SEMIWEEEXY NE"WSBtERAI.-Tr', II K NEW'H, F.Htalilnhi Nov. ft.lHUL . II K IlKltALO. I.MtabllHliod April 10. PL ATTSMO UT 1 1 , NEB.. JULY 5. 1893. YUi,. X 1 iHH Consolidated Jn. 1, iHUft. This Space Belongs to the Firm of SJSTYjDBR & CO., Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. The World Beater. Pearlman talks Business, and means Business, when he says The Herrick Refrigerator ib tho best in tho Market, and if he can't prove it, ho will rive you ono. That's certainly a Fair offer. The Princi ple of the HERRICK is found in The warm air rises, as Everyone knows, and as shown above keeps a current moving all tho time. ( iri use (nnr I ZINC -LtNEO 7 I DEAD AIR ,5 mf . noni ormcnoGEt fill I.. y-..-, - jiCA I. PEARLMAN'S, THE BIG FURNITURE MAN. For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO. THE LEADERS IN THE 6R06ERY TRADE ARE: A. H. WBCKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass county, vt Every thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & E. Waterman Elk. WE Ei AW& HO AGENTS bat have (old direct nner for 25 years sale prices, saviufr dealer s profit, where lor examination. Terything warranted 118 styles of Vehicles. 55 styles or Harness. Top Barries. 36 to 70. Barren. $50te125. ges. Phaetons. Traps, ettes. Spring-Road H..TT. Barray HarntM. Prle. flS.OO. At oo4 u Hill for ELKHART CAKKIAGE AND HAKNESS Mia. For Sale. The five acres with residence, east and adjoining B. & M. lumber yards. 2i acres in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells. Cistern. Cellar. Pansies in general mixture, 20 ceuts per dozen. Extra Sne blooming plants 25 cents per dozen at L. A. Moore's Telephone No. 15. Truths Tersely Told. Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sure remedy for all kinda of kidney and bladder diseases. jlr hNj1 Here is the style of the old REFRIGERATOR. Remem ber Pearlman sells the best, and its the HERRICK. Here is ono of thoso who are either so prej udiced against all ad vertised remedies, or have become discour aged at the failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles. to the eon' at whole Dim the ship any' Carria Wagon and Milk A W IX l.- rX Wafrona. Send for large, free Jt0. 06 Sarrey. Price, with eartains. lamps, ra Catalogue of all our styles, shade, apron and fenders, r30. As rood as sells tor CO. W. B. FBATT. ELKHJLBT. . Men and Women Oat of Work Can earn big wages and establish a permanent trade selling "Ironite. " Sells in every family. Indispensible article. Sample box and confidental terms for five two-cent stamps. Send today and secure your field. Ikoxitk Mf'o. Co., Menomonee Falls, Wis. The Gut Heil continues to head the list as a fine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. i;i;ri iti.itAN statk convention. Tho republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to eend delegates from their respective coun ties to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, on Wednesday, August 10, 180S, at ten o'clock a. m., for the pur pone of placing in nomination candi dates for tho following ollices: 1. Governor. 2. Lieutenant governor. :5. Secretary of btate. 4. Auditor of public accounts. 5. Treasurer. 0. Superintendent of public instruc tion. 7. Attorney-general. H. Commissioner of public land and buildings, And to transact such other business as may properly come before the con vu ntion. Tho tsevoral counties are entitled to representation as follows: Tho appor tionment being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Albert J. Burnham, for presidential elector in 1806, giving each county one delegate at large and ono for each 125 votes and a mnjor fraction thereof: COUNTIES. Adams Antelope 1 a 1 1 1 1 e i Maine lioone Hox liutte ... l'.ovtl Hrmvn liutfalo Hurt Uutler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Chevenne Clay UEL. .COUNTIES. ... l"i Johnson .. .. ... !i Kimball ... 2 Knox UEL. . . 12 2 Kearney. . . .... in Keith Keya Falia 3 Lancaster T:i -ll.nicoln 10 lti'l.ogan 14I.oup ll Madison 11 '-'JiMcl'iierson 1 !. Merrick 9 3 5 ir Nance Nemana , 13 Nuckolls 10 Otoe 21 Colfax Xjr'awnee. (umiiiir lll'helps.. 13 9 Custer 13 Perkins 2 Dakota Pierce Dawes H Platte Dawjon 1" Polk 2 Deuel 3 Red Willow 9 Dixon K Richardson 19 I)odKe 21 1 Rock 4 Douglas IDO.Sarpy fi Dundy 3 Saline IN Fillmore 1 Franklin Hi Frontier 7 Furnas HI Saunders 1H ScotCs Blurt 3 Seward In Sherida.n 5 Sherman 4 Sioux 2 Stanton ti Thayer 13 Thomas 1 Thurston 5 Valley 7 Washington. . 14 WaXne 9 Webster 10 Wheeler 2 York 16 Gage aoj (iarheld .'. 2 Uosper 4 (irant 2 Greelev 4 Hall...' 1: Hamilton 12 Harlan K Hayes 3 Hitchcock 4 Holt Hooker 1 Howard 7 Jelterson 14 Total 015 It is recommended that no proxies bo admitted to tho convention and that the delegation present be author ized to cast the entire vote of the dele gation of tho county which they rep resent. It is requested that the county con vention select their committeeman and porfect their county organization at the first convention counties in which two conventions are held. David II. Meucek, Chairman. Ed. R. Sizeu. Secretary. . CALL FOR COUNTY CONVENTION. The republicans of C.iss county are hereby called to meet in covention at Weeping Water, Nebraska, on Satur day, July 30, 1S9S, at one o'clock p. m. foe the purpose of placing in nomina tion candidates for the following offi ces, to-wit: County attorney, two members of the legislature, one sena tor, one member of the board of county commissioners from the third district; also to select 24 delegates to the state convention at Lincoln, August 10, at 10 o'clock a. m.; also 26 delegates to the first congres&ioi al convention at Lincoln, on August S, at 8 p. m., and for the transaction of such other bus iness as may properly come before the convention. The comnitte recommended that there be no proxies recognized, but that the delegates present from each precinct or ward cast its full vote. The primarys to select delegates to said convention will be held on Saturday, July 23. Representation is based on the vote cast for C. W. Kaley, (regent for the state university ia 1897,) being one delegate for each 15 votes or ma jor fraction thereof, and one delegate at largo for each precinct or ward: rKCT VOTING PLACE TIME AND NO DEL Avoca Avoca 2pm 6 Center, Manley 5 to 8 p m 7 8 Mile Grove, Heil school house 4pm 7 Elmwood, Murdock school h'se 8pm 9 Greenwood, Alvo 8pm 6 Liberty, Union 8pm 10 Louisville, llassemier's hall 8 to 9 p m 9 Nchawka, Nehaw ka sch'l h'se 8 to 9 p m 9 Mt Pleasant, Pleasant Dale " 8 to 9 p m 5 Rock Bluffs First Dist., Murray school hse 8 to 9 p m 8 Second " Rock Bluffs " 8 to 9 p m 5 Tipton Liimb'r office Eagle 8 to 9 p m 8 South Bend, So Bend school h'se 8 to 9 p m 6 Stove Creek, Elmwood opera h'se 8 to 9 p m 12 Salt Creek, Greenwood 8 to 9 p m 8 W Water prct. Cascade school h'se 8 to 9 p m 6 Weeping Water City First Ward, GAR hall 8 to 9 p m 5 Second Ward, Council Chamber 8 to 9 p m 5 Third Ward, Powel's Hall 8 to 9 p m 4 Piatt ! Prct Taylor school house 4 to 5 p m 7 Flattsmouth City First Ward, Perkins House 6 to 8 p m 7 Second Ward.Turn r Hall 6 to 8 p m 9 Third Ward. Ritch'y lmbr office 6 to 8pm 11 Fourth Ward, Council Chamber 6o8pm 6 Fifth Ward, School House 6 to 8 p m 4 C. D. Clapp, Chairman. II. G, Beakdslee, Secretarv. An exchange has wisely concluded that the Lord is on the side of the army that can shoot straight. George Blackwell of Omaha will' not amuse himself choking the breatb out of his wife any more. She had con cealed a pistol under her pillow and when George thought he had her where ehe couldn't equeal she reached around for it and ventilated his lung with a bullet hole. Tho new woman declines to bo monkeyed with. Stite Journal. The exploit of tho lit.tlo yacht ilu cester in pursuing, riddling and :-iiik- ing the two Spanish torpedo destroy er, tho Furor and the I'luton, and then rescuing tho crews that had thrown tnemselves into the water, tnd also helping Corvera got away from his sinking flagship, will long bo re membered. Not a shot hit her when she was, single-handed, eng.-iging those two modern terrors of the sua. Jt was simply a question of gunnery for the Glocnestor scorns to have placed her shots juat where sho wanted them Ex. Coming W-lii-(ltty. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. July 13, 14, 15 and 10, 18'JS. Wait and come to Plattsmouth to tho largo store room, second door east of court house. Shoes and clothing. Great manu facturers closing out salo. Tho Em pire Clothing and Shoo company, $175,000. Cincinnati, Ohio, quit busi ness, and have sent out u gents to country towns with their stock, to bo sold q uick for cash. l ss prolit of man u- facture, less prolit of wholesaler, less prolit of retailer, and without cost of freight. Read these prices for new stylish good, lirst-class workmanship, up-to-dato in every respect SHOE liAKUAINS. Gent's heavy working shoes, worth $1.25, at 78c; Ladies oxfords, wor th $1.50, at 08; Ladies' oxfords, worth $2.50. at $1.24; Ladios' oxfords, worth $3 00, at $1.48; L idies' dress shoes, lace and button, worth $1.50, at 08c; Ladies' and Gents' dr2s fdioos, wor th $-2.50, at $1.24; Ladies' aDd Gents' fine shoes, worth $3.00, at $1.48; Ladies' and Gents' custom-made shoes, worth $4.50, at $1.98; Ladies' and Gents' hand sewed shoee, worth $0.00 at $2.48; Children's school shoes, sizes 8 to 11, worth $1.25, at 74c; Misses' and Youth's school shoes, worth $1.50, at 98c. We also carry a full line of Ladies' and Gent's line dress shoes. CLOTHING HAHOA1NS. Men's pants, worth $1.25 at (J8c; Men's business pants, worth $2, at 98c; Men's fine pants, worth $3, at $1.24; Men's tailor-made pants, worth $5 at $2.4S; Men's suits worth $8, at $3.25; Men's cassimeio suits, worth $12, at $4.75; Men's fine cassimero suits $15, at $6.78; Men's fine custom-made suits worth $18, at$8.6S; Men's line tailor made suits, worth $22. at $0.83; Boys' long pants, worth $1.50, at 78c; Chil dren's school suits, worth $2, at 98c; Children's fino suits, worth $2.50 at $1.24; Children's dress suits, worth $5, at $2 48. Three hundred dollars worth of ladies' capes at your own prices and so on through the line you will find bar gain after bargain. Nothing reserved. Everything must be sold in four days. Goods exchanged if not satisfactory. Honest, honorable, square dealing to all. Remember Wednesday, July 13 is the day, and is for four days only. Look for the Big, Red Sign. L. M. Mathews, Agent. Two car loads of shoes and clothing. "I think De Witt's Wiich Hazel Salve is the finest preparation ou the market for piles." So writes John C Dunn, of Wheeling, Va. Try it and you will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke. Wanted Agents for "Gladstone His Life and Public Services," by Tho3. W. Handford. A wonderful story of a glorious career. Over 500 large, radiant pages, 100 superb rare engravings. Richest, biergest, best and only endorsed "Gladstone book" published. Only $1.50. Commission, 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Drop all trash and clear $300 a month with tha only true and good "Gladstone book." Address The Dominion Company, Dept. 36, 352-356 Dearborn street, Chicago. Legal Notice. In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of ( Addison P. Weston f To the heirs and legatees of Addison P. Wes ton and all other persons interested in the es tate of Addison P. Weston, deceased: You are hereby notified that Levi C. Pollard as executor of the last will and testament of Addison P. Weston, deceased, has hied his petition in this court for instruction and power to pay out monies on hand to the persons finally entitled to the same under the provision of the will in said estate or for its investment or safe keeping if not paid out. Said cause on said petition is set for hearing on the d day of August, A. D. 18y8, at two o'clock p m., at which time you are required to appear and defend or show cause as to what order should be entered and at which time such order will be entered as directed by the provision of said will, and the law directs for proper conduct of said estate. It is further ordered that this notice be pub lished in the Semi-Weekly News-Hfral for three weeks prior to the day of hearing. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of this court July 2d. A. D. 198. George M. Spurlock, (Seal) Cjunty Judge. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska. ) in County Court. Cass County, S In the matter of the estate of John Frederick Stull. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis trator of said estate, before me. county judge of Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 1st day of October. A. D 1!-9H. on the 1st day of December, 1898, and on the 1st day of February. Isf9, at nine o'clock a. m.. each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year for the administrator to settle said estate, from the 1st day of August, ls9H. This notice shall be published in the Senii Weeklv News-Herald for four weeks suc cessively, prior to the 1st day of August, 1898. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 2d day of July. li. George M. Spurlock. (Seal) County Judge. DEPARTMLWI Opposite GAIN READ 18 lbs best granulated sugar $1.00 19 lbs best "C" jugar 1.00 Bucket Syrup 45 Bucket Jolly 40 2 lb package Oatmeal 05 Price baking powder, 1-lbcan... 38 Price biking powder, i-lbcan... I0 Bon-Bon baking powder, 1-lb can 10 Calumet baking powder, 1-lb can 10 1 lb Popper 18 10 cunt Pack of Salt 05 15-cent Back of Salt 10 Best Salt, 250 lb 1 00 Lemon extract, per bottle 05 IT WILL PAY YOU TO ATTEI GREAT SPECIAL SALE. DE PARTME Opposite Bank of Cass County, Pialtsiii WIMMMMMMMMMMM fi Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is L m m, m Hi Hi m m m (Hi m We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the mosl relial.b- ui in States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful S1k; . and not permitted to pass to the trade. We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Ca-es of S i I' and then swell up and advertise '"the Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce yo i t then comoel you to look with chagrin and disgust on tho smalt assortment a d you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading Btateii..e:it, for' Replenished Our Stock to the Extent So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to sU;::! won Jer what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and wo c .-; during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to j our feet and uv.l PRICES ON Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to 5's 55c. Child's Choco ate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's G5c. Child's Extra fine Choc, strap Sandals 85c and 95c. Child's Ex ra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Smdals, 8$ to 11 81 00 to 1.15. MUse' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 11 to 2's-$1.25 to $1.50. Mi-se- Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 90c to $1. J.b lot -ill solid Goat button, 8 to 11 75c to 85c. Ladies' Ox'o d fl 25, $1.50, $1.65. A Word to Physicians. Do you know that many broad mind ed physicians are using Foley's Honey and Tar Caugh Syrup in their prac tice. They have found no remedy that gives as satisfactory results for all throat and lung complaints as this great cough medicine. Choice verbena plants in bud 40cents per dozen. Geraniums, 50 cents to $1.50 per dozen. Also a choice lot of hardy perennial plants that will bloom this year, at L. A. Moore's green house. Get Wash-a-Lone soap at Zuck weiler & Lutz. A Bank of Cass THESE Vanilla extract, per bottle ' Coal oil, per gal In New York Cream Chi-ei-is ' Good bucket I Best fibre bucket , - Bran, 100 lbs 5 ', B'.egnnt Hour bins 1 'Si Lamp chimneys .". Argo gloss starch ol Argo corn starch l Best crackers, per lb ( ' 1 doz. clothes pins dl California Prunes, per lb $ .". Flegant Raisins, per lb o" pD IF Ip3 nl r;TiK; ?1 7? Strap IN G N Inf;in's' Chocolate, bu" Infants' Bongola btitlo-: Pif ints" Choc, (extra li Infants' (Red and 15 . go'a button 7 jc. Child's Vesting To;;. to $1.40 Child'., Anvil bo'Vrn to .1.;-J5. Little G -nts', pit. b , Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather N'j ilumhuc:cr ROBT SHERWOOD Win your bittles against di-o iso by acting promptly. One Minute Courii Cure produces immediate re.-u;; when taken early it preventscoirsurnp tion. And in later st-iges it furnishes prompt relief. F. G. Fricke. i j ! i Wonderfully Low Katen. In order to secure men for ihe hat vest fields of Kans and Oklahoma the M. P. railway will sell one ticket to any point on its lines in that country at regular rates good for three per sons. This is a remarnably liberal act on the part of the M. P. and will eivo any man who wants work a chance to get it. ;- v v i: Couiil; !. I". I i . ,c,'l li I I'll Bow or a:. 1 - r i , : . - ; ' Footia; l; P r:-.-;r- j a- ; !' i'-V' . GuKAT .--'or Crui"..'" I ; i CO'j Ml f i " - reiie i-;' ; ri bar k, in I.: 1 i ' i i : : rete.'.'- on i-. :, wa::t ;ui r mil' (i y. S gist. Piatt-ri: lint Take . v All iiru.', iri fails to euro. i i . '. V. .1 L. B. Q. on c: icu l: