" . - - - ... The Semi-Weekly ftcws-Hcrald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS . . . BY TJIK . . . NFAVS r'JM.iSHINU COMPANY, M. I). I'OI.K., F.IITOk. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, $r Six Months 2 f0 Ono Wnk 10 binlo Copies, 5 BKMI WKKKLY KDITION. One Yeiir, in advance tl 00 Six Months CO LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. Sknatoii Ali.kn'h hoh was made an oflioor Dy Gov. Ilolcomb but tho job was so much too larfro for tho boy and ho whs bo unpopular with tho men that ho had to resign. I low AIJOUT that awful contraction of tho currency, which was going to ruin overbody if tho sound money thoory provuilod? That's what the popocrats told us, but it seems they prevaricated. Now, THAT Ccrvcra seems to bo fastened up in tho harbor of Santiago, tho next quory arises, what is Samp son going to do about it. Wo know what Dowoy would do but things move dilTorontly on tho Atlantic. It certainly looks as if Corvera was bottled up at Santiago. Tho govern ment at Washington won't say that he is but says that is tho indication. It would bo a flno piece of strategy if he turned up with his warBhips somo vvhoro on tho Atlantic coast. Tim little Journal scrivenil grows rod in tho faco in an effort to twist our criticism of Ilryan, and place it on a Plattsmoulh lad. Tho views of tho penny liner are of no interest to us and less still to his handful of readers. Fumo on whilo wo print tho news. TllK president's call for soventy-five thousand inoro troops is said to bo a sort of reserve force, to be kept for an emorgoncy. According to the appor tionment Nebraska would bo entitled to about fourteen hundred. Tho third regiment is now a certainty, and Com pany li, of this county, ought to be organized up to the limit without delay. Up to date, tho excess for the "fiscal year of imports of gold over exports is $90,000,000. Another month re mains and tho financiers expect that by the close of the year, June SO, the figures will reach $100,000,000. This amount, added to tho gold product of the United States, which is still with u3, will increase our store of the yel low metal and add to our currency circulation a very handsome sum. State Journal. INFORMATION AND OPINIONS. The Nebraska City papers aro urg ing tho council to buy a mower to cut the weeds and grass which flourish in tho streets of that burg. Tho Cadiz iloct has started for Ha vana. Of "course, it is not tho same tloot that started for the Philippines a few days ago, or tho floet that started for St. Johns, Now Foundland, for coal, or tho fleet that sailed out to bombard Boston and Newport. The Cadiz fleets now vox overy known sea on the globo but tho way they havo of mysteriously disappearing never to turn up again must bo discouraging to the Cadiz floet industry. Tho rag-chowing about tho exposi tion management goos merrily on, and in tho mean timo the greatest show ever held in this country with tho ex ception of the Worlds Fair is nearing completion. All tho ollices in the Paxton block will move out to the grounds Sunday which is now a regu lar beehive of industry. Exhibitors from all quarters of tho globo are at work installing their oxlnbke, many of which can not possibly bo in place by opening day, Juno lt. Senator Thurston is said to be de sirous of resigning his seat in tho sen ate. It is claimed that his ambition is to go into law partnership with Judgo Dillon with-- whom he becamo intimately acquainted during his ser vices with tho Union Pacific, and sot tlodown in New York city. This in formation is attributed to railroad of ficials who aro cognizant of tho sen ator's desires. It is claimed that if tho next legislature is republican on joint ballot Senator Thurston will at onco laj' his resignation before it. During his last visit to Omaha he is reported to havo called attention to the inadequacy of his senatorial sal ary to moot tho demands mado upon him, and to have said that he had been offered a partnership with Judge Dil lon which would yeild him several times his salary ns sonator. Ex. Tho Key West liar has been cor nered again. This time he reported tho Oregon at Key West and a dis patch from Para, Brazil, says tho Ore gon was in that port Monday, May 23. Hay. is selling at $25 per ton in Cali fornia owing to tho unparalelled drouth suffered in that state. Prunes aro cheaper than hay and horses should bo taught the prune die. As a Sunday school superintendent John Wanamaker is showing a great example for his fellow citizons by or ganizing a regiment to go to tho war, paying all expenses and then insuring Iho lives of his men fur? 1,0(0 npb'co In cas-i of death on duty. John ln-art in in tho rijjht piure. p Six thoiM'iri'l dollars w-i-i t le grnphed t rvui K- uncigen Tuo-day to puy oT the NVbraika roylino'it be fore it starts to Manila. The boys who had no 6 pending money niut have been in hard lines In tho city. The University Cadets are out in an upon letter to (Jov. Ilolcomb on ac count ot his turning them down to take up wheezy oopocratic politic ians. Tho governors course as shown by tho eiiticism of three-fourths of tho newspapers in tho state is indefensible. What tho Nkws has said was mild in comparison with tho opinions of others. James Long, who has been working for the city at the light plant, has re signed his position and will loavo for Kansas City, where he has se cured a position at advanced wages. James John-, another employe of tho light plant has tendered his resigna tion and tho city is thus called upon to placo the light plant into new hands, all bosauso of an economical spasm on tho part of somo council men who wanted to savo tho city $1.50. Fallen AMotp Ilhoda A. Calkins, wifo of Henry Calkins, was born in Essex county, N. Y., Nov. 12, IS S and died athcr homo throe miles north east of Murray, Neb., May 22, WIS, aged M years, 0 months and ten days. She and her husband unitod with tho Christian church something like twenty years ago and wore devoted members of tho same church at Murray at the timo of her death. Sister Calkins was a noble christian woman and wiil ho missed 'in her homo and by all who knew her host. She had been a great sufferer for twelvo years. She leaves husband, ono son and other near rolatives to whom sho was very dear, to mourn their loss. Funeral services wero held at tho res idence, conducted by tho writer. Tho remains were inlered in Young cemetery. We tende: ly condole with tho family of our di ceased sister in their hour of trial oiid ulllietion and devoutly com mend them to the keeping of Him who looks with pitying eyo upon tho sorrowing family. In our Iobs of a faithful and bolovod sister wo find consolation in the belief that it is well with her for whom we mourn. . Sho rests from her labors. For the members of tho family wo say to tho public that they are vory thankful for all sympathy shown in tho hour of bereavement. J. W. II A LI., Murray, Nt-b. War Kquiiiage. The largest guns in tho navy are 49 feet long, big enough for a man to crawl into; four feet in diametnr at their largest part and weigh 13-5,000 pounds or theieabouts. Some of tho guns can fire a shot twelve miles, far ther than a man can see, for tho guns are aimed nnd fired by machinery. The powder is brown and in chunks tho size of a caramel. A charge of the biggest gun weighs 500 pounds and is hoisted by a dorrick, the pow der being sewed up in burley bags. A battle ship has an electric plant capaplo of lighting a town of 6,000 in habitants. The fastest vessels in the navy are torpedo boats Porter and Du pont, each of which will travel 27.5 knots an hour. The Iowa weighs near ly 12,000 tons, and as twenty tons is tho average load for a freight car and twelve cars make a good load for a locomotive engine, it would take fifty locomotives to haul the structure. A captain in tho navy ranks with a colo nel in tho army. Tho oldest iron ves sel is the Michigan, built in 1S55. Wo havo one ram, the Katahdin. Ex. News From the Front. We mako tho following extracts from a letter from Frank Johnson to his father: Arrived in San Francisco Friday evening. Third batallion was delayed at Reno twelve hours on account of wreck. Geo. O'Neil was tho ongineer pulling their train in Nevada. Great numbers of people were at every sta tion with flowers and fruit. At Sacra mento two brass bands wore at the depot and people passed through the train with coffee, fiuit and tobacco for tho boys. At San Francisco the Red Cross ladies had a fine dinner prepared. Wo marched through the streets four miles to camp and the etroets wore thronged with people cheering for Nebraska. Wo camped near Golden Gate park, the finest park in tho world, one-half milo fiora the Pacific ocean. Farmers are harvest ing in California. Oranges aro in great abundance and wagon loads aro brought to camp and given to tho men. The Nebraska boj-s are all well. On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I was sick with rheumatism, and lay In bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of ChmberlainTs Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me al most entiroly from tho pain and the second affordod corxplete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again. A. T. MoitEAUX, Luverno, Minn. Sold by all druggists. Tho Weeping Water High 9chool commencement exerelses will be held Wednesday evening Juno 1, at the opera houso in that town. Several Plattsmouth people will bo in attend ance. A Warm Friend. Foley's Colic Cure is very hot, but when diluted it is a warm friend in deed to those suffering from bowel complaints. It never fails. 25e nnd 50c. Smith & Parmele and F. G. Fricke & Co. SAILS IIITO THE WEST First Dody of Troops to Gtart on an Expedition of In- vasion. THREE EI0 E0AT3 FULL CF IXS I.rTi Ran Inn-l-o for th Philippine Isl:ltil to Itr-inir-o Iovr-y nnd Capluro Manila l"lflri Coatt Mrtropoll Jlvrs Them a Hoimlng OnndIly Seventh Illirioin Infantry ita It Marching: Or dT; Aim the, I'lrxt Ca vnlry lo va'n Second Call. ues Moines, la.. May ZG. (overnor Bhaw Issued a call today for Iowa's Quota of troops under tho president's call for an additional 75,000 men made public yesterday. Fan Francisco, May 25. The start was made fur Manila late yesterday afternoon and tho first American army to sail for forclpn shores Is now on the broad Pacific. At 4 o'clock In tho after noon Brigadier General Anderson plsrnalod from the Australia for the City of Peking and the City of Sydney to get under way. Tho signal was seen from tho Bhore, and the waiting: crowds commenced to cheer wildly. In a short time the anchors were up and tho ves Fels were under way. ...Then the 2,500 soldiers who had been Impatiently awaltinj? Wie signal to start let them selves loose. They climbed to the rlsf Rln'j? ami swarmed all over the big tihli'S, shouting and cheering like mad. I'atrlotlo Citizou Mudo a NoIhc The bay was alive with small craft of every description, and ferry boats were pressed Into service to accommo date the caper crowds and carry them to the head of the Golden, Gate that a last farewell might be said. The noise made by patriotic citizens on sea and Fhore was something terrible. Every steam whistle in tho city appeared to be blowing, cannon were firod, nnd the din lasted for fully an hour. As the Australia pa.psod Alatraz island the bat tery of United States artillery stationed there fired a salute to General Ander son. Final View of Their Nntlvo Land. It was phortly after C o'clock when the vessels entered the ocean, and the sun glinting over the sea gave tho do parting sailors a vast view of the coun try to fight for the honor of which they were sailing over 6, COO miles. When last seen the transport fleet was steam ing slowly to the southwest. After the pilots were dropped the vessels went ahead at full speed and in six days, if all goes well, they will enter Honolulu harlor and Join the Charleston. About 2,5 OO In tlip Foroo. The three transports carried close on to B.WK) men. Tho expedition Is under command of Brigadier General Ander son. The fleet is loaded with supplies to last a year, and carries a big cargo of ammunition and naval stores for Admiral Dewey's fleet. It Is not prob able any more troops will be dispatched before another werk. KKfilMKNTS OKOKRHI) TO MOVE, Seventh Illinois nnd Young's Cavnlry Start Tomorrow State Camp News. Springfield, Ills., May 20. Yesterday evening orders were received from tho war department by Colonel Young, commanding the First Illinois cavalry, to proceed to Chlckamauga, and by Colonel Kavannugh, commanding the Seventh Illinois infantry, to proceed to Dunlorlng, Va. The news was re ceived with delight by the men of both commands. The cavalrymen cheered for half an hour inHide tha biff dome building at the fair grounds. ' The t-vo regiments will probably leave tomor row. In on Interview last nlgh't Governor Tanner stated that the colored regi ment of Chicago (known as the Ninth battalion) would be accepted first when the second call for volunteers Is re ceived. Major Bluford Wilson's regi ment of the Seventeenth (Springfield) district, will bo the second; Repre sentative James It. Campbell's, of the Twentieth district, the third; Judge Joseph T. Robards, of the Twenty-second district, the fourth; Judge Charles E. Fuller's, of the Ninth district, the fifth j and In case more regiments should be needed, which, Is not likely. Colonel J. O. Anderson's, of the Thirteenth dis trict, slxtht and Colonel Charles 8. E. Koch's regiment, of the Fifteenth dis trict. Chicago, seventh. Governor Tan ner also stated that he could not say vhat steps would be taken In mobilizing the troops under the second call. Milwaukee, May 26. Adjutant General Boardman has left for the south, to visit the camps of the Wisconsin troops, and will remain there about two weeks. Governor Scofield had Intended to go, also, but has been prevented by pres sure ot state business, and will proba bly go next month. General Boardman took with him the parchment commis sions of the officers, to replace the pa per ones given them a few days before their departure. He will first visit Jacksonville, where the First Wisconsin Infantry Is encamped, and on the way north he will visit the Wisconsin boys at Chickamauga. A number of citizens met in Mayer Rose's office and con sidered tho question of relief for the families of Milwaukee volunteers A relief organization was perfected, and $250 was subscribed at the meeting. Camp Eaton, Mich.. May 0. Chief Quartermaster Jones, department of the lakes, Chicago, communicates to Major Winana that the Ann Arbor road's bid to carry the Thlrty-thir3 regiment to Falls Church, Vs., has been ac cepted. The rate is $8.35 per capita, $3.50 for berth in a standard sleeper, and $3 per section in a second class sleeper. To move the regiment three standard sleepers, 880 sections In the second class sleepers, ono palace horso car, three baggage, and three freight care will bo. needed. The Ann Arbor road hae not y-at notified the Quartermaster here as to when tho oars will bo roody at Camp Eaton. Des Moines, la.. May 2ft. At an elec tion for major In the Forty-ninth (old First) regiment General James Rush Lincoln allowed his name to bo voted upon. While he has assurances from the Iowa congressmen that he will be appointed brigadier general, he is sc determined to go thsU he will accept any offloa wnlch he can resign tf the expocteJ appointment comes. Ho was defeated, hoipevcr, and Captain Fisher elc-ed. Fargo, K. IX, May W. There woe a large crowd at tho station yesterday afternoon to bid tho cavalry a godspeed on their way to Chickamauga. Tha troops were escorted to the train by ail the uniformed civil bodies and both bat talions of tho Infantry. Tho men were cheered to tho echo. There were nine carloads of horses, enough for both companies. The infantry companies left this morning for the Philippines. What the Army Wilt Aggrregate. . Washington, May 26. Adjutant Gen eral Cor hi ii iikH prepared a uf 'fti::t ehowlnc the fcirenyth of tin- triMtniy f ore s of tho T'nlted S-'tn.tes whi n orgun Jzed In ue-i rda.n-e with th- plan mw under way: R--.ular army. B'-'.OW) men; volunteer frr.m pt;:te (firt call), 12", -CIH) men; thr- avuliy r' Klni' nt at large, 8,000 nun. ten iufantry r gl ments. United '-tnt-8 vobmt'-rn (Im mune?), lO.eiiii; enrlrifei5-:it-'nr ;e, 3, '.'JO; volunteers e;illed f..r yesterd y. 73.00. This makes a grand total of 21S.ZW men. Simpnon Would lie n Colonel. Topeka, Kan., May 20. Representa tive Jerry Slxipson wants t y.i to war ns colonel of a Kansm reclment. Im mediately after the publication yes terday of President M Kinley's call for additional volunteers Simpson tele graphed to Governor Ieedy for au thority to raise a reRlmenl, and asking for a commission as it n eolonel. Slmp Fon was renominated for congress last week by the Populists of his district. Itututell Ii. IlarriHon (loc with I.-e. Washington. May 2G. Major Russell B. Harrison, Insjvector general of the volunteer army, Fon of ex-President Harrison, who .has expressed a great desire for active military service at the front, was yesterday assigned to duty on the staff of Major General Fltzhugh Leo, commanding the Seventh army corps at Tampa, Fla. The Commencement Kxerclses. Tickots aro now on salo at Lchn holT's for the commencement exercises which will take placo next Thursday, Juno 2, at the I'rosbj-torian church. Dr. S. Wright Butler, pastor of tho St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church of Omaha, will dolivcr tho main address. Ho is a speaker of ex ceptional ability, and is woll known throughout tho state as a most enter taining locturer. An excollcnt pro gram has been prepared, including somo fino musical numbers. Tho fame of tho speaker and tho largo number of graduates, all of whoso friends will endeavor to bo present, will probably create an unusual demand for seats, and thoso intending to be present should secuio tickets and reserve them as early as possitlo, as tho seating ca pacity of tho l'rer?by terian church is limited, and for the comfort of thoso prosont it is doMrod that no "standing room" tickets bo sold, nnd that the sale of tickets be 6topped when the actual seating capacity is reached This will avoid tho ovor-crowding that has boon the case in tho past, nnd will make the evening much moro enjoya ble- for all present. All intonding to bo prosent, thcreforo, should socuro their seats immediately. Hon. 11 15 Windham will present tho diplomas on bohalf of tho board of education. lve the Children a Drink calloi Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to tako the placo of coffee. Sold by all grocers ana liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the fines coffee but is froo from all its injurious properties. Grain-Oaids digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a hoalth builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Cotts about one-fourth as much as coffee. 15 and l!5c. Light ISrahmaH, And fancy Game Bantams for s de; also eggs for setting. Enquire of William Gilmour, or loavo orders at Egenber ger & Troop's, where somo of the chickens mav bo seen. Try Allen's Font-Kane. A powder to bo shaken into the 6hoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired oasily. If you havo smarting feet or tight shoe?, try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools tho feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relievos corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack age FREE. Address, Alien S. Olm- stead, Le Roy, N. Y. A Map of the United States. Send me 15c in stamps and I will mail you a map of tho United States, threo loot four inches wide and five feet throo inches long. Printed in six colors. Mounted on rollers. Shows every state, county, important town and railroad in tho United States. New edition, just vocoivod, contains ton handsome half-tono pictures of principal buildings of tho Trans-Mississippi Exposition. J. FltANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. A man stands no chance of being elected to the mayorship of a city unless ho on joys the confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey ie the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio, and under date, of Jan. 17, 1800, he writes as follows: "This Is to certify to our appreciation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My family and neighbors have tested it, and we know it Is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. Geokge W. Humphrey," Sold by all druggists. To Consumptives. As an honost romody, Foley's Honey and Tar doos not hold out false hopes in advance stages, but truthfully claims to give comfort and relief in tho very worst casos, and in the early stages to effoct a euro. Smith & Parmele and F. G. Fricko & Co. Vfe Kirk's White Cloud Soap For toilot and laundry, and give the blue wrappors to the Woman's ex change. They wish t-evcral thousand of those wrappers, and you can help in this way to raise money on their church debt. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesvillo, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using threo boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sa've. F. G. Fricko & Co. M. Davis has secured a position with the Piano people and will set up har vesters in Jefferson, Gnge and Lan caster counties. I rHasiBeeri Maintained for Nearly a Quarter of a Century. tin future there will be no departure from the plan to supply the pubhe through licensed dealers everywhere whisldes in sealed botth-s, iiihIit t'ie brand (G. O. Taylor) that will pass the inspection of the chemist and meet the requirements of the physician or of the invalid. Refuse substitutes for a G. O. T.",- If your druggist or grocer cannot supply, or wants to substitute something else, refuse to buy, write the proprietors of G. O. Taylor Whiskies, Chester H. Graves & Sons, Boston, nnd they will see that you are supplied. 1 IlouHt'hold Ood. Tho ancient Greeks helinved that the Penates wero tho gods who at tended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They wero worship ped as household gods. Tho house hold god of today is Dr. King's Now Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of throat, ches-a and lungs, it is invalu able. It has been ti ied for a quarter of a century and i guaranteed to euro or money returned. No household should bo without this good angel. It is plo:isunt to lake and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. IVim. trial bottles at F. G. Fricko & Co s. Regu lar size OOo and $1. l'ustunige for Sloek. Horses and cattle taken to pasture at Cullom; good grass, pieiity of hade and running water. Call on the un dersigned, at Cii'lom, or address, Gkoiigk Hicks, Cedar Creek, Neb. I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one of tho most valuable and cllicient preparations on the market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours, and.in gratitude thorc for, I desire to inform you that I will never bo without it and you should feel proud of tho high esteem in which j'our Remedies are held dy pooplo in general. It is tho one remedy among ten thousand. Success to it. O. It. Downhy, Editor Domocrat, Albion, Ind. For salo by all druggists. Coon Ileisel's new barn ii rnisod and miikos a good improvement to his mill property whicli bids fair to be coverod with buildings if ho keeps on. Liilortuiiate IVopIe aro they who whilo suffering from Kidney Diseases aro prejudiced against all advertised remedies. They should know that Foley's Kidney Cure is not a quack remedy, but an honost guaranteed mcdicino for Kidney and Bladder troublos. .Smith & Parmele and F. G. Fricko & Co.'s. Eph Turpin has lesignod his posi tion in tho shops and goes to Mound City, Mo., to work on his father's farm this summer. NEW : ADVERTISED ENTS. BALSAK3 h.jMitifi,! tha hair. i-i:'yAVrnn,te a lux' f.-J I'mrnou luxuriuiil frrowur. . 23 Never Fails to Kestcre Gray mm Hair to its Youimui i;o;or. Cures walp diwwws hair lulling. SENT FREE to housekeepers Licbifl COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- telling how to prepare many deli cato and delicious dishes. Address. Licbipr Co., I. O. Box 27IS, New York Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes FOB BILIOUS ABD NERVOUS DISOSDESS such as Wind and Tain la tho Stomach. Gid&lnfss. Fulness aftor meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness, i'lushinca of IIe.it, lio-ss of Appetite. Costivenfsa. Blotches on tho Skin. Old Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. IVtehtful Dreams and all Nervous and Tromblinj? SonsatKns. TEE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE ELLTEF III TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to ho A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECIIAM'S P1IXS, taken as direct ed, 'will quickly restore Females to com plete hoalth. They promptly removo obstructions or irroerularitifs of tho sys tem and cure tlck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beccham's Pills aro Without a Rival And have tho LARCEST SALE bt any Patent Medicine In the World. 25c. at all Drue Stores. HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor 13uilclcr. Contracts taken for the erection of Residence Hartis and any kind of carpenter work, in aav part of the county. Call on or address I1AKVKY UULLOWAV, I'LttUmoath. Neb pis 'HE HIGr - - - OF Ill r.ADDFD mi Mora jrAiUyinv.iri.ia37. --v Hlnrfc ov REtlADtE iiiiiijiNCUDATpBEnooDcn ca' .-j'llllIIIIIHbuiNCY ILL.US.fl. fe:llllll"l!il'i " ' f' - 1 a i I t ' ' I I I I " I t. M 4 H'.-!:'ii. ilii 1 1 THIS EGG'CASE GIVEN AWAY 0 & FREE & & To Every Purchaser of Ten Dollars' Worth of Merchandise from MORGAN The Leading Clothier. You can hardly afford to miss this chance. If you have never bought anything from MORGAN, now is a very good time to get acquainted. You do not have to buy that amount at one time. We furnish you a ticket and when that is punched full, you get the case. We have a very strong line of Clothing and Furnishings. FRANK J. MORGAN, No Cheap Goods No shoddy wares, which wo are m.ir!!n;j "Special Low Prices." We havo boon in the irnTcant.ilo busino.-fc in Plattsmouth for the past twenty-eiht year and have e-t.-tb! i.-h-d a reputation for The Best Goods at the.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. 7'his is our motto, our invariable rule, ftnd wo do not -propose to depart from it now. Our Sprinir stock is larger and more eom plete this year than ovor. Wo are golo apeots in Platts mouth for the. celebrated "Iliack Cat" brand Triple Knee Stock i ii gs. . CY.me in and see u-; ai.d wo will treat you rirht. Mt- GOOJXS Zbt Snritb premier 'Cypcwritcr, ! Zhc Oinalia Branch Ofllr p, cor. CHARACTER THE - - - c"4Kfl --j'O- Snao 1 h for tm --o-: "TX-o- :? -:-s i Triple Knk "ifATHER 5T0CKING Make HdO& XJ) CltaCJSItlJSS Rtat Value OlrlHng rl.cbin. Ttzs all the Latest Improvements, popular Because of Nertt. Jost Durable "Typewriter fdadc premier Buyers do JVot experiment. drftc for fTrw 3rt Catalogue fret. Smith premier CypcwHtcr Co., Syracuse, Jt. ., O. 8. 3. Seventeenth andFarnam et.