After an experience of twenty years in handling Wall Paper, we have no hesitancy in saying that we are better satisfied with our stock this season than with any selection heretofore made. For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wide range of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in Cass county- Our prices run from lOc to $1.25 a Bolt. That means a double roll, and is not misleading. 4? 4? 4? t? 4? i 4? 4 49 49 49 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Who Of a BurglarProof and Alarm-Giving' Trunk? JOE a, FRANK The People's Clothiers, Have them on exhibition now. They are the exclusive agents for same and thev are worth seeing. The Lock is Burglar-Proof and Alarm-Giving and when an attempt is made to pick, pry or open the same in any way, an alarm is in stantly sounded by the Firing off of a Blank Cartridge and the burglar or thief will leave as quickly as pos sible, leaving the trunk locked. You ought to see Joe &. Frank's nice line of... Shirts, Hats and Neckwear Their equal cannot be found. Their $6.00 SUITS cannot be equalled for less than $8.50 else where. Call and investigate. JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Waterman Corner. 49 49 49 49 49 (-y- or o" O" C (W O CN" m m wr m m W BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Our new telephone is No. 85. Call us up. Jos Gray is suffering with a very sore foot. Wescott & Son have a new ad. in this issue. $1.60 kid gloves for 75 cents at Tuck er Sisters. Q Charles How departed this afternoon for Chicago. Red River Early Ohio potatoes for sale at F. S. White's. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. Coates & Co. are headquarters for all kinds of rubber hose. Rember if you don't see it in the News, it isn't worth seeing. Northern grown Early Roso seed potatoes at Bennett & Tutt's. Holloway's popular steamed bread is made of Ileisel's best flour. Buy your pianos of A. It. Newcomb. Honest goods. Honest dealer. Lawn sprinklers and lawn mowers at Coates & Co's. hardware store. Fifty dollars fine for borrowing the News when you ought to subscribe. AH' perfumes and face powders must be closed out at cost at Tucker Sisters. The Gut Ileil continues to head the list as a fine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. Hollo way's bread, which has taken the lead, is made of Heisel's Plansif ter flour. A full line of sailor hats just re ceived at Tucker Sisters. Can 6uit every taste. The wheat crop in the best wheat section of California is pronounced a total failure. The Exchange is in charge of the south side this week. We hope for a large contribution. Mrs. W. T. Colo received the 6ad intelligence today of the sudden death of her brother, Mr. J. .P. Teters, at bP bP c i c ? c b bP bP i i bp bp bp bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP c cfr i IP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP P bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP IP bP bP O' 0 0 O O" O C- r rs Cv" c 9 1 Akron, la. She left this morning for that place to attend the obsequies. Everybody and his girl will go to Lincoln on the Burlineton Sunday. Rate $1.50 for the round trip. The St. Johns society will give a picnic at Bajeck's park, Sunday Maj 22d, to which the public is invited. Merritt Kerr has been mustered in as a member of Co. B, and will not play in the band, as stated a few days ago. Dr. George Wilkinson, the eye and ear specialist, of Omaha, will be at Dr. Livingston's office on Tuesday, May 17th. Plants of the celebrated Mme. Gunther, Nasturtium and seed of same, for sale at L A. Moore's. Tele phone No. 15. The T. J. Solcol's will give a grand ball sit their hall Saturday evening of this week. Good music and a good time. Come. The machine shop boys today hoisted the stars and 6tripos over their build ing and will join the other depart ments in a jubilee when the other Hags arrive. The Ladies Aid socidty of the M. E. church will give and ice cream social at their rooms in Union block, Thurs day. May 19. Ice cream and cake' 10 cents. Everybody invited. The Insurance Gasoline stove is good. So is the Quick Meal, but we have one that is better for less money. Come nnd see it. Stkkight & Sattler. W. D. Fisher will give an entertain ment with his new graphophone at the Mercervillo school- house, near the cemetery, Saturday evening, May 14. Admission 10 cents, children under 8, free. A swell entertainment wLl bo given at the Presbyterian church Monday, May 23. Miss Wilhelmina Lowe, the famous harpist and. Greenleaf the im personator, wfll furnish a program of rare merit. Don't fail to attend. Judge Ramsey yesterday appointed Judge Hay ward to act as county attor ney during the absence of Paul .les sen, or until the latter resigns. The appointment seems to give good satis faction. Nebraska City News. It costs tho Nebraska City folks $2.35 to go to Lincoln Sunday, while Plattsmouth people only have to pay $1.50 on account of the liberal i ty of the B. & M. A big crowd will bo there from this city if the weather is favorable. Tha hose was turned on tho st-eet yesterday to settle the dust and dur ing tho greater part of the day the streets were covered with several inches of mud. This reminds us that the merchants should sweep the streets at least once a week and re move tho dirt. Cant. J. M. Ilandley and wife of the Salvation arm wore expecting to leave next Sunday, but the date has been deferred until May 22, when their successors will bj here. Cipt. Iland ley has been . by odds the best repre sentative of the army here, and we regret to see him go away. George E. Bigelow of Lincoln de livered his lecture, "Cutting my Dye Teeth" last night at the Christian church. There was not much of an audience present as to numbers, but those in attendance enjoyed the lec ture very much. Mr. Bigelow is an able and fluent speaker and his re marks last niget were more in the line of a socialistic sermon than a lecture Bro. Bigelow is a true believer in the teachings of Christ the doctrine of the brotherhood of man and the father hood of God It is to be regretted that he was not greeted by a larger audi en co. Woman') Club Doing. 1 he members of the Woman's club returned from their Ashland trip this morning perfectly enthusiastic over their visit, and the perfect hospitality of the Ashland club. This was a re turn visit on tho part of Plattsmouth to the visit of Ashland last spring, and a joint program, with Weeping Water and Ashland clubs participat ing, was rendered. Tho Ashland club also tendered a reception yesterday afternoon which was highly enjoyable aud largely at tended. The Plattsmouth delegation was met on their arrival by Mesdames Fales and Hicks and assigned to their places of entertainment. At 3 o'clock the hospitable home of Mrs. Hornsberger was thrown open and a reception from 3 until 5 o'clock, perfect in every detail, took place. The rooms with their lovely decora tions of lavender and pink, the Ash land club colors, were made still more charming by the beautiful gowns and happy faces of the assembled guests. The color scheme was carried out by pink and lavender flowers, with a back' ground of pa'ms in the hail where Mrs. Hornsberger and Mrs. Hugo Wiggin horn received the guests. In the par lor the Ashland club received the guests under a canooy composed of alternating colors of pink and lav ender bunting. Lovely flowers were also in evidence. In the dancing room Miss Orange and Miss Wiggin horn, assisted by Miss Frickeof Platts mouth, dispensed dainty refreshments, while a mandolin club, stationed on tho stair landing, dispensed sweet music. In the evening the program follow ing was delightfully rendered: Address of welome, Mrs. Fales. Re sponse by Mrs. -Davis of Plattsmouth. Paper by Mrs. C. C. Parmele of Plattsmouth Paper by Mrs. Murtry of Weeping Water. Instrumental music, Mrs. Steele of Ashland. Paper, Mrs. Travis, Plattsmouth. Review, "The Beth Book," Mrs. Teegarden, Weeping Water. Vocal solo, Miss Edith Patterson, Plattsmouth, Paper. Mrs. Laverty, Ashland. A vote of thanks was given the Ash land club for the delightful entertain ment received. lor Sale. Road wagon in good condition. Cheap. Inquire at News office To Consumptive. As an honest remedy, Foley's Honey and Tar does not hold out false hopes in advance stages, but truthfully claims to give comfort and relief io the very worst casas, and in the early stages to effect a cure. Smith & Parmele and F. G. Fricke & Co. Special Kate to Lincoln. In order to give friends a chance to bid the volunteers good-bye, before they leave, the B. & M. has made a rate of $1.50 for the round trip between Plattsmouth and Lincoln. A special train will leave Lincoln at six o'clock Sunday evening for return. The Daily State Journal and the Evening News make a combina tion that can't be equaled. All the local home news and the news from every corner of the erlobe at your door overy day for only 20 cents per week. Go to Anthony's music store on lower Main street for everything in the way of sheet music. AT II EST. In memory of Edward Leo Johnson, who died in Omaha, March 21, 189S. "He rests iu God." this message came To friends and loved ones here; No more that loving voice will greet, Parents and classmates dear. We know that round his dying couch, Bright angels lingering stood. To strengthen in that dying hour And bear his spirt home to God. In that bright land of peace and joy. No tear is shed, there is no pain. No parting sad. no fears annoy. He knoweth now "to die is gain." Oh, year, at thy beginning. If joy to others you did bring. You surely brought aworld of grief To those whose names In love we cling. Oh, parents sad, and friends bereaved. Think, think ye of these things, . Like him to tread the path that leads Unto the King of Kings. Dear Master, Thou our helper be. To follow as Thou lead the way. Till we may dwell forever with Thee, There is no parting one eternal day. Sleep on, sleep on, thou pulseless heart. Where heaven's stars drop golden rain From every troubled thought apart. Forgotten every earthly pain. Sleep on, thy long repose is sweet. Thy grave is green with grassy sod. Oh, loved ones, list! a voice doth say. "He sweetly sleeps, he rests in God." By his former teacher, M. II. K. I UK ELY IKKSUNAL. A. Mattou9 is in Omaha today. Mrs. Kl Mc.Maeken re'U'-ned to Al liance today. Benj. Beck man. went out to'Lineoln this morniug. Phil Thierolf was doing business in Omaha today. John Schiappecasse was buying fruit in Omaha today. Joe Klein hid occasion to go to Omaha this a. m. Frank Boyd was in Omaha on com pany business tod ty. Alf. Cooley, deputy U. S. marshal, came in from Omaha today. France Ballance and Henry Snyder went to Omaha this afternoon. Gedrge E. Bigelow, the lecturer, re turned to Lincoln this morning. Mrs. Dr. Dearing and sons went to N orfolk today to visit the doctor. D. S. Guild arrived home this even ing from a business trip to tho Black Hills. Sam Sawtell, jr. of Omaha, is in the city on a visit to his father, the con tractor. Mrs. Isabella Spurlock of York is in the city today on a visit to her son, George M. F. J Coates is in the city on busi ness today. ' He reports the Mercer as quite prosperous. Mirs Helena Bedford, cne of the city teachers, is visiting her mother at Nebraska City. Charley Rutherford and family moved to Omaha today where thsy will in the future reside. Ed. Heitzhausen, the popular land lord at the Hotel Plattsmouth, was an Omaha visitor today. A. C. Wright of Elmwood is in the city on business today. He reports Elmwood as traveling ahead at herold time gait. J. W. Johnson is homo from his visit to the soldier boys at Camp Saunders. He says the Nebraska volunteers are as fine a body of soldier3 as he ever saw. te was aeiigntea witn tneir personal appearance and discipline. Ice cream supper Friday evening at Salvation Army headquarters on lower Main street. The money to be used for the good of the work. Every body invited. liarlingtoD Koate California Excursions Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains, bed ding, towels, soap, eta Uniformed Dorters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each, excursion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5. For folder giving fnll information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb, All kinds of jewelry, clocks and watches promptly repaired. All work warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, coids, bronchitis, pneomoaia, grippe, asthma, and all throat nd lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. As good as a "tenner" is the verdict of those who have tried Wurl Bros.' Gut Hoil 5 cent cigar. Old papers for sale at thisi office. BRITISH IN AMERICA. It I ItiuiRtl That They Own Twenty Million Acres Here. How ranch property do British sub jects owu iu America? The agyrogato, based ou absolute facts, is known to be at least 20,000,000 acres, asserts Tit Bits. TIim largest of all is probably the Tex ns possession of tho syndicate whicli includes in its meniln'i p the 1 )nkes of Beaufort and Kutftiiil. E til Cadngaii and tho Baroness Bunlctt -Cnutts. The total amount of land held by this association is 3,300, 000 at re-'. It is, as is tho caso with most of tho Texas land, largely composed of what is called range country that is, luml that in better adapted for cattle raising than anything else. Cattle and wheat are what tho Brit ish investor seems to think money should bo niado on in tho United States. That is why tho syndieato represented by the British capitalist Vincent Scully owns 3,000,000 acres of land in Nebras ka, Iowa and Illinois. This property is situat d in tho heart of tho wheat grow ing section. Two American girls, who now wear, by virtue of their marriage with Eng lish peers, two of tho highest British titles the Duchess of Marlborough and Lady Randolph Churchill are interest ed with Sir Edward Reed in a syndi cate that owns 2,000,000 acres situated in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mex ico. This is purely a cattle country, and on it raugo thousands of head of live stock. The re is another syndicate which in cludes among its members tho Earl of Dalhousie, aKwcll as Viscountess Cross, Lady Hamilton Cordon, tho Marquis Cholmoudeley and several ethers. Thero is a holding iu a still different part of tho country, for tho lauds of the syndicate comprise 1,800,000 acres in Mississippi, including cotton planta tions, acres and acres of sugar cano and enough swine to stock 1,000 farms. Lord Tweeddalo is a syndieato in himself and owns 1,:J00, 000 acres. Like most individual land owners with large holdings, his property includes a vast territory which, liko that of tho syndicate spoken of, includes immense tracts of grazing lands. Nearly all of this immense possession is devoted to stock. St. Louis Republic. THE CLERK'S MISTAKE. Thought Rite Was a Hayseed TtecanHe She Ordered a Kerosene Lamp. Just after tho night clerk had come on at the hotel and curled his mustache to his liking his attention was called to business. "Kerosene lamp for 237," requested a bellboy. "Kerosene lamp?" echoed the clerk as he whirled the register about. "Let mo see. Blondly and wife of Plauker villo in 237. I thought so. Never been in a first class hotel before. Go back and show them bow to use the electric light. Wonder they didn't send for a tallow candle," and the clerk tuck several of the corridor loungers into his confidence. "Lady says if this hotel can't afford a lamp to send up a gas stove and send it quick," said the bellboy, who had made tha round trip in phenomenal time. "She acts pretty hot. " "Pretty cold, I should think. Go back there aud open the register, shov the lady how to usa tho water faucets and how to tnrn off the electricity. Thank tho Lord, sho can't blow it out." The next word from 237 came with a rush. It was brought by a vision of loveliness, dressed in bewitching style, her face flushed and her blso eyes throw ing off sparks. "Make out ocr bill and receipt it at cnee, " she said as her dain ty foot beat time on the marble tiling. "But, Mrs. Blondly" "Attend to my order, sir. Include in your bill a carriage aud an express wag on to transfer us and our tilings and tell Mr. Blondly when bo comes in that he will find usat the other boii.-:e, where we will spend the rest of tho season. Understand, we must go at once. I want to go to a hotel where it will bo possible to warm some milk for baby before the little angel starves to death." Then the loungers had fun with the clerk, and the best he could muster was a sickly grin. Buffalo News. Zola's I'roposed Lecture Tour. It is reported that M. Zola has agreed to come to the United States and deliver about 15 lectures, relating probably to anti-Semitism in France and to the trials of Dreyfus and himself The arrange ment is asserted to have been made with Mr. Edmund Gerson of New York and to have followed immediately upon the decision of the French government to grant M. Zola an appeal from the sen tence of imprisonment lately pronounc ed upon him. An interesting detail of this report is that a sum approaching 00,000 is promised to M. Zola for his visit. One could wish perhaps that that detail had been omitted. M. Zola would undoubtedly excite great interest here and would draw fall houses, but he most interests Americans at present in his character, lately assumed, of patriot and protestaut against prejudice and in justice, and interest based on grounds of that sort is hardly suitable for con version into cab. It is possible, how ever, that his recent experiences have been costly, and that he has more than ordinary need cf money. Harper's Weekly. Not Used to Fragile Piece. Mrs. Housewife Bridget, that is the seventh piece of china that you have broken within the last two days. Bridget I know, mum. At the last place where I wor-rked the folks never ate off of annything but gooln and sil ver. Soraerville 'Mass.) Journal. For superior job work call at the News office, Now, 13oys9 ..Your Time If as Conie. Get ready Fall in, and capture one of those beautiful Watches at Wes cott's. Absolutely given away to boys between the ages of five and twenty years, on CASH purchase of seven dollars and fifty cents in boys' wear. We take pleasure in making this extraordinary offer to the boys, and feel sure that all boys who get Watches at Wescott's will be emi nently pleased, as the watch is not only a beauty, but also a reliable time-keeper, constructed in the most thorough and scientific manner known to the art of watch-making. Without abuse, they are absolutely and unequivocally guaranteed for one year. Watch our West Window and you'll see the Watches. Every boy can get a watch on the above conditions, and no other. Lose no time in getting the right time so easy at the right place. One Price and No Monkey Busi-ness. mmw & Clothiers, Hatters,, HabcrcfciKlicrs Give the Children a Drink callel Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of colTe . Sold bv all grocers ana liked by all who have used it because when proporly prepared it tastes like the Gnost coffee but is free from all its injurious properties. Grain-O aid3 digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Coets about one-fourth as much as coffee. 15 and "oc. A Cheap Trip. The ODDortunity to visit tho southern States alTo.-ded by the semi monthly excursions of tho Louisville & Nashville Railroad is one that should be taken advantage of by every one in terested. Theso excurisons are ar ranged for tho first ana third Tuesdays of April. The tickets are good on the regular trains of those dates leaving northern terminals, and can also bo purchased through from agents of con necting lines. Tickets are sold to points in Kentucky, Tennessee, A'a bama, tho carolinas, Mississippi Georgia and the western portions of Florida. They are good for return passage on any Tuesday or Friday within twenty-one days, and allow fifteen days on the going trip to stop off and examine the country. The cost for the round trip is about the regular" one-way rate, and on same dates one-way tickets are sold at alxjut two-thirds of the regular rates. For full particulars, write to C. 1. At more, G. P. A., Louisvile, Ky., or Geo. B. Horner, D. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. If you want t- smoke the best ty Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. The finest 5 cent cigar made. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles, lie was cured by u-ing three boxes of PiWiti's Witch Hazel Salve. F. G. Fricke & C. Notice to Ice Consume. Our ice bcok3 are 30 cts. per 100 l!s. Cash from and after this date. Ch only. F. S. White, H. C. McMaken & Son. t -4 Ilecurat ion I, y The Woman's Uglier Cnrpi w. uld like to have 02 girls butwoon tlii ngrn of 8 and Vi to a-hihUm I)..oorat ion day. They arc roq i.-sted to meet ;it (J. A. R. hall Saturday, May 11, at 1 p. m. Have Von Kidney Trouhle? A i'Oc trial bottle of Foley 'h Kidney Cure will prevent serious results from this usually fatal disease. Smith U Parmele and F. G. Fricke & Co. Pansics in general mixture, L'O cents per dozen. Fxtra Quo blooming planis 2T cents per dozen at L. aMooios. Telephone No. . TO CLICK A COI,l IN ONK MAY Take Laxati vo liiomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it rails to cure. ."c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Special DOlici s un.-..-r this ,o,i will chartren for at ihn of '4 fftn! per word t-ach 1 usertion . ) MIStKI.LANKdls. ;OK KKST. ( ioor) P room ticii; an1 lia.ri, -i doors west of Hotel Kiley. J. 11. Pollock! WANTED Active, sober ani trustworthy man to travel through tins section. Saian- z j, month, payable weekly, aii'1 expenses: ol-ri.1iH opportunity. AoWress Ml El'' company, lir" fEPOUT OF THE C'OMiri'lO.N OK TMii GERMAN ISA NK OK MLKItOCK, ....... ... . .... ... .-....-.-..fv, uit .irin: 01 . t- braska, at the close of bu-iness .a r. l.:-. r'iiarfor V.. 471 -at f i-rAr.t-l, ;.. .V... . Jksoi;i:;e.s. Loans and discounts I'i.X, i,z Hankinir-hoiiMtt. furniture and lix- t 1 1 rt4 t r. . . . . Current expenses and taxes p:iid ' TT .'..! ijv,c ironi national, siate and private banks and banker-i ; i- Cash iji.m 4f Total . $j:ji:vi 74 I IAnlUTIES. Capital stock paid in ."Mi (hi y iiuiimcu pioill- HI I ndivitltia ! fiction it i..rt fit 1.... L- Iiiim.- i. Time certificates of deposit s.HJl Total ii;;.:i it State of Ni-.i:i:aska, ) Cass Count v . ss I. M. K. Neitzel, cashier of tin abovo ii.irin- bank, do solemnly swi-ar that the ah estau is true to the be-t of mv knowledge and be lief. H. K. N'tiThi., ahicr Atte t: Aktio k Kiki.i, D rerfor. Louis Nkitzki.. Director. hubneribed and sworn to before nie this rth day ol May. Iwh. o. 1'. Stkwakt, Justice ol the I'eare. r I