The Semi-Weekly News-Herald! PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ... BY TUB . . . NBWS 1'U HUSHING COMPANY, M. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, .... Six Month, OlIC Week, Singlo CiiH, HKMI-WKKKLV EDITION. One Year, iu advance, . . . Six Months, 2 ro 10 ti oo f.O w LARGEST CIRCULATION or any Cass County Paper. TllK power liuve nettled down and concluded to let Spain work out her own nal vntioti, and already n peace party ha hogun to work in Madrid to conclude the war. Tho honor talk is euh.sid iny. Tin: World-Herald has a trroat deal to Hay in detraction of Col. Fred (J rant. Tho unmo paper had a groat deal to say in Jet ruction and villilication of his illustrious father, Ulyi-Hes S. (Irani, during the war of tho relollion. Hoc. 'Site KT Tl'KM" SlMI'soN cannot he Hurired from the council of his party. Loody will not permit tho pentio Jerry to lead n. Kaunas regiment in tho hold. Jerry would bo required to tell tho truth and oltoy orders in tho military service. Restrains unbearable. AN exchange says, "don't feo.l any more tramps; if they want a job let them enlist." This ia sound advice, and should bo followed. Tho idea of supporting a gang of worthless dead beats on tho theory that thoy can find no work is viscious, and should not be thought of. Ciiaklks J. Greene, one of the nb- lost attorneys in tho stato, would be tho natural successor of Sonator Thur ston. Mr. Greene is eloquent, is right on every public question and would make a brilliant representative of tho emerald state in tho United States Ecuato. MUBAT IIalsted, who spent many months in Cuba, doos not favor a hasty invasion of the island, or an advance movement without sufficient force to overcomo all obstacles. The men who know, most about tho situation in Cuba are urging caution in Cuban opera tions. Exchange. The National league of republican clubs meets in Omaha July 13-14-15. Great preparations are being made for tho biggest time in tho history of the organization. Kvery state in the union will be represented and a re publican love feast of largo propor tions is anticipated. A liKLlADLK farmer residing in the western part of tho state informs us that out of thirty-five populist voiers in his part of the county only five or six will vote the popocratic ticket th:s fall. If this is to be the ratio of gain all over, tho Ptate will tret back to its old time republican majority. Company "B" of the 3rd Nebraska retriment of volunteers has brains, as well as muscle, and will bo composed of lawyers and college graduates to a larger extent than any other company mustered in from a western state. The ronter so far as completed hero in town is printed in another column. TllK Oregon is at Key West, re coaled and ready to receive orders lrom Washington. The men are all reported in good health aud spoiling for a brush with the haughty Dons. It is thought tho Oregon will be added to Sampson's bombarding squadron which is liable to see some service right away. IF Sonator Thurston is going to re sign and move to New York, provided the next legislature in this stato has a republican majority, then it must bo conceded that we shall soon lose our brilliant senator, for with dollar wheat and 30-cent corn the next legis lature will have a rousing republican majority. Do you remember how tho popo crata have mourned and shed tears because Uncle Sam paid his poor sol diers in greenbacks and the bond holders in gola? What do you sup pose these same popocrats in congress are trying to do now? They are using everv effort to pay the soldiers and bondholders both in tho same depre ciated currency. What do you think of that sort of consistency? The farmer who was beguiled into voting for free silver on the theory that the .nrice of silver controlled the price of wheat has had an object les son thrust before him and tho IIol combs, Bryans and Aliens who fooled him into voting them into office on that theory will bo voted out next fall with a vim that will take their breath. A currency that withstood drouths and panics i9 good enough as is shown by the condition of the national treas ury today. W. J. I3RYAN said yesterday that his Nebraska regiment would be accepted, and tho boys expect to be mustered in cext week. There is no Indication as to where they will be called, the Phil ippines, Cuba or Porto Rico, or to du ty at home as a resorvo force. It is 6aid the department will requiro a months drill before active service will be seen anywhere. Col. Bryan will havo tho crack regiment of the stato. being composed of determined, sober men who are not poiDg to war simply for a change, but go as a duty which they feel they owe to their country. I NKMtt ATION AND OPINION. Why iln ml nich patriots n M."..l. Polk of i MuLti-mont h. Victor lio-o-water of Omaha, ,. O. Jones of Lin coln, I 'orst.m 'tutor liarT.inond of Fre mont, Walt Ma --on of I !;ili ice and a fow others orgnnive companies to help out IJih'Io Sum junto ul of devoting nil their time to abuning Bryan? If tho boys will rnixo tho companion no doubt they will bo accepted under the pres ent call for troops. Neb. City News. Tho actions of Gov. llolcoiub show very cleiirly that only popocrats are wanted to organ in companies. Tho ollieo of high private might do under an efficient commander, but under po lilieal warhorscs it would be ditTerent. Speaking of tins cntzu in bestowing Ailiniial Dewey's name to all kinds of commodities, tho inventor of a cock tail bearing the brand of tho Manila hero would necin to be ii: a fair way to make a fortune. Tho imbiber of a Dewey cocktail is naid to bo consumed with an immediate denii-o to go in Honrch of a recruiting officer, while tho absorption of two of them is war ranted to create an appetite for anni hilating a Spanish fleet before break Exchange. Tho Indian congress to bo held at Omaha promises to bo nuito an affair frofii an ethnological standpoint, as a sample package of original aborigineo is to bo tliero from every tribe in tho United States. II. M. Boydston of Nebraska City has partially arranged tho program for tho dedication of tho Nebraska building June 1 1. Tho final program will comprise the. turning over of tho building by Judge Neville, chairman of the commission, a response by Gov ernor 1 1 ol comb, an address by W. J. Bryan and a brief address either by Senator Thurston or W. P. Gurley, probably tho latter. Sergeant Dorothy is tho name of tho Salvationist who smashed a nude statue of a woman at the Exposition, which it will cost $.'500 to repair. Dorothy evidently has eorao stray wheo's in her bonnet. One year ago about 1 per cent of tho customs receipts at New York were paid in gold. During tho present month about three-fourths of tho money paid in at this port has been in the yellow metal. We havo tho best monev in the world, and plenty of it. Our strongest defense in this war, next to our American manhood, is tho American system of finance. Ex. Mulo meat will bo worth $-.00 per pound before Cervera uncorks the Sohlay bottle at Santiago. Eugene Debs is again notorious. His advico to working men to t-ave their money and buy a gun is now under stood for the first time. The Holland torpedo boat which runs uncier the water instead of on it, is being urged as the propor thing to investigate the. harbor of Santiago with. If Uolland himself will go along wo second tho motion. II is talk has become tiresome, and if he could not find the Spaniards they might find him, and give us relief. (.'omiiiihMoii rnvil. C. II. Smith, Plattsinouth's new postmaster, sent his bond to Washing ton about a week ago, and today his commission arrived. The new post master will take possession of tho of fice Juno first or as soon thereaft er as tho transfer can bo made. Mr. Smith is an old resident of tho city and will mako an A-l official. V. K. Fox, who retires has been one of the best post masters in everyway tho ;ity ever had and he leaves tho olfico after four years of service with nothing but c tn pliments for his courtesy and faithful attention to tho business of tho Mr. Fox says ho has nothing in vinw just now and will rest fo awhile until he can go into some suitable line of business. l:i-trU: Hitter. Electric is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen erally needed when the languid, ex hausted feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt uso of this medicine has often abated long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and free ing tho system from tho malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at F. G. Fricke 's drug store. 1 1'anturnge fr Stoc k. Horses and cattle taken to pasture at Cullom; good, plenty of ehade and running water. Call on the un dersigned, at Cullom, or address, George Hicks, Cedar Creek, Neb. Itucklon'H Aroioa Sulve. The best salvo in tho world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappopShands, chil blains, corns, and all skin oruptions, and positively euros piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For 6alo by P. G. Fricke Miss Mina Venard will leave in a days for Firth, Neb., whero she will visit relatives. M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says 'I was a sufferer for ten years, trying all kinds of pile remedies, but without success. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was reccommend to me. I used one box. It has effected a permanent cure." A a permanent cure for piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. P. G. Pricko St Co. VfMIt WW m iiij Ml 'ayitiof IJruutiflii Tributes In .The I.0VI: DlifOKAThS Till: GRAVIS Of 1'lumr Wlio H:v- iitmn l:rir- I - ntlloii llMy I'ropwrly MM-rt -! Nt-WH of Loot I liitt-r-ftt. Decoration day was pi operly observ ed in Plattsinouth as all other legal 4hol ila ys am. Tho people of this city are always patriotic. Not in tho least grasping they do nut e.iro to do busi ness every day in the year to f-oo how much money they rati accumulate but are ready and willing to take a holiday any day and enjoy them selves ret from their labors and commune with friends and on tho sac-rod Decora! ion day vNit and bo strew tho graves of departed loved ones and heroes they nro all heroes who havo fought the battle of life aright bestrew their graves with Mowers and drop tears of joy and re gret over their resting place. Kegrot that thoy havo gono from u-, and joy that they aro surely enjoying the re ward that cornea to tho faithful. Tho memory of all our dead is sacred to us hut dearer than all is tho mem? ory of tho-o noble heroes who went out in the tin's to dofen.l tho 11 ig and' fight that a united country might bo maintained and bo ready and able at any time to withstand any and all enemies who might raise a hand against liberty, tho sweetest boon to humanity. Arrangements had been previously mr'.do for tho propor observance of tho nay ry mo i.. i. ii. ana various civic societies, and tho program was carried out to tho letter as follows: Tho procession was formed on Main street at 1:30 p. m., and marched on Main to Seventh, north on Seventh tc Washington avenue, thence to the cemetery, passing under tho Missouri Pacific track. The procession formed in tho following oider: Mayor and city council in carriages. T. J. Sokol band. Orator of the day and minister. Ouartette. Relief corps in carriages. Floral wagon. McConihie Post, No. !:,;. A. K. Sixty little tlower girls. Junior Order United American Mechanics. Ancient Order United Workmen. W oodmen id the World. K-nights of 1'ythias. Odd Fellows. Other civic societies. Citizens in carriages and on loot. At tho eemecory a brief but eloquent nddror-s was delivered by l;v. S. C Green, and music rendered by tho band and quartette, after which the sixty little flower girls nil dressed in wnue sire wea nowers o er the graves of departed soldiers. Tho secret or ders also placed flowers on the graves of deceased brothers, and mothers, latners, protners anu sisters remem bered departed loved ones. After tho ceremonies the peoplo returned to their homes, having enjoyed a pleasant aitei noon and porlormeu a sacred duty. Tho shop men laid off. most of t he business houses clesea at least a portion of the day and the day was generally observed as a ilav of re.-.t and recreation. Memorial services, were hold Sunday at the Pre.-by terian church and wero largely attended. Kov. Dunganof the Christian church delivered an elo qu.-nt memorial sermon. A Warm l''ri-nl. Alley s Colic Cure is very hot, but when diluted it is a warm friend in deed to those suffering from bowel complaints. It never fails. 25c and 50c. Smith & Parmole and F. G. Fricke & Co. I. O. O. F. KU-4'tion. Cass lodge No. 1 JC, Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, held its election on Tuesday evening, which resulted as follows: A. II. Ilager, noble grand; M. S. Briggs, vice grand; Henry J Streight, representative to grand lodge; E. S. Lemm, sitting past grand. liive the Children it Itrink callel Grain O. It is a delicious, np petizing, nourishing food drink to tako tho place of coffe . Sold by all grocers ana liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all its injurious properties, Grain-Oaids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can urink it with great benefit. Costs about one-fourth as much as coffee. 15 and iXe. Sellout l'iruic. A school pic nic will be given nt Bock Bluffs June 10th nt tho close of Miss Grace Taylor's term of school. A very successful term has been taught by Miss Taylor and her pupils and the pati ons of tho school, with other friends, are expected to all be present. Unfortunate People aro they who whi'o suffering from Kidney Diseases aro prejudiced against all advertised remedies. They should know that Foley's Kidney Cure is not a quack remedy, but an honest guaranteed medicine for Kidney and Bladder troubles. Smith & Parmele and F. G. Fricke & Co.'s. A car load of rubberblan'.cota w nt thiouijh Omaha Monday for the sol diers at San Francisco. A torpid liver robs you ol ambition and ruins jour health. DoWitt's Lit tle Early Risers cleanse the liver. cure constipation nnd all stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. A. W. Atwood of Fremont is in tho city on business. ft I 1 II. I L I AM i I J 10 A Hl(f -rlt-t. Att'y.M.O. Donohuo won an Stu por taut law huit on l.iht Saturday iu Central City, Merrick county, Neb. Tho case was against the C, B. t Q. railroad company, iu which they se cured a verdict for $"i,000. Tho case was hotly contested for four days, ami its Itiipoitmco drew crowds to tho eiiml I.oimo. Tho ruling of Judge Thompson, of Grand I -da ml, before whom tho case was tried, aro said to bo perfectly fair and impartial. The case may bo appealed, but tho attorneys havo no fear of its being reversed. Tho action was brought for tho recov ery of damages for tho loss of a chilli's foot taken off by a turntable in Palmer, Neb. Tho child's name is Eeo Kray enbubl, whoso father was section fore man at Palmer. Tho father was dis missed as soon as ho commenced action against tho company. Tho verdict has given general satisfaction to all those in Central City who wore ac quainted with tho facts in tho case. Another Miit will bo commenced by tho father, Samuel J. Krayenbuhl, ffir the loss of tho child's services till he reaches tho ago of twenty-one. The child now is nearly seven . years old. Another $,00 is expected in this suit. IVonl Krom the Hoy. Following nro a few extracts taken from a letter written by Frank John son to his parents in this city: San Fuancisoo, May 21, 1S;S. Weather lino, tho days warm and tho nights coo!. J ho people continue to crowd around camp from morning to night, with baskets of oranges, sand wichos, pies and cakes. All tho Platts mouth boys.aio well and happy. never felt better in my lifo. 1 am No 1 in me ursi set oi iours. tt is very difficult to write a letter here, every few minutes some lady wants to know H 1 uon t want an orange, or pio or cake, and they all want to talk awhile John Burtnctt showed mo over the city ;n Sunday, and wo wero down to tho bay and saw tho big monitor. We drill four times a day, an hour and a half each time, making six hours drill everv day. Wo don't know when wo will loave for the Phillipines. To C'oiiKUiiipt lveK. As an honest remedy, Foley's Honey and Tar does not ho'.d out false hopes in advance stages, but truthfully claims to give comfort and relief in the very worst cases, and in the early stages to effect a cure. Smith V Parmole and F. G. Pricko & Co. Ill emorlitl to Hi-nine llerlel Tho M. E. Sunday school hold a very appropriate memorial service Sunday morning in memory of the lato Benmo Hertzel. The seat which he has oc cupied in bunuay school lor many months was a bank of flowers and tho boys of his class marched around tho room and each added a tribute in the way of a hand bouquet, which was placed upon the 'hank on his seat Cliff Wescott aud llev. Campbell each made remarks appropriate to tho memory of the unfortunate little f. l low who was drowned. Tho school sang ''Scatter Seeds of Kindnoss,"and tho exorcises wero very appropriate. Company IE Complete! . The minimum number foracomp-my in the volunteer forces is sixty five. and tho maximum is ighty-fi ve. Th company, wo learn, now has seventy five names enrolled, and Mr. I taw is went, to tho country to give an oppoi lunity lor ten more who wero u isirous of enlisting. Gov. llolcoiub was not i tied today that tho company was ready to bo mustered in. As a majority of those who enlisted reside out. iu the county it is likely that Weeping Water will be chosen as tho point whero th boys will ho mustered in. No selec tion of ollieers has vet been made. Try AIIoii'm Foot-Kase. A powder to bo shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools tho feet and makes walking easy. inures swollen anu sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and hut. ions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. 1 ry it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores for 2oc. Trial pack ago FREE. Address. A.len S. Ol in stead, Lo Roy, N. Y. I desire to attest to tho merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv as one of tho most valuable and efficient preparations on the market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 21 hours, and in gratitude thoie for, I desire to inform you that I will never bo without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your Remedies are held dy people in general. It is the one remedy among ten thousand. Success to it. O. ii. Dowxky, Editor Democrat, Albion. Ind. For sale by all druggists. W. G. Mason returned Tuesday evening from South Omaha, where he had been doing day operator work for the Missouri Pacific. Ho is to bo found at his old place nigh operator at tho M. P. depot in this city. MOO Krward HIOO. The readers of this DaDer will be nlensed tn learn that there is at least one dreaded disease tl at science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Mali's Catarrh Cer.; is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hails Catarrh Cure is taken interna. ly. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces oi the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of toe disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing up me constitution ana assisting nature in doing its woric. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they otier One Hundred Uoiiars lor any case that it tails to uiic. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F.J. heney iiCo., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists 75c Al. Galusha, of the firm of C. E. Wescott, Son & Co., Red Cloud, ts in the city on business today. TO CLUB A COI.O IN IINK II.IY fake Laxative Bt-onio Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 2;"c. The genuine has L.. B. Q. on each tablet. The annual dog harvest is now on, and all uncollared canines should be ready to die. kiii k i : i i i k Nou s. Win. Tipt'Mt also has a nice market garden. V. P. Ilntct.eMiii comuiei.t-i-d plow i ng cor n tod a v. Dave Allen ned W 1 1 1 1 1 a ves ti n i ..'i.-d planting corn ! d i v. W. l'. Allen and ivifo r-p'-nt Monday in Rock Bluff, visiting with D. R. Allen. Dr. Paul and wife, of (Iraml l.-dand, are v isi t i n g Mrs. Paul's parents, Ths. Snii t h and fami ly. Mrs. Daniel Thoiivenal arid her daughter Li -s-,!o wero visiting i. K. Allen and wile on Sunday. P. S. Hall has one of the finest gll dens in the county. He has about fifteen acres in, and ii look.-, promising. Sam Smith has been tearing down tli.inl.l r-iiuip-ou house in tho Houth pa't of town tho pa-d week, that-Jie rc centiv purchased of Win. Ellington. Mr. Joseph I!yo:s who i-. a 111 icteil with a cane -r on tho left jaw is grow ing wor-'o, and at. the present time is suffering a great ileal of pain. J id : us i raves has sold out his in for ests in To is and returned to Uoek Bluffs, tho place where ho grow up from eh i 1I hood . Joseph Sln-ra received a now invoice of fancy articles Siturday. Anyone wi-h i ng to purchase tine perfumes or toilet articles will do well to give him a call. THIS ANU THAT. Ad. Kiser and wife, are enjoying a visit from the hitter's brother, who resides in Des Moines. Sam Capon of Geneva, c uno in last evening for a brief visit with his pa rents, lie was accompanied by J. V. Robison. It is a groat leap from the old fash ioned doses of lil lie-mass and nauseous physics t: the pleasant little pills known as Do Witt's I.ittlo Early Risers. They cure constipation, sick hoadacho and biliousness. P. G. Fricke & Co. John Doyle was not with the vic torious fleet at Manila, ho having been transferred soni'5 timo ago In tho 4ih U. S. c ivalry, which is now cd.atioiu-d at San Francisco. Children like it, it saves their lives. We mean One Minute Cough (vine, tho infallible remedy for roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. P. C. Fricke A: Co. D. P. Kisor. tho Eight Mile Grovo farmer, was in town today and made TllK Nkws a pleasant call, lie has tti roe thousand peach t-ees growing on his farm and about two bundled and fifty of them are lealed with poaches, many of them being so full that ho has had to remove a. third of them to save his trees from breaking down. Peach culture in ('ass county is a success, if a man knows how to go about it. A man stands no chance of being elected to t. tie mayorsh : p of a ci t y u nless he enjoys the confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Ceo. Vr. Humphrey the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio and under eta to of Jan. 17. ISi'.Hi. be writes as follows: "This is to certify to our appreciation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My family tun neighbors have' tested it, and wt know it is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. OKi:;t;K W Hl'.MPilkKY," Sold by all druggist l.iNt of l.f-tt-r4. Remaining uncalled fo:: at the post ollico at Plaltsmont h, June, i!. 1 S; S : ij.inat, Mrs. Hatc-s, Mr. Klii-n. Ilt-ndi-rm, Mrs. Mollie II. IV.-irsU-y Mrs. hllcn Stock. I n-d., Mr. liill. Sht. r. Mr. Clonics. When calling for any of tho above letters please say "advertised." C. II. Smith, P. M. NkW : flDY&RTIS&MENTS. to lttt Youtlilul Color. Cur,- Knir i!.-e-. hair t.huig. vS&i? "''"' ?!""'u 1 SENT FREE to housekeepers. Liebiu COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK telling how to prepare many deli cate and delicious dishes. Addro?s, ' i.:l.i;r -'.., P. . V L'T!-'. N.-w York Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes FOR BILIOUS AST) 1TEEV0US DIS02DEB3 purh as Wind and Tain in tho Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Apptit. Costivenfss, Blotches on the Skin. Old Chills, Lis turbed Sleep. Prishtful Dreams and all Nervous and Tremllin Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTE 3. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to ho A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. UEF.CIIAJI'S P1IXS, taken as direct ed, 'will quickly restore Females to com tilete health. They premptly remove obstructions or irregularities -,f the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And bavn th LARCEST SALE bfany Patent Medicine In tne World. 25c at all Drue Stores. E'TfS?! p a 1 2 ; -R ' S ""I Ktl KA1W BALSAM I v. rS't-'-r f . ii.Tunaiit mnrth. WTBl l ' w' 'CARRIER .' H RMUNaV.ID.IU07. . vwli.liilinciiAote - incubator a eooootQ co. : OUINCY 111 USA. THIS EGG CASE GIVEPJ AWAY To Every Purchaser of Ten Dollars Worth of Merchandise from The Leading C1 thier. You can hardly afford to miss this chance. If you have never bought anything from MORGAN, now is a very good time to get acquainted. You do not have to buy that amount at one time. We furnish you a ticket and when that is punched full, you get the case. We have a very strong line of Clothing and Furnishings. FRANK J. MORGAN, No Cheap Goods .' . .TN'o shoddy wiins, which we nrc ni:irkin;r "Speeial Low Prices.'' ',e havo hieri in th.- im-r-.i u I 1 1.- Im-i iu--m Hi 1 'lattsmout h for the na?! won t y-oi 'h t years rind h:ivi- l ,i LI i -1 ,i d it reputation for...', t ' I fZ The Best. Goods at the.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. 'Phi-, is our mott'i, on i n arktble rule, ;.nil we lo itijf I y-'po-e to depart foni it. now-"' p-rni!.' t-tocU is larger an I ni'M-i- 'ciim-P-eto this f-ar than t;'Vr ,i ., We are so!.: aej- iiy iVi rtatts meiilh fer the e,ie!.-at-.r" Kliiclc ( 'at'1 hr ind 'I iipl K;li)'' Stoi I: i i.r-; - ' : (,'i.iiio in ain't tee un. .jiud wo will treat. v"ii riiht... , . - .. goods a: Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and seli at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of SixthaandOPearl Streets. - - - Plattsmoutli, Neb W. STILL IN 1 KTk 8 EST rijs for Weddinc?, Punorals or Plea-iuro l';trt.i.--i, etc. H u:k orders attended to promptly. 'Forms reasonable. Canii fr'f:i-r-d. (Jull and pel ratos Telephone 7'.. X. K. W. O. Jones auctioneer all dlMOOSOcj of . Xht Smith premier Hypcwriter Che Omaha Branch Oflice, cor. Soventoenth and Faruatn fit,. o- --:- -:- -:-s- la k TV ii m UWU Triple Mth, ItAmtRJTOCrvIi-iU: aitocSKins D. JONES... Cass Couxif-y'.s Lyfz Id est 1 Liveryman, 618 MAIN STREET. OUSIiNiiiS.S. kinds of goods etid firm stock Sot Tain Ed rf ring ftxehinc fas alt the Hatfst Improvfmcnta. popular Because cf ftcrit. f-iost Durable 'Cyptvcrxttr flde. prrmier Buyers do fict experiment, drit for fiw Brt Catatow fret. Smith premier typewriter Co mttmat. JH. .. CI. 8. H.