J1"-" i -- t'- tr---. 'sSa-'f Ha,', SemiW T r ft !W. ',l"1lH,'V,,1NrA5, Vn v, ConsolldatoU Jn. 1. 1895. UK 111. KALI , ihtiiljlislicil April 10, is,,l ( PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. JUNK 8. 1898. VOL. VI. NO. m. T . M l EE3 I i 'ft i - " -tri The Best Thing Made For this k i iid of weather is the Refrigerator that will keen your e itables cool nnd fresh and save you money on your icu hill. he derrick Refrigerator Is the host i efi iterator on eartb. The ice is put in at, one fide iicir th ? to,) a;d by the ccn-truetion of the box a circulation of cold a r is fur,iihe i from lo; to bottom. Tlf F, IlEEItP'K is always dry a-d free from mould, Microbes and iineleanihioss so dangerous t ;o d health. IJiiv. JJurgoss pu"e''nsed one f tliee Refrigerators and iironminccs it the finest ihing f llio Ur:d he ever seen. He placed a damp cloth in the box, closed it u: and in a few hours it was dry. You must see it to appptechit ;t. C.'I in at I. PEARLMAN'S, THE BIG FURNITURE MAN. FOLEY'S 10 IS THE CHEAT THROAT and LUC REMEDY- For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO : .. THE LEADERS .. IN TfiE GROCERY TRADE A R A. H. WECK3ACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most como'.ole liae in Cass county. Every thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mnM thpKlvaniiiite of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The o ily place in the fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. K. WECKBACH & but have boM direct to the con Burner for '25 years at whole sale prices, savintr him the dealer prohts. thip whore tor examination. Everything warranted. 118 styles of Vehicles. 5a styles of Harness. Top Bu(ries. f 36 to $70. Surrvs. $'U to i lli. Carria- dies. Thaetons. Traps. AVaeon ettes. Sprine-Koad and Milk Ko. T. Somr Hiram. Prie, 16.00. A9 (tooa net., iwi W ELKHART CARUIAGE AND HARNESS MFC. CO. WHITE BR EAST f COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AN'U M V UIILE STS., II. M. SOENMC'HSEX, Manasrer. -5- Ltirjjo Supply of all the IJKST GRADES HARD. COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hanl Also a quantity of cheaper tirades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. 11. Weckbach & Co. f 5- f 6 Tlember if you don't see it in the NEWS, it isn't worth seeing. Uncle Sam's War Timer was ri-rht on the minute of scheduled timf. Our lincly adjusted watches never vary one moment, after they havo been regulated. Wo havo the handsomest i-t( clc of fine watches, for both ladies and gentlemen, to be found iu I'lattsmouth. Our ladies' chatelaine watches are a useful adornment which no lady should bo without. SNYDER & CO. .IEWELE11S AND OPTICIANS. NEY TAR E city where you Jean get all kinds of . Waterman Elk. any- Wairons. Send for larpe, free No. fine Surrey. Price, with curtains, lamps, n. Catalogue of all our styles, shade, apron and fenders, 60. As goad as sells tor M W. B. PKATT. See'r. ELKHAKT. 1HD. Wh?n Weak, Weary aucl Wasted frim Kidney Diseases, why not try Foley's Kidney Cure, a guaranteed medicine. Smith & Parmele and F. G Fricke & Co. For Sale. j A fresh Jearsey cow and ealf. En quire of Ribert Sherwood. l'ete- Kanrihan has moved his fruit and eirr si ore from the Perkins IIouso corner to the room recently va cuted by John Schiappicasse. For Sale. j The five ncres with residence, east and adjoining F3. & M. lumber yards, sc: es in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells. iCi?ie'-n. Cellar. j A li' tlo h y inkid fo a bottle of I "ret up in the morning as fast you jcm." the d rug trist recognized a house ; hold mime for "De Witt's T itt'o Early ! Risers." ai d gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation sick headoriche, liver and stomach troubles. F. G. Fricke, & Co Piinsies in general mixture, 20 cents per dozen. Extra fine blooming plants 25 cents per dozen at L. A. Moore's Telephone No. 15. OPENS OM SANTIAGO. Havana Dispatch Says the Amer ican Fleet Has Begun Bom barding Again. FINAL STRUGGLE MAY NOW BE ON. Spanish Fleet with 10,000 Troops Re ported Sailing for Manila. Rather ImporUnt Telegram from Dowey Oreat Success of th l'hllipplne Rebels and Much Auxiety Hegurdlng Their Treatmuut of Prisoners Cadiz Fleet Not Troubling- the Navjr Department Many Conflicting Humors Some Tlino of Grace lor Carranza Other War Notes. Havana, June 7. United States war ships opened fire at 8 o'clock yesterday morning against the fortifications at tlago de Cuba. Hong Kong. June 7. Advices from Manila say It Is officially declared there that four armed cruisers, with colliers and torpedo boats, and transport ships carrying 10,000 troops, have left Spain, proceeding for eastern waters. Manila, May 31, via Hong Kong, June 7. The Spanish outposts have been driven in all along the line simultan eously. There is great slaughter of Spaniards. Fierce hand-to-hand fight ing for seventy hours, in spite of the typhoon that Is ralng. The insurgents hold the suburbs of the city. Washington, June 7. After a lot of conflicting rumors of naval engage ments, the landing of troops, and such matters at the navy department, there came at the close of yesterday one im portant bit of news embodied in a re port from Admiral Dewey, of Important successes achieved by the insurgents at Manila. The report was to the effect that the Philippine rebels had won sev eral victories over the Spaniards in Cavite province and taken many pris oners nearly 2,000. The officials have been more anxious than they cared to betray as to Admiral Dewey's condition. They were not seriously apprehensive of personal danger to the fleet, but an Im pression was gaining ground that the admiral had not maintained the same measures of success in his operations in Manila bay that rewarded his first ef fort. Now the report received goes to show that his plans are working out admirably; that he has succeeded In placing upon the insurgents the burden of conducting military operations against the Spaniards and in preventing the corruption of the insurgent leaders by the Spaniards, which appeared at one time to be threatening. Solicitous About the Prisoners. There is some speculation here by anxious minds as to how the insurgents will treat the prisoners they have tak en, who are more numerous, it is said, than all the captures made by the Cu ban insurgents since their war began. This solicitude is because of the terrible tales circulated of the barbarous treat ment of prisoners captured by the in surgents. It is sincerely hoped that Agulnaldo will see to it that this agree ment is observed in the case of the 1,800 prisoners he now holds, for it is believed In official circles that the nations of the civilized world will hold the United States morally responsible for any great excesses- that may be committed in the Philippines as a result of our action there. Xot Worried About the Cadiz Fleet. That Cadiz fleet which was reported to be doing strange things in the West Indies Sunday is not giving the naval officials any concern. They have learned through the state department that the Spanish ships were at Cadiz last Fri day, so they could not well have been in the West Indies two days later. Up to the dose of office hours it could not be learned at the war department that any news had reached . there to show that troops had landed in force near Pantlago, and the offic.als, high and low, made no concealment of their incredul ity. JUST IN FROM THE FLEET. Spanish Torpedo Boat Probably Got Away Santiago Harbor Illocked. Key West, Fla., June 7. An auxiliary cruiser of the United States fleet which left Santiago de Cuba at 1 o'clock on Saturday morning came in here yes terday afternoon for coaL She had been in Santiago waters since Wednesday morning, but was with the other ships of the squadron only part of that time and saw nothing in the nature of a bombardment. She reports, however, that on Friday night, when about a mile from shore, what was thought to be a Spanish torpedo boat was sighted, headed for the cruiser. Three or four ships immediately opened a heavy fire upon her, and when the smoke cleared away th torpedo boat had disappeared, having apparently put back into the harbor. Apart from the sinking of the Merri tnac in the channel of Santiago de Cuba by Lieutenant Hobson and his gallant companions, thiB torpedo attack was the only occurrence coming within the knowledge of the officers of the cruiser. The latter say the sunken collier ef fectually blocks the channel Capt.Oviedo the Spanish officer who went out to the American fleet from Santiago to obtain clothing, etc., for Hobson and his crew, remained on board the New York for three hours, and effusively congratu lated the American officers on the gal lartry of the crew of the Merrrmac. Captain Ovledo expressed his admira tion for the daring of the Americans and said he had never seeen anything to equal it. As Hobson and his crew have natur ally learned much about the Spanish fortifications it is hardly likely that they will be exchanged for some time. After a friendly chat in the cabin Ad miral Sampson sat on deck with Cap tain Oviedo and pointed out his ships with pride. The names of the two wounded men were not ascertained. One has a slight wound in the cheek and the other in the hip. The American officers who saw the Merrtmac's perilous adventure, say it is a wonder any one on board escaped. The Spaniards evidently sighted the Merrimac and permitted her to pass the first line of their batteries. At the sec ond line &J1 tlie Sp&sisb. cuna opened on her and It seenifd as though thousands of projectiles were hurled at the collier. MORTGAGE ON HOltSON S HOME. Ifvominent Alabama Men 1'ropune That It Shall lie Wiped Out. Mobile, Ala., June 7. M. r. Ine. trustee of the old city debt of Mobile, and a former residert of Greensboro, Ala., has associated with himself, John Is. Rapier, publisher of the Motile Regis ter, and R. W. Taylor, auditor of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, in an effort to raise & fund to pay a mortgage upon the home of the heroia Richmond Hob son, at Greensboro. Incre says: "Through honorable misfortune Mrs. Hobson was forced first to sell a part of he- homestead property and then to mortgage the rest, and has not been able to redeem It despite the fact that her son faithfully sent his mother all of his pay alxive the cost of actual maintenance of himself as a cadet since being In the service. "I notice in the Alabama Beacon, pub lished in Greeensboro, that this mort gage is advertised for foreclosure sale, which will take plare on the 15th of this month. Thus this brave boy's mother's home is to be taken from her, no doubt because from his meagre pay as a naval officer he Is unable to lift the debt. Now young Hobson will doubtless be voted the thanks of congress, together with a sword or a medal, but these, will not pay a mortgage, and I propose to ap peal to the people of this appreciative nation to pay off this mortgage and buy back the part of the old homestead thit has beeen sacrificed, and that the title shall be In the name of Richmond V. Hobson, where he will find rest with his mother when peace shall bring- its bless ings to our country." SOME NEWS FROM MANILA. Correspondent Traverses the WIitl K gion of Fighting Near tin) fit. v. Hong Kong, June 7. t Yiyi ight, 1S0S, by the Associated Press. The corre spondent of the Associated Press at Ma nila, under date of June 2, says: "I have traversed the whole region of fighting during the last three days, in spite of the prohibition. I found the insurgents strongly posted at Caloocan. eight miles north of Manila, and at Hacoo, the same distance south. To the east 1 found nothing in the way of insurgent entrenchments. "The Spaniards hold the whole Pasig river (which falls Into the bay immedi ately below the town of aMnila), to the lagoon. The two sections of the insur gent forces signal their movements with fire balloons.." Hong Kong, June 7. The British gunboat Swift, which has just arrived from Manila, reports that the insur gents have cut the railways outside the town and advanced to within four miles of the city. A Spanish regiment mu tined and shot its officers. Fighting be tween the insurgents ami the Spanish troops is frequent. The Americans, it is reported at aMlina, assist the insur gents with boats and machine guns. The Swift repeats a rumor that the insur gents had captured and tortured a num ber of priests. Called Meeting. There will be a cailed meeting of the Woman's club at the home of the pres ident Mrs. S. H. Atwood, Thursday June 9, at 8 o'clock sharp. Iinpi-rtant business will be transacted and nil members are earnestly requested to be present. By order of president. Jennie B. Shipman". Correspondiner Secretary. - The board of county commissioners will eit as a board of equalization com mencing June 14 189S. James Rouektson-, County Clerk. The finest screen wire guaranteed for ten years at Coates & Co. Probate Notice. In county court, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter oi the estate of Albert anCleae, deceased. Louisa H. VanCleave, Luiu Mav Hurlbut, Sarah Irena Woif. Cor Bell ilf, Mahlon O. VanCleave, Nettie VanCleave. and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the lind day of une. !". Louisa H. VanCleave hied a petition in said Court, alleging among other things that Albert VanCleave died on the 17th day of May. lM'S, leaving no last will and testament and possessed of real and personal estate, and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said deceased, and praying for ad ministration thereof. o.. are he eby notified that if you fail to appear at said Court on the 27th day of June, 1HW, at 10 o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition, the Court will appoint Louisa H. VanCleave, or some other suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to a settle ment of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at tttttttttt Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this Oth day JtSEAL.JJ of June, 1KU8. jJtttittl George M.?pi"ki.ock, County Judge. Order to JSliow Cause. In the District Court of Cas3 County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Samuel A. Holbrook, Order to .-how cause. deceased. ) This cause came on for iieatirj upon the oth day of June, 189S, upon the petition ol William L. Loweli, executor under th.-last wih and testa ment of Samuel A. llolbiook, do-eased, lor license to sell the north half oi section twenty three, and the east ha. I ol the no. thca u qnai ler and the soutftwest quarter ol the uonhe.:t quar ter of section twenty-two, ad in to . .1 iiip twelve, lange ten, east of the si.vtii pi incipal meridian, iu Cass county. Nebraska, lor ihe purpose of paying debts of said estate and the costs ol ad ministration, there not being suliicient personal property belonging to said tt: ta.e to pay the said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear betore me at the uince of the clerk of the district court in Plattsmouth Cass county, Nebraska on ihe ;ii)ih day ot Julv, A. D. 181)8 at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said executor to sell said real estate aoove descriued lor the purpose hereinbetore set forth, and that tiiis order shall be published four successive weeks in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald. Dated this tith day of June A D. lM'-. Judge of the District court. Basil S. Ramsey, Judge. R. B. Windham, Attorney. Administrator's Sale of Land. In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska. ln.nXJ? r ( Administrator s sale of estate 01 Jas. Orove, . A deceased. S 1 d' Notice is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of sale made by Basil S. Kain ey. Jude of the District Court ol Cass count v, Nebraska, on the 7th day of May, A. D. W. for the sale ol the real estate hereinafter described, there win be sold for cash at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass countv. Neoraska. on the 2ith day ot June. A. D. ls'.'H, at 1:30 o'clock p :u , the following described real estate, to-wii: J he west half (w v) of the southeast quarter s e '.i 1 section two (-), township ten (IUI, nonh of ranee nine (9), in Cass county, Nebraska, lor cash, sub ject to all liens and encumbrances existing at the death of James Grove, deceased. Said sale wnl remain open one hour. Arthur L. Mi ni.er, Administrator. Notice of Appl ration. Union, Cass Cointy, Nebraska, i June l'."i ) I do hereby make application to the Bi-ard ol Trustees ol the village of L'nion. Cass county. Nebraska, to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors lor the municipal year ending April U0, 1SUU. John Kennedy. Applicant. D fiA ri- .i .0 H t try rs READ IS lbs best giitiu!a,-d mi ..'; r . .$1.0 ) . 1 . 00 -1 ') In U 1!) lbs bfst -i!;v :f Iluciicl Syru; Bucket .icily 2 lb package a' m-vi; I'rico b.i k ing pnvil -r, l-lbcan... lYice b iking powder. ! cuii. . . lion-Hoti baliing powd.-r, I -i bean Calumet baking powder, i-lbcnn 1 lb Pepper 10 cent eack f Salt lu-ceiit sack of Salt liost Sal!, per b tt rcl Lemon extract, per bottle Vanilla extract, per bottle Coul oil, pr tr ' I New York Cream Clircsc I)rv Salt Meat ,-,S :--o 10 l'.t 18 or, M I CO id IT WILL PAY YOU TO ATTEND THIS GREAT SPECIAL SALE. A H Opposite m m n gae pass FSv UltZL ii Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is better... pjj We give you ' he CUE AM of the SHOE subject, from tl most reliable manufacturers in the United ilyi Statos, whore nothing bal skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes are refused by an expert, ,0 and not permitted to p t-s to the trade. Gsli We dill NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cases of STUFF that looks like Shoe-, Grii and then swell up ar d advertise -the Largest Stock1' of shoes, to induce you to our place of business, and ;5jj then com ye i you to lo k with chagrip and disgust on the small assortment a-.d make shift with something ,jgi you did not w int. We never h ive to resort to such misleading statements, for we have . . 1 Replenished Oar Stock' to the Extent of S4.000, So, if you cannot, be suited in two or three art:c':r,-s. you don't have to stand and scratch your head and wen er what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and we can spring something this spring during the beautiful Springtime '-hat will spring you to yo'ir feet and make you say: "l 11 takj those." PRICES ON J m m m m Latest Novelties In Hot Weather Footwear : Infant-.' Chi d-s Chiiu's Child's Ji.b lot Ladies' t'h iol ite strap bow S indals, 2s to "' -Jc. I nf ants' Chocolate, button, ils to o'e c. v h co ate strap bow Sand lis, 4's to 8's ic. Infants' Uongbla button, 2"s to .To .Vc. Ex' ra fine Ch.:c. str ip Sandais-- Sc and .toe. Inf mts' Choc, (extra fine) button, H's to j's 7 Ex ra fi::e (Anvil bottom) bow S indals, hi lo Infants' (Red and Bine Stitch) H.jo quality -i 00 to s;i . 1.".. croia button 'ic. si.no to 51. !" Eitratiae fAuvil bottom) li; iai; -$1.2o to Choc, strap liow Sandals, all solid Goat button. Si Oxfo.di -rl 2"j, H Si. Everything repairsn; ill New lmprorfinenti. The Pearl S eam laundry h is just received one of the latest pattern bosom, collar ar.d cut! iror.crs from Chicago, and is better prop wed than ever to do nice work. Remember Pearl Steam hundi v. Main street. Thousands of sutTerers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, coids, bronchitis, pneomonia, grippe, asthmi, and all throat and luns diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. Coates & Co. sell lawn mowers cheaper than ever. Also the best grade of hose. n r. w Opposite Bank of Cass GROCER THESE PRICES !ireakfa-t bacon, per 11) I 'a lifer 11 'a 1 1 ms. per lb I.-irge I la!..:., per lb ( T il.'nin, per ih ; Cood bucket 10 10 i:; lies. I librc buck"! Uran, 10 ) lbs K ega n t lioa - bi us I ) ill p r h i :n riey si Argo p Uss si a reii A rgo corn st 1 rcii Ji:sl eraelvr , per lb 1 do., clothes piiH 1 lb UiittUvAxe Tobacco. 1 IT. n." ol ol 01 01 0"i 1 I'd "O-ior-iO"" Tobacco.. 10 J 1 lb .1. T. Tobacco 1 I i I (H'M's lion t obiiCC' ) 07 1 Star tob eco 1 M b Bank of Cass County, at .TTTk tc? nh SLIPPERS, Strap bow Siridils, 11 i to Child s estirg 11 to "s IJ'Jo t 1. to 11 Too to .. 6). to i.V) Child's Anvil to l.oO. Little Gents", Mentioned Is Solid Leather 'o 'T HERWOOD The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider tre liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to k ec p on baud. It he;. Is quickly, and is a well known cu,-e for piles. F. G. Fricke Co. Advertisers never got such cood value for their rnony in this county as at the present time in the daily and Sijmi-Wkkk'LY Nr.ws. Tho best class of people lake these paper and our list sho.vs a rapid gr iwih. PI -nt, n advertisement and rewards are eer tain, if you have anylb;ng the peopio want. . STOKE County California l'rimes, per lb K'.egunt lk.iistliiH, per lb ;j packages i'atlor M.-itcbe.H Dwight's Cow brand soda, per lb. Soap, 1" bars lluttortnilk Soap, .1b:rs Special brund eofToo, per lb Special brand tea, per lb Il-ib can tom.tloe-4 2-lb can corn .... 1Mb can cove oysters 1 -lb can cove oystera 1 s g i;,st tomato Cut-up, piir botUo... ."I j l-'jney plass imi-tard .... ... :0 j Condensed mi.k, !! cimk 1') j ( lood peaches, per lb -J C fEE j Plattsmouth. ...m Bow bandais. JO. Don--J1.5S5 lop. extra h-io Chcx:. bow- bottom Choc, laoe, 8j to 11 pit. back strop, hh to 11 -il.50. Humbujjrory FOOT MILLINER Killer in Six noun. Distressing kiauey and bladder dis ease relieved iu six hours by Tilfe Gkkat Soctii Amkuican KiimEii Ct'KK." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness ia relieving pain in blander, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention almost immediately. If yoi want quick relief and cure, this ts the remedv. Sold by Goring & Co., Drug gist, Piattsmouth. Neb. found. At Smith & Parmelo's and V. G. Fricke & Co. 's drug store, a roarvcious cure for all kidney complaints, nerv ous exhaustion and female weakness. It is Foley's Kidney Cure. or, or, 2i 07 ijr, OS 10 V 07 ir, 0H 10 10 2T 07 it 11 II f J,ii