Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 08, 1898, Image 3

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Of Several Hundred Shop Hoyi
t t rr . 11
fit W io K.'iise x nree v;
i 55
! tlA..l 1'Iuv Hrnl Shi" Slim) Jim he)r
B.1to Htar H.iiik:i-I U.uiii. r In I ii
furled to Tlif l'.r"
From a t u i lay 's D.nly.
At 1:40 today, according to previous
announcement, the- It & M. shop men
in three of th chief departments
foi mod in procession and marched
.1 fc fl 1 . . . .1 ..I 'PI...
Us 'i itarndo was ono of tho best and most
IT interesting nvor Been in tho city.
i uarry isarinoia, oi to piamnu nun
came first boating a oiall llitf and
t, Wonriti,' hit fUot apron, then Followed
A tho cilv bund, then Wash and Dan
I I f Smith, foremen of tho coach and paint
(shops, then six men bearing tho Die:
V nag, ono at enner corner anu uuu uu
Aoachsido. Then followed tho oxport
;ip workmen wearing their shop attiro
!k and each holding a small llarr. Tho
v snlmidid M. W. A. Vtiind nimi) next fol
ii II .
'I 1 lowed bv the sturdy blacksmiths wear
I n l10 leather aprons and with sleeves
I'lroUcd up they formed a picture of in
llustry well worth seeing. Their nap
.s the largest in tho city ana was
lorno aloft by four polos which show-
I tho immense proportions of the nap;
f machine Bhoj) boys with their Ha
II lwhicb t-pnulred 6 men to cirrv it so
mat ail could see the i oy stripes and
Izure blue of the handsome emblem.
.he hands both nlaved t.,trioi5 airs
Ife-and tho procossioi which extended
me lull lengm oi wniu sinov owwu
reached the shoos when the program
K as announced was earned out to tne
(n letter
Utoad Cole, of Ashland, is in the
city on legal buincs today.
Fiank Richardson snd wife we- o ex
position visitors tliis morning.
Mrs. Schioieh retui ned to hoi- homo
at Sweetwater, Nebraska, today.
Abo lViinerueig began clerking for
C. H: Wescott & Son, clothiers today.
N. II. Meeker the Greenwood 15. ink
er was in the city today on lu-iness.
Will Morlev, Korcoe Wolic
V. Wollen are members of
company who reside at Avoer.
Forty ncros near Mt. i'loa;
sold today belonging to tho
nolds estate, subb -t to a li-
tho puicai or at
il A.
e new
i t was
: -u.y-
cst ate,
1 friends w..-ro at the cW p it to bid mi
revoir, :.nJ as uro him that then- k-h
wishes .-ivoinpanv him wiu-rv. r tic
may go. Artlni- ii a genial fellow and
will surely form a 1. u- t-in-'e of frieiiub
in his new homo.
O. 11. l'oik of Lineol-i, alto: n--y fo
the plaintilT, is trying a ea-e in c-ii-t
ty court today l- fotu a jury. Ti-e ti
tle of tlin cae is Alix; t Gu.woii vs.
licorge and N!a-aret 1 ; aver. i'A'.rU.
nr.d Il.irr appea f r t'le Trave.- 'i'tie
-a-e is ho -o f imi G reuwo. d.
Wm.15. Co -k, ago ::l of I'miro Homo
Nob , to Iljllo H. Oosi a-e of 11 in
wood, also Cirirles Kdge:-t n, -H, of
Council ClulTs and Iienri-tia Muciiler
27 of llvie, Ta., too i iut permits to
wed today ard the latter couple wore
united by Judge Spuriock.
riat'.smout.i people thou'd alien. 3
A yuiipy l: ii 0
I' l mi . ; '
And 1 1 ii-- 1
s. t 1. i i t!.
He muA, ', i
Vi;li!ii ti.-it : :
I lis I'Vi"- "I inc.
Ail c'i-c !
All'l i !"! - !' '
'I . i,'..v...
1 i-
rl i
i-Wl-l.'l '11 '.I:!
V, C ! 1 1
I' iir. l.i i
The flags on the coach, blacksmith
Hi .und machine shops were quickly
Iji .( Jrawn up io the top of the poles which
Vmr.!, then sane tho National song
i and wui rau tnat was m-
spiring. Judge G, M. Spuriock then
made a very apurop iate address that
was w.-j.l recoivd. Then cam some
bpU'iidid music by the band and a sa
lute to old glory tnat was loud enough
to bo heard for a mile. The store
house force i aised thei- flag in the
forenoon, r-o that four beautiful new
emn.ems, poi ited heaven word, this
t-fterno.-n a. d luesoft south wind ca
ressed their foids lor tiie first time.
It was a gila day, and . one which
thoughtful people who witnessed the
industrial parade will not soon forget.
Went to Sen Hi Son.
From Saturday's Daily.
Hans Rothmann went to Omaha to
day to see his son who was injured by
robbers. He seceived his first notice
of the unfortunate affair from the
Evening News of yesterday, which
gave a full report of it. He says his
son has been working for John Phil
pot tver near Weeping Water, and
that he and another hired man named
Campbell went to Omaha to take in
exposition. At last accounts the boy
was delirious from the wounds about
the head, inflicted with a coupling pin
in the hands of tho tough3 who as
o5iH him. Omaha is the most mis
governed city in the west and a man is
in danger of losing his .ife whenever
he takes a stroll under a viaduct or on
a dark street after 8 o'clock in ihe
Kim wood nt Wabash Koster.
The following is a list of the mom
bors of company B from Eimwood and
Wabash: J. L Ma pes, Fred James,
i:nnro W. Dunklo, Fred Hadley, Ed.
Decker, Dan McMillen, Benj. Hoot,
Emery Brant, Hay A. Barrett, Earn
est Sarver, It. E. Current, Walter
Uobson, Prof. H. E, Covell, Ruby
Irons, Dr. F. E. Kraft. Rev. W. H.
Turrell. The Wabash boys are: O.
II. Allen, H. A. Austin, Albert Ober
nolto, Wm. Kruger, Fred Krugor,
Simon Obernolte, Fd. Vanderburg
and Al. Hoot.
Heroic American Sailors.
Washington, D. C, June 4. Ensign
J. R. Y. Blakely was in command of
the volunteer crew of tbo Merrimac,
deliberately sunk yestorday by Samp
ton as a cork to Sr itiatro harbor. His
father is editor of the Philadelphia
Star. It is understood ihat the vol
unteer crew only numbered 8 men,
all are prisoners.
Card of Tuauka
To the order of Rebekahs, friends
,i ..oi.rhbors who were so kind and
as,-isied'n during tne illness and at
.f,,,,,.-.!! of Mrs. Barker, we desire
... .,h Hv express our heartfelt
Mrs. Be r per wi
Frederick Doud died at his home in
Wyoming Friday, where he had lived
since 1854, aged 75 years and 11
months. The fun' al was he'd Sun
day. Ex.
Miss Oltie Reynolds came ov - from
Plattsmoulh Saturday and visited at
homo until MonJ.iy. Hi e was ac
companied by li'tio Fern McHnde.
Nehawka Register.
John Craig, one of the e;. rly f-ell er
of Cass cojniv, u:'d a ics de it o. ' oik
county for sever.;, yea s. wm i. t wn
yesterday in attend -r-e fit tne lu, e ai
of his nitce, Mrs. J .mo. Bu ke:-.
The Cam obeli boy who was held up
in Omaha lives near Nehawka, and is
a rrrnndeon of T -m C I. II s
ciiiisiLis. Alex Campbell aad liiiK iwi-
son, went to Omaha this afternoon to
loon niter him.
Tr..uVi;n..i,n mi'ho.'itios S"V ll'at
American i v .1 1 lirsi re lanne l
vi..niiii .1 si a en S p Jur. i v. i 1
be invest . : .i -i'.UU v. o;i . Po- o
Rico wil. toon 1'- ei uiulti- liu
Stars and S i e.-.
IT n c 1 e B.i ob; n : to a w h i y ''' s
of age w;.s down town V day fee.i.ig
first rataf e-bei ig In us.-u up w.Lii
rhumatism. He has topes of tn-s
first issue of the New Yo k Sun d i ed
way back in 18.14
B. Cecil Jack Frisco thrt
he is regimen tf" le k :-nd is : etl'ng
along first-rate. He thinks the dis
cipline very strict and says tiie uo.vs
are all wel.. They hone to be olT I. r
Manila on the expedition which sis
in a few d-iys.
George F".i lio.d w s on the s eel
today greying many friends of the
early days wh n the town h.-d o ly
2(H) or 30!i!i'ia.i..urt. He is rajii.v
recovering ir on -is re;er.t illut-s.-;, r..:d
expects i.: ..m. : : l..r ; u;L,r
wrt-k -?.
Theexposiiion is a great .la.-e for
yuur Uncle Reuben to get his eye
teeth cut. Frauds, doal'ieats, pick
pockets, foot pads and burglars are do
ing a flourishing business in the me
tropolis, and tho polica force s m
powers to control the dangerous
elemen .
the exposition this week and hoar the
world fam' u-s marine 'i (i. as its stay
will be f ii- o :ly a few mure. ': !(
b.ndgivesa conceit every iiidnmg
at tea and every evening at eight
Theodore Thomas' o-cl.e-tiaai ,o gives
a concert ev. ry day to in a whii-li no
extra charge i-i ma le.
U. S. Worl of Hock 1 Hull's was in
the city today with nevral ?es of
th Hncst s-trawbu. i b-s we have sceti
this scrsi.n. He ree ived as high price
for them at wholesale as the mer
chants get for shippe I berrn-S lit
retnil. A grea'er poi t'on of Ciss
county e in ra'se Iruil toco upcte wilh
the wor d.
1). T. P. Livirg-ion wiiiie in I. is
rooms at F. II. Wiii es we t to ; n v.ver
a telephone ui.l i. ,ut t.vo o'. io-k
Sunday afterro n, and wni o at tiie
phono ho suddenly f 11 t ' U. floor.
He was earr.ed to a coach nu i I v s -
eians s out for woo p.-ee ibed fo:- h m.
but lie remained in :i sem -eonscious
condition until lliis mom nig. A ph;.-ti-
u e:i'.lil from ( iinana lat
evening, but we il id not ie'iii wh-it In
! thought caused the tudii. n iln.-rs
i Today Dr. Eivings" in is much hei'.er,
nn.l ...1. i-on.i he tholl 'ilt lie in' -ii . iret
down town 111 eve i o if.
J de ire to ai L -i to li..
Ciiamiiel l:i i. v.'o'.g I. i e-:.
of tho mi -t v; Ttt.le a-,
jirepai ation en ! h n. ' '
an exceedingly drir.g- i
Hie i n "4 hovi rs, :i id : i. o r ' :
for. 1 lies ii e to inJurm .!
never bo without it ami '
proud of th'e high 1 .'
our Kemr (iie are l.el.l :
... ... I . !t i. the OH. f !.
l thcu-aud. Sie-i-'
DowNKY, Il li'or 1 !'".
lad. l-'or sale i'V f-H ir'. .' '
. ,i. a 1 I wilt make !l;il
;,-;. ia my lino for thn
u V.'a'.-I), eil':er Indie,' jjnj
; 'i ' o t !'i lid. m-eiirding to
,,, ,,,.. f .1 I'AVIILIIV, :':.
. .... ... ,, lenity to gel 1
! in:- a ' p.-ciall'
Ity. livery
I 'i at t-lnoiit !, Neb.
Hi..-: CS : '.id VlU..
at Cid.o'r ; geed g r
arnl : uiiii::iLr wa r.
LIT: U- !'- - ' ;
1 o r
: . . ; lit; j T Cf l-j U
. :.tur with Hannah
; housewives, who
( ;i'U over a liol
: o torr id clays.
Gasoline Stove,
much suffering:
;:-.-,r than doctor
'hi ihr.r. a worn
;r : ' v,i; I ho
Ceo. V. Va.-s, li.-
wi.lcli rx:i;-s-t. i:-e 1 "
v.sil wit h His par--:- -
ti ve . Ce-ifge h-oi: -
and j ; evidently i '
IV. ke Laxt-i i omio
Ail di u.'gi-ts i .. ii : .
fail- to euro. ' ii-
L. 15. O. n ( i ea ta'.'.. t.
r. i ,' i :
oi nee
OlT for M.iinl .
A special t ain con.-i.- i
d!oti.ii ' c:',:iciie ' ! ill I '
ei s pa s -d Ihroujli th e.;y 1 s-. eve
ning on the B. A: M. i on .i fo.- San
Franci co Tne i-eaei.e, were liiied
wi ll Iowa soldiers from H d CJak,
Shenaidoah. Ceawo.d i-n; Couaeil
HI. ill's, bo ng " I of ih.j.'iri regie ei.;
of volunteers who have bee i in caiuj
al Dos Mo nes s m-j A; l .i li t- 'J li"y
expect tosiii f .r M a ili . Uos weeu.
There were teveal hundred pr-op :e
at th.s depot to greet the con---t--y's !o
feniiers and as the !r:''ts paii.-i in
shouts of civilians an 1 r-oi iij.-s id 1 el
the fervent ; il tho natii.ns
fielsfor the g od of H e n: tion ;n i
for the protection if oid : .lory. '1 lie
bovs w.-ro loaded with and
fruits they h l recel.e-i ; ; ng Ihe
route from admiring o.t .;ms j.nd they
seaf.ercd a port ion of it.ei-g.i i- among
t le penp-e on the p ;.t Oi in and as tho
train pulled out ihe peo:.leon ; he )),at-fo.-m
fa'r.y Mi ov.v one ano: her to
shake hands with th br,-s n th y
moved out o.i l ioir v .y we-t .var.;
luvestigatio.i :e:
sueeeid aie u.i:n -i
nerves g l'eat Wi - - p
food eaiiuot ; t :.
which p--epl-.; v. i:.h ac .
boil ... . : U'i re. liiCou'i
nerv -- a n.e tne i;
ties si; on - -h '' i!
give peiieet iuaiiLii io
men. 'i i; H 1 i'KNi.::.
DlCI.i'llIA lliai; e LlitoSi
J !; iiutkey. ciaci ci i k N a
iiiBton. I C. ic.-iai:- i'.:.: t,.
was a :d'.;.div i I U. i -i
pave hirn v., .m!- 1 1 : ' ' :
iwent y .uni!s ' '
Si-Hili" -iU- tir ! -r ft:!!-
Coanij , I i I U; l'
smail rail.
t il ! O
. Tiaii ,
.)Ur-!IC -.
. v.
Hai:k :it and Family.
bos are the most pat-
ra., of men in tne city. Apru
.w .A their splendiu piraae tatui
dav, we are assured that they have
r used ten American flags and one
. .;... hmct . rII lartre. on the various
ULiu --r
.i nd nortions of the shop yards.
riiwt .
na which thev raised Saturday
- .v, lnrtresl Ha? in the city, 24x18.
The boys are vei y proud of their colors
ft when thev seo them waiving over
thev toil for their
IUC '."vv - -
v,h it liirhtens their burdens, and
makes them feel they have something
to toil for home and native lanu.
To Consumptives.
ao n honest remedy, Foley's Honey
and Tar does not hold out false hopes
oriv.nt-a stages, but trut-iuuy
to eive comiort ana reuei in
. v. -w worst cases, and in the early
stages to effect a cut. Smith &
Parmele and F. G. Fricke & Co.
The finest screen wire guaranteed
lor ten years at Coates & Co.
j; , . X DAY.
James Ingram of Loulsvll
town today on busines .
Wm. Delesdernier of Elmwo i is at
tending district court today.
Thomas Irwin of Louisville at
tending to bu-inrs here today.
"Dick" Streu-ht ships a car load ol
hogs to Souih Om-'ha this evening.
Georgo W. Oai-K. th" Greenwood
attorney is in lie i ity oa legal busi
ness. Tiamsev of Glendalj was in
town today vising ' is broth r, Judge
M. E. Co'omnn. who is f r:r.v g, his
year, tut roar Alvo, was in t.-w , over
Sunday visiting h s parents.
Dr. D.tvis, Wm Wo fe and A. II.
Austin of Union in the city t 'day
on business at the cou.-t hcuse.
Company B. will pet its first ta.te
of war life by making an overland trip
to Weep:ns Water tomorrow
Louie Thomas reMrned f. om Kan
sas City this morning accompanied oy
bis cousin, Miss Verm 1 hom.i .
W. C. Tabor carao in from Manly
..oainrdv. andexoects to ie urn to Al
liance with his wife tho m dt' e of the
Roe Craig has o ly be n f i ming a
few weeks and he aire, dy has a pair
of twin colts Unit ar.ivoi ert rd.i.V.
He ought lobe i win.ier oa the film.
D. K. Barr rays lie knows 'In le low
- l.... 5...-.1,. I..i. t iia :i. ' il ei'llOOl
W fill II I VJ . 1
grounds and in hi h-i-le gl liis
hat. He will give nnn ni-. n --
he calls fo it.
Frank She man ha 1 a leller f:-ro
W.'J.Brvan today offering him - place
inthoreffimenial band if he wi-uul get
his mother's consent, v. ank i using
all his persuasive tones on h s nnUner
just now with a f i" show of ruei-.s.
Thn T.ivins-ston Bu' ding & Loan
association has dec ated a dividend on
its 6rst stock wh eh ha now tally m i
lured and proves to have ueen one of
the best investments ihaitne siock-
holders cou d possibly have raaue.
nut rlct court for the Juno to: m
opened toJay. Judge Ramsey called
iho dncke. setting ca-es ior vriai, aim
adjourned over at 4 oY'ock until to
morrow as ne goe to xSeura-K.i
this evening to finish ud the term
down there.
t c Tntbws received wo d yes-
terdav to the effect, that W. S. i'urdy:s
increase pensio:i cla i m had t.-eon dis
allowed for of sudicieal prooi
that his injuries wero -usL: i.e i wh.le
in active serve. Ho is very low : -.a
cannot live much longer.
Arthur Toliff left Sund y i.Pemoon
at4 :59 for his new home at Noifo'k.
A number of hi3 young geutiemen
1 '. i3 k s ' 1 !
iVt-'; -c-''pr i' him"
r "i'Tr?"--5'' Hwr to its :;'
jhrf'.SeiiijW. - .
Lii ir l'r t'n.o.i.
Unic.n will very likely have a l ion
for the next, ye .r. Jolm K nataiy, an
old c.tien of tiial town, wiil in .Kj a;--
plic it'.oi to tho town o. a.d lo .'. li
cense to i u l a pl;n:e of this kind. S ace
ho has secui'.-u the :t-qulsit- r.umber
of s'gners t his pctil'o : and a roaj r
itv of the board is in favor of ra .ting
icense. no do ibl Mr. K -i ueny v i l he
open for business in a vo y su-.-rt time.
What ver mav be said fo:- or against
tho open saloon, it is certainly bttt-M-for
the community th..n booilegging
or hoies in the wall who-o a r.y body,
minors and balit j il dru .karus, can
get all the liqu r they want anil no
questions asked. Tuis coauition of
affaii s dep ives tho community ot any
licence revenue and since selling
liquor wi.hout a license is .ilwajsa
money making business, 1-. i an mce
live to iaw breaking. Mr. Kennedy is
a reputibe man and if anyo-ie e n.
maintain an orderly h :u-e m kind
in ih it community, he ce. taiaiy c n.
to hot'sekeeuers.
Licbi COM PA
Extract of !5ec
telling how to pi ' par. :
cate and delieir.-us ilisia-.
.: Gv'iii .'it Lhci vory
v.:ih iiui assurance
it ?ar,:;d willi il. The
. : n provision is made
t .-'-.(;;; ;e oi' gasoline,
: Ljo accidentally
v '-..-on. Unqnestion
viiino slove made,
always the lowest.
inpijto as ever, and
v f v vv h o r ( . ; to be the
cwilv. I can please
and Price..
.VUliesf. Lict.-jr
o r.
A man stands no chance of being
elected totne mayorsuipof a city unless
he enjoys the confidence and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. V. Humphrey is
the popular mayor of Swanlrn, Ohio,
and uuder date of Jan. 1, lS'.K), he
writes as f -1 ows: -This is to ce-tify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain
Cough llemcdy My l m iy i-.nd
neighbors h .ve tcstod it, and we
know it is an excellent remedy for
c.iughs and colds. Gi-:ok; W.
CMIMIRKY," So'.d by all druggists.
I e Kirk's White Cloud Sinp
For toi et f.iid laun 1 ry. a t.d give tiu wrappers to the Woiu n's ex
chtn"e. Thev wi-h reverai iheusand
oi thes-e wrappers, and you cin he;p
in this way 'o r.ii.-e mo.n-y o i the
church debt.
.1 Warm i n i.d.
r -. y. Co ie Cn ei- vi .- y ho' . but
when uiluteu it is a warm f ienu in
deed to ih'.se suffering from liewei
comulaints. It never f .iis. "i; ; nd
ohc. Smith & 1'arme'e a"d V. G.
Fricke Co.
is Francisco
All points west.
St. Jo--
Kar. --'.:
St. Lo
Plattsmouth, Neb
No 1. P'-Hiver c-5ri'.-s
..O :.'. Oill: iii. -t. 1. ' II .:,
.o uxui-c-a .
oa. Lot-ui cxpre--, .oii;y,
K .US-IS. it bi..! I-. itil 1'
5(lil I ti
No 4. Lot':'.. O.VD, :i.ii.y, iiio-M:,
l.'hic.-izo, ili ; ! ..i.;
No 14- Lueat ex p. a-...:y 1 pt "
No. i0 Oiiial a to Ci.;si. i. .
u ii'
So W. ex p. 'l:uly t'V''.... '
Uil-,', L ..'Ml' .1 :j!ll"t Mi!
NoUU. Frei. til. iao t.---'-vi ?-..
lae-i!- .! m::'! .-Jtl
No Z. Vestieu.oa e-:y. ,! ''
linition, Li. a o :iri :
) 'HIS -t
No fitui- l. Jutiv-t.ia ' '- '
i ! i 'I t ' I " '
Nu 1. Ur..ii;.).ai;.y. : '
7 f.""iTif I
....are-. '. hieh v.-e a:-' marking
in t;.. i:, a e:;.. I. . !.;l-lliO:-S in
.:;'- and h-;vi- c-la l! . r-ie ' d a
N'i 1'.
I I.J') V.
Neb ask. i never gave such a prom
ising ouliook for small grain as at the
present tame in the entire Inst- ry of
the siate. Some farmer.- tear such a
grow th of rl aw may cause the s-m di
gra.n io lodge badly, wlik-h rotn .'times
is a serious fault.
I'nfori uiiit 1'0I'
are th?y who wai o sulleri ;g from
Kidney Diseases are prejudiced
against all a 1 vertise I remedies. They
should know that Foley 's Kidney Cure
is not a quack lemedj-, but an honest
guarantee d medicine for Kidney and
Ii adder troubles. iSc 1'armele
and F. G. Fricke & Co 's.
Holloway's popular steamed bread
is m-Ado of Ileisel's best flour.
v 7 I 'I -'. .a ' (!':. .1 i ' ' '
N" i?. L u - ; - ' :
. a ... l.u .::! iS.iiii.
So U;.. L.-C.-i I '' 1 UX. : i : V . . ;.
,i-..y, t-i it--.- I-'-vi:i.
. ."to a :;' '
NO T. V::. l.etii. uuiiy. 'h.. ' -
L .uc 'in ,
So :(. Vt-etiuu led ex;. a:.::y.
v.-r .-tti.i .11 . r : - 1 1. '
liL'iO. I Uli - "i ' '. I a
li rand 1st : n.:, I?i : i- :l
.'l oulaaa :r..i I'ttv- ' -
So Pi. Li; :.! .:Xi). -ii.ty.
LOUliV: '- .-:.
V. ahuo. sea i: y l r
No 11. l.iKiil c-iiiy .'X'-.'i i :
i . v. LMiiiia-i l.ii: .
No !?. Luoiii t-xpri---. Mi -h v "
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La ited Stales or Ca leuin
i,-.-.r in;i.:L ion. t iia - tal'i.
cick--ts L-uil or rite to
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J. l'UANCLS. lit n. l';ss. Art .
Uiii.tha. Nell.
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K INS fiftlN'l NOI'.TH,
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: Because they carry
c, buy for cash and sell at
ihinrr coed io cat of Best
So. i...
Nn. I'
No. 1ZI. looil f rtrlch'.
No. 2
Nu. IZi. toiil (mUhi
No. 10
' : lit;;
i , i'.Iiv: l j ' .
iion-rr oi Sidh ml Vm Stirnts, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb