Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 11, 1898, Image 3

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    miiiis' Torcii ti.i
) ... :t iik a for the neop'.o to up 'day, after cleariug: up tho docket, and
l'nlkvtm-ll, J.iil'M
I 1 1 1 1 1 1 '
;i in I J ii.
villi tinr. tux! tuiil lo,r-in order t
I. i d! . i t. I lit II1S. 1 Vtirf.
iii.-f Mir ririH..y wag on dock to nee
t In- tiling out all riyht.
MH KMf.M I - -!"l ! !, u ;J i
i ((-. i . ... I .
..... i I ...
I' i -ii.. 1 i i . 1 1 -i . f . v - i .
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'fit- I I . M - I'll . ',
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il r 1 1 1 1 U .i .1 . i 1 1 i : ! . . .
I ;i I. ; i la !. . . t-'J. a i , I ... ..
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1 1 ll in i! . i i a . :,
H i v . 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 . 1 ..... 1 . :
111-. W.i: a ' in ill . L l- ! ...
ill.' Ii t, a 1 1. 1 1 1 i . I . : ,
h'.vi'i.ii. ! hi- l n-.-i - , .
Ii . i; i' Ii mil'--.- i i i -l-'rii
n : . .-i .. . -1 1 ! -, , ; . i i :
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j I' 1 In- p.iiii'.- i a I
'I'll.-! i- w :i- -i ).,.
town lit-.! 111;' 1 1 ' I . ' 1 i 1
7 o i 1 1 ir i , '.v ! i . 1 1 i ! . - . j "
city l i'i .in i i ! ' i '.v i 1 . . i
tl.ii ;. ;. ir , !!; -.
I ii l -i . ' l't' f i .1 -.' . i , a .1 ; ' . '
t ll. '!. I !..' ..,, .'-' ..
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tlii'ii mail'- an.'t ii--!-
in an tit !k- i r. i . i -. n I. -
II ail I ii -i -1 1 :-- I i i , in a
th ar.l- i in-! !. !
St 1 1 i a I., i' i i' : !'..! a
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wo ! u 1 l :i a.. .!
was mi i!.':i.!.:: '.
lnoro ami ' li 'mm :.- -
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pec-t l L' a '
Otli'-ors tOi.U hi. : :-.
C-.-i.Vi- ii 1 i a- i 1 1.. . .1 !;...;
(it-Cl hliiu nf j : I: i ; i- .
viei'-u- iini:.- .'i- ' v
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A f I o.i- 11. o . ; -
1)1 fdy i ii 5 li 1 I'.i '
cm noi t iv l ' ' :ir. . i t 1 1 -'
fran hail I'm- 1 1 . . ;.
roal fun .-oiinn.-;.. -.
lit'iiio a., -'ii 1 : i '-. 'I
i ii i';ii i. ..I i . i 1 1 1 - . i ; :
Henry 1 - i - -. ;
at to in jitoii to i . ' '
yca.-olvl I.,,!,,, o! :
lish i.'a 111 1 ll I i i J . ' .
til' il li l!!.' . - . ' -'-1 ': -I
.1.: v. :.- alii " 1 1 : ' "
f i-i Hi '. . i. I In- . ' : ' i .
-i il l i ! . o . nil!- ' : .
.lall.-i- Al.-Kl-!.!.' v. .
ill lor i a or. :
lai ii - i oa s : '. '
anil i'M t in , li i ; . i .
t ho In 1 h i-i ll :.' Ii I : .
tho a.: '. "I..-. ''
trctiin i to- i' " !
lli- l.oail in:..' -
tllO. I nil-' i.i: -o i, , . n ' . .
dim ! ; lo- : L I. . : I t : .
niui'il. roil M i - '
tin-- .-' -a 111: '! ' i . -' .
With tin' a-.-.;
sunn .u 1 . ! U. . : i !.' '. . i
V in ii tin- ' i
tho t WO tOU;- h IV '
li ho ma-! -nii'ii a
but a fow wo.: . : : :
tho ; u.oi V hiii .
ai 111 of X ii ' r- .!! I - -
ill il,.' ha',.' - i-i -'ii .
fii.iow- '. il.T : I '-'
! lo 1 1 1 1 1 r ' '
thro -a i. :-.''
i- i. - -.i .
vo'.I l. :.
iioa.-o. -'.'
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t; " ' '
t , .o '! : i - :
ii n i t :o 1 a ;;' a :
th it 1 1 1 y
s -a o 1 1 1 n - I. - -. . .
1 lo- ! - : .
h.-nl -o M-.-. ,y -Ho
- i.
that ho i: oi "
short i iitio. ." i -
iiUV i li lil- y -1
h;lli:; ' ht (".'. . t L a
Short t i III-' 1 : : a : '
Jill 1 1 i i: o a.. i : : . .
pO.-n 1 I ' . V ill I ' ' ' " j...-- i- .
1 it'll'. '-:rht. ii. s :
is i-i !:-. : , ,-.: .:. i 1 s : a
in Now N or;; i...' ... .
oy . i:. a ,- . i '
him ov.-r t !. ii r. :
ih III'. '' '" .'. a a -it,
on to- t nii-'i..." ' -.
viola ll. i n o ! :i- .. : i
hi- !! rt !.'. i' ' ' ' '
not ho t.a'l N-r - -vvii-r-'
T hi-, oil-- i.i !:: .,
!tl tO't:l hot" ! . ' ' ! : ' .
liion ir.ii t'no . r
aicrl for In i ; ' -
Thoy wi'-l !. o
cxpojiti.m ; hi.. t.- , u
. i i n V
.ho i.
! i -
. . a . I .-.
' i ' an
i. I
lo OM
wai .loii.iuio on Oio
n l.lin-c follows Wi Ml howling MO
lil ur-)iiosi v i i t u -i 3 , a btout
i.i wati i- woiihl have boon a
; I'li.
.la ami Murray inako a pood
1 1 tui in-il Iiidm' ll.oy would
i I. i rill- to hobo.-.
i:i. j:si. v
, !, M-a- win in from Kitn-
took up tho work hero at 1:S0 this
The board of county commiahionerB
adjourned today and will po down to
Union Ut look after the road that has
been fought over for tho last two or
throe years.
The htate convention of tho prohibi
tion party met at the Funke opera
house at Lincoln today it 1:30 to
nominate a state ticKet. It is possible
that the ticket will not et on the of
ficial ballot except by petition of 600
a i or 'i Hiii
-ir w : . i
o or f i-oiii VVeep-
ilown from
i .i in
1 a-
; i on.
lai t o i -sou i a m
i ill-nil this morniiio.
I. ( o' . uiitii niii! wifo of Mt.
ant ar-- in town today.
i nan) ( '.. A. Il iw ls wont to
...a toihiy on hu-iinos-. ftr CJo I.
utr mint ( Koar .lion -;inio over
o. i , o- Waior lat ooninf.
.. Woa.h ii:l, oin: of tho Woeping
o i l r: iiy hoy-, wit' in tho city
a!i. io on ot Nt
i M r. -i ml M rs
iiavvKa was tho
11 ah! ctn n ys-
1 1 . a .
"I- 1 t:
. I . t
i. i . San ;!! i- in town fr.mi O'lk-
o-:i:'y. on a .lo-.(-U O !l ' d
a., li ami f iiniiy arrived
' i iy on a vi.--it with o d
, i ft iolnl..
Inn an. : ii; town today fr)in
i 1 lo I a I : li'' i 1 1 ii . oar of i I at LS-
l:i- : 1 . . ' . 1
o; beinff
: ,-t
:i'! I la'
Difttrirt Court lroceclloKH.
Wm. Tipho et al vs Joseph Winder,
dismissed without prejudice
II. II. Denning vs Henry Uieckman
etal O. li. Polk appointed guardian ad
litem of minor.
II. I). Travis appointed guardian ad
litem for Gladys and Iternard Wiley.
Hyron Clark appointed ruardian for
(Jlara Ilernviu in foreclosure of Iiuild
injr Loan association.
Malinda N. Bueshing vs Chas.
TSrandt et al settled and dismissed.
L. G. Todd vs Bernard II. Noltinget
al settled and dismissed.
John N. Carter et al vs K. 1). Spelts
suit to quiet title, decree asprayed
Tho society of the Homo for, the
Friendless vs Anna li. Keed et al re
port of receiver submitted and ap
proved. J. E. Douglas receiver al
llowod $100 for services and II. I).
Travis $50 for attorney fees.
Minnie Huby vs Chas. CiilTord, set
tled and dismissed.
Anna Schlieska vs Ludwig Schlie6ka
dismissed at costs of plaintiff.
L. C. I'ollard vs F. M. Young for
trial June 13. U a. m.
O. J. Wortman vs Slaughter suit to
quiet title, decree granted as prayed
I- : -1 a ' V
a I . -
or to
a i '
III;' ht
f.H Hi
- ,V i l .
i . ri
: i-t.f-r ..
a n t-i.
r.u u a- t"uO
pro i .. ! -.
i' i a -.
S. lr . wni i lectert bondsmen of VV. II. Gushing and Fred
I '. V. No. in lion man Tuesday, as per appoint-
Are Trying to CuntprumiNe.
Tr.e co jo mifesicners met with
;s, i o.-.i; iio-j.
imu in from WeeD-
ok after some husiness
-. alt this IlilMliino;.
ioru.'hiii and her sweet
r Miiruorite are visit-.-
- n.-ir-'iit- in this eitv.
,o init was i.
- of ( : t urd I -bind, and
i iisliiiil of Weeping
vina- -oath of town cap
it J'oxi-s ami sold one to
-.:. hdi m ikes a very
I ment, ami endeavored to secure a set
tlement of the shortaga discovered by
Expert Accountant Hovey. The mat
ter was thoroughly gone over, but the
bondsmen will not pay the $4,()0J in
full, and if the board will not take a
leser amount in full satisfaction of
j the claim, tne matter win nave to De
;'ntcdtod:,y ' litigated in the courts. There seems
1 1 T J l-
to be a disposition to compromise the
matter, and on June 21, another meet
ing will be held for final action before
suit is brought by the county.
N i-
it 1.
.Ms to :ovn that ex-
. ( . I. aie- is quite
to-, ;it n: i iioir.e
i ra v- - - i
i a i
.lar.t v , r
I'l'fl. ,
I ;
U 111 I
I i.
of Ali.i.'.rl tiuiiion vs. the
.on wood tried to a jury
,Mt - a, .a! yo.storday ii verdict, for
i ii ,t ni was giv. li. 'i he defen-;;:i-.-.'
iioti'.'i; of at) appeal.
o o'.sh.ic library recoived some
va: ua mo hooks from Waohiogto.i
itlv oonsi.-ting of the geoloarical
witi: tliiistratod :itlases. J. B.
h wa- tin- incmiH-r who kindiy
;.,;!; oat
. ! laird at u d.-iughter, Albert
i-t.-r, A .tniinc rmtin anu
r.- wont to llo'.levue this
iteml tho Hi.nual cora-xoM-ises
of Iloiifvuo Col-t.nii-
pi ace today.
li tin.-!'.. Win. Koil and
a :. M Si-iiuni. kor and
i .on! wi:o i--i'i;i' in yes
y: .;:iti.w. . I'ounty, Wis-
t .: a ; i- v. :th Mr.' Fcze-.-'a
i... a i-" t .' .and with other
ai. -.-! al o! 1
1. It I) l I I O
n iiia ha-l
' . '. 1 1 1 1
i i r . . a no
.; ot ;,
iat :
t O
U . ( iiii.itii.a ton was
a. or of V. itsi.ijaa Uni
. -,i y, and friends of that
api-laud the selection,
ir- an eloquent and
who will see
i Wo-ioyan takes high
i-i of westorn colleges.
A. It cover the old wheel-
ilio i- in the city t: day
!-- with a host of o;d time
apt.ihi was ;i va iant
.: aivil war and and is
t K in tho ovontsatthe
aiaah the ftosts of many
i I : l
'a I: :.' ' o!
a a-ra iod divine
a t
' i.
) v, i,
t;i Ring an active
it i.-.-n v
in I rum
. I 1 1 V ! I i - V."
oOm ha
A Clever Catch.
Detective Long, of the Missouri Pa
cific, passed through the city last eve
nin en route to Kansas City, in com
pany with the sheriff of Nemaha
county, and had with them the neces
sary pape. s for the bringing bi.clc to
Nemaha county of Joe Kelsey and Lon
Martin, to answer the charge of steal
ing a watch from B. F. Strawn an
Omaha traveling mm, while going
from Omiha to Stella on the Missouri
Pacific night train.
The robbery was reported to Detec
tive Long the night that it was done,
and suspecting the two above named
men, who had been driven out of Oma
ha, had them a rested on theirar ival
at Kansas City and found the watch
on their person. Detective Long is a
good worker, and has broken up many
of the gangs of thieves along the lino
of the Missouri Pacific road between
Omahi and Kansas City. Nebraska
Citv News.
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
was reccommend to me. I used one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke & Co.
, 1 1 a i: i - in
A . V
o hiy
i Box
. si ' y t i r
l! a V : rt -iii i
f t (111; r.
i .-. d ff -rent
to-la 'oh
I n
: oill
Il is
I'I ilU-
r ail'
a I ' i . ; '.
I "
i I!
It :
-i y .a : nod out st-ven-i:u
. u o.-k from her
a io i. d.'O ii talent.
i h is a new daughter
ai.d John Schafer
v. Uoth getting along
ami the boys departed
.. Minder. They ex
mil ,'w hf r on a farmout
i h
, 1
l !:.-
I i iith ilu..e.l went to Gieen
da , a a do.i'o tie to the Cnrist
i -: . v i i i. ii vo.,tioi' . Mis- Gass
-.. ;,. -r in Oin iliil, and go wi h
. i . who !? oil i h- gu n
, --nt hi- f.tth.-r, lloioy Cooper
.i!i. a iot o of a Sp:nih Msg
! h.- rai t nr. d down in Cubnn
.-. tl.t..-ay cl.)5tjj up ihe Otoe
tc :u dist iot court jr ester-
A fortunate Runaway.
Johu Bauer's big team hitched to a
farm wagon got away lastTjesday and
started home at a break neck gait.
When they reached the corner of
Eighth street on Washington avenue,
the horses ran into a ditch which
overturned the wagon and threw the
team, they were caught by some pass
ersby and straightened out with slight
It is, or should be, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Esbleman, Sterling.
111., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It my
ixteen years, experience in the drug
husiness I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy."
sold by all druggist
Try Allen's Foot-Ease.
A dowder to be shaken into the
shoes. At this season your fe t feel
swollen, nervous and hoi, and get
tin d easily. If you have Mnarlifg
feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
E.iee. It cools the feet and makes
walking eany. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and ctll-aus
spots. Relieves cens nnd but. ions f
all pain and gives rest and comfort
Try it today. Sold by nil druggists
and shoe stores for 2oc. Trial pack
Hge FREE. Address. A.len S. Olm
atead, Le Roy, N Y.
Men and Women Out of Work
Can earn big wages and establish a
permanent trade selling Ironite. "
Sells in eve-y family. Indispensible
article. Sample box and confidental
terms for five two-cent stamps. Send
today and secure your field.
Menomonee Falls, Wis.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. De Witt's Lit
t'e Early Risers cleanse the liver,
cure constipation and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Annual W. (.:. '1'. U. co.i vnni inn i "r
be he'd at Nehuwku .1 u"o l' at .i I
WKDNKSOAY, .11 N K la -M'-; ... . j -(I -,-r..
2:0. Song servico. ; 'n . .- i:
Devotional cxei i. i-e ; , , by M. - - ; -' .:
A 'igtist. ,
Wolds of grouting, Mr... M iry ! : -Rcspoiis.i
by a in aah- i . i ; .
union. 1 '
Annual addrcs?-, M i .-. . Kt - i i
rick i
Appointinonl of c. i., t m. : " '
Credentials. ;
Pliin of work. ; ' "
Resolutions. !
Pi ess reports.
Exccutivt moeiiii;-
i -
Social hour.
8:0 Devotional -i", ; ' '
Rev. C. L. Myers. '
Department con to.-1 ly m o'- '
local unions of tin eti'int . J
! i
Music furnished by the iai,. ... , '
telle of Weojiing Water
Admission 10 cents. j . , .-
TIlt'llSllAV .ll'N'K 111 -Mm '::;' ' ., .
9:."0 Devotional sor i,-.- .
Mrs. A. B. Churchill. : . . - ,
Roll call of county oil a- , ... . j
Reading minutes of iai i-.m -. . !
Ueports of county ollie. : a,.'. : ;
intenden ts. ' . .
Repo t of commit!'
work. '
R;p rt of coinmilte oi, ua : : : . i
Report of coiniilit'oo on i-r. :
Election of oilicor-
Noontide prayer -orvie. ',. .
Mrs. M. P. Hoover, di-lrieV or ; '
TJIl'i:.-DAV Al it.KM
-.:M). Executive inoet ii.g-
2:30. D.ivot'.oniil ;: vie. - .
Mrs. R. A. Fleming.
Report of year'?- woric ", -.. . ' i
ies. j
Repo- t of I'otiiiuitt' o. i rt- ..; e ;
A Mothers" hour, or !-.ei.
the N;.tio.::il Congrons, of Mot i..
Williird niemoriiil v i"o.
Tjiu ;;.-i.v v kvi'.n 1 n ;
Devotional sei vices. La I . i : !
K. Surf.-.ce. !
Music by the local uaioa.-.
AdL-tss by Mis. M. P SI
"Glimpses cf it World ' .-u.ti N:
Recitation, oy Miss Main i Pot
Recitation, by Mr. ( I. My.
Recitation, by Mis Luva url,
Song and benediction.
i . n . -. i
' !."-.., i ,
y ."i
I a;
lltni-ii htil.l (In !-.
The nr.cient Greek.- bo'. ic .i
the Peniiti s won; the- oon- v,
tended to th'? welfare ami ; o
of the family. '' hey w. f , ,
ped as household gods, i'i..
hold god of today i-
New JJi covviy. 1 r
coughs, cob's and for
thro.;t, chc-t : i:d lunar
hbie. It l.r. b en ti i
of a century iid i?- gua;
or nioi ey rt. L i - in d .
shoe d b-j v..l out ihh- ;
is pie fcant lo tako and t .-iife. a to:
remeuy for old i.ntl yc o g. I'i
rottles at. F. G. Erich e a t o -lar
si ze 50c a ml -il.
i a:T. ' :
it I. ii:
for ii 'i a
llll.-l-.l lo
'o fion
an a :il!;'i
1 1
StttU ti .Slitit-s.
The city marshal rec. ived a
gram from Creston, lodt t- liie;
to look out for come tio ti with
shoes. They were earryii:
gunny sat;ks, and evidontly
' tin
it-i;4i i;rtiKiiiii'-.
Not wishi-ig to carry any :;oo.i
we will sell for cash, am! ea.-h
all of our trimmed hats at a :
reduction in price.-. Wo ne a:,
we say. Come and see.
ll't KKK SIS I 1
Have You Iviiiacy TrtitOil.-'.'
A i0c triiil bbttle of Eoh-y - ii
Cure will prevent seriou- i.--.ilt
this usually fatal di.-eas. m.
I'armele and F. G. 1'iiek.- Co
lakcn I'ji,
At my place near the (air
a black hers -5, while oti..r ir. for
weight about 1100 pounos. 1 .-. a
have same by e.ailiag, p .y:n;:
notice and dam.a-.'es.
Tho.m .- i ;
TO CUitii A COLD IN O.Nl. li.W
Take Laxative Jhoo.o luir. it 1 .
All di-uggisis refund ti ' in.aut-y
fails tocuie. -'C. 'i ho
L. B. Q. i n t.
I'ne Kirk's White t lmi.1 -M;t-
For toi et and laundry, am. gi
blue wrappers to the Woman
change. They wish -ev.-ra! th:
of these wrappers, ami yoa . an
in this way to r.ii.-e money o ; ,
church debt.
Crimson, veil iw ami .while r,
and the memorial rose, po.-ieei' .
a large stoel of lor r-t
A. Moore "s. Call Jiol :. the n-
otlli?9l t 1a Pleniurf :f n
A fine carriasro doutl.ij t h - ileif.uret th
ins. Intendiuij buyers of earrhii.-e or la
nes8 can save dollars hy t-ondint.' tm i
large, free catalog-u e of the hlkhart Cut i i.
and Harness Mfc Co., Elkhurt, 1ml.
)r.l i a i
i ' - - i
Inve-tig ,tio;i show- ihi. r.-n wi... j
succeed an nn'.i t.a or ii n ' o: o
nerves grent wol-pow.-r
food cannot sn.av ti
which people with active h;-:-it: - a on
bod ; 9 1 . quire. Cicola I'il.'s ' '-:
nerve-- :u ,k the in ;.d i igh', a .---
cies s'- on. in U" ll'-h iiini s! :.;
give pe feet hea.t':. t "o W-
men. 'ii..; 'i,i;-. "i ' .'.v
riEl.PHiA m .ke CicoJa Iill5
J E Buckey. i-liicf rl. rk N..ti-n..! il V , ?
ington, I) C. tcstities that ho -a a" ai'. i -.a. l .M.
was a shadow ct his f.niiicr -c:t liu-oi i l'ili-
gave hiui wunderlul rcticf- lie Ma .- ' . .. r
twenty ptiunds alter usir.K tlu-:u
Selling ARent for l'lailiiui h .ool !
Coanty, F. ti. FKICKK Jt" CO.
Turner Little l.iwr Ttum-r A Ki
small pilL Turn your Siver ml a.-, i,. . I
ache Biliousness Indigent-. .. :
h. j
I r
Oil ViffiiL 10 Bliy
i I,.,.- i.. ii, .- in-. o. o il liiuo. I will inako
I' i ; ! ' ! ' i ' I I ; .s in . v-ry tiling in my lino for I lot
. i; ;, a-, li .a .van I t o ho y a W a It h , ei t her llttl ie i'
,, i , I r.o, a m yon from tli Oil to j lOOO, iicci(-l)lli'.M.O
,,,.,,! viai.ii. I la v i , iiy I hin.: in t ho lino of .) la W I '. I .1 1 V ,
mo. t iu i n ;' to j., t a t , -a t '. 1 i'i' e von an o it i In n i t v to g t
. ; , . ., i : a ; "', I 1 1 i r ;.- a in in no
l- WaOii ami Jevvt Iry re pan In," a -p.oially. I'i very
, I i . i -,i: i al. .).-v oi: h.lly vviirranted.
1 ' i i
7 ;
1 i .or ; -o a 1 "! I 'o. toll:.'!- ,
t :ih' ' i- at 1 1 - ""-"it- !.. 'i'.' i' ilt I1 if
I'lal Inmout h, .ch.
.1 a- ;
I. R
mi mm
'I'nai'.s vviial i, ilio lr.attur with Hannah
.tli iUhcr- ;oc;ti housowivos, who
iii coin; idled to roasl over a hot
k:l. i ,i. utcw: n thioctj torrid day.';.
it a
a Gasoline Stove,
i i o f m u c h s u to r i n g
cheaper than doctor
;-nf iiiiich teller than n worn-
Wo j.:ivo vow the
'.- " pi
y v
Stove and Oven at tho very
.rices, with the assurance
thai you v-. s i he pleased with it. The
( 'iii V !.lOV vj
n. vvhicii provision is made
j;:. escape of gasoline,
1 ; !:jnvjr !c accidentally
:-.'( 'Vo out or iof i open. Unquestion--1
1 y ;.hc ho-si isoline stove made,
,'hui ifio price is always the lowest.
:V'i v
t y
KIS H ; i k. Ill In I Ml
is as tuii .;ii cfJtnpieU; as evejr, and
ack . io wit io.ed cvory whe-re to be the
iarc-.csi in (-a','.; county
Vnii .m...
1 can please
. oil 1 1 . i t i i t i n nr PnnD
v . i i t ' . i. y , ' 1 lO tiii ii i
Plattsmouth, Neb
5 -"-
'.2 wi. 2 "iJl i'i
i - ontifiue to do a leading business in Fancy.
oh! Staple Groceries. Because they carry
mi mnnonso stock, buv for cash and sell at
. w ')rC'
C'Juaiit v.
v. t. :
'ory thing good to eat of Best
'inc.! try us.
Coi m ni Sixth nnfi Vm Streets, - - - Plattsmouth. Neb
f t . - o: ' n. M o'a t o, t m ' M f M I"' 1
Cbc Smith premier Typewriter.
1 .:'.'"'':J.:;:h
iitiX Vilu XIriting .Machine.
f?A3 all the Latcbt Tnprowmtnts.
popular IStcautj of JIcrit.
fM-t Durable Cyprtrritcr f lxdc.
prer.icr Buyers do Jot experiment.
OJrxtt ft 'cw Hrt CataUgu fret.
s 1?.k5.A.
-si ,. j-i-f.''' VWV tjiiiuii jrvmur v;p.tviitn av.
ftracui), r. U. 8. H.
! !i :i - "i r ..I'll Ml - - .
3 . - .
I't'rrr-irifntlv f"r.-l hy uir.c DIl. WHITEHALL'S 'JIIIEUMATIC criIE. The
.-nrf-t iL; Jx-.-t. Hai.l )y druffists on a positive guarantee, I'rice 50 cents
V-'t r ln.. S i.'nT-lt1 ':A fn-o on mention of fhi.s nuMiratifin.
JLsncL or nit
i .1 ' a ' a a:- .- il i . ; ' t in i-!i .-.j-. a. i; It ' ' a
'. . : I . , !
inc NtiWzj does
..G(hh1 J'ob lriniitify