(I u EMI I'LATTSMOUTII, Mil!., AI'IML 27, 1898. VOL. VI. NO. I"). !!' rfPI'f-, l:i,'.lH!",'d,N?V;5-IMlVn ,u. Consolidated Jan. I. W3. III'. II I'.KA LI I hiublihlieiJ April 1 0 , i StJ t. J 1h1 "FTIR A 1 ITl) WEEKLY pEACON opj0p For Salclby SMITH THE jrtrW "lj hv Not low priced, but highest grade at onr reputation. We say these are the say v too after you have ucd them. s m.i i:v IS. 9 F. G. FRICKE & CO. 00 bays a Fine Violin -j Q , aud Complete Outfit. 00 buys a Mandoline, tDCi Birdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose- wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. SjR 00 buys An American guaranteed to stand. strings, in Mahogany wood finish. SEND FOR CATALOGUE OF SHEET HCSIC. $50 buys a $100 Organ. Kimball Pianos 1 Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. Pianos, little used, for $50, Writ for CataJofn-w and oar Urmt. PACTOBI PRICES. A. HOSPE, JR., 1513 Douolas Street, OMAHA, HEB. .2,';--: ... - - . STILL IN BUSINESS. rEST r-rs for Weddings, Funerals or Pleasure Pat ties, etc. j3 attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Cash preferred rated Telephone 76. N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all disposed of S7--3 a , but hare sold direct to the con aumer for 20 years at whole sale prices, saving hi in the dealer s profits. where tor examination. .Everything warranted 1 IS styles of Vehicles, 55 styles of Harness. Ton Bujrfrie. $-'6 to 70. Surrey s, to 1 i. :-ges, Phaetons, Traps, ettes, fcpnng-Koad Ko. 77. Surrey flarnrs. Prire, $16.00. v aeons, bend for Jarre. fre No. 606 Surrey. Priee. with curtains, lamps, tun. A tc.od ta aell for $:5. Catalogue of ail our styles, shade, apron and lenders, (00. As good as sella for 'jQ ELKHART CAKUUUE AM HAIXESS MFG. CO. W. B. PKATT. 8ec. JtJLKUAKT. LHO. (i-peclal notices under tbis head will be charge;! for at the rate of S4 cent ger word ea-h insertion.) MIS KIXASKOIS. FOK KI-'Xr. roimi house anf ba.n, 3 doors west of Hotel Kiley. T. H. Pollock. SFAVIMJ All kinds of plain and fancy sewing, dressmaking, repairing of gents' and boys' ciothes done at the rooms of Mrs Oiilla Sher man, over C'oates' hardware store. Main street. 1 ifANTKP Actie. sober and trustworthy man II to trawl tlir uch this section. Salary SW a moiitli. payable weekly ami expenses: splendid opportunity. Address SUKl'P company. Ml' Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. H. D. BARR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.. Fire Insurance at Actual Cost. Collec tions (iiven Special Attention. ".Vt.mi'l Acres of school Lands for Lease. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Pooms and Dispensary, Hrew lSuiltliug, riattsiiioulh, it. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. tu. Service each Sunday. 1a.m. A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. FOLEY'S HOf3EY and IS THE GREAT THROAT and LUNG REMEDY. & PARMELE. SHERWIN-WfLLiAMS CO. MAKE PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves, Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tools. Etc. -A- special paint for each pur- nose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. fair, honest prices. You know best paints we know of. You'll Guitar, Steel or Rose $60, $80 to $100.' W. D. JONES... Cass Couify's Oldest : LJveryman, 618 MAIN STR T, Hack orders Call and pet kinds of goods and f-m stock Ship any Carria - Wagon and Milk Annual Sales over6, 000,000 Boxes FOE BILIOUS AUD KEKV0U3 DIS0EDEES pneh as TTind and Tain in tho Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after moals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness I'lushinsra of Heat. Loss ot Appetite. Costlveness. Blotches on the Skin. Old Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frinhtful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer w ill acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. KEF.C1IAM-S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore. Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irret;ularitis of the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And liaro th . LARGEST SALE bf any Patent .Medicine In the Wor'd. 25o. at all Drug Stores, H1HT 1 ill Under Neutrality Laws Their Fleet Must Get Out AND LHAV1: Vl-RDE ISLANDS Anil S--k Uthrr Ourt-m We May lluve u C'lmnre to Oet Ht Tli-in M uht Now Fight Our Navy or It tin Away. Washington, D. C, April 'J.t 3:30 j). m. special to tho Nks Tho Spanish bank at St. Thomas, Wett Indies, has collaps-od as a result of tho war diHicu'.tios with the United States. The American torpedo boat Somers is tied up in English waters under the neutrality laws and cannot, therefore 03 brought into service. Tho Spanish ship Panama., which left New York, April 20th, was today captured in Cubin writers by tho American war ship Mangrove. The neutrality laws compels the Siini?h fleet to s til fi oni Cape Verde isla ids tomorrow. It is doubtful if they will come out to meet the Ameri- c n navy. The captu-'o of a Spanish torpedo boat with 1)00 men on ho i d is rep rle When the Spanish fleet teaves the Verde islands it is believed here and hoped that the American fleet can get at her and try our mettle upon the seas. Spain has concluded to recognize privateering. General Ulanco cables ' Madrid that b.3 can defend Havana without the aid of Spanish warships. Commander of the Spanish fleet at Verde islands frays ho will sail against the American squadron tomorrow, order or no order. London, April 20. An extraordi nary issue of the London Gazette, issued this morning, contained the customary royal proclamation of neu trality, defending the attitude of Jlritish officials and British subjects during tho war between Spain and the United States It is identical with the proclamation issued at the time of the China-Japanese war. Key West Fla.., April 20. The Newport is coming in with two prizes. a schooner and a sloop. Omaha, April 20. The Thurston Rifles and the Omaha Guards leave here tomorrow morning for Lincoln to go into camp and await orders to go to the front. lie Was Turned Loose. Jack Ellis the felllow who struck a drill officer of the volunteers Satur day night and who was fined $5 and costs in Judge Archer's court yester day, was today let out on his promise to be a better citizen and a better soldier in the future. He was very penitent and regretted very much his conduct that caused him to be incar cerated. He is anxious to become a fu'.l fledged 6oldier and go to the front and was given his liberty that he might join the ranks of the volunteers and go into active service. Drill mas ter Groves was very lenient with the man and after giving him a good lec ture on insubordination consented that he be set at liberty in hopes that he will be a better man in the future. Didn't Io It. Cam Klepser, the man who was ai rested at Weepirg Water a few dajs ao on the complaint of a woman, charging that he had criminally as saulted her, wis in the city today. Ilis hearing occurred yesterday and the court decided th?.t he was not guilty :is charged. Mr. Klepser states that i he complaint was simply an ef f.irt to get money; blackmail i ni noti.iig les, according 1o the judg ment of the court. The matter has b 'eii placed in the bauds of the county attorney, but we doubt if anything comes from it. The woman is prob ably an adventuress. There will be a special pr.iyer and Sunday School business meeting at South Park church, Thursday even ing, at S o'clock, for the purpose of re organizing a Sunday School union or mission. The pastors and all Sunday School wo; kers of the city are invited to be present and .-:s-ist in this much n Wei work. Today is the 79th anniversary of American Odd Fellowship. A cele bration is being held at Auburn at which the grand officers are in attend ance. W. C. C awford and wife of this city ai-e among tho number ot'joj'ing the festivities. New Improvements. The Pearl Steam laundry has just received one of the latest pattern bosom, collar and cuff ironera from Chicago, and is better prepared than ever to do nice work. Remember Pearl Steam laundry. Main street. Pansy plants 20 and 30 cents per dozen. All colors at L. A. Moore's. Call early and select your choice. fin i u i nnn Aiunrn m W A l I A K 1 1 Mill ANSWEKINU Til K It OIL CALL This one fought with Jackson and fiiccil the tight w ith I .ce ; That one followed Sheiman as he galloped to the sea ; Hut they're inarchin' on together, just as friendly as can be. And they'll answer to the toll call in the niornin' ! They'll rally to the iiijht In the stormy day and nirfht. In bonds that no cruel fate shall sevtr: While the storm-winds wait on hinh Their ringing battle-cry: "Our country our country forever '. " The old Hag aboveictii is rippling down its red- Kach crimson stripe the emblem of the blood of heroes shed ; It shall wave for them victorious, or droop above them dead. For they'll answer to the roll call in the niornin ! They'll rally to the Unlit In the stormy day and niht. In bonds that no cruel fate shall sever; While their far-famed battle-cry Shall go ringing to the sky: "Our country our country forever!'' Frank L. Stanton. Conipmiy No. 1. The following is a list of those who huve signed tho roster for Cuban vol unteers up to the present time: I). C. McEntee II. Ouy Livingston Thos. 1. Chapman .'!r,ts. 11. Seaile Chas. L. Spencer John I). Kobbins Geo. K McCauley Abe J. l'eppeiberg L'rank McCarthy Meiritt T. Kerr Oeo. l'oisall ir. Ralph Wright Thos Walburn Thos. Carrol Anton F sher W. 1'. Kite 11. K. Spencer J. M- Kllis I. D. Iligley C. L. Farthing Chas. L. llubiuger (. 1 1 . ( iilmorc James Bajeck Harry Adair I M. F. Waters Clarence Fi ye Matthew Gering 15. Cecil Jack K L. I.arkin Chas. j chermei hoi u Johu (jreeson Humphrey Hates J. II. Palmer Geo. 1. Guild Frank M. Hasson 15. Van I lorn Chris. Schauman Hiram G. Kobine Gene Williams L. M.l'otts II. . Hay Daniel Andrews Will Carmack A. E. Wiuegarder J. F. Muck Gus K. Rhode M. H. liarnholdt M. L. Clark . E. McLain J. H.Crisman has. Hobson John A. Murray T. Parker Sanimons Will Adair. We wish to call the attention of our delinquent subscribers to the fact that we would be very mucn pleased if they would call and p:iy up what they owe on the semi-weekly lit. It lakes money to run a newspaper. AYOCA ITEMS. E. J. Emmons held preaching srei vices at Murray last Suuday. Walter Wood i f Wood Bros , South Omaha, was in town Saturday evening and Sunday. Mrs. Robert Wilkinson h;:s been visiting in Nebraska City and Dunbar the past week. J. Worral of tho Herald was up fiom Syracuse last Friday and made us a pleasant call. James W. Rrooks has moved his family and goods to his new home in Weeping Water. Dr. and Mrs. Hillis with a number of other parsons from Berlin attended church here last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Buss from Syra cuse were visiting with Mr. Pcck ham and family the latter part of last week. Arbor Day was appropriately ob served by tha school here and ended with a picnic in the afternoon in the woods. Two of our citizens have signified their willingness to enlist as chip lains in the war, two young ladies as nurses, and one young- man as a private in the ranks. Miss Mabel Crawford f om Lincoln will give an elocutionary recital at the Congregational church Friday evening of this week, under the aus pices of the Ltdies Aid Society. Admission 10c. Tne brick has bcei bought for the new bank building which will be erected on Main street, by the Bank of Avoca. Work on the foundation will begin this week. This buiiding will be quite an improvement to our town. The Demo'-est contest hist Friday evening was well attended and all who took part did well. Miss Mabie Peckham carried off the honors of the evening. There were six c mtest ants. Music was furnished by a ladies' quai tette from Weeping Water. 1 he flag is being displayed from the business houses and residences every day as news continues to come in from war circles. Today Atoher ClarK. II. Spies. Jos. Fetzer, B A. McE'wain, Weckbach & Co., the Pearl steam laundry, J. Pepparberg, J5. Elson Jonathan Ilatt, Kuhney's barbershop and Judge Archer put up the colors Every citizen should follow suit. Don't bore your neighbor by borrow ing the News, be independent, sub scribe for it and read all the news seven davs in the week. Tho young ladies of St. Marys Guild wiil give an "experience party Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Barbara Garing on Sixth street. Dainty refreshments, a good vocal program and a pleasant evening will be assured. All for the modest sum of 15c at door. All are welcome. He member the date, Wednesday evening April 27. Hay Fop Sale Either in the bale or loose, as may be desired. C. L. Stull, Oreapolis, Neb. and 8 A Saturday Morning, April 23 AND CONTINUING FOR ONE WEEK, THE RT WILL SHOW ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST ..AND LARGEST LINES OF.. Capes, Jackets, Wraps, Skirts ...AND Shirt Waists Ever shown in the west. These goods are all New, Stylish, and the Highest Grade, and will be sold ASr PRICES TO PLEASE. f - I fr-v s. i ' ' X- "'I ' N v ' Ks -i and we hope you will Kemrmbcr the Date The Knights and Ladies of Security will give an ice-creum social Thurs day evening April 2Sth in Union Block next to the M. E. church. Ice cream and cake or coftee and cake 10c everybody invited. Shake into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing nervous feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort of the age. Al len's Fcot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25 cents in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Special Kx ami nut ion. Since there are several who desire to tako tho county examination before the regular one in May, there will be a special examination next S iturd ly, April oOth. Gto. L. Fa it LEV, County Superintendent. Kelief in Six Honrs Distressing kiduey and bladder dis ease relieved in six hours by "The Gukat Sorm Ami;kican Kidxky CCKI5." It is a great surp; ise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug gist, Piattsmouth. Neb. Go to Anthony's music store on iower Main etreel for every thing in the way of sheet music. E l ward Fitch will lecture at White's opera house this evening on Cuba and the American Navy. This will be magnificently illustrated with a floe stereopiienn. Don't fail to see these views and hear Mr. Haverstcck sing "Americ ." Ad-mis-ion 2- cents. See A. R. Newcomb before you buy a piano or o-gan. He handles the best instruments m ide and will give you the lowest prices. lee, lee, Jee! Best OK ice, clear as crystil and cold as Klondike. Telephone No. "2. McMaken & Sox. Old papers for sale at this ofSca. D DADTMCMT cs3 Jackets, Wraps, Skirts 1 SHIRT WAISTS. MENT w This Special Sale will last but ONE WEEK. We propose to show to the people of Platts mouth that it is entirely unnecessary to go to Omaha for a single article. The Department Store is strictly up-to-date in all lines. We have secured the consignment of a large line of Jackets, Capes, Wraps, Skirts and Shirt Waists from one of the largest manufacturers in the east. We have capes ranging in price from $2.00 to $15 ; Skirts from $1.00 to $15 ; Shirt Waists from 25c to $10. The oppor tunity of seeing this great line of Goods will not be offered in Plattsmouth again this sea son. We desire to call your attention to the fact that this Special Sale lasts but one week, avail yourself of this Great Opportunity. Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. Give the Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of colTe:-. Sold by all grocers ana liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest colTee but is free from all its injurious properties. Grain-O aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, f:s well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Cot-ts about one-fourth as much as coffee. 1-5 and i.."e. Light Itraiiinas, And fancy Game Bant mis for s 1c: also eggs for setting. Enquire of William Giiraour, or leave orders at Egenber gcr & Troop's, where som of the chickens mav be seen. A little boy a.-ked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast you can," the druggist recognized a house hold name for "De Witt's Little Early Riser." and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick headeacbe, liver and stomach troubles. V. G. Frieke, & Co Ice, lee, le! Place 3 our order with MeMaken & Son and get I'l KK CKYHTAL nr.-:. Tele phone No. 72. TO t'l'BE A ( OLII IN ONK 1.Y Take Laxative Bromo Qui nine Tabic-Is. All druggists refund the rnonej" if it fails to cure. 2-c. The genuine bus L. .tt Q. on each tablet. White's Opera House, V. .J. AVhite, Manager. ONE NKIIIT ONLY EDWARD P. FITCH Will Deliver His Intensely Interesting ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON... CUBA This will be Magnificently lUu-tratel by a Calcijm Ligiit, an J over luu Views of Cuba and pictures of the vessels of the L". S. navy will be shown, as well as many pictures of the Maine, before and ahcr the explosion in Havana harbor. No ex hibition with steriopticon has ever been shown in I'iattsinouth equalling tlii.-s in interest or in excellence. ADMISSION, 25 Cents. No Extra Charge lor Reserved Seats. Tickets on Sale at Lehnhotl 's. STORE ore; FiRST- NATIONAL BANK Ol' I'LATTSVOL'TII, NEIi. PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Oiiors the very best facilities lor the liroiiiijt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, (rold, tro vernrncnt and local securities rxjuzht and sold. Oeposltb re ceived and Interest allowed on the certB catos. Drafts drawn, avallaDle Id any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and proriptly remitted. Highest market (jrlce paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. Uoi y, I). Haw k?vi(rth, S. Waugh, b E. White, G. E. Dovey. Geo. 10. Dovey, I're:s., S. Waugh, Cashier, II. N. Dovcy, Abst. Cashier. Excelsior Meat Market REST OF EVERYTHING ! In the meat line can be found at M. L ' Johnso.i's formerly Petersen's ! MEAT MARKET Alain, Eet ween Third and Fjourth St. Everything I renh and of the Rent OuMliry. Careful Attention to i lie Trle anrl the Mont Itea Honall 1'rn-en. M. L. JOHNSON. HARVEY HOLLOVVAY Co ii trn at or J3 ni Icier. Contracts taken for the erection of Kesidctn:et, I:arns an I any kind of carpenter work, iu any part of tin; County. Call on or address.... 1IKYKY IIOIXOIVAY, I'lattumonth. Neb . HARD COAL. MisxtMiri Coal, Genuine Canon ( it j Coal ... FOR CASH. ... Ix'ave orders at F. S. White's Stcre. W. J WHITE.