- A SOLDIER DYNAi TKD. Member of Company H (icts a Toiu-li l hYal Shooting. ri(,i k io:N bi; ckaiki-k. i I ' I: )lil ii I . mi In jur il t.y h KmiHWHy 'I'fnin On I'll- V'.irliiin' i.l lMi-r II I ttlKW I'roiii Tli ii ix 1 v's I) illy. II.. I v iiii m 1 1 ' n k-r .lill II i 'lit l( I - ll'i !! I '.:'t; , one of the VII' (III t' I S, Will I ' lillll' il (Million f ;i . I." " f in f' "Mt of I In; court housi; I:it I'V'i'lll' J.', II' I I nil lO till- l;t!l L'U"OllH lllis ' tri lo-'fC iirnl "t .' X (' oil I'll ill Ilin li'iti'i, Iml To t ii n .il.i' i y .ill) i-l 1 1 h t (I .. lii :!(. One linger w i torn j -1 1 to tin; li'ine, Iml lin; nilier w;-o n t injured. H- li nl ill" wonii'l ili'issed am) the linger will bo .'til lihl in it few u:ih Aniillirr Itout Willi KvmiK. I'lvst ii s did not loitvi: town yesterday mi .romil us whs I'xpoctod from tin; rxpi'iM i e ; ho had h.ul. He came back ost n-il.ly to get his clothes, and went to tli'- j.olico judfjts and wmted to lilo a complaint ai.d li.tvo the on tire company an esled for assault. This made some of tin; hoys hot, and thoy would hitvc riven tho follow a. rouyrh louso had ho not given up tho plan of filing a complaint. Ho was escorted to tho M. 1. depot, and a detail of six volunteers went out to boo him safely elT. He will eortainly not trouble company"!! again. A Serious Itunawnjr, Harry Joh iimhi, with hia wife and two lilt. e girl-, were returning from tho country last night about ten o'clock, and when they reached town the horse they were driving became unmanageable from fright, and ran away, upturning tho bujgy and throw ing tho occupants all out. One of the little girls was thrown against a barb wire fence and received somo horrible gashes on tho abdomen that almost disombowied her. Tho mother was bruifod about the head and shoulders and remain d unconscious all night. Mr. Johnson received an ugly scalp wound. The other little gii 1 escaped unhurt. The buggy was riddled, but wo did not loarn if the horse was in jured. Dr. SchildkneclH was called iiud made the injured ones as comfort- flblt- as possible. A lurr;iy Wt-tltHiig. Miss Addie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David xMtman, one of tho most popular young ladies of Murray, was married at eight o'clock last evening tit the family ro.-idence, to Mr. (ilon i'eii.v, Kev. Oldham olliciating. The groom i.s one of Cass county's best young men, he is a son of Peter l'erry of Lincoln, formerly of Eight Milo (Jrove, and fully deserves tho charm ing lady ho has chosen. Many ele gant presents were received, and a lovely supper was s-erved to which the t,ixt.v guests did full justice. Mr. and Mrs. l'erry will live on his father's farm, for the present, noar Eight Milo Grove. The News extends hearty congratulations and best wishes. A lil'mnm . The county commissioners were out today looking over city property. They are ail ting as a board of equal ization, and lind a number of com plaints and discrepancies in the assess ment. They claim the city has been assessed $50,000 lower this year than last, and as the county needs about so much revenue they are in a quandry how to raie it unless it be to raise the city assessment. Some of the city taxpayers feel that to raise the neces sary revenue farm assessments should ibo raised, which increases the dilemma ti the board. A I5rulel Foot. At near the hour of going to press word was telephoned to tho city from the shops that Albert Reinhackle hud sustained severe injury of the foot. Albert is an employe of the car repair shops and the injury occurred by some heavy instrument fal : ing upon the foot. From the fact that it occurred at such iv late hojr we could obtain no further particulars. A Bin Fire. The splendid brick block close to the 15. & M. depot in Lincoln was en tirely consumed by fire last night. The loss was very heavy. Ilouneliolil Oori.4. The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who at tended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They were worship ped as household gods. The house hold god of today is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of throat, chest and lungs, it is invalu able. It has been ti ied for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure or money returned. No household should be without this good angel. It is pleasant :o take and a safe and sure remedy for old and you - g Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricko & o's. Regu lar S'.e 50e and $1. Tmi)' Mrket. Wheat ciosd higher at US July corn 32? . ' It is, or should be, the highest aim of every merchant to please his cus tomer-; and that the wide-awake drug firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling, III., is doing so, is proven by the fol lowing, from Mr. Eshletnan: "It my .sixteen years, experience in the drug business I have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good sat isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Sold by all druggist Old papers for sale at this office. CITY AND COUNTY. TUUKSbAY. J lm Edmund of Murray is in town tod a v O. Ilurgem of Weeping Water was i n tin- cm t v tod ty. M A. Ii. Todd i home from her viiit to the Muck Hills. The gun club had a p -a' tien phnot thi- aflernoiin near the depot. Slier IT W.'ieder wont to Ea.'le by way i f Lincoln thi allemo ti on bus- r.i-M . Cipl. (Jen. Sheldon went to Omaha this afternoon on b isine-s connected with com p iny 15. Sanford Lewis and H.ixter Smith went to Omaha this afternoon to at tend the exposition. Arrangements are b- i ;g made for a Frances Willard lawn social at Sunny Side, Friday eve:)iii'r, July 1. I)'-. Joseph Morrow, of (Jerm intown is in the city today visitintr his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morrows. Andy KaulTman, the tailor, has rented and will occupy tho rear room in ihe She -wood block on Fifth street. Marie is tho Spanish for Mary. Girls who have been changing their names had hotter change them back to tho orignal right away. Peter Hanrahan will vacate his present quarters, anc? move back to the Perkins House corner, with his fruit and cigar store. John Crabill can't only make a watch, but he can in iko a gasoline engine wV-ever one is require!, ho being a thorough mechanic George Vv '. Fairfield ai d wife re turned to their home at Al'.iancj this morning, after a visit hero that im proved thrm ia heaith and spirits very much. The town board uf Union yesterday granted a)ic n o to John Kennedy to run a saloon f ,: the n.xt y,ar. Phil Thierolf went down t day and assisted in the grand openit g. Masters E Hvfa and Frederick O'rites of Chadron. Neb., are in the city, tho guests of their cousin, Mastor Willie 1. Ramsey. The young gentlemen are accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Judge Crites. Yesterday Kansas had her innings at the exposition, and her state build ing was turned over to the author ities. Today Iowa dedicates her state building, and the Ilawkeyo people will be numerously represented. Tho county commissioners, now sit ting as a board of equalization, expect to finish up their work tomorrow. The changes in assessments have been about the same as usual. The board went over town today and personally inspected the property which the owners claimed was assessed too high. Plattsmouth is to havo a new res taurant first class and up to date. Geo. W. LaFollett of Ashland has rented tho LohnholT building, both the upper and lower floors, now occu pied by Peter Hanrahan, and expects to open his restaurant next week. lie comes highly recommended as a good business man and the Nice's welcomes him to our city. One of the most useful articles that could be given a volunteer is a piece of oil cloth about four inches wide and ten or twelve inches in length, in which pockets are sewed and buttons, needles, pins and skeins of thread are deposited. Those who have been making presents for the boys could easily give them something Uu.t would be useful for them. Mr. Sheeley, the bridge contractor, came in from Lincoln this morning. He says just as the train was leaving Lincoln, a team, which was thorough ly frightened, came tearing toward the train crossing on the road, but tho train got there first and the team and wagon ran into a passenger coach with such force as to break a hole in the car and kill one of the horses. The wagon was wrecked and the other horse seemed to be injured. A White Mark. Foley's Kidney Cure is a per fectly reliable prepira tion for all Kidney and Bladder diseases. The pro prietorstf this great medicine guarantees it or the money re funded. Do they not they de serve a white Mark? Tourist l'miiplilets. Descriptive of Yellow.-ton Nation tl Park and the summer resorts of Colo rado and containing, besides maps and illustrations, a great deal if info ma lion of interest to sight-seers and tourists, can be had by addressing J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Sick headache, biliousness, consti pation and all liver and stomach troub les can bo quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleas ant to take and never gripe. F. G. ricke. Hard and Soft Coal John Wate man is le agent for tho famous Mendoi. soit coal. Also carries the ce t trr-des of nurd coal, wood, lumber. ' :! s. shingles, lime, rjemrmt. tc. If you r re going to buiid, it will pay you to see Water nan. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth .-treet. Yh-n You Take Your Vacation The most necessary article to have with you (after your pocket book) is a bottle ot r oiey's uouc Lure, it is an absolute prevention or cure of ail de rangements of the bowels caused by a chanere of water. You are likely to need it. SALESMAN WANTED. 15y large Factory eupplying free outfit and pay ing several $40 weekly. Brattice, 243 Pearl, New York. DRAG CHANNEL FOR MINES. Si vi n ( oiitact Mini' Dlnriivrri'il In Chan nel LfixliiiK to ill iiiiTiia. l'laya Del Hsto (.'able Station. Guun tanimo Hay, Province of Santiago de u a. Tuesday, June LM. The cib'e at t hi- p ai t, on winch Colonel Allen, with the cable "eat jsdria, had been work i i fo' si'vi-ral days under great it i llieui ii s Wis opened for operation to lay. ( ' i ii in u ii i . t i i 1 1 with Wash ington wan e;-t ihlishcd and hoverai O li'-ial lie'-a L'es have, 1 ; tl received from V a-ih i Mg t n. Mat i"i'n in the harbor hive been quiet for two days, but r-1 i rri nsr events are ex peeled soon . The launches of the crui-or Marble head and the gunboat D lphin today, by com man d if ( '0111 in mder McCulla, tf Mgged tho channel le ding to tho town i f Cnimcrmt ami turned seven cont'd mines each containing Illi pounds of Lrut.''otton. The mines were exact. y simiiiar lo thou found some days since by tho Texas and Marble heau, and everyone had been hit by one f on bo its on the occasion of the bombardment. Commander MeCalla Kiid the e cape of the American war shins was little short of providential. A Fitfht Not Far Away. Pi;ovin( i: if Santiago Dk Ci ua, Wednesday, June '2 (IJy the Asso ciated press dispatch boat to Port An tonio. June 12:'., 1 a. m.) Tho troops under Major General Shafler this morning began landing ten miles cast of the entrance t' Santiago harbor. Little resi-itence was offered. An im mediate advance will be made and as a- the military forces are in posses-ion of the hil's back of Santiago a com bined attack of tho fleet and army will b i oritci d It is expected that Vie fore Saturday Santiago will fill and ihi strong lleet under Admi-al Cover a will have, fallen either ciptured or destroyed. COM FAN Y It NO I KS. It is predicted company B will de velop into a crack company when once it gets into active service. Tho new drill regulations and guard manuals have been received, and are in the hands of .11 the officers. Tho boys had a platoon cl i ill on a now movement yesterday, the cor porals having already received in si ructioi s in it. No orders have yet been received to move to Omaha, but the boys are put ting in their time drilling to good ad vantage. Try Allen'M Foot-Kane. A powder to bo shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting f. et or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack age FR1CK. Address, A.len S. Olm s lead, Le Hoy, N Y. The l.ij; Niagara Uriiljie. The new steel arch bridge being erected at Niagara Falls, to replace the last of the suspension bridges, will be the largest of its kind in the world. The main arch will be 8(5.S feet long, the next largest being the 50(5 feet arch of a bridge at Opoi to, Portugal. The approach on the Canadian side is 210 feet long, and that on tho American side I'M feet, making the tolai length of the structure 1,2HS feet. The bridge will connect the two great free parks, Queen Victoria Falls P.irk on the Canadian side and the New Yo k State Reservation on the American side. It will be a single structure, haying a width of a little over 49 feet. In the middle twenty-three feet of this space will be given up to the pur poses of a double t-ack electric rail road. On e:the'" side of this will be c.i riageways eight feet wide. Out side of these drives will be foot, pass ages slighil' elevated above the toad vvays. The middle of the arch is 1,10 feet above the gorge. P, was impos sible of course to bul'.d false wor:.s to s-u-tain the main arch, and it was built out from either end to the mid dle, the old suspensiou b idge furnish ir g iin anchorage and a platform from which to operate. The work was ex tremely perilous, and in order to give the mechanics every p-otcction possi ble a boat manned by an expert oars man was kept under the bridge. man stands no chance of being sleeted to trie mayorshipof a city unless he enj ys the confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swan ton, Ohio, and under date of Jan. 17, lS'itj, he wi iles as fol.ows: 'This is to ce tify to our appreciation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy My family : nd neighbors h :ve tested it, and we know ii is an excellent remedy for coughs and coids. Geokoe XV. UfMl'iiKKY," Sold by all druggists. The 31iiouri Facilic. IIs a round trip rate of a fire and a third. to Omaha, good every day dur iog the exposition execot when a low Jer rate is made. All trains ttop at ' the exposition gate, giving exception al facilities for the convenience of patrons who save car f are and unpleas jant transfers. Take the old reliable M. P. train for Omaha and the expo sition. OUR DEBT TO BUMBLEBEES. The I'wrt Thi-ne IStmy Worker l'lny In the FiTti I Irut Ion of KloMern. Harney Iloskin tftandish writes an article ou "The Pumbh bee" for St. Nicholas. Mr. Standish says : The work of tho buinbh bee in bringing about the crops fertili.aiion of flowers is as im portant as that of the honeybee, and these two Ftainl at the head of the list of insects useful in this rospet t. Each, has its flowers which it alone visits, but there are many flowers on neutral ground visited by lth. So wo may say of the bumblebee, as of the honey bee, the more bumblebees tho more seeds; the more; seeds tho more llowers especially wild flowers, as tho tall belltlower, touch me not, Solomon's seal, gentian, Dutchmen's breeches ami tur tle head. But probably the most impor tant work this insect does for agricul ture is upon the Ileitis of red clover. There is abundant proof that this plant will not produce seed without the co operation of tho bumblebee. It is im possible for tho wind to bring about tho fertilization of the seed, as it may tlo in the case of Indian corn, grain and 6ome forest trees. The tube of red clo ver blossoms, ttx, is so long that other insects (including tho honeybee) lire not regular visitants. Here is proof that this plant must have visits from the bumblebee. This insect is not a native of Australia, and red clover failed to produce seed there until bumblebees were imported. As 60011 as they became numerous tho plant could be depended upon for need. Again, the blossoms of tho first crop of the Medium Red clover of our own country are just as perfect as those of tho second crop, but there are too few bumblebees in the field, so early in the season, to produce fertilization, hence little or no seed in this crop. If bumble bees were sufficiently numerous, thero is no reason, why much larger yields of clover seed might not bo expected than at present. Hero is what a well informed farmer says about it : "It was formerly thought that the world rested ou the shoulders of Atlas. I can prove that its prosperity rests on the bumblebee. The world cannot pros per without tho farmers' product. The farm will not bo productive without clover. We cannot raise clover without seed, and wo cannot havo clover seed without tho bumblebeo, becauso it is this insect that carries the pollen from flower to flower, securing its develop ment antl continuance. Let us learn to know and to protect our friends." "My wife couldn't go to the concert last night becauso the baby threatened to have croup. " "That was too bad." "Yes, and now she is hopping mad becauso tho baby didn't have croup after all." Chicago News. English farmers, who know it .is igaiust the law to use ferrets to drive out rabbits, place in the burrow a rub ber hose with a tin horn on tho end in jortftl. Then they blow tho horn, and junny cornea out in quick order. Burlington Koute California Excursion Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered !n rattan; have spring seats and backs vnd are provided with curtains, bed ling, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed jorters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $-5. For folder giving fnll information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb, TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : No 1. Denver express 11:18 prn No i. Omaha to St. Louis 4:42 pin .No 15. Chicago express 1:2:40 am No2U. Local express, daily, St Joe, Kansas, M Louis, all points south ." 9:40 am No 4. Local exD, dally, Burlington, Chiea-O. all points e;ist.... 10:24 aiu No 14. Local exp. tl ally except Sun No. il) Omaha to Creslon, local 4:30 pm day It .45 am No 92. Local exp. daily except Sun day. Pacific Junction 12:30 pm No 30. Freight, daily except Sunday Pacific Junction .". 2:50 pm No 2 V'estibuled exp. daily. Bur lington, Cliica.o and all points east 5:30 pm No 13 stub from Junction to Platts mouth, o:lourn No 1-'. Local exp, daily. St loe.Kau 8 as City. St Louis. Chicago all points east and south.. 8SZr ym No I'.'. Local exp. daily, Omaha. Lin coin, lenver and interme diate stations lu'A ;.m No 'J7. C res ton to O.naha Local 1 :1 ' pm No i. Local M. Lou stu ouulri lu:i) am .o (..". Luuiii f rciu t, iln io . 7 ..5 .Hi No 2.. Loc.l freight, daiiy, ex Sun day. Cedar C'reeK, Louis- vilie. Sout h Bend 7:oS am No 7. Fust Hi ail, dally, Omaha and Lincoln 2:22 pm No 3. Vestibuled exp, daily, Den ver and all poiDis In Colo rado, Utah and California, Grand Island, Black Hill-.. Montana and I'acifJu N. W 8 on No 13. Local ex p, daily except Sun day. Louisville. Ashland, Wahoo, Schuyler 4:00 pm No 11. Local exp, d ally except Sun day, Omaha and Lin-oln.. i' No IT. Lnciil eprfss. Sunflnv only. o. 2 East Do u nil Frei i Ii t. connects at Pacific Junct oTT" w.lli o. lthe Denver Express. wliii.li (joes not .o;i at P.ailsmoulh U:l5 pn. Slpppin l inlri -inH fcl i:fn? rhi'r rar; (seats f reel on through trains. Tlcupts soli and baita.'e checked to any point in tli. United States or Canada. For information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to V. L. PICKETT. Aeent, Ptattsmoutu, NeU. J. KUANCES. Gen. Pass. Ait.. Omaha. Neb. .n. p. nut. cai;d. TRAINS OOING NOKTH, No. i 4:50 a. m No. 9 11.51 a.m No. 121, local freleht 4.04 p.m TRAINS OOINO BOCTn. No. 1 10:4.!!p. in No. 122. local freiut a. in. No. 10 4:01 p. m. 500 I or Good Uiirnliijc- Tho Nebraska Farmer has Inaug urated for its fubscribera a unlquo guesning scheme on tho posclblo num ber ot paid admissions to tho Trans Misisipii exposition, now running nt Om ilia. $100 will I mi paid for tho lirst nenrest guess. t'li) each -for next two nenrost guesM-1. $10 t-Hch for next ten nearest giit-ssers. each for next fifty nearest guess- crs $1 ("icii for n".t 100 nee rest guoss ors. One guess m iy be tn.ido with each yearly subscription piid In advance at regular price, one dollar, so that everyone guessing will get tho Ne braska Fanner one year and have a chance beidtjs to get from one dollar to duo hundred dollars, and thero will bo Kio pois.j.is who will yet the&o cash premiums. For sample copies, terms to agents and full particulars, address Nlbkaska Faumek Co., loll Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. The editor of the Hvans City, Fa., (llobe, writes: "One Minute Cough Curo is rightly named. It cured my children nflor all other renudiea failed." It cures coughs, colds nnd all throat :md lung troubles. F- G. Fricke. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Probate Notice. In county court, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of Albert VanCleave, deceased. Louisa II. VanCleave, Lulu May lluribut, Sarali li'ena Wolf, Cora bell Wolf. Malilon (J. VanCleave, Nettie VanCleave, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby mr.iticd that on the "Jud day of uue, lull, Louisa II. VanCleave tiled a petition in said Court, alleging among other things that Albert VanCleave died on the 17th day ol May, ISUS, leaving no last will and testament ami possessed ol real and personal estate, and that the above named constitute all the persons interested In the estate of said deceased, and praying for ad ministration thereof. ou are lieieby notified that if you fail to appear at said Court on the -7th day of June, lx'.tS, at 10 o'clock a. in., and contest said petition, the Court will appoint Louisa H. VanCleave, or some other suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to a settle ment of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at J?tttUtit Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this Cth day ;skai..J; of June, lsus. IttUUftJ (jEOKUE M.Sl'CRLOCK, County Judge, A din in 1st rat or's .Sale of Lund. In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska. oTjS SroVS (Administrator's sale of deceased. ) la,la- Notice is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of sale made by liasil S. Ramsey, Judge of tho District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 7th day of May. A. I). isUS. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold for cash at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the 20th day ol June, A. D. IsliM, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, to-wit: The west half (w Vi) of the southeast quarter (s e Ji) section two y'Z), township ten (10), north of range nine (0),in Cass county, Nebraska, for cash, sub ject to all hens and encumbrances existing at the death of James Grove, deceased. Said sale will remain open one hour. Arthur L. Munher, Administrator. Hvkon Clark and ) Att C. A. Kawls. J Attorneys. Notice to Creditors. State of Nkhraska, ) ct. r n Cass county, )ss- In County Court In the matter of the Estate of Iialthaser Siebold dect ased. Notice is hereby given that the credi tors ot said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me, ounty Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Flatismouth in said county, on the ifith. day of December, A. D. isys. at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purposo of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre sent their claims and One year for the Executrix to settle said estate, fiom the 5th day of May IS'.'S. Witness my hand and seal of said County court. at riattsmouth, Nebraska, this, 4th day of June A. U. 1595. George M. Sfurlock, (Seal) County Judge. Order to Show Cause. In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate ) of Samuel A. Holbrook, Order to show cause. deceased. ) This cause came on for hearinir unon the 6th day of June, lS'.is, upon the petition of William i.. Lowen, executor under tnelast will and testa ment of Samuel A. Holbrook, deceased, for license to sell the north half of section twenty three, and the east halt of the northeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quar ter of section twenty-two, all in town:-hip twelve, lange ten, east of the sixth principal meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying debts of said estate and tiie costs of ad ministration, there not being sufficient personal property belonging to said estate to pay the said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear before me at the office of the clerk of the district court in Plattsmouth Cass county, Nebraska On the 30th day of July, A. D. 1X1K at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said executor to sell said real estate above described for the purpose hereinbefore set forth, and that this oider shall be published four successive weeks in the Semi-WeeKly News-Herald. Dated this 6th day of June A- D. 1898. Judge of the District court. Basil S. Ramsey, Judge. R. B. Windham, Attorney. Wheeler.&Wils6n Sewing Machine Jotary Motion and Ball Beatings HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor n nil Builder-. Contracts taken for the erection ot Residences. Barns and any kind of carpenter work, in anv part of the county. Call on or address.... HARVEY UOLLOWAY, Plattamoath. Neb EWrH06rGyG!sv 1 -SlfAPUSTf O G XV I BEST jh V: EVER XL f iyJ 1, S 1 HA nJKJ yuu WUIIL lAJ fUJiiy Jewelry Cheap? If so, now is I ho in-. i1 . 'I tliii. I will make (2KKAT KK I M '( .' I I N S in ijvvi'.vi hii.g In my lino for tint next thirty tlas. If yn w.nit to buy a Watch, t ilhiv IihIIo,' or gonts' ni.o. I -an wive vim f rum . l oo to 'In oo, jktoi-iI i tig I price of watch. II :i e e v. i I h i u in iholino of .1 hU'KIJI Y, and, owing to in ccsity, ill givo you an o( poi t u n i ly to get an extra good birgnln now. KiT Wnl ch nnd Jewt. lry rp:ii ing a i-perinl ty. I '.very repair and all Jewelry fully wurriin led. J no. 1 Second Door South nf Fontulli Struck By That's what's the matter with Hannah and all other good housewives, who are compelled to roast over a hot kitchen stove on these torrid days. Buy Your Wife a Gasoline Stove, And thus save her much suffering and worry. It's cheaper than doctor bills and much better than a worn out companion. We give you the " Insura Gasoline Stove and Oven at the very Lowest prices, with the assurance that you will be pleased with it. The only stove in which provision is made to prevent the escape of gasoline, should the burner be accidentally blown out or left open. Unquestion ably the best gasoline stove made, and the price is always the lowest. My Stock of Ftirnitttre.. Is as full and complete as ever, and acknowledged everywhere lo be the largest in Cass county. I can please you in... -.Variety, Quality ai.ci i. pearlman; THE BIG FURNITURE DEALER, Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb r They banish pain and prolong life. i v 1 No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can et ten for five cents. A new ntj prkt rontAfnfncr tvs r.rv rxnr; at eoiue uj'ur ijrv -h : . 1 1 i. .' .; CaJ. oae duvaof the flrerut - .n lO tne Kir A Ns L-lItII'. AL loJ..'..i, ii TAauluJ iu ue Ki.t lor utu w int. im. jfc iuc THE NEWS does ..Good Joh Printing; M P fc!i; :isJ! .fell pt pi flat Colcmttn, I pi iml, m riJitt-niiouth, Neb. ave! a urn 99 Price, GIVHS liLLlEF. v. 'lfc,'.'; - i: - .''''.;'" -i'. V Jhv' v.. : i it v 1 :,v u - VT TP in n n.-.---r : t n 'vf'h :t p'n in row for mm i ; - m - i f r ! i- t .'! t-o. .nomi- '.!!'.' , .w 1. rk-.r f,:.;-tt: fHrtU (TICK jiuc i- 1 uiuv b.dcc iia:- won i wamr aul. 3 1