f jU ) VOL. VI. NO. Cut. Tua.'u'V... .c-ll.t.d J.n.1.18, ; f r- j i ? i, m .'. : x i n Uncle Sam's War Timer was right on the minuto of scliedua' a tinva Our finely adjusted watches nver vary ono moment, after thoy have b a 1 regulated. Wo have the handome-t stock of flno watches, for both ladies and gentlemen, to be found In Plittmou h. On- ladles' chatolaloe watches aro a useful adornment which no lady shou'u ( without. . SNYDER & CO. JKWKLERS AND OPTICIANS. lntercct'r! uv the Vicm": I-TTT- T-' 1A Li i-.U i . r.'iv ip ; a.rt- i i . i iii . r:nt!--. I ( : rrnt t , And vitij ! At.r t!. ..vhiar- FOLEY'S mm TAR ISTKECREAT THROAT end LUNG REMEDY. For Sale hv SMITH & l'AIJMKLK and FRICKE & CO THE LEADERS IN THE ( ERY TRADE A. H. WEOXBACH & CO. TIIKY carry t.'.io lar ;-t ;w I nmt comaloto '.iie in Cm county. C Every thing fresh and no -. They .:ty e-.-h f " our goods and give their custo mors the" ulv!int:iL'o of r. peed a I dis-ou-'-a A complete line of canned goods always in socU. The only pb.o-a in the city where you Jean get all kind of fresh Choose. Call and sec us. A. H. WECKBACH & . Waterman -Blk. The Sherwin- Williams Co. MAKE PAINT roR HOUSBS, Bans, Floors, Cupboirtft, Shelves, ; Furnitun, Bath Tots, Bugles, Firn Tools, Etc A special paint for each pur pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for alL Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know our reputation. We say these are the best paints we know of. You'll say so too after you have used them. f SOLI) BY F. G. FRICKE & CO. w yv brt hsr-j j.-tlj direct to the eon- pumr: for years at whole PAie prices, saving him th UcAJer 5 prouLs. ship any; wnerc ior examinAUOB. Erorythinff v,arrnUxl. 118 etyl of Vehicles, 6.j t lea of liarnesa. II t Top Uh??iu3. 9-i6 WS70. ge, I'ha'tons, Traps. Wagon ette, iprinr-Road and Milk IT..TT. Sarwr Rarara. Prtre, f ifi.OO. J an. bnd for larpe, frea No. 608 8rr. Vtatttdai,lM,fnA. As good m Mil for fio. Catalogue of ail oar Bvjles. abade, aproo aad laaflw. aa4 aa ttilt tor btt ELKHART CAKRIAOE AND HARNESS MFG. CO. XV. B. PBATT. BWV. T. IHSL I ? - WHITE BREAST f COAL 5 M U 1 LINCOLN AVK. AND M IKHLE STS., II. M. SOEXMCHSEX, Manager. Large Supplj- of all the BEST GRADES HARD COAL 4 f When Weak, Weary and Wasted from Kidney Diseases, why not try Foley's Kidney Cure, a guaranteed medicine. Smith & Parmelo and F. G. Fricke & Co. Includiug the Famous Missouri, imr.oi;?, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We .o keep on hand al! Vi:ids of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Ix-avc orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbsch & Co. 6 Rember if you don't see it in the Nbws, It isn't worth seeing. For Sale. A fresh Jearsey cow and calf. En quire of Robert Sherwood. Peter Hanrihao has moved his fruit and cigar store from the Perkins House corner to the room recently va cated by John Schiapplcasse. For Sale. The five acres with residence, east nod adjoining B. & M. lumber yards. Ji -ici es in alfalfa. Eerriea. 2 wells. Cistern. Cellar. A 'ittle by asked for a bottle of "tT'-t up in the morning as fast you c vh." the druggist recognized a house hold n:ime for "De Witt's I ittle Early Risers." and gave him a bottle of those f imous little pills for constipation sick headeache, liver and stomach i roubles. F. G. Fricke, & Co 1. nsies in general mixture, 20 cents per dozen. Extra fine blooming plants i.'. cents per dozen at L. A. Moore's Telephone No. 15. t i i. i.i .'..- in Xi .-i.i laiii f- I. v i . frnii tii;- .N '.'' . ., t- pit lit ii A i : ; . t , . I. ' 1 1 -1 . -- j . .7 -tl'C.V'l- f '! i ' ' : h.;.s ' -. I'dwd t. :: i. r . AtjMr.fi I . i r ; hi c- ! ... " "V:,:-'i:n-:t' :., .' : TKiUr:-:: ' :. ' t ', : : tC-rO.'j tl :'t. f ' ; Jj'-v.-s '.f ' . lh- ,V I r'.t. ; :: Tj'i. !.r:. - .. : t.:rt"'l i:..t :J Vi y . 'r '.!(.! :''..- .J'.' fuT'. fS C t. ;- i ,.u cn a iu'1 k i , ' vh: i. .: er-ni--ft t . . ; rr.aK t . had I. : : iy t)i;n . .- ! eutr.e a' tl;v. k.. raz-.il t-; ... v.:.;; 1 ConllicM l f.u ;- ' :. to cr.l.-r t!-..: '.: .. hoTvt.-v r, t . i ' '. atul in -..i.-; i ; . ' ; aufrrr)-rt C .. u be 1- . U J : y . i . i . . . .. '.' i'" II. . . i etat.rtin-r .l i yet Frt;- i !; lishf-U ! y i. nitnt yes:---' ': ." j . ; gen ts ni o i.:;---.- h ; neishiwr);'" 1 " i Cni '..in 1 1 ' : '' cr-- ' them, l.ut r-.ir.-gx-I v-?ni--i. amir.utKi.c-:. "." -bet ! ;: O-' diiU"it. frorr. . :.. niHeS. f'i (; ': fv-: to 4 e ':. Sp;ir:Kh f . ' : .' inpT tl-.O I:1.!:'. ' ' : troops' fr T..- ; -.. ISC V.-3 t'.'i t " ' : ' unoTir'a! y- ern--.cn i;.'.! v. th- r !r P : . . tion i format ! -:i : . " ??.. " . war f: ;'a i ' . : flit:, i. .! t : pr ximt. ':' ; arrr-y of ".' nurtilu r . !' v :' thirty wit'i n .: ly !-, :;. -i tcril'.! V v. : ' : r.. Chi- f y Ta' r 1 arl prr 1 " .- r ing of ttu.- -i l.t:--is tal;cn -:r a". ' rif-ss vMh r.M :-. '- i -f - - ' : era tion? -jc ".-' : Wo?t Ir.n - '.i-. carry o-;t I': tnry- A ' . .- ' ackir;.T foi "-o - c- . at-ly f(V.i.;.; :.vt! o s t, f i " TrMp- l.ifii' ha :.: - Chir!tnr-p err- I'n TJ:e Taii u I' : r.s; : . Fifth r.iry:r.:vl nn" York ros'.iv-r.is f . amauga y.--"a r-'iv i Illinois has l;cn h this recimer.t nr.-- r. the men are tVr r1;: In condition to !-" - at once If r.oor?:;-t y. Turner is in " band o ftho Tr.ir-u l out Avith r.ev.- cr..! c Three deaths v-.rrt camp hoe-vitals. r;---ra; Stewart. Kith i:.-.-pneuiiicnic; l.f K' First I-li-trS'-r --f r-'.r.-..t i.: W. C. Frx'fatd. 1": ' ; monia. Thv- : ' shipped h--:r f- r ir.t- : r- c: C.-t..n-i J. K. Ct:lv-r, ' : t nois, f.f s t , , : ' : ;''. mar1er of ? ' !":- : v; Ion. Firt r; ?. vi.-.- v.,..v; left for Ta;r.: :i. r.i'-n ".-r erlck D. tJrurt ha? a.--'.a -is!onnny o' ll.-.- :.; -r Third army a.-rv. r. arranpem-r.ts ?' r n r : tion .f th's C whi place tolr.y. j rr'-y bakery at I.ytTc- has 7 :i consists of .i o?.-r a--d? r.r.-2 tl:r o shifts and err-pi -ys a:-ut s-!X"-y p-:-r?on TJia c:n.rrifv i? t-:.;. i -v " 1.- C..f'i' loaves pf-r oay. .-: n-1 it v.i.i 1.? c-p.-rau-t to its full cap;: It--. .v-r t: .' . .-1 - 1 - . i.a. J. t - rt r r ' r 'it ;- :i t- 1 1: . t. U w i '.( !. : lr,'.t.lf,'-: U.'-r.i r t ;." r; i e all r voi. : .'!. "-tys that thvol- i.. I'll t:.-- i-r-r; pr;nl- C i s:-av :z ? ivi'fi to tl;fl a : - r, P ;; thiit v,!ut.-t-.;3 ' .: i'i- ny li: y . re to ' -a.'Vt. P'r- i aa J:; tcr- 1 i t.y (' ! '.' s acccr'i ... . .rf .,, ( . . t,A ocun-.-1 r -a j'uit'.j, v.jp;r.r : t ' K .11 f.-l Hi.. I,tVV KS TT. vTMENT STOKE Opposite Bank of Cass County. ....j vnt;r.1vsrj lhf i ! f if ' .'V: ' 'vArn iv5 n irrT A SMC N GROCERIES i ' t c.fr f:"-:; )" o t'.,!'r:v!:.r; , i n P f a - D:,'y o a-, ! I ": r r tn't", ' -rt'-n. V.'.'ai- i V ::'.::. sr i.-a-:-'-. TipU-;., j o.(.a, T-l.Zi aral Ca.tun. I u'.-I Mili.s P.- :; : . -: ! r.. .1 iv - 1 t Va7 ' 't':i- Vi'-J? i a li ; EAD THESE PRICES: f. r the r.-' f : j.a-a :r rt t-ir! - a-. !S 1f bast jrrar. u':it il suar... l'.i lbs boft .iug;ir i 5 ,i .: t; t 1 1 ; r t : r-: l .. ! l.ucsoi by rip n lHu-kct Jaly ! i2 !' :!t'.aa-"f O-iTn-a!' i !':0C r. ::;;: powuar, i-iu i-aii . ., S'rice b king powder. l! cm... r- j Doi.-Lon ;:tUing powdor, 1-lb can t.' rri-. '; T" r" 1 C i hi m o' b-.iKiisg ;!-; f-. sa-J- ! . c r r T1, , .' t. la-'Ttli f.-om ? !.- ii:.7 .1. '!, t;?., ,1 a no t". Oovi r.T Ft- . (-v.; a . Ia:rr n L; h . : c try ''! J1 :'! in raa rpi- - ; ar t. ' - " :r: aa" p.j to Y.' i.--a -r. ir.'s at i'. :, v--f-rtat its -:ttu nt n-v in tMo va to tla !axir-ai:a fetiv-npth. 5 . : . Vat 'V;. (. n ri.z.p, jv..vMM tho re in tta raiiti-'p from r,i r 1 .:- a'r 'a!y 7 . r, ;,! a:a :aa i to the ;'i:7r t a,.ali va b.oiJ- , .Tar.r u.Caaral T7v- a ar:a" :r t"? 't it kc ; i.. v a a : t oairr to r 'a. 7;. a -i.is rocr a 1 o ' ;a a-, to tae .'. : r. . f rmy rri.rul-i.- ; L;.:? r, a L '. r rl lai .. ! ...r; , - r.i -. of Pis r. r 1 f :-,. r to :-::v;c."!t uf."lU'..-. .-a2j;U- ?-- . f i i :st j'oi io llico. a a a' r 7T JU: ; . .a: : i v a a :x'75ary a t j i - xiu . aa a r.. ! ar .- '. ! - - ' t '."!;" a j-a;- ; on f rav1 v - h er;- powcor, 1 -lb can i i' -aa- r 10 v;t- -aett r,f S-it i i-aa! ;uav of Salt aa.!, .i- b u-i-f I :i;on cxfr.it.-t, jn;r hot.ti ::1H. ..vtr.'tt, -or !' t (,'uai ri:, per t: v : - m Cbce.-e . !)rv Sa-t M'.'ii 91.0U . l.tH) 4"i 40 0") r!8 o() 10 1!) 18 05 10 1 () 05 0.5 10 13 07 Ilroakfust bacon, per lb $ 10 California Hams, per lb 0? Largo Hams, per lb 10 IJologna, per lb Good bucket Rest fibro bucket , 'J" 15ran,100lbs ft") Elegant flour bins 1 Z Lamp chimneys ' Ar,?o gloes starch 01 Argo corn starch 01 Best crackers, per Lb 1 doz. clothes pins H 1 lb Battle-Axe Tobacco i!" 1 lb "G-for-10" Tobacco 1 lb J. T. Tobacco Horseshoe tobacco 4i Star tobacco. 40 ( 'iiliforn ia I 'runes, per lb 0." llleaarit Ilaisins, pnr lb 0,r I! ickftiT'M I'ailor Matchos U4 Dwiirht'rt Cow liratnl woda, por lb. 07 rnokp, 1 bars IPjlt-Tin'.ik So;ip, o burs OH Sni'i'iiiJ hraml roir.-.o, jx-r lb 10 Snwi.'tl lirand t'-a, per lb --r b c a toitiatiic- OH lai ) ca it (urn 07 il-U r m cov.; oystorrf l-r -'h f:ti oovo iiNt('fS W l!i."-' tmiKiln ('a1nui, pir bottle... 10 l'.incv i' in.--" mu-tard .... ... 10 ("omb n-' d milk, .'; (him i2r Cood pi!!ti'!ios, por lb 07 IT WILL PAY YOU TO ATTEND THIS GREAT SPECIAL SALE. PiS"HI a - i i k 4k o TMENT Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. R E 3 i -l 'a .ni i a. .a p-i i f - X:.- ah ft ra:-: '. i"ty -i mvi 1: f i',it-?- -il Out, -j-.an rp-rh-. .T'jr.'- r.. Tn r ,;-!.-- )'!" a rpa vert fr-'m .aji.ar t . t. C i -r! 'a. ordt '.Ta.' : .,a T.-ai i;, ;:ui r'-rirari ! :;-..-. -T-jir Ir-. a r ar Y ' aa;-?r T'a T,, ( " For.-, r-c "tr-, Uir arr- i:a' e.: tv.P r::!' ' ru.i."-!':.'-.ir f-i Ci-i Jii'o t'-nt tv-. Thrriy- a-.i : : . " '. ". r f b- re::iy r- a r-;.- r .a-. ' -- . ' P'Trra'-rin a. ret - irm- ;r" ..' rr.orr: ira- T-j-; r.r. r.- ,!!.ii.a 31 p-'. I:'. " n - ' ' i ' "r r T' ia - 1 ,rY i . r ' t rrl r -t - '.a-' ca.--i :-: -j' arc-? r.avc -a-vvl-'-ii in rr. A!r-j. T..-V ;rn--an i r..': ciar.i: (rr.vjftiii" r.p't "--ai : e-m ' " h'.., p t. r ! -'-r i : " a P:?. a b'-!-r ats to - a'xtb .' o . a Hii hid i -I.'" ar.C Ai i. Cr . r-f aa rixib ..: --'--a. i.nv-. : n r fire- from ".a. " . v rr:.'. H-:?. anl 'a t;-o ca i r-1 II:. r.r Tic i :. ii s. run -'ti:a f'a :a la i IV.-rtt i ivcc j CalcntJ't-'K-n. V.'rtshi:.;. aaa. .Prao 3. Th raval of ic7 a crJ-a'.at.-:- tlait a Hawaii i.-rY I ha? bei-'-frae aa a'.!y of the t 'nit eel Stages t j ciivernn.at in ': piTnt '.var vith a - .'i I t-pnn. at th1? rioiaont 'jar 2" vrn-nent yt ', - : is n-.-r-'-ar:'.-;-; f t t?ie pr- tcvt.on of the 'l.V I t A t ." -:a- of ' t:' ; . : a ; C rifth r.:;- I. -?-h.T ; r:a Fred- i 'aa-v pro- j v -r-a. !-! j ;.:iet.--I. 1c j aaraalt :vith t i v:--i p I m. l-la rTl' Li. iii. fid; fa!: (IE5 St'a.;r1 t -a. "- ." .a-, OJtFORDS, I SL,IFPBRS, Strap Bow Sandals. Hi; fa Essciys on MILK-are Good, but CREAM is better... Wo give you tiio CllCAM of the SHOE subject, from the mtwt reliaide manufacturers in tho United Stales, whero nothing but Pkilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes aro refused by an export, and not permitted to pass to the trade. VC did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cai3 of STUFF that look like Shoes, nad then swell up ai d advertise "the Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you to our place of business, and then coniDei you to look -with chagrin and disgust on the small assortment and make shift with something you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statement, for hive. m ;!ci! ii 1 m IsDienished Our Stock to the Extent of S4.099, 1'. : I a: r -' a. J . a 3. V-vneii tae f -.-n- r.-v : u p-at aa. so fr a?, the finance i r: :a ar'ic;, -vas (n-p-c-tc-ii ra:a al!on 0f tar; aana pre- ! i tho a;a in.jarmr by the ; .ra t, la ia u cr thv h-tp. 1 pai-a- I , l It v.-a the expi-esse-l o.n;-n on i b ah ft: a es of the ch,irab:r thai a vte j t ve.-uM he taken today before adj-"trn- raer. Aii ot the committ'-e amend- j raertp, -x--ept those noted, r,-ere aareed j t-. F.-,-r-ral efforts Ti-ero raa.de to amend or ei'trdr.ate the committee am-rnd- j t--ra.r-r.t?. but the- efforts in each case were j So, if tou canno1. l-c Huived in two or three articles, yon don't have to fitand and wrr- .tcn yo-jr head and wan lor whet 10 do, far we have an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and we can spring something thw spring tlurinj the boaiiiiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make you say: "!'i: tak-i those." I'KICES OX f RJMralfioc in Hrvf lionfhon Pnnfi?fsir iUl .Dl llUVLilLlL.O III 1IUL IlUULIlil & UULHLUI Tnf:r,t-" Chcc-Mtto strap bow Sandals, 2'b to 5's 55c. Infants' Chocolate, button. 2n 10 ' ''a:. tO O'rf 7.)C. 1' ! P'bhd s Choco'ate f-t-ap bow sandals, 4 9 to S 3 boc. lniants' uongoia ootion, j. s to Child's Extra fia-5 Ch '. strap Sandals 85c and 95c. loftnts' Choc, (extra .'inej button Child's Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 8 to Infants' (Red and ii'.i;e Stitch !ne outljty Don- 11 ei.f'O to cl.Ia. gola button 75c. t-: Missj Hxtra Cao (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Hi to Child's Vesting Top. extra fine Choc, bow $1. 25 "ho house, practieatly -without debate, J i parsed the ur-incy oencaency kj pro vifena f er eraeraaney expanses of the array ar.d navy dc-partmer.ts Incident to tae car. 2s9i.25 to -ii.5!. ali-se--' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 90c to 81. Jf b lot all foli-d Goat button. Si to 11 75c to 85a Ladies' 0;fords5.1.25t ?1.5.?, 81.65. to 81.40. Child's Anvil bottom Ciio'. iace. h to 11 -SI. 25 to 11.35. Little Gents', pst. bao -; st -.-ip. : to 11 -il .50. KKST02::.rt.r. is i. ,.ih ft-a.a.-he auxi'.i:ry - of .-a al. :a- Bnt That 4.0 X Tuns of C U-r Aii:-t !i-;i ?i i '- Key West, ria., Jen- cult court yaf-t..-r.ny 'a. er ltestornrt-i. ia;-i;.:a a. cruiser St. IV ui . :.' r-' on May 3, are v. P'-f" e-'i' tended for the !a-et c waa condemned v; rct-.us-.-d held that the cu---t- a f.-r i; fr.-ae u-hetler, ct lh" t' : -. f and Fhipme r.t. tl a. : knew or shouhl 'e - a-i I t-- P. that she v.id car-yir:- caa war to aid ty e a :e.a r at. -a It belr? ehou r tra th sailed previous a- I '. - " a the pre sum tion of S: ra-r -and there beira r. eel .,r.' owners -were v-'i'. ''ulv- aal frailty of ci t'r.a te.-.- u;; coal, the steam-r is oelai Jl3 to the tal c.-irjro, tho v: j No'rtbip W-eaaina a4 'w Yorlt. j 'a j i Xw Ye-rk. Jure 3. Mrs. Harry Le j rr-1 t w ni ;.- i'n- 1 rea re married yef-terray afternoon I f:'.LC'i4i5.-'.i .Jl"ljt ;;.!--. in the chantry cf Grace diarch. Bishop -.-rn t--,, c?,. Potter oSaciate-i. The bride was for- j m-riy a.ss iiizaiv'G ji. i Jiompson, or i - - jaetrcit. t .:-v linprdveun'ras, EverytHins Meutlotted Is Solid Leather No Humfeuajery, ROBT SHERWOOD ill fi iial. M jal 111 ill ifsl H ill 31 FOOT MILLINER rril ; ..... ULa, KcePr. The farmer, the mechanic and the j HHItf in Six lionrx. The Pearl Steam laundry has just ibicycle rider are liable to unexpected Pirtre-sing kianey and bladder dis- of the latest pattern Tn-h. Jure .3 :.Pss Billy ' received ore pretty yeun-.-w-.-rran of 1 bosom collar" nr-d cut" ironers from at : '-' . ' a 1 ' ' Chicago, ana I3 totter creoareu mau , - i rr aa, ar rnuiv r.aranoe? Tor oreacn or - Iv.a,. .V" : T,rnri?. tl- tnrties live -ar Woes- ! ever to co nice worK. .raercjei- -.-ar.cr f . .., . t ... ! T i a- r- . . . tt r f. c.sr-iuPh o roariy. i t ri am 'aiandrv. !.a;n street. I'- aai ; -2 of I t - cuts and bruises. De Witt's Witch Mv-i in sit hours by "Tiih Hazel Salve is the beet thing to keep j KrKKX - "1 1 1 amffucax Kiiney on hand. It heals quickly, and is a!CcKF"', !'" l' a -rc it eurpriso on ac- well known cure for piles. F. G. . . v ' -u'" iTompineus in Fricke & Co. r: - -var t -c raiae-I ; L. !i. T i t i r.':-.v;ar.y j t ; -et to r : d. ten's a cold in SE oay I Tliju-aais of suiTerc-rs from grippe : Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. ! j-avsS v..cn resaared to health by One ---una tno mc-noy a it . Minute Ccngh Cure. Itqviickly cures ta taa-e. 5c. Tne genuine hfts i CJush5. colds, bronchitis, pncomonia, I , 0,.T,rT, a-- wt , . flue oi. jii t xucaju s a- " o . ' - - v ana r.ii tnroai ariu ! revering pa. n in h!aa.jr, kidneys and ! bac, m m'.le or foninlo. Relieves Advertisers never got such trocd I D'a V Td!ate ."V'- " KZ" 4. . 6. ... . i want quick ro.iof and cure, this is the value for their money in this county j romrv. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug as at the present time in the daily ?ga-t.. i 'ii.tt.-rnouth. Neb. ua one a ta: grippe, nstha t-'onud. : i s re markable movements ccr.var.cc'I the lunr di?eaf Coatee i G. Fricke & Co. Aii kirals of ja-weiry, clocks and ; ua.t. h-i nromotl v eai iirci. All work! -rrmtod j W. Crabill. first door . cheaper than ever. Also tho best tain, if yon have anything- the pepple ...... - - - 1 Co. iawn west of Waterman blrek, I'lattsmouth grade of hose class of people take these papers and j At S::h x larrrjolo& and F. G. Fric-Ke A: Co. s drug store, a marvelous cure for all kidney complaints, nerv ous exhaustion and feanalo weakness. want. It is Foley s Kidney Cure. j our list shows a rapid growth. Plant mowers ! an advertisement and rewards are cer