Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 15, 1898, Image 1

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    Semi-W eej
T-iK .NK1' S. KhluMntn-il Nov. ft. IWil.
I II 1 : 1 1 1 .1. A l.l l hi al,libl..l April 111. WH.
'. CinsoliuuU;d Jan. 1. lMt.'i.
This Space
Belongs to the
Firm of
snyder & CO.,
Jewelers and Opticians,
Boeck Block.
No Cheap Goods
No shoddy war. -s, which wo a'-o m irk 'iig
".spocial ,iw Prices.'' Wo have iwsoii in lin n' ) i-iiie-s u
1 'l.ili.-.'iu 1 1 ii for the oast twenty-eight years and have e-i .bhsh ;ii a
r!pn ' ;it.'iii foe. . . .
The Best Goods at the.
..Lowest Possible Prices.
Ttiis is our motto, our invariable
ni . and wo do not iinipit-io to
l-iu i f oiii iinow. Oir Sprint!
-.lock is . ir'i'i' and mora coui
i niij this year than uvop.
Wo are sole agents in Platts
nioiith for too celebrated "Black
(Jul" brand Triple Knee Stocking-
Come in mid see us and we
will trout you right.
Triple Knee fSj
"leather Stocking AyO.
hake &v-
-I. ,.!? I
The Sherwin-Wujjams Co.
Not low priced,
our reputation.
s;iy so too after
Cupboards, Shelves.,
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pur
pose, not one slap-dash mix
ture for all.
but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know
We say these are the best paints we know of. You'll
you have used them. r.
It would ho just liko the iriepres
riihlc Yankees to fix up the Cbristobal
Colon and Bend her over to drop a few
shells into the Cadiz navy yard. The
night of Christopher Columbus bom
barding Spain would bo dramatic.
The Third regiment will not allow
Colonel Bryan to usurp all the honors,
art company li will como in for its full
.share, having among its members a
Win. McKinley, a Hobson, and a
Sampson. Company LJ, ought to dis
tinguish itself, and wo believe it will.
Tt costs ten cents more to get mar
ried now than it did a month ago, as
the war tax on a marriage certificate
is ten cents, though really the preach
er oug lit to foot tbe bill, as he gets
big p;iy for very little work.
In twelve years the city of Santiago
do Cuba will celebrate the 500 1 h anni
versary of its founding, and if the peo
ple troat Shaffer and his army right
the old city will be in good condition
for a first class celebration. Kx.
The nights now are of a quality
which evokes the highest commenda
tion of the best judges. Tho sun may
pour down in copious quantities dur
ing tho day in hie superheated rays,
but when tho shade of night fall there
is a gentle breeze that is ms cool as if
it issued torn .some grotto. It laves
tbe tiied toiler and woos him into a
sleep that knits iu the ravelled sleeve
of care, banishes blues, restores tho
wasted energy of the body and makos
life worth living. Lie down for Ne
braska! Fremont Tribune.
Holt county, which has been the
head and front of populism and foment
in Neb aska, seems to h ive undergone
a charngo of heart. The populist
j county con vention held there Satur
day contained only thirty delegates
out of 106 provided under the call,
beirg the smallest on record. Besides
this tho convention appeared to bo in
the hands of ihe iconoclasts, for they
shattered two pouocratic idols Con
gressmen G eene and Governor Kol
eimib, declaring atrainst both of them.
Here is a to' pedo boa, destroyer of
which t ho fusion gunboats sit Lincoln
will be compelled to take note. Kx.
M.-.yo.- Nelson of Nobrak i City
a tn -Tried ill- lir.-t of lhe week to a
Mis- Her.-h- , a prominent young
i d v i f i h a I city.
The city of Lincoln is not yet bank
rupt, as is evider.ced by the fact that
4vO,0(KJ of the new government loan
Wi-.s taken in that city.
TH EY c-ii -y i he afgest an I most eomo ete 'ne in Cass "county, c very
thing ' ;! an oe. The nay cash fo- our goods and g:ve tiie i eusto
mors The Mltf-uil;ii;e o' suec'a! discounts. A rump ete line of canned go ds
always 'ii - oc. The omv o'aeeiothe city where you can get ali kinds of
fresh Ciieese. Call and see us.
A. K. WECKBACH & GL Waterman Blk.
is a guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and
BLADDcR Diseases.
Fo. Sale by SMITH & PA It M EL E and FUICKE & CO.
For Sale. (
The Sve acres with residence, east
an! adjoining B. & M. lumber yards, j
iii aces in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells.
Ciste.-n. Cellar.
Tii- Gut lleii continues to head the
list as a o-cent cigar. Ask for no
other. j
'T think DeWitt's Witch Hazel;
Slve is the finer-t preoaration on the
mrkei fo'- oiles " So John C.
Da . n, of, Va. Try it and
you will think the same. It alsocupes
eczema aud all skin diseases. F. G.
It is, or should b- the highest aim
of every merchant to please h s cus
tomer?; ana lhat, -he w;de-awak' ) ug
firm of Meyers &'em in, 3ierli:iir.
lil.. isdoinir so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from M r. Esiilexan: "It my
sixteen j-eai s. experience in the drug
business ( iisve nversen or soid or
tried met! cinf lhat gave a- jood sat
is faci i on ;is C n am be la Co1'.
Cho'era and D ar hoei llemedy."
Sold bj all druggist
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, AgeDt.
Commissioners' I'roreedlnga.
Pl.ATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 5, 1898.
Bo lt d met pursuant to adjournment.
Present, J. C. Hayes, Geo W. Young
and J. P. Falter, county commission
ers, James Robertson, county clerk.
Minutes of previous session read
and approved, when the following bus
iness was transacted in regular form.
Board was engaged examining public
roads and looking after delinquent
taxes, and adjourned to meet July 6,
July 6, 1898.
Board met pursuant to adjournment;
full board present.
J C Hayes, sal and exp $ 36 00
G W Young, same 32 00
J V Falter, same 2& P0
Jas Robertson, same 216 90
" " paid freight, etc 8 64
Geo L Farley, salary, etc 103 M)
A I Graves, same 2.r,0 00
E E Hilton, labor 38 60
Lyman Ki'.dow, same 5 00
S A Davis, oil ( 60
B J llempel. salary. 50 M)
A L Todd, same 54 19
J D McBride. boarding prison rs .. 69 00
V D Wheeler, jailors fees 45 00
S II Shoemaker, work at poor farm 16 25
John Waterman, rent 11 CO
F R Guthman, board company B 374 2')
EH Heitzhausen, same 214 80
R F Dean, same 43 20
State Journal Co, Vault Furniture 245 0
Chris Wohlfarth, labor 4 00
Wm Hassler, same 3 95
D M Johnson, organ taken on taxes 25 00'
Omaha Printing Co. supplies 25 82
Neb Telephone Co. phone rent? 20 25
L Ottnat, part pay painting court house.. 25 00
Omaha Paint & Oil Co.mdse to Ottnat... 84 80
Wm Schmidtman, mdse to poor farm 16 00
XV XV Coates, same 5 00
R F Dean, same 49 50
P D Bates, work at jail 13 25
Zuckweiler& Lutz, mdse to poor 8 00
A H Weckbach. same 16 25
E G Dovey & Son. same 14 85
Marshal Bros., same 2 00
Wurl & Coffey, same 14 05
Asher Clark, same 6 Orj
FS Gold, same 12 00
J J Swoboda.Jr same 5 0
B C Marquardt, same 3 CO
Aug Bach, same 8 00
O D Axtell, same 3 00
Wm Herold & Son. same 5 00
M rs Dora Fleishman, care of pauper 18 00
Mrs R E Yorder, same 6 00
JC Smith, same 10 00
Fee Bill, insane case, Rexford 43 80 i
L Shuetz. road work dist No. 7 $ 10 00
Davis & Eikenbary, mdse to Co 2 05
J R Sheeley & Co., building bridges. ...$ 1.094 09
Board adjourned to meet in regular
session Tuesday, July 19, 1898.
James Robertson,
County Clerk.
Judge M. L. Hay ward is not a candi
date ior any office, but he has broken
the silence by informing friends that
he will not allow the use of his name
In the congressional con vention. This
ought to settle that question. It is
also cheerful news to those who main
tain that Judge Hayward is l"ie logi
cal candidate for governor and that he
can have tho nomination from tho re
publican btete convention if ho desires
it. Judge Iliiyward attended the na
tional republican league mooting at
Omaha aud while there he was bo
hiegod by republicans to consent to
become a candidate for governor. Ho
was told by prominent members of the
parly that he was choico of a majority
of the party and that if nominated
he could be elected.
A delegate who talked with Judge
Hayward said that Hayward would
undoubtedly accept the nomination
for governor. In justice to others
who mitrht aspiro to tho oflieo Judge
Hayward was told that ho outfit to
make his positon Known. In reply ho
said he was once an aspirant for tho
nomination when a uoininalion was
considired as good as an election, but
that ho would not decline the honor
at this time when it meant a hard
This statement, together with the
word of Judge II .yward that he does
not intend t go before the congres
sional convention is cheering to those
who want to place a strong man at tho
head of tho republican state ticket.
"My men fought like (rue Span
iards," says Captain Hulat ? of the Viz
caya. This seems to bo a perf. eily cor
rect statement. First they tried to
run away, then, finding it impo-sibl.-,
they fired liko '"crazy men," doing no
damage, and then they surrendered,
wnich gave us the ship. After doing
this they ran her aground in order to
wreck the ship they had surrendered
Very like Spaniards. New York
I"o Subscribers.
We are carrying over a thousand
accounts on our books, many of them
small but in the agsrroato it amount
to a neat sum which would help us out
if paid in. If vou can't pay all you
owe t-end us a dollar and we will send
receipt by return mail with a card of
thanks thrown in.
The Salem Chautauqua.
The Salem Chautauqua ( p -ns in
about one week, (Saturday July SO)
and many of our people are arranging
to attend. There is no better plaee
in the west to spend an outing", pre
senting as it does a most coarming
combination of beautiful grounds,
splendid program and courteous treat
ment to all its patrons. Reduced rates
on railroads to all wishing to attend.
At this particular season of tho year
a most delightful outting may be
cheaply arranged by camping at the
Salem Chautauqua where a jolly crowd
and good entertainment awaits all
visitors. It opens July 80 and closes
August 7. See bills and program.
E. B. Banks, of Lewisville, Texas,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was worth $50,000 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years stand
ing. He advises others to try it. It
also cures eczema, skin diseases and
obstinate soi es. F. G. Fricke.
Maybe tbe reason why Mrs. Colby
has enlisted in the newspaper corps
of war correspondents might be found
in the fact that she wants to keep an
eye on the general and see if he is
really as brave as he talked around
the house. Lincoln New-?.
In New Quarters.
Having removed to the Merges'
building, next to LehnhoffV, I will
continue to keep a selected stock of
tropical fruits, and will serve ice
cream and lemonade as formerly.
John Schiapecasse.
Truths Tersely Told.
Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sure
remedy for all kiDds of kidney and
bladder diseases.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
I warranted. .1. W. Crahill. first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Loyal Mystic Legion of America.
Will meet in I. O. O. F. ha l. Fitz
eeraid block, i-econd and fourth Mon
days each month, until further notice.
There's no better flour made than
Hisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. As-k your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same tic e,
which builds up the town.
Many people gather trio ns by fail
ing to heed ti-- w. nWi -ent out by
diseased kidneys coated tf-njru-e par
ched skin feverish -s dall aching
pain general feeling of we ikness is
sure evidence of kidnay and biadder
trouble. TakeUi'h Kidney fJeai.s at
once they lave c.ivii thou-aDds of
others. TheTuuneusof L'uiladel
PHA make Utah Kid' ev Beans.
E. B. Samuels, County Clerk of Hickman
County, Clinton. Kentucky, testities. that lie
suffered lor ye;. is w .hh-.ui 'o e pains in the back,
kidneys and b adder iv..'ia-d.cJ by many physi
ciansthey gave h:m no relief ne got so that he
could hardly stand alone Lth Kidney pans,
he says completely cured him. He gladly rec
..nmends them to all sufferers
F. G. Fricke & Co., Selling agents for Platts
mouth and Cass Co.
Turner's Little Liver Turners A very
small pill. Turn your liver. A. true laxative.
An after-dinner pill.
Opposite Bank of Cass County.
IS lbs best granulated sugar I1.0U
1! li s best "C" jugar 1.00
Bucket Syrup 45
Cucket Jelly 40
12 lb package Oatmeal 05
Price biking powder, 1-lbcan... 38
Pi ice biking powder. J-lb can 20
lion-lion baking powder, 1-lbcan 10
C'llumot baking powder, 1-lbcan 19
1 It) Pepper 18
10 cent sack of Salt 05
lo-cent sack of Salt 10
Best Salt, 2o() lbs 1 00
Lemon extract, per bottle 05
Vanilla extract, per bottle 05
Coal oil, per gal 10
New York Cream Cheese V'
Good bucket I'd
Best fibre bucket , 25
Bran, 100 lbs 55
Elegant flour bins 1 25
Lamp chimneys 5
Argo glosa starch 01
Argo corn starch 04
Best crackers, per lb
1 doz. clothes pins 01
California Prunes, per lb $ o."
Elegant Raisins, per lb 05
packages Parlor Matches 24
Dwight's Cow brand soda, per lb. 07
Soap, 15 bars 25
Buttermilk So.t p, .' b i rs OH
Special b.-and colTeo, per lb 10
Special brand tea, per lb 25
.'-lhcan tomatoes OS
2-lb can corn 07
2-lbcan cove o;'crs 15
1-lbcan cove (,Vs!c's OS
1 lest tomato ( at sup, per bottle... 10
Kuiev gl aM inu -1 aril .... ... 10
(.'ondc ii-eil milk, .'i cans 25
(Jood peaches, per lb 07
Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth.
m vlh
Strap Bow Sandals.
Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is better...
We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the most reliable manufacturers in the United
States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes are refused by an expert,
iirJi and not permitted to pass to the trade.
i We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cases of STUFF that looks like Shoe-,
Isi and then swell up and advertise "the Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you to our place of busiue--, and
folli then comoel you to look with chagrin and disgust on the small assortment and make shift with something
fr3j you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statements, for we . . .
1 Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of $4,000,
So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to 6tand and scratch 3 our bead and
won Jer what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and we can spring ?omr;thin this spring
during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make you say: " 1 11 take those."'
Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Footwear:
Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to 5's 55c.
Chi d's Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's 65c.
Child's Extra fine Choc, strap Sandals 80c and 95c.
Child's Ex ra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 8i to
11 $1 CO to tl.15.
Mi.-se-' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Hi to
2's-$l.25 10 $1.50.
Mi-!-e-' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 90c to 41.
Job lot all solid Goat button, 8i to 11 75c to 85c.
Ladles' Oxfo ds $1 25, 41.50, 41.65.
Infants' Chocolate, button, 2"s to 5 "5c.
Infants' Dongola button. 2V to 5"s 55c.
Inf tnts' Choc, (extra line) burton, 2" to 5's 75':.
Infants' (Red and IJ.ue S'-ilch) fine quality Don
gola button 75c.
Child's Vesting Too. ext. -a firie Choc, bow 1.25
to 41.40.
Child's Anvil bottom Choc. la:e, Si to li !1.25
to $1.35.
Little Gents', pit. back 6 trap, 8j to 11 51.50.
Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather o Humbuggery.
raj'fTj 173171
I desire to attest to the merits of
Chamber a n's Cough Remedy as one
of the rr.0-1 valuable and efficient
prepaiations on the market. It broke
an exceed ngly danierous cough for
me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there
for. I d-s i e to ii.form you that I will
never fie without it and you should feel
proud of the high esteem in which
you- Remedies are held dy people in
seceral. It is the one remedy among
ten thi-u-and. Success to it. O. R.
Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion,
Ind. Ko sale by all dru?gists.
j Win your battles against disease by
j acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produced immediate result;
when taken early It prevents coi sump
tion. And in later stages it furnisnes
prompt relief. F. G. Fricke.
Get Wasa-a-Lone soap at Zuck
weiler & Lutz.
On the morning jf Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 2ist, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded con. plete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Mokeaux, Luverue,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
f A man stands no chance of being
J elected to trie mayorsh: p of a city UDler-s
' he enj -ys the con fid "nee and rt-em of
tils nei' hborr. Co. W. IJnmpn-ey is
the oo. ula may' r .f -; a :!.. , Ohio,
anc aiiuer d-i e o' -Ian 17. I5:, i.e
. writes as f- Low.-: "Hi 3 e : lfy
to o.j- aiorecia; -on of i am le-lair.'s
fo-sgh Il"nedy My f -in ly ud
.neighbors have tested it. and we
I know it is an excellent remedy for
J cughs and co'ds ("Jr.oisoi; W.
1 Hl'MI'HRKY," Sod bv a I d u 'i-i
lioh M. o e of of LaFaye"e. T .1.
savs- t ! 1 a r for con-T i p 1 tioi ha- .'. urui
DiV;ll" Little Early Jli-ers to bo
perrecu They nev. rg ipe. Try them
for stomache and liver troubles. F.
G. Fricke.