Mews Herat MI EKJLY HE NK'H. KHtublnhcd Nov. .1, lH!tl. PL ATTSMO UT II, NKH.. .JULY 8. 1898. xoi4. vi. :; j. II K I1KKALH, KHtiiblmliud April 10. i mi. f Oonftulldatod Jan. 1, lnnr. WEI This Space Belongs to the Firm of SNYDBR & CO., Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. No Cheap Goods No shoddy wares, which wo aro marking1 "Special Low Prices." We have been in the mercantile business m Plattsmouth for the oast twenty-eight years and have established a reputation for. . . . The Best Goods at tiie.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is our motto, our invariable rule, and wo do not propoxo to depart from it now. Our Spring stock is larger and more com plete this year than ever. Wo aro solo agents in Platts mouth for the celebrated "Black Cat" brand Triple Knee Stock ings. Come in and see us and we will treat you right. X. S. WI1ITK, J3I?Y GOODS JLXD GltOCJSltlJSS The Not low priced, but highest grade at our reputation. We say these are the say so too after you have used them. SOLD BY F. G. FRICKE & CO. THE LEADERS IN THE GR06ERY TRADE A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass bounty, u Every thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & (. Waterman 61k. What- JV For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO. For Sale. The five acres with res:denca, east and adjoining B. & M. lumber yards. 2i acres in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells. Cistern. Cellar. The Gut Heil continues to head the list as a fine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. "I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the finest preparation on the market for piles " So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheeling, Va. Try it and you will think the same. It also cures eczema Bud all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke. 3 Triple KNt "tfATHR Stocking Make Plackfaf Brand- Sherwin-Williams Co. MAKE PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves, Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tools, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. fair, honest prices. You know best paints we know of. You'll Here is one of those who are either so prej udiced against all ad vertised remedies, or have become discour aged at the failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles. Wanted Agents for "Gladstone His Life and Public Services," by Thoa. W. Handford. A wonderful story of a glorious career. Over 500 large, radiant pages, 100 superb rare engravings. Richest, biggest, best and only endorsed "Gladstone book" published. Only $1.50. Commission, 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Drop all trash and clear $300 a month with tha only true and good "Gladstone book." Address The Dominion Company, Dept. 315, 352-356 Dearborn street, Chicago. THI5 EVENING NEWS rUBLISHLU EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY ...BY THH... NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. D. POLK. EDITOR. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY BOITION. One Year, in advance I HO Six Months 3.4U One Week, (by carrier) 1U SIMI'WIIKLV BDITION. One Year, in advance $1.00 Six Months 50 CALL FOIt COUNTY CONVENTION. The republicans of Cass county are hereby called to meet in coven tion at Weeping Water, Nebraska, on Satur day, July 30, 1898, at one o'clock p. m. for the purpose of placing in nomina tion candidates for tho following offi ces, to-wit: County attorney, two members of the legislature, one sena tor, one member of tho board of county commissioners from the third district; also to select 24 delegates to tho state convention at Lincoln, August 10, at JO o'clock a. ra.; also 2G delegates to tho first congressioi al convention at Lincoln, on August 3, at 8 p. m., and for the transaction of such other bus iness us may properly come before the convention. The coruraitte recommended that there be no proxies recognized, but that tho delegates present from each pr.ecinet or ward cast its full vote. The prima'-ys to select delegates to s:iid convention will be held on Saturday, July '23. Representation is based on the vole cast for C. W. Kaley, (regent fur the state university in 1897,) being one delegate for each 15 votes or ma jor fraction thereof, and one delegate at large for each precinct or ward: I'KCT VOTINO PLACE TIME AND NO DEL Avoca Avoca 2pm 6 Center, Mauley 5 to S p m 7 8 M ile Grove, Heil school house 4 p in 7 Elmwood, Murdock school h'se 8pm 9 Greenwood, Alvo 8pm 6 Liberty, Union 8 p m 10 Louisville, Hassemier's hall 8 to 9 p m 9 Xuhawka, Nehawka sch'l h'se 8 to 9 p m 9 Mt Pleasant, Pleasant Dale " 8 to 9 p m 5 Rock bluffs First Dist., Murray school h"se 8 to 9 p ni 8 Second " Rock Bluits " 8 to 9 p m 5 Tipton I.unib'r office Kaule 8 to 9 p m 8 South Head, So IJend school h'se 8 to 9 p m 6 Stove C reek, Klmwood opera h'se 8 to 9 p m 12 Salt Creek, Greenwood 8 to 9 p m 8 V Water prct, Cascade school h'se S to 9 p m i Weeping Water City First Ward, G A R hall 8 to 9 p m f Second Ward, Council Chamber 8 to 9 p in 5 Third Ward, 1'owel's Hall 8 to 9 p m 4 l".att-l'rct Taylor school house 4 to 5 p in 7 riattsmoutli Cit First Ward. I'crkins House 6 to 8 p ra 7 St com! Ward, Turn r I Iall 6 to 8 p m 9 Third Ward, Ritch'y lmbr office t to 8 p ni 11 Fouith Ward, Council Chamber 6 ;o 8 p m 4 Fifth Ward, School House 6 tj 8 p m 6 C. D. Clai'1 Chairman. II. G. Bkakdslke, Secretarv. The call for a third terra is not loud enough for the pub ic to hear it, but it is said Gov. Holcomb can't sleep o' nights for the disturbance the call mikes. The new eastern equ idron will con sist of the battleships Iowa and Ore gon, the protected cruiser Newark, and the auxiliary cruisers (carrying side armor) Dixie, Yankee, and Yo semite, the colliers Averenda, CasBius, Caesar, Leonidas and Justin, and the supply boat De'monico. Tom Reed's opposition to annexa tion of Hawaii was not endorsed by his district convention. There are times when a man has outgrown his surroundings that a sort of shrinking process is a good thing. Tom needed a slight diminution in his opinion of the infallibility of Mr. Reed, and he got it. The Beatrice Express is booming Peter Jansen for governor, creating a tiresome feeling among its readers. If Janesen evr did anything beside run for an office we haven't heard of it. Nebraska has pienty of more suitable men to select from than Jansen, and no time should be wasted on that class of candidates. The Nebraska City News says edi torially: "With an abundance of la bor to perform there is no one to hire. With an abundance of peopie wanting money the banks hold millions of idle capital. With a powerful nation, ca pable of creating its own money, it goes to ruin ror want of it." Wnat a patriot (?) to pick flaws and preach dissatisfaction without offering & remedy. If there are so many people wanting money, and there is an abund ance of labor tj be performed, it is very evident that those wdo want the money prefer te steal it rather than work for it, or tramp around and exist without work. A powerful Na tion has never yet been of sufficient power to create values, or make some thing out of nothing. If the power to make money in any quantity exist ed, tben it would be criminal to allow any paupers to exist. They should all be made rich every Saturday night by the government paymasters who are to be the agents of the creator of all wealth. Our neighbor is either very bilious, or else it is drifting into socialism. THE RICHEST NATION Mr. Michael G. Mulball, the noted English statistician, is clearly of the opinion that no other nation compares with ouas in all the essential elements that go to make up aggregate wealth. He also notes the fact that while the most European countries ha ve attained their growth, the United States is ap parently on the threshold of an indus trial development which it has never dreamed of before. United States $H .7.'x.0tH).( ) Great Hritaiu 5U.tttii,iM).iiU France 47.W.Vi.0(OI0tJti Germany 40.2H,0"0.(i Russia :52.1Ti.0tx.(VK) Austria r.' Italy lri.NXI.lMl.lHH) Spain ll,:ttX),MK),00 These computations arobisod upon values as shown by real estate records, buildings, merchandise and railways as well as the circulating medium in each nation. As will be seen, our wealth is more than seven times great er than that of Spain, double that o.? Germany, two and a half times greator than Russia, nearly twice that of France, equal to the combined wealth of Russia. Italy, Austria and Spain, and $22,720,000,000 larger than that of Great Britain. I'.altimoro Herald INFORMATION AM) OI'INIONK. Blanco old boy, your tutn comes next, take warning from Cervera and do the right thing beforo its too late. If Admiral Camara ever gets to Man ila and will loolc ploasant, Admiral Dawey will take a snap shot tit him. Fremont Tribune. Emperor William, of Germany, who talks too much for what he hits to say has been nicknamed "Billy the sud den" and Willie the previous." It wouldn't be fair to send the cruiser "Yankee" with Watson to Spain. Their ideas of the Yankees have already undergone several changes. Roosevelts rough rides don't seem to be doing much riding, but they fight like a stack of wild cats and give the Spaniards a definition of what a rough house is like. Sagasta remarks that the 100,000 Spanish troops in Cuba will never surrender. But there aro 10,000,000 Americans of fighting ago who say they will have to. Tho result is not hard to gues?, It was Admiral Cerwra who made a grandiloquent speech to his seamen before starting for western waters to annihilate the American 11 iet and lay waste the coast of New England. The poor old man must feel bitterly humil iated now. He has no mote orations to make. He appears to be a superior sort of Spaniard. He is not entirely selfish, but devotes some thought to his men. Ex. Just a little while ago the Spanish ship Vizcaya visited these shores. It was at the time of the excitement over the Maine disaster. Captain Eulate spent several days at New York, and then went away and told the Spaniards that there was no discipline on board American war vessels, and that we didn't know anything about naviga tion or the management of guns. Now the captain's ship lies on a junk heap and tho captain himself is a prisoner. He might be persuaded, while on board an American vessel, to give us a few pointers on the management of guns. Ex. The Krag-Jorgensen seems to have come to stay. Its. terrible power of destruction were amply revealed in the fighting of Friday and Saturday. And it was noteworthy that our Sec ond regiment had hardly begun firing Wednesday afternoon before it was ordered to stop, the smoke from the Sgriuefield rifies making too good' a target for the enemy. The Spring field was a great gun in its. time, and soldiers who have used it part from it with regret, but its day is past. The sooner it is replaced everywhere by the new magazine rifles the better. Springfield Republican. EXPOSITION NOTE From the Bee. A temporary stoppage in the sewer near the Press buildiDg daring the rain -Wednesday afternoon caused the entire street to be covered with water to a depth of a foot or more and people bound to or from the north tract were obliged to wade through this water. Many men and women attempted the feat, wading through the water and creating all kinds of fun for the on lookers in the adjoining buildings. Several camera fiends seized the op portunity for catching snap shots and the bad humor of the waders was greatly augmented by the knowledge that they were being put on record in their ridiculous plight. Commissioner Lesson of New Mexico is arranging to have the fruit growers of his state send three or four carloads of grapes later in tbe season to be dis tributed among the exposition crowds. He has already secured the assuranee of one carload and expects to secure othere before the grape reason opens. If you vant t smoke the best try Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. The finest 5 cent cigar made. Old papers for sole at this office. DEPAKTMEN Opposite READ 18 lbs best granulated sugar $1.00 10 lbs best "C" dugar 1.00 Bucket Syrup Aiy Bucket Jelly 40 2 lb package Oatmeal 0f IVico baking powder, 1-lbcan... 38 Price baking powder, 1-lb can. .. .'10 Bon-Bon baking powder, 1-lb can 10 Calumet baking powder, 1-lb can 10 1 lb Pepper IS 10 cent sack of Salt Oo lo-cent sack of Salt 10 Best Salt, 2o0 lbs 1 00 Lemon extract, per bottle 05 BARGA NS IT WILL PAY YOU TO ATTEND 7 GREAT SPECIAL SALE. DEPARTMENT S Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmoui 1 mh m m u n ;U! Ml Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is bolter... We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the most reliable manuf id. j n , , i i States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes a re i:'u- i . and not permitted to pass to the trade. We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cases of .STUFF ll. ' :;- and then swell up and advertise 'Hhe Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you to our p'.a'.: :' then comoel you to look with chagrin and disgust on tho small assortment a-.d make -i.if! i . you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statements, for we h i . . . m m m m m m m m Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of S4 So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand an 1 - :.' won Jer what to do, for we havo an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and we can eprHg .'.. during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make yn - : PRICES ON Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2s to o's 50c. Child's Choco ate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's 65c. Child's Extra flne Choc, strap Sanda:s 85c and 05c. Child's Ex ra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sindals, 81 to 11 $1 00 to 41.15. Missed Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Hi to 2's-$1.25 to $1.50. Mi-se-.' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 90c to $1. Job lot all solid Goat button. 8i to 11 75c to 85c. Ladies' Oxfo ds f 1.25, $1.50, $1.65. Hi H M m m M m m El p. Everything REPAIRING. rjUrrMllJI I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one of the muH valuable and efficient preparations on the market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there for, I desire to inform you that I will never be without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your Remedies are held dy people in general. It is the one remedy among ten thousand. Success to it. O. R. Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion, Ind. For sale by all druggists. Get Wash-a-Loue soap at Zuck weiler & Lutz. Bank of Cass N THESE PRICES Vanilla extract, per bottle 0' Coal oil, per gal In New York Cream Chctve '.' Good bucket 1 .'! Best fibre bucket , Bran, 100 lbs ."" Elegant Hour bins 1 !!" Lamp chimneys u Argo gloss starch HI Argo corn starch 1 Best crackers, per lb tl 1 doz. clothes pins 01 California Prunes, per lb C. Elegant Raisins, per lb (t"i OJtFOHOS, JtL- JS Strap Infants' Chocolate, button. Infant- Dongola button. Ii' laf tnts" Clioe. (jxt:'a Ii Infants' (Bed and B.o go. a button 75c. Child' Ve-sting Top. exl;- to $1.-J0 Child' Anvil bo'.torn Cim to -tl.5. Little Gents', pit. ba: hi Mentioned Is Solid Leather No Humhii'cry, SHERWOOD Win your battles against direase by r acting promptly. One Minute Couirh Cure produces immediate re.-ul's; when taken early it prevents consump tion And in later stages it furnishes , prompt relief. F. G. Fricke uu luo uiuruiiij; ui i.. was sick with rheumatism, and lay in bed until May lst, when I got a bottle j r rn-u::. r..;n T'jim Tim first application of it relieved me al most entirely from the pain and the second afforded complete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again. A. T. Mokeacx, Luverue, Minn. Sold by all druggists. County. :: lvvi lit ( Sin 1 1. I ' 1 1 I In! t' rm 1 ! S ic 'i 1 a ; 1 1 . S m I .i 1 1 1' I .'I -i 1 1 i 1 1 (.M "J -1 1 1 can ii. J ili . ii 1 -Hi ra n ' i i 1 1 1, t 1 1 1 1 a i I''. i ni'1' ; ' . a ( 'oil i r i - - -1 J.M.ll ' I ' ' '! ! 1 I ( ' I 'I ! i I', J.. I. ' y - Bow Seine:: ! i ' r. ' is-i Foots; fi 3 r i :oot .L!r-:Ei r.iii A man slanil i o olffted totr.e tnayn;. he enj ys the coi.l'.t; his neighbors. ;.o. rn o! v i - the popular mayor ana unaer n.-tit- oi writes s fol.ow-: tl iltll' i-ijw!'.' (JOUjrh Kerned neighbors h iv know it i- an ciUL'tis a -( V.i. lIr.Mrin:i:v.' 1- Uob Moore of pays that for n in DeWitt'r Litl:.' La, -, Ind. a f.auiU to be !l" 1: k: perfect. They nevi-r !'ri for Ptomache and liver G. Fricke. '. Try them troubles. F.