4? I. 4. 4, 4 4 4 V 4V 4, 4 4, 4, 4," S. 4, 4, 4, K 4 4, i 4, 4 V 4 V 4 4 4' 4 4. 4, 4 4, 4 S 4, 4 4. 4V ' 4 4V 4 V 4 TALK ABOUT YOU SHOULD SEE ft ft in, 1 c 5 y we s P 'i You can't duplicate them in the state, taking Quality and Work manship into consideration. Alpaca, Sicilian Mohair and Serge Coats and Vests, at all prices. Have you seen their Straw and Linen Hats? 4 V 4 V 4 V 4 V 4 V 4V 4V 4 V 4 V 4'V i 4 4, 4 V 4, 4 4 V 4, 4 V 4 V 4 V 4 V The People's 4'V 4 V 4, 4 V i Wa!cnit New 'GI I take pleasure in annou icinj to iny friends, and to the public gen erally, that I have just opened a lar ge and well chosen stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, and such articles as generally go with them, nt No. 418 MAIN STREET, and I invite everybody to call and take a look through my goods. My stock also inclules all the latest Newspapers and I also carry Cigars, Tobacco, and a ml see for yourself. I will soil at prices w BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Dress making. Miss Laura Twiss. Union Block. subscribe for Tiik Nr.ws the best paper in tho city. Ilolloway's popular stoamod bread is ma.de of Hei.-e'.'s best Hour. Good driving mare, for sale. En quire at Sherwood's shoe More. A dishwasher is wanted at the Kilcy at once. Apply this evening. Tho Puritan wickles-s oil stove, tho latest thing out, at Coates S: Co's. Did you seo the new au vertisment of W. K. Fox? Head it and profit by it. The KvEXlxn Nkws only ten cents per w'ceK, you can't ifl'ord to do with out it. Enterprise cherry stoners that do the work. For sale by W. W. Coates & Co. Girl wanted for general housework. Enquire of Mrs. Henry IJerold or at the store. Hollo way's bread, which has taken the lead, is made of Ileisel's "Plan sifter" flour. If you don't eee the Gut TJeil ergar call for it, and get th-o best 5 cent ci gar in the market. WaSTKD Three neat appearing ladies. Salary 1.I) per day. Address E. LaBar, General delivery, city. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Hirers cleanse the liver, euro constipation and all stomach and livor troubles. F. CJ. Fricko & Co. lb lb lb ? . ? ? ? ? lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb IP lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb 0 lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb l lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb t i F1 . b; u r lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb tb lb lb lb lb lb ANK, Clothiers Corner. Periodicals. line of High Grade Candies, to suit the times. Come Wheat is down and prices on flour arc lower. Come in and see; wo can do you good. F. S. WfliTK. Guy Burdick is now station agent at Bellvuo and greets his Plattsmouth friends with a cheery smile as they go by Littlo Johnny Ilatt is up to date and has named his new dog Dewey for j the Manilla hero. J All kinds of jewelry, clocks and j watches promptly repaired. All work- warranted. J. "V. Crabill, first door west of Waterman block. Plattsmouth Conrad Schlater who has been quite sick we are irtd to note is able to hp I out again. i The rain which fell this morning is said to have been quite general over the county, and did an immense amount of trood. A. L Munger, who has been a suf ferer from something like appendi citises much better we are glad to note and will probably be out soon. A telephone polo has fallen across the road fourteen miles south of town which the company will have to look after at once. Head the new ad vertisments of AA". K. Fox in today's paper. Mr Fox is a genial gentleman, and a good business man. lie deserves well of the public. The two Odd Fellow lodges in this city, and the Kebeckas will hold a joint installation, followed by a supper some evening next week. The funeral of the late John O' Don nell took place at eleven o'clock this morning, and was largely attended by hosts of friends who deeply regret his demise. Gloiiilno ! HIT C The com uils-doncrtj will h:ivo ii iiruil hearing on tin: Union tonil matter to hum row. Tills ha-i caused consider aide hard fooling do vn in Liberty, md lias b.jon a hone of con trillion for moil Vlld. A. li. Nowcomb has one more piano to dispose of at once. Will ho Mld neap fur cnh Wi.l give the hcht )f terms to parties who kbilc to liu.v in lime, (alien him at the Hotel 1'iatt-uiouth. Fred Millyr was down to vi.-dt hips brother, (Charley, yesterday. .He say-) that Charley will have 1 1 f l y bar rels oi wine tins year iioin ins vine .vaid Houthof town, which gives prom ise of an immense crop of grapes. The bills for boarding tho volun teers woro allowed by tho comini.-ion-erw today and amounted to S'J 1 .'."). The state should pay this bill, and probably will do to eventually, and the course of the bond in taking care .f the matter is generally approved. Gene, the li ve-yea r old son of Jack Deiison, was ovcrcmnij by heat yestcr d y afternoon, ar.d cimo near dying last mirlit. ile hut a. Dinning lever nut lo mucn belter this mornine;. no i . . . IT was ovei heated when he was two years of aire, and bueeumos very easily to tho effect of hot weather. Thousands of little frees or toads covered the ground about town im mediately after the rain this morninjj, and in tno opinion of many they came down with the rain, having' been taken up from a slouch smie.vhcio and carried by the wind. Sunday nu'lit ;i sp:inr v.: iron and a set of harnc.s was stolen from the Wallace farm .near Unadill:i. In their stead a bu-'ry was loft. The sherill s on the lookout for the guilty oai ties who are supposed to be liorse traders Nebraska City News. This morning at three o'c'ock, Mary Voolnasrel, aged twenty years, died at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Voelnael have the sympa thy of a wide circle of friends in their sorrow over the lo.-s of their loving daughter, Mary, who was the pride of the home, and the life of the society in which she shown. .Particu lars of tho funeial tomo row. A Walfr Spout. Five or six miles west of town was visited by a water spout a-,d destruct ive wind about six o'clock this morn ing which did great, damage Trees were blown down, or h id their limbs twisted olT, and all kinds of grain was lain Hat on the ground. The water fell in sheets and covu-eu the ground to trie depth of several inches, and tore down tho hi. Is and guliies with a ruh that carried trreat quantities of soil with it. Tho roar of the storm above the noise of the wind is said to have been frightful. So far as we h ive been able to learn no fatalities liCcurred. t liu:t'o N,vsj:i pi'rs I'uliisii To!ay. Chicago, July o. For the first time since last Friday morning the Tribune, Iu cord, Chronicle, Timcs-IIerald and Inter-Ocean will bo i-sued ton orrow. A sufficient number of outside non union steretypers has been imported into the city to make this possible. The papers however will be published only in four-puge size, but this will be increased as rapidly as possible. Chi cago afternoon papers will also pub lish tomorrow in reduc u size. I-'niMTal of.MrK. I'at t ersoii. The funeral of Mrs. Grace Palt.-r-son called out a large concourse of sympathizing friends this afternoon. The lloral tributes were unusua'ly elaborate, showing tho tender regard in which the deceased was held by her many friends. The services at the Episcopal church, where but a small part of the crowd could rain admit tance, weie impressive ard touching. Ki'Tiiit For Colonel Wooils. Santa 'e, N. M., July 5. One hun dred recruits for Colonel Wood's rough riders have 'eft here to join the regi ment at Santiago. They are routed lo Kansas City over the Santa Fe, thence to go by way of Memphis and Birmingham to Savannah, Ga., where they will embark on boird transports. 1'hey are un exceptionally fine body- of men, being well built, six footer and Jaring riders. (iarficld I'ark. The Nkws is informed that people sre ruining the park trees and walks by turning cows and horses into it. It is a shameful waste of money to fix up i park and then aliow its use as a cow pasturo. The chief of po.ico sin u'ti make some arrests and put a stop ::t once to the destruction of city prop !rty Strayed or Stolen. Monday night the bay horse with white star in forehead belo-iging to Louis Olson was cither stolen from his premises in the Third ward, or ;lse strayed away. Any information leading to the recovery of the horse vill be gladly received at the Nkws jflice, or corner of Four th and Main streets. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the ties" iflice at Plattsmouth, June 27, S!.S: Charles lirieys. Sarona Kurtz. Mrs. Anna Miller. John Mann. Kinmie Miller. Miss Kitty Smith. Joe Thompson. AA'hen calling for any of tho abovt letters please say "advertised." C. II. Smith, P. M. The Missouri I'aeilic. Has a round trip rate of a fare find a third to Omaha, good every day dur ing the exposition exccDt when a low er rate is made. All trains stop t.t th9 exposition gate, giving exception al facilities for the convenience of pitrons who save car fare and unpleas ant transfers. Take the old reliable M. P. train for Omaha and the expo a'tion. AH Til KY I'OJIK AND !. C corgo Il'irfchmnn, of Avocn, ia in town today. Attorney 10. C Strode of Lincoln ia in the city on legal business today. Hilly Weber and John Hauor were Omaha exposition visitors today. Master Mechanic I'iril was In tho city today from Wymoro. Miss liertha Kennedy returned last evening from a brief visit in Omaha. John Miller of Ilavelock returned homo this morning after a brief visit here. J. Tj. l'olk, of Greenwood, postal clerk on the li. Sl M., was in town on business today. J. J. Ilino left Monday for Northern Mori tana whei e he has a good position on tho Northern Pacific. Silas Patterson and family were in town today attending tho funeral of his niece. John Hoddy and family are guests of his daughter, Mrs. C. E. Withrow, today. James Egan and sister came in from Me Cook last night to attend the fu neral of John O'Donnoll. Miss liessio Cyger and her cousin. Judge Spurlock, were Omaha visitors this morning. 1). A. Campbell and wife, of .Lincoln, were in the city today in attendance at tho funeral of Mrs. Patterson. Charles Heman, of Mead, Nebraska, was in tho city yesterday and raturned home via Omaha this morning to vis it tho exposition. Miss Minnie Husvvell and brother, John, of Beatrice, and Ben ilorning wont to Omaha today to visit tho ex position. EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON. tt r;i t ions of the National Kdacational Association. The meeting of the national educa tion association at AVashington, July i to in, promises to be one of more than ordinary interest. The general meetings are to be divided and will offer a choice of program. Tho quali ty of the program of tho general and the sotcat meetings alike has never been surpassed. As to the city itself, it is a place every American 6hould visit and study. As congress will probably he in session, there could be no more favorable time than while it is the center of the great preparations now in progress for the war with Spain. Even if congress should ad journ, there would remain tn& attrac tion of the work of the departments which will not relax during the con tinuence of tho war. In addition to the many places of interest in Wash ington, arrangements have been made for railroad and boat excursions to till points of interest in the east center. Parties going from Nebraska will take the most convenient route to Chicago, arriving there the morning of July 5. From there the party will go together on a sDecial train over the Pennsylvania route, arriving in Washington the afternoon of July 6. Arrangements have been made for meals for the regular excursion partj? between Chicago and Washington at CO cents each. Those not wishing meals can avail themselves of the lunch counters. Those desiring sleep ing car arrangements should write the member of the committe of the initial route. Those who desire to join the parly whether teachers or not should inform the committee in order to in sure arrangements for their accom modation. S. W. Crabtree, Lincoln, manager, Superintendent J. T. Morey, Kearney, Q. I. system; Superintendent A. A. Heed, Crete, Burlington system; President AV. II. Clemmons, Fremont, F. E. & M. V.; Superintendent Miles Marsh, Pawnee City, Rock Island system. On the Death of Mrs. Grace Patterson. In the morning of her usefulness; at the threshold of life's greatest and ho liest mission, she was taken as "a tlower that falleth away." Surely God's ways are not our ways, and we humbly bow in the presence of His allwise providerce, knowing that He cannot err. But with eyes blinded with tears we seo only the desolate hca' th-stone, b olien hearted husband and son, and grief-stricken friends. To us her life here was eo beautiful and loving; it was like the lily whose fragrance blessed these who inhale its perfume; so hi ly in its influence; so tender, delicate and pure, that even the anuels e ivtled her lo their own. And could we ask for her lo exchange for this !i'e of so row and pain; the joys of iir.mor al life, which are j ist unfold ing to I er vision? surely not. But ratter let us gath r up the broken breads i" T'' h' m , in tho church, the bih.e e...ss. P. E O. ociety, the Worn n'sC b. w ere. by her child , ike simplicity and g a -n of manner, she won ail h art , .ml tv.iuo them as i gariatid of love : r uud 'i r precious m ii' ory. A Tr t ute From The Women's Clt it. P. ;tl- irout'u Njb., July 5, 189S. IimIhjS Market. AH gr.iin wn lusher in Chicago to day a i.d the closing market was as fol lows: Spt. wheat 69i; Sept. corn Sept. ats "JfJ; Perl: $fJ 82. J'earl Stiam laundry. B. F. Goodman has his new laundry fully e'qu't'pei with latest devices, now in running order, And asks a share of your patronage. His work is his best advertisement, nd if you try the new laundry there will be no longer any e.cue for sending1 goods away. Nothing Ijo o1 for our patrjns is nr " (i'Ih. Work called for and delivered. SPAIN HASN'T HAD ENOUGH, rh War Hint o On MniiClago Iian not yvt Surrendered - Mor Yletorle. Mapkii, July 6. Tho cabinet, after a long discussion of tho situation and especially of tho news from Smtiago, determined not to negotiate for peace. On tho other hand tho decision was firm and unanimous to carr' on the war as long an one soldier remained in Cuba. Key West, Fla., July G It is re ported here that the Spanish warship Alfonso XII attemptod to run the blockade out of Havana and wis cap tured by an American cruiser. Two more ships are expected today from Santiago with sorfously wounded soldiers on board. Four Hundred Drowned. A special from New York says that the French liner, Burgoyne, colided with another vessel in mid ocean and 400 possongers and seamen were di owned. Mrs. Judge Dillion of tho Union Pacific was among tho lost. Shafter Feeling IJetter, AVashinoton, D. CulyG. Secre tary Alger received tho following dis patch from General Shaftor this morn ing: "I'LAYA del Estk, via II yti, July 6. Hon. Secretary of War, Washing ton Camp, near Santiago, July 5. Captains Alger and Sowall and Mr. Corbin are well. I am feeling b.'tter. Had hoped to be up this morning, but as everything is quiet I will remain still. General AVheeler is feeble, but remains with his command. General Young leaves for Key AArest today. General Hawkins slightly wounded in foot. All others well. "SlTAFTKK, "Major General Commanding." Death of Mrs Chaplain Wright. Mrs. Chaplain Wright entered into rest last evening at 8:45 o'clock, after a lingering iilness. The courage and fortitude displayed by her in her se vere illness was a beautiful example of Christian living. Her long resi dence in Plattsmouth has endeared her to many friends who ministered to her, and attended her in her last mo ments. Mrs. Wright was born in Huron county, New York, August 31, 1818, and has resided in this city since 1867. Funeral will take place from her late residence Friday at two o'clock. Friends may call on Thursday from ten a. m. until six p m., after which time the casket will not be opened. I have some of the finest Greeg rasp berries grown. They are in fine con dition now and orders left with me at my house near Maiden lane and Oak street, will recieve prompt attention. A. AV. Osboux. llurlington Inn Six blocks from exposition. A. D. Touzalin, manager; E. B. Mooney, clerk. Rooms $1.00 per day special rates by week or month. Everything first class. Take Dodge street car from Union depot to 20th and Burdet.te streets. Write us for particulars. .A man 6tands no chance of oeing sleeted to tne mayorship of a city unless he enjoys the confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. AAr. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swan ton, Ohio, and under date of Jan. 17, 1S9G, he writes as follows: "This is to certify to our appreciation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My family and neighbors have tested it, and we know it is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. George AV. Humphrey," Sold by all druggists. Klondyke. AVhat does it cost to get tnere ? When and how should one go ? AA'hat should one take? AVhere are the mines ? How much have they pro duced ? Is work plentiful ? AVhat wages are paid V Ts Jiving expensive? What are one's chances of "making a strike?" Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will be found in the Burlington route'3"Klon dyke Folder," now ready for distribu tion. Sixteen pages of pratical infor mation and an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klondyke. Free at Burlington route ticket offices or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, Gen. Pas. Agt. Burlington route, Omaha, Neb. Hard and Soft Coal. John AVaterman is sole agent for tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also carries the best grades of hard coal, wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you are going to ouild, it will pay you to see AATater nan. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth t-treet. When Yon Take Your Vacation The most ncessswy articlo to have with you (after you.- pocket look) is a bottle of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an absolu'e prevention or cure of ail de rangements of the bowels caused by a change of water. You are likely to need it. Write to J. Francis, General Pas senger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, for handsome thirty-two page pamphlet, descriptive of the Trans Mississippi exposition. Free. Thousands of persone have been cured of piles by using DeAVitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. F. G. Fricke. Bread. Mornine's bread hereafter may be obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, and at Jonathan Hatt's. Our Names P Said about three hundred pairs of long-legged, short-legged, slim, fat, pussey, bow-legged, straight-legged, all sorts of legged Trousers, as they got out of the boxes and up onto our Clothing tables. Three hundred pairs of trousers in one day is a good many, but what about them? Why, they are the unmatchable DUTCHESS Trousers, the best line on earth. Some are $1.50 a pair, good Cassi mere Trousers; some are $3 a pair, good Trousers, and every pair war ranted. Dutchess trousers are made of good goods provided with all the comforts of home; front pockets, watch pockets C to watch your money pockets nights, in case your wife wants to see if she is get ting her half of your income ) pistol pocket and refreshment pocket. We dell all wool Cassimere Trous ers, solid as a rock, beautiful, plain or fancy patterns for $2.50, that will keep an able-bodied man busy nights and days to wear them out in a year. Why, say, we sell all pure Worsted Trousers for $3.50 that are simply great. Patronize our Pantry--it pays. "One Price and No Monkey Business." 6. E. W6SG0 Clothiers. Hatters and Haberdashers. UlKLINCiTON KOl Ti:, Take Advantage of Low Kates Kant, Wist and South. Hot Springs, S. D. and return, June 30 ar.d July 5. Portland, Ore., and return, June M0 and July 1. Nashville, Tenn., and to urn. J uly 1, 2, 3. Salt L. ke City and return. July 3 AATashington, D. C. ami return July 3, 4, 5. Buffalo and return, July 1! and 12. A?k the loci tic et agent for par ticulars. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. E. li. Btnks, of Lewisvillo. Texas, writes that one box of UeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was woth $50,000 to him. It cured his piles of ten years stand ing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate soies. F. G. Fricke. AVANTED Agents for "Glaastone, His Life and Public Services,"' Thos. W. Handford. A wonderful 6tory of a glorious career- Over oOO large, radi ant pages, 100 superb rare engravings. Richest, biggest, best and only in dorsed "Gladstone book" published. Only $1.50. Commission, 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Drop all trasti and clear $300 a month with the only true and good 'Gladstone book." Address Ihe Dominion Company, Dept. 36, 3."2 3-"0 Dearborn street, Chicago. Cut Thin Out ? ? 160 acres of Merrick county land for $610.00. AVr rite me for new '.at. 1 list. x dd e-s J li. Mason', C n.ral C.ty, Neb". The Kerry im K:ifiu!n;. I have put a cib.e entirely a to s the Platte liver at Oreupo.ir, ui o with three boats I am cro-s'n' a'! who come t hi way. Tht sand r,nr. no longer make any troub'.e cvt -thintr new and safe. Your pat " e sol cited. I'ktkk X bi. A White Mark. Foley's Kidney fectly reliable for all Kidney diseases. The pro great medicine or the money re they not deserve Cure is a p r prt p ration ami Ii adder prieto s- f this gu trantees i' funded. Do a white mark? Jn New yoartein. Having removed to the Me tr -s" building, next to LehnhoffV, I will continue to keep a selected stock of tropical fruits, and will serve ice cream and lemonade as formerly. John Schiatecasse. The AVor'.d's best 5 cent cigar, Wurl Bros. Gut Heil, strictly Union made. Every dealer handles them. apis tt & SOU J iNEW : ADVERT leS&MENTS. ! i '-:f: " i tJAi.-i balsam I",?-Ji . 'v-i I'r'.i"'. n 3 :.ir':r. ml I'W'l. Ist.V1?, T i:i v. r Kailn to Jo ni-.ro 'rny i . VfJ -7- I ilair to in xouiiiiiji iii.g. SENT TMLiE to houotkciiiors LiL'Jwi COMPAiWS lixtracl of 13euT COOK BOOK- telling how to prepare m iny deli cate and delicious dishes. Address, I.icl.: Co., I'. ). I: ,x 'JTH, New Vork FIRST NATIONAL BANK or rivXTTsvoi'Tii, M i:. PAID UP CAPITAL. $!30.000 Offers the very best f.-idiitie-: foi tfie prompt trariittiun (A Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, iroid. (.'overri merit urj'J lot a! securities nought ami Hold. Deposit re ceived and Interest hlluwcil on trie eertfl cntes. Dr.iftM drawn, available In any part of tbe C S. i-.n'l all the principle towns of Kurope. Collections made and promptly remitted Hibest market prlee palu for county warrants, state an ! i oiirty bonds. DIRECTORS: ', f). I lawn-worth, S. Waugh, I' V. White, (i. K. I l.jvey. ric. S. Wa-igri. Cashier, . ' . ' e . A st . ' .ash :;r ii. n. ;). G-j tr A f;v Spanish Fandango In(u'-i h-iti-.'- ilantMl now to the tune of A' iti ke i . Do d!. We have f-omeihir.gth.it v V m:iko the family Jinm with delight in our ici cream t n -7.tr-. when oj ake it home or in-v't-. your wife, t f-.i hcM'l or tho children to co.no around and refresh them-"-l ves al our h-u cream parlors. We have the moot delicious icecream in town. Holloway's Ice Cream Parlor.