson 1-
Antelope i' Kimball 2
Banner...'. 2, Knox 9
Blaine -i Kearney 9
Boone 10 Keith 2
Box Butte 5 Keya Paha 3
Bod 5j Lancaster !3
Brown 4Lnicoln 10
Buffalo lt I Logan 2
Burt 14' Loup 2
Butler 11 Madison 16
Cass 22McPherson 1
Cedar 9 Merrick 9
Chase 3 Nance 7
Cherry 6l Nemaha , 13
Cheyenne s Nuckolls 10
Clay l.VjOtoe 21
Colfax HiPawnee 13
Cuming lliPhelps 9
Custer 13; Perkins 2
Dakota 6, Pierce
Dawes 8'Platte 1
. 10, Polk.
Deuel 3
Dixon 8
Ked Willow 9
Richardson 19
Rock 4
Sarpy fi
Saline IS
Saunders IS
Scott's Bluff 3
Seward 15
Dodee 21
Douglas luo
Dundv 3;
Fillmore 14
Franklin s
Sherman 4
Sioux 2
Stanton 5
Thayer 13
Thomas 1
Thurston 5
Valley 7
Washington II
Wayne 9
Webster 10
Urant z
Greelev 4
Hail..." 1
Hamilton 12
Harlan S
Haves 3
Hitchcock.-. 4
Holt 8 Wheeler
Hooker 1
Howard 7
Jefferson 11
York 16
Total 915
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention and
that the delegation present be author
ized to cast tho entire vote of the dele
gation of the county which they rep
resent. It is requested that tho county con
vention select their committeeman
aod perfect their county organization
at the first convention counties in
which two conventions are held.
David II. Mkkcek,
Ed. R. Sizek,
Blanco tried to committ suicide
when the Dews of the destruction of
Cervera's fleet reached him, and was
prevented by membars of his staff.
n w
. I Y I
1 111
1, I II'.
Meagre Reports From the Be
leajrueretl City.
Vtr 1 xrt titriit Aria to Kt-lurn tin
Troop to SmIii (uiuiimnilrr Vt
aon Will liiVHtlo NjiuiiUIi WatiTt
Willi u Vnry Nlroiig I'ltirt.
V AHiilNUToN, 1). C, July 14, 1 p. m.
(lonorul Torral parleyed with Shaf
tti r aud iihIco! to havo a commission
appointed to confer about terms of
surrender. Shafter wired Washing
ton for instruction, and cot reply
that no commission would bo appoint
ed. Tho terms were unconditional
surrender or light.
A later telegram says Santiago has
Washington, D. C , July 14. 3 p.
m. Santiago has surrendered. The
adjutant general received the follow
ing from Playa: "Adjutant General,
Washington: Ilavo just returned
from an interview with General Toral.
lie agrees to surrender upon tho basis
of being returned to Spain. This
proposition embraces all of eastern
Cuba from Azcerredos on the south to
Sagua on the north, via Palma, with
practically the fourth army corps.
Commissioners moot this afternoon at
2:30 to definitely arrange the terms.
W. R. Shaktek,
"Major General."
Adjutant General Corbin announced
that Santiago had surrendered soon af
ter General Shaftor's dispatch was re
ceived. The telegram showed that
the Spaniards hal agreed to our
to:-ms. Only the details now remain
to bo adju-tcl.
Nkw York, July 11. A special to
the Herald f i oin Washington says:
Believing that the effect of an appear- of an American squadron on the
Spanish coast will bo in direct propor
tion to the strength of the fleet, Sec
retary .Long and the naval board have
decided to strengthen Cimtnolore
Watson's command by an additional
armor clad and probably three or four
protected aud unprotected cruisers.
A New War Cloud.
Italy has made some heavy demands
on the republic of Colombia and it is
said war is not unlikely, as the repub
lic cannot comply with Italy's de
mand. Germany is not so offish as
she was, and the'general outlook for
early peace, so far as this country is
concerned, is good.
Electric Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has
often abated long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act
mo: e surely in counteracting and free
ing the fyitem from the malarial
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric
Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at
P. G. Fricke's drug store. 1
What docs it cost to get tnere ?
When and how should one go ? What
should one take? Where are the
mines ? How much have they pro
duced ? Is work plentiful ? What
wages are paid V fs living expensive?
What are one's chances of "making a
s'riite?" Complete and satisfactory
replies to the above questions will be
found in the Burlington route's'Klon
dyke Folder," now ready for distribu
tion. Sixteen pages of pratical infor
mation and an . up-to-date map of
Alaska and the Klondyke. Free at
Burlington route ticket offices or sent
on receipt of four cents in stamps by
J. Francis, Gen. Pas. Agt. Burlington
route, Omaha, Neb.
Household Godd.
The ancient Greeks believel that
the Penates were the gods who at
tended to tha welfare and p osperity
of the family. : hey w-.-ro worship
ped as household cods. The house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
New Dii-coverj . Fur consumption,
cough-?. eol's and for :ll aftVc'ions of
throat. ct,e-t and lunis, it is invalu
able. It ba- b en t ied for a quarter
of a c nti;ry at d is gu.-i raiiteed to cure
or mo; ey ret rned. No household
should b-j without this good angrel. It
is le. san in tak- and ;i safe and sure
remedy for old : nd you g tree ttial
bottle at. F. G. Kr eke & t o's. Regu
lar size oOo nd $1.
The Ferry lit Running.
I have put a cib e entirely across
tho Plaito liver at Oreapolis, and
with thr e boats 1 am cros-sing all
wh' come ihi way. The sand bars
no longer make any trouble every
thing new : nd safe. Your patronage
solicited. Pktek NORP.
A Word to I'h.vs'clans.
Do you know that many broad mind
ed physicians arc using Foley's Honey
and Par C uh Syrup in their prac
tice, hey have found no remedy
that gives s ttisfactory results for
all ' hi o it and lung com pi ints as this
gi e.-it coUifh medicine.
S A LES M A N W A N 1 ED By large
Factory supplvinsj f'-ee ru'fit and pay
ing several $40 wtckly Brattice, 243
Pearl, Now York.
"XTcscribe them lecausc they never vary 1
from one standard of medicinal quality
the highest and doctors nre careful folks.
You trust your family doctor of
course. Ask him.
la Mated bottles only.
Ot JJrugguu.
IJanjreroon Odors.
Soino smells are dangerous. A single
miff of highly concentrated prus.sio sicid
will kill a man as quickly as a shot
through tho heart. Tho odor of a bad
gg is duo to the presence of sulphnret
ed hydrogen, and tho objectionable
perfumes of sewers and boae factories
aro attributable chiefly to tho samo gas.
Chemical laboratories are famous for
bad smells. Berzelius, who discovered
the element called "selenium," once
tried the experiment of permitting i
bubble of pure hydrogen selenide gas to
enter his nostril. For days afterward he
was not able to smell strong ammonia
the olfactory nerves being temporarily
paralyzed. Selenium gas has tho odor
of putrid horso radish. Tellurium is
even worse. There is a story of a physi
cian whose patient, a lady, refused to
take an absolutely necessary rest be
cause she was so fond of being always
on the go in society. He gavo her a pill
containing a small quantity of telluri
um, and her breath was affected by it
to such an extent that she was not able
to appear in public for a mouth. She
never guessed what the trouble was.
The volatized essential oil of roses i?
supposed to cause "rose cold." This,
peculiar complaint is so far nervous in
its character that paper roses sotaetinies
excito it. Boston Transcript.
John Milton's Portrait.
John Milton's harmonicall and in
genioso soul did lodge in a beautiful
and well proportioned body. He was a
spare man. He had abroun (auburn)
hayre. His complexion exceeding fairt
he was so faire that they called him
"tho lady of Christ's College. "
faca His eie adarke gray. He had .
delicate tuneable voice, and had good
skill. His father instructed him II
had an organ in his howse ; he played
on that most. Of a very cheerful hu
mour. lie would be cheariul even in
his gowtefitts, and sing. He was very
healthy and free from all diseases: sel-
dome tooke any physique, (only some
times he tooke manna:) only toward his
latter end he was visited with the
gowte, epring vud fall. Ho had a very
good memorie, but I belceve that his
excellent method cf thinking and dis
posing did much to helpe his memorie.
He pronounced the letter R (littera
canina) very hard a certaine sine of
a satyricall witt. Temperate man, rare
ly drank between meales. Extreme
pleasant in his conversation, and at din
ner, supper, etc., but eatyricall. Au
brey's "Brief Lives."
Told on Kentucky Legislators.
A member of the late legislature from
Bouthern Kentucky was invited one
evening to participate in a Welsh rab
bit lunch at the Capitol hotel. Diking
himself out, he awaited the hour. With
that prince of good fellows, Tutt Bur
man, he walked into the dining room.
where coffee and rabbits were served
standing. After partaking of one or two
and a cup of coffee, he remarked to
Tutt: "This is no rabbit. It's nothing
but fried cheese and light bread. " It
is useless to say that member never at
tended any more lunches.
On another occasion the assembly
balls or germans, which were given ev
ery Tuesday night, attracted the attcn
tion of a mountain member, and he
asked, "Whar are all them people goin
that aro goin up stairs?" Some one re
marked up to tho german. "The
you say. Do they let the Dutch dance
here?" Owen ton (Ky. ) News.
A Glorious Sight.
A very amusing mistake was that
discovered by a proofreader in a work
written by Dean Stanley. The latter
wrote, to use a colloquialism familiar
in printing establishments, the "vilest
hand" that ever puzzled the composi
tor. In one chapter the dean was de
scribing a journey to Jerusalem, the
frequent recurrence of the name of the
Holy City causing him to use the con
traction " Jers. " Narrating the approach
of his party to Jerusalem, Dean Stanle y
described their ascent up the hills over
looking tho city. He pictured in glow
ing language and striking phrases the
effect of the setting sun as it gilded the
hilltops in a golden haze, concluding,
as the compositor put it, in these words,
"And as we slowly turned our faces to
the east our eyes met with the glorious
sight of Jones. "
Resourceful School ma'am.
An editor in Nebraska visited the
schoolma'am and found her "hot stuff. "
Here's what he swears to :
"She is the pride of the town, the
star of invention and a jewel of bril
liancy. She drew a picture of an iceberg
on the blackboard. It was so natural
that the thermometer froze up solid.
With rare presence of mind she seized a
crayon and drew a fireplace on the op
posite wall. The prompt action saved
the school, but nearly all the pupils
caught a severe cold from the sudden
changes. " Crookston (Neb. ) Times.
After Him.
Here is an extract from one of the
latest novels:
"Gerald Harbison panted heavily.
The close atmosphere of the little apart
ment constrained his splendid lungs.
He went to the window, opened it an
threw out his massive chest. "
All of which would go to show thai
the landlady was hot on his track-
Cleveland Plain Deals?.
Patient I'm feeling wretched, doc
tor. I take no interest in anything, have
no appetite, can't sleep
Doctor Why don't you marry the
girl? Loudon Punch.
In France when the use of yeast waa
first introduced it was deemed by th
medical faculty to be so injurious to
health that its use was prohibited under
the severest penalties.
To the Farmers o
Cass County:
The Dcpiirtuicii t Store tvril (u hun
dreds of dollars by c1r'ii-uu' 1 lie 'i"v of
(iroceries. Dry (Hoods, Shot's aw J the: articles.
Since our advent in l'la t tstiioutli, the regular
profit on (Irocrries has been reduced over filty
per cent.
We have done you jood we have saved
you money. It is but lair, under the cincuni
stances, that you should appreciate our elVorts
by 4"ivinr us at least a portion of your trade.
We pride ourselves 0:1 selling floods cheaper
than any other house in Cass county. We do
this b' paying cash for our joods and beiuf satis
fied with a close margin of profit. If you ap
preciate low prices and fair treatment, come and
see us.
The Department Store,
South Side Main Street,
3s T,bc Smith premier typewriter
Omaha Branch Ofllco, cor.
mm Oltiesi
BEST rigs for Weddings, Punorals or l'lou-.n-o l'a-tiou, cc. II:u-l ordtt
attended to promptly. Terma rousorii'.re. P-pi proforn-d C'dil :init K'"'
rates Telephone 7G.
N. B. W. D. Jottc auctioneer i?M kld ';odi and f-rt t :U
disrobed o?
Permanently cured hv usincr DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEITMATIf' f'TTKE Thn
surest and the hest. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Trice 50 cents
yer box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
..Good JToh Printing;
The Casino Saloon
Headquarters for tho
Best Beer On Earth.
As Proved By the
Greatest Medical Ex
perts in this Country,
and is Giving Special
Attention this Year
to tho Bkst Brand.
of Bottled Bf:ku.
You Can Always Find a Full
Supply of
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The Public Has
Shown Its Appreciation of
BudweisER by the Fact that
Five Hundred Million Bot
tles Were Consumed Last
Delivered to Any Part of the City.
HIL THIEROLF, Proprietor.
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
Drew RuildiDg, Hattsmouth, Neb.
Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p.
m; Bcrvkeseach Sunday.
& Z VJi tl' C ; 2 & V, '. il' VJ. 'ill KZ 1
Best Vat-' Olrlting Machine.
Ras all the K-Rtcot T.mprorcmcnts.
popular I5ccaii9 cf flcrit.
JVIost Durable tTypctvriter f-Tade.
premier Buyers do JNot experiment.
lUn'te for JVcw Hrt Catalogue free.
Smith premier typewriter Co.,
Syracuse, f. . H. 8. H.
Seventeenth and Parnam sl.
5- ?
Css County's
ClTcrs the very hest facilities lor tlie
j'ri.iiipt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
UTO'SK'S, h i j i. Js, ,-o'd, to vcrntuent :md lo n!
seen: rit r, u'ht ami solrl. Deposits re
ceived -i'jl Interest Hllowefl on the certfl
eutcs. Dr;ifi3 dr.iwn, available In any
part of ? I", s. ury i all t he principle
towns f F;iroo. 'JoiUictlons made and
pror.-ipiij rtrn.lted. Hlshest market
priee i'i f'-r "nunty warrants, state
an! o irtv l",r)d.
H. N. ;
I . 1 !a-.vK . 1 1 ;.. S. Waueh.
K I".. While. G. K. 1 lovev.
(jw.t.. I;..-:., I'rrs.. S. Wa'.'i, Cashier.
II "w. I) iv;v. A ' t-i,;!r
I ' s trw s! ; M-k, i, oh- i jjTi, and
i. I'l'-'i'ip iJ i-;; t.-r than ev-r
t " ' Hi; i: I l if
ft G..f:;;;v;! Livery Business.
Q 1 njriJu t" nM p:r!- of the
inuuiy. Lon- prfer-i and court
t j t ! . ' ra; o : :s-vi-
STlHLrv --JX.U M UV1 STS.,
t'l.ttt-iiiniiih. vi trasL.i.
:,", IJuihlcr.
Contracts taken for the erection ot Residences.
Harns ami anv kind of carpenter work, in anv
! nrt f.f Vf-ntmtv I'all nr a. htr
I1AKVEY UOLLOWAY, l latumonth, Neb